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Season 6 First Looks

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Thanks for refreshing my memory. It's all coming back.

I believed it then and now I'm positive that Yolanda was lying and that she's always had a problem with LisaV.  


I wonder if Yolanda secretly wants to be with Mohammed again. 

I agree, Yolanda hates that Lisa and Mohamed are friends and IMO, she hates it with a passion. I don't think she wants back with him but I also believe that she doesn't want any other woman to be close to him either. I think it eats at her that he values Lisa as a person and defends her to Yolanda.

  • Love 9

I think Yolanda hates Lisa because Mohammad isn't just friends with Lisa....he respects

Lisa and appears to hold her in high regard. Lisa can make an honest claim that she plays an integral role in the success achieved by she and her husband. Yolanda was a beautiful woman that bore Mohammed three beautiful children, but he cheated on her, which to me at least indicates that he didn't respect her. Lisa is not the same beauty that Yolanda is, but Lisa's husband adores her, Mohammed considers her a good friend, she has a family that has remained intact for over thirty years and Lisa honestly seems to be very content in her life. I don't think Yolanda can wrap her head around how Lisa has managed to do all of this and I think she resents the hell out of Lisa. And to be honest she may find herself equally resentful of Kyle for many of the same reasons. Brandi sure did.

Edited to add that I'm totally going to rewatch some of season three and the introduction of Yolanda.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 13

Thanks for refreshing my memory. It's all coming back.

I believed it then and now I'm positive that Yolanda was lying and that she's always had a problem with LisaV.  


I wonder if Yolanda secretly wants to be with Mohammed again. 

Lisa said later in an interview that Yo had actually given her a heads up right before the reunion that she had said something about her. Lisa knew that Kyle and Kim were telling the truth, yet there was zero chance she was going to say she believed Kyle over Yo on the reunion stage. IMO that was what made it all so much worse, and I've never understood the idea that the supposed "gang up" on Lisa in S4 was somehow worse than what happened to Kyle in S3. Lisa V, Brandi, and Yo were determined to paint Kyle as this horrible person who used people for house listings, wanted to see her sister fail, let an ill woman sit in a hot car with no offer of water, etc. Then they kept it up for the first half of S4, seeming to enjoy their status as the cool girls by laughing at Kyle behind her back, talking about infidelity rumors, and thinking it funny that she wasn't a part of the "dream team" with a heart on her place card. They were just brutal to Kyle, and gleeful about being so. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5

Sadly, I believe there are two more weeks of Yolanda whining about people talking about her children not being ill.  There just has to be better material out there than Yolanda and the udderones.



Right now Yo is the only plot line of interest for me.  The more she whines the deeper the hole she digs.  Watching the cast become more and more irritated with her is satisfying.  I want them to push it to the point where Yo squirms to explain her claim that she has been bed ridden for 9 years.  I am not interested in her kids; they have gotten the same diagnosis as Yo from some quack.  There is NO definitive test available anyway, so flaunting medical records means nothing. 


She is a master of deflection so she will struggle to keep the topic on hausen chausen and her kids.  I would like someone to say, let's keep the kids out of this, we have noticed inconsistencies in YOUR struggle.  Katherine interjects, 'she has good days and bad days.'  Stay out of it, your comment is not relevant and you know nothing about the situation.  


So what else is going on? Not much.  I am done with Erika Jane and have no interest in Katherine so far.  She may do something entertaining down the line though; time will tell.  


Love Eileen and Lisar for their 'cards on the table' approach. 


Surely production sees the drama value in egging the women on to push it with Yo.   Right?  

  • Love 7

Right now Yo is the only plot line of interest for me.  The more she whines the deeper the hole she digs.  Watching the cast become more and more irritated with her is satisfying.  I want them to push it to the point where Yo squirms to explain her claim that she has been bed ridden for 9 years.  I am not interested in her kids; they have gotten the same diagnosis as Yo from some quack.  There is NO definitive test available anyway, so flaunting medical records means nothing. 


She is a master of deflection so she will struggle to keep the topic on hausen chausen and her kids.  I would like someone to say, let's keep the kids out of this, we have noticed inconsistencies in YOUR struggle.  Katherine interjects, 'she has good days and bad days.'  Stay out of it, your comment is not relevant and you know nothing about the situation.  


So what else is going on? Not much.  I am done with Erika Jane and have no interest in Katherine so far.  She may do something entertaining down the line though; time will tell.  


Love Eileen and Lisar for their 'cards on the table' approach. 


Surely production sees the drama value in egging the women on to push it with Yo.   Right?  

While I'm not interested in seeing any of Yo's bullshit medical nonsense, I get what you're saying about how she's digging herself into this massive hole and how it would be kind of fun if more of the women started trying to poke holes into her story. They've all gone softball with her so far but I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that they aren't too scared to bring some of what the viewers have been saying to the reunion. 


Can somebody tell me how close the WWHL poll was where more people sided with Yolanda? Was it a landslide? That's too depressing if so. How can people just blow off all of the inconsistencies in her story? 


Both Lisas and Kyle read viewer comments but I feel like LisaR is the only one who doesn't really have anything to lose if she goes hard for Yolanda by bringing up a bunch of facts that don't jive with what Yolanda is spinning. If LVP didn't have such a close friendship with Mohammed then I think it would be easier for her to go after Yolanda but since she landed herself in hot water by even daring to say that the non Gigis are fine, I feel like she's going to be reluctant to say too much unless Yolanda pushes LisaV into a corner. Kyle has the least amount of reason to go for Yolanda but I'm hoping that she'll at least continue to explain why she thinks it's understandable that people are confused by what Lyme Queen is putting out there. 

  • Love 6

My only interest in Yolanda is seeing her "brought down" for her manipulation, lies, and overall BS (see Yolanda's thread for more reasons, lol). I'm getting irritated with the other HWs enabling, pandering and caving in to Yolanda. I internally cheered when Rinna argued back but then was disappointed with the hugging (putting a bandaid on a gushing wound). I bonus video on bravo was uplifting (lol) when LisaV & Kyle defended themselves, especially LVP for calling out Yo's lies/exaggerations and for saying "You always say 'just let me talk'" (something like that). I wanted LVP to take it farther but she seemed to decide it just wasn't worth it--so frustration but she did better than anyone else


How many people actually watch WWHL and how many actually vote on its polls? I've maybe caught 1 or 2 episodes online or parts of episodes online. It seems like they frequently have non-HW guests so maybe some viewers aren't even views of the HW shows. Also, wasn't Yo a guest on that episode with the poll about her so it seems like fans of Yo would be more likely to watch that episode if they were just a causal viewer of WWHL. I just don't see that poll as that representative of the viewers until the margin by which Yolanda won it was much closer to 50%. Also had the voters seen the additional clips of the argument on the bravo site?

  • Love 7

How many people actually watch WWHL and how many actually vote on its polls? I've maybe caught 1 or 2 episodes online or parts of episodes online. It seems like they frequently have non-HW guests so maybe some viewers aren't even views of the HW shows. Also, wasn't Yo a guest on that episode with the poll about her so it seems like fans of Yo would be more likely to watch that episode if they were just a causal viewer of WWHL. I just don't see that poll as that representative of the viewers until the margin by which Yolanda won it was much closer to 50%. Also had the voters seen the additional clips of the argument on the bravo site?

People are not liking Rinna, she's been voted high/1st in pretty much all the negative polls this season. Yolanda may not have handled herself well that episode however, the public definitely know she has Lyme and isn't full of BS like a lot of this forum think.

  • Love 4

While I'm not interested in seeing any of Yo's bullshit medical nonsense, I get what you're saying about how she's digging herself into this massive hole and how it would be kind of fun if more of the women started trying to poke holes into her story. They've all gone softball with her so far but I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that they aren't too scared to bring some of what the viewers have been saying to the reunion. 


Can somebody tell me how close the WWHL poll was where more people sided with Yolanda? Was it a landslide? That's too depressing if so. How can people just blow off all of the inconsistencies in her story? 


Both Lisas and Kyle read viewer comments but I feel like LisaR is the only one who doesn't really have anything to lose if she goes hard for Yolanda by bringing up a bunch of facts that don't jive with what Yolanda is spinning. If LVP didn't have such a close friendship with Mohammed then I think it would be easier for her to go after Yolanda but since she landed herself in hot water by even daring to say that the non Gigis are fine, I feel like she's going to be reluctant to say too much unless Yolanda pushes LisaV into a corner. Kyle has the least amount of reason to go for Yolanda but I'm hoping that she'll at least continue to explain why she thinks it's understandable that people are confused by what Lyme Queen is putting out there. 

If memory serves me correctly, it was not a big difference, something like 54 to 46.


People are not liking Rinna, she's been voted high/1st in pretty much all the negative polls this season. Yolanda may not have handled herself well that episode however, the public definitely know she has Lyme and isn't full of BS like a lot of this forum think.

Most here believe she had LD at 1 point, or still does but that she has other "issues" at play as well and that she grossly exaggerates her symptoms to the max for sympathy on the show.  As for viewers liking/not liking LisaR, it seems the first seasons blush has faded like it does with most HWs their second season, it is happening to Eileen as well this season but to a less extent IMO.  LOL

  • Love 6

I'm not buying into the poll business. First off, it's only live to about 30% of the country. And second, Andy doesn't need a confrontation with Yolanda on his show, especially if he wants Gigi to stop by the clubhouse sometime. I'm convinced Bravo tweaked the numbers (why wouldn't they?) or killed the poll as soon as they got the results they wanted. I rarely catch WWHL but I would never hold it accountable for journalistic integrity. Seeing the smug look on Yolanda's face was enough for me.

  • Love 11

I missed the additional clips, I will go look at them now.   And yes, the only reason I want to see Yo's story is for her to get busted, absolutely.  


The poll being about 50/50 could easily have been tweaked by Bravo or as you say, Vicky, viewers not on level playing field.    

Hehe, this has me thinking about how Jill Zarin was all adamant that the polls weren't accurate and Andy saying it's because of Jill that they're more accurate now.


I just was about to ask if the people who vote are typically on east coast time. Thanks, rho.


People are not liking Rinna, she's been voted high/1st in pretty much all the negative polls this season. Yolanda may not have handled herself well that episode however, the public definitely know she has Lyme and isn't full of BS like a lot of this forum think.

I'm curious as to whether or not it's more about backlash against Rinna than anyone actually believing Yolanda and all of her numerous inconsistencies. I guess she's in a sophomore slump like WireWrap suggests. 


Most here believe she had LD at 1 point, or still does but that she has other "issues" at play as well and that she grossly exaggerates her symptoms to the max for sympathy on the show.  As for viewers liking/not liking LisaR, it seems the first seasons blush has faded like it does with most HWs their second season, it is happening to Eileen as well this season but to a less extent IMO.  LOL

Right. I think the leaking silicone implants were the problem. 


I also think that a lot of viewers here read more about the housewives in general than casual viewers. I wonder if the average person who sides with Yolanda on all of this and legitimately thinks that she has chronic LD knows much about Yolanda outside of what they see on the show. Even if that's the case where one is only watching the show, the contradictions speak for themselves so I wonder how people explain that.


Nothing in the email Yolanda wrote to Bella indicates that LD was the reason for Bella's DUI. I think one of the most frustrating things about all of this is how Yolanda is teaching her children to use LD as a permanent get out of jail free card. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 7

I'm not buying into the poll business. First off, it's only live to about 30% of the country. And second, Andy doesn't need a confrontation with Yolanda on his show, especially if he wants Gigi to stop by the clubhouse sometime. I'm convinced Bravo tweaked the numbers (why wouldn't they?) or killed the poll as soon as they got the results they wanted. I rarely catch WWHL but I would never hold it accountable for journalistic integrity. Seeing the smug look on Yolanda's face was enough for me.



Yes, Andy keeps his women happy.  They take care of the drama business on their own!  He wants Yo to sign on for another season. 

  • Love 4


Right. I think the leaking silicone implants were the problem. 


I also think that a lot of viewers here read more about the housewives in general than casual viewers. I wonder if the average person who sides with Yolanda on all of this and legitimately thinks that she has chronic LD knows much about Yolanda outside of what they see on the show. Even if that's the case where one is only watching the show, the contradictions speak for themselves so I wonder how people explain that.


Nothing in the email Yolanda wrote to Bella indicates that LD was the reason for Bella's DUI. I think one of the most frustrating things about all of this is how Yolanda is teaching her children to use LD as a permanent get out of jail free card. 

There are members here that do not follow any of the HWs outside what they see/hear on the show. Many don't follow any of the HWs on twitter, IG or read outside blogs so it IS very possible that there are a lot of viewers that do not know Yolanda's ever changing stories/lies/exaggerations and buy into the story she is trying to sell all of us via the show. JMO

  • Love 9

There are members here that do not follow any of the HWs outside what they see/hear on the show. Many don't follow any of the HWs on twitter, IG or read outside blogs so it IS very possible that there are a lot of viewers that do not know Yolanda's ever changing stories/lies/exaggerations and buy into the story she is trying to sell all of us via the show. JMO

I don't follow any of the housewives but I do read various blogs and I can always count on my fellow PTVers to keep me up to date on any Twitter or IG goodness. 


Good point too about how Andy doesn't want to burn that Gigi bridge. 

  • Love 7

People are not liking Rinna, she's been voted high/1st in pretty much all the negative polls this season. Yolanda may not have handled herself well that episode however, the public definitely know she has Lyme and isn't full of BS like a lot of this forum think.


If she had Lyme Disease and had the 90 days of antibiotics like she said then the lyme disease is gone and most likely she is whining about post-treatment lyme syndrome. It sounds like the poll of the Yolanda-centric WWHL was 49/51 or so something like that so that is surprising and more inline with what I thought it would be. Twitter & IMDb seem to have views similar to here. A lot of vocal anti-Yo and some vocal pro-Yo. The polls, while not good science, are interesting since they give a hint at what the silent (somewhat silent) viewers think (people who may lurk except for polls).

  • Love 5

There was a lot of fun stuff in that episode. I don't think that WWHL poll result is odd; it's only because this board is hyper focused on Yo that people think it is.  54/46% is a good margin. Many people might see that Yo is sick and would be horrified to think that her coworkers would be doubting it and calling it munchhausen.  


Otherwise, I loved that Kathryn did the yeoman's job at her lunch - bringing up Rinna's eating disorder and mentioning that she only pushes food around the plate (after having just filmed a lunch scene with her). Rinna was classic in the car complaining about Yo when she did the same thing. The dinner with the Girardis and Todds was entertaining. Ken and Kathryn's doll husband at the BBQ! ha! I would have loved to have seen Erika and Eileen bathing suit shopping or Eileen talking to Yo.  Goodness!  Eileen is quite the little pot stirrer.


Yo only hijacks the show because Rinna can't let it go. Look at the Yo thread. It's lather rinse repeat over there. 


I think Erika said she is cool with everyone when she was on WWHL (which was after the season finished filming).  I wonder if she really is. We'll see what happens when they film the reunion and whether watching the season dredges up bad feelings.  All they have against her thus far is not immediately owning up to telling Yolanda, but she did eventually tell them - the next morning. So big f'ing deal there. And they are the ones that talked about it, so they can't be mad that she told Yo what they talked about.  I really would like to think that Erika and LVP are cool with each other.  I think they could be a dynamic duo.

  • Love 3

The poll also wasn't "Does Yolanda have lyme?" I don't think anyone, especially Andy, is dumb enough to do that. If I recall correctly (which I probably don't) he asked which side people were on in the Rinna v Yolanda argument. Rinna isn't a saint in this situation either. Even though I think Yolanda is full of shit, I'm not on board with how Rinna has been handling the supposed munchausen rumors from her "female hairdresser"

  • Love 1

There was a lot of fun stuff in that episode. I don't think that WWHL poll result is odd; it's only because this board is hyper focused on Yo that people think it is.  54/46% is a good margin. Many people might see that Yo is sick and would be horrified to think that her coworkers would be doubting it and calling it munchhausen.  


Otherwise, I loved that Kathryn did the yeoman's job at her lunch - bringing up Rinna's eating disorder and mentioning that she only pushes food around the plate (after having just filmed a lunch scene with her). Rinna was classic in the car complaining about Yo when she did the same thing. The dinner with the Girardis and Todds was entertaining. Ken and Kathryn's doll husband at the BBQ! ha! I would have loved to have seen Erika and Eileen bathing suit shopping or Eileen talking to Yo.  Goodness!  Eileen is quite the little pot stirrer.


Yo only hijacks the show because Rinna can't let it go. Look at the Yo thread. It's lather rinse repeat over there. 


I think Erika said she is cool with everyone when she was on WWHL (which was after the season finished filming).  I wonder if she really is. We'll see what happens when they film the reunion and whether watching the season dredges up bad feelings.  All they have against her thus far is not immediately owning up to telling Yolanda, but she did eventually tell them - the next morning. So big f'ing deal there. And they are the ones that talked about it, so they can't be mad that she told Yo what they talked about.  I really would like to think that Erika and LVP are cool with each other.  I think they could be a dynamic duo.

I think the housewives that are the most frustrating tend to inspire people to post. All one has to do is look at the views of the threads of Brandi, Yolanda, and Kim to see that the most popular housewives don't necessarily generate the most discussion. People started talking about Yolanda more once a bunch of things she started to say simply made no sense and didn't add up. People started to see through Brandi and her lies and had to comment on their outrage that she still continued to have her job after her numerous antics. Kim generated a lot of discussion when her behavior became impossible to ignore.


I still don't understand why it would be horrifying to have questions about what Yolanda is putting out there if it doesn't add up with what they're seeing when they deal with her. Remember Yolanda's repeated claims of simply wanting to ask questions and "have a conversation". When the shoe is on the other foot, Yolanda doesn't like it. 


Yolanda gives people new things to discuss every week because there's always some silliness that's ridiculous to believe when it comes to her. 


With Erika, it isn't that she didn't eventually cop to the truth. It's that her bothering to lie in the first place makes her seem like she's totally unlike the woman she claims to be. Erika's talk created issues for Kyle and the two Lisas. Erika has shown herself who will wear a necklace just to get under a woman's skin. I don't see Erika as trying to make friends with anyone other than Yolanda really. She's made it clear that she doesn't really care for women in spite of all of her babble to Bethenny about how she's all about empowering women and blah, blah, blah. 




Jinjer, I agree with your comments about how it would have been nice to see Eileen and Erika shop. 


I also agree that Eileen is doing her best to stir the Yolanda pot. I think she saw herself as being a friend to LisaR by bringing it up.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 5

I'm not buying into the poll business. First off, it's only live to about 30% of the country. And second, Andy doesn't need a confrontation with Yolanda on his show, especially if he wants Gigi to stop by the clubhouse sometime. I'm convinced Bravo tweaked the numbers (why wouldn't they?) or killed the poll as soon as they got the results they wanted. I rarely catch WWHL but I would never hold it accountable for journalistic integrity. Seeing the smug look on Yolanda's face was enough for me.


I do think the show lack integrity in that regard.  I've seen Cohen claim to ask questions on the show with his whole tweet bit and yet I always feel it is just as likely to be a question he crafted.  But removes a layer of culpability by claiming it is from a viewer. See the reunion for heavy abuse of this type of disingenuous behavor in my opinion.


On the flip side though is that this is a show that is filled with callers who go on how wonderful Cohen is, how they love him and think his books are just the best ever.  Just as this board is a microcosm of the show's viewers, I think that show is an even tinier grouping when you take fans of the show, narrow it to fans who watch his shows, narrow even more to fans who are willing to call or tweet or vote or whatever and it becomes a small group.  Wasn't there at least one poll that fell on the side of Vicki and Crooks before the season had ended?   And I am pretty sure post public criminality, Teresa Giudice got a favorable poll results. 


But on one hand YoYo has an ounce of credibility simply because viewers know she was sick even if it was just the implant leakage.  And people can't shake the pity the sick even they are also SICK.  I mean I know people who act all piously sad about Judge Scalia as if when he wasn't alive, from their progressive views, he was one of the most evil men in the nation.  Look at the outrage over anyone daring to question Crooks about having cancer when that all started.  Over and over again it was asserted that it is something beyond the pale to do.  Almost, not quite, but almost as vehement as the anger when it became clear just how false all his stories rang.

  • Love 3

If she had Lyme Disease and had the 90 days of antibiotics like she said then the lyme disease is gone and most likely she is whining about post-treatment lyme syndrome. It sounds like the poll of the Yolanda-centric WWHL was 49/51 or so something like that so that is surprising and more inline with what I thought it would be. Twitter & IMDb seem to have views similar to here. A lot of vocal anti-Yo and some vocal pro-Yo. The polls, while not good science, are interesting since they give a hint at what the silent (somewhat silent) viewers think (people who may lurk except for polls).


I'm quoting myself--ACK! I just do it because I didn't know where to put this "poll" about Team Rinna vs Team Yolanda from IMDb:


more pro-Rinna but just in comparison to Yolanda

I'm sure there will be some flip flopping depending on how the rest of the season goes

  • Love 2

So, because the voters didn't agree with the consensus on THIS particular fan board, they were either uniformed, stupid, or don't really know anything about the wives?


There are other explanations out there for those votes.  Kyle and Lipsa are not beloved and blame free everywhere on the internet, it's why they lose polls.  Many people dislike them just as much, if not more than, how much the posters on PTV seem to hate Kim, Yo, and Brandi.  When you are mostly on one message board, it can appear that "most" agree with the majority of posts (not posters really, number of posts.)  That is not necessarily true in the real world.  Some people watch the HW shows, possibly even the majority of people watch the housewife show, and never visit a message board.  They may read blogs, or stuff in the news, or go to the Bravo site to see photos of the houses, articles, etc.  But they don't come to TV message boards and talk about the show, so they have their own opinions of what they are seeing.  I think those are just as valid as reading what other people watching the show may think.  YMMV


BTW, lots of DTV users get the east coast feeds of WWHL, so it's not all East Coast voting.

  • Love 6

WWHL gets about as many viewers as informercials or reruns (actually less than reruns in many cases) so the sample size is small and then when you consider how few of that small sample size actually votes....well that speaks for itself.


I just picked a random day it aired and if you know what date Yo was on it then you can find the ratings on that site. I do have issues with Neilson ratings but since the votes are live (??) then DVR viewings don't matter with the polls...so Neilson isn't as bad (in this case) as I thought. The rare episode(s) I hunted down online were just when they had a guest I really wanted to see or a post here made me interested.


edited out info on leaky breasts (lol)--that's already been discussed in Yo's thread

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 5

So, because the voters didn't agree with the consensus on THIS particular fan board, they were either uniformed, stupid, or don't really know anything about the wives?


There are other explanations out there for those votes.  Kyle and Lipsa are not beloved and blame free everywhere on the internet, it's why they lose polls.  Many people dislike them just as much, if not more than, how much the posters on PTV seem to hate Kim, Yo, and Brandi.  When you are mostly on one message board, it can appear that "most" agree with the majority of posts (not posters really, number of posts.)  That is not necessarily true in the real world.  Some people watch the HW shows, possibly even the majority of people watch the housewife show, and never visit a message board.  They may read blogs, or stuff in the news, or go to the Bravo site to see photos of the houses, articles, etc.  But they don't come to TV message boards and talk about the show, so they have their own opinions of what they are seeing.  I think those are just as valid as reading what other people watching the show may think.  YMMV


BTW, lots of DTV users get the east coast feeds of WWHL, so it's not all East Coast voting.

There are plenty of people here who have problems with LisaR and Kyle. I don't think anyone has once suggested that LisaR is blame free. Kyle takes all kinds of flack. 


I agree with you that most people who watch the show probably watch it once and move on.


It isn't just this board where people can see through Yolanda's inconsistencies so that's why it's even more perplexing that she'd win the poll. You don't even have to read outside material to see that a bunch of stuff doesn't add up but then when you do watch the extra videos, read the blogs, see Yo's posts, photos, etc. I think it casts doubt on Yolanda's version of events. Obviously all opinions are valid, I don't think anyone has suggested otherwise. 


Thanks for the DTV info.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 2

There are plenty of people here who have problems with LisaR and Kyle. I don't think anyone has once suggested that LisaR is blame free. Kyle takes all kinds of flack. 


I agree with you that most people who watch the show probably watch it once and move on.


I didn't say that.  I don't know how many times the people who vote on WWHL watch the show, or which, if any, message boards they visit.  Or how many follow them on entertainment shows, or twitter.  None of us know that, let alone how "informed" they are.  They could, for all we know, be twice as informed, and they simply believe Lipsa was worse than Yolanda in that poll.  (I'd agree with that vote, and it would have been mine, if I ever bothered to vote, which I don't.)  Or that Kyle was the biggest liar in that other poll this season (ditto the my vote there had I voted.)  Actually, I tend to agree with the majority in quite a few of the WWHL polls, not all, but the majority of them.


It isn't just this board where people can see through Yolanda's inconsistencies so that's why it's even more perplexing that she'd win the poll. You don't even have to read outside material to see that a bunch of stuff doesn't add up but then when you do watch the extra videos, read the blogs, see Yo's posts, photos, etc. I think it casts doubt on Yolanda's version of events. Obviously all opinions are valid, I don't think anyone has suggested otherwise.


Yes, people DID suggest otherwise, in the posts about it in this very thread, which is why I addressed it.


Thanks for the DTV info.


You're very welcome.  I don't know, but I thought I heard that twitter people can vote as well.  Lots of people watch stuff on line now.  I think TV service providers may be a thing of the past for many.  I feel left behind the times, and also kind of ripped off paying when so many have moved on from that racket.  Maybe after The Americans finishes, I'll finally join 2016 and join that group.  Ha. 

  • Love 3

I tend to agree with the polls too for the most part. Occasionally if something is really close. I thought LVP would win the lying one but I wanted it to be Yolanda. Kyle winning surprised me. I thought she'd be third and only because Kim and Brandi are no longer on the show. 


Obviously I still disagree about the opinion thing and think that everyone here knows that all opinions are valid. I'll leave it at that lol. 

  • Love 1


Good point too about how Andy doesn't want to burn that Gigi bridge. 

I doubt he is actually interested in having Gigi on. She's a very successful model, but not known at all for being a personality. What on earth would she talk about that anybody watching WWHL would care to hear? She is legally too young to drink on the show, wouldn't be able to play any of the games and does that show's audience even skew that young?

  • Love 4

I doubt he is actually interested in having Gigi on. She's a very successful model, but not known at all for being a personality. What on earth would she talk about that anybody watching WWHL would care to hear? She is legally too young to drink on the show, wouldn't be able to play any of the games and does that show's audience even skew that young?

Cohen has a production company that includes a radio station.

It is in his best interest to cultivate such a relationship, IMO.

Don't underestimate the man, he managed to turn this somewhat obscure cable tv show into a tour with anderson cooper.

Believe it or not, people pay for meet and greet. Lol

Anyways, he might be more interested in Anwar but trust and believe that he is quite the celebrities collector.

  • Love 9

I doubt he is actually interested in having Gigi on. She's a very successful model, but not known at all for being a personality. What on earth would she talk about that anybody watching WWHL would care to hear? She is legally too young to drink on the show, wouldn't be able to play any of the games and does that show's audience even skew that young?

I think Andy is just interested in having popular people on his show. They don't even have to be of drinking age. I know Abigail Breslin was on the show last year and she's only 19. Gigi will be of age in a couple of months and would easily be able to play any sort of game Andy can come up with including Plead the Fifth. The fact that Gigi has appeared on a Bravo show on multiple occasions already gives them something to talk about. I'm sure he'd ask questions about some of her friends like Kendall, Cara, Taylor, etc. 

  • Love 8

I think Gigi is at some point going to have to develop a personality that makes people want to get to know her.  Dating pop stars doesn't make her interesting.  There is a reason Andy doesn't have models on his show.  For the most part they are not interesting.  I am excluding the more colorful ones who have reached outside their model status.  Be in the in crowd with Taylor Swift is just not that tantalizing. 

  • Love 2

To be fair I have yet to see anything about Cohen's show that indicates he is that concerned with interesting so much as famous.  She gets high enough in social media awareness or dates the person he wants to attach his name to in some way; any way, he will be glad that he stroked YoYo's ego if it keeps him in good graces with the whole family.  Going by the chapter of his book they read on his show the one time, he is nothing but a shallow little name dropper and the more famous the more desperate he is. 


Plus he has done the kids thing before.  Kara Keough was on even if it was in his sick hopes one of her brothers would take his clothes off during the show.  But I think he could not care less about whether Gigi will be on his show.  But keeping in the good graces of her mother means staying in her good graces and then having a tie to that future 'get'?  He might be vapid but that is chess game I can see him playing and playing hard.  He pretended to adore Chrissy Teigen before she got married because at the time John Legend was a big get for the show.  He might like her now, but the first time she was on he basically jeered at her and she seemed too drunk to notice.

  • Love 6


I still don't understand why it would be horrifying to have questions about what Yolanda is putting out there if it doesn't add up with what they're seeing when they deal with her. Remember Yolanda's repeated claims of simply wanting to ask questions and "have a conversation". When the shoe is on the other foot, Yolanda doesn't like it.


I agree with your entire post, Avaleigh.  I had forgotten about this!  Thanks.  She has asked them to ask questions several times.  And you are right, not questions she doesn't like though!

  • Love 2

I think the reason why Yo won the poll is because of who tuned in.  I really wasn't interested in what Yo had to say on WWHL but I knew it would be discussed here so I watch.  The average viewer who can't stand Yo wouldn't bother to tune in.  Her supporters would.  Maybe I'm just trying to justify to myself.  At least she didn't win by a landslide and I was truly shocked when the results of that poll was revealed.


I also think Andy went especially soft on Yo.  Maybe that was the agreement or....Andy is very conscious of Gigi's success and doesn't want to burn bridges just in case she does have more success or marries someone who he'd love to be associated with or he doesn't want to come off being hard on someone who claims to have the worst case of chronic illness in the world.  He is a famewhore.  He's not a journalist and has different motives.

  • Love 8


I still don't understand why it would be horrifying to have questions about what Yolanda is putting out there if it doesn't add up with what they're seeing when they deal with her. Remember Yolanda's repeated claims of simply wanting to ask questions and "have a conversation". When the shoe is on the other foot, Yolanda doesn't like it.

When I wrote horrifying in my post about people voting for Yolanda against Rinna, I was referencing it being horrifying to be accused of having munchhausens. I don't think any of their comments earlier in the season were bad. In fact I think that's why Kyle isn't getting any flack for all of her statements.  And I think when Yo thought about it after Rinna left and Daisy the friendly Ho read her the definition and the definition of M by Proxy, she flipped her lid. It's one thing for them to suggest she has something more than just lyme, it's another for Rinna to put it out there that she's making it up.  That's what people may be voting against with Rinna - bringing an off camera conversation that questions Yolanda being sick AT ALL onto the show for the sole purpose of Rinna being able to film a scene.

  • Love 2

I do think the show lack integrity in that regard.  I've seen Cohen claim to ask questions on the show with his whole tweet bit and yet I always feel it is just as likely to be a question he crafted.  But removes a layer of culpability by claiming it is from a viewer. See the reunion for heavy abuse of this type of disingenuous behavor in my opinion.



Using this comment - with which I fully agree - as a jumping off point for one of my bigger frustrations in recent years.  (Bigger frustrations WRT Housewives, at least.) Back in the day, at the reunions, you could usually count on the women being held accountable for bad behavior during the season.  Usually in the form of "viewer questions" but still - I remember the question in S3 that absolutely NAILED RHONY Kelly to the wall about her contradictions; or the questions that tagged Kyle for bullying Kim during Season One. In other words - I used to get so much satisfaction because the reunions were usually where you saw the women basically answering the questions that we had on the boards all year.


Now, the reunions don't even try to do that.  Instead, Andy uses the reunion to advance whatever narrative HE wants to advance, or to rewrite history.  I feel like he notoriously protected Brandi at reunions because he knew she was on the edge of being irredeemable and he wanted to keep her viable on the show.  So he controlled the narrative as much as he could.


For instance, last year at RHOBH, LVP was asked why she wouldn't forgive Brandi.  Kyle was asked what good she saw in Brandi.  Questions that painted Brandi as a victim or as a good person.  There was NOT ONE negative viewer question directed at Brandi.  I know Brandi felt attacked by the women, but Andy protected her to the absolute best of his ability, because he wanted to be able to keep her on the show.  Unfortunately, she went so far that there was no going back.


(And while I find her the most egregious example, Brandi is far from the only person "protected" on Andy's reunions.  Kim didn't get challenged on her terrible behavior at ALL, in any season, while Lisa Rinna had to spend ages apologizing for her text messages.  And don't even get me started on Bethenny, who can do whatever she wants to whomever she wants safe in the guarantee that Andy will protect her, down to eliminating anyone on the cast who might be smarter or saner than Bethenny, unless they're his other bestie Carole who has to agree to be Bethenny's BFF.)


Now I get frustrated in advance, because I am already very aware of what the conversations will be at this year's reunion:  Yolanda and her terrible illness, and who supported her, and who didn't, and LVP should apologize for ever doubting her, and Kyle should apologize for not understanding, and everyone must kowtow down to Yolanda.  Which is not the conversation that is happening anywhere else, but it's obviously the story Andy wants to tell, so it's the story that he's going to tell.  It's just like watching a sports game when you know the outcome is rigged: what's the point?

  • Love 14

The big question remains with Andy Cohen and Yolanda can they stretch this illness into another season?  Since Yolanda has pretty well named it chronic-whenever she gets into a pickle all she will do is claim relapse and the lack of the others' understanding of the illness.  I think her children have reached the point in their careers where any appearances will have to be paid making for a heavy salaried cast.  Her children aren't interesting except for their celebrity.  As long as Yolanda insists on every thing being about Lyme Disease and Invisible Disease there is nowhere for her to go.  Sure they can run Kim and Brandi back in to remind the audience what they are missing but other than that what do we have from Yolanda?


Reunion questioning will be tricky.  Let's hope the third part of the season is a little less Yolanda centric.

  • Love 4

I hope someone is strong enough to stand up to Yo at the reunion and get muchie chousen hausen out of the conversation and move on to her dramatics.  Please, please LVP shut her down.  It was not horrifying or offensive to bring that possibility into the mix.  It was incorrect, so move on and stop being aghast.  The mention of the M word was born out of your curious behavior and lies, you ass.   


Her breathy voice and fake incredulity at why no one supports her is another issue.  Oh, and "look at you with make up on!"  This when she arrived at Kyles BBQ.  Everyone wears make up every damn day (especially when filming), you used to.  So phony, so very phony.


OK, done.  She irritates the fuck out of me.  Carry on.   


David Foster, you got out in the nick of time.  


They decided that Yo would file.  It is usually a decision that is made by both of them when things are amicable so the women often files to save face and create the illusion that they have been wronged.  Society judges on who files and more harshly on a woman.  It was not her idea, no way.  He wanted out.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

New clip:



Eileen hit the nail on the head with her talking head at the end.


Also, just rewatched the season trailer and it looks like all that is left is Lisa/Kim in the finale as well as Brandi returning and Lisa V vs Eileen. I think the reunion will be filmed soon, Atlanta is taping this week.

  • Love 2

New clip:



Eileen hit the nail on the head with her talking head at the end.


Also, just rewatched the season trailer and it looks like all that is left is Lisa/Kim in the finale as well as Brandi returning and Lisa V vs Eileen. I think the reunion will be filmed soon, Atlanta is taping this week.



Yes Eileen did.  How stupid of Katherine OR she got a little bonus/suggestion to get a fight going to shift the focus off Yo to finish the season with something fresh!  ???   HA!  I would not put it past production/Andy.  Delicious if they don't get stuck in the semantics.  Erika will deny it because the wording is off.  This brightens my day though!  


Do you have a link for the season trailer or a place for me to find it?  

Edited by wings707
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