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S03.E19: 240Sweet

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No doubt Sam is a passive aggressive, grown-up mean girl, control freak.

Sam spouts BS about her greatness and deflects criticism by either bragging about how manipulative she is or dodging the direct question. She seems to think she's the smartest person in the room while everyone else marvels at how delusional she is. She should run for president after this gig peters out.


I'm glad they showed this episode. I think it's  pretty educational show and an interesting study of human behavior. 


P.S. I think Sweet Pete's is now the proud owner of a marshmallow cutting machine.

Edited by mojito
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Wow. This episode may have been the wildest episode since Swanson's. Sam and Alexa managed to go from a company with great promise to a shitshow in less than an hour. Also, what I find the most hilarious is that Marcus said in one of his Facebook videos that he owns a website called marshmallows.com and was planning to give it to them but will now give it to Sweet Pete's. Wasted opportunity.


Next week looks to be even wilder. Hold on to your asses. Shit's bout to get real up in here.

If they weren't so underhanded and so nasty they could have made even more money with Marks money.  They don't realize that before he goes to these places he and his crew setup a plan of operation and just don't think things up on the fly, they have an idea.  He was going to take that company to bigger and better things and they sunk that deal.  

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If they weren't so underhanded and so nasty they could have made even more money with Marks money. They don't realize that before he goes to these places he and his crew setup a plan of operation and just don't think things up on the fly, they have an idea. He was going to take that company to bigger and better things and they sunk that deal.

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

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To be fair, I do think this show often uses editing to spin a story. Sweet Pete's partner was a freeloader draining them dry. The Kensington Gardens partner was a helpful guy who got steamrolled and didn't negotiate well under pressure. But they both got the villain edit.


Not understanding, specifically about the Sweet Pete's partner.  You believe he was edited to be a bad guy?

240 Sweet continues to get beat up on social media.  They have now disable (or deleted) their Facebook page.  Guess 5 days of negative comments did them in  They've sent their Instagram to private.  They still have their other accounts (Pinterest & Twitter) available.  And a laughable blog.    www.blogger.com/profile/12602560138422403535   Looks like they are still connected to Max's catering company (Lemley's). 

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From the 240Sweet Blog back in 2012:



Thursday, July 5, 2012
Christmas* in July/August
This month, invest in 240sweet and receive a 100% return.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Christmas in July last year. You helped us remodel our facility to create retail and class space. It was such a great success, we decided to do it again this year!


Our wish list for Santa includes

More purple chef's coats for our staff to wear while making marshmallows
(We need about 10 at 30.00 each from our friends at EYB)
Roller Cutter for more efficient marshmallow making
(Approximately 500.00)



100% return?  Bet Marcus wished he got 100% returnED to him!


There's a whole bunch of posts labeled Christmas in July, where they basically crowd fund their business:



Marcus had a lot of crazy episodes in the show's first season. But since the show didn't really take off until season 2, maybe the backlash was bad (for some of the crazy owners) but not this bad. I also believe that the 240Sweet owners are thin-skinned. They can dish it out plenty but they can't take it. 

Also, has anyone ever tried Sweet Pete's candy/marshmallows? 

I don't understand businesses that use crowdsourcing.  I mean these were two grown women asking for $6000 to buy packaging equipment.  Why would anyone give them anything?  If it is a going concern, they should be able to finance it from earnings.  Why the charity route for a business?


Also, one aggravating trend I see at small booth sales in the holiday season are people who have a business and push the fact that a certain amount of the proceeds is going to cause X.  They have a pretend business with low margins and then they push this charitable giving concept that makes me wonder if they are even in the black or not.  I am all for businesses giving to charity, but it just smacks of desperation and highlights that it is not really a business.


I just don't like the a business pretending to be a charity or a charity pretending to be a business.


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And here I was thinking Max was the biggest jerk. Now I wonder if he hung around just to make sure his daughter was ok.



At first, I thought Max was awful and was wondering how he could do this to his daughter.  Then when he said that he offered to pay half the rent in the beginning, but Sam got aggressive and insisted that he reimburse them for what they want...I knew something did not smell right.


I will bet you Sam was cheating him and he probably was paying far more then necessary.  That woman is a snake and from what I understand from various posts, Alexa is just as bad.


I hated the way they were treating the women that worked for them.  From the accountant who won the battle with cancer, to the poor lady who was being threatened (do you want your job?) for no reason.  They are just school yard bullies and I am happy they are getting their comeuppance.

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Speaking of- I don't have a problem with what they were trying to do, really.  Where I got pissed off was in their use of a woman who had cancer as a pawn in some scheme to curry favor.  Whatever spanking they get on social media was well-earned for that alone, imho.

I am under the impression the whole thing with the woman with cancer and pushing the cancer angle was specifically at the recommendation of the TV show that it came into play in the first place. I am not directly involved. I have no skin in this game to either defend the marshmallow people or bash Marcus/the show. Maybe they're just trying to save face. Who knows. That said, knowing what I know about this type of television show, when I was told that "storyline" came from the show, I was not remotely surprised. They're not totally off the hook for agreeing to go along with it, but if you want to be mad at someone for deciding using a cancer survivor as a pawn, and a TV show is involved, do not ignore the TV show.
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On 1/27/2016 at 6:12 PM, tobeannounced said:

They've put this up on the fb page:

We appreciate the opportunity given to 240sweet to be featured on television. We understand that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, however, we would like to remind everyone that television is meant to entertain first and foremost. In order to gratify viewers and increase ratings, portrayals of those featured can be misleading. We truly value our co-workers and are grateful for the work they do. Our customers are our livelihood and we appreciate those that have shown loyalty since the show aired. We look forward to the opportunities that we currently have and coming up.
-240sweet Owners

Every single person who ever looks bad on reality television always says this.

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Rewatched this last night.  That was pretty cagey of them to basically trick Marcus into doing their dirty work.  It's a shame it worked.  I hope he could at least get that marshmallow cutter back.


I didn't realize until yesterday that 240sweet is near me.  I live in Indianapolis, and it looks like their office is about 30 miles south.  I think I may pay them a visit, see if they still have that storefront open to the public.

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