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Woo hoo! The YES network has a show called CenterStage, and every time I see it on the cable directory I grab for the remote thinking it is the awesome ballet movie by (almost) the same name. It is not.

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Thanks for the heads up, I watched the ep...and... hmmmm... it's a little darker than I thought it would be. Man I was scared to find out her backstory with her family and they did not disappoint! Hang up the phone Claire! before I throw up. Hope we are not in for a quick downward spiral for our lead but I'm not optimistic...she seems naive but I feel she has experienced a lot that I don't even want to imagine.


Loved the ballet stuff, all the practicing and what dancing we did see. I like the lead actress/dancer and can see her as this star/obsession. Would like to see more of the other dancers but what little I got I liked. Lots of quick cuts to fucking that I guess I'll have to get used to. Does no one like it gentle and slow? lol, give me some variation if I'll have to see lots of it.


The preview for next ep hinted that the show wont be letting up with the dark, depressing angle but I'm in it till the end. Will probably watch all eps on Sunday when they are released.

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The heroine was such an utter sniveling mess, until maybe the last five minutes, that I wasn't sure it was worth continuing with. But the dancing was beautiful. Aside from that it's just a lot of cliched tropes you've seen in other dance movies, lifetime flicks, and TV shows -- a bit disappointing. 

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I did not realize that Starz was doing a big bang release with this show and dropping all the episodes at once. With that in mind, I will do separate threads for each episode, but you won't see them here until this evening or tomorrow...my job that actually pays my bills needs to come first. Heh.

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The show was darker than I was expecting as well. Main girl needed to nut up, I get that she has some heavy stuff going on, but man! Ballet is not for the weak. I hope some dancers chime in here and let me know if she is a great dancer, she looked pretty good to me, but I'm not an expert. I will finish the limited series, I hope it lightens up a bit.

ETA: That was her ex boyfriend masturbating on the phone right? I really hope that wasn't a brother or something equally as terrible.

Edited by Arynm
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I took it to be her brother :(


She mentioned to her roommate that her brother was coming home from Afghanistan and it was his turn to help out at home (a partial lie I think about his turn)..the roommate then asked if he was cute and she said most people think so :( 


Then the guy that was calling her a million times (Brian?) on the call said "Dad is worried about you", not your dad is worried :( 


And he was laying on her bed with the lock on the door to her room busted and I was hoping he wasn't doing what I thought he was doing :( Hang up the phone Claire! The heavy breathing was making me nauseous ....but I hope your right and he is an ex-bf...that will make that scene much more tolerable. 

Edited by jvr
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I am all over this if the entire series is as dark and yummy as the pilot. It's predictible and over the top (think Flashdance) but also well acted, directed, choreographed and gorgeously shot. And I love that the dancers are real dancers.

Edited by numbnut
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Starz is airing one episode of this series each week on television, but all episodes are being released online on November 8th. If you will be watching the episodes as they are broadcast on television instead of online, be aware that there will be episode discussion (and therefore spoilers for you) in the episode threads.


Claire attempts to sever ties with her brother, but he comes looking for her. Paul engages a cutting-edge choreographer. Aging prima ballerina Kiira plots to stay in the limelight.
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Starz is airing one episode of this series each week on television, but all episodes are being released online on November 8th. If you will be watching the episodes as they are broadcast on television instead of online, be aware that there will be episode discussion (and therefore spoilers for you) in the episode threads.


The company hits financial jeopardy, but the show must go on. Choreographer Toni inspires the dancers and irks Paul. Claire inquires about the strip club. Bryan arrives in New York.


Of note: this episode was written by Adam Rapp and directed by Stefan Schwartz.

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Starz is airing one episode of this series each week on television, but all episodes are being released online on November 8th. If you will be watching the episodes as they are broadcast on television instead of online, be aware that there will be episode discussion (and therefore spoilers for you) in the episode threads.


Claire tries to expunge Bryan from her New York City life, while foraying deeper into the strip club world. Mia struggles with her continued pain, and Ross feels Paul's insecurity.
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Starz is airing one episode of this series each week on television, but all episodes are being released online on November 8th. If you will be watching the episodes as they are broadcast on television instead of online, be aware that there will be episode discussion (and therefore spoilers for you) in the episode threads.


Claire and Kiira compete to become face of the ABC season. Mia worries that her eating disorder is doing real damage. Claire gets a better understanding of Sergei's interests.
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Starz is airing one episode of this series each week on television, but all episodes are being released online on November 8th. If you will be watching the episodes as they are broadcast on television instead of online, be aware that there will be episode discussion (and therefore spoilers for you) in the episode threads.


Thanksgiving arrives, and Paul's neuroses frays dancers nerves. Claire ventures home to see her ailing father and Bryan, who she hasn't seen since their horrifying encounter in New York.
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Starz is airing one episode of this series each week on television, but all episodes are being released online on November 8th. If you will be watching the episodes as they are broadcast on television instead of online, be aware that there will be episode discussion (and therefore spoilers for you) in the episode threads.


While opening night fast approaches, Paul faces setbacks that he blames on Toni. Kiira makes a big decision. Romeo's prophecy upsets a deeply insecure Claire.
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Starz is airing one episode of this series each week on television, but all episodes are being released online on November 8th. If you will be watching the episodes as they are broadcast on television instead of online, be aware that there will be episode discussion (and therefore spoilers for you) in the episode threads.


Kiira's decision throws opening night into disarray. Daphne finds herself in the spotlight while Claire rises to artistic transcendence and Romeo's prophecy is revealed.
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I love that the dancers are real dancers.

To be honest, this is my main motivation for watching the show. I appreciate that they hired real dancers to play dancers instead of hiring actors and dance doubles. I paid money to see Center Stage in the theater (instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD as my boyfriend recommended) so I will watch this show no matter how badly acted or cheesy it turns out to be! Besides, how can I miss the opportunity to see Sascha Radetsky and Alex freaking Wong dance?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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ETA: That was her ex boyfriend masturbating on the phone right? I really hope that wasn't a brother or something equally as terrible.



I took it to be her brother :(


She mentioned to her roommate that her brother was coming home from Afghanistan and it was his turn to help out at home (a partial lie I think about his turn)..the roommate then asked if he was cute and she said most people think so :( 


Then the guy that was calling her a million times (Brian?) on the call said "Dad is worried about you", not your dad is worried :( 


And he was laying on her bed with the lock on the door to her room busted and I was hoping he wasn't doing what I thought he was doing :( Hang up the phone Claire! The heavy breathing was making me nauseous ....but I hope your right and he is an ex-bf...that will make that scene much more tolerable. 

It was her brother. Totally skeeved me out, & he was doing exactly what you think he was doing.

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Oh no! So not only was it her brother but he was laying on her bed masturbating!  That's terrible, no wonder she keeps hitting her messed up toe, that's her version of cutting. I will cut her a little slack on her meekness.

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Yep, definitely her gross brother. And now she has the sexual politics with her gay, control freak artistic director to navigate as well. Though I did love that little bit of complexity in that character, because I've known guys like this. Gay guys who might f@ck other guys, but are still emotionally entangled with women when it comes to responding to their beauty and controlling them emotionally. His "remember you're mine" chilled me.

Counting down to the full series release on Sunday, though Mr. AuntieMame is going to make fun of my Dirty Ballet marathon. So psyched that Starz is responding to new viewing patterns and releasing it this way.

I cringe every time she smashes that mangled toe. Squirm. You just know that sends pain up the long nerves all the way to the knee.

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Gah, I can't with the toenail. If anyone could tell me the minute at which that occurs, thus allowing me to FF right the hell through the trauma, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Otherwise, I'm all over this like tights on a . . . well, you know. I've seen several of these dancers perform in their respective companies, and am thrilled at the prospect of Real Dancers! Acting!

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Ummm... you don't need to destroy your entire phone to change your number. Or maybe she was so overcome with revulsion during that call with her bro that she threw the phone, rather than hurling herself, over the rail. If that was the case then good choice.


I'm already terrified and tired of the brother, can someone kill him now! Or can Claire grow a pair and got to the cops. I don't even think I can stand to watch them interact together on screen.


The Russian(?) instructor is funny. I love her little criticisms during practice. 


More toe mutilation at 26:27 of this ep if your squeamish and rather skip. Very short moment but nasty.


I guess in this universe every guy is a sexual pervert/molester/harasser except the homeless (maybe this is the only part of the show that is close to reality jk). 


Do not take drugs from strangers. Also, do not take drugs.


I need more ballet! More dancing dammit! This show is depressing and dark.

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Paul: For God's sake, stop naysaying. You know I hate naysaying.
Jessica: I'm not naysaying. I'm saying and you just don't like it.

Jessica: Maybe the man likes prosecco.
Paul: Well, I don't! It is sparkling wine and it's disgusting.

Paul: Anyone with dough enough to sit on the board spends more blasting lines off a hooker's tits on a Saturday night.

Paul: Veuve Clicquot. We serve Veuve Clicquot if I have to give blow jobs on the corner to pay for it.
Reggie: Better get busy.

Dancer: Maybe [Claire] blew [Paul].
Other dancer: Maybe. But if that worked, I wouldn't still be in the corps.

Daphne: This one? Watch out. Bat shit crazy and a total whore.
Mia: Fuck off. I'm not crazy.

Laurent Brousseau: Miracles - they're for the ignorant, the poor, and the dying.

Paul: Ballet is the ultimate optical illusion. We make effort appear effortless. We make difficult divine. And we make gravity our bitch.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
Fixed wonky spacing after forum upgrade
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I am not super squeamish but I would like a toenail warning too. She can bang the shit out of her foot. I just need to know when they're going to show her gnarly toenail. Maybe a flashing neon sign on the screen that says, "TOENAIL GROSSNESS IN 3...2...1!"


Hee, so Yankee Doodle Pasha is the F&B version of Brad on Glee. I hope we get to see him every episode. Being the company pianist on a ballet show/movie is really thankless so I'm glad that he is getting some face time.


I have closet envy. Daphne's closet is like Belle's library but for clothes and shoes!


I was pleasantly surprised that they let the actresses playing Claire and her roommate Mia both have red hair. Usually on tv, they would make one of them change their hair color because they think the audience is too dumb to be able to tell them apart (I still remember how Duncan and Logan each had specific colors assigned to their wardrobe for the entire first season of Veronica Mars). 


I wasn't expecting to see Cass Winthrop from Another World. I actually recognized his voice (even with the French accent) before I recognized his face. He must be drinking the blood of virgins because he looks almost exactly the same as he did thirty years ago. How in the hell is he 67 years old?


And now I am going to sound like a 67 year old, but I agree with Broussaud's initial decision - you can't cut Giselle from the season, damn it! I get that not all companies want to focus on classical pieces and yes, there is a need for new works. I just don't think that cutting the most well known ballet from your season is a great idea. A typical ballet season should have several different programs (San Francisco Ballet's season has eight different programs) so cut one of the other pieces so that you can do Giselle AND a new ballet.


Looooooooved all the dancing, which is what I expected. They are definitely hitting some of those ballet movie cliches pretty hard, but if that's the price I have to pay for a ballet show, I can live with it. More dancing, please!


I also really appreciate that the dancing is shot well. It never ceases to amaze me when dance shows like So You Think You Can Dance have such terrible camera work. There are times when it is appropriate to go for a closeup (acceptable during barre work) but most shows are terrible with their dance camera work. I love that much of the dancing we saw was in long shots so we could see Claire's entire body as she danced but they were close enough that we could still see her facial expressions.


Paul is such a caricature, but at least they are giving him a few campy lines that are destined to be classic quotes from this show (although I don't know if anything will top "As a boyfriend you kinda suck" from Center Stage). Prosecco is sparkling wine and it's DISGUSTING! I loved Jessica and Reggie silently communicating what a nutjob Paul is while he was ranting in his office.

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Loved those women at the kids park! Hell yea, tell that pervert to get lost. More people should be hyper award of their surroundings especially when regarding the most vulnerable. Even if I didn't know this guy was a creep, I don't think anyone that doesn't have a child there should be hanging out watching kids play and definitely not interacting with them. Sorry... it's the world we live in, keep it moving. Take your ass somewhere else to sit, eat and reflect on molesting your sister (I'm starting to think the actual molesting piece hasn't occurred, they just have a super dysfunctional creepy predatory relationship... I hope).


I knew Claire would find her way back to the strip club. She is so awkward most of the time, when not dancing, that I wasn't looking forward to this but she was actually sexy up on the stage before she reverted to her usual self. I normally don't like these sort of performances, they don't do anything for me, but her dance wasn't trashy or uncomfortable. It was very sensual. It surely doesn't hurt me to look at Sarah Hay's beautiful body, she is gorgeous. Still wanted it to end though. 


My 'Can Die Now' list contains:

1. Bryan - Self explanatory

2. Paul - For killing those damn baby birds!


Predictions: Claire gets Mafia guy (or Mafia henchman) to kill her brother. I can't wait! Or maybe Homeless Romeo to the rescue, I'm scared he might get hurt though.


Of the other dancers....not much of an opinion of them. Claire's roommate is such a bitch, I'm thinking she will get hurt by creepy brother. I'm interested in Rich Daphne's backstory, I like her so far. And I'm looking forward to what the new choreographer brings to the company. 

Edited by jvr
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Yay...equal opportunity uncomfortable sexual harassment. Nice to see the boys getting in on the miserableness of this world. Great job Paul. And he even punishes Ross for denying his advances...maybe we will see Ross have to suck dick for a spot in a performance (or to secure some financial funds for the company). I'm not saying it's right...but if a girls gotta do it...I also wasn't feeling all that sad for Ross since he did essentially the same thing to Claire.


So much self harm...no toes this time though people.


The brother is one creepy looking sob (imo, no offense to the actor), something with the lines in his face, his cheekbones, his forehead...why anyone wouldn't take one look at him and run the other way I don't know. People don't have survival instincts.


I was typing this "hate what female actresses have to reveal on shows with nudity and sex that guys never have to expose themselves to..." right before the scene of Paul on the massage table where he exposes himself to Claire and flashes his flaccid penis. Yes, equal opportunity exposure, I'm all for it. More please (but not the creepy brother).


Predictions that were correct so far: Horrible roommate gets more than she was looking for from psycho brother...feel bad for her. Hopefully she wont be letting him into the apartment anymore. I'm sure brother got kicked out of the Marines for raping villagers in some far off land (prediction!)...he is fucked in the head. Also, mob people kicked Bryan's ass, I will take that as a partial correct prediction and say there is still opportunity there for them to kill him.


Still need more ballet! More dancing! What do people think of the choreography we have seen so far for this modern piece?


My 'You Can Die Now' list did not grow in this episode.

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Hmmm...I've been wondering why Sergei gave 250K over to the Company for Daphne with nothing in return...been waiting for the other show to drop. So far I still don't know but Claire now knows the Russian Mobster isn't so nice and doesn't just deal in harmless strip clubs, looks like there is some sex trafficking going on. That's heavy stuff and I don't know what Claire could or should do about it...she could easily end up dead or being sex trafficked herself if she missteps. First things first she should get far away from these motherfuckers.


Paul's boo leaving him a literal piece of shit on his pillow...didn't see that coming. So nasty though lol.


Mia is a total bitch but man I feel for her...first that incident with Claire's brother (Claire really should have have warned her but Mia probably wouldn't have listened anyway). And now she seems to have some serious health issues that are not being caused by her eating disorder. She is in for a world of hurt.


It's so cliche to have a stripper find some nice wealthy guy that wants to help her better herself etc. etc. but I still wanted Claire to go to that guy, he seemed nice, but was probably a serial killer on this show.

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Ross: 'That was terrorism' line actually made me laugh. Not much else made me laugh in this ep.


Ughhhhh!!!!!!!!! Ugh! So my theory of no molestation (or sexual relations) was false. They lulled me into a place of security thinking maybe it wasn't as bad as it appeared. :( . I keep having to pause it and try not to get upset at Claire for even going home. I'm like maybe holding out hope Bryan is adopted lol. I don't know how this all occurred..she took time off from dancing at 18 and now she is 21. We were lead to believe that was to care for her father while her brother went overseas. Now it seems she was pregnant (stomach churn) which is why she stopped dancing and her bro got shipped out around that time (because daddy knew he knocked up his sister)... I don't want to say it but it appears she was an equal participant in this...relationship (stomach churn). And she actually had this baby? Ughhhhhh. Hopefully that child is healthy and never finds out its origins, just leave it be, out of this dysfunction. Bryan would probably find his daughter/niece and have sex with her too, what's wrong with that in their world?


Am I the only one binging this? I need others perspective. I don't want to follow Claire anymore. I might be done, maybe I can just watch the last eps performances (that will probably be 3 minutes of actual film)...Only 2 eps left...maybe I can just power through...


Also, dammit I was going to make the prediction of Mia trying to kill herself! Damn, should have wrote it down. I just knew she would fall apart. They tricked me into thinking maybe she wasn't sick but I should have known it was bad because she was eating everything in sight.

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Claire: You weren't listening to my conversation last night, were you?
Romeo: That'd be creepy.
Claire: Yeah, it would.
Romeo: And inappropriate. That would be the wrong thing to do.

Paul: He's a dream to work with. I never once wanted to bludgeon him.

Betty: You all look the same to me and you could all use a ham sandwich.

Paul: Pittsburg. Onomatopoeia, isn't it?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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