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S04.E03: Pretty Little Lies

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Found this on Twitter re: Katie's scar:



And this instagram post where Katie explains about her injury (hope it's okay to post)!



I think she is gorgeous as well - if I had to pick a "favorite" character, it would probably be her. I'm curious about Katie and Kristin's friendship, especially now that Kristin is semi-friendly with Stassi again and Katie isn't. I hope they talk about it more on the show this season.

Edited by Elizabeth
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I was watching the last part of this ep before the "first look" tonight and noticed that when Schena sits down to tell successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks about Shay, Lisa rolled her eyes so hard I could hear it! I found that amusing for some reason.

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But prostitute/escort-shaming? You bet!!

Considering it's illegal in this country and all, I can understand the other gals being all up at arms about their co-worker being a potential lady-of-the-night on the side, bringing her weird sex-industry vibes to the workplace.


Up until just a few years ago gay marriage was illegal in this country. Does that mean no gay people should be working for Lisa? Just because something is illegal, that doesn't make it wrong. It's not something I'm into, at all, but as long as it involves two consenting adults....not my business. 


I don't like Lala, and I think it was wrong and foolish of her to lie to her new boss. But I don't think I've seen anything indicating she's bringing anything about her supposed "sex industry" ties to work. She never outright said she was going to Italy as a prostitute. She tried being vague about it, and things were inferred, and I put that mostly on Scheana and Katie and their Mean Girl nosiness. 


Lala probably should have just been mostly honest. She should not have lied and said she was leaving for a modeling gig. But she could have just discreetly said she was travelling with friends and left it at that. Until she actually tries to solicit patrons at SUR, I don't think it's fair to say she's bringing her other "job" to work. 

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Technically speaking it probably was a modeling gig. Or at least that's what it's called when she books them. I remember living in LA and seeing tons of adds for models that were obviously recruiting prostitutes. I'm not particularly a fan of the oldest profession, but Katie and Sheena were being ridicules. This did not affect them at all. They didn't have to cover her shift or arrange the schedule or do anything. They didn't even have to know about it because it didn't affect them. Oh and I would bet everything in my checking account (calm down, it's not much) that they have worked with plenty of escorts/pros/sex works at SUR. I'm sure the VPR cast has a few. I've always suspected Sheena was a professional girlfriend at some point. I'm pretty sure Jax has worked professionally. It would not surprise me at all to find out Kristen or FI Tom has at least traded sex for drugs. Hell, that wouldn't surprise me about any of them.

Edited by FozzyBear
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And this instagram post where Katie explains about her injury (hope it's okay to post)!



Yikes.  That sounds horrible.  Falling through a skylight and falling 25 feet.  I'm looking at the skylight in my kitchen.  It's about 15 feet high.  15 feet would hurt.  25 would hurt more.   I wonder if she was dating Schwartz then and did he help nurse her back to health?  That's the kind of thing I want to know about these people.

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Up until just a few years ago gay marriage was illegal in this country. Does that mean no gay people should be working for Lisa? Just because something is illegal, that doesn't make it wrong. It's not something I'm into, at all, but as long as it involves two consenting adults....not my business.

First of all, I don't agree that you can slut-shame a grown adult. People only feel shame if they do something wrong, and if they feel they're doing something wrong, they should quit doing said wrong thing.

Lala is in one of the best countries in the world to be a woman. She has lots of opportunities to be more than just a pretty face. To make the choice to whore herself out is disgusting to me and it's a waste of her potential. She might not be Einstein, but surely she has more to offer to the world than just her vagina. Part of me is glad she's with James, because he certainly can't monetarily afford her, so she must be with him bc she truly likes him, which imo is better than selling her body. (Even tho he's acting like a psychopath when it comes to Kristin, lying to her face and whatnot).

Secondly, if we can't slut-shame, we can never talk about Jax ever again because other than being nasty to male bartenders outside of SUR, that's all he has to offer this show. He disgusts me too. It's gross to offer your body carelessly to anyone who will have sex with you. Again, my opinion. But if he felt "shamed" by that, that's his problem, not mine. I'm allowed to feel and voice my feelings, right?

If either he or Lala feel shamed by their own behavior then they should stop. They're not trafficked sex workers or being exploited in any way. So any bad feelings they have towards their own sexual behavior lies squarely on them and not myself, the other posters, or anyone else but them. In my opinion.

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Yikes.  That sounds horrible.  Falling through a skylight and falling 25 feet.  I'm looking at the skylight in my kitchen.  It's about 15 feet high.  15 feet would hurt.  25 would hurt more.   I wonder if she was dating Schwartz then and did he help nurse her back to health?  That's the kind of thing I want to know about these people.

if she were, I imagine Schwartzie would get a "panic attack" and run away.
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if she were, I imagine Schwartzie would get a "panic attack" and run away.

For a minute I imagined him there, cradling her crumpled, bleeding body. Comforting her until the paramedics arrived. Gently stroking her hair.....But naaaah. This is Scwartzie and you're absolutely right. LOL. Dude either ran to a corner screaming or passed out.

Horrific accident.

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Being that they've been shown together (as in just the 2 of them, not in a group setting) probably a total of 10 minutes over the last few seasons, I don't know that we can fairly ascertain that their relationship was based on show-mance, and not love.

Now Tom and Ariana... sure. James and Kristen? Oh hell yes. But Shay .... he's always been more in the background and doesn't seem to seek the limelight the way that many of these other CFs do. IDK - just my opinion, of course.

That being said, I am sorta RME at this whole "drug"/troubled marriage storyline. Just not fully buying what they are selling. Seems like a very exaggerated storyline. Like, maybe he took some Advil and had a beer one day... and they took that and ran with it.

It doesn't matter to me that they've been seen for 10 minutes alone. When a couple looks awkward and almost brother and sister like on their wedding day, I say there's no connection/fireworks. Strange.

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I'm watching this episode again and when James asked Lala if the girls were getting antsy in their pantsies I said "shut the fuck up, James" aloud.

They are if they've been "Jaxed"!

But seriously, what kind of businesses is Lisa Vanderbucks running that shit like this happens and is acceptable?

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This episode, and the season in general, has been waaaay too Lisa-heavy for me. Lisa, save your drama for people your own age on the RHBH. And take your short, aggressive, lapel-grabbing, too-many-buttons-open-on-a-button-down-shirt, ancient husband with you. The mice will only play if the cat's away, and you, Lisa, are the cat.

Shouldn't Lisa be more upset at Lala's lying, rather than at the girls' reaction to her lie?

This epi was kind of a snooze, and I think it's cause we're missing a huge piece of the Scheanna-Shay story. She even said in a TH that she was keeping some things to herself. Girl, you are on a reality show! You're responsible for rounding out your narrative. If it's too personal, keep it off the show, but you're not doing the viewer any favors by boo-hooing that Shay's self-medicating, but not telling us what he's self-medicating for!

And I'm with the others up thread who don't believe this overreaction to five Vicodin a day with wine. Five vikes with wine sounds like a repressed 1950s housewife to me. I bet half this cast regularly dabbles in pills and alcohol. Have we met Jax? (And James and Lala?) And are we to think Kristen, who is sitting home all day working on t-shirts, only imbibes one glass of red wine per day, for the antioxidants? Nah, I'm betting that if Shay has a problem that's so bad he's basically abandoned his wife, he's probably tossing back 20-30 Vicodins a day, along with assorted benzos. And that was not wine he was chugging in the flashback to Scheanna's birthday. Drug addiction in Hollywood is usually pretty sordid.

I think Scheanna's used the word 'literally' four times this episode. She clearly has no idea how to use this word.

This is the first episode in a long time that my gaydar has not pinged for the Toms. And they were also sorta likable. Schwartz actually turned what could have been a douche-worthy moment into a classy experience when he didn't flirt with the girls he was modeling with, and actually talked to one of them about proposing to Katie.

What's up with Ken this season? He is very  hostile to Jax & Tom.


I feel bad for Shay. He is being depicted as an out of control addict. Why didn't Scheana go visit him at his parents place?

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What's up with Ken this season? He is very hostile to Jax & Tom.

I feel bad for Shay. He is being depicted as an out of control addict. Why didn't Scheana go visit him at his parents place?

This whole story line smells to me. Even when Sheena was describing his addiction and she got to "he's up to 5 a day and he sometimes has a glass of wine". I was like...ok is that a lot? I mean I know it's not a small dosage, but depending on how he's being prescribed I could see 5 a day. And as for the wine, I know you're not supposed to but plenty of people who have been on long term pain management have had the occasional nigh cap with it. It just seemed sort of anticlimactic after the way Sheena had worked up to it. I was expecting hookers and blow or something and I got he's taking his prescribed dosage of Vicodin and sometimes with wine? I don't mean to sound insensitive, I know that could easily be really troubling behavior. I just wasn't sure and Sheena made it seem so bad that by the time she got to the big reveal I kind of shrugged. I'm starting to feel like she's just creating drama for the sake of drama. Who knows?

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What's up with Ken this season? He is very hostile to Jax & Tom.

Right? It's like he has something to prove. Lisa is entirely equipped to go toe-to-toe with any and all of these people. She doesn't need a little troll of a bodyguard. Ken, these people aren't your peers or your contemporaries, and you are only embarrassing yourself when you "step to" them. When four women that are closer in age and status to Lisa gang up on her on an isolated island, as they did in S4 of RHBH, that was the right time to stand by your wife, and that was gallant and sweet.

This whole story line smells to me. Even when Sheena was describing his addiction and she got to "he's up to 5 a day and he sometimes has a glass of wine". I was like...ok is that a lot? I mean I know it's not a small dosage, but depending on how he's being prescribed I could see 5 a day. And as for the wine, I know you're not supposed to but plenty of people who have been on long term pain management have had the occasional nigh cap with it. It just seemed sort of anticlimactic after the way Sheena had worked up to it. I was expecting hookers and blow or something and I got he's taking his prescribed dosage of Vicodin and sometimes with wine? I don't mean to sound insensitive, I know that could easily be really troubling behavior. I just wasn't sure and Sheena made it seem so bad that by the time she got to the big reveal I kind of shrugged. I'm starting to feel like she's just creating drama for the sake of drama. Who knows?

I totally agree with you. Did you hear her explanation on the after show? Scheana got 30 days of pain meds from her dentist, and she only took one or two, because she doesn't need them, and she has a really high tolerance for pain. When she looked in the pill bottle one day, she saw there was only one pill left and she freaked out.

Ok, hold the phone: Shay took 27-28 Vicodins over the course of who knows how long? I'm sorry, and I know this isn't politically correct either, but that is well within the range of normal behavior in my own universe. I don't even have to say, "well, hey, it's SUR and Hollywood; what do I expect?" And I come from a very normal middle-class educated northeast background. In my world, when someone who is not me sees her sister on the holidays, one of them might have some Adderall, and the other might have some Percocets, and they might barter...and this is considered about as bad as my sister letting me use her license to get into clubs and bars when she was 21 and I was 19: wrong, yes, but par for the course. Or let me put it another way: I've never in my life seen pills "go to waste." If someone has them and doesn't want them, they go to someone else. If someone wants them, and doesn't have them, they ask around. But nothing ever sits on a shelf collecting dust. Nothing considered "good," anyway. I'm not glorifying it; just reporting from a view of the situation that is not Scheana's. The only thing I find slightly creepy is that he took them without asking her. But if you look at Scheana's reaction, I guess we can see why he engaged in passive-aggressive behavior. And PS Scheana, most dentists don't prescribe straight Vicodin. It's usually a hydrocodone/acetaminophen combo, and the acetaminophen will ruin your liver before you can get well into addiction. If Scheana had said Shay was crushing and shooting Oxy, I'd be more concerned. Quite frankly, the flashback to Shay chugging hard liquor whilst double-fisting full bottles was more worrisome to me than the story of the taking of the drugs.

I don't know what kind of wife Scheana is, because we haven't gotten to see much of that on the show, but if her wedding and her apartment is any indication, she's perhaps a little...controlling? Perfectionistic? And maybe that drove Shay to self-medicate. On the other hand, to be fair, the first time they showed them as a couple, I think they were at a coffee shop and my first reaction was (ok, it was my second reaction. My first reaction was "SHE is going out? With HIM?), "wow, Scheana is really cute with this guy. Maybe she's not just a little husband stealer." But, once again, the focus was on her, not him, as usual, and maybe that's a problem in and of itself.

Edited for tone

Edited by N. Bluth
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Even if Scheana could be considered self centered, a perfectionist, etc. why is that any excuse to pop pills or drink excessively? If he really couldn't handle her behavior/personality, why didn't he just break up with her if it was that bad? The only person to blame for his addiction is himself. Trying to put the blame on other people when someone has drug or alcohol addiction is completely wrong. And it doesn't surprise me that Scheana sits there asking if she was the cause behind his addiction, even though I don't think she should in any way be held accountable for his actions. But it's a perfectly natural reaction to think she was either the reason behind it or wondering if she could have done something to prevent it.

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Even when Sheena was describing his addiction and she got to "he's up to 5 a day and he sometimes has a glass of wine". I was like...ok is that a lot?

5 per day is nothing. That is like one of the minimum doses. They say on the bottle to take one every 4-6 hours which pretty nicely works out to 4 to 6 per day

And PS Scheana, most dentists don't prescribe straight Vicodin. It's usually a hydrocodone/acetaminophen combo, and the acetaminophen will ruin your liver before you can get well into addiction.

FWIW, Vicodin is, by its very definition, hydrocodone AND acetaminophen (ask Google.) There is such a thing as straight hydrocodone, but it is relatively new and I can't remember the name. You could certainly become addicted to taking a lot of vikes. Eventually they will ruin your liver/stomach because of all of that acetaminophen, but most people would have switched to something stronger before that happens.

I am thinking that Shay downplayed his usage to scheana big time (as almost ALL addicts will do) and told her he was using significantly less than he really is. This is my opinion amyways. The facts will be very difficult to ascertain because the only person who really knows, Mike Shay, may not ever tell the truth about it.

ETA -Zohydro and Hysingla are the names of the straight hydrocodone pills

Also, I have been around a LOT of addicts and Scheana convincing herself that there was not a problem is VERY common. I knew a lot of guys who were keeping it from their significant other, and even though their behaviors were SO OBVIOUS to ppl who knew, denial is a very powerful thing

Edited by bblancobrnx
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What's up with Ken this season? He is very  hostile to Jax & Tom.

I think you answered your own question. :-)

Seriously though, I have no idea, other than Ken wants to have his own scenes on TV now. Has successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks always had a bone to pick when she meets one of her employees, or this something new? I swear, it seems like whenever she has a scene with her staff she's confronting them about something that bothers her.


I feel bad for Shay. He is being depicted as an out of control addict. Why didn't Scheana go visit him at his parents place?

Is it b/c she's making it all about her and she thinks he should be the one groveling at her feet?

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I think Scheana's concern is not how many pills he's taking, but that he is mixing them with alcohol. Also, what is he even taking the pills for? If he doesn't have some kind of injury or pain that she knew about, of course it would concern her. He's hiding the reason behind why he's taking the pills, whether there's an injury or pain he never told her about, or he's taking it purely for emotional reasons. Either way, he's taking them for some reason she isn't aware of. I can completely understand her point of view with the "I feel like he's cheating on me, like he has this other life I never knew about." It can definitely come across that way. He says in next week's episode that he's felt like this for 2 years. Clearly he has been hiding something from her all this time, whether it's an injury, chronic pain, or emotional/mental issues. She's his wife. It's totally legit for her to feel like she's been betrayed in a way, that he's been hiding something this big from his own wife. She might also be concerned that this could lead to harder drug usage or that there's other things he's not telling her about. When you find out someone close to you is hiding something, it kind of makes you go "I wonder what ELSE they're hiding?"


ETA: Also remember how he was double fisting whiskey or whatever it was at the decades party? I could see how Scheana feels concerned, it's not just 1 thing that is concerning to her, but more like it's this snowball effect of all these things added together: The pills, the drinking, the running away from home, etc. 

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Here is the thing, Shay could have been getting high with opiates just to party and have fun, not realizing that soon he would need them to function normally. I will say in the clip they showed on the after show Friday night of next week, he looked HIGH AS FUCK during the confrontation/intervention, so I think the pills are the big problem, not just mixing a few pills with alcohol

Edited by bblancobrnx
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FWIW, Vicodin is, by its very definition, hydrocodone AND acetaminophen (ask Google.) There is such a thing as straight hydrocodone...

ETA -Zohydro and Hysingla are the names of the straight hydrocodone pills


You are right. I was being lazy when I wrote my post and I had a feeling someone was going to correct me on this even as I was writing it. I knew Vicodin was hydrocodone and acetaminophen, but I wrote my post the way I did thinking that there was probably some supersonic form of "straight Vicodin" out there. Thanks to your research, It turns out there are two, but they've got other names. I should remember, Google is my friend.


Even if Scheana could be considered self centered, a perfectionist, etc. why is that any excuse to pop pills or drink excessively? If he really couldn't handle her behavior/personality, why didn't he just break up with her if it was that bad? The only person to blame for his addiction is himself. Trying to put the blame on other people when someone has drug or alcohol addiction is completely wrong. And it doesn't surprise me that Scheana sits there asking if she was the cause behind his addiction, even though I don't think she should in any way be held accountable for his actions. But it's a perfectly natural reaction to think she was either the reason behind it or wondering if she could have done something to prevent it.

You're right. I'm sorry I made my post out to make it seem like Scheana is responsible for Shay's behavior. Every adult is responsible for their own choices. I guess instead of blaming Scheana, I should have worded it in a way that some of Scheana's personality quirks might be triggers for him. It is like in that show, Intervention, where they follow an addict and intersperse information about the addict's childhood and adult life that may have contributed to the addiction, but the addict is still always responsible for their own behavior. For example, if Scheana is controlling, and Shay grew up in a hyper-controlled, repressed environment, it could be a trigger...but considering I really don't know Shay from Adam, speculating is a fool's errand.

I think we'll find out more about this next week, but IF Shay truly has a substance abuse problem, I feel bad for Scheana. I understand how she'd feel cheated on. Even if Shay doesn't have a deep-seated problem and he's just messing around, he's still messing with Scheana's mind. And, come to think of it, if I found out my husband took almost all my prescribed meds without telling me, I would be kinda floored. Even if I wasn't planning on taking them. It would be the lack of candor that would cause me to go WTH.

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To be fair, I don't think Sheena is at all responsible for anything Shay does. He's a grown up. BUT I did feel like she was calling him an addict on TV and I wasn't sure I was 100% behind her interpretation of events. I think publicly implying someone is an addict is a really serious thing that should not be done lightly or to create drama. It's one of those accusations where once it's made a large number of people will assume you're guilty and use anything you do as proof of addiction. Sheena's not a doctor and she's discussing this on camera. But no, Shay is responsible for any of his own behavior. They are both responsible for marrying someone with the same stupid name. Sheena and Shay? Really? It's like a bad hipster cartoon strip.

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You are right. I was being lazy when I wrote my post and I had a feeling someone was going to correct me on this even as I was writing it. I knew Vicodin was hydrocodone and acetaminophen, but I wrote my post the way I did thinking that there was probably some supersonic form of "straight Vicodin" out there. Thanks to your research, It turns out there are two, but they've got other names. I should remember, Google is my friend.

You're right. I'm sorry I made my post out to make it seem like Scheana is responsible for Shay's behavior. Every adult is responsible for their own choices. I guess instead of blaming Scheana, I should have worded it in a way that some of Scheana's personality quirks might be triggers for him. It is like in that show, Intervention, where they follow an addict and intersperse information about the addict's childhood and adult life that may have contributed to the addiction, but the addict is still always responsible for their own behavior. For example, if Scheana is controlling, and Shay grew up in a hyper-controlled, repressed environment, it could be a trigger...but considering I really don't know Shay from Adam, speculating is a fool's errand.

I think we'll find out more about this next week, but IF Shay truly has a substance abuse problem, I feel bad for Scheana. I understand how she'd feel cheated on. Even if Shay doesn't have a deep-seated problem and he's just messing around, he's still messing with Scheana's mind. And, come to think of it, if I found out my husband took almost all my prescribed meds without telling me, I would be kinda floored. Even if I wasn't planning on taking them. It would be the lack of candor that would cause me to go WTH.

Yeah, that would get to me too. In which case I still don't really understand. Sheena had that surgery 3 years ago? Right? So Shay took them all in a couple of months? Or was he sharing them with other people? And what happened that made her check a 3 year old pill bottle? Was she throwing them away? Were they both using them recreationally, but Shay was using more? Plus when she was talking to Lisa I could have sworn she referred to the Vicodin as Shay's, but I don't really pay close attention when Sheena talks.

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To be fair, I don't think Sheena is at all responsible for anything Shay does. He's a grown up. BUT I did feel like she was calling him an addict on TV and I wasn't sure I was 100% behind her interpretation of events. I think publicly implying someone is an addict is a really serious thing that should not be done lightly or to create drama. It's one of those accusations where once it's made a large number of people will assume you're guilty and use anything you do as proof of addiction. Sheena's not a doctor and she's discussing this on camera. But no, Shay is responsible for any of his own behavior. They are both responsible for marrying someone with the same stupid name. Sheena and Shay? Really? It's like a bad hipster cartoon strip.

Shay is his last name. His actual name is Michael.

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I think publicly implying someone is an addict is a really serious thing that should not be done lightly or to create drama. It's one of those accusations where once it's made a large number of people will assume you're guilty and use anything you do as proof of addiction.

This is totally true...look at my prior post where I said he looks high as hell during the "confrontation/intervention. " I would never have been looking closely enough at him to make that statement if not for what Scheana has told us

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CreamedPeas, on 21 Nov 2015 - 3:39 PM, said:

It doesn't matter to me that they've been seen for 10 minutes alone. When a couple looks awkward and almost brother and sister like on their wedding day, I say there's no connection/fireworks. Strange.


Not everybody likes to take eye vacations in front of the cameras.  It doesn't mean there isn't a spark or "fireworks."  

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To be fair, I don't think Sheena is at all responsible for anything Shay does. He's a grown up. BUT I did feel like she was calling him an addict on TV and I wasn't sure I was 100% behind her interpretation of events. I think publicly implying someone is an addict is a really serious thing that should not be done lightly or to create drama. It's one of those accusations where once it's made a large number of people will assume you're guilty and use anything you do as proof of addiction. Sheena's not a doctor and she's discussing this on camera. But no, Shay is responsible for any of his own behavior.


I agree. I finally got to watch the after show last night and the way Scheana was talking about it just left a bad taste in my mouth. I get that they sign up to show their lives, but I've just never felt like Shay wanted to be 100% front and center. I could be totally wrong, but it's my impression that Scheana is using Shay's problem for the show and I don't care for it one bit. 

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The show seemed to be all over the screen this past week, with clips on The People's Couch and The Soup (*sniff* - R.I.P.), and the Seth Rogen parody (which was pretty awesome.) Also, the After Show with Julie and Brandy, which has been enjoyable.


I guess those times Shay was crying should've been a clue to his state of mind, huh? Anyway, coppin' pain pills isn't cool, no matter how many are taken.


Girl looks like she bathes in peach schnapps.





Stickiness aside, Kristen does have nice skin.


I'm getting a kick out of hostile Ken. It would be funny if he popped in every week just to swing his ol' grumpy balls around.


Like, playback your conversation that you had with Arianna in your princess bedroom.

Forty-five "likes" she dropped. Forty-five. (Yes, I played it back and counted, because it was just that out of control, and I'm a weirdo.)


But the most beautiful of all, imo, was the black waitress - she was a singer but I've forgotten her name.  Stunning.

Agree, that would be Tina. Does she not work for Lisa at all, anymore?


Lisa, walking down the street. Carrying a motherfuckin' SWAN. I love this show.

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Okay, let me preface this by saying I do not care for Lala. Her name is stupid, and lying to your new boss is stupid, and anyone that even halfway puts a move on Jax is stupid. However, Lisa is 100% right in calling Katie and Scheana out for their treatment of her. Unless Lala is screwing up at her job left and right or goes after one of them, they have no reason to take issue with her. They're just being mean girls, and I find it very hypocritical of Scheana, considering she was once on the other end of that deal. If you want to talk smack about her back at your apartments, go right ahead. But bothering her at work just makes you look petty and jealous. 


That being said, it's completely ridiculous of Lala to act like she was SO upset by their questioning that she had to fly "home" and miss her big trip to Italy over it. I've never been out of the country. So if I had a chance to go to Europe, I would just pack my tissues and put on my big girl panties and go. 


I don't know what's got Shay so upset, since we haven't heard his side at all yet, but I can see him feeling totally dismissed and unappreciated in that relationship. It's the Scheana show, and it probably has been from the start. Everything is always about her. Maybe he tends toward depression normally. Maybe it has gotten worse since she's become "the star" of the show, and is probably paying even less attention to him than normal. I can totally see him being upset for awhile and her not even noticing. She seems very self involved to me. I don't know, I could be totally off base, but I'm just going on what little I have to go on. All in all, it makes me feel sad for Shay. If he is dealing with serious depression and addiction, Scheana shouldn't be using that as a storyline. They should exit the show and get him help. 


Seeing Schwartz be all proud of himself for finally being ready to commit is kind of cute and kind of ridiculous at the same time. I find it very coincidental that he just happened to be "ready" when they're filming. 

I think Lala's story about Italy was a half lie. I think she did get invited but it was probably for a week...when she told the guy she could go for just the weekend he probably said I'm not buying an earlier return ticket for you. So she ends up not going cause she isn't going to shell out the money herself. She didn't not go cause Sheana and Katie were mean to her and she needed her mommy - Mr I need some arm candy had other options and exed her out.


I thought Shay had issues way back when Tequila Katie yelled at Sheana. Remember when Shay tried to intervene in the argument and he ended up sobbing?

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You guys. Where to start!?

Jax, jealous much? Also, pretty sure that he must have been punched in the face as a catalyst for this most recent nose job. The scar above his eyebrow? What is that? Also, why was he sitting out back eating like that? All casual and nasty? I got the impression he was probably eating cocktail cherries and blue cheese stuffed olives he stole from the bar fruit tray.

It's Jax's tattoo of his latest girlfriend. It's a Lightning Bolt and it represents Harietta Potter

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Did anyone see that after show they did last week with 2 of the people from People's Couch hosting?  It was mostly fluff but you got a lot of insight into no one should date James ever.  I blame his age in part but he really is just disgusting.  He basically said he was a really good boyfriend to Kristen when she was being good to him but when she started her usual Kristen b.s. it was a justification for him to be a complete sh*t person.  She's awful, don't get me wrong but it doesn't give him a pass for cheating, lying, etc.  People like this create the Kristens of the world.  How much more insecure and distrusting do you think she'll be now?  

Revenge Fuck on Kristen's end PLUS I'm Gonna Hump a Cast Member To Get On This Show on Jame's end DOES NOT EQUAL or can not morph into a real relationship.


The only reason to continue such an alliance is for the purpose of getting an additional season on VPR.


I think Kristen has been unfaithful to James since the beginning as she has been hung up on FI Tom and I do believe she has been physically unfaithful she's just smarter about hiding it - she hid her 2 hookups with Jax for over a year on the show. I do think he had stronger feelings for her when they first started but after seeing the footage from last season his feelings turned to anger.

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Maybe Lisa is shocked it's only 5 pills a day? 


Regardless, this felt very real to me.  Having had an addict ex, I don't envy Scheana this at all.  From her talk with Lisa, Scheana said something about it going on since Christmas which was less than 6 months after they married.  Very sad.  Clearly there was something going on before the marriage.  The previews show Shay saying something about being unhappy for 2 years.  I can't fault Scheana for saying "why did you marry me?" because I think that's a normal response.  I also think it's believable that she didn't realize how unhappy he was.  People can hide all types of shit and act how they think they are supposed to.  I do wonder if any of Shay's guy friends knew or noticed. 


The Shay bedroom furniture looks like furniture I had when I was about 6.  They need to start "adulting" and upgrade from the pretty, pretty princess furniture. Maybe they should ask Flat Iron and Nugget for tips.  In all seriousness though, most men I know would NOT feel comfortable in that extremely feminine, princess-y bedroom.  Ken Todd probably would though!  And did I see a litter box against the wall in the bedroom, next to the bed?  Girl, no!  Not good to be sleeping next to a litter box, not at all.  I used to have cats, I know.  Better to have the box in your bathroom.


WTF is going on with Jax and his face?  Did the cosmetic surgeon pack cotton wads in his cheeks and forget to remove them?  Are all of his teeth and/or gums infected?  I think someone last week said he looks like he's storing nuts for the winter and now I can't get a Chip 'n Dale reference out of my head (except chipmunks are way cuter.)  Jax' jawline seriously scares me. 


Lala . . . when you make Schwartzie look positively zen and calm, you in danger, girl.  Clearly she is on the show for storyline purposes as Lisa should have fired her as soon as she realized she lied.  And she's a neurotic mess.  (Kristen already fills that niche.)


Kristen is crazy as all get out but I do feel sorry for her regarding DJ Muppet Baby.  He's young, immature and being a douche.  He's certainly not doing himself any favors by going from Kristen to Lala.  Oy.


I too liked seeing Flat Iron and Schwartzie hanging out on the sofa.  They are funny together.  I did not like the ring chosen for Katie.  If it's what she wants, okay.  But I am not a fan of the champagne colored diamond or the pear shaped setting.  And the jeweler and Scheana acting all miffed with Schwartzie's budget of $4-5k.  That's still a big chunk of money, especially for someone who doesn't work on the regular.


Gotta say, seeing the new girl - - Faith? - -picking up Schwartzie made me laugh.


I think buying a $4-$5K ring out of an apartment with wrinkly drapes not even given a 5 minute steam and a refrigerator in the shot is way too much. You're not celebrity jeweler to the stars.


Schwartzie met this guy on his 5 minute shift at Pump and they've been besties since? Not buying it

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I have to roll my eyes at the level of interest Katie and Sheena have in the whole thing. What do they care? It's not like it's their restaurant. It's not even like they have a managerial job that involves scheduling shifts. What difference does Lala's Italian side job make to them? Am I supposed to believe that Lala is the first pro to work at SUR? Because...no I do not believe that.

Agree...Lala is just a hostess. She is not a server so if she doesn't come in for a shift it doesn't mean Katie or Scheana have to cover for her.


Katie I kind of get - she hates anyone new.

Scheana was in the same position and got the same treatment at the hands of Stassi - so her being obnoxious to Lala is uncalled for

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I agree. I finally got to watch the after show last night and the way Scheana was talking about it just left a bad taste in my mouth. I get that they sign up to show their lives, but I've just never felt like Shay wanted to be 100% front and center. I could be totally wrong, but it's my impression that Scheana is using Shay's problem for the show and I don't care for it one bit.

I sincerely doubt Scheana is using this storyline without Shay's permission/agreement.

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I'm not saying that she would be able to put it out there without him somehow agreeing/being involved. But if he is currently dealing with addiction and/or mental illness, he might not be in the best position to make that decision. He might be easily taken advantage of. JMO

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Not everybody likes to take eye vacations in front of the cameras. It doesn't mean there isn't a spark or "fireworks."

Ha. It's just my opinion. My guess is that Tom and Arianna are having hotter sex than Scheana and Shay. It looks, to me, that Shay just follows her around in his shy awkward way and is her "yes" guy. IMHO

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Scott, Blake and Emerson also pointed out that girls like Lala, who have been pretty their whole lives, think they can get out of everything by tilting their head to the side and smiling.  Lisa: "Who was the photographer?  Where did you shoot?"  Lala - tilts head to the side and smiles.


There seems to be different kinds of "pretty".  The Sur girls are pretty IMO but not the kind of pretty that the modelling world looks for.   I couldn't see any of them on a runway other than perhaps Kristen mostly because of her tall, slender body.  Catalog work is a long shot as well.  They just don't fit the mold.

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Found this on Twitter re: Katie's scar:



And this instagram post where Katie explains about her injury (hope it's okay to post)!



I think she is gorgeous as well - if I had to pick a "favorite" character, it would probably be her. I'm curious about Katie and Kristin's friendship, especially now that Kristin is semi-friendly with Stassi again and Katie isn't. I hope they talk about it more on the show this season.


I thought watching Katie the last few seasons was as boring as watching paint dry.  She has really grown on me this season, for some reason.  She does seem to be the single person in the group with ambitions.   Reading about her accident helps put a few things in perspective too - including the marriage timeline she has given Schwartz.  She seems to have the approach that life is short - don't waste it - mentality.  Totally get it.

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There seems to be different kinds of "pretty". The Sur girls are pretty IMO but not the kind of pretty that the modelling world looks for. I couldn't see any of them on a runway other than perhaps Kristen mostly because of her tall, slender body. Catalog work is a long shot as well. They just don't fit the mold.

I think Lala fits the "model" mold. Her face in particular is the type that's stereotypically found in modeling. Kristen however, I don't see it. She has the body but an average face IMO. When Stassi was on she too had the "model" look. The rest, I don't think have it, even though I also think they're all pretty. Katie especially looks great this season, her hair is so much better than it was in season 2.

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I never saw a "model" when looking at Stassi. Maybe her friend, i mean minion, Kristina, but not Stassi. And I can see it in Kristen too when she is done up right...but that is what makes this world work...different strokes and all

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