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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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TV Juriste, you need to rate the episodes on a scale from 1 (Deliverance aka bad bad episode) to 10 (Sin Eater, Mama, or whatever one you think is amazing) and let us know. *grin*. For scientific and reference purposes of course.


That SpoilerTV review now has over 100 comments....god love this fandom!


Go Seahawks!

The author is now going around and responding to EVERY negative criticism of his review. And he's DELETING the anti-Katrina responses. And after spending so much time trying to convince folks that it wasn't "really" Katrina-centric, he finally gave up the ghost and defended his gushing fan-girl piece on Katrina masquerading as a review and said that it was totally Katrina-centric. Oh and he said he was GLAD Jenny wasn't there.

He's a douche. I've never been so happy to see fans push back - but of course the Katrina fans on the page keep accusing any critics of being haters and shippers.

The ratings are in the toilet and these people still can't see the forest for the trees.

Edited by phoenics
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One of my go-to sites for recaps recently slaughtered their site, and I've been looking for new news sources. I guess I know one I won't be clicking on now.

Overall, though, it looks like tomorrow's episode is a return to CFD days. :/

Edited by kieyra
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So I decided to take an Internet sabbatical today. Did I miss anything?


IKR?  I've been reading the posts, and this is insane.  It just gets crazier.



I would have been happy to see her turn evil in S1. or even early S2. But now her character has caused so much damage to the real story only her death (or banishment to occasional recurring character) will really heal the wounds.


This, pretty much.  I would feel better about her potentially going evil if there was a responsible person in charge, and Goffman isn't it.

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The author is now going around and responding to EVERY negative criticism of his review. And he's DELETING the anti-Katrina responses. And after spending so much time trying to convince folks that it wasn't "really" Katrina-centric, he finally gave up the ghost and defended his gushing fan-girl piece on Katrina masquerading as a review and said that it was totally Katrina-centric. Oh and he said he was GLAD Jenny wasn't there.

He's a douche. I've never been so happy to see fans push back - but of course the Katrina fans on the page keep accusing any critics of being haters and shippers.

The ratings are in the toilet and these people still can't see the forest for the trees.


Yeah, there's a bit of a theme with those people, I tell you. Now that I am semi-done mourning the "Worst Play Call in SuperBowl History", I went back to check. 382 comments! Wow. These articles usually only get around 50 comments or less. I swear this person learned his PR from M. Raven Metzner and company. He's agreeing wholeheartedly with those who support his review/Katrina, and bashing/deleting most of the rest. There are a couple of people pointing out WHY they dislike Katrina, and how the ratings have tanked due to the CFD, nicely and logically, and he's getting up in arms. Dude. Dude...Either ignore the question, or respond with Well, I see it like this, but thank you for your insight, I really appreciate your comment.


Oh, and here is a concept - don't write such a poor biased review in the first place.


If the drama on the show itself isn't enough, the behind the scenes or fandom drama will be.


Five Things to Know about Spellcaster. Just a few things about the episode, no major spoilers.

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Since when do cast members announce their goodbyes before the season finale or their character's exit from the show? Isn't that technically a spoiler? Either the show has been cancelled and the cast has been notified or they are really desperate to appease angry fans.


        But wouldn't Jackson's followers know he has another show?  He was leaving SH regardless since it's extremely rare for an actor to do two shows at the same time.  Now if Jackson had tweeted:  "Just finish final ep of SH with Abe/Jen run off 2gether after burning town leaving their daughter Macie in charge #Shocker".   Now "that" would be a spoiler.

Edited by MissAlmond
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Tom and Lorenzo review http://tomandlorenzo.com/2015/02/sleepy-hollow-spellcaster/

Conclusion of review

So it wasn’t what we’d call a perfect episode. It got pretty boring at parts, and seemed to be trodding a lot of ground already covered, but we’re seeing where it’s headed and we’re just blindly optimistic enough that it might all work if it’s handled correctly. As long as the creators of this show understand that Ichabod and Abbie are the very center of the story and everything else must come second to their mission and relationship.

Edited by pcta
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        But wouldn't Jackson's followers know he has another show?  He was leaving SH regardless since it's extremely rare for an actor to do two shows at the same time.  Now if Jackson had tweeted:  "Just finish final ep of SH with Abe/Jen run off 2gether after burning town leaving their daughter Macie in charge #Shocker".   Now "that" would be a spoiler.


It's not that rare anymore, especially if the actor is only a recurring character on one of the shows.  Jackson only appears on SH every other episode or so, he's not even listed in the opening credits.

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Uh... The finale 2.18 spoilers are out and oh my....




..hmmm i probably should post this in spoilers...


nvm already in spoilers.... LOL...

But let's keep pretending that Goffman and Company aren't racist f***s who have written this season to denigrate and isolate all that is not white. If this is Fox's idea of a course correction then the show needs to be cancelled.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one will not be watching another episode.

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God, the drama never ends with this show, I tell you. There are some major management issues too in the background.


Okay, before everything decides to stick a fork in SH for good, because of the synopsis and Abbie / runaway slave, some background. SpoilerTV is the one that released that extended synopsis, not FOX.


abaiers tweeted this in response to the synopsis:


FemmeLillies ‏@_vibrantthing 17h17 hours ago

@abaiers ok bc ur the only writer who i feel has some sense. please tell me this "runaway" slave nonsense will be handled carefully.


abaiers @abaiers  ·  9h 9 hours ago

@_vibrantthing I currently have no words to describe my heartbreaking devastation for this travesty. Trying to get to the bottom of it now.


abaiers @abaiers  ·  9h 9 hours ago

@porscheweaver @_vibrantthing its unacceptable. As a person, Im offended and hurt like u all. We are working on getting to bottom of it all


FOX also demanded that the synopsis be removed from the SpoilerTV site. It's no longer there. Apparently the synopsis is written by SpoilerTV, not FOX. (which makes no sense, but whatever). Damage control or just a clusterfuck of bad luck and poor management?

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God, the drama never ends with this show, I tell you. There are some major management issues too in the background.


Okay, before everything decides to stick a fork in SH for good, because of the synopsis and Abbie / runaway slave, some background. SpoilerTV is the one that released that extended synopsis, not FOX.


abaiers tweeted this in response to the synopsis:



FOX also demanded that the synopsis be removed from the SpoilerTV site. It's no longer there. Apparently the synopsis is written by SpoilerTV, not FOX. (which makes no sense, but whatever). Damage control or just a clusterfuck of bad luck and poor management?

Previous tweet from Aaron Baiers with emoticons implies he loved the finale and we would also. If the 'Abbie, presumed to be a runaway slave' was a part of the story, why would he love it and think we'd love it, knowing it would piss off pretty much EVERYBODY?

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Previous tweet from Aaron Baiers with emoticons implies he loved the finale and we would also. If the 'Abbie, presumed to be a runaway slave' was a part of the story, why would he love it and think we'd love it, knowing it would piss off pretty much EVERYBODY?


Damage control I expect. Maybe he and the others didn't think of how angry the fandom could be. Though considering the whole #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter hasgtag, you would think they were NOT that stupid. And of course these are the episodes where FOX stepped in to right the sinking ship. So it is possible, if I give him the benefit of the doubt - that the synopsis is wrong. Or more likely, they know the show is cancelled, and are just trying to squeeze out the most amount of viewers they can for the final few episodes, because after that, who cares.


I tell you, these producers/execs are wishing there was no such thing as a Tumblr, Twitter or blogs right now.

TPTB could have avoided this altogether by saying Abbie is detained because she is very oddly dressed and a woman alone with no identity.


Wanna bet the released synopsis will have this wording inserted instead?? That's what it SHOULD have been, but I bet the revised will be identical except for that one sentence. What a mess.

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Okay, before everything decides to stick a fork in SH for good, because of the synopsis and Abbie / runaway slave, some background. SpoilerTV is the one that released that extended synopsis, not FOX.



  Isn't SpoilerTV the site mentioned somewhere around here (media?  spoilers?) where the review of this week's episode set off a firestorm of angry posts, deleted comments and, outright anger on both sides?  And now  it's said SpoilerTV (apparently) wrote the extended synopsis of the finale not FOX?   Remember that song "Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm"?  That's all I have to say.  

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God, the drama never ends with this show, I tell you. There are some major management issues too in the background.


Okay, before everything decides to stick a fork in SH for good, because of the synopsis and Abbie / runaway slave, some background. SpoilerTV is the one that released that extended synopsis, not FOX.


abaiers tweeted this in response to the synopsis:



FOX also demanded that the synopsis be removed from the SpoilerTV site. It's no longer there. Apparently the synopsis is written by SpoilerTV, not FOX. (which makes no sense, but whatever). Damage control or just a clusterfuck of bad luck and poor management?

This is CRAZY! Ugh, I'm too busy at work right now to dig into it more deeply. 


They honestly don't get it. Clusterfuck, for sure. 


A storyline involving slavery could work, if done right . . . But I don't see it working w/ these writers and certainly not given everything that has transpired this season. Wow. 

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Sadly I think the show is toast. The fan discord combined with the re-location to Atlanta, the declining ratings and the success of Gotham and Empire will give Fox reason enough to wash their hands of it.

I think you are right. I don't expect Sleepy Hollow to be renewed. The ratings are terrible. Fan discord doesn't mean a damn thing if the ratings are high enough. Most of the former watchers of Sleepy Hollow don't go on fan boards and complain, they just quit watching. I'm sure when this goes down in flames they will blame the fans. I am sure Goffman is trying to find a new vehicle for Katia Winter as we speak.

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Yes, they are in full damage control mode. Interestingly enough, after holding back advance copies of episodes from blogger types the last few weeks, Monday's episode of Spellcaster has been made available. (So glad).


As a result, people like me can come on boards like this and say - It's not as Katrina-centric as it appears in the descriptions, even with the multiple roles for KW. (Come on, you must admit you have to be slightly interested to see whether Winter can pull off an Orphan Black-type dual role??)



TV Juriste - Come out, Come out, Wherever you are!


Because we'd be really interested to hear if you got an advance copy of the ep SpoilerTV wrote about.

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You know...if the CW has room they could pick it up and maybe fix whats wrong with it.   Seems like a good fit for the CW


My hope is that a network with more competent writers picks it up because it would be a shame to waste such a good premise. Ichabod and Abbie really are a great duo.

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 I think the CW has made tons of progress with writing, the current Arrow debacle not withstanding. SH is a genre show with pretty people and a diverse cast and the CW has Arrow, Supernatural, the Flash, t100 and iZombie...so why not throw Sleepy Hollow in there too.  Or even NBC as a companion to Grimm which has gotten pretty good again this season IMO.

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TV Juriste - Come out, Come out, Wherever you are!

Because we'd be really interested to hear if you got an advance copy of the ep SpoilerTV wrote about.

Scroll up a few post and see TV Juriste's post

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I honestly don't think SH will be canceled this year. There's no denying that ratings are down, but Fox doesn't have a whole lot else. This past season has been disastrous for them overall. The majority of their dramas that launched in the fall are gone (or nearly gone). Gotham and Empire have been successful, but Backstrom isn't doing very well. Bones is horribly old and they can't rely on it for very long. They've only got a couple of genre pilots in the mix for next season. I don't think The Following is going to do better numbers than SH is. Now, if The Following does do better ratings, then SH will probably be canceled. I know a lot of people (myself included) who are jumping ship on TF after how last season went. 

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My hope is that a network with more competent writers picks it up because it would be a shame to waste such a good premise. Ichabod and Abbie really are a great duo.


I'm trying to imagine which network would be a good fit. The CW is doing well with genre shows so that's an obvious fit. Has Syfy had a solid show with mainstream appeal since BSG? I think TNT would be best. They've been home to Falling Skies, The Librarians, The Last Ship and my much beloved (and still terribly missed) Leverage.

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FOX also demanded that the synopsis be removed from the SpoilerTV site. It's no longer there. Apparently the synopsis is written by SpoilerTV, not FOX. (which makes no sense, but whatever). Damage control or just a clusterfuck of bad luck and poor management?

The synopsis for 2x18 - "Tempus Fugit" (Season Finale) was posted in the spoilers topic, and is still there if anyone wants to read it.


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I'm trying to imagine which network would be a good fit. The CW is doing well with genre shows so that's an obvious fit. Has Syfy had a solid show with mainstream appeal since BSG? I think TNT would be best. They've been home to Falling Skies, The Librarians, The Last Ship and my much beloved (and still terribly missed) Leverage.

If you think Abbie is being marginalized and sidelined now - put SH on The CW and Abbie will disappear entirely. The Flash has a leading actress and she's been shoved to the side just like Abbie with another actress getting a ton of screen time.

The CW is NOT the answer.

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The CW is NOT the answer.


Well, The Originals just recast three prominent titular white characters with kick ass black actors, and employs a black woman in the writers room. Candace/Iris are suffering for the exact same reasons Katie Cassidy and Laurel did on Arrow, (and now Brandon Routh/Ray), because those dudes do not now how to write a Love Interest to save their damn lives.


But yes I agree the CW is in no way a jackpot of diversity win.

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Aaron Baiers is posting more stuff on twitter, and I think I know what went wrong.


Here are his tweets....

abaiers @abaiers  ·  3h 3 hours ago
Last thing Ill say on the finale #SleepyHollow fans is I truly believe, as a HUGE fan myself, if u LOVED the pilot you will LOVE this finale.


abaiers @abaiers  ·  3h 3 hours ago
@77berserk no. It just was never shared with the people that actually work closely on the show and so it's not presented accurately.


abaiers @abaiers  ·  3h 3 hours ago
@ambizzle916 the true answer - it should have NEVER been posted period.


The synopsis posted was the ORIGINAL synopsis or a preliminary draft before the last minute changes. I'll bet money that this is what they were going to do for the most part, but then changed some stuff at the very last minute, because of more backlash. Some parts are valid in the synopsis, some are not.


Basically, they accidently offered the wrong version of the synopsis - the older one. That's why Baiers says it should never have been posted. Because it wasn't the updated one. But it was a version that was sent out earlier to the media outlets to post.

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TV Juriste - Come out, Come out, Wherever you are!


Because we'd be really interested to hear if you got an advance copy of the ep SpoilerTV wrote about.

Hey! I just landed a consulting gig for pilot season, leaving me with not as much time to devote to my not exactly lucrative fandom / TVJuriste.com work. :D

I just checked, they haven't posted the finale for bloggers yet. (At least not for this blogger). In the past, though, SH is always one of the last shows to post, probably because of all the scrambling and re-edits. 


I honestly think there could be a way to handle slavery in SH, but I don't think this team could do it. I also think the timing is wrong given that Abbie's already been treated like "the help" all season. I'm stunned that the arc that Goffman promoted last Fall that would be "Abbie-centric" has her as a runaway slave. I'm also confused by all the Aaron Baiers tweets. 

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Congrats TV Juriste

His second tweet from above is in response to

@77berserk: @abaiers sooooooo this was a complete fabricated synposis?

Anyway, HalcyonDays analysis that it was the original synopsis but they have revamped the show makes sense to me

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