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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Haha, Tom calling himself out by projecting on Nikki? One of the things I've noticed is that Orlando (obvs) and Tom and most of the actors actually typically do interviews from a meta perspective, whereas I think Nikki is more careful not to let what Nikkie likes or thinks about the show and Ichabbie, impact questions that are being asked about what Abbie's feeling/thinking.  I don't know if she's more method or not, but it just stands out to me, how differently she talks about the show and her character.

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That interview is adorable. 



I can’t say “kick ass,” because it doesn’t suit an English accent.

And of course being happy to have some company in inciting shippers. Except hers was scripted, Tom. Yours is just you.

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Ichabod Crane RPG twiiter account:




He is simply delightful. His tears are even more delicious reading it post finale. 

Ha! I kind of wish the Katrina one wasn't locked. The Jeremy Crane account cracks me up the most. It's like they can't admit to themselves that he's evil Henry. Even the user picture is just a random shot of John Noble. 





My favorite line from the Variety interview with Tom Mison regarding mourning after Katrina and Henry's death: " I think we’ve seen enough Crane family drama. I think we’re all in agreement that it can’t be too maudlin, because we’ve got adventures to go on."



I love that he calls it Crane family drama. That's totally a fandom created term.

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Ha! I kind of wish the Katrina one wasn't locked. The Jeremy Crane account cracks me up the most. It's like they can't admit to themselves that he's evil Henry. Even the user picture is just a random shot of John Noble. 



I love that he calls it Crane family drama. That's totally a fandom created term.


Tom doesn't really engage the Twitter and Tumblr fandom of Sleepy Hollow, but I love it when he gives us little shout outs in interviews--letting us know that he's paying attention!


I'm a wee bit disappointed in the ratings, was hoping for a bigger bump. However, the show got a huge bump the week before, so I guess it's great that they've stopped the bleeding and viewers are no longer fleeing in horrified droves. 


After all we've done, after all we've suffered, Fox BETTER give this show one more chance at redemption. We DESERVE it and so does the cast. 

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Ichabod Crane RPG twiiter account:


He is simply delightful. His tears are even more delicious reading it post finale.

Does this jackhole not know the actual story? That Katrina chose Brom & she & Ichabod were never together in the source material, and this was just a very bad reimagining of the story? And they're tweeting like Ichabod is an actual person and not a character in a story. Hm, I wonder what would happen if someone tweeted Mison's comments about leaving the CFD behind. My screen name isn't Bad Samaritan for no reason...

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Does this jackhole not know the actual story? That Katrina chose Brom & she & Ichabod were never together in the source material, and this was just a very bad reimagining of the story? And they're tweeting like Ichabod is an actual person and not a character in a story. Hm, I wonder what would happen if someone tweeted Mison's comments about leaving the CFD behind. My screen name isn't Bad Samaritan for no reason...

Hee hee...Go for it.....


This appears to be a woman who posts on another forum. After the TM interview where TM said Ichabod is completely in love with Abbie, she posted a picture of a distorted ring (same picture on the RPG account showing the distorted ring) and implied this was how angry she was. It seems that some people may be taking this TV show a little too seriously.


Not sure how to take this, but the Nerdist Sleepycast has Mark Goffman who said there are 2 easter eggs referring to S3 in this episode; one when Ben Franklin questions Abbie about not being contacted yet by anyone yet from the Secret Witness Society and the other when Grace Dixon tells Abbie that the blank pages in the diary are for Abbie to write. His tone of voice and the way he said this made me think he thinks there will be a S3.

Edited by DJG1122
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I'm loving these interviews, especially Mison's. He is so done with CFD, and even calls it that. He doesn't want Ichabod to be in mourning next season, because everyone (including himself) is simply bored with it. He mentions that they were talking about killing off Katrina and he thought it was a great idea.


Mr. Thomas Mison - he's totally one of us! Bless you, sir! You are the best!


Oh, and Goffman. You are definitely the consummate politician. Spin spin and more spin. We all know there were changes made last minute. Nice that you think that this was the plan all along. It wasn't. Also nice that you think that the mission will take precedence over Ichabbie, yet Crane dates are canon. Good one.

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I’m not happy with Goffman or Tom’s recent interviews about Ichabbie. Though I agree they should not become a couple right now, I am concerned with Goffman always claiming the mission needs to come first whenever Ichabbie becoming ‘a thing’ is brought up. He hasn’t cared about the mission all season, hence why we got so much Crane family drama. The mission took a back seat all season to Crane’s familial problems and of all things, the Cranes having a date night. Anti-Ichabbie sentiment is really anti Abbie/Nicole sentiment and the downplaying of the Abbie character is essentially what has sunk this show.


Likewise, I woke up this morning to Tom saying Ichabbie should remain buddies as anything else would again ruin things. Like, WTF? How much worse can things get? Everyone knows the public loves Ichabbie, and clearly want them together, so how could their pairing ruin things? Ruin it for who? The Sandras of the world they’re still pandering to? I wish I could have faith in these writers, but I don’t. If they get a season three expect more male and female cock blockers being brought in to keep the Witnesses away from each other. It’s like these fools never learn.

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Right now, I agree with what Tom said about how Ichabod and Abbie should remain friends. If we get season 3 then All I want is Nicole as my leading back. I also want a storyline that focuses on The Mills family. I want to know more about why Abbie and Crane were chosen as the witnesses? Why not Jenny? I want more flashbacks of the colonial days and this time I want to see Jefferson and Franklin interact. I also want more Grace scenes if possible. 


Really, there is a lot of things I want to see before there is an Ichabbie relationship. I want the show that I love back. I don't want Ichabbie immediately. I want it down the line. 

What Tom interview where? Link?


I think these ones...




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I’m not happy with Goffman or Tom’s recent interviews about Ichabbie. Though I agree they should not become a couple right now, I am concerned with Goffman always claiming the mission needs to come first whenever Ichabbie becoming ‘a thing’ is brought up. He hasn’t cared about the mission all season, hence why we got so much Crane family drama. The mission took a back seat all season to Crane’s familial problems and of all things, the Cranes having a date night. Anti-Ichabbie sentiment is really anti Abbie/Nicole sentiment and the downplaying of the Abbie character is essentially what has sunk this show.


Likewise, I woke up this morning to Tom saying Ichabbie should remain buddies as anything else would again ruin things. Like, WTF? How much worse can things get? Everyone knows the public loves Ichabbie, and clearly want them together, so how could their pairing ruin things? Ruin it for who? The Sandras of the world they’re still pandering to? I wish I could have faith in these writers, but I don’t. If they get a season three expect more male and female cock blockers being brought in to keep the Witnesses away from each other. It’s like these fools never learn.


Whoa.  I'm part of the public too and I hate all soap opera stuff like I said before here.  This show to me is a buddy movie where Abbie & Ichabod save the world every other week.  And a buddy movie format doesn't downplay Abbie's character.  Makes her stronger cause she doesn't need to have some guy to make her feel whole.  She has her quest and her calling.  Her special destiny like all heroes have and that is more than enough.  Because saving the world seems far far more important than boring (to me) personal romance stuff.  After all, no world, no time for romance for anyone.  Priorities.  A hero has priorities.  Soldiers win wars first then go home to personal lives.  So yeah I'm fine you like what you like.  But please allow others to like what we like without assuming we like Abbie less.


Mean no respect to your pov.  Just I kind of felt I wasn't allowed to have a different pov without being accused of being anti-Abbie.

Edited by green
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SpoilerTV guys review of the episode, complete with salty salty delusion. Oh, and read the comments - they are hilarious yet infuriating at the same time. I have to wonder what show some of these people are watching. I really don't understand what these people are seeing on screen with watching SH. I really don't. I admire the commenters who are trying to provide  a reality check, but alas, they fall on deaf ears.

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SpoilerTV guys review of the episode, complete with salty salty delusion. Oh, and read the comments - they are hilarious yet infuriating at the same time. I have to wonder what show some of these people are watching. I really don't understand what these people are seeing on screen with watching SH. I really don't. I admire the commenters who are trying to provide  a reality check, but alas, they fall on deaf ears.

What kind of shitty review????


In what world do more people have 2 dollar bills than have hundred dollar bills?


Before my mother gave me one 2 months ago, I thought they were a joke and not even legal tender.

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As the reviewer and representative of the site, that guy really needs to learn to not fight with the posters in the comments. Or at least to retain some level of professional decorum as he does it. Dude is acting all kinds of butthurt.

Everywhere I go today online, whether professional reviews or forum comments, it seems like 75% of people were pleased with the finale, are happy Katrina will no longer be a burden to the show, and have renewed hope for a better season 3. 15% don't really seem to care one way or another about Katrina, but seemed positive on the finale for the most part. And then there's the other 10% that seem to be mostly obsessed with blaming Katrina's turn and demise on "haters" or "shippers". If the vast majority of a fandom finds a character problematic despite an entire season being spent on trying to get the audience to like her, can they really all be called "haters"? Maybe they just want the show to survive and not get cancelled on the altar of one actress. Also, I'm really tired of dissenting opinions being dismissed with knee jerk accusations of shipping.

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What also makes me angry? (As angry as Goffman trying to say this was the plan all along?). That Goffman, if he truly wrote the finale, had that talent in him, and utterly wasted it being fixated on Katia Winters'...whatever. (Talent? Corset?)


I wonder.  Just as his name might be left in the credits as "producer", I think saying that he wrote this episode defies belief (moreso that a wise-cracking black sheriff's deputy [1] from WHEN???). A little going-away gift -- take your muse and get lost. 


[1] Was Headless' AK47 inspired by Bob Marley???



#Sleepyheads whatever the outcome thx for going hard for the thing u loved even when it made u mad. That's the beauty of our fandom #respect

That's why we do it. For Orlando, and Nikki and Lindie. We love you, too!

Edited by jhlipton
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I'm quite sure he wrote the first version of the finale - however, the final version . . . I would assume there was (minimally) much input from others. And, if this was the plan all along - then I doubt there would have had to be so many alterations (assuming what we heard was true) to the episodes in part B of the season. And, if this was the plan all along, I doubt FOX would have made the announcement that they wouldn't decide on renewal until after they saw the outline for Season 3.

I would have found FOXs position a bit humiliating if I were the show runner. So, I guess I can understand trying to save face. I just don't buy it.

But, whatever the truth - the last couple of episodes diluted my cynicism somewhat. However, the proof will be in the direction, style and focus of Season 3 (if we get season 3)

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As the reviewer and representative of the site, that guy really needs to learn to not fight with the posters in the comments. Or at least to retain some level of professional decorum as he does it. Dude is acting all kinds of butthurt.

Everywhere I go today online, whether professional reviews or forum comments, it seems like 75% of people were pleased with the finale, are happy Katrina will no longer be a burden to the show, and have renewed hope for a better season 3. 15% don't really seem to care one way or another about Katrina, but seemed positive on the finale for the most part. And then there's the other 10% that seem to be mostly obsessed with blaming Katrina's turn and demise on "haters" or "shippers". If the vast majority of a fandom finds a character problematic despite an entire season being spent on trying to get the audience to like her, can they really all be called "haters"? Maybe they just want the show to survive and not get cancelled on the altar of one actress. Also, I'm really tired of dissenting opinions being dismissed with knee jerk accusations of shipping.

That guy feels obligated to respond to almost every single post and he is the most consistent offender of their own comment policy:  We pride ourselves here at SpoilerTV with the quality, friendlyness and respectfullness of our community. All comments in English please.

Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party as will creating multiple accounts.

If you have a problem with a comment, DO NOT REPLY TO IT.

Instead Click the Dropdown Icon/Arrow to the right of the offending comment and click the Flag link from the dropdown. Our Moderation Team will then deal with any inappropriate comments.


I had to check their comment policy to see if endlessly repeating yourself was a no-no.  It isn't although it is pathetic.


ETA:  You can get banned for fear of heights? 

Edited by DeLurker
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Oh, and Goffman. You are definitely the consummate politician. Spin spin and more spin. We all know there were changes made last minute. Nice that you think that this was the plan all along. It wasn't.

Maybe it was the plan all along to have a death in the finale and he is telling the absolute truth. If Katrina had caught on, the death would have been Abbie's.

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I’m not happy with Goffman or Tom’s recent interviews about Ichabbie. Though I agree they should not become a couple right now, I am concerned with Goffman always claiming the mission needs to come first whenever Ichabbie becoming ‘a thing’ is brought up. He hasn’t cared about the mission all season, hence why we got so much Crane family drama. The mission took a back seat all season to Crane’s familial problems and of all things, the Cranes having a date night. Anti-Ichabbie sentiment is really anti Abbie/Nicole sentiment and the downplaying of the Abbie character is essentially what has sunk this show.


Likewise, I woke up this morning to Tom saying Ichabbie should remain buddies as anything else would again ruin things. Like, WTF? How much worse can things get? Everyone knows the public loves Ichabbie, and clearly want them together, so how could their pairing ruin things? Ruin it for who? The Sandras of the world they’re still pandering to? I wish I could have faith in these writers, but I don’t. If they get a season three expect more male and female cock blockers being brought in to keep the Witnesses away from each other. It’s like these fools never learn.


I can't say I agree with this at all.  I don't see how making Abbie and Ichabod a romantic pairing has any bearing on Abbie as a character.  Like mentioned above me there's so much they can do with Abbie's character that doesn't involve a romantic relationship with Ichabod and I'd love to see more exploration of Abbie's past and lineage.  Abbie and Jenny are by far my favorite characters on the show (with Irving and Ichabod tied at 3rd) and especially after this season getting more of their story would be great.  


Finally, I really hate how if there's a male and female lead they have to end up together romantically.  Why can't they just be best friends.  Plus I'd love to see a scene with Ichabod trying out modern dating or even some sort of fun double date.  Plus next season I really would love to see Jenny and Ichabod teamed up for an episode and another with Irving.  It'd be great at least shake up the pairing a bit and see how the teams interact beside just Abbie and Ichabod.

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As the reviewer and representative of the site, that guy really needs to learn to not fight with the posters in the comments. Or at least to retain some level of professional decorum as he does it. Dude is acting all kinds of butthurt.

Everywhere I go today online, whether professional reviews or forum comments, it seems like 75% of people were pleased with the finale, are happy Katrina will no longer be a burden to the show, and have renewed hope for a better season 3. 15% don't really seem to care one way or another about Katrina, but seemed positive on the finale for the most part. And then there's the other 10% that seem to be mostly obsessed with blaming Katrina's turn and demise on "haters" or "shippers". If the vast majority of a fandom finds a character problematic despite an entire season being spent on trying to get the audience to like her, can they really all be called "haters"? Maybe they just want the show to survive and not get cancelled on the altar of one actress. Also, I'm really tired of dissenting opinions being dismissed with knee jerk accusations of shipping.


That reviewer guy is completely off the rails too. He reviewers obviously have a bias to them, in some of the comments he puts in there. And responding to the comments like he is - big no-no. It just makes him look bad. Unfortunately, another one of the guys on there will back him up and slam anyone who points out some reality checks. He should not respond at all, unless it's to something more generic, like a question like ratings. Slamming opposing opinions, and repeating it, and arguing with the commenters just look bad.


What kills me is those upset that FOX pandered to the "masses." Yes, yes they did, because the "masses" left in droves. That 10% seems to not understand how statistics work and also how elections work - i.e. majority rules. If 75% say "yes" to no more Katrina and loved the finale, and another 15% say the finale was good, then guess what, that is exactly what the show should "pander" too - not a small obscure group RPGing or tweeting out utter nonsense.


Does anyone know if there is a deadline of sorts to make the announcement concerning renewal?


The latest will be by the middle of May, during the Upfronts. I suspect the announcement will be grouped with the other FOX shows not renewed yet. Though I really wish FOX would just annouce it already..Haven't the fans and viewers suffered enough?

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Yeah it could be announced earlier than May, but most likely won't be later than that, especially if they need to move production to Atlanta and be up and running to hit an October premiere date.

Edited by blixie
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The latest will be by the middle of May, during the Upfronts. I suspect the announcement will be grouped with the other FOX shows not renewed yet. Though I really wish FOX would just annouce it already..Haven't the fans and viewers suffered enough?


I think if the ratings had seen a significant bump like up to 5 or 5.5 mil instead of staying flat for the week, it might've been enough to firmly secure a season three. But it's pilot season, y'all... FOX might wait until May to announce and first see how strong of a crop of new shows they will get for Fall.

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What kills me is those upset that FOX pandered to the "masses." Yes, yes they did, because the "masses" left in droves. That 10% seems to not understand how statistics work and also how elections work - i.e. majority rules. If 75% say "yes" to no more Katrina and loved the finale, and another 15% say the finale was good, then guess what, that is exactly what the show should "pander" too - not a small obscure group RPGing or tweeting out utter nonsense.


Yep, it's all our fault.  We are horrible people (or "haters" I guess) who refused to put up with terrible writing, whisper-acting, and bad wigs.  What were we thinking?!  We should be ashamed of ourselves ;)

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That review guy reminds me why I always get confused and just baffled when I come in contact with Katrina/Ichatrina fans. They must have been watching another Sleepy Hollow show where Katrina was strong and a beautiful witch who was never shady or useless. 


I am always reminded of this quote from Jon Stewart when it comes these fans...

I could never wrap my head around why the world and the President that Republicans describe, bear so little resemblance to the world and the President that I experience.  And now I know why. There is a President Obama that only Republicans can see.


-Jon Stewart




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That review guy reminds me why I always get confused and just baffled when I come in contact with Katrina/Ichatrina fans. They must have been watching another Sleepy Hollow show where Katrina was strong and a beautiful witch who was never shady or useless. 


I am always reminded of this quote from Jon Stewart when it comes these fans...


I was just going to post this exact same thing.  It's so true.


 I'll miss Jon.

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That review guy reminds me why I always get confused and just baffled when I come in contact with Katrina/Ichatrina fans. They must have been watching another Sleepy Hollow show where Katrina was strong and a beautiful witch who was never shady or useless. 


I am always reminded of this quote from Jon Stewart when it comes these fans...


This has to be it, because the mindset is so similar and the opinions are almost identical, it's almost scary. I mean, they honestly believe that Katrina had no cause in Mary Wells death (see how that hold up in court) and that Ichabod is treating his wife so poorly and she's an innocent victim. That Jon Stewart quote illustrates it perfectly.


Spoliertv must be deleting anti-Katrina comments. I find it hard to believe every commenter there loves Katrina that much.


I believe it. SpoilerTV has almost always had more pro-Kat comments, but they are actively deleting other ones and calling the comments "argumentative". Sure, dude. When I can sit there and take down every point about Katrina with sheer canon fact from the show, it's not me being "negative". It's me being right. :')

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Someone way upthread said there was an interview with Katia Winter, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Mark Goffman (or might have been some others) back before shooting started for S2, saying that they were setting up Katrina to be the sole female lead. Does anyone have that interview? Thanks

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That review guy reminds me why I always get confused and just baffled when I come in contact with Katrina/Ichatrina fans. They must have been watching another Sleepy Hollow show where Katrina was strong and a beautiful witch who was never shady or useless. 


I am always reminded of this quote from Jon Stewart when it comes these fans...

I can understand people being drawn to her because she was a pretty redhead in a awesome costume. But that's all she was. She wasn't strong, she wasn't brilliant, and she wasn't a particularly good witch. Then again, I think that the first mistake the show made was taking her out of purgatory so early. She was semi tolerable in those brief scenes during season.

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I can understand people being drawn to her because she was a pretty redhead in a awesome costume. 


Not to this guy.  The blank face offset any beauty there may have been and the costume didn't flatter her "assets" (or her "frontsets" for that matter -- LOL).  From a very shallow end of the pool, the costume failed miserably at exploiting T&A.

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I’m not happy with Goffman or Tom’s recent interviews about Ichabbie. Though I agree they should not become a couple right now, I am concerned with Goffman always claiming the mission needs to come first whenever Ichabbie becoming ‘a thing’ is brought up. He hasn’t cared about the mission all season, hence why we got so much Crane family drama. The mission took a back seat all season to Crane’s familial problems and of all things, the Cranes having a date night. Anti-Ichabbie sentiment is really anti Abbie/Nicole sentiment and the downplaying of the Abbie character is essentially what has sunk this show.

Likewise, I woke up this morning to Tom saying Ichabbie should remain buddies as anything else would again ruin things. Like, WTF? How much worse can things get? Everyone knows the public loves Ichabbie, and clearly want them together, so how could their pairing ruin things? Ruin it for who? The Sandras of the world they’re still pandering to? I wish I could have faith in these writers, but I don’t. If they get a season three expect more male and female cock blockers being brought in to keep the Witnesses away from each other. It’s like these fools never learn.

I have to disagree here. I don't think the show owes us viewers, or Abbie a romantic relationship with Ichabod. But the thing I really don't get is how being against Ichabbie (I really don't like that pairing name) is anti-Nicole. Not giving her leading lady status, putting her in the background? Absolutely. Not putting her character romantically with the male lead? Not close in my book.

I know it's hard because we have seen TPTB not give Nicole her due with regards to this show. But in this instance I disagree with that being her due.

Also, I agree with those who say it shouldn't be the focus of this type of show. I'd like to see them maybe get together in the last episode ever, but sooner might mess the show up in my opinion.

Edited by BrokenRemote
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I agree, and this is someone who thinks that Ichabbie have amazing chemistry and are probably each other's soulmates. However, I'm just not interested in seeing it play out on the show at this time. Buddy action serials should be about the work, the cases, the people they are trying to save, with their personal lives taking a backseat. Plus, is there anything better than suppressed sexual chemistry, the longing glances, the "will they or won't they" moments? NO. We are running a marathon, not a sprint, and if Ichabbie are meant to be, then it needs to be a slow burn getting there. 


I have had enough of Ichabod screaming about the woman he loves and his chil'ren and whatnot. It wasn't a good look when it was about Katrina, and it won't be attractive with Abbie either. 

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Not to this guy.  The blank face offset any beauty there may have been and the costume didn't flatter her "assets" (or her "frontsets" for that matter -- LOL).  From a very shallow end of the pool, the costume failed miserably at exploiting T&A.


To go a little more shallow, the color of her hair didn't seem to a) match or even flatter her skintone, b) exist outside of a box of hair dye, and it was like a constant suspension-of-disbelief killer to me. She was so obviously not a redhead. 


Much better here: 



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Not to this guy.  The blank face offset any beauty there may have been and the costume didn't flatter her "assets" (or her "frontsets" for that matter -- LOL).  From a very shallow end of the pool, the costume failed miserably at exploiting T&A.

Touchè, though I think I like her costume because I'm a former goth kid.

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To go a little more shallow, the color of her hair didn't seem to a) match or even flatter her skintone, b) exist outside of a box of hair dye, and it was like a constant suspension-of-disbelief killer to me. She was so obviously not a redhead. 


Much better here: 




If they are trying to present her as an "object of desire". they are still failing miserably.  Her face is blank and her hair is lifeless.  I've seen mannequins with more appeal.

[Please note that I am only talking about Winter's appearance in context of "beautiful woman".  She, like everyone else, is much more than the sum of her parts, but that's not the issue in these comments.]


For contrast, Kitty on Elementary was not presented as pretty, but I think Olivia Lovibond, while similar in appearance to Katia  Winters, is far more attractive (a well as being miles ahead in acting talent).  

Edited by jhlipton
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I have to disagree here. I don't think the show owes us viewers, or Abbie a romantic relationship with Ichabod. But the thing I really don't get is how being against Ichabbie (I really don't like that pairing name) is anti-Nicole. Not giving her leading lady status, putting her in the background? Absolutely. Not putting her character romantically with the male lead? Not close in my book.

I know it's hard because we have seen TPTB not give Nicole her due with regards to this show. But in this instance I disagree with that being her due.

Also, I agree with those who say it shouldn't be the focus of this type of show. I'd like to see them maybe get together in the last episode ever, but sooner might mess the show up in my opinion.

I agree, @Brokenremote


I love Abbie and I love the chemistry between her and Ichabod, but a romantic relationship too soon would be mis-guided for this type of show (or perhaps just the type of show I think this should be). A romantic relationship too soon would make the romance the focus which is not what I tune in for. Yes, flirtation and those moments when we know they are more than just "buddies" are great and I'm all for it, but keep it simmering. When they finally get together it will be that much more powerful, though unfortunately it would likely signal the end of the show.


Many of us watched the Mulder/Scully romantic relationship and the downturn of the show around that time. We've also seen Sean and Juliette on Psych get together and drag the show down. I love the Ichabod and Abbie relationship and I do see them romantically involved, but, for the Show's sake, please hold off for awhile.

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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I love how all those comments are basically- "Why didn't the show runner stick to his gun and his vision. He let the fans change his vision!"


Look I am all for sticking to an artistic vision.  Tell the story that you want to tell.  However, if the people watching the show are no longer interested for whatever reason (super lame family drama when there is an apocalypse happening)- yes in tv you have to course correct because you want another season.  Also, wasn't Katrina supposed to die in the pilot episode?  Wasn't that the original story they were going to tell?  


I tuned in for a genre show- I got an awesome revisionist history, a kickass villain, 2 leads with incredible chemistry (chemistry is not just romantic chemistry!), and a solid supporting cast (Jenny, Irving, Andy).  They went away from that in the second season- there were a variety of things that contributed to that, but the CFD was the main one (that is not just on Katrina- those jerks made me not love John Noble who played like 500 different versions of 1 character and I loved them all in his last show...) So yeah, a course correction and clean slate are the way to get back to the basics.  

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I was side-eyeing that Mison "buddy" comment too(I read it the other day), but it was a written interview. We miss the cheeky tone that may or may not have accompanied it...I need video confirmation, lol!

I see Blackhoney's point as she did say she doesn't want them bumping uglies immediately, and ichabbie, I thought anyhow, encompasses the duo as friends and/or the possibility/inevitability(for many) in becoming more. If someone is brought in as a romantic or "buddy" counterpart to Tom, it could mess with the awesome dynamic the two have. i.e. Katrina or even a Hawley type

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