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Vicki: Conspirator, Liar or Victim?


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Vicki tried to stop the cancer storyline?  http://allthingsrh.com/vicki-gunvalson-attempted-to-stop-cancer-story-line/  When would that have been?  I think Vicki wanted to drop the bomb and then use it only when and if she screwed up and people didn't feel sorry for her.  I firmly believe had her mother died right before filming there would have been no need for sympathy from Brooks' cancer.  I also believe that Vicki and Brooks used the cancer as a reason to move Brooks in.  Seems strange she would move him in and then essentially not attend doctors' appointments and treatments. Vicki thought she needed sympathy early and often this season to negate Brooks' polarizing personality.  I also believe Vicki had fully intended in bringing her mother out to film and giving her yet another excuse not to film with the others and keeping a lid on the unpredictable Brooks.  The clue to me is when Vicki said her mother died without warning.  I think Vicki would have welcomed being in Chicago and "tending" to her ailing mother.  A big paycheck and no heavy lifting.


I also believe Brooks knew in advance that the psychic had been brought in to negate his cancer claims.  Had he answered that he was doing fine or that his "cancer journey" was a private one the day at CUT Fitness there would have been no big deal made out of his conflicting claims. Instead he gave yet another interview to RadarOnLine before talking with the other women. I also believe that Vicki and to a lesser degree Brooks, had no idea of the severity and very real cancer Leann was battling.  Further she never wrap her head around the concept that Jim and Meghan were in charge of Haley.  She diminished Meghan's concern very real concerns about Hayley losing her mother and how she and Jim would have to step up to the plate and be her parents.


I believe Vicki only wanted to discontinue the cancer storyline because it didn't feature her enough and the benefit of being seen as the concerned lover and doting over a sick lover did not pan out because it doesn't give Vicki nearly enough attention.  She wants to be seen shopping for her grandkids or throwing the party at her house.

  • Love 5
Thanks for the link Bella Roche. Shannon speaks for me regarding this WWHL Andy Cohen piece of fluff about Vicki! It's obvious he's trying to white wash Vicki's past to allow her to keep her orange. That's total bullshit, he should have hired an investigative reporter to give the audience some satisfaction. Andy allowed her to slither all over the place with more lies. Andy needs to either retire or distance himself from becoming a friend of the people he can hire and fire. He's not there to play the loving grandmother to Vicki, but rather a truth seeking representative of the viewers. It is the viewers he has let down with this soft ball interview of Vicki.

Andy, please redeem yourself by having a televised impartial investigative reporter interview of Vicki for an hour before considering hiring her for next season. Make that interview a prerequisite to her contract. AT THE VERY LEAST by answering the hard questions Vicki Gunvalson will have given you enough info in which to make a decision about continuing her employment. I believe she'll refuse such an interview and you can then say thank you for your 10-years of participation, but this is a reality show not a prank show.

Edited by talula
  • Love 8

I've just watched Vicki's WWHL interview and Shannon's rebuttal (it's like State of the Union Address, and the Republicans' response, lol).  I think part of Bravo's agenda for the WWHL interview was to give Vicki a chance to try to redeem herself and gauge the audience's reaction.  My reaction:  I simply do not believe Vicki.  I'm convinced that she and Brooks orchestrated the entire cancer story to garner sympathy from the audience.  There are just way too many inconsistencies in her various stories for her not have been involved from the get. 


And as someone who has had cancer (and is still dealing with it), I'm extremely offended by this entire, exceptionally heinous lie.  Andy, in case you're reading this, I'm in favor of Vicki's dismissal from the show, and I won't be tuning in any more if she continues to be a part of it.

  • Love 11

Bravo will keep Vicki if it means ratings. It will have nothing to do with Bravo having an opinion about how abominable her behavior has been.

I'd agree that Bravo would keep a ratings star even though unpopular, but in this case making a mockery out of cancer is beyond the pale and besides viewers, advertisers might very well shy away from supporting such a person. Can a HW continue a lie about cancer because it would have embarrassed her to break up with boyfriend during filming the show? I don't think what Vicki did can be white washed by Andy or Bravo. She has ascended into the ranks of most hideous housewife ever! Edited by talula
  • Love 7

I agree.  Unfortunately I think she will be back.  But if I have to hear her whine about her mommy again I will scream.  She's in her 50s.  She's lucky she had her mom that long!


But then infantile behaviour is obviously what she is all about.  What grown woman says 'I have to go potty' when she means 'I have to go to the bathroom'?  That right there would be enough to condemn her in my book!


And then there's all the rest...

Edited by quaintirene
  • Love 9

As soulless as Bravo and advertisers can be they still have to weigh in with the court of public opinion.  At this point it is not as if Vicki has a fan base screaming outrage, like Teresa Giudice (although I do believe that number is small and Bravo kowtows to the minions), it is about how do you create a believable redemption when Vicki is still asking to be portrayed as the victim?  Unlike Teresa she didn't go to prison or go bankrupt she has just lost all credibility.  Being accused and convicted of white collar crimes differs from being part of a fake cancer storyline.  Vicki faked it, she admitted to faking for sympathy she can't go back and unring the bell.


Oh here is Vicki talking about how she hates knew girls and it is her show.  (The OC special is on.)  It just isn't her show anymore and quite frankly never was.  Her best season was Season 9 where she wasn't terribly engaged.  She just wanted it to be about she and Brooks and Briana and her family.  It doesn't work because there is a large faction that thinks Briana, in spite of her flawed mother has overstepped the bounds of decency and how you treat a parent publicly.  Like mother. like daughter Briana was far more concerned on how she would be perceived.  The additional onus of having a drip for a husband and Briana in way too many ways resembling her mother.  Vicki got into this situation because she admitted that she had no endorsements and Brooks was the most hated man in reality TV.  That is a large audience to sway.

  • Love 3

Yeah, she's a horrible human being, and one would hope the powers that be would leave her behind. But the advertisers love ratings too. I mean, entertainment is really only about ratings and advertisers' dollars.

Except advertisers have limits too. Example.....most sponsors pulled ads and will not ever sponsor any Duggar shows.     Ultimately its the consumer who decides. If "we" refuse to buy the sponsored products then they are throwing money away.   People and viewers made it very clear they would not buy any products if they advertised on Duggars.   It can just as easily happen on Bravo.

  • Love 4

I don't think Vicki will ever walk away from the money.    I always wondered what made Brooks so damn special that she would take this type of risk for him?  Surely, there are plenty of gigolos out there that are better looking and do not pretend to have cancer.


Brooks was so damned special because he's such a great manipulator/ he's really desperate for material support, so he really services her-- all that Hallmark crap, affirming Vicki.  He was her perfect gigolo.  She ate that up.  A non-paid escort won't act so fake.  Vicki doesn't deal in reality, she's a narcissist and needs constant adulation, even if it's fake.  She don't know the difference, and even if she did, she don't care.  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 7

Oh, and Bravo doesn't care if the public likes Vicki.  Bravo cares about keeping its numbers up.  If people watch because they like Vicki, if people watch because they hate Vicki, it's all the same to Bravo.  Bravo rotates who gets the "good" and "bitch" edits because it keeps Bravo in control of the HWs, it makes the HWs bow down to the Bravo powers-that-be (think the famous rat study with the randomly emitted sugar pellets, random intermittent reinforcement is the strongest reinforcer).  Now, what Bravo is doing, is making sure Vicki doesn't quit the show.  Because for whatever reason, people tune in (or have been tuning in) to watch the Vicki shit show.


So now, Bravo is essentially filling Vicki's "love" tank.  (Witness:  Vicki talks about how Bravo sent flowers when her mother passed, so did the HWs, and she put all those flowers around her mother's casket, for goodness' sakes.)  Bravo needs to keep Vicki roped in enough that she doesn't quit.  The sane, healthy thing to do would be to quit the show.  But Vicki ain't either of those things.


Fame must feel wicked good for what these people seem willing to do, and sacrifice, to keep that fame high going.  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 4

I'm glad Vicki finally put her boobs away for once, but she went so far in the opposite direction of how she normally dresses, even for work, that it came off as a costume to help support her role of the grieving victim.  I think she even showed up without fake eyelashes, to prove how sad and lonely she is.  And again with the I MISS MY MOMMY.  At what point will she decide that she has wrung every last possible drop of sympathy out of her poor dead mother and stop bringing it up out of nowhere?  I was already watching this with a big side eye, but when she said she had to get out of the hospital because seeing people who were receiving treatment for cancer was too hard for her to deal with, I wanted to pummel her face in.  What a self-centered piece of human garbage she is.  I can absolutely picture her shaking her head wildly, and saying loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, "I can't deal with this, Brooks! I can't! I've gotta get out of here, I can't stand being around all these sick people!"  She probably added in a few of her loud gagging noises on the way out, too. 


I was very sorry to hear that she will be spending Thanksgiving with Donn.  What could he possibly be thinking?  If she gets the reconciliation she is clearly gunning for, I will be so disappointed in him, because he made a clean getaway.  I've never known a narcissist who could stand being alone.  I find it interesting that people who are so deluded about their own greatness can't bear to be stuck with only themselves as company.  I hope Donn sees through her blatant desperation to have A Man in her life and just keeps rolling along. If he wasn't enough to fill her love tank before, he's not going to be enough now.

and why, oh why Thanksgiving in Florida where Brooks has stated he's living.

  • Love 3

Well, this may be your answer:


Vicki Gunvalson Retweeted

Bravotv ‏@Bravotv  Nov 23

We’re here for you, @VGunvalson! #RHOC #WWHL

They said the same to Kim Richards.  Andy and Bravo are going to be safer "being there" for her right now.  Two months from  now when they are ready to film it will remain to be seen just how "here" they are for her.  Unless the others will tolerate her victim role there just won't be a meeting of the minds. 



Oh, and Bravo doesn't care if the public likes Vicki.  Bravo cares about keeping its numbers up.  If people watch because they like Vicki, if people watch because they hate Vicki, it's all the same to Bravo.  Bravo rotates who gets the "good" and "bitch" edits because it keeps Bravo in control.  Now, what Bravo is doing, is making sure Vicki doesn't quit the show.  Because for whatever reason, people tune in (or have been tuning in) to watch the Vicki shit show.


So now, Bravo is essentially filling Vicki's "love" tank.  (Witness:  Vicki talks about how Bravo sent flowers when her mother passed, so did the HWs, and she put all those flowers around her mother's casket, for goodness' sakes.)  Bravo needs to keep Vicki roped in enough that she doesn't quit.  The sane, healthy thing to do would be to quit the show.  But Vicki ain't either of those things.


Fame must feel wicked good for what these people seem willing to do, and sacrifice, to keep that fame high going.  

The difference between Teresa, Brandi and Vicki no one else is interested in the Vicki show.  There are so few supporters of hers on Bravo they are trying to create the sympathy.  In a way it is strange, Brandi becomes a star because her husband stepped out on her with LeAnn.  LeAnn's career took a dive and Eddie's as well.  It just seems that cheaters, which Vicki is, sometimes get their just desserts.


If RHONJ ever comes back and the viewership falls there will be heads rolling at Bravo.

  • Love 2

Lots of people watch because they hate certain housewives, in fact those viewers are probably what makes up 80% .    I know I do.

 But.......there is a point where I turn it off. This is one of those times.     

 I did the same thing with RHOA.     Would not watch a bunch of idiots with no real jobs, fake homes and violence because they are ignorant.  Arguments are fine, but grown people resorting to physical fights?     No thanks.


          If Vicki and Brooks implode each other and I think they will, I will watch her go to prison.    I have a feeling she might end up there.  

  • Love 5

According to the Real Mr. Housewife Donn won't be joining Vicki for Thanksgiving.  Does that mean Vicki lied? 


Oh, I'm sure she was just confused, she was out of town, Donn must have used eye drops to make it look like he was hungry for Thanksgiving, did she say she was having Thanksgiving with Donn?  She meant she was thankful for Donn giving her thanks for a giving tree... she was confused... Donn's mouth said no but his eyes said yes, pass the potatoes...


She's CRAZY and at this point I think in addition to having NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), she's a pathological liar.  

  • Love 15

Vicki is like the faux Burberry clutch I purchased a few years ago.  Looking at it by itself, it's not that bad.  If you squint you can almost convince yourself it's real.  However, take my clutch into Nordstrom's and put it next to a real Burberry and you IMMEDIATELY realize what a cheap, deceptive, shady piece of fraud it is.   Same with the Vickster.  Put her by herself on WWHL and you can almost, if you squint really hard, think she seems honest.  But then you put her up against all of her prior stories and you have no choice but to conclude that sadly, she is not the real thing.  She just a fraud trying to make people believe she's real.  It's actually kind of sad.

Edited by luckykat
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I've never understood why anyone would buy insurance from her, but apparently there are people who do.

Vicki sells health insurance and Brooks says he has been in the Health care industry for over 25 years. How can they expect the public to buy that his doctor practices at City of Hope which is why the hospital says he was never a patient. If your doctor sees you at a hospital you are billed twice. once by the doctor and the other by the facility, which means the hospital would have record of him being treated there.

Edited by OhIgetit
  • Love 3

Vicki sells health insurance and Brooks says he has been in the Health care industry for over 25 years. How can they expect the public to buy that his doctor practices at City of Hope which is why the hospital says he was never a patient. If your doctor sees you at a hospital you are billed twice. once by the doctor and the other by the facility, which means the hospital would have record of him being treated there.

I just envision the worst game ever of Liar's Poker between Vicki and Brooks:


Vicki:  You forged the City of Hope records of chemo visits? 

Brooks:  : You have four different stories of visiting me there while I got chemo.  It has been tough dating you.

Vicki:  I just wanted sympathy and casseroles.



What do you suppose they do play liar, liar pants on fire?

  • Love 6


Except advertisers have limits too. Example.....most sponsors pulled ads and will not ever sponsor any Duggar shows.     Ultimately its the consumer who decides. If "we" refuse to buy the sponsored products then they are throwing money away.   People and viewers made it very clear they would not buy any products if they advertised on Duggars.   It can just as easily happen on Bravo.

Yes, you're right and credit to the consumers and viewers who finally said they wouldn't support sex offenders and hypocrites.


The only difference I see is that, while Vicki and Brooks are both vile, manipulative, greedy and dishonest people--aside from both of them screwing around on their respective partners and lying to everyone on the planet--they didn't cross the lines Dugger did when he broke a bunch of tenants of his supposed faith (which he was paid to espouse) and which his family has received megabucks for. He never denied what he'd done after he was exposed (bad pun, sorry). He basically went to ground, had his writs slapped, lost his endorsement gigs and pretended to go to rehab. Vicki and Brooks denied it from here to hell and back, called out everyone as unsupportive, mean bad friends.


Yes, a fine line, I'll grant, but in Vicki's case she's still trying to spin the various stories (take your pick of them all, lots to choose from), trying to cover her massive ass, trying to save her paycheck, trying to play the victim.


My guess is that if she had actually come clean, admitted she's a lying sack of greedy shit and thrown herself on the floor to beg forgiveness for her inexcusable choices, she might have generated some sympathy instead of the vitriolic she's dealing with--and dealing poorly, spin doctors and PR staff in place.

  • Love 4

Happy Thanksgiving, PTV family!!  Hope everyone is spending the day exactly as they wish :)


I would like to go ahead & announce my HW Christmas wish & it would be for them to strap Vicki up to a lie detector, along with some kind of shocking device & every time she lies, it zaps her lying ass!!  Better yet, have Vicki & Brooks both hooked up at the same time in the same room & get someone who knows how to ask a question (not bravoAndy!) interrogate their asses... I nominate LT. Joe Kenda, Homicide Hunter!

  • Love 20

Brooks may finally be prepared to turn on the Vickster publicly; he just Tweeted that she sent him her schedule/agenda for her time in Florida and became angry when he didn't reply over the weekend. Their exchange is part of a Real Mr. Housewife post and ensuing thread . . 

Huh? The same Vicki who told Andy she hates Brooks and never wants to hear from him again?

  • Love 4

Looks like Vicki is responding to Brooks on his Twitter account. I added links to two Real Mr. Housewife stories and Brooks' Twitter page.

Links to B.Ayers stories:



Brooks Tweet:

Brooks Ayers

Brooks Ayers – ‏@BrooksAyers

@Rysmom2004 @vgunvalson @realmrhousewife You're the one who sent me your agenda for Florida plus got mad when I didn't respond this weekend.

11:27 PM - 24 Nov 2015


Edited by talula

Is there a reason Vicki doesn't seem to listen...maybe she can't hear then just makes up stuff as she goes along. Selective hearing, so to speak, or hearing damage from a tumor in her ear which was operated on multiple times??? I wonder if she's lying about the 80% recovery of her hearing loss?



Adding more information about her condition, Vicki described the Cholesteatomas as an “inner ear tumor” – note: she doesn’t say ‘cancer’ and not all tumors are cancerous – which initially caused her to lose 50% of her hearing.

“During the next 19 years of my life, the tumor kept reoccurring. I had a total of six surgeries by the time I was 25, which caused me to lose all of my hearing in my right ear. When I was 32 and newly married to Donn, the tumor had grown back so much that it had wrapped around my facial nerve, pierced a hole in my skull and started seeping up towards the right side of my brain,” Vicki recounts. “I underwent 10 hours of surgery and my doctor did not know if I was going to have movement of my mouth or face due to the severity of the tumor and the facial nerve damage that could have been there. I recovered 100% with no facial nerve damage, however my hearing was still gone.”

Vicki reveals that in 2006 she had a final reconstructive inner ear surgery, which restored her hearing to 80%."

Edited by talula
  • Love 1

I don't think Vicki will ever walk away from the money.    I always wondered what made Brooks so damn special that she would take this type of risk for him?  Surely, there are plenty of gigolos out there that are better looking and do not pretend to have cancer.

He knows how to fill Vicki's hole, err, singularity of neediness.


and why, oh why Thanksgiving in Florida where Brooks has stated he's living.

Things that make you go "Hmmm...".

BTW, how can putting something in one's eye make one get sick, and why would someone even make something that does that? I never understood what Vicki was talking about with the eyedrops.

  • Love 3

I think Vicki meant drinking eye drops would make you sweat and vomit. I doubt he did it. He may have instead taken syrup of ipecac to make himself vomit.

ingredient in Visine eye drops is Tetrahydrozoline HCl 0.05%. Swallowing this substance can result in a number of nasty effects, including:

Lowering body temperature to dangerous levels

Making breathing difficult, or even halting it entirely

Blurring vision

Causing nausea and vomiting

Elevating and then dropping blood pressure

Causing seizures or tremors

Sending the ingester into a coma

Pfizer's cautions to users of Visine include: "If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away."


Edited by talula
  • Love 2

All I want to see is if Donn spent the week with Vicki in Florida.  That is one story she cannot get out of.  She said it, not Brooks, not Briana.

Oral ingestion of eye drops (and I assume it is more than a few drops) cause blood pressure to lower and cause a coma.  I cannot find where it causes chills, night sweats, vomiting or fever.  Another made up story by Vicki.  Since I don't believe Vicki would be bedside if Brooks were sick-she can't watch him take vitamins or be around people who have just completed chemo I doubt she was around Brooks  if he was vomiting or had diarrhea and chills are pretty easy to fake.

  • Love 4

If Vicki can't even stand to look at the humans occupying the seats in a waiting room - who obviously wouldn't be undergoing treatment in a public space - of a specialist's office, why would she move an ailing boyfriend into her home? Visine has been linked to multiple fatalities and is dangerous enough vis-a-vis ingestion that it was employed in various murder plots throughout the '90s. If Brooks gulped any, he would be dead.

  • Love 5

Vicki has essentially admitted she and Brooks made his cancer public because he was so universally hated as a reality star.  Way back in the late summer/early fall of 2014 she did an e-mail blast about Brooks "cancer".  To now try and twist it and claim it was a solo effort by Brooks is just incredulous-even by Vicki standards.  I think Vicki is a habitual liar and will say anything to try and gain sympathy and support.  Her latest best effort of the canonization of Donn speaks to her desperate attempts to gain some credibility with the viewing public.  Her trying to find a cause of Brooks faux symptoms of chemo are also ridiculous because on one hand she claims she was only with Brooks after one chemo treatment but describes multiple occurrences.  It seems these two are perfect for each other as when Vicki doesn;t get superlative valet service and love tank filling she leaves town to visit Briana and when Brooks tips aren't up to his expectations he has an urgent medical need. 


The Visine theory is at least being posed as a theory and not an actuality.  These two blockheads are perfect for each other.


As to Donn and his promised reemergence into Vicki's life and letting her keep a grip on an orange, I cannot imagine what could possibly bring him back into the loop.  He was in divorces wars for the better part of two years with Vicki and his aware what she is quite capable of doing.  

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