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S05.E09: The Litvinov Ruse

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Allison is suppose to be this really charismatic and convincing personality.


She talked Saul out of sending her back home and now she's trying to talk herself out of deep shit.


Well she was banging Saul so that explains it.  Maybe she'll charm Dar.


Too old to be a femme fatale though.

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Too old to be a femme fatale though.


I think Alison is a very attractive woman with her gorgeous hair and all.  The actress who plays her is in her 40s - what's the cut-off date for a femme fatale?


She sure has Dar bamboozled - I hope he doesn't fall for her convoluted explanation.


It's funny how a show like Homeland is constantly checked and scrutinized for realism when everyone's fine with zombies walking around Los Angeles or wherever.  They're both fictional TV shows.

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It's funny how a show like Homeland is constantly checked and scrutinized for realism when everyone's fine with zombies walking around Los Angeles or wherever.  They're both fictional TV shows.

And the people who watch The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead criticize it all of the time when things don't make sense in the context of a Zombie Apocalypse or are inconsistent with what's happened before.

Similarly, it's hard to credit that Allison would be able to talk her way out of this, even temporarily, given all of the information the CIA currently knows and will know once they investigate further.

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She sure has Dar bamboozled - I hope he doesn't fall for her convoluted explanation.

It's not so much convoluted as it is unsubstantiated.  It is part of Allison's job to do such things as run agents, but there's a process involved, part of which prevents days like this where you suddenly come up with a claim why your super-shady actions are actually reasonable.  


Even if there is a super-secret record (unknown to Saul or Dar) that she compromised the head of SVR Berlin, her actions over the last days are super, super suspicious.  If Allison was worried that her agent was about to be blown, what she should have done was go immediately to Dar and tell him, so they could work out a rescue of so valuable an asset.  Or she could have phoned the guy and given him the code that means 'you're blown - flee now'.  


What Allison did was flee herself, using methods that could only be aimed at shaking off attention from her own side.  Kinda hard to talk your way out of that, and beguiled or not, Dar wouldn't let her out of a locked room anytime soon.  Heck on the suspicion that he might be hiding something, Dar ordered Saul, a friend of 30 years, to submit to humiliating interrogation.  Guys like Dar don't get bamboozled, not in situations like this.  They check, then recheck, then they don't believe it and lock up possibly innocent people.  They don't say 'ah, well, that sounds plausible - off you go then'.

Edited by henripootel
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I hope Dar won't let her off for the simple reason that if she had a spy within Russian intelligence, why the hell would she not tell anyone about him? It makes no sense that the agency, at some level, wouldn't be aware of such an asset. Even Allison is known to at least 2 other SVR operatives, excluding that sniper from last week. But this is a tv show, where by rights Quinn should be dead, and artistic license takes over. So Allison will be released, c'mon we all know that, this is only episode 9 after all. But my hope is that her release is part of a long con. Carrie still has one more ace up her sleeve: Allison doesn't know her involvement for sure. If she goes barging into that room (which I fear might happen next episode) she loses that advantage, and Allison still walks. 

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Excellent points made about there being no way Allison would keep SVR Chief of Berlin a secret from her superiors if he was her asset. Putting that aside, I don't have a problem with Allison first running when she was pretty sure she was blown. Even if she was ambitious enough to see herself as a future CIA Director, she faces life in prison if the truth becomes known and she is ever convicted. So, rather than stay behind and try to get around any allegations that happen to be true, she wants to get away and go where she can spend her millions, even if that is Russia. Hell, with the money, she can buy some really nice coats and long johns, to go with the purses.


She may have previously considered what would happen if the CIA found out about her treason and that convincing them that she was running the SVR guy and not the other way around was a viable option, but it's not safer for her. Sure, he gave her some actual intelligence. We don't know how good it was - it may have been more than just "chickenfeed," but how much more? - but she is worried that her actions might be revealed in the downloaded documents. That's why she keeps asking Saul for them. She doesn't know how many of those files might be able to trace back to her. Also, the CIA is going to interrogate the SVR guy. He might keep her secret because he now doesn't want to be sent back to Russia after helping the CIA (which he would have to do in order to keep Allison's cover that he was her agent), but eventually his secrets will run out and he might be the subject of a trade of spies between the US and Russia. His last secret would be Allison. And, Allison must know that could occur. So, she believed that running was her first best option. Her contingency is a Hail Mary.

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Nay, they'd never let her go and for the best of CIA reasons - nobody would want to risk their own career on her maybe not being dirty.  Everyone from Dar on down would cover their own asses and play it safe, even if she really wasn't guilty and they only suspected that she might be.  The only thing that makes sense is Allison going home immediately under heavy escort.

But that would not be nearly as entertaining as watching her cook her own goose!

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Also, the CIA is going to interrogate the SVR guy.

Very unlikely.  He's a 'legal', the local head of intelligence and he most certainly presented his credentials to the Germans the day he took up residence.  This is a professional courtesy with spies and it gives them a bit of cover - we don't arrest theirs, they don't arrest ours.  If they really do something out of line we can send them home but that's about it.  He may actually have diplomatic immunity as well as he's likely on that list too, but everybody knows who the professional spies are.  


If Krupin tries an audible and pretends he is Allison's asset, he's risking everything for a plan unlikely to yield anything.  Moscow wouldn't have had time to authorize such a plan, and in the absence of any planning they'd have to assume that Krupin is off his rocker or actually is bent.  So his career is over, and it won't help Allison anyway - any cloud of suspicion she's under will prevent her from running anything, and this after having her clearance pulled and answering questions for a long, long time.  Security don't fuck around, not before but especially not after Snowden.  The safest, easiest, best plan for all is that Allison's career is over.  Sorry if you're actually innocent, Allison (which we know she isn't, but they don't), but them's the breaks.


So Krupin shouldn't say a damn thing, and he'll be handed right back to the russians.  He's pretty sure that they're playing Allison anyway (and he's right) so there's nobody to implicate her from the Russian side.  So she might possibly avoid jail time depending on how much of a paper trail she's left, but she's blown.  


My guess is that, from what we've seen, a thorough investigation would easily document Allison's guilt.  The plane, the kill box, the money, probably a long list of coincidences where the russians seemed to know more than they should about stuff she had access to, and somebody at that Caribbean bar probably saw her and her contact there together.  Done, she's cooked.  But then this is a show that had Carrie be physically present at Brody's hanging and draw attention to herself, which could have needlessly started a war so ... who knows.  

Edited by henripootel
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It's funny how a show like Homeland is constantly checked and scrutinized for realism when everyone's fine with zombies walking around Los Angeles or wherever.  They're both fictional TV shows.


The key IMO is consistency within each show's universe.  In the universe of TWD, most of the world's population has turned into zombies.  So the question is, how well do the plots, characters and action line up with that basic premise?  (I would say pretty well in some ways, totally unbelievable in others.)


I don't get the sense that Homeland is aiming for fantasy, or horror or scifi.  Its universe is an underside of our world as we know it.  Same question: how well do things in Homeland line up with modern spy vs spy?  The more they do, the more believable and gripping Homeland comes across, at least to me. 

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Whoever is teaching Honey Trap 101 at Langley needs to be replaced. Seriously, do all the women spies on this show lead with their vagina? I'm not trying to invoke any SJW rhetoric here, just tired of all the bad ass women on this show using sex instead of their brain to accomplish things. Alison is banging Nazari AND Saul AND Krupin? I'm surprised the writers haven't had During make a pass at Carrie.

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I serioulsy doubt that Allison is going to be able to convince Dar and Saul that Krupin was her asset.  It looks more to me like they are going to think she's lying and will keep her in custody until they can prove it.  In the meantime, the Berlin attack plot is going to heat up and it looks like Allison may have some knowledge that could help stop it.  If she actually does that, who knows what kind of consideration she may be given for her treason?

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The safest, easiest, best plan for all is that Allison's career is over.

For Allison for sure. For the CIA a top operative committing high treason is not something they can just hide, especially in light of the document dump that's on everyone's radar. My guess is Dar is going to pretend to go along with Allison and her charade to get more out of her, maybe get her in to do some wet work, but in the process she's going to be killed. Allison used to be trusted, and it's that nostalgia for her as one of the 'good guys' that will be her ultimate un-doing. She's the female Brody in some ways, definitely the weak spot for Saul just as Brody was the heartbreak for Carrie. There's going to be some moral dilemma for Allison, she might do something positive for the US and then ends up dead.  She maybe killed enroute somewhere, maybe by the Russians as the CIA tries to get her back to the US to stand trial. I don't see Saul killing her, but I'm not going to rule it out. He certainly has a reason, both professionally and personally.  I just don't see her surviving the season.  If she does then it's going to be just another ginger  who stays too long while the effectiveness of their "turn" loses its lustre. 

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My guess is Dar is going to pretend to go along with Allison and her charade to get more out of her, maybe get her in to do some wet work, but in the process she's going to be killed.

He'd be a fool to do so, but I agree, he would get her killed.  Krupin knows perfectly well that Allison is burned, and led them right to his safe house.  My guess is that Krupin owes much of his success to being Allison's handler (he's a station chief) and this is likely why he's posted to Berlin (because Allison is there).  That said, Russian intelligence is famously unromantic about practical matters.  Allison isn't a believer, she was compromised, and like as not they know everything she has to tell them.  It's not the old days anymore so Allison has no propaganda value, so no whisking her away to a retirement dacha like they did for Philby.  The one thing still left on the table is that the CIA doesn't know how much Allison told them, or for how long.  There's a solid, traditional way to protect that - next time Krupin has the chance (like if Dar lets her out of custody), Allison gets a bullet to the head. 

Was it ever said she was having sex with Krupin?

I don't think so, just that they were somewhat intimate and he seemed to care about her.  He's her handler, it's his job to figuratively and literally hold her hand and help her keep spying.  If The Americans (which I highly recommend) is any indication, a bit of boning isn't out of the question, but Allison is an agent of compromise, and a pro.  Like as not she wouldn't require an emotional connection to do her job, which, for my money, made the scene where she asked Krupin to just ... stay with her for a while ... really poignant.  Pro or not, the stress is getting to her.  

Edited by henripootel
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I usually try to avoid painful gas, myself. :)


LOL, thank you for the best laugh of the week! Best part of watching Homeland is coming here afterwards and reading all the clever/funny posts. I hope Alison is out so I can apply for her job! Expensive purses, disposable iPhones, secret lovers and vacation on a paradise island? I'm in!

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I've got to say, I'm liking just about every spy agency OTHER than the CIA. They just seem less caught up in their own shit and actually focused on getting the job done (Yes, that's partly because they're the one that we see most). But both the BND and SVR seemed more quietly competent than the CIA, who seem to only succeed when their spies go rogue.


scrb Allison was freaking out to Ivan and losing it and then a few seconds before the Germans break down the door, she comes up with this plan and now she's all Yoda cool, staring down the Germans and Dar, calling their bluff?

The plan WAS to make her panic. Alison's plan came about because she had a moment to think. But she is SO burnt - she might be able to stall Dar for a while, but even if she were innocent (which we know she isn't), her career would be over. It's just possible the fact that her involvement with Dar Adal and Saul might enable her to deal for better treatment, but there is no way she can continue in the CIA. Krupin will be released (as Saul admitted) because he's got diplomatic immunity (though his career may be harmed, if not over).


I was wondering why the Fundamentalists were keeping Quinn alive - and I bet he's almost wishing they hadn't. Good work on subverting the one guy who actually showed him some small kindnesses. Even with the injection, it seems unlikely Quinn could survive, unless the jury rigged nature of the gas chamber causes the terrorists to flee their base. And on that subject:


ElectricBoogaloo After being shot, stabbed, beaten, kidnapped, and abused in every way short of being forced to listen to "Party in the USA" on an endless loop

That would just be cruel & unusual punishment!

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In fiction the audience must believe some assumptions that they know are impossible irl, f.ex. that there will be a murder every time a detective comes to visit his mother in a small village. Yet, the fictional world must be consistent and have some relevance with the knowledge that the audience otherwise have, so that they can at make at least some conclusions.

Allison's story is quite inconsistent with the story of the Russian defector who was supposed to tell about a information leak, apparently a mole, inside the CIA in Berlin. If Krupin was an agent run by Allison, how could his safety endangered by the Russian defector? How could the defector even know that Krupin would work for CIA? The whole story is complete madness!

Also, why did Allison react only after she believed that there was a danger to herself? Her duty was tell about the defector to Krupin straightaway. And there was no need to meet Krupin or phone him. There are also old methods of the trade...  

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