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S01.E02: Original Sin

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Harlee struggles with becoming an FBI informant while Wozniak suspects every member of his crew.  Paranoid that Wozniak's search will lead to her, Harlee suggests polygraphng the entire crew, a plan that backfires.  An appeals case sends Wozniak to watch tapes from  his first encounter with Harlee, revealing a dark secret from their past.  Meanwhile, Espada helps Tess deal with her husband's infidelity.



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Pain would affect the lie detector test so she could cheat it.


They also mentioned earlier in the episode that some guy rubbed BenGay on his junk to try and cheat it.

Edited by jewel21
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I'm still enjoying the show. 


The moment she did that hair behind the ear thing I knew that was her tell and I was hoping he wouldn't pick up on it. But, of course he did! Nice to get more background on how she ended up working on his team.


I really don't like that FBI agent. There's something very creepy about him and his interactions with her. 


At this point, I don't really know any of the character's names except for Harley (I'm assuming that's how it's spelled) and Tess. 

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^ I remember Loman, Cristina, Woz & I think the spelling is "Harlee" (I only know because it was trending on twitter)

I'm hoping for more character developpement with the other characters (it was better for that in this episode) but I'm enjoying the show so far, I'm curious to see what's gonna happen because she can't be in that situation the whole season.

Edited by eliza
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I'm also hoping for more character development, especially from the secondary characters of the team. For some reason, I'm totally expecting some sort of relationship between Harlee and Stahl which will turn sour or even deadly in some way.

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While I liked the pilot, this episode wore me out. Too much "are you my stoolie or am I arresting you" for my taste, it went on the entire hour. And the "poly" test ... Woz was only recording video on his laptop? Where the heck was the poly machine she was suppose to be hooked up to?


And I knew the car thing would come back to bite her, as discussed last episode.


And WTH was up with the other woman cop having sex with her husband's lover? Then the bar waitress didn't know who she was? How the heck does that work? Sexting? But it couldn't be sexting if the cop woman asked if she pulled the waitress' hair too hard. That just all didn't make sense. Plus, if your spouse is cheating, put it on the spouse, for pete's sake. HE was the one cheating on you, not the waitress. Priorities, girl, priorities.


In any case, the cheating husband (whom we've never seen and could care less about) was just filler for in between the "I'm an FBI informant/I'm not an FBI informant" that filled the rest of this 45 minutes.


Still, JLo is good to look at, as is Ray Liotta. I'll keep watching for now, just for those two people.

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Watched this and the pilot last night.  It's actually much better than I was expecting - but I can't see how this show is going to continue  with this plot for more than one season, if that.  It's kind of reminding me of that Lifetime show Against the Wall from a few years back, which started out with what looked like a strong premise and then went down the tubes from about episode three.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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LOVED the final scene where she flips off the FBI. Again, I didn't think they could do that on network TV, but I guess I was wrong.

When Harlee made that gesture with her hand flipping back her hair, I, too, had a feeling there was something more to that. Very interesting watching her as a new cop. I was interrupted and didn't catch some of it. Did Woz suggest that she had framed her ex-husband/boyfriend by planting evidence at a crime scene?

Also, think there's going to be something happening soon between Harlee and the FBI guy. Their hatred towards each other is palpable....and you know where that always ends up. They look hot together.

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Abusive husband is certainly not new territory for a character played by Jennifer Lopez.  I guess they're just going to do her greatest hits, which works for now.  Can't wait for the mid season finale when she begins a shocking affair with a high school student!  Or goes undercover as a maid (in Manhattan!)  And, of course, teams up with Ice Cube to fight a big-ass snake in the season finale!


I'm really not sure where they are going to go now that Wozniak spotted her obvious tell.  He has to know she was lying, so why would he keep her around?  Will he deluded himself into thinking he's just seeing things?  Thinks she is lying about something else?  I have no idea, really.


They really need to start beefing up the supporting crew soon.  Only one I kind of care about his the rookie and his guilt over killing the guy in the pilot.  But Drea de Matteo has been stuck in what has got to be the stupidest subplot yet.  She thinks her husband is cheating, so she.... sexts his potential lover and then beats her in a bar in front of everyone.  I'm with the other cop: just freaking confront him, if all the paranoia is going to make you lose your shit like this.


Still not sure if the FBI guy is going to be bad, or if he and Harlee will hook up under the "Opposites attract" route.  Oh, and I am putting money down that there will eventually be a scene, where he approaches Christine in order to really show Harlee "who is boss."

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And WTH was up with the other woman cop having sex with her husband's lover? Then the bar waitress didn't know who she was? How the heck does that work? Sexting? But it couldn't be sexting if the cop woman asked if she pulled the waitress' hair too hard. That just all didn't make sense. Plus, if your spouse is cheating, put it on the spouse, for pete's sake. HE was the one cheating on you, not the waitress. Priorities, girl, priorities.


Tess was sexting the woman from her husband's phone, pretending to be him, and I guess they were implying that there were, uh, moments of described hair-pulling.


But yeah, it bothers me that they're wasting Drea on this storyline. She's capable of so much more. She does get a lot of funny one-liners, though.


Just like last week when I was surprised they already had Woz know about an informant, this week I was surprised that they already have him highly suspect that it's Harlee. I'm guessing he'll probably just keep his eye on her to see if she actually does any informing; so far she's been pretty uncooperative and hasn't slipped any info. Their relationship is so close that I could buy him wanting to be 100% sure before he does anything. The hair-fixing tell is a red flag, but nothing is definitive.


Their backstory is kind of cliche, with Harlee having the abusive husband, but I think it painted a better picture of Woz and how he kind of gets his hooks into people. He helped her cover up her pinning the evidence on him and helped him get sent to prison, it's no wonder she feels so loyal to him; not only did he help her cover up a crime, but he got her abusive husband put away as well. I wonder if the husband will get out under habeas corpus. That would complicate things.


Seeing as how Cristina is not the perfect daughter like I think we were initially led to believe, I wonder if she'll get into some kind of trouble that will jeopardize her schooling, making Harlee's sacrifice all for nothing.


I liked the scene between the rookie and the other black cop in the donut shop. I like that the show isn't shying away from the very relevant "race politics in police brutality" issue.



LOVED the final scene where she flips off the FBI. Again, I didn't think they could do that on network TV, but I guess I was wrong.

Also, think there's going to be something happening soon between Harlee and the FBI guy. Their hatred towards each other is palpable....and you know where that always ends up. They look hot together.


I didn't know you could give the finger on network TV either. I mean technically, you can do whatever you want after 10pm (the issue is more with advertisers at that hour, not the FCC) but it was just a few years ago that M.I.A. flipped the bird at the Super Bowl and people freaked out. Although I guess that was before 10pm.


I still feel like any "romantic" attraction with Harlee/the FBI handler is going to be one-sided on his part. He looks like one ignored phone call away from snapping her neck.

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I didn't know you could give the finger on network TV either. I mean technically, you can do whatever you want after 10pm


Yeah, Harlee's bird not being blurred really surprised me, too, given that Seth Meyers, whose show starts at 11:30 p.m. eastern, got his birds blurred during his monologue jokes a while back. Does JLo have some special power over NBC network bigwigs?


I'm seeing Harlee or Woz maybe killing that FBI guy. He's just way too OTT crazy to stick around very long.

Edited by saber5055
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Abusive husband is certainly not new territory for a character played by Jennifer Lopez. I guess they're just going to do her greatest hits, which works for now. Can't wait for the mid season finale when she begins a shocking affair with a high school student! Or goes undercover as a maid (in Manhattan!) And, of course, teams up with Ice Cube to fight a big-ass snake in the season finale

This is one of the reasons I wasn't impressed with this episode. And her obvious tell was poorly acted and filmed for an extremely slow audience.

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Her character is a very bad liar - I don't know if that is her acting or how she is being directed. But, they shouldn't be making her such an obvious liar but I think that is part of dumbing down to the audience, for some reason.

I won't be back - two and out.

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I liked this episode better than the pilot and I'm definitely on board for the rest of the season. I'm drawn into the drama of it.

The one thing that might be a problem for the show long term is that I don't really have sympathy for any of the characters. Harlee isn't some innocent victim being forced to turn on her "crew." Not only did she happily take bribes for years, but she framed her ex for murder. She should be happy she's not going to jail, and I don't really get why she thinks the FBI is asking her to be a terrible person by turning on Wozniak. I get why she feels bad about it, but she should understand it's the price she pays.

The other female cop isn't the likeable either....I thought the sexting with the husbands mistress was weird, but kind of amusing (for TV anyway). But just showing up a beating the girl up was unnecessary.

I don't know what it says about me that I didn't even react to flipping the bird or think about whether it would be allowed on network TV.

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I liked the scene between the rookie and the other black cop in the donut shop. I like that the show isn't shying away from the very relevant "race politics in police brutality" issue.

I thought it was well done by the actors, but still a copout (pun intended). It might have been more nuanced for me if the conversation was between Loman and one of the other white (or at least non-black) detectives. While there have been brutality incidents where the cop was black, as well as incidents where the suspect was Native American or non-black Hispanic, the present controversy is racially charged specifically because the cops are white and the suspects are black. So if you going to go there, show, GO THERE. Don't half-ass it by having two black cops discuss it.

I think all of the actors are doing well with some shoddy writing, especially some of the dialogue. It's awfully early to have Wozniak reasonably suspecting Harlee. I agree with others in that the current premise hamstrings the show beyond the first season. Maybe this will be a mid-season show with fewer episodes? I definitely can't see 22-24 episodes a season.

I don't think Lopez has actually played a Latina since Maid in Manhattan. Hard to believe that was damn near 15 years ago!

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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I thought it was well done by the actors, but still a copout (pun intended). It might have been more nuanced for me if the conversation was between Loman and one of the other white (or at least non-black) detectives. While there have been brutality incidents where the cop was black, as well as incidents where the suspect was Native American or non-black Hispanic, the present controversy is racially charged specifically because the cops are white and the suspects are black. So if you going to go there, show, GO THERE. Don't half-ass it by having two black cops discuss it.

I think all of the actors are doing well with some shoddy writing, especially some of the dialogue. It's awfully early to have Wozniak reasonably suspecting Harlee. I agree with others in that the current premise hamstrings the show beyond the first season. Maybe this will be a mid-season show with fewer episodes? I definitely can't see 22-24 episodes a season.

I don't think Lopez has actually played a Latina since Maid in Manhattan. Hard to believe that was damn near 15 years ago!

The first season of this show consists of 13 episodes. But even that seems like too many when you already have elements of the main plot being exposed in just 2 episodes. There are 11 more to go. One article about this show says that things will become very twisty as it progresses, and a number of subplots will develop. My guess is that this will be when the rest of the crew will become more active. Edited by Syndicate
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I don't know if I am sticking around. They need to develop the other characters and develop the storyline more, or a more interesting one.

If every episode is just gonna be J. Lo freaking out about being caught, being pissed at FBI guy, and Ray Liotta glaring at people it's gonna get old real fast.

In fact I think I am about at my limit, especially since they are wasting Drea on such a crap storyline!

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Yeah, Harlee's bird not being blurred really surprised me, too, given that Seth Meyers, whose show starts at 11:30 p.m. eastern, got his birds blurred during his monologue jokes a while back. Does JLo have some special power over NBC network bigwigs?


At that point it might just be a judgment call. Late Night tapes each episode only a few hours before it airs, meaning the producers only have a few hours to make the decision and might want to err on the censored side just to be safe. This show taped all its episodes months in advance, and probably had time to talk with advertisers about it and whatnot.


I thought it was well done by the actors, but still a copout (pun intended). It might have been more nuanced for me if the conversation was between Loman and one of the other white (or at least non-black) detectives. While there have been brutality incidents where the cop was black, as well as incidents where the suspect was Native American or non-black Hispanic, the present controversy is racially charged specifically because the cops are white and the suspects are black. So if you going to go there, show, GO THERE. Don't half-ass it by having two black cops discuss it.

I think all of the actors are doing well with some shoddy writing, especially some of the dialogue. It's awfully early to have Wozniak reasonably suspecting Harlee. I agree with others in that the current premise hamstrings the show beyond the first season. Maybe this will be a mid-season show with fewer episodes? I definitely can't see 22-24 episodes a season.


I definitely agree with you, and the shooting incident looks like it's going to continue through the season so maybe there will be a conversation between the rookie and a white cop about it. Either way, I do like the inclusion of two black cops talking about it to one another just because it's a different perspective that I think is usually not touched on. I don't think it was used to justify the rookie's actions in any way, like it didn't feel like a definitive stance that the show was taking. There was just something realistic about it. These two black men are an active part of a system that has always, especially recently, been oppressive to other black men and black people as a whole. The rookie, probably because he's new, understands that, while the other cop, who's been doing this for a while, has become jaded and accepts the system for what it is. Idk. Again, I didn't feel the need to take a side, nor did I feel like the show was trying to push a certain viewpoint down my throat. It didn't feel preachy or anything. They just kind of laid the issue out, which I liked and appreciated.


And as someone said above, this is just supposed to be a 13-episode season (and if there are subsequent seasons I assume it'll be the same deal). People like JLo and Ray Liotta probably don't want to be tied down to a 22-episode gig.

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It occurred to me that Harlee's "tell" of swiping her hair behind her left ear to show she is lying ... did she do that when she told Woz that the daughter's car got wrecked? Then when she told the daughter the car got wrecked? Then when she tried to change the subject when Woz and the daughter started talking about the car?


Yeah, didn't think so. It was too weird for her to swipe her hair back while she was wearing poly "things" on the end of each finger, when her hair wasn't out-of-place to begin with.

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The first season of this show consists of 13 episodes. But even that seems like too many when you already have elements of the main plot being exposed in just 2 episodes. There are 11 more to go. One article about this show says that things will become very twisty as it progresses, and a number of subplots will develop. My guess is that this will be when the rest of the crew will become more active.


Ah thanks - I don't follow any media about the show other than what's mentioned here, so I didn't realize how many episodes this season would have.  I'm still interested in the show, despite my doubts. These upcoming plot twists will probably get increasingly absurd, so let me mentally prepare, heh. 


I definitely agree with you, and the shooting incident looks like it's going to continue through the season so maybe there will be a conversation between the rookie and a white cop about it. Either way, I do like the inclusion of two black cops talking about it to one another just because it's a different perspective that I think is usually not touched on. I don't think it was used to justify the rookie's actions in any way, like it didn't feel like a definitive stance that the show was taking. There was just something realistic about it. These two black men are an active part of a system that has always, especially recently, been oppressive to other black men and black people as a whole. The rookie, probably because he's new, understands that, while the other cop, who's been doing this for a while, has become jaded and accepts the system for what it is. Idk. Again, I didn't feel the need to take a side, nor did I feel like the show was trying to push a certain viewpoint down my throat. It didn't feel preachy or anything. They just kind of laid the issue out, which I liked and appreciated.


To me, the rookie's perspective seemed to be that he became a cop to serve, "do good," and clean up the neighborhoods, not to give into unconscious bias and kill someone, a black male in particular, on his first day on the team. The more seasoned cop seemed to understand that the lines are blurred, and every day he makes it to the end of the day alive is a benefit. All of which is fine.  The racial subtext bothered me more because it felt like a cheap way to address racialized police brutality without putting a white face on it. Maybe the show will have the white characters address it, maybe they won't.  Nothing about this show is subtle so far, but hey, maybe nuance will play a part as the season progresses.  


There was a fair amount of discussion from the 1st episode thread about the FBI agent's demeanor towards Harlee.  Not sure how much time there was between the pilot and the 2nd episode, but I thought the creepy sexual attraction from him was demonstrably alleviated, if not totally missing.  As interested as I am in seeing where the show goes, I feel like I should be more sympathetic to Harlee.  Even after this episode, I still feel like she's a hypocrite.  I get why she doesn't want to cooperate.  Still, I'm not feeling all that sorry for her...yet. 

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There was a fair amount of discussion from the 1st episode thread about the FBI agent's demeanor towards Harlee. Not sure how much time there was between the pilot and the 2nd episode, but I thought the creepy sexual attraction from him was demonstrably alleviated, if not totally missing.

One could read some BDSM-y tension when he cuffed her and they walked and whispered with their bodies touching.

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I feel like if this show gets second season it will be sort of like American Crime where they just do a whole new story. Or just have it be about the FBI agent taking down other dirty cops.

It occurred to me that Harlee's "tell" of swiping her hair behind her left ear to show she is lying ... did she do that when she told Woz that the daughter's car got wrecked? Then when she told the daughter the car got wrecked? Then when she tried to change the subject when Woz and the daughter started talking about the car?


Yeah, didn't think so. It was too weird for her to swipe her hair back while she was wearing poly "things" on the end of each finger, when her hair wasn't out-of-place to begin with.

Maybe she only does the hair swipe thing for really big, meaningful lies, and the car one wasn't a big deal to her?

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Everything about this show is really, really working for me ... except for the Tess character and her constant obsession with whether her husband is cheating.   I loved this actress in The Sopranos - and she's not doing a bad job here - but this side-story (that we only get from her constant blathering to her long-suffering co-worker) is so annoying to me.  


So ... she has been reading her husband's texts, reached out to the bartender lady he was texting, somehow tracked down and fooled around with said bartender lady ... and ... then she later viciously attacks the woman in her bar, even though she's a cop and could get suspended for that kind of crap -- do I have that right?  Do I even care?  How is this supposed to make any kind of sense?    


Ok, end of rant.  Back to the "A" story -- the Woz / Harlee interactions are just crackling with tension.  Liotta and Lopez are both knocking it out of the park with their acting.     


The FBI guy -- well, I want to like him, but I think he's enjoying pushing Harlee around way too much (way more than an agent who has to be tough to do his job), and I'm getting a gross, controlling vibe from him.  


Christina is a pleasant surprise - not at all obnoxious like most TV teens.   The affection between her and her uncle-figure Woz is a nice touch, to really show the conflicted emotions Harlee has to deal with here.  

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Everything about this show is really, really working for me ... except for the Tess character and her constant obsession with whether her husband is cheating.   I loved this actress in The Sopranos - and she's not doing a bad job here - but this side-story (that we only get from her constant blathering to her long-suffering co-worker) is so annoying to me.  


So ... she has been reading her husband's texts, reached out to the bartender lady he was texting, somehow tracked down and fooled around with said bartender lady ... and ... then she later viciously attacks the woman in her bar, even though she's a cop and could get suspended for that kind of crap -- do I have that right?  Do I even care?  How is this supposed to make any kind of sense?    


They never actually had sex, Tess was sexting her from her husband's phone, pretending to be the husband. It's a dumb story, I agree, but they didn't meet before Tess showed up at the bar to knock her lights out. Which, yes, also dumb.


I think what I dislike the most about it (besides the fact that why in the hell would you hire Drea de Matteo for this show if that's all she's going to do) is the fact that it doesn't tie in with the larger story. The subplot with the rookie shooting the guy playing video games goes along with the general theme of the show, but what does this story accomplish? Telling us it's bad to cheat on your spouse? Figuring out what was are and are not good to deal with your spouse cheating? It feels like it takes place on another show.

Edited by helenamonster
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why in the hell would you hire Drea de Matteo for this show if that's all she's going to do

She's not the only one with with that issue. I'm still wondering when that magnificent stage actor Santino Fontana is going to get more than two sentences per episode while someone says "Saperstein" so we'll know the guy's name. Surely they must have at least a subplot planned for him in some future episode.

Edited by Rinaldo
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It's still early, and I think there's enough time to incorporate the rest of the corrupt team into things.  I expect that we will see Tess's cheating husband at some point, and we'll probably learn that he's been in cahoots with the FBI guy.  That's one way to link Tess's story to the main narrative.  I also wouldn't be surprised if we met Harlee's ex-husband.  He gets out of prison on some technicality, and re-enters Harlee's life to make things extra complicated.  I can see the black officer and the rookie black officer in subplots together.  We already know the rookie's subplot, so the experienced black officer gets tied up into the rookie's drama somehow.  The hispanic officer will probably be roped into Tess's  drama.  As for Saperstein, I've read a rumor/spoiler about one of the officers engaging in something with someone else.  I want to be more specific, but I'm not clear on how to post spoilers here.

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I wasn't going to watch this show but the "Please Lord Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" promo hit me in all the right ways. 


So far, it's just working for me. It might work better as a movie or even a limited series given how suspicious Ray Liotta's character is already but I'm buying into the atmosphere of it all. 


We'll see how well it holds up.  I think the one thing that worries me is that it's moving too fast.

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I really liked this episode. I also am enjoying JLOs daughter when typically I don't like teens on tv shows. I like how loyal Ray Liottas character is.

I get the vibe that the FBI handler is attracted to JLO. And is he going to threaten to arrest her in every episode lol?

I liked the two black officers discussion. Nice POV.

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I really liked this episode. I also am enjoying JLOs daughter when typically I don't like teens on tv shows. I like how loyal Ray Liottas character is.

I get the vibe that the FBI handler is attracted to JLO. And is he going to threaten to arrest her in every episode lol?

I liked the two black officers discussion. Nice POV.

I agree. JLo and Liotta are great together. 


The FBI handler does seemed attracted to Harlee, but it's creepy because he loves to demonstrate his power and control over her. In some ways he's like the abusive husband she put away (by planting evidence. But that's another story).


I've heard some debate about making the black cop be the one to shoot the black man. I like that it shows the nuance and complexity of police shootings, and the rookie is able to grapple with his own feelings of guilt and having let down the black community. 

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I loved this actress in The Sopranos - and she's not doing a bad job here - but this side-story (that we only get from her constant blathering to her long-suffering co-worker) is so annoying to me.

It is too bad that they couldn't work her into more of an equal position with JLo's character. Maybe that will happen when Liotta's character leaves. Because I can't see how he stays.  I mean if the show gets green lit for a second season, how on earth does he stick around? He's the big fish that they are trying to catch and unless they start offing FBI agents, someone's gotta commit suicide or go to jail. I mean how does his character last?


Or, do the FBI agents start compromising themselves maybe?


Maybe that's why that agent is being written with a sleazy air to him, he's a pinkie toe away from stepping over to the dark side. 

Edited by represent
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