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Basketball Wives LA - General Discussion

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Malaysia looked absolutely stunning in that bedroom scene.

Brandi: Do I have a job  because Draya was a whore?

Draya: Yup! Yes, you do.

Me: Lol. It's always good to know and understand what you're being recognized for.

That entire "scene" was rough.  I wonder what they were doing/where they were at.  Especially since it looked like they didn't realize they were being filmed.  The camera was off in the cut some where and there was no lighting.  It seemed too much like a set up, and certainly like Draya pissed off someone in production, as one of you mentioned above.

Angel looks like she had an awful nose job mishap.  And she wears entirely too much makeup.

Other things that made me snort:

"No. I said YOU were boring."

"I'm unhappy that Angel tried to insert herself, because she is not a tampon.  Like, stay wrapped up bitch."

Angel: You didn't say it was boring did you?

Draya: So?!

I don't think Angel realized what a mess she just got involved with.  I'm sure next episode she'll be falling all over herself to apologize and get back in the good graces of the other ladies.

I'm not really sure what response Draya expected at the event, especially when she didn't go with the intention of apologizing or being cordial, since she kept poking at Brandi.  When Draya and Angel were outside, Draya seemed to be seething with anger, very unlike her normal , "oh well, I don't really care about them anyway....let's go get a Brazilian wax and drinks" demeanor, like something else was going on.  That gold dress was amazing though.

  • Love 2

Okay, I want to see the whole conversation.


Because I am pretty sure they weren't at dinner, chatting pleasantly, and Brandi leaped up and shouted "I AM A GIRL WHO HAD CANCER" apropos of nothing. How did this even start?


Show allllll the dirt.


I was trying to root for Brandi last season but her attitude is sooooo off-putting. I just can't wrap my finger around it. Draya is a snobby snake but she;s tolerable at times. Brandi is always so angry & belligerent. It rubs me the wrong way. It's about time somebody gave her a reality check. I laughed when she tried to act like her husband is banned from their apartment because he cheated on her when everyone knows good & well that HE is the one most likely paying for that apartment. What does Brandi do again?

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
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Maybe I'm a sociopath, but I don't see what was so awful about what Draya said. In the context of the show (which is what seemed to be brought up In the argument But was disregarded in the retellings), Brandi's story IS boring. This is a show about cat fights and drama and gossip. That's how they make their money. Like Brandi herself asked, is this show/I'm here because Draya was a ho? Yes. It's not because one of them founded a charity or was super educated. It's because Evelyn and Tami liked to fight and Gloria & Laura Govan took their show on the road and Draya was a ho. The educated and relatively sensible women (I.e. Tanya Williams and Mrs Meta World Peace) left early. So while I get that Brandi's likely going to get offended as a result of an emotional reaction, a nondescript apartment, withholding pussy and talking about cancer are not story lines that keep a job. Not this job, anyway.

I need to see Angel in person...wtf is going on with her makeup and booty and weave? I'm so over this new wave of body modification. Do they look this outlandish/disproportionate in person?

Edited by sunsheyen
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Is cancer even Brandi's storyline though? I didn't watch before this season so I can't say what was, but it seems like this season Brandi's storyline is about the will she or won't she of leaving her cheating ass husband.  

But even if it is, 1) almost every reality show likes a bit of reality to cut the fighting(aka, why BGC always has the family visit and a nice case of tears) and 2) that's not even a big deal so much as saying that shit, then coming to Brandi's cancer party shocked that her friend is actually real life mad.  3)then telling your "real" friend that nobody cares about the girl's sob story. 


Something is wrong with the way Draya interacts with the world. She might actually be a little pyschopathic/sociopathic.  

  • Love 1

Ugh! This show is the most insipid, banal, stupid, & boring of all of them! I loose a few thousand brain cells every time I TRY to watch it. I can't take it. Are these "grown" women really gonna sulk over a "friend" having other friends? One day they're cozying up to each other, next they're throwing food and hurling insults & derogatory names at each other. The producers have killed any sense of "reality" from this show what with the women always talking about "the Group" as if this the Pussycat Dolls or The Supremes or something. I don't mind watching a manufactured singing group as at least they may have some real talent and they are entertaining me with such, but a manufactured group of "friends" that do nothing but bitch & whine and belittle each other while looking like streetwalkers is ridiculous! Now they're all about taking Draya down, because they're all above her but It seems to me that Draya has matured the most out of all of them. Actually Draya is the only character on this fiasco that I could listen to without wanting to stab myself in the eyes. Malaysia bores me to no end with that syrupy voice of hers, Brandy needs to get out of here with telling Draya she has to get over her dislike of Meghan. And she needs to stop with the tears, all of them need to stop with the tears. Note to all cast embers: YOU ARE NOT MOVING US WITH THE FAKE TEARS!! Especially when you just came out of a scene throwing daggers at your cast mate 'friend'!! And when did all these women become Boob exhibitionists? Shaunie is the most ridiculous with her chest hanging all out in that red dress. Gross. Meghan was just inserted into the mix for no rhyme or reason, there's no chemistry, she's arrogant as hell, she has no soul and she's unattractive to boot. Jackie is way to full of herself, too 2faced and stupid. They also could've left Draya's friend Angel under the rock they dug her up from. Another Ugh! This will be my 1st (maybe 2nd) , but last post on this show. Unwatchable any more.

  • Love 5

Who the hell does Tami think she is? The bitch really does think she's something special. Can't stand her.

I was hoping Angel would tell her to fuck off.

Shaunie sounded so stupid talking about how much better and more mature her "Miami crew" is compared to this one. Really?! I seem to recall Evelyn physically attacking more than one person and who could ever forget bitch ass Tami terrozing Kesha until she was paralyzed in fear and crying on the bed. Oh yeah...Tami also stole Kesha's stuff and wouldn't give it back until Kesha did as she was told.

Delicate Dee I lose a lot more than brain cells when I watch. Like my lunch.

Why do I watch this shit.

  • Love 6

Something must have happened on the producers end with Shaunie (returning as cast) concerning Draya. It doesn’t make sense. Shaunie came out the gate with a target on Draya. I think the producers aired this as Draya wanted out of contract for whatever reason and refused to do certain scenes with cast. Who really knows? But they have done a great job of making her look really bad this season. We all know she’s selfish-this is nothing new. I don’t have any tea but I do know she has been getting some endorsement deals and acting a fool on reality TV is known to be bad for business. They totally didn’t air the whole conversation between her and Brandi. It was edited. Not aiming to defend Draya, but something serious lead up to that conversation for Draya to become defensive. I still don’t think she meant cancer was boring in that context, but she gets negative points from me for not taking responsibility for her comment immediately and apologizing for how it was received rather than what she intended. Prior to this season, her and Malaysia relationship was falling apart. They use to promote shows and everything together-was flexing hard on instagram. LOL. And it stopped out of nowhere. Not sure if it was during the time of Malaysia divorce or Draya got so involved with T-shirt line and swimsuit company. Or they simply could have just been business associates-only appear together for business purposes.


I don’t like the shade Malaysia throws Angel’s way. Before you ask to do business with someone, one would assume you would do you own research. She should have known Angel’s brand and what type of pieces she carries. Or she should have asked her to create something “specific” for her. But again, is Malaysia truly business savvy though?

As for Shaunie, she’s trying to keep them checks rolling in as Shaq denied her the ability to have her own show featuring their children.
Tami is always going to be Tami so no comment needed for her.


This show needs new basketball wives

  • Love 4

I haven't seen the episode yet, so won't comment on that, but I agree that Draya seems like she's ready to move on. Her swimsuit line has been blowing up and receiving quite a bit of press over the last year after people like Selena Gomez and one of the younger Kardashian/Jenner's (Kylie, I think?) posted pics of themselves wearing Draya's stuff, and since then her swimsuits have been selling out. She went from being that former stripper desperately trying to find an athlete to gaining some type of legitimacy by getting engaged (although that didn't last long....) and actually being recognized, in a good way, for a successful clothing line (which not many reality stars can claim, ahem She by Sheree). I can definitely see a lot of this vitriol stemming from the other ladies thinking Draya needs to be knocked down a few pegs, because how dare she succeed when we will always be better than her as actual (former) wives.

And I am not looking forward to hearing anything Tami has to say. She's a vile bully and hypocrite.

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Lol at Jackie trying to auction Malaysia off for $1 at the charity event. 


Jackie sure did jump off the Draya train awfully quickly, especially considering the only reason that group still talks and films with her is because Draya convinced them to let her back into the circle.  Also, why is Jackie so quick tell everyone that she's never done oral sex??  This is like the 3rd time she's brought that up this season alone.  And I need to add that those green heels she wore to Malaysia's party were hideous.


So is Tami supposed to be the new cast therapist??  Why the fuck is she there?  Although she did make me chuckle when she said, "I think Megan needs a mentor, but I'm not that bitch."


And Shaunie needs to come off all this "my Miami girls are so much better" nonsense.  Is she forgetting we all watched that show too?  When did they ever resolve conflicts at the end of day?  When were they mature about the way they handled issues?  Evelyn fricken jumped leaped across a conference room table to throw a punch at someone......bitch please.

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I wanna know what happened with Draya.  I see why Brandi is pissed and since Malaysia is a good friend with her own issues with Draya I get why she's not fucking with them...but...Draya seems to have disappeared. 


I wonder was this around the time of her original engagement to her boyfriend and thats why she thought it'd be better for her to disappear once shit got rough.  With the way their relationship seems to be going, that might not have been the smartest move.

Tammy and Shaunie are some shit-stirrers. I loved it, I howled, I said "damn she ride or die and I want her for a friend" when Malaysia told Tammy that she now knows she will just need to swing on her, too, if a fight broke out. Yes!!! Tammy lives off of other peoples' fear. Notice she didn't come back at Malaysia but she continues to go after Brandi. She doesn't feel any "whip ass" conviction from Brandy.


I so wish I could post a picture to illustrate this; but, Shaunie looks like my ex-husband's current wife. Same snotty ass attitude. She don't give it to me though. She is sweet as pie in person. Now, she has done and said some little snippy shit - online and round other folks. hmph.


I'm convinced Jackie Christie is crazy. Can't tell me differently. She'd be a cool person to be around until she gets to drunk. She might feel you up a bit, but hey, who doesn't do that on that drank!

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Ok.  Malaysia just said something about Jackie being "bolivious".  Good thing she's pretty. 

I was coming here to post the same thing.  I'm sure the Bolivian people would appreciate a new term started in their honor!




Tammy and Shaunie are some shit-stirrers. I loved it, I howled, I said "damn she ride or die and I want her for a friend" when Malaysia told Tammy that she now knows she will just need to swing on her, too, if a fight broke out. Yes!!! Tammy lives off of other peoples' fear. Notice she didn't come back at Malaysia but she continues to go after Brandi. She doesn't feel any "whip ass" conviction from Brandy.

You got that right.  Note how Tami said she didn't want to "fight all of Inglewood".  She knows Malaysia is straight up about that hood life when she's not rocking designer outfits, not made by Angel, and creating new words for the English language.


I'm very confused.  Since when does Meghan have an issue with Angel??  I thought her problems were always with Draya?  I guess now since Draya is "officially" off the show (thanks for not actually explaining why produce Shaunie - why the fuck are you on the show if you're not going to give us some insights as to what the fuck is going on.) the producers told her to find someone else to feud with, and you know she's not choosing Malaysia or Brandi.

  • Love 3

Bolivious? My AutoCorrect keeps insisting that this is not a real word and Malaysia....oh my God. She cannot be serious. Someone told her it was cute to mispronounce things and I guess she's taking it and running with it. She needs to grab a pole and hook herself some phonics. She may be cute, but no one is cute enough to get away with that bullshit.

Speaking of bullshit, has anyone been watching WAGS on E? I don't see a forum here. If basketball wives rots my brains, that show eats my soul, but I cannot. Stop. Watching. It. Ladies, please get on it and help me because I need to snark with someone.

Bolivious? My AutoCorrect keeps insisting that this is not a real word and Malaysia....oh my God. She cannot be serious. Someone told her it was cute to mispronounce things and I guess she's taking it and running with it. She needs to grab a pole and hook herself some phonics. She may be cute, but no one is cute enough to get away with that bullshit.

Speaking of bullshit, has anyone been watching WAGS on E? I don't see a forum here. If basketball wives rots my brains, that show eats my soul, but I cannot. Stop. Watching. It. Ladies, please get on it and help me because I need to snark with someone.

I don't think Malaysia mispronounces words because she thinks its cute, I think she's just a damn dumb ass.

I've seen WAGS, I was going to start a thread for it here but its a pain in the ass to start them here.

I can't stand her but damn Tami makes me laugh sometimes.

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Yay for Jackie finally giving Doug head after 20 years.  I can't even believe Doug would put up with all that craziness without even getting a little kiss or nibble down there...  And is Jackie a 13 year old talking about feeling things swimming in her stomach and gargling with Purex afterwards?  Bitch, Listerine would have worked just as well.

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I don't think Malaysia mispronounces words because she thinks its cute, I think she's just a damn dumb ass.

I've seen WAGS, I was going to start a thread for it here but its a pain in the ass to start them here.

I can't stand her but damn Tami makes me laugh sometimes.


I agree.  I don't think Malaysia tries to be cute.  She's just ignorant, didn't pay attention in class, or whatever.  I'm assuming she's not a wife that these guys met in college.

Tami does make me laugh, and I have to say that her appearances on BBW bring out the worst in her.  I've seen her on other shows and she's so much more likable.  Still funny and very honest, but a lot less cruel. 

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I like Tami, too. I think that when you get down to it, she's just someone who likes being in the middle of things and loves the drama, unapologetically. I saw her once in person back home in Miami, and she was popping her gum and asking why she was waiting in line for a restaurant while her daughters were shushing her, and I was just giggling away because hell, that's Tami.

Shaunie needs to STAWP. She really has convinced yourself that she is some sort of lady of the manor with her furs and her sunglasses and her disdainful looks, but she freaking relishes it whenever these wenches get into it..

  • Love 4

All her money comes from these women acting a hot ass mess, so how dare Shaunie act above it all...


What is wrong with Jackie?  I've been drunk, frequently, but being drunk doesn't mean I turn Coco Lopez into copalopacabana and then get mad when people laugh.  That foolishness would have only been redeemed by her screaming, "IT WASNT NOT FUNNY"

Edited by Watermelon
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All her money comes from these women acting a hot ass mess, so how dare Shaunie act above it all...

What is wrong with Jackie? I've been drunk, frequently, but being drunk doesn't mean I turn Coco Lopez into copalopacabana and then get mad when people laugh. That foolishness would have only been redeemed by her screaming, "IT WASNT NOT FUNNY"

Ok, first of all, despite Shaunie's bullshit, we know she looks down on these dummies. She seems to have forgotten that many of them are in the position she was in, just with a smaller potential divorce settlement. I'm looking forward to the Brandi "You're a bitch!" segment. Yeah she kind of is, but she hasn't been TO you, plus, you don't piss off the bitch who essentially signs your checks, especially when your storyline IS boring as hell by VH1 standards. Dont forget that you're toying with the idea of forfeiting your marriage paycheck, BooBoo.

I just want to give a nod of respect and take a moment of silence to acknowledge the honorable Ms. Tami (Akbar) Roman, the first person to make a career out of reality television (supplemented by athlete wifey). Has this heifer clocked into a job since 1993? From the knockoff En Vogue, abortion, jaw wiring and blanket snatching to Studs then BBW Miami, now LA and that relationship show, she has fought and cussed and served face all over TV.

"I'm ready now. I stay ready, so I don't have to get ready."

I need her to host a groupie/wifey potential/trashy grooming show, a la Charm School. Time to move on up. Shaunie, make it happen. I also request that Evelyn be on the judging panel.

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 6

Bolivious? My AutoCorrect keeps insisting that this is not a real word and Malaysia....oh my God. She cannot be serious. Someone told her it was cute to mispronounce things and I guess she's taking it and running with it. She needs to grab a pole and hook herself some phonics. She may be cute, but no one is cute enough to get away with that bullshit.

Speaking of bullshit, has anyone been watching WAGS on E? I don't see a forum here. If basketball wives rots my brains, that show eats my soul, but I cannot. Stop. Watching. It. Ladies, please get on it and help me because I need to snark with someone.


::looksatBugfreycrazy::  yes girl, bolivious.  That's when something is apparently or obviously South American.  Duh.   ::turnstothread:: this forum though.


I came across this stupidness by accident and my excuse is that I couldn't find the remote  ::shrugs::  but if ya'll don't ever start a place where I can talk about WAGS, I just want to put on paper that:  the girl who just got engaged and was showing her ring to the other women got her feelings hurt when the woman with a live in boyfriend told her the ring was a little small.   Saywhatnow?  Even I looked at the tv expecting a "well, I dunno, let's compare it to yours."  They need to step up their cut a bitch game or the show won't last.


Shaunie puts your boobs up.



  • Love 2

Speaking of bullshit, has anyone been watching WAGS on E? I don't see a forum here. If basketball wives rots my brains, that show eats my soul, but I cannot. Stop. Watching. It. Ladies, please get on it and help me because I need to snark with someone.

Oh someone please start a WAGs thread. And one of the forums must be titled simply "the eyelashes".

What. The. F**k!!

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Ha. They swear they want these girls to keep it real, and when Brandi decides she don't care that Shauni's the executive producer, they're all shocked.

LMAO. Guess you won't be back next season though.


Man, I seriously had to stand up and give the slow clap to Brandi for that showing.  Amazing....and there are certainly a couple of bosses I would have loved to say that shit to!  I, personally, would have waited until my next job opportunity was secured, but cheers to having balls!  I definitely had to chuckle when Shaunie said at the end, "Well thank you for your services."  Lol!  


I don't understand Shaunie at all.  I get that she's the executive producer, but if she's going to be on the show and involved with all the shit, then she needs to take it.  It's not fair to the other cast members that they're told to "keep it real" and express their thoughts and feeling, but just not when it comes to Shaunie.  Yet Shaunie and do and say whatever the fuck she wants and sit back knowing no one would dare step to her because she controls their jobs?  I think that's bullshit.   She can't exert EP power against the people who stand up to her if she's going to insert herself into the story lines.


I'm so tired of Meghan.  Can she go back to the Bad Girl's Club?  I love that when she was speaking her abortion story on the bus, Tami was looking at her like, "Why are you telling use this shit? We don't give a fuck!"

  • Love 8

When Jackie shows yall she ain't as crazy as you think. Even she knows you gotta stay in your lane about the boss.

Shaunie has been snotty about them, 100% agree. If only Brandi had the verbal and mental acuity to shut down Shaunie's word games in a smooth way, things could be so different. I think she might have even gotten away with 'acting like a bitch' if she had a smooth tongue. Where she went too far and where Shaunie really seemed to pop off at was the Shaq's wife stuff. Not only had Brandi already started up the bitch stuff, but then to discredit her work?*

Bottom line, she is an employee and needs to remember that. This is her job, which she might want to keep since she is considering quitting her position as Mrs. Maxiell. I appreciate her wanting to stand up for herself, but she chose to go in on Shaunie. You don't start shit with the boss. She shouldn't have tried to take the "you ain't shit" path.

That face when she realized that Shaunie wasn't playing...priceless. I wonder if forgiveness will be visited upon her husband now.

*Yeah, her name got her some opportunities (Just like Brandi's name got her THIS opportunity), but she still had to create profitable content. Not only that, despite the tone of the show, she has assisted a fair amount of these women to promote themselves and make their own money too, separate from spouses. How many of them used a free platform for their products? Evelyn promoted her store, makeup, books and (with other factors) got other TV; Jackie's launched God knows how many things, including brown rubbing alcohol...err, cognac; Malaysia had her jurry in the beginning and now has her bed-in-a-bags; Tami revived her reality 'career'; those are just a few, most everyone was able promote something. So not only did Brandi trash a job and chance for independence should she leave her husband or he get sick of being punished, but she lost a free promotional opportunity to build something of her own. Immature.

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 5


Man, I seriously had to stand up and give the slow clap to Brandi for that showing


I wanted to give Brandi a high five! Shaunie is a huge bitch, acts superior, she and Tami throw massive amounts of shade, and those two want the new girls to bow down to their immature ass elders. Brandi just isn't savvy enough to know how the game is played, but I cheered when she called Flaring Nostrils on her shit.


And did Tami say "you will not put that BULLY label on me.."  (?) Acting like the viewing audience forgot what went down with Kesha. Girl, bye!


Meghan- irrelevant.


Angel - irrelevant.


Jackie - still batshit.


Draya - said "eff this shit"


Malaysia - dumb as rocks, but I like her.


I'm taking bets that Brandi WILL return next year!  

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I would think Shaunie has more input than say, Mariah on Married to Medicine. Even If she doesn't have any ability to influence casting, I still don't think it's guaranteed that Brandi returns. She is pretty dull and lacks quick wit. I don't care to see her play pussy punishment in her underfurnished apartment or sit around looking bitchy with Malaysia (who has also done nothing to really hold attention).

I hear Laura Govan may be looking for a check again. can we bring her back?

  • Love 3

I would think Shaunie has more input than say, Mariah on Married to Medicine. Even If she doesn't have any ability to influence casting, I still don't think it's guaranteed that Brandi returns. She is pretty dull and lacks quick wit. I don't care to see her play pussy punishment in her underfurnished apartment or sit around looking bitchy with Malaysia (who has also done nothing to really hold attention).

So basically her story line is boring.....just like Draya said!  


And did Tami say "you will not put that BULLY label on me.."  (?) Acting like the viewing audience forgot what went down with Kesha. Girl, bye!

In what world is Tami NOT a bully??  I don't know why these people forget they did all these horrible things on camera.

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I'm confused; Gloria calls Shaunie the c-word during the second season in Miami, yet she keeps her job--yet Brandi calls her a b!tch and she loses her job? I don't get it.

That being said, Shaunie may be a "mean girl", but you don't get to disrespect your boss and not fact the consequences---even nutty Jackie had sense enough to know that.

Is Brandi gone for sure? She was a little boring but not as boring as Meghan was. Meghan (not sure of spelling) is strange looking, her head is shaped like Mr. Potato Head. I think Brandi is really pretty, at times she looks stunning to me.

I wasn't paying attention to the previews, is Draya at the reunion?

Jackie really is pathetic. She's old enough to be mom to most of these women yet she acts more childish than they do. Seeing the flashbacks and her talking about how they hurt her feelings and shit like that just made her look desperate and ridiculous.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 1

I laughed at last night's episode. Everyone knows that Shaunie can't fire anybody. Royce spilled that years ago on a blog after she left the show. Shaunie's title is a vanity title, so VH1 could've done w/o the last scene. We all know that Brandi will be in the lineup come s5.


I'm guess though, since whoever is in charge, chose to show that scene, that Brandi really was fired.  It might have been the real producer's rather than Shaunie who ultimately did it, but I do think she's gone.   Heck I wouldn't be surprised if the producers set her up to confront Shaunie, with this outcome in mind.  

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