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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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5 hours ago, Wollstonecraft said:

I just thought of this: why are Stuffy and Dope wrangling over Liam? He's a big loser if there ever was one, yet he's some kind of great baby daddy with tremendous angst.  It's like he's some kind if saint.  Ick. 

Oh, hi there! You must be new to B&B 😄😉

That....is a really, really long and stupid story but suffice it to say normal women would've been done with his loser ass the minute he gave her wedding ring to her skank ass, thirsty sister before it'd even gotten cold.

Funny enough, I very much enjoy subjecting myself to pain and thus decided to catch up on the episodes I did not get to watch when they aired when I was stationed overseas.....which included the entirety of the Lope vs Steam Part One saga. When you can watch the entire thing over the course of weeks instead of long, agonizing years, it just makes it that much more clear why this Triangle of Doom failed: literally everyone in their lives had more investment into their relationship than any of them did. The best example of this was just how easily Hope believed Rick's lie that Steffy banged Liam at a club the night before their wedding. She was rightfully furious that he showed up looking like ass be cause he'd gotten wasted, grilled them both about it but doesn't believe them that nothing happened...enter Rick and his DJ buddy who vouches for him. 

And Hope just....doesn't question it. At all. She just walks out. And what irritated most people at the time was that when the truth came out, Hope blamed Rick for all of it, claiming shevwas robbed of a life with Liam, who had knocked up Steffy in the meantime. But she didn't believe him in the first place!

And then, there's Steffy's infamous tantrum upon learning he'd married Ivy--his actual girlfriend at the time, whose union Steffy had no apparent shame of guilt about wrecking despite the abscent of any evil Logan genes--to keep her in the country after saying he'd break up with her.

Why indeed would anyone put up with this clown? The world may never know.

Also worth noting: in the episodes I watched, Liam tells Rick he'd never had a girlfriend before Hope. If he was this much of a waffle as Liam Cooper, IT nerd who was broke AF in a city that values status and money in that order, it's no big surprise why! 🤣

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12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Oh, hi there! You must be new to B&B 😄😉

Hee!  The thing about not watching B&B for several months or years, is you can always return to the exact same story.  Two pathetic women fighting over a loser guy who isn't worth it.

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Well I am sort of new as I haven't been a watcher for decades, but I've viewed it off and on.  I've got to realize that there's a limited amount of actors and even though it's a "town", the has to be some awkward pairings among people in the love/sex department.  I've always loved how Brooke had relationships with the old man, his sons, the sons friends, um am I  missing anyone? I call Liam, Lame Liam though. 

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Just catching up and watched the Caroline's dead scenes, and, wow, those shows were stilted and awkward.  Especially with a new Thomas on the scene.  But moreso for the dialogue that was going on that was unsaid.

  • Ridge talks about how much he loved Caroline. That's right, he is grieving his grandson's mother's death, but moreso he is grieving his own loss.  Only that's awkward, because Thomas had that whole misunderstanding night, and then his own father kept his child from him.  So when they all talk about how important LA is to Thomas, he met Caroline there, their child was born there, but whoops, don't forget it was Thomas' daddy who birthed his child in a tub with Caroline.  Thomas doesn't really have a happy memory of that.
  • Eric telling Thomas he should reach out to Thorne, whose own daughter Aly lost her mother at a young age...when Taylor is standing right there!
  • And then there was the tiptoeing around the big lie that Bill, Steffy, and Liam kept from Thomas, that Caroline was never dying.  I believe this was the first time we hear an implicit acknowledgement by Liam of that when he was in Bill's office.  But now it is being turned into a positive by none other than SALLY! who figures it all worked out for the best because Douglas got more time with his parents together.
  • And the best was Ridge talking about how two people in the world are responsible for him being a designer, his dad, who taught him, and Caroline, who helped him to learn to draw again.  Ridge says he was in a bad way and she saved him.  And Bill, who Ridge dropped into the sea from a helicopter, is standing right there but no one gave him the side eye!
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...and that's still less awkward than most of the weddings on this show 😂

My favorite was the last wedding for Nick and Bridget where all his exes were in attendance because they all (except Taylor) were related to the bride! Followed closely is Brooke and Eric's wedding was Ridge was the best man, barely a year after they'd broken up, giving one another googly eyes during the ceremony...with a nonplussed Stephanie AND Beth in the front row and Storm's date being non other than everyone's favorite quack Taylor Hayes Hamilton.

Great times!

But yeah, I'm not feeling this whole revisionist history thing for these two either. Thomas was always her second choice, her last apperances and obvious damage control re That Night. be damned. When she wasn't obsessing over Rick moving onto Maya, she was hung up on Ridge. I'm just pissed that one of the very few times someone was legitimately robbed of a relationship is getting swept under the rug.

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On 3/23/2019 at 5:16 PM, Gam2 said:

Boy, oh Boy! I cannot wait until Brooke finds out that TayTay bought Hope’s baby for Steffy. I don’t care if Tay knew that it was Beth or not. She knew this was a shitty, set up deal and that she was complicit. I hope Brooke drills her a new one. A big one!

Will we have to wait until maternity leave is over?

I watched some of the very early Ridge and Brooke scenes and saw how they did romance (and the hot sex) in the late 80's.  Ridge was designed as romantic leading man (I do believe) - so what's this Ridge supposed to be? 

Does anyone know why B&B never went to an hour long show?    

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11 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

Does anyone know why B&B never went to an hour long show?    

There was talk in the soap press about 25 years ago, but that was quickly dashed when the soaps' audiences left in droves.  Now B&B's audience is a fraction of what it used to be.  Actors have taken pay cuts or left like Ronn Moss,  and remote location shots are few and far between.

KKL killed it today!  I love when the writers take the ill will between Brooke and Taylor seriously, and not relegate it to silly wedding cake food fights.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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On 3/24/2019 at 11:33 PM, TessHarding2 said:

Does anyone know why B&B never went to an hour long show?   

Bill Bell Sr never liked the hour long format, IIRC. 30 minutes had been the standard for most shows until the 80s when networks decided to expand the better performing shows to replace ones that got canceled.

I used to think B&B's problem was it's short runtime, but it very clearly worked in 1987, when characters would disappear for weeks at a time and storylines waxed and waned. Like, Stephanie didn't make the connection about Beth Logan and Elizabeth Hendrickson (Henderson?) until well into season 2 for example. Doubling the run time would just mean 40 minutes of rich people problems and honestly, the current bad imitation of what Y&R used to be is one too many as it is.

Naw, if B&B could get back to some fun camp, that would be great--cuz I just can't with all the dreary babies and babymommas dying left and right. Are we sure Maria Arena Bell isn't ghostwriting for this show?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bill Bell Sr never liked the hour long format, IIRC. 30 minutes had been the standard for most shows until the 80s when networks decided to expand the better performing shows to replace ones that got canceled.

I used to think B&B's problem was it's short runtime, but it very clearly worked in 1987, when characters would disappear for weeks at a time and storylines waxed and wanted. Like, Stephanie didn't make the connection about Beth Logan and Elizabeth Hendrickson (Henderson?) until well into season. 2 for example. Doubling the run time would just mean 40 minutes of rich people problems and honestly, the current bad imitation of what Y&R used to be is one too many as it is.

Naw, if B&B could get back to some fun camp, that would be great.cuz I just can't with all the dreary babies and babymommas dying left and right. Are we sure Maria Arena Bell isn't ghostwriting fir this show?

I totally agree about hating the dreary baby storylines and the babymommas dying. UGHHHHHH. I am really only reading here and not watching much. I just cannot get interested in these downer storylines. Move along show!

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The Brooke squint we all know and love made a return engagement when she was dressing down Taylor.  Arguing with Taylor is like arguing with a brick wall though it was entertaining. 

Why does Thomas give two shits about Sally and Wyatt?  Did Thomas give two shits about Wyatt and Ivy?  

Poor poor Douglas, he needs a mommy. Poor poor Thomas, he needs a girlfriend to help him take care of Douglas.  Taylor tells Brooke that she will be showing up to visit her son and grandson. Hey Taylor, how about helping Thomas with Douglas as you are helping Stuffy with Kelly and PhoBeth. Oh, I forgot, that’s non existent. You spent $250K on a baby what about paying a full time live in nanny. I hear Maria, the Von Trapp governess or Marry Poppins  is available. 

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One thing that Brooke forgot to mention today was the Taylor herself was responsible for the final demise of Tridge, for hiding the Big Bear Boink for decades. When Lippy confessed her sins to Ridge, he finally saw her for the hypocritical, lying, vindictive shrew she's been all along.

Edited by CharlizeCat
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Embarrassed? Nah, I think Taylor felt entitled and emboldened. Brooke should be grateful Taylor didn't trip and fall on Ridge's dick. That's the way her daughter would've handled it. (With some other guy, not with her father. Yeesh.)

OMG, Douglas is so adorable. Those chubby cheeks of his, you just want to bite them like a peach.

Wow, Brooke climbed right up in Taylor's ass today and set off all kinds of truth bombs. Brava.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

Brooke has as much business reading someone for filth as Stephanie did.  The majority of the characters on this show are horrible people, Brooke included.

My favorite scenes were when Saint Brooke would chastise someone for loose morals, conveniently forgetting when she meander into immoral acts herself.  Remember when she cas pregnant and wanted her ex,  Eric, to cover her secret and say he was the father?  

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Why does Thomas give two shits about Sally and Wyatt?  Did Thomas give two shits about Wyatt and Ivy?  

Cuz Thomas was a womanizing asshole back then, I guess. Personally, I'm glad that TPTB are keeping him as a halfway decent person these days.

Either that, or Wyatt will waffle back to Flo first. More likely it's gonna be this, because we can't have nice things on this show.

2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Brooke has as much business reading someone for filth as Stephanie did.  The majority of the characters on this show are horrible people, Brooke included.

True, but people like Taylor piss me off way more because they puff themselves and their morality up so frigging hard. Not that I didn't want to slap Brooke that time she read Katie the riot act over sleeping with Nick, but Taylor grates in a way Brooke's occasional grasp on propriety never do. And after five years in a Navy full of Taylor Hayeses who wax poetic about fraternization and adultry only to see them get demoted a rank for sleeping with some new seaman, my personal patience for that has gotten pretty short.

It doesn't help that HTy's acting range is as narrow as a London back alley.

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bill Bell Sr never liked the hour long format, IIRC. 30 minutes had been the standard for most shows until the 80s when networks decided to expand the better performing shows to replace ones that got canceled.

I used to think B&B's problem was it's short runtime, but it very clearly worked in 1987, when characters would disappear for weeks at a time and storylines waxed and wanted. Like, Stephanie didn't make the connection about Beth Logan and Elizabeth Hendrickson (Henderson?) until well into season. 2 for example. Doubling the run time would just mean 40 minutes of rich people problems and honestly, the current bad imitation of what Y&R used to be is one too many as it is.

Naw, if B&B could get back to some fun camp, that would be great.cuz I just can't with all the dreary babies and babymommas dying left and right. Are we sure Maria Arena Bell isn't ghostwriting fir this show?

I think you’re completely correct. Also let’s face it, Bell’s never had the most outstanding work ethic (ex: the recycled storylines, triangles for years straight,  flashback montages and filler scenic shots and drone footage). So he’d be very hesitant to expand his showtime from a lean 17 minutes to almost an hour and double his work. Also the show is the number one soap in the world, shopping around a short program vs a long one for syndication in Europe is probably easier. 

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To be kind to Bell, I noticed the most gratutious use of flashbacks happened to be in the early 2010s, specifically after ATWT was cancelled and it seemed that all of daytime TV was on life support. That could've been a studio mandate as a way to save money.

it's only thanks to B&B's large overseas following that the show can even afford any on location shoots and anything resembling decent cinematography. I seem to remember the show got to film In Dubai in part because KKL was doing a marathon there around the time Brill Wedding #1 was being taped and Australia has the largest fanbase which is why the 30th anniversary event was filmed in Sydney. This in contrast to Y&R, that I don't think has had an on-location event this DECADE.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Goddammit Brooke, stop pokin my face!


Brooke looks so beautiful when she is angry. 

Taylor sure didn't do much to help her case with Brooke. 

But seriously, me and Quinn


were howling when Brooke pinched Taylor's chin. Oh, and all that arm slapping. 

Still, I was happy to see Brooke slay a bitch. And I am particularly glad she didn't hold back about their history, and how Taylor has rewritten it. My only disappointment was Brooke made no mention of Taylor shooting Bill, and the thin ice she is now skating on. I so want to see Taylor pay for at least one of her crimes. 

I noticed Liam looking all Spenceresque yesterday. 

And the wheels in Hope's head were turning. I could see them. This girl is going to jump ship and hook up with Thomas so Liam can go mother his "two" daughters. Until the big PhoBeth reveal of course. 

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if I was Brooke I'd just tell that shrew, go ahead and push Steffy and Liam together.....  please keep it up, cause I got me a lunch date with Detective Hot Dog and I have some tea that needs spilling.... Bang bang baby!

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If it was Phoebe or Bridget reading Taylor or Brooke for filth, I would be completely on board.  I will never understand why Taylor and Brooke screwed over Phoebe and Bridget, but will do everything they can to get Steffy and Hope what they want.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

If it was Phoebe or Bridget reading Taylor or Brooke for filth, I would be completely on board.  I will never understand why Taylor and Brooke screwed over Phoebe and Bridget, but will do everything they can to get Steffy and Hope what they want.

Guilt, perhaps?

I mean, Phoebe is dead in part because of her anger and Rick sleeping with Taylor and then trying to use Steffy to fuck with Ridge and Hope is a living reminder of Brooke's biggest betrayal. A better show than B&B would have had Steffy and Hope be more united over this instead of fighting their mothers' battles almost from the minute poor Hope was SORASed.

But at least people are quick to remind Brooke about Deacon. No one besides Phoebe herself--once, before the actress left the show for her music tour--ever took her to task for sleeping with Rick and breaking her heart. Not Stephanie and not Ridge, who stopped short of calling Brooke the slut from the valley when he learned about the Deacon thing.

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6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And the wheels in Hope's head were turning. I could see them. This girl is going to jump ship and hook up with Thomas so Liam can go mother his "two" daughters. Until the big PhoBeth reveal of course. 

She just better not spend the next six months mewing WE WUZ WOBBED because of it! 

Old Hope picked the wrong battles to fight sometimes, but she *did* fight and she did call out absolute bullshit. Can you even imagine that version of Hope openly accepting Kelly into her life, let alone this other child Steffy decided to have her nannies raise? Hell, even Saint Bridget would've drawn the line at that!

I should feel bad for Liam, but fuck it, it's time for him to get a taste of his own maple syrup. OTOH, that might free him to go sniff behind Sally if her and Thomas aren't happening  and Flyatt happens and I really don't want that one bit. 

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Taylor, just because Thomas and Douglas are staying at Brooke’s house didn’t give your entitled ass the right to be there.  Another day another chapter of The World According to Taylor.  

Go Taylor, go to Paris. You won’t be missed. I just had a random thought, Taylor actually makes Quinn look sane. 

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Guilt, perhaps?

I mean, Phoebe is dead in part because of her anger and Rick sleeping with Taylor and then trying to use Steffy to fuck with Ridge and Hope is a living reminder of Brooke's biggest betrayal. A better show than B&B would have had Steffy and Hope be more united over this instead of fighting their mothers' battles almost from the minute poor Hope was SORASed.

But at least people are quick to remind Brooke about Deacon. No one besides Phoebe herself--once, before the actress left the show for her music tour--ever took her to task for sleeping with Rick and breaking her heart. Not Stephanie and not Ridge, who stopped short of calling Brooke the slut from the valley when he learned about the Deacon thing.

If Taylor and Brooke felt any guilt at all, they wouldn't still be doing the same crap they were doing decades ago.  As much as I detest what Brooke and Taylor did to their daughters, Ridge who had sex with his father's wife, sex with his brother's wife, tried to keep Thomas from knowing he was a father, etc., has no business calling anyone out over their behavior either.  All of these people are so despicable.

I wish they had gone a completely different route with Steffy and Hope, but the only thing Bell can write is two pathetic women fighting over a worthless man.

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I was thinking about something regarding HTy. If, back in the day, she dictated the scripts, and forbade storylines such as Taylor and Ridge divorcing, why is it now OK to play a role advocating that another marriage end in divorce? And, one in which the wife is grieving the loss of a child? 

Shooting Bill is another example of permissible egregious behavior that is OK for Taylor. I am inclined to give that somewhat of a pass. After all, Taylor was led to believe (by Sludge) that Bill out and and out raped Steffy. However, shooting a man in the back while in his own home isn't the action of an upright, pious "moral" citizen. Taylor could have easily confronted Bill for a convo (dressing down) or at the most extreme, reported the alleged incident to the police.

As of right now, she doesn't know about Phobeth, so that's a non-issue. How the character is written to act when the truth finally comes out will be interesting.

So, what gives? The only thing I can think of is that maybe HTy was desperate for steady work and to get back on the show. Thus, Bell said no more input on the scripts. 

I never liked Taylor and this version is rapidly eclipsing my disdain for Steffy and that says a lot.   At least Sludge was eye-rolling and scoffing right along with Brooke at Lippy's lunatic behavior. 

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46 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

was thinking about something regarding HTy. If, back in the day, she dictated the scripts, and forbade storylines such as Taylor and Ridge divorcing, why is it now OK to play a role advocating that another marriage end in divorce? And, one in which the wife is grieving the loss of a child

The story I've heard is back then HTy was a born-again Christian when that went down--or more precisely, her husband at the time was. At some point after she left in '02 and her return 3 years later, they divorced and Tylo came back wanting an entirely new direction for Taylor than the "good girl" (*snort*). Hence, the trash writing ever since.

Considering how Bill Bell was notorious for telling the Y&R cast to learn their lines and keep their mouths shut (and sacked the original Jack Abbott actor for bitching about the show revolving around Cricket "Hope Logan of the 1990s" Blair), I've always wondered why the hell he caved on this. 

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I'm surprised they let kids Douglas' age wear shoes with shoelaces. Isn't that kind of dangerous? Isn't that why velcro was invented? 🙂

Yikes, poor Douglas came close to getting the wishbone treatment by the dueling grandmas.

How in the world is crazypants Taylor going to be allowed to practice psychiatry again? Physician, heal thyself.

When Taylor heard that Douglas asked Hope if she could be his mommy I think she practically orgasmed right in front of Thomas. She's probably about to manipulate her little grandson something fierce.

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8 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

When Taylor heard that Douglas asked Hope if she could be his mommy I think she practically orgasmed right in front of Thomas. She's probably about to manipulate her little grandson something fierce.

Proving once again that she shouldn't be allowed to practice psychiatry. Manipulating her young grandson and his grief in order to get her daughter a husband who could never last a year being married to her.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm surprised they let kids Douglas' age wear shoes with shoelaces. Isn't that kind of dangerous? Isn't that why velcro was invented? 🙂

How old is he supposed to be, anyway?

I know when I was in kindergarten, I wore lace-up shoes along with Velcros. The teachers weren't allowed to tie them for us, possibly to make sure we learn and most likely to  avoid lawsuits if a kid tripped afterwards (I grew up in Northern California, where the family of a kid that jumped into a tiger cage in SF wona settlement because the fence was 6 inches lower than required).

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6 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I never liked Taylor and this version is rapidly eclipsing my disdain for Steffy and that says a lot.

Oh, boy. After these last two episodes I'm inclined to agree, because wow. I thought she was unhinged when she blew the lid on Brill but this was  on a whole other level.How the fuck does she think she's gonna pack up a grown ass 30+ year old son and his kid, exactly?

And nothing Brooke said was wrong. I loved that she was allowed to own her mistakes without feeling like she was getting pummeled. Most of all, Brooke was defending their children's autonomy, including the fact that Steffy and Liam have both moved on. Of course, Brooke hasn't been innocent at using Liam as a pawn in the past, but she did talk Hope down from attending the Steam shotgun wedding. Would Taylor have done the same, if the situation was reversed? I doubt it.

On a more superficial note, I'm loving KKL's haircut! She had a similar haircut back in...I think 2011-2012? You can see it in the credits from that time, but it definitely makes her hair look fuller than it does when she grows it out long.

6 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I just had a random thought, Taylor actually makes Quinn look sane.

All Taylor needs is a cabin and Hope having amnesia and the Quinn Fuller Starter Kit is complete!

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On 3/25/2019 at 2:12 PM, sugarbaker design said:

There was talk in the soap press about 25 years ago, but that was quickly dashed when the soaps' audiences left in droves.  Now B&B's audience is a fraction of what it used to be.  Actors have taken pay cuts or left like Ronn Moss,  and remote location shots are few and far between.

KKL killed it today!  I love when the writers take the ill will between Brooke and Taylor seriously, and not relegate it to silly wedding cake food fights.

On 3/25/2019 at 2:30 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Bill Bell Sr never liked the hour long format, IIRC. 30 minutes had been the standard for most shows until the 80s when networks decided to expand the better performing shows to replace ones that got canceled.

I used to think B&B's problem was it's short runtime, but it very clearly worked in 1987, when characters would disappear for weeks at a time and storylines waxed and waned. Like, Stephanie didn't make the connection about Beth Logan and Elizabeth Hendrickson (Henderson?) until well into season 2 for example. Doubling the run time would just mean 40 minutes of rich people problems and honestly, the current bad imitation of what Y&R used to be is one too many as it is.

Naw, if B&B could get back to some fun camp, that would be great--cuz I just can't with all the dreary babies and babymommas dying left and right. Are we sure Maria Arena Bell isn't ghostwriting for this show?

Thanks so much.  

Brooke and Taylor forever.



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12 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

I wish they had gone a completely different route with Steffy and Hope, but the only thing Bell can write is two pathetic women fighting over a worthless man.

The sad thing is they have been writing good for Hope and Steffy, and I have appreciated Steffy standing strong against her mom saying, Liam and Hope need to be together and she's not going to try and disrupt that, that they need time to mourn their loss.  THAT is a Steffy I can get behind and root for.  please don't F it up and take  her back to her bitchy ways. 

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15 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I was thinking about something regarding HTy. If, back in the day, she dictated the scripts, and forbade storylines such as Taylor and Ridge divorcing, why is it now OK to play a role advocating that another marriage end in divorce? And, one in which the wife is grieving the loss of a child? 

If HTy had that kind of power, which I don't believe she did, she wouldn't have been killed off the second time, and written out of the show.  As I have said before, Taylor should have stayed dead.  Phoebe should be alive, Rick should never have been involved with Steffy or Phoebe, and Hope should not hook up with Thomas.  It seems after Bell wrote the awful Ridge/Bridget stuff, he thinks anything goes.  Ick!!!

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2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

It seems after Bell wrote the awful Ridge/Bridget stuff, he thinks anything goes.  Ick!!!

And that pisses me off so much. 

What should have been a story about Stephanie's lies and holier-than-thou bullshit and the fact that she actively ruined the loving relationship Eric had with Beth to raise a child that ultimately wasn't his got overshadowed and eclipsed by the absolute worst relationship in the history of the entire show. It's been the bar every other story's suckitude has been measured against ever since for good reason. 

But yeah, the jaded part of me wonders if Bradley Bell was trying to compete against Passions (which all my friends that watched soaps followed, if they followed anything at all) or just opening the genetic pool so he didn't have to bring in as many new characters.

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I wholeheartedly enjoyed Brooke giving Lippy the smackdown the past two days. It's been a long time coming. 

The dialogue was ON POINT!

Brooke wastes no time taking the fake saint to task: "What do you think you're doing, Taylor?"


Taylor feigns innocence: "What are you talking about?" Um, that's not gonna work, especially without the devil's handmaiden Satanie not available to do her dirty work.

Brooke: "I saw you! I saw you plant a kiss on Ridge!"

Taylor practically rolls her eyes at this: "Oh, my gosh. What were you doing, spying on me?"

Brooke can't believe she has to state the obvious but this is Whackado she's talking to: "This is my home. How dare you come in here and make moves on my husband?"

Taylor: "Oh, I did no such thing."

Brooke has all the receipts and so do we.

Brooke: "You did it, and you know it. You're just embarrassed that you got caught. And you should be." Get her, Brooke! Although I doubt Taylor is all that embarrassed. She does what she pleases, always has, and could not care less about the consequences or impacts to others.

Brooke's trademark squint is in full force: "I really can't believe you, Taylor. Disrespecting me and my marriage in my own home!" Um, this is who Taylor is. She just doesn't have Stephanie to hide behind anymore.

Taylor scoffs: "Oh, stop being so dramatic. Ridge and I have children together. We were married." Emphasis on were.

Brooke all but gags: "Please don't remind me. And that was a very long time ago."


Taylor: "Look, our family just suffered a terrible loss, all right? I was just sharing my sadness with Ridge." She was sharing a helluva lot more than that and they both know it.

Brooke calls her out: "Really? Is that all it was? Because I remember you saying something like you miss him, and you're still very much in love with him." Yep...and yep.

Taylor: "Of course I will always love Ridge. We were together for years. I'm sorry if that makes you feel threatened."

She's not in the least bit sorry and is practically gleeful at the thought of pushing Brooke's buttons.

Brooke takes some of the wind from her sails by firing back, cool as ever: "I don't feel threatened. I'm very secure in my marriage." Given how long it's lasted this go round and how stable it seems to be, I'd tend to agree.

Taylor blanches at this: "Good grief. This battle was over decades ago. At least be gracious in your victory." Like you were, bitch? And trust, it rankles that these two women fought over Ridge for decades as if he were the catch of the county, which, hell no.

Brooke: "Is that what you think this is all along? Just a game?"

Taylor: "You think that I think this has all been a game? Letting you wreck my life, take my husband from me? No, you -- you are the game player who came traipsing in in your lingerie, seducing my husband at work every day." It was not like that and we all know it. Also, it takes TWO, sweet cheeks. Ridge dangled these two for years on a string and they allowed it. And I will always shake my head at any woman or man, for that matter, who whines about someone "stealing" or "taking" their partner away from them. It doesn't work that way.

Brooke, realizing she's opened the Pandora's Box to Taylor and Her Revisionist History "Oh, my God."

Taylor: "I mean, really, who puts a bed in their office?"


Fuck you and your attempts to slut-shame Brooke, bitch.

Taylor wants to be on her moral high horse and she can't even stand on the grass the horse is chewing on.  She's always wanting to point her crooked little finger at Brooke and her sexual escapades (and admittedly, Brooke has quite the history) but she has just as checkered a past and even upped the ante by not only sleeping with Ridge, Thorne, and Nick but having something going with Eric (I can't recall if they ever slept together but they were definitely involved). She also slept with Brooke's father (a box Brooke never checked) and Brooke's son (who had just broken up with her supposedly beloved Phoebe). Again, Brooke never went there, the boinkberry bullshit/lie notwithstanding. Brooke also wasn't the one who slept with two men (Blake and Ridge) in the same day nor did she troll the bars looking for drunks to take home and fuck.

And again, Taylor could fuck whoever whenever, but it's the hypocrisy of her being a saint and Brooke being the sinner that I've always taken issue with. Brooke had to own her shit over and over and over again and without having Stephanie at her beck and call to "DOOOOOOOOOOOO SOMETHINGGGGGGGGGGGG!" and make her picadillos just fade away. Case in point, when her deflowering of James (aka the Big Bear Boink) came to light. It wasn't the infidelity that drove Ridge to end it - it was the years and years of lies and the hypocrisy of her daring to look down her nose at Brooke when she had no business doing so. 

Brooke has heard enough and so have I: "All right. All right! That's it! I want you to leave."

Taylor: "Fine! But I will be back. I'm coming back whenever I want, because I'm going to be visiting Thomas and my grandson. Ridge invited them to stay here." That doesn't mean you have an open invitation to darken Brooke's doorway.

Brooke, pointedly: "They are more than welcome to stay, Taylor."

Taylor: "But I'm not? What is wrong with you? My grandson just lost his mother!" And you're so broken up about that, you're putting the moves on his grandfather? 


Brooke: "And I told you, I'm very sorry about that."

Taylor: "Let's just call a truce, all right, and stop all of this. Hope is trying to bring peace. I-I know all about her taking off her wedding band, Brooke."

Brooke cannot believe the words coming out of her mouth right now and is beyond disgusted: "Hope was vulnerable. She wasn't thinking clearly."

Taylor: "No,  that's where you're wrong. Hope is the only one thinking clearly." She is a damned loon.

Brooke: "Oh, my god. What -- what is this all about?" The squint deepens. "Wait. I know. It goes back to Steffy and Liam." Bullseye.

Brooke: "You are obsessed. Steffy and liam have been broken up for a very long time now, and they've moved past this. The only person who hasn't is you."

Taylor doesn't want to hear the truth: "No, no, no, no. No. Steffy and Liam would still be married if Bill hadn't interfered." Wrong again.

Brooke: "Well, then, talk to Bill. I had nothing to do with that. But somehow you're always trying to blame me for everything that doesn't go right in your life." Brooke needs to get a T-shirt that says that and let the haters keep on hating.

Taylor: "No. This isn't about me. It's about my daughter."

Brooke isn't buying it: "Oh, Taylor, it's --"

Taylor interrupts and how dare you interrupt my girl? "And my granddaughters."

Brooke is sick of this: "It's always about you! I don't want to have this discussion again."

Taylor: 'Steffy is practically raising those little girls all by herself." Well, boo fucking hoo. She chose that.

Brooke is shaking her head: "That's great, isn't it? That's just wonderful. I mean, that's a choice that she made. That was her decision."


Brooke isn't finished: "And you know what? She is lucky. She is so lucky to have two healthy, beautiful babies. While my daughter is suffering the loss of her own. She is struggling with Liam. They're both grieving for their child. So leave them be, Taylor. Let them alone, please." Oh, but you know this trifling, opportunistic shark won't hesitate when she smells blood in the water.

Taylor tosses out: "Even Hope says that she wants Liam to go back to Steffy." Yes, Taylor, a grieving, heartbroken, still suffering from PPD Hope is saying all kinds of things she doesn't mean right now. 

Brooke snaps at this: "Hope was in a vulnerable place! She's in a very dark space. And you of all people -- I thought that you would have empathy for her, but you don't." You're just trying to take away every little bit of happiness that she may have left. Don't you dare do it. If you try to manipulate Liam to go back to steffy, it's not gonna happen. Even if Hope and Liam don't have a child, he is not going to leave her, Taylor. So get that through your thick skull! Do you hear me? It is not going to happen." 

It's not going to happen...where have I heard that before? Oh yeah (laughs to myself). They need to make a quick clip of that to bookend RM's hilarious "It's not gonna happen" speech-growl to Rick. 

Brooke: "Hope and Liam are married. They're building a life together. Now, Steffy made some questionable choices, so she is dealing with the consequences." Amen!

Taylor scoffs: "Oh! Spare me the sanctimony."

Brooke: "God, you are so transparent, Taylor. It's obvious you want Liam in that home."

Taylor: "Of course I do. He needs more time with his daughters." The plural does not go unnoticed by Brooke.

Brooke corrects her: "He has one daughter. He's not Phoebe's father."

Taylor: "Phoebe needs a father, too. Even Hope can see that that is the right decision. She is the only one thinking straight!"

Brooke is visibly sickened at this: "Oh, my god. So, what do you want her to do? You want her to walk away from her marriage? You want her to just throw away her husband?" Yep, she does. So her slattern daughter, who tossed away her husband and marriage, and all for a ride on the Stallion, can be rewarded for her adultery? Taylor /= logical.

Taylor shrugs: "She can find someone else." So can your daughter.

Brooke is pissed now: "God! How dare you?! You are being ridiculous!"

Taylor: "No. I am trying to stand up for my grandchildren. For once, can't you just respect my family?"

That's rich, coming from her and Brooke has finally reached her breaking point.

Brooke: "Respect your family? Yeah, Taylor. I can do that. Can you respect my family? Can you respect me? My marriage? The man that you were kissing in my living room? Where's the respect in that? You say you want to have a truce, but how can we do that when you are making out with my husband, and you are trying to break up my daughter's marriage? We are parents. We are mothers. We want what's best for our children. But facts are facts. Steffy and Liam aren't together anymore. And that's not Hope's fault. That is because of Steffy. Because she turned to Bill. Her father-in-law. The worst possible betrayal. Sure, you can blame Bill all you want. But Steffy said that she was a willing participant." She sure did.

Isn't it interesting that Taylor has stepped in Stephanie's enabling, white-washing shoes on behalf of her daughter?

Taylor scoffs in response because she knows she can't argue against this. 

Brooke, physically lunging towards her, gives it to her with both barrels, and it's a thing of beauty: "And she hurt Liam. She destroyed that trust. And what did my daughter do? Did she swoop in? No, she didn't. She was there to help them, help support that marriage, for months. But it didn't work out. So Hope and Liam ended up together. And now they are dealing with the loss of their child. Beth. And they need a lot of love and support, Taylor. They certainly don't need you insinuating that Liam should leave Hope and reunite with Steffy. Don't you see what you're doing? You are pitting us and our daughters against each other. The blondes versus the brunettes. As if, by virtue of our hair color, we get to stand on moral high ground. This has been going on for years -- for decades. And somewhere along the line, you rewrote the story to where you and your daughter, you guys are the virtuous ones. Well, no more. You can judge me all you want. I am used to your high-and-mighty attitude. But you sure as hell are not gonna do anything to harm my daughter. Hope is so loving, and she is kind, and she is moral. She's everything you wish that you were. And she is suffering, Taylor, the biggest grief of her life. And I'm gonna be there to protect her. So if you try to come between Hope and Liam, I swear to God, you're gonna have to go through me first!"


Do not fuck with her, Taylor. She is a mama lioness and she will eat your teflon ass alive.


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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Isn't it interesting that Taylor has stepped in Stephanie's enabling, white-washing shoes on behalf of her daughter?

It sure is 🙃👀 

Although in Stephanie's defense, there have been times where she's chewed Ridge's ass out, which is more than I can say for Taylor and either of her brats.

Actually, scratch that. Calling Steffy and Thomas brats doesn't even apply to them anymore. While they once used to jump on the Two Minutes Logan Hate train, both of them have moved on and are trying to be decent people....or in Steffy's case, a person who acknowledges why she fucked up. The predator Thomas of old would've been all over Sally like he was with Caroline and Brooke, but even he seems to realize that he's not entitled to her time after the way they left things.That's a huge contrast to his mother, who lost Ridge the moment she hid the James thing, even if it took years for that to come out. 

what makes all of this hilarious to me is that for the first time, Steffy is actively taking responsibility and not just paying thin lip service to the idea.Shes been open and honest about riding the Stallion of her own free will and did absolutely nothing to encourage Sludge's blatant lies. Yet Taylor and Ridge to a lesser extent want to believe their own version of events. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Brooke is an idiot and a hypocrite.  She stripped down to her underwear in the elevator, and begged Ridge to have sex with her when he was married to Taylor.  It's hard to believe at one time, Taylor and Brooke weren't this pathetic.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

Brooke is an idiot and a hypocrite.  She stripped down to her underwear in the elevator, and begged Ridge to have sex with her when he was married to Taylor.  It's hard to believe at one time, Taylor and Brooke weren't this pathetic.

I mean....everyone on this show has a past. It wasn't that long ago that Steffy was playing games to hurts anyone with the Logan name either or that Hope was having her family fight her battles.

Brooke is no saint, but she has every right to be pissed when a woman kisses her husband and then plays stupid about it, just like I supported Taylor when she flipped shit about Brooke playing Happy Families with baby Bridget in the office back in the day. Or the elevator incident . Or the shit Brooke pulled right after she left Thorne.

And she certainly has the right to defend her own grieving child from being used in a proxy war over events that happened before she was born. And I say that knowing Brooke set up a wedding for Lope ages ago as Liam was "deciding" who to be with, but she's not doing that NOW. She's also far kinder to Steffy than she has any business being considering all THAT history.

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The only time Brooke or Taylor get on the respect marriage train, is when it's their marriage (that they want to be in), or more recently Hope or Steffy's marriage.  Anyone else's marriage is fair game for them to go after to get what they want.

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Sally’s jacket is stunning  as is the color of Sally’s hair and hair style.  Speaking of looking beautiful, can someone say  Quinn.  

All Ridge and Eric see 🤑🤑🤑 in Sally. Until the so called totally random mystery pop star saw Sally’s designed, they didn’t really care that Sally was leaving. 

Quinn actually stuck both feet in her mouth didn’t she but it wasn’t possible without the partially open door.  Is Sally going to get all up in Wyatt’s face about what Quinn said while she was all apologetic to Thomas for dumping her beautiful ass?  Please Sally, don’t join the chorus of hypocrites. 

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I came here to say the same thing about Sally. I LOVED her red jacket and sassy hair extension. Brooke looked great, too. I like her softer, slightly longer hair and her make up and outfit made her look like a sophisticated fashion executive.

Too much of Alison's absence (bummer!) was telegraphed today. So ... I am guessing that Sally stays at FC and Wyatt is stuck at Spencer. I'm going to wager that either Flo or her mom* end up being Bill and Wyatt's new assistant. Either outcome could cause problems for Wyatt/Sally/Quinn OR ... Katie/Bill/Flo's mom.

*I watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and I now have an image of Denise Richards forever imprinted in my brain. She was stoned out of her mind at an engagement dinner and all she could talk about was how huge her fiance's penis is. What 'til Flo's mom meets Stallion Spencer! LOL! 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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So Flo can just drop in on Wyatt at his job?

Hmm, which big and easily recognizable female pop singer would just be hanging around in LA? Katy Perry?

Wyatt already has some gray hairs in his chin scruff. How old is he supposed to be?

Wow, Quinn was absolutely giddy about Flo. Now what's she got against Sally? I guess I've missed out on some history there.

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I think that first, Quinn is the type of woman who doesn't think that any woman is good enough for her precious Wyatt (exception being Hauxdi and now, I guess, Flo).

So, Quinn probably looks down her nose at Sally for not being born in the "right" zip code. She may also bear some lingering ill will from spy camera/pendant-gate.  

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I think that first, Quinn is the type of woman who doesn't think that any woman is good enough for her precious Wyatt (exception being Hauxdi and now, I guess, Flo).

So she's Stephanie in a size 8 😂

Even the Steffy "acceptance" had more to do with the fact that she was banging her grandfather at the time, but maaaaaaan. I do feel sorry for Wyatt trying to date in high school.

2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

So, Quinn probably looks down her nose at Sally for not being born in the "right" zip code. She may also bear some lingering ill will from spy camera/pendant-gate.  

??? Wasn't that Katie who was spying on her? I can't even think of a time when the two ever had any meaningful conversation...well, ever.

Quinn the rapist and probably murderer has no right to look her nose down on anyone.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

??? Wasn't that Katie who was spying on her? I can't even think of a time when the two ever had any meaningful conversation...well, ever.

No. I meant when Grams  Sally had Coco wear that pendant with the hidden camera to spy on FC and steal designs. 

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