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I honestly expected the show to be going somewhere with Julia being voiced by Nancy Cartwright (sounding very like Bart.) Either just for a lampshade hanging joke or an actual plot element.

I even wondered if they were going to have her being a time travelling future version of Bart gone back to the past to save his parents marriage.

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They had a good opportunity to poke fun at themselves when Lisa and Bart were talking at the end and Lisa says something along the lines of this romantic moment between their parents. Bart should've said "I have a feeling we will see this scenario again".  Or "I feel like we've seen this before"...cause it is the 20th time this plot has played out.

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6 hours ago, xander874 said:

They had a good opportunity to poke fun at themselves when Lisa and Bart were talking at the end and Lisa says something along the lines of this romantic moment between their parents. Bart should've said "I have a feeling we will see this scenario again".  Or "I feel like we've seen this before"...cause it is the 20th time this plot has played out.

Homer resorted to this relationship repair in Werking Mom. The couple is on that kind of cycle 

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Yeah, loved Krusty on Marc's podcast. The episode that he posted on Thursday included a longer clip than what was on TV, and it's pretty great. Gonna admit that it was funnier than what they left in. I definitely recommend listening to it, and it also has a really great interview with Yeardley Smith.

So Krusty's big magnum opus was Dune (with a little Mad Max and The Day The Clown Cried because, well, Krusty). It's just so weird, but I liked that. I also liked the fake weapon fight between the crew and the kidnappers, but it was just too short for my liking.

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19 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

but it was just too short for my liking.

After Krusty ended his story on the podcast, and Marc Maron started pushing hot cashews as it went to commercial, I looked at my watch and saw it was only 8:24.  And thought, that was it ?

The production code for the Marc Maron Krusty podcast was the also the production code of this Simpsons episode.

And not to ask a silly question, how would Krusty know about scenes that didn't involve him ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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List of movie posters seen on the movie studio lot:
-- Beverly Hills Bootcamp
-- Spy Babies
-- The Leprechaun Clause
-- Nerd Mom
-- Nun-jas
-- Basketball Dolphin
-- Karate Lawyer
-- Pope and a Half
-- Robo-Bladers
-- My Uncle The Nephew

The tag line for the movie sequel they were trying to get Krusty to make:  Good Cop, Dog Cop 2: Golden Revolver -- The Heat is in Heat !

In the studio head's office, there were posters for a Chinese language edition of Basketball Dolphin, and a French language edition of Nun-jas -- Les Religieuses, Elles ont des armes de L'Orient -- which loosely translates to 'The Nuns, they have weapons of the East'

There were even brief Troy McClure references -- while standing in the line for movie production hiring line, Luann Mussolini (before she married Kirk van Houten), was reading a copy of Premiere magazine with Troy McClure on the cover.  And then again, a woman dressed as an alien was reading the same magazine in Mexico.  And then again several copies were on the floor of Krusty's production office. I still miss Phil Hartman. 

The lead character in 'The Sands of Space' was dressed similarly to the head of the Stonecutters.

The writers of 'The Sands of Space' were William Goldman, Joe Eszterhas, Shane Black, and Nora Ephron (you can barely make it out when Marge is coaching the actor.

Goldman wrote Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and All the President's Men
Joe Eszterhas wrote Showgirls and Flashdance
Shane Black wrote the first 2 Lethal Weapon movies
Nora Ephron wrote Sleepless in Seattle and When Harry Met Sally

Homer is drinking Duff Gordo while in Mexico.  Which loosely translates to Fat Duff, if Google Translate can be believed.

So, crew powder, that's just cocaine, right ?  And is that the same as directing dust ?

Krusty sends Homer out to the 'El Desierto Del Gringo Muerto' -- which translates to 'Desert of the Dead Gringo'

And now we know how the Sea Captain lost his leg.

Marc Maron: "I am so glad Byron Allen canceled."

The movie marquee where 'The Sands of Space' was playing showed 'El Bozo Loco' -- which loosely translates as 'The Crazy Clown'

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I was trying to figure out when this episode took place. Homer and Marge were obviously out of high school, but I guess not married (since they did that because Marge was pregnant). So, maybe they were in college? I thought they got married quite young.

Regardless, I liked this episode. I usually enjoy the flashback ones as they have so many tie-in to the future jokes with the other characters (like Sea Captain losing his leg).

12 hours ago, xander874 said:

I was trying to figure out when this episode took place. Homer and Marge were obviously out of high school, but I guess not married (since they did that because Marge was pregnant). So, maybe they were in college? I thought they got married quite young.

Regardless, I liked this episode. I usually enjoy the flashback ones as they have so many tie-in to the future jokes with the other characters (like Sea Captain losing his leg).

I think that like 'Mad about the Toy' earlier this season this is an example of the sliding timescale of the show (where characters don't really age) running into the age of the showrunners. This one isn't has much of a problem as that one where the toy company executive and his secretary still worked the same job after seventy years but the timing has issues.

At this point assuming they still are meant to be around forty 'now' Homer and Marge are just too young to have been in their teens in the Eighties.

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22 hours ago, Lazlo said:

I think that like 'Mad about the Toy' earlier this season this is an example of the sliding timescale of the show (where characters don't really age) running into the age of the showrunners. This one isn't has much of a problem as that one where the toy company executive and his secretary still worked the same job after seventy years but the timing has issues.

At this point assuming they still are meant to be around forty 'now' Homer and Marge are just too young to have been in their teens in the Eighties.

Watching this and thinking how they nearly approximated the timeline to have them date in the late 80s, and have the tween-age kids by their canon debut in  ’92. I take it that the moral of the episode is that the Border Wall is a B-rated production by a clown -sorry ,sorry 


Chalkboard: Chili Fries Do Not Go In Like A Lamb And Out Like A Lion

Couch gag: Fountain drinks! Lisa is lemonade, while Homer is Duff, Maggie is Baby Buzz, Bart was Buzz Cola, Marge was Diet Buzz

I wish I hadn't spoiled myself that CBG was the owner of that amazing car. I'm holding it against him that he kept his 9.9 Radioactive Man #1 in that car. It might be worth a bit more than $100, but that was a stupid place to keep it. I really wonder just how much Homer paid for the Ogdenville copy. Bart sure whispered in Homer's ear for a long time.

5 bucks got Milhouse an entire pallet of Little Lulu comics. He got a hell of a deal.

I gave you the USS Enterprise and you returned with The Orville!" Burn.

I really liked Guillermo Del Toro's video for Mr. Burns. It was like Burns' film festival movie, but it was actually successful. This is what happens when you actually get Spielberg's non-union Mexican equivalent. Also, we finally got around to a (brief) Shape of Water spoof. They really couldn't wait for Treehouse of Horror, could they? Also appreciated the shout out to Godzooky (the nephew Hanna-Barbera gave Godzilla, who is a different character from Minya, his canonical son).

"And I wasted high school learning German." Same here, Homer.

So many great signs in this episode, Comic Con at the end alone had lots of great ones. Personal favorite was "STAN LEE WAS HELD CAPTIVE IN THIS CLOSET" in Android's Dungeon.

Edited by Galileo908
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57 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

I gave you the USS Enterprise and you returned with The Orville!" Burn.

I love the Orville, but now I know it's good if got into the Simpsons. 

Although I have to call BS on CBG leaving such a valuable comic in the car. I forgot about the wife though. 

This was kind of flat though. I was hoping we'd learn more about CBG, but it just ended. 

Edited by ganesh
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I thought the premise was really kind of weak -- CBG got his car back, albeit in non-mint condition.  Homer offered to fix the car and replace the comic book.
And I agree with @ganesh, there's no way CBG leaves that Radiaoactive Man comic in his car.  Was it right next to Action Comics # 1 in the glove compartment ?
Let alone valet park a car with something that valuable inside.  Plus, it's not like CBG doesn't know who Homer is.

The license plate coughed up by the fish monster in Marge's head balloon -- had the episode production number (YABF07) on it.

Loved the video of Homer "returning" the leafblower to Flanders -- since it was run in reverse.

Boardgames in the back room of the Android's Dungeon:
-- Needless Operation
-- Emissaries to Byzantium
-- Duopoly
-- Scribble
-- Don't Lose the Piece

I liked the Marvel poster in the Android's Dungeon -- Avengers Infinity Cast - No Hawkeye.
That poster was seen again at Comic-Con.

Comics seen in the front area of the Android's Dungeon
-- Little Lolo
-- Tonton in Paris
-- Chupacabra
-- Radioactive Man vs. the Kansas City Royals
-- Zebra Girl
-- Dr. Shapiro vs. Plaque-Ula

There were a couple of callbacks to previous CBG-centered episodes:
-- the display of Xena Warrior Princess
-- the poster for Everyman - The Origin of ... (Everyman is the comic book character created by CBG)
-- the Fallout Boy comic stuck on the wall

Other things seen in Android's Dungeon backroom
-- a sign stating that "Stan Lee was held captive in this closet"
-- figurines of a Purple Hulk and The Thing
-- a 'The Grudge is Still inside Me' starring Ray Milland movie poster (a Roger Corman movie)
-- a World's Best Comics cover (with Radioactive Man vs. Everyman) 
-- an Itchy and Scratchy figurine
-- CBG was accessing eBuy web site
-- poster of Tiny Hercules
-- a figurine of a woman in a fur bikini chained to a boulder
-- Radioactive Man vs. Muhammad Ali comic book
-- a poster of 'The Happy Little Elves Movie', starring Hank Azaria
-- figurines of the 3 main characters from the Netlfix series 'Disenchantment'
-- 3 coffee mugs with discount versions of C3PO, Yoda and Jar-Jar Binks
-- a Poochie T-shirt with the phrase 'Always Recycle to the Extreme' printed on it
-- Itchy and Scratchy trading cards wrapper
-- figurine of Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy

Homer: "Look, I know we've had our differences but we can still be friends. Like when Superman teamed up with Lex Luthor."
CBG: "That was an imaginary story written by Harlan Ellison because he wanted to get fired."

Signs at Comic-Con:
-- Can't B2 Careful -- Protective Sleeves for your Comic Book Protective Sleeves
-- Klingon Treasures -- Add Some Wow to your Blood Vow !
-- Mom's Basement Living Magazine
-- Pride-Keepers Vaults -- for hiding your action figures if a girl comes over
-- Overweight ?   Become Lord of the Gastric Ring. No Food Shall Pass!
-- Star Trek Uniforms (Science Officer Blue Out of Stock)
-- Dice Throwers' Wrist -- Free Doctor on Call

CBG was dressed at Comic-Con as Thanos, but he only had 5 gems on his gauntlet, since the gauntlet only has 3 fingers and a thumb.

In Gullermo Del Toro's home, there was a framed picture of the Hypnotoad from 'Futurama' on the wall.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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@Galileo908 -- you may want to fix the Chalkboard item in your episode summary.
It should be "Chili fries do not go in like a lamb and out like a lion."

And don't forget for the couch gag that Marge was 'Diet Buzz'.

And the billboard had an ad for Moe's Tavern.
Moe's Tavern -- Where Valentine's Day Never Happened

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I guess they've decided that Homer (and presumably Marge) are well into their 40s at this point. Welcome Back Kotter aired 1975 to 1979 and they seemed to be in their teens working on Krusty's movie in the late 1980s. It isn't a huge issue but it is kind of strange to think they were already past thirty when they had Bart, assuming he is still meant to be ten years old.

I'm a D&D fan so I loved the 'Dice Throwers' Wrist' sign - a very Knights of the Dinner Table style joke.

That was a fun episode. I'm usually meh on celeb guests but the Mr. Burns film was a definite highlight.

1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

According to the article I just read they are also pulling it from any future produced dvd/bluray sets. Which seems like a lot to me. Are they also going to pull Simpsons Sing The Blues because Michael Jackson co-wrote, produced and sang back up on Do the Bartman.

I can totally understand why they may want to pull the episode but I would just keep it on the DvDs/Blu-Rays just because it happened (mind you I don't think most people knew what was going on ). In my opinion, its kind of like trying to erase the past a bit. Edit: I also believe that at one point I might've had that album and I never knew he was involved with that.

Edited by TVSpectator

Lisa has long been my most disliked character, and I despise the "poor Lisa, she is so smart and cultured and her family is a bunch of backwoods losers" episodes most of all.  This one was no different.  I did enjoy the "Belle" song parody on the bus, but I'm so tired of the "Lisa is ashamed of her family" storylines, I feel like it's been done before.

Flanders imitating Homer was pretty funny.

On 1/15/2019 at 4:52 PM, Lazlo said:

Is Sam the first non-binary/lgbt kid character we've seen on the show (Sam's father definitely said "I love you son")?

It was "I love you Sam."  He has a Nigerian accent (by way of Cameroon) so I can see how it sounded like "son".  I also went back and turned on closed-captioning and it was definitely "Sam".

15 hours ago, Brandi Maxxxx said:

Does this mean no more residuals for poor John Jay Smith?

It would be kind of awesome if Al Jean or someone just released a statement about how Stark Raving Dad guest stars John Jay Smith so they don't see an issue.

Also keep in mind there are episodes with James Brown, Mike Tyson and a pretty great on with Mel Gibson.

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Intro: Mr. Plow!

Billboard: Learn to make friends at Springfield Hypnosis

Chalkboard: A March Madness bracket of characters with Krusty as the winner.

Couch Gag: $1,000,000 Pyramid!

Man, Chalmers making Skinner tests drugs was just...wow. "I both see and am God!" was funny, but that's all they went with it, sadly.

"And if the kids misbehave: Papa John's!"

I quite liked the Wedding Expo, but I felt like it was rushed. Like, the guy on Homer's nametag was supposed to give a keynote speech, and he just pulls one out of his ass? And he's kind of caught, but nothing came of it?

So...what hasn't this show done, yet? Kite surfing? Okay! It didn't go anywhere interesting, but okay! But I did like Wallace Shawn as Tiny Invisible Wallace Shawn telling Homer what to do. Usually when Homer listens to his gut, it's literally his gut, but this time it has a face. Of course Maggie can see the hernia, it's like the Great Gazoo. Nigel being a spy was a fun turn, but again, it came out of nowhere at the very end, as did the Mission: Impossible bit.

Edited by Galileo908
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1 hour ago, M. Darcy said:

It took me way too long to realize it was Wallace Shawn.  I knew I knew the voice but couldn’t figure out why. Obviously I need to watch the Princess Bride again. 

"You do know that I've done other things.   I was the Grand Negus on Star Trek.  I'm also the voice of Rex in the Toy Story films."

"Yeah, and Jeff Bridges has a huge career as well, but he'll always be THE DUDE!! "

"(Sigh) I'm always going to be that guy from Princess Bride, aren't I??"

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The Blackboard brackets were amusing -- how did Ralph defeat Skinner ?

Jimbo: "Want to watch videos of pythons swallowing stuff ?"
Lisa: "Uh, can't we watch something with kittens ?"
Kimbo: "Oh, there's kittens in there."

Homer: "This is pointless.  We learned all the new dangerous drugs last year. Sprack, Zup, Borzo and Crystal Bam."
Marge: "I hear they're mixing Bam with Zup."
Otto: "Interesting. Bam and Zup. Oh, this seminar has already paid for itself."

Springfield Wedding Expo - Start Your Life Together in Debt

Booths at the Wedding Expo:
-- Therm-O-Foot Cold Feet Early Warning System
-- Cummerbunderful Smart Cummerbunds
-- Vow-Canceling Headphones
-- Prenuptial Agreements (with Joint Custody, No Alimony and Only One Mistress sample pre-nups on display)
-- The Toast Master

Beyond Seafoam -- The Most Unflattering Bridesmaids' Dresses

Loved the horror movie they were watching at home with Jimbo and Shauna with the evil mixer -- that had to be a based on a Stephen King novel.

Homer's "Dr. Heffernan" Next Year's Wedding Trends:
10) Longer Aisles
 9) 2nd Best Man
 8) Separate Honeymoons
 7) Flowers
 6) Cultural Appropriation
 5) Ads on Veils
 4) In Memoriam Reel
 3) Friends
 2) Sand Dabs (which is apparently a kind of flounder)
 1) True Love
Springfield General Hospital -- TB or not TB: That is the Question

I liked that Maggie was able to see the talking hernia.

Liked Marge's thought balloon where the helicopter crashed into the ocean after rescuing Homer and Marge.

Chief Wiggum: "Yeah, ruining people's day at the beach. We are worse than sand in a hot dog, hey Lou."
Lou: "You know there's double murder downtown."
Chief Wiggum: "Well, now it's a triple 'cause you just killed my day." 

Luigi: "Homer's talking to nobody. Cat Lady is eating with her cats. Ralph is inna the lobster tank."
Ralph: "I'm expensive."

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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18 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

The Blackboard brackets were amusing -- how did Ralph defeat Skinner ?

It's Bart's bracket, it's the most perfect outcome for that matchup. (And probably the reason why he got the punishment this week). ANYONE could beat Skinner, and having it be Ralph is the extra twist of the knife.

Edited by Galileo908
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I saw this and I think it should be shared here. Its an interview in a Q&A format with The Simpsons' Showrunner Al Jean. They talk about a lot of different stuff (including Luke Perry's passing) but here it the bit about the whole Michael Jackson episode. The quotes are taken from two different sections of the interview:


Jean and his wife, fellow Simpsons writer Stephanie Gillis, dropped down to Austin, Texas, to speak on a panel about their collaborative process at SXSW. “We were on at the same time as AOC, so we were happy to have a full room!” Jean tells me.

The two were also celebrating a recent milestone: last year, The Simpsons passedGunsmoke to become the longest-running scripted series in TV history. And the show, now in its 30th season—and renewed for two more—isn’t showing any signs of stopping.

In a wide-ranging talk with The Daily Beast, Jean addressed the Michael Jackson controversy and so much more.


The very first episode of Season 3, “Stark Raving Dad,” featuring the voice of Michael Jackson made some news recently when it was revealed that you decided to remove the episode after watching the Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland. That must have been a difficult decision for you, seeing as you wrote it and it was your first episode at the reins.

Yes. It wasn’t something that makes me happy. It’s something I agree with completely. What saddens me is, if you watch that documentary—which I did, and several of us here did—and you watch that episode, honestly, it looks like the episode was used by Michael Jackson for something other than what we’d intended it. It wasn’t just a comedy to him, it was something that was used as a tool. And I strongly believe that. That, to me, is my belief, and it’s why I think removing it is appropriate. I lose a little bit of money financially, it’s not something that’s great personally to lose one of the most successful things I ever did, but I totally think it’s the right move. I don’t believe in going through and making judgments on every guest star and saying “this one was bad, that one was bad,” but the episode itself has a false purpose, and that’s what I object to about it now.

And the false purpose was what?

I think it was part of what he used to groom boys. I really don’t know, and I should be very careful because this is not something I know personally, but as far as what I think, that’s what I think. And that makes me very, very sad.

Did Michael Jackson write the song that he and Bart sing to Lisa to cheer her up, and that includes Michael’s character singing, “And your first kiss from a boy…”

He did. But I’d really not talk about it anymore because I don’t want to belabor it. It’s from the heart, on our part, and I think Jim [Brooks] put it really well. It’s not for any other reason that for what I just said, where if you watch the documentary and then you watch that episode, something’s amiss.

Have you had similar dilemmas in the past? For example, did you ever consider removing Dr. Hibbert, who’s of course a spin on Bill Cosby?

Well, there’s a different for that, which is he was a satire—he was never voiced by Cosby. He wasn’t entirely a Cosby parody either, which is why I don’t think anybody looks at the character now and says “Oh, that’s Bill Cosby.” It’s a different thing. Nobody’s perfect, and other guest stars have been far from perfect, but this is the only episode where there was a point to the episode that was other than just having the guest star do a comic performance on the guest star’s part, which I didn’t realize at the time.


Edited by TVSpectator
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Oh no, Bart turned into a neckbeard. It makes sense that Bart et all would compete in a League of Legends spoof. At least it was better than when they covered Warcraft. I appreciated that Sophie of all characters was brought in, but Natasha Lyonne voiced her instead (I guess Drew Barrymore was too busy?)

I did like how the pro gamer quit gaming the moment he lost a single game, and that he just turned 19 (and how that's pretty old for a streamer). Lisa had to ruin everything by teaching Homer zen, didn't she? Although the riot was pretty fun.

"3 Zen Minimum" was a great sign, but seems like Homer got a pass for being mistaken for Buddha (again).

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I liked it when the bus in Seoul drove past the 'Simpsons Animation Studio and Casino'

I thought the video game was more of a mashup of 'Clash of Clans" and "Fortnite'.

The Dreams in Lisa's book:
-- Get Homer to Recycle
-- Be one inch taller than Bart

The hotel they stayed at in Seoul -- Courtyard by DMZ.

Stores seen on the streets of Seoul:
-- Chuck Kim Cheese
-- Seoul Cycle
-- BTS Army
-- Seoul Train! Station
-- Chick Korea Fried Chicken
-- Chan Ho Park Park (named after the baseball player)
-- signs for N. Korea, S. Korea, and W. Korea.

Why was Homer videocalling with Barney ? 

Marge's Mandala had the Simpson family (Bart was holding a slingshot) plus Santa's Little Helper, Snowball, a Happy Little elf, and a teddy bear.
Homer's mandala had Homer's head (with the eyes closed), a TV, a mug of beer, a TV remote, and a donut.

I liked when Homer turned off the power that the video game on the large screen went from Conflict of Enemies, to an 8-bit version of Conflict of Enemies, to PacMan to Pong.
And then during the riot the background music was the theme song from MASH (Suicide is Painless).  Or the fact that the Grief Counselor was a robot.

Bart: "This is General Splatton. Copy."
Milhouse: "Copy."
Nelson/Sophie: "Copy"
Sophie: "Jinx. You owe me a coke."
Nelson: "Uh, I'll never be able to pay that bet."

Milhouse's avatar in the video game was basically an anthropomorphic Puppy Goo Goo with Milhouse's glasses.

Skinner: "Now apparently the Evergreen Terrors have won, uh, this thing I don't understand at all but which gave the school new basketball nets."

Bart: "Okay team. Take a break and meet up for practice in 30."
Sophie: "My dad said we could all go to Krustyburger."
Milhouse: "Is he giving us a discount ?"
Sophie: "No, he just said we could go."
Krusty: "It'll be nice to have some kids in there again, after what the monkey did during that birthday party. Mmmm."

Martin: "I didn't cry at my grandpa's funeral -- mostly because he was racist."

Homer: "Kids, you need to practice 10000 hours to get great."
Milhouse: "Are you sure ?"
Homer: "That's how long Malcolm Gladwell needed to think it up."

The name of the Canadian video game team was the Calgary Lames, a play on the Calgary Flames hockey team. 

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