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S04.E09: Three's A Crowd

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Oh, another thing that I find cruel is depriving Cadence from bonding with her mother at such a critical age.  She needs both parents.  I don't find it amusing. 

Since HP is out dealing with her own postpartum issues, there really isn't a good choice for the show to make.

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While men and women can certainly text each other, without wanting to sleep together, I think the amount of time Markus is demanding, of Rayna, and the texting at all hours, was upsetting him, then seeing his behavior in person, confirmed Markus's evil intentions!

I definitely don't text my male co workers, offering to chat and telling them I'm there for them. If one texted me offering that, especially knowing I was in a relationship, it would be a big old clue, that we might have a little misunderstanding going on!

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Men know men so well and can pick out a guy like Markus who was so obvious to Deacon that he had to say something to Rayna, used a bad choice of words but he knew from the minute he laid eyes on that twerp there was going to be a problem. Rayna not seeing it, maybe too focused on getting the album completed but I hope she sees it soon. She was always so in tune with who she was associated with and what the boundaries were I just hope they aren't making her think no big deal.

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I don't know. I miss Juliette and I miss Juliette and Avery. I wish the show had never included Hayden's pregnancy.


I miss them too. They used to be so good. This season has been absolutely horrible and miserable for them, and even before HP had to leave they were only in scenes in two of the 7 episodes she appeared in. That is a crime and travesty considering their chemistry and how well they work together.


As for Avery and Emily, they are probably the most boring couple I could ever conceive of. Except for maybe Scarlett and Caleb. Hope that doesn't happen.



Why doesn't Avery get a lawyer and sue Juliette for child support, Or at least go to Luke and tell him that Juliette needs to support her daughter.


He is being really stubborn and prideful when it comes to Juliette's money. I get that he doesn't want Juliette in Cadence's life because he thinks she will only hurt her throughout her life, but Juliette's money could provide Cadence with so much more than he ever could - the best schools, college tuition, a trust fund so she could be set for life - I guess since he was raised middle class, he just wants to give Cadence the same upbringing as him and shelter her from her tornado of a mother. But when you're struggling to pay basic bills, maybe you should swallow your pride and take child support from your millionaire wife. 

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I so agree with all of that!  And I hate Gunnar and all his stalkerish past behavior, so I really have no interest in watching him and Scarlett together again.


What used to be a fun little show has become very painful to watch.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hadn't forgot about that. Gunnar was a straight ass to Scarlett for weeks because she had the nerve to move on and date a doctor. No interest for me either seeing them get back together.

Speaking of asses, hey Deacon: welcome to the club!

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No Layla and the words "the Beverley" did not cross anyone's lips (that I recall), so that was a plus.


Is Sam Palladio even thinner than previous seasons, or is it just that the mass of hair is so distracting that the rest of him diminishes in comparison? If Scarlet can get a new 'do, can Gunnar and Avery please follow suit? 

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I'm not sure how much longer I can stick with this show.  It's boring, it's stupid, it's repetitive, it's poorly written and I just can't anymore with Scarlet and Gunnar.  What's the point?  I actually missed Layla and Jeff, so what does that say?

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Is Sam Palladio even thinner than previous seasons, or is it just that the mass of hair is so distracting that the rest of him diminishes in comparison? If Scarlet can get a new 'do, can Gunnar and Avery please follow suit? 


Ikr? Jonathan Jackson looked kinda schlubby on stage at last night's CMT awards so I wish he would either shave or cut his hair. Just do something. Lennon manage to look like her mid 20s so it was kinda distracting.


Can we get Avery and Will to become a duo and get signed to highway 65. With Layla gone, annoying Markus taking over and boring Gunner/Scarlett/Erin on the road, I need more fun characters and Glenn back as somebody's manager storyline.

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Avery being underpaid by the jingle guy made no sense. Every professional musician or actor I've ever known has been a union member. Ad agencies, production companies, whoever, all have to pay, at minimum, union scale. The budgets are all set and pay rates determined before anybody sets foot in a studio.

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Why doesn't Avery get a lawyer and sue Juliette for child support, Or at least go to Luke and tell him that Juliette needs to support her daughter.


If I recall correctly, Avery demanded full custody of the baby, and he was not even open to visitation.  It's not uncommon is such cases for one parent to agree to forfeit  child support in return for that type of complete control.  (Even with Juliette's mental health issues, it is highly unlikely that a court would have awarded him the type of control he wanted.  In return for the control, he promised Juliette his silence and also likely forfeited his right to alimony, property, child support, etc.)  


I think this a case of pride going before the fall.  He wrote the agreement, not Juliette.  She would likely have cheerfully supported the baby and even helped out Avery.  And I think she would still be more than happy to do so.  Even in her unbalanced state, she still loved her husband and baby.  She just didn't know how to live with them.


I haven't given up on Javery by a long shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I hope a happy and healthy Hayden is able to return soon.  Nashville just isn't the same without her.

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I hope that this ultra-conservative country music singer who Will works with is a latent homosexual and he'll rape Will at some point, just to revive this boring mess a bit.


I wouldn't go so far as rape, but I'm guessing that he'll make some sort of pass at Will, and we find out he's been on the DL for years. That whole "He protests a little too much" kind of thing.

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Oh Chris Carmack, I remember being excited when he started this show because he was on one of my favorite shows, The O.C and I liked the idea of his character but now, I don't know. None of these characters do anything different in any episodes anymore. 

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Oh Chris Carmack, I remember being excited when he started this show because he was on one of my favorite shows, The O.C and I liked the idea of his character but now, I don't know. None of these characters do anything different in any episodes anymore.

I keep hoping he will punch a homophobe and say, "Welcome to Nashville, BITCH!"
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I keep hoping he will punch a homophobe and say, "Welcome to Nashville, BITCH!"

OMG! YES YES, YES! I wish I could like this post more than once! Its probably sad how I wish Nashville was more like these other people's shows. I wish Rayana was more like Tami Taylor- although we do get some lovely hey y'alls but not good enough. And I wish someone would say "save Juliette, save the world!"

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I surprise myself writing this but Nashville has run its course, even for me. Nothing to do with the cast and everything to do with the writing.

They are even f***ing with Deacon now. And I don't miss Juliette AT ALL but that's nothing to do with Hayden Panetierre and everything to do with what the writers did to her character. They just aren't very good, particularly at long term planning or storylining or character development. As others have said before, at this point no one is doing anything interesting.

Re Deacon, I can see how he might be insecure and all that but the way it's written, and resolved so simplistically, he just comes over as a baby-stroke-unreconstructed pig. Which makes me sad because I love him, obviously.

Probably off thread but I wonder if my expectations are too high? I'm not in the States and I don't watch a lot of US network TV, but is Nashville representative in being so lame? I ditched Scandal in season 3 because it was stupid and didn't have such a great cast as Nashville to keep me. Other US stuff I watch is way better written than Nashville but it's not network.

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Good news!  Took a break from "The Beverly" crap!  Bad news: instead, they show wastes time on Deacon being a jealous nitwit over Markus, and then, of course, the show ends up hinting he might be right, so his asshole behavior will be excused.  Thanks, Nashville.  Talk about stupid drama.  Even if the show was ever going to go there (which, again, for all her faults, I can never see Rayna cheating on Deacon that easily), it wouldn't be with Markus.  Only way I would ever see Rayna ever truly consider that would be if Deacon started drinking again and either a) Liam comes back and those feelings come back or b) Kyle Chandler guests as a new character. Because Friday Night Lights was awesome enough that I could accept the Taylors back together, no matter what show it is.  But Markus?  This show ain't going to do that.  So, don't pretend, please.


Hey, at least Maddie finally realizes that she's been a total asshole to Daphne, and apologizes for it.  Still not quite enough to make up for her horrid behavior, but it's a start, I guess.


Gunnar and Erin playing "Touch the sculpture boob" might have been a total waste, but at least it was short.  On the other hand, Scarlett/Caleb continue to drag and grinds things to a halt.  Come on, Scarlett.  He pretty much admitted that he doesn't respect your profession.  You have to know that this relationship isn't healthy.


Yeah, sorry, Luke.  It's going to take more then fishing trips to make Colt get over the fact that you are making him lie to everyone that he didn't see what really happened to Jeff.  Quit being so surprised by it, Mr. Wheeler.


Another day in Nashville, another episode were both Will and Avery had to get smacked around.  Will finds out that his song was not only taken by that guy who refused to have his picture taken with him, but that the guy is completely 100% in the "Traditional Marriage 4Life!" tank.  But since no one else is really knocking down his door, his options are limited.  Meanwhile, Avery is barely scrapping by, and has to keep doing stupid jingles, at the expense of trying to get out and perform again. I know you wouldn't like it, Avery, but maybe you should ask Juliette for help.

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Confused by a few things:

-Avery and Juliette are married. Doesn't he have access to a joint account he can draw on? Or at least a credit card?

-In convincing Will to take the job, Avery (or maybe it was the manager) said that one big hit written for a big star could make Will's career. But didn't Will already have a big hit that he wrote for Luke? So it's not like this would be his first big break, fight?

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Confused by a few things:

-Avery and Juliette are married. Doesn't he have access to a joint account he can draw on? Or at least a credit card?

-In convincing Will to take the job, Avery (or maybe it was the manager) said that one big hit written for a big star could make Will's career. But didn't Will already have a big hit that he wrote for Luke? So it's not like this would be his first big break, fight?

Avery is divorcing Juliette, doesn't want anything to do with her, and doesn't want her to have access to Cadence because she's so reckless and selfish he feels she's only going to end up hurting the child psychologically/emotionally, if not physically. And in taking that stand, his pride and anger will not allow him to use Juliette's money for any bills. Emily offered him money from Juliette's account(s) or that she would give him a loan herself - he needs the money "for Cadence" and he said NO.


Will is in a tough position because Luke dropped him from the label, per PR lady's advice that Will being gay and associated with him would make Luke lose money/business opportunities in a city like Nashville. Luke said after that it was a really hard thing to do, but she dismissively said it was the right thing for him to do for his image. 

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What the heck are the "lifestyle brand" products that Luke is about to launch? It makes me laugh to think about the possibilities.

A Luke Wheeler cake carrier!


Why do we have to put up with temporary characters while getting so little info on long-standing Emily?

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A Luke Wheeler cake carrier!

Haha, that would be awesome! Hopefully it also comes with a remote control car you can drive into the cake.

Why do we have to put up with temporary characters while getting so little info on long-standing Emily?

Probably because she isn't sleeping with one of the main characters. She is destined to remain the on call errand runner and babysitter who drops by once an episode to drop something off or watch Cadence.
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They're soooo obviously setting up the dynamic between Scarlett and Caleb where they're just "from different worlds" and have nothing in common. The anvils couldn't be more blatant that a breakup between these two is imminent -- when they were lying in bed and she told an anecdote about being on the road that he didn't get, and then he tried to tell her about a clinical trial which she didn't get. 


And then in case that wasn't obvious enough, they had him outright dissing her career with the "I'm saving lives while you're running around performing for beers in nightclubs."  Which, btw, is a pet peeve of mine. Yes, doctors are clearly doing important work, maybe objectively more "important" than a lot of other careers. But it's a total jackass move to ever pull that card.  Maybe I'm sensitive to it because I have a friend who's a nurse, and a few years ago we were having a discussion about how we never get to see each other. She tried to get me to ditch work to do something with her on her schedule, and I said I couldn't, to which she replied with something about how "it's not like you're saving lives or anything."  Implying that because my job was less "important" than hers, it doesn't need to be taken seriously as a commitment.  That has always bugged me and I see Caleb as doing the same thing to Scarlett.

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Ugh. I hate it when people say their work is more important than someone else's. Yes, being a doctor, police officer, nurse, and other things in that area, are VERY important, and yes they save lives, but other people's jobs are important to them, for various reasons. With Scarlet, it's her dream of being able to sing live, but for others in the real world, even a lesser type job is still roughly important as being a doctor, they are working so they can pay their bills, but I digress. Caleb is a jerk. 

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they were lying in bed and she told an anecdote about being on the road that he didn't get, and then he tried to tell her about a clinical trial which she didn't get.

Didn't Scarlett get into researching trials when she was desperate for something to help Deacon? Did the writers forget? Or maybe she understood but just didn't have any reaction. I wasn't paying total attention during that scene so I can't blame her!

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I agree that Deacon's "No man texts with a woman he doesn't want to sleep with" was churlish and sexist, but he's not wrong about Dorkus. If only Deacon hadn't generalized! Niece of magpie is entirely correct: Markus IS one hundred percent yuck! (Also, I find myself wondering if he's supposed to be high every time he's onscreen.)

I think Luke has mishandled Colt's situation completely, but I believe his anguish at failing -- and possibly losing -- his son is real. It's the first I've really had any sympathy for Mr. Luke Wheeler Experience .

And speaking of ten-gallon bozos, Mr. Family Values Guy is totally going to turn out to be on the downlow, and I predict he'll make a pass at Will before the end of the next episode -- two episodes, tops. I thought he was going to hit on Will this episode, what with the "my kids are away, the wife won't be back, yadda yadda eyebrow waggle..." (But did Joshua Cox really change his name to "Josh Coxx"? Really?)

I did like how much of the episode was focused on the processes of music-making in Nashville. I thought Scarlett's song about Tennessee sounded really pretty. Too bad Doctor Latte is back to being a passive-aggressive ninny because the plot requires it.

Edited by Sandman
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I agree that Deacon's "No man texts with a woman he doesn't want to sleep with" was churlish and sexist, but he's not wrong about Dorkus. If only Deacon hadn't generalized! Niece of magpie is entirely correct: Markus IS one hundred percent yuck! (Also, I find myself wondering if he's supposed to be high every time he's onscreen.)


My girl is wise beyond her years. ;) And I too often wonder if Markus is supposed to always be a little bit drunk or high! (He is, right??)


You know, Deacon's "he wants to sleep with you" didn't bother me in the slightest. I didn't find it sexist at all, though I get why people do. I've had male friends say things like that to me in the past, the idea that no man will pay that much attention to a woman he doesn't want to see naked. I've argued, said it's sexist, said it's insane, etc., but so many of them have said it (and so many of them who aren't sexist) that I do think there's truth to it. And in this situation, Deacon was totally on point. I also think it was the comment Markus made early on about them having "similar taste in some things" when talking about Rayna's "music" that makes the whole thing OK for me. Markus basically said to Deacon, "Dude, I want to bang your girl, mmkay?"


Where Deacon lost all of the high ground was when he implied that Rayna was doing something to cause Markus to behave that way, which in turn caused Rayna to actually go to Markus and basically say she hadn't meant to lead him on. That makes me so mad...I still want to smack Deacon when I think about it, and it ruined the end for me because he didn't acknowledge what he'd actually done that was so wrong. He didn't just get a little heated. He blamed the woman he's supposed to adore for a douchey guy being douchey to them both. Screw you, Claybourne.


Also count me among those who thought the old homophobe was going to strip to his skivvies in that writing room. Then I thought Will would find gay rumors about him on the internet. There's no way that guy doesn't come on to Will, right? No way! He has closeted, hypocritical gay man who wishes to be clad in leather chaps written all over him in neon lights and rainbow boas.

Edited by madam magpie
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Did Deacon imply that Rayna was responsible for Markus's getting the wrong idea? Hmm. I don't think Rayna's going to Markus was an admission that she'd led him on. I think she wanted to be clear about their relationship. Not that Markus got the message.

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Yeah, he did. He said no man texts so much with a woman he doesn't want to sleep with...a woman he doesn't think he has a good chance of sleeping with. That's when Rayna told him he was out of line, and he said something about also wondering when she was going to tell Markus to back off. The sentence structure was terrible, but it was basically...Markus is doing this because you're leading him to believe he has a shot and why haven't you set him straight? No matter that nothing had really happened, it was all vague innuendo, which was why Markus could then act like Rayna was totally nuts for saying the things she said to him. Even though OF COURSE he was being a douchebag. He answered the door without a shirt on for heaven's sake. Basically both men acted like Rayna was asking for it or crazy, which is typical, of course. But I want better from Deacon. He's a total dreamboat, after all, and he's raising girls.

I don't think Rayna was so much admitting that she led Markus on when she went to talk to him as doing the thing women so often feel pressured to do: apologize for being themselves, being friendly, having a conversation, whatever, because many men can't seem to grasp that just because a woman is nice to them, it doesn't automatically mean she wants to make out.

Edited by madam magpie
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Did Deacon imply that Rayna was responsible for Markus's getting the wrong idea? Hmm. I don't think Rayna's going to Markus was an admission that she'd led him on. I think she wanted to be clear about their relationship. Not that Markus got the message.

Here's the scene on hulu. I love Rayna's "I beg your pardon?"


Rayna's shaking her head in disbelief and saying where is this coming from?, and so am I.

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I was watching Mr. Family guy with Will and my first impression of him as he was babbling on and on was He's gay. He was telling Will his wife wouldn't like him taking a picture with a gay man and the more excuses he gave Will it became so obvious The Family Man is gay.


I wish the series after all this bullshit is done can give Deacon back (what I want to say is give him his balls back) pride in his character as a person who has confidence in himself as a husband and father.  Right now he doesn't have that confidence in himself like he did in season 1, and maybe feeling threatened losing Rayna again he's making big mistakes in thinking that she would be interested in as MM so correctly labeled him Douchey guy, Deacon who's been in the music business 30 plus years can pick one out in seconds. I want not only to kick Deacon in the butt and remind him how many times Rayna tells him How Much She Loves Him but shake him and tell him to think on how she stood by him and supported him when he thought he was going to die. He has to know Rayna isn't a cheater (they did say those vows to one another before the surgery, I know it wasn't legal but to them it was) because if she was she would have cheated with him when she was married to Teddy. She wanted too even Teddy knew that. I love the guy, sorry and this series just needs to give this character pride in himself again.

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I was thinking that Deacon's "good chance" sounded like crazy talk, but I guess the implication was there. I would be more concerned with Markus's reaction if he didn't behave as if Rayna was incomprehensible, cranky and squelching his own precious creative spirit in every other scene.

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I was thinking that Deacon's "good chance" sounded like crazy talk, but I guess the implication was there. I would be more concerned with Markus's reaction if he didn't behave as if Rayna was incomprehensible, cranky and squelching his own precious creative spirit in every other scene.

Oh, for sure. Markus is just an annoyance really, and he matters very little except to be your garden variety asshole. Deacon's is the only reaction that would matter to Rayna, and given how she responded, it mattered quite a bit. She immediately went and did what he said he wanted her to do, even if it was sort of silly and awkward. All of that's fine. I just wish he hadn't put any of the blame for Markus's bad behavior on her, or I wish that he'd later acknowledged that he did it. It was only Markus and Deacon who were out of line. Rayna didn't do anything wrong, yet she's the one who took most of the hit and then acted to remedy the situation.

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I don't think Rayna admitted any kind of guilt by going to Markus, I just think she set boundaries for their working relationship that for whatever reason were blurred for him. There's nothing wrong with that.

Obviously he let those boundaries go in one ear and out the other, based on the promo.

Deacon has a temper. He gets angry and jealous and he lashes out. That's his character and it always has been. If a single disparaging comment he made when he was angry is the reason we all start to hate him after everything else he's done when he couldn't control his emotions, then I'll admit I'm left scratching my head.

I don't think Deacon is a sexist. He's always been in Rayna's corner and encouraged her. He's never told her she needs to sit at home and be Mrs. Deacon Claybourne or that he is the only reason she's successful.

I also do not think he thinks she's some kind of harlot or that she would step out on him. I think he's just being jealous and petty and not thinking before he talks out of his ass, which again, he's done before.

If I had a dime every time my husband said something absurd to me when he was mad (and vice versa) I'd be a rich woman.

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I don't think Deacon's a sexist or a lousy partner to Rayna either. I think he behaved like an asshole because he was feeling sad and insecure, and I wish he'd either not said the bit about her leading Markus on or at least acknowledged it in the scene at the end. He doesn't get a pass for acting like a jerk because he has a temper and has a tendency to lash out. What?? I also don't hate him for it. It's possible to recognize bad behavior without jumping to "I hate you now." And I'll tell you what... If my husband implied that the reason a douchey guy was being douchey to us was because I'd been unclear with him about my relationship, "I beg your pardon" and "I love you" wouldn't be all he'd hear about it. The douchey guy is like that because, you know, he's a douchey guy. Not because the woman led him on.

And, as I said, I don't think Rayna exactly admitted guilt at the end either. But she did take one for the team in a stereotypical way after being pushed into it by her petty, angry fiance. She would never have said anything to Markus at that point if Deacon hadn't gotten his panties in a bunch. And she'd have been right. Going over to talk to Markus about something that hadn't even happened was jumping the gun, and its obviously not going to work since he kisses her next week. Rayna already had her boundaries clear. She wasn't doing anything wrong. She was doing nothing except working and trying to finish a difficult project with a difficult musician. It's Deacon who behaved poorly between the two of them, not Rayna. He had a tantrum about a singer changing his lyrics, and he lashed out at Rayna because of his own insecurity. That's doesn't make him a rotten loser whom she should write off, but it does make him wrong here.

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I guess I'm just of the mentality that I'd rather pick my battles.

Were I Rayna, I wouldn't spend one more second on this childish nonsense than I had to. I would've made a bigger deal about the investment in the bar or something of that nature. Not a hot headed comment.

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I love Deacon. Yes, he acts like a jerk sometimes, but I forgive him. My interpretation of that scene, is him saying to Rayna that he believes that Marcus thinks he has a pretty good shot of sleeping with her because Rayna hasn't put him in his place and set boundaries. That's why she goes to his hotel to put him straight.

And, Deacon did apologise to Rayna. He said, "I'm sorry I got all heated up, I just got all jealous."

As for Marcus, I think it is him that is acting unprofessional. He knows Rayna is in a relationship, yet is ignoring that fact and coming on to her. She should have said something to him sooner in my opinion.

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I guess I'm just of the mentality that I'd rather pick my battles.

We're I Rayna, I wouldn't one more second on this childish nonsense than I had to. I would've made a bigger deal about the investment in the bar or something of that nature. Not a hot headed comment.

My impression was that she cared about the bar only because of the drinking. The investment didn't come up as an issue for her. I don't think it bothers Rayna in the slightest that he bought a business, so why would she bring that up at all? She brought up being worried about the bar and the drinking, and he lashed out at her for that too. Deacon's temper is something I wish they'd address in a realistic way. I don't think it's healthy or cool to punch mirrors or people just because you struggle with managing anger. But you know, baby steps, and that's not really my problem with what he did the other night anyway.

I don't see how anyone can possibly say that Rayna needed to set some kind of boundary. She's not responsible for the fact that Markus doesn't respect her very obvious relationship with Deacon. There's no ambiguity: they live together, are raising kids together, sometimes work together, are clearly in a committed relationship, and she made no inappropriate moves. Even if Markus has no clue about their history, that IS the boundary.

Rayna did choose the battle. She did what Deacon said he wanted and then went home to reassure him. She understood what was going on and even if he was being ridiculous decided she wanted to make sure he felt secure. There's nothing wrong with that given their history. But I don't have to like how it went down either. I'd llike to see Deacon handle something maturely on the first try for once. I think he, not Rayna, is the one who needs to learn how to choose battles.

Edited by madam magpie
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Obviously I didn't mean the actual investment in the bar. She doesn't and shouldn't care if he wants to invest money in X business. I meant the fact that he's an alcoholic and he's not a silent partner so he will be around alcohol all the time and pouring it and doing inventory and whatever else.

That's a huge concern. And she did bring it up but then they hugged it out that day and five minutes later it was done.

So it's okay for her to drop that but she has to beat a dead horse because he made a petty comment when he was upset?

I'm starting to get the impression that there is absolutely nothing Rayna can do that is wrong and she holds zero responsibility for anything.

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You're starting to get that impression?? You've been complaining about that for at least two seasons now. I'm not going to blame her for something I don't think she did wrong, though, no.

Rayna beat no dead horse. She did exactly what all of you who were angry with her about the spoiler wanted her to do. I'm the one who dislikes how it went down, the message it sent, and what I see as a typically sexist audience reaction to a typically sexist dramatized situation.

As for Deacon buying the bar, as long as he wasn't drinking, that wouldn't bother me much either. I assume he used his money and could cover the expenses, and his enthusiasm and spontaneity are two of the qualities I find most attractive about the character. Under those circumstances, if my husband did that, I might have a moment of "wait...you did what?" But then I'd be done. He gets to have a life and job that matter to him. I wouldn't want to obstruct that, and I'm certainly not going to tell him how to spend his money. And yes, his believing that I was leading another man on would probably bother me more.

Edited by madam magpie
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I have complained about it on the show because it's true. Saint Rayna is never held responsible for anything. (And that's coming from someone who roots for Rayna and whose biggest draw is Deacon and Rayna together.)

But I was specifically referring to this board. If a number of us say we think Rayna should've set boundaries with Markus a while ago we are pegged as giving a typical sexist audience reaction. If we say we don't understand why she has to flirt to get work done when she's made her career by not giving into actual sexist pressure by oversexualizing herself to get to the top we are handed a line about chaste whatever.

It's just getting old is all. She is a flawed character and she does screw up sometimes. It's not always 100% someone else's fault. It happens to the best of us.

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Very true. But in this case, I do think someone else was 100% at fault. That also happens to the best of us. And yeah, I don't think smiling at someone or talking to him is the same as oversexualizing, and I do think that blaming the woman for a man's bad behavior is sexist. For me, that got old a very long time ago, much longer ago than I've been typing on this board or watching this show. If you don't, ok. That's just a difference opinion. Also, I think you need to reread my posts. I primarily blame Markus and understand where Deacon was coming from. I'm just not willing to give him a pass because god forbid Rayna might actually be in the right here and poor Deacon can't catch a break...though good on him for acknowledging in the end that he's actually caught the only break that matters.

Edited by madam magpie
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I'm loving reading all the posting on what everyone's thoughts are about this ridiculous situation that these Nashville writers have put Deacon/Rayna in. I want these writers to start writing adult stories instead of always bringing up again and again Deacon's insecurities. Yes, we know he has them but for heaven sakes write the character like he's learned from the past instead of always dragging him back to it. 


My problem with all of this is these writers never bring Deacon full circle, he's stuck in the bottom half. Never matures as a man and I'm sure that's gotta be a problem with Chip since he knows at some point the character gets better over time, learns from past mistakes or he's just going to fade away or into the background.


I just read on FF what the next episode on Nashville should have been but unfortunately episode 10 has already been filmed. The story is from a writer who writes both Deacon/Rayna (especially Deacon) like they should be written in the series. Heartbeat written by piratewench, chapter #8 is the perfect episode of how Deacon handled the situation. If you get a chance read all 1 thru 8 chapters she's one hell of a writer.

Edited by Sutton
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My problem with all of this is these writers never bring Deacon full circle, he's stuck in the bottom half. Never matures as a man and I'm sure that's gotta be a problem with Chip since he knows at some point the character gets better over time, learns from past mistakes or he's just going to fade away or into the background.


I totally agree, Sutton! They never let him learn, internalize, and make the right choice the first time. He always screws up and apologizes, which is OK; people do that too, and he's always so sincere and loving in his apologies. But I wish they'd let him evolve into someone who makes good decisions and owns them. It's sort of like how my biggest issue with Rayna is that she's so reactive. I want her to start making proactive decisions instead of just having things happen to her. But it's a pattern, I guess. I don't know. I really don't understand it, to tell the truth. I don't understand the point of this story a lot of the time.

Edited by madam magpie
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Have you ever read FF stories written by piratewench because she writes the Deacon character the way I would love to see the Nashville writers write him. She, like me fell in love with the Deacon character and promised herself that she wouldn't destroy the Deacon character but give him, confidence, pride, self respect as a man, pick himself up and was determined to make himself a better person. Each one of her stories is about Deacon Claybourne and each one takes him threw tough times but she never destroyed (is that a harsh word) his character or constantly knocked him down, throwing the label alcoholic or drunk but gave us readers a character with all his faults a man who was in love with one woman his whole life. In a few stories Deacon made it as a solo artist and her imagination in writing these stories is amazing.

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I hope that this ultra-conservative country music singer who Will works with is a latent homosexual and he'll rape Will at some point, just to revive this boring mess a bit.

While I think they'll go in the obvious Mr.Clean is a closeted person route, if they went to rape as a way to revive the storyline, that would be it for me.


Will Chase really impressed and got me when his face turned from fury to anguish as Luke realized his son no longer wanted anything to do with him.

I thought so too - I think it's his acting ability that's made Luke a tolerable (sometimes) character. He manages to put more than douche into his role.


Ugh. I hate it when people say their work is more important than someone else's. Yes, being a doctor, police officer, nurse, and other things in that area, are VERY important, and yes they save lives, but other people's jobs are important to them, for various reasons. With Scarlet, it's her dream of being able to sing live, but for others in the real world, even a lesser type job is still roughly important as being a doctor, they are working so they can pay their bills, but I digress. Caleb is a jerk.

While it's true that some jobs are objectively "more important," stating it in a relationship speaks more to self-importance rather than objective truth. I may be a bit touchy about it, as my ex was just like this - and his job was just a job, just one that was valued more financially than mine (though mine required more education).


But I was specifically referring to this board. If a number of us say we think Rayna should've set boundaries with Markus a while ago we are pegged as giving a typical sexist audience reaction. If we say we don't understand why she has to flirt to get work done when she's made her career by not giving into actual sexist pressure by oversexualizing herself to get to the top we are handed a line about chaste whatever.

Being a friendly, open person is not the same thing as flirting. Being in a professional situation already comes with a set of boundaries, no one should have to set additional boundaries. Edited by clanstarling
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But it's a pattern, I guess. I don't know. I really don't understand it, to tell the truth. I don't understand the point of this story a lot of the time.


I'm not sure there is a point, other than maximizing the angst potential of any given situation. If the characters were actually able to learn from their past mistakes and make better ones, the story becomes a drama, rather than a melodrama. It's the latter the writers are comfortable with, I think.

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