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The Company You Keep: Five TV Characters To Join You In The Zombie Apocalypse

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I dunno. The Gilligan's Island crew could turn into Woodbury fast. On the surface it is wholesome, safe and comfortable. Then we get out first scene with Governor Skipper sternly striding down the street in an eyepatch.....Inside a building, the Professor has zombie Mr. Howell strapped to a table, playing back a recording of a roll of money being riffled to stir a human memory. Meanwhile Gillian is wasting time making small talk instead of using precious minutes to free himself from the chair as the Skipper's latest victim awakens into zombiehood.

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I dunno. The Gilligan's Island crew could turn into Woodbury fast. On the surface it is wholesome, safe and comfortable. Then we get out first scene with Governor Skipper sternly striding down the street in an eyepatch.....Inside a building, the Professor has zombie Mr. Howell strapped to a table, playing back a recording of a roll of money being riffled to stir a human memory. Meanwhile Gillian is wasting time making small talk instead of using precious minutes to free himself from the chair as the Skipper's latest victim awakens into zombiehood.

But there would be plenty of coconut cream pie.

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The question is really skewed when supernatural or superpowered characters are considered.  Should be two different questions.  But, I did notice some answered who they would like to be on a deserted island with, not in a zombie apocalypse.

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Well my first thought was Xena, and my second thought was Gabrielle but really I think I'd pick Callisto from that universe (just as lethal but no spurned lover baggage), Giles from Sunnydale (super freekin' smart and can sing beautifully plus I hear he's a bit of a stevedore so Callisto may enjoy his company), Jessie (not arrogant like Walter but still able to whip up some excellent drugs plus he's funnny), Debra Mogan (fuck me in both ears) and either of the Mythbusters guys.

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Buffy - Used to fighting zeds and the like, really good at it.

Kirk Prime - thinks on his feet, great with weapons, hot.

Aaron Hotchner - dead-eye shot and gifted leader/people planner.

MacGuyver - the man is his own verb, c'mon!

Melinda May - she's a human Death Blossom, also awesome.

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I want Robert Hawkins (Lennie James, Jericho)


I love you for including him.  Much of my reasoning for wanting Morgan on the show is because of how badass Robert Hawkins was.  How do you combat a guy who's so stone cold he keeps a spare nuclear weapon in the shed for just in case?  So excluding current cast:


1. Robert Hawkins

2 & 3:  Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister before he lost his sword hand on GOT.  They're both very good fighters and at least they'd be entertaining to have around.

4. Gannicus from Spartacus who always managed to look like a rock star while cutting people down

5. Cullen Bohannon from Hell on Wheels.  A hard ass when he needs to be, a crack shot, and a pretty good head for figuring his way out of Really Bad Things pretty quickly.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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Dr. Mark "McSteamy" Sloan (Eric Dane - Gray's Anatomy): because everyone else is getting their eye-candy in, and he's a Dr.

Lucas McCain (Chuck Connors - The Rifleman): experienced military man, excellent shot, all-around decent guy, and more eye-candy in case I get tired of looking at McSteamy.

Isis (Joanna Cameron - Isis): because she is the "dedicated foe of evil, defender of the weak, champion of truth and justice!" and also a teacher. Plus I loved her as a child so would be fun to hang out with her. 

Xena (Lucy Lawless - Xena): because of course.

Lassie: because neither living nor dead could sneak up on me with a dog around and when that dog is Lassie, heck, she could get me out of any jam. ;)

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I'll show my age:


I'd take  Frank Poncherello Ponch's macho bravado both makes me laugh and makes me feel safe, and I think he was the first TV actor with a bleached smile which shows some real forward thinking.


Trapper John, MD Level headed, medical professional who's worked as a surgeon in a war theatre, also hot "for an old guy" though I'm probably older now than he was then--plus I'll take a two-fer on this one with Adam Cartwright, which should help us out in case of gunplay.


MacGuyver duh


Claire Huxtable 'cause I'm gonna want my mommy! And she sings better than Beth.


And of course my boyfriend Rob Mariano, 'cause he knows how to build stuff, he's wicked smaht about practical and interpersonal stuff, he's always an optimist, and he makes me laugh. By now I think he's proficient at many ways to make fire. I know he's not "fictional" in the strictest sense of the word, but close enough.

Edited by LilySilver
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My list is a complete reflection of the show's I'm watching now, but there is a logical method to my madness....


1) Abbie and Jenny Mills (Sleepy Hollow): Brave, strong, heroic, trustworthy, and will kick your ass. Would have no qualms about taking out zombies or misbehaving humans. Skilled with all manner of weaponry and can defend themselves and rescue themselves if need be. Also have great senses of humours, are fun to be around and also compassionate people.


2) Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow): Also brave, strong, heroic, trusthyworthy and will kick ass. However, he has the added skill of being able to live off of the land. Is used to living without technology, running water, and all manner of modern conveniences that we never learned to live without. Would know which wild foods to gather are safe. Would know how to hunt and prepare whatever is caught properly, as he would have had to as a soldier living off of the land. Would have no problem with adapting to the loss of everything today (as the others in WD did) because that was just...the way life was. Bonus: There is always room for tall, dark, funny and handsome Brits in the Apocalypse.


3) Jamie Fraser (Outlander): Same reasons as Crane. Brave honourable man who can live off of the land, will defend his people with his dying breath. Another big tough guy most people wouldn't want to mess with.


4) Dr. Henry Morgan (Forever): Similar reasons to above. Being someone who has been around for 200+ years, means he can live without the modern trappings of our privilaged life. Two added bonuses: As a doctor with over 200 years of experience, he will be able to treat any medical issues, and will also know how to treat illnesses, etc without the modern medicines we rely on today. Bonus 2: Cannot die, so even if he does get felled by a zombie, he'll simply come back in a day to rejoin the group, so you never have to worry about losing him.


These are the five I want around me. Oh, and permanent birth control....

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Chandler Bing, Friends:  It’s the apocalypse, we need funny. Plus, push comes to shove, you always, always want someone in your group that you can outrun.


Kelly Clarkson, American Idol Season1: Again apocalypse – we need music. It’s about living not just surviving y’know, and unlike Beth, she can really sing.


Daenerys Targayen, Game of Thrones:  Duh. Seriously folks, why fight walkers when you can have 3 dragons do it for you while you party with Chandler and Kelly?


Tara Price, CSI:Miami: Doctor and medical examiner. What? In a world full of mobile dead bodies you don’t want an expert on dead bodies? (OK, I confess I don’t actually even watch CSI:Miami, but she looks hawt.)


Ana Lucia, Lost: Hey she is the go to person whenever anyone wants a tough no nonsense fighter type. From Resident Evil to Avatar to Fast and Furious she’s done it all so she must know something. What’s that? I’m thinking of actor Michelle Rodriguez rather than Ana Lucia? Aren’t they all the same roles?


Ok, ok, my walking dead team is basically me with 4 hot women plus Chandler for the jokes.

Edited by Trek
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Bear Gryls (duh, he knows how to get a group of people to survive anything)

Adam Savage (massive problem solver and funny - willing to try anything)

Sayid (Knows how to fix stuff -including people - can do the hard stuff)

Caroline from the Vampire Diaries (snarky, chatty, plus no one messes with her peeps)

Carla from Top Chef/The Chew - can throw a meal together quickly out of anything, friendly, tough

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I started to ask "alive or dead", then I suddenly had an image flash through my imagination - that of Steve Irwin (Crocodile Hunter) holding off a walker at arm's length while carrying on a running dialog of, "Crikey, ain't THIS one a beauty!  Look at his EYES - or what's left of them!  You can SEE how his attention is just FIXED on me to the exclusion of everything else...!"

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Omar Little. Not only is he smart, wily and great with a shotgun, he's got a code.

Richard Harrow. Excellent sniper and survivor of WWI. He has half of a face, has killed for the mob, and had eaten squirrels with hobos in the woods, but he has a heart of gold.

The Trailer Park Boys. Seriously. Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are hilarious. Bubbles is insanely crafty and handy and used to living in a shed. He has lived there since his parents abandoned him as a child. Ricky is a moron, but is used to living in a car and on nothing. They are nothing if not scrappy survivors. The best part about them is that Julian and Ricky could get Cory and Trevor to do all of our dirty work for us. Plus, you just know that in the ZA, they will still have the best weed around. And they will keep us on the lookout not only for zombies, but samsquantches.

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Chief Tyrol from BSG - We need someone who can fix anything and fight

Nick Burkhardt from Grimm - He's already used to killing wicked things

Jack Shepard from Lost - We'll need a doctor and someone to brood

Kira Nerys from DS9 - She knows how to fight against impossible odds

Sherlock Holmes (Cumberbatch) - We'll need someone to figure out what happened and how to fix it

Edited by RustbeltWriter
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Col. Jack O'Neill

Major Samatha Carter (both from Stargate SG-1)

Capt. James T. Kirk (needs no introduction)

Dr. Leonard McCoy (because he's damn funny, and would get a hoot out of the walking dead.  "Damn it, Jim, he's dead! . . . Oh!"

Sawyer (from Lost, because I happen to think he could kick Daryl's ass)

Edited by JackONeill
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Mindy McIndy, just had a hilarious vision of Julian holding his rum & coke (or rye & coke, can't remember) in one hand while wielding a machete and decapitating zombies with the other. No spillage.

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The Trailer Park Boys. Seriously. Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are hilarious. Bubbles is insanely crafty and handy and used to living in a shed. He has lived there since his parents abandoned him as a child. Ricky is a moron, but is used to living in a car and on nothing. They are nothing if not scrappy survivors. The best part about them is that Julian and Ricky could get Cory and Trevor to do all of our dirty work for us. Plus, you just know that in the ZA, they will still have the best weed around. And they will keep us on the lookout not only for zombies, but samsquantches.

I mean, if the Trailer Park Boys lived in Georgia, they would definitely have known and/or hung with the Dixon brothers. The Trailer Park Boys in the Zombie Apocalypse is a movie I would absolutely see.

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I've thought about this way too much and struggled to bring it down to the required five, but for your consideration:


Aaron Hotchner - Criminal Minds.  Can make a head shot like nobody's business.  Able to plan and trouble-shoot.  Can evaluate future members of the group before they even know they're being evaluated.  Having a kid will motivate him to survive.  Plus I've crushed on him forever.


Grant Ward - Agents of SHIELD.  Trained killer.  Bit untrustworthy but Hotchner will keep an eye on him.  Ward can get to anything, so a good guy for scavenging runs.  I can work with self-interested altruism. 


Sameen Shaw - Person of Interest.  No zombie is safe.  Will eat anything so well motivated to find food.  Has medical training.  Will shoot Ward at first sign of trouble.


Sarah Manning - Orphan Black.  Wily as hell.  Paranoia an asset in ZA.  Her daughter shows good coping skills too.


Captain Irving - Sleepy Hollow.  Nothing rocks that man.  Regardless of what the ZA throws at him, he will deal and continue to get things done.  Plus, can shoot. 

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Not Supernatural Team


Neal Caffrey - He's smart and he's great with weapons, even if he doesn't like to  use them. The fact that I think Matt Bomer is the hottest man alive is a plus. 


Spartacus -  He's a great warrior , a good strategist and someone who really cares about his people. 


Dr. Sam Beckett - He can shoot, he can build lots of stuff, one of his degrees is in Medecine...


Xena - I just need to see her using her chakram against the walkers/zombies. Also,  she's awesome.


Sameen Shaw -Fearless, great with guns and with medical training.



Supernatural Team




-The Hulk.


-Regina Miller. 




-Neal Caffrey. I know he's not supernatural, but I want  him in my team.

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Emily Prentiss from Criminal Minds because she's a badass agent.

Dr.Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds because you need smart people in the apocalypse.

Dean Winchester from Supernatural because he has zombie experience and hey I wouldn't mind having him around.

Ziva David From NCIS because she's another badass agent that could protect me.

Derek Shepard from Grey's Anatomy because having any kind of doctor/surgeon in the apocolpyse is very helpful.

Chances of survival with this team? 100%

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