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S04.E09: Dark Waters


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I didn't watch after they went to get in the limo so this episode ended with Oliver and Felicity getting engaged, which felt like a great Christmas - er, holiday present.

This was a really great episode, though! I'm genuinely surprised after last week, but it really felt like that trip to Central City never even happened. I don't remember hearing even one reference to it, so I'm just going to stick with my, "it was all a really bad dream" theory because you can't show me the Oliver and Felicity we saw tonight and have me believe they are the same people we saw last week. Nope!*

I fast-forwarded through the flashbacks too, which made the episode pacing so much better.

*Obviously this is moot if there was some big secret kid reveal/reference in the limo ride of doom . . . Which didn't happen because I didn't see it and you can't tell me any differently.

ETA: Okay I've seen the GIFs. The kissing in the limo definitely happened - but nothing else! Everything was fine and they went home and drank hot chocolate and then made out on their ugly bedspread.

Edited by GirlvsTV
  • Love 8

That was great! I enjoyed that so, so much. I actually can't wait to watch it again later.


God, Oliver and Felicity were perfect in this episode. I almost forgot about the contrived plottiness of last week. I'm so weak! Like, I know what they're doing but I'm falling for it a little bit. My emotions!!


So with that corn, is HIVE actually Monsanto?


Well, we had Queen Bee last year (on Flash). So, H.I.V.E. Bees. Some whatever bacteria doing something to the air. A cornfield... X-Files crossover!

  • Love 8

Totally overlooked on first watch: Felicity was NICE to Donna the entire time!! That's a first!

Caught, but forgot to mention: Thea lumped politicians in with pedophiles and meter maids as people MM would bring her to kill to stave off the blood lust!! HAHAHA!

Was anyone else expecting/HOPING Felicity was going to climb on Oliver's lap in th Limo of Love/Limo of Doom?!

  • Love 3

More stuff I missed:

QL's ADORABLE nose scrunch immediately after being busted by Felicity.

Then, instead of the expected "daughter," he said "boyfriend: "Did you say boyfriend? I thought we were just on a date." SO CUTE!

Did anyone else catch Felicity warning Oliver not to lie when she approached him about the first proposal: "And before you say anything, you should know I found the ring." UGH, she knows he's a lying liar who lies, so maybe they can work through the BM crap?! What has OLICITY done to me? I used to be a woman with principles.

  • Love 3

Man, does this take me back. Spent years bracing myself for the death of Chloe on Smallville, and I never got it. I like blonde female geeks, I guess. Here's hoping we see one of those gets married to Green Arrow. Again.


I'm still thinking Quentin bites it in the end, though it's more about redemption and wishful thinking for me.


Fuck Damien Dark. And fuck the writers if they kill off Felicity and use that to fuel Oliver's manpain.

  • Love 4

I'm kinda annoyed at myself that Oliver was adorable enough, and O/F were legit incredible, that I'm willing to handwave the lying liar who lies part.




It bugged me when I was watching it, but by the end of the episode, and after thinking about it, I'm willing to give a brief reprieve to my irritation. They are just too damn adorable together, and my emotions are complicated!

  • Love 10

I'm still a bit confused by Damien's plan. I assumed 'genesis' was kind of like another undertaking in that they want to destroy the city but what's with the crops and the clean air underground? I don't understand these things! 


He wants to kill everyone off and repopulate. He's going to poison the air though, so they need somewhere to live where they can breathe. 

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 2

It bugged me when I was watching it, but by the end of the episode, and after thinking about it, I'm willing to give a brief reprieve to my irritation. They are just too damn adorable together, and my emotions are complicated!


I legit liked this episode SO MUCH, that THAT is influencing me too. Last week was a fluke of artificially constructed dramalhama, this week they came back to the real storyline.

  • Love 6

I have to say I'm impressed.  They managed to write the proposal in a way that it would have been unnatural if Oliver didn't propose.  Boo that they've also now gotten my hopes up that they might fight to stay together rather than just break up when BM bomb goes off. 


Donna and Quentin were everything and more that I imagined.  Please don't let that be the end of them.  Need more!!  I only worry because QL seemed taken aback that he was "boyfriend" after just a few dates but Smoak woman know what they want quickly. 


Oh they really tried to make it seem like Felicity is DOA but I don't think so.   Once they get done playing up this red herring, does that mean she gets to be off the list? 

  • Love 7

This is the first time that I thought "the Canary cry makes sense" since Sara used it in s2.

He wants to kill everyone off and repopulate. He's going to poison the air though, so they need somewhere to live where they can breathe. 

If you're going to be a supervillain (at last!) go big or go home.


Did anyone recognize the actor who played the male HIVE partner?  I've seen him so many times and now I can't remember where.

The woman is Lynda Boyd who played Rose on Republic of Doyle.



How can these folks NOT know how to write soap opera? Obviously it should have been Oliver at death's door, and the ONLY living relative whose blood/organ/whatever could save him would be.....his SON! That is how you milk a poorly thought out secret.

Unfortunately, they did that last season when they tried to sell that Oliver had died falling off the mountain. Too soon to repeat it.


But if anyone has doubts that Felicity is Oliver's mate -- matching pseudo death scenes, same episode, different seasons.

  • Love 1

And it just takes too much energy to harbor resentment and anger, right?


(I'm a total sucker.)


It really is exhausting to be an invested fangirl. ;D


I legit liked this episode SO MUCH, that THAT is influencing me too. Last week was a fluke of artificially constructed dramalhama, this week they came back to the real storyline.


It was so good that I'm less worried about any future drama fallout from last week's ep as well. Keep MG focused on LOT and away from Arrow. Like, why would you mess this relationship up? It's so good when they are together. 

  • Love 8

she knows he's a lying liar who lies, so maybe they can work through the BM crap?! 


 they might fight to stay together rather than just break up when BM bomb goes off. 

I know "BM" means Baby Mama, but reading these quotes out of context makes me think of the other meaning of "BM" and Oliver and Felicity breaking up because of it. I am having an inappropriate bathroom humor moment. 

  • Love 7

I do kinda hate myself but I also don't even care about Oliver proposing while lying. THEY GOT ME GOOD. Just the way it unfolded? The whole episode was basically them proposing to each other and I LOVED IT. 


Yeah, I'm a sucker and I hate myself for it. They even got me to not hate the public proposal because they'd already agreed to get married at that point. Good night.

  • Love 12

Let's count the death anvils:


Thea in her scene with Malcolm where she thought she was cured of her bloodlust and Malcolm was all ominous and concerned about what it meant.


Laurel with Quentin and him saying he basically doesn't know what he would do if something happened to her.


Felicity with well, everything, and the bleeding and the general being near death. 


Oh, and Quentin maybe being exposed as a double agent.


Any others?

Edited by Guest

Also Kudos to Wendy and Ben for making that proposal scene make sense and stay true to Oliver/Felicity's characters. I honestly was worried when I first saw that scene from canadadouche because I thought "That does not look like something they would do WTF WRITERS". 


I only trust in Wendy and Ben now. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 9

I want to keep DD and NM for a long time. He dethroned Slade Wilson as the best Arrow villain. That being said: References to the Holocaust. I didn't like that at all.


The SmoaknLance reveal was hilarious. EBR shocked, appalled delivery totally worked. Happy looks good on Lance. Also want someone lying to Laurel to be a running joke.


I hate the FB. I DON'T CARE.


Strong Diggle/Andy stuff too. Nice set-up.


Malcolm calling Laurel's outfit bondage. I'll take that writers. Speaking of Laurel. Con: More Laurel than I thought there would be. Pro: Easily her best episode. I will admit that the only fault I found with her was the Canary Cry. Which is awful. And stupid. Laurel got some death anvils. Heavy ones. The parallel of her words to Lance and Felicity's to Oliver. Dang.


I wiped 4x08 from my brain. The Olicity was beautiful. I loved the scene in the cage. I'm surprisingly okay with the public proposal. 


Thea needed more to do. 

  • Love 5

PROOF THAT LL IS IN THE GRAVE: She asked about MM, seemingly out of concern, TWICE! The first time saved his life.

And, woah! Right before they head to the tree lighting, Felicity smiles at Oliver and says: "What? You're not the only one who can keep a secret." Hmmmmmm.

My deluded fangirl scenario going into hellatus is Felicity somehow already knows about the kid, and is just giving Oliver the time he needs to process. Yes.

Also unicorns are real.

  • Love 14

Ugh. I just love SA and EBR together so damn much. It's all the little things that have sold me on Olicity.


All throughout the series..and no different here. The little nose snuggles and forehead touches...the smiles....The way he looked at her like she had lost her damn mind when she was babbling at Curtis' husband... the way he carried her as she is desperately clinging to him after the rescue from the gas chamber.



Ahhh...just....I don't even care that he didn't tell her everything yet. I'm a sucker.

  • Love 8

Laurel used the F word with Oliver; she actually said "fault" and echoed what he says at the grave. The Felicity anvils were so over-the-top, but there were a lot of Laurel anvils.

Were there any for Digg?

There were at least 5 for me--each of my 5 shots of Bourbon! No worries; that includes pre, during live, and second watch. Any other revelers out there?

Anyone else see the cornfield and get major flashbacks to Fight the Future? I thought for sure I was gonna see black eyes next, heh.

But in all seriousness, I was pleasantly surprised by that episode. They even managed to make me forget my rage for a moment, mostly because the proposal became inevitable due to Felicity finding out, confronting Oliver, and being so damn adorable about it all. THIS IS WHY I HAVE SUCH A LOVE/HATE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU, ARROW WRITERS.

Everyone was pretty much in top form...well, except for everyone having to do with the boring-ass flashback scenes.

And sorry CW, you ain't gonna make me believe that Felicity is in the grave. This isn't my first rodeo.

Edited by NumberCruncher
  • Love 8

Biggest anvil for Laurel's death was her telling Oliver not to blame himself for whatever was happening...


Definitely a parallel to the first grave scene.


Just sayin'

I missed that one. I was thinking about Felicity and Laurel having similar dialogue. Both told Oliver it wasn't fault/not to blame himself and both said they could take care of themselves. I was thinking it was a bait-and-switch. All eyes on Felicity, they miss all the signs pointing to Laurel.

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