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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I thought Ridge-pen was referring to himself and the Taytots.  I always felt that most of the time he preferred to forget that he had any siblings at all.  Anyway, EXACTLY!  That pompous ass actually thinks that Eric would willingly put him "in charge" of the family after the crappy horrendous disrespectful Ridge has treated him? On what planet? And why does that family need somebody to be in charge, anyway? It clearly can't be done. Even Stephanie couldn't keep that bunch of ingrates in check at the same time. 

"Put your big boy pants on." Those are the words of loving encouragement and concern you give to your unconscious father? SMH.  There was nothing remorseful, loving or sincere about Sludge's little mandatory bedside speech to Eric.  I guess I will play the devil's advocate for one second here. I gather that TK and JMc either didn't know each other that well or were close before TK came on the show. By the same token, RM and JMc worked together for years, so obviously that camaraderie would grow and be organically expressed through their onscreen interactions. Maybe that's part of the reason why TK comes across as so cold and unfeeling towards Eric, if that makes any sense. I mean, the character is a complete asshole anyway, but being portrayed by an actor who doesn't want to or isn't feeling the role doesn't help.  Again, it really disgusts me when a highly paid actor/actress doesn't put their all behind their performance, regardless of how they feel about "character development," the storyline or their fellow actors. FFS, this isn't a Broadway run or Hollywood movie series.  It's fucking soap opera. Get over yourself and do your damned job!  The overseas audience who were huge RM fans must be beside themselves. I wonder if there has been a decline in their viewership?

Can you hear me now? Could you hear me? Ha! Ha! I was shrieking so loudly at the TV, I'm sure my neighbors downstairs thought I'd gone nuts. When Quinn was testifying to Steffy about how it is. I don't know how Quinn was able to restrain herself from slapping the hateful bitch across the face.  Quinn read it perfectly. Steffy is mired in the past. When Quinn was headed "there" about Steffy's love lives, I was so hoping that she'd throw out how jealous Puffy was about Quinn's time with Liam.  Well, maybe it wasn't the right time, but I sure hope that card comes out soon. Really? Ranting and ordering nurses around to run tox screens.  I hope both Quinn and Eric give her the royal smackdown about that. THEN, the have the audacity to try to have Quinn barred from Eric's room? Pul-leeze.

They pay-off was watching the horrified and stunned faces when Eric asked for Quinn, then opened his eyes for her.

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I thought that TK and JMc had some good father/son chemistry a few years back.  I can't recall any specific scenes though.  (If this thread is searchable, I might turn up a comment or two on it... unless it was TWOP.)

For me, TK has been terrible once things went south with Caroline. They were so good up through her recovery but after the wedding things went downhill. The writing was just a mess with the secret vasectomy, Brooke and Thomas especially and nothing else has really clicked with him since. 

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Steffy isn't a real Forrester since her dad is really a Maroni and Taylor is her mom.  She's not a blood relative  to Eric, so she needs to go away.  

One thing that bothers me is when writers,  who should have a grasp of proper English, make glaring mistakes.  Today, when Quinn was raking Steffy over the coals, she said "I could care less.", when it should be "I couldn't care less."  But for some reason, many people make that mistake.  

Edited by KLovestoShop
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When Puffy waylaid that nurse about getting Eric tested for poison, that nurse gave her a look like "Bitch, please!"

We all know Carter, half of "Cartridge," will give the POA to Ridge. I hope he gets disbarred and has to work at Chippendales!

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Wyatt...you are dead to me.  "I can't imagine what my mother's going through."  You don't have to imagine it, you could, you know, maybe BE THERE FOR HER?!?!?!?!


Yes!! I was screaming the same thing at my TV! Why wasn't Wyatt there at the hospital with his WIFE (if you can even call her that anymore) and most especially be there for his MOTHER??!!! Why was he hanging around FC with the last few members of the peanut gallery for cryin' out loud? Go the the damn hospital, Wyatt!!

Much as I loved the romance of Quinn & Eric I'm now hate watching but mostly FF this damn stupid fallout. GAH! Especially FF Steffy & Ridge.

If Carter would detach his lips from Ridge's posterior & give a second of thought to what Eric will say when he wakes up & Quinn not having POA, I hope he doesn't do what we all figure he will- switch the POA to that insufferable self-righteous jerk Ridge.

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7 hours ago, grisgris said:

"Put your big boy pants on." Those are the words of loving encouragement and concern you give to your unconscious father? SMH.  There was nothing remorseful, loving or sincere about Sludge's little mandatory bedside speech to Eric. 

Yes!  When Ridge said to Eric "You have to wake up" I finished that sentence with "because you didn't let me finish browbeating you for marrying someone I don't like." 

6 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

When Puffy waylaid that nurse about getting Eric tested for poison, that nurse gave her a look like "Bitch, please!"

My dog is starting to give me that same look every time I yell at this stupid show :)

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Watching this weeks episodes last night, and what a thing of beauty that all was. To everyone's credit, just about everyone felt guilty about not going....everyone except Ridge and Stephanie 2.0, of course. As well they should for reasons hashed out many times before. FFS, the entire Newman clan on Y&R showed up for Adam's latest funeral a few weeks back and there wasn't a single person in that room that he hadn't fucked over sideways without lube at some point in the last eight year (including the one and only instance I've ever cheered for Victor to win). Yet these fucks, most of who only know of Quinn from second hand stories, couldn't suck it up for one day for the man that's given them everything?

On a shallow note,  Windsor Harmon looks like he's aged five years from his appearance at Aly's funeral last summer, and his voice sounded really gravelly. I barely even noticed his notoriously Texan accent.

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ByTor.......I have the same effect on my dog (hee).  She's getting hard of hearing and looks at the door thinking someone's here then back at me, snorts and goes back to sleep.....

I know this has been mentioned before but this is bugging me:  1)  Where is Ivy? She should be there and be keeping her father updated on his brother's condition.  2)  Rick should have called Brooke...ya know your mother and this is your father.  She would want to be there!  3)  Wyatt get your sorry wimp-ass to the hospital to support your mother!

<rant over.......for now>

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#BringBackBrooke should become a thing on Twitter.

There's another sentence I thought I'd never write, along with "Rick has been the biggest voice of reason in all of this" and "All three of Eric's sons occupied the same room and none of them tried to kill the one or both of the other two."

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I thought WH looked OK.  In general, I think he's just a little too blonde for somebody his age, but otherwise, I have no complaints.  It was just great to see Thorne, period! I'm sure he won't stick around for long, though. :-(

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WH has the Handsome-Forever gene. Rare  in a blonde, rarer in a blonde guy. Name one blonde dude( not counting Danial Craig, the gold standard in blonde male beauty) that keeps it together after 50.

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5 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

O duh Danial Craig is in his 40s . Close enuf

...Anyway, WH?,..... I'd hit that Hawtttt Texan in a NY minute.


Oddly enough, I always thought Daniel Craig had the oldest face for a 40 year old. Even when he started playing Bond he was younger but he looked so old in the face. That said, he can wear a blue bathing suit like no ones business. LOL!!

Back on topic....Steffy needs to STFU! She isn't even a blood relative which Quinn should throw in her face. I'm can't stand this version of Ridge. Granted, TK looks awful but he's just reading the lines given to him. I don't know what more he could do to make Ridge likable. He was relatively popular and well liked on AMC but that was a totally different character. I actually like seeing WH on B&B. It reminds me of the ole days. I still remember his one great scene when he reamed out Eric & Stephanie for choosing Ridge over Thorne. He defiantly capable of good work but just Thorne he always got the shaft (mostly) from Brad Bell. Maybe, Brad Bell is the real Thorne of the Bell family and it's too close to home. LOL!!!

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Winsor Harmon looks delicious. Definitely handsome forever.  I wish B&B would bring him back as a counterpoint to Ridge-Pen and Rick.  I'm totally buying his sorrow and the anger at himself for listening to Ridge and dissing Eric and the wedding.

I think it's possible Thorne may be the first Forrester to soften toward Quinn.  He's going to see her anguish over Eric's condition and her love.. If Ridge-Pen does what I think he will **, I can see Thorne openly opposing him.  Then the boycotters will choose up sides -- Ridge & Puffy & ?? vs. Throne & ??

I'm hanging in to see how it all resolves when Eric gets better.

** Gets Carter to hide the DPOA. Declares himself the POA. Throws Quinn out of the mansion and FC.  Blocks her seeing Eric -- and lies to Eric she has abandoned him.  And... Somehow has the marriage invalidated.   If Ridge-Pen does this -- and I firmly believe he will - -when Eric finds out I want him to ream R-P a new one and throw him out of the company.

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TK was very popular while on AMC - he won a Chicago Tribune poll for "Favorite TV Boyfriend."  I'll never forget the first time I saw him on screen - couldn't take my eyes off of him.  It was like that for a lot of his stint on AMC.

But that was a show that moved along.  Maybe because it was an hour and B&B is only half an hour, but the actors surely must get tired of repeating the same lines over and over again.  The whole discussion between the left-behinds at Forrester while the others rushed to the hospital... it was time killer.  I've only been watching the show for a couple of  years so maybe I'm not seeing it at its best....

Robert Redford was a blond who looked pretty darn good over 40.  My mom had a poster of him on the ceiling over my parents' bed.  (My dad always threatened to put Catherine Deneuve next to him).  Then Redford's time in the sun began to show on his face.

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4 hours ago, maisie said:

Maybe because it was an hour and B&B is only half an hour, but the actors surely must get tired of repeating the same lines over and over again.  The whole discussion between the left-behinds at Forrester while the others rushed to the hospital... it was time killer.  I've only been watching the show for a couple of  years so maybe I'm not seeing it at its best....

That's a very recent thing. This show has retread the same three stories many times, but at least there were new lines every episode. B&B has always been a half hour long  and so were most of the long running soaps in the 60s and 70s so it's not the time that's an issue, nor the reason for the show being as completely insular as its become.

Edited by Anna Yolei
Spelling gaff
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10 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

WH has the Handsome-Forever gene. Rare  in a blonde, rarer in a blonde guy. Name one blonde dude( not counting Danial Craig, the gold standard in blonde male beauty) that keeps it together after 50.

Paul Newman kept the handsome until he died.

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Wyatt...you are dead to me.  "I can't imagine what my mother's going through."  You don't have to imagine it, you could, you know, maybe BE THERE FOR HER?!?!?!?

I can just imagine his little fish lips saying this followed by the permanently open-mouthed pout. He's honestly the only soap actor I know who pouts with his mouth open. Ah Chickenhead! If only you were written with more intelligence and DB hit the gym once in a while then you'd have a surefire fan out of me.

Edited by slayer2
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Since I've been marathoning old ATWT clips of Luke and Noah, YouTube has been suggesting clips of other 80s soaps. My God, the men were gorgeous back then! And even the ones that aren't my type, I could see the appeal. And there was real, actual romance.  I mean, if we can't have good writing, can we get some hot hunky, at least?

Recast RJ as the playboy Thomas should've been with an Adonis like body that a child sired by Ridge and Brooke would have. And then cast an equally gorgeous man to play his boyfriend from boarding school/college so there can be one guy on this show that won't sleep with Steffy (and then have him cheat on RJ with Liam because I. Hate. Steffy. And I don't buy him having anything resulting passion for any of the women he's been paired with).

Speaking of romance, are we revisiting Thomas/Sasha anytime this decade? I'm sure Bell wants to wait for Caroline to be back, but the triangle would work better if we had any investment in either pairing. Just saying.

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Speaking of romance, are we revisiting Thomas/Sasha anytime this decade? I'm sure Bell wants to wait for Caroline to be back, but the triangle would work better if we had any investment in either pairing. Just saying.

Omigod, I've been waiting. I've all but given up damnit!

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"You talkin' to me?"

That's right Steffy, Quinn just educated you on a thing or two or three. It was nice, and it was spot on; all the same, a big part of me wanted Quinn to unleash her inner Joan:


Poison? WTF? Is Steffy dense? The doctor has said repeatedly that Eric had a brain hemorrhage; are you saying that Quinn gave Eric something that would cause that? And I don't think you can just waylay a nurse in the hospital and order her to run tests based on your feeble and wholly unsupported suspicions. I imagine that would take an order from the attending physician, not a random nurse, who may, or may not have known anything about "Your Grandfather." Steffy's desperation to be right is scary. At all costs, Quinn must be guilty of something. I honestly wouldn't put it past this twit to plant something on Quinn, or at the Forrester Manse. The poor dear just cannot believe that her tantrums, and ultimatums, and manipulations haven't worked. Her and Daddy came up with this great master plan to show Quinn who ran the family and who didn't. All the kiddos listened to them too, and turned their backs on dear old dad/granddad and broke his heart. Quinn was nice enough to point this out to you today, and instead of having the grace to do what she asked, and put this blame game away and focus on Eric, you just kept on. Steffy's focus, just like her Daddy, has been all on Quinn, and overpowering her, and pushing her around, and telling her about her fucking rights. So who's focus hasn't been on Eric again Steffy? You are such a raging piece of shit. You and your moron Daddy have now:

a. Assaulted Quinn while in Monaco

b. Tried to undermine her rights as Eric's wife with a surprise attack through a DPOA

c. Boycotted Eric and Quinn's wedding and browbeat your entire family into going along

d. Manhandled Quinn when she was trying to go to the hospital with her husband

e. Denied her access to her husband while in the hospital

f. Accused Quinn of poisoning Eric

g. Ignored your own culpability in Eric's current condition

And Quinn has done........absolutely nothing. Normally I would throw Ivy in here. But that was some weird ass shit there, with Ivy coming back to LA, and going to Quinn and not Uncle Eric? And that makeover stuff? And where was Ivy staying? They showed her answering the phone in a paneled room, so was she at the FE? But the whole thing has been lame, and I don't see any manipulation since. That talk they had before the wedding was more about encouragement for Ivy to go after her guy. I am starting to think that Quinn is realizing that Steffy ain't no prize, and is seeing her for what she really is; 50% Ridge and 50% Stephanie. The fact that Steffy and Ridge refuse to see their actions as anything other than whack, shows they aren't operating with good intentions. They care about FC's and FC's only. Their company. Their legacy.

Go to the hospital Wyatt.

I like Carter, so I hope he doesn't take a foray into breaking the law. But if he does, and Ridge goes along with it? And if their dual treachery results in bad things happening to Quinn? My hope would be that when Eric comes back and finds out, that he presses charges on both of them, and disinherits Ridge from FC's, from any inheritance, and from his life.

Edited by RuntheTable
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***slow clap***

Bingo on everything.  I'm having the same issues.  Yep...Quinn is starting to see that over-botoxed POS for what she is.  If you really love your son tell him to run to a divorce attorney  ASAP!

I hope when Eric wakes up (and he damn well better or I will be sorely vexed) he runs the lot of 'em out of town and his life forever.....

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I think the Caroline character will be back on Wednesday.

The way the Caroline/Ridge relationship ended was so badly handled and bizarre. I like Thomas and Sasha and hope Caroline can find her own new man.

Looking forward to seeing how big the baby (can't even remember his name!) is now - he's probably walking.

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If we're still stating the reason why we watch I'd like to toss in my #1 reason, although I do have a few. I am hopeful that Sheila will return one day, with her original face. And ya know, she and $Bill have never crossed paths....

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52 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

If we're still stating the reason why we watch I'd like to toss in my #1 reason, although I do have a few. I am hopeful that Sheila will return one day, with her original face. And ya know, she and $Bill have never crossed paths....

I wished they'd just address whether than infant she showed up with in South America was actually Massimo's daughter or not.

I don't need Sheila to return, but every good soap opera has that one character who is just sane enough to be viable while stirring shit up. This could've been Quinn but they chose the nuclear option way too early in her run, and even Aly could've worked since she had plenty of reason to hate Taylor and her little scion Stephanie 2.0 beyond shilling for Liam.

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1 hour ago, OhioSongbird said:

I vote for Loading Dock Guy!

I second it!

1 hour ago, tessaray said:

One of these days they are going to give LDG a story and then he'll be ticked off at us.  He likes flying under the radar. 

True!  Poor LDG can't win :(

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It's apparent that Stuffy attended the same medical school as her mother, Dr. Quack, Asinine Medical Woman.  The way this chick pulls diagnoses out of her ass is astounding.  Does she spends her evenings binge watching Snapped or Dateline?

As for why I watch B&B, I have to admit that John McCook, who played Y&R's dashingly handsome Lance Prentiss, was the drawing card for me.  He was my first soap crush, and I was anxious to see him in the new soap, which seemed like a delightful half-hour escape in the afternoon.

I loved the beautiful sets, clothes and people.  I was fascinated that a young woman Caroline's age would dress the way she did; she reminded me of Grace Kelly.  I related more to Brooke because I was in school at the same time and knew what it was like to have to work to help pay expenses in spite of scholarships and grants.  My friends and I also had Brooke's wardrobe at that time, consisting of a lot of comfortable denims.  We could relate to Brooke's high-impact aerobics tapes.  

I loved that the show used real models for its fashion shows instead of cast members whom anyone can clearly see would never be couture models based on their height and build.   The fashion shows were glorious affairs and spawned some really great storylines.  The remotes in Lake Como and Venice were among my favorites.

Ronn Moss' Ridge was one of the handsomest men I've ever seen on daytime and it was easy to see why Bill Spencer despised him.  I was intrigued by Bill and thought that Jim Storm was perfect for the role.  The hair, the eyes and the sneering grin and the walking stick were perfect and sometimes sent chills down my spine.  I simply could not take my eyes off of Susan Flannery, who's Stephanie personified elegance.  Whoever dressed her back then dressed her beautifully.  I enjoyed the fact that higher education was very important to the women as opposed to now, where they act as if marriage is medicine.  I also got a kick out of Brooke's first onscreen kiss and her first engagement ring.  It's amazing how her rings have evolved over time.  Even though the Forresters were wealthy, there were undercurrents of dysfunction that were slowly revealed, including Eric and Stephanie's troubled marriage and Stephanie's distant relationship with her daughters.  The Logans were struggling financially, but they were a more solid family unit.  Bill Bell was a masterful storyteller and I loved the way he organically had the Forresters and Logans eventually connect.  I remember holding my breath waiting to see if Eric would finally recognize caterer Beth Logan as Elizabeth Henderson, his college sweetheart.  I also found it interesting that Ridge's reputation was such that even his own family members didn't trust that he could be faithful to Caroline.   In fact, he proposed to Caroline to get into her panties and to spite her father and his family was suspicious about his reasons for proposing to her.  Caroline had stars in her eyes and unabashedly told Ridge how much she loved him at every opportunity, when he simply couldn't do it.  It wasn't until Ridge was faced with the prospect of Bill pulling his hoe card and losing Caroline in the process that he discovered how much she actually meant to him.

Good times!

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If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  On that note, if the Forester family didn't witness it, it didn't happen?  Both are profound   philosophical questions.  I'm sorry, but not signing the marriage certificate is complete and utter nonsense.  Even the priest didn't sign.  Eric signs the POA but not the marriage certificate. How is this plausible?  Give me a break. How can Perez Hilton, aka the priest, officiate and not complete his ethical duty?  Is Chaz Bono, the thief, more competent in performing weddings. 

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13 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  On that note, if the Forester family didn't witness it, it didn't happen?  Both are profound   philosophical questions.  I'm sorry, but not signing the marriage certificate is complete and utter nonsense.  Even the priest didn't sign.  Eric signs the POA but not the marriage certificate. How is this plausible?  Give me a break. How can Perez Hilton, aka the priest, officiate and not complete his ethical duty?  Is Chaz Bono, the thief, more competent in performing weddings. 

Lazy ass hacks. Using this to force Quinn out of the mansion will only serve to make Eric angrier when he wakes up. Why are they still actively antagonizing the poor man? That they claim to love

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29 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  On that note, if the Forester family didn't witness it, it didn't happen?  Both are profound   philosophical questions.  I'm sorry, but not signing the marriage certificate is complete and utter nonsense.  Even the priest didn't sign.  Eric signs the POA but not the marriage certificate. How is this plausible?  Give me a break. How can Perez Hilton, aka the priest, officiate and not complete his ethical duty?  Is Chaz Bono, the thief, more competent in performing weddings. 

It's plot devices like this that will cause this viewer to tune out no matter how compelling and enjoyable this storyline has been up to now.

How many times has the plot device of an unsigned or mishandled marriage certificate been used on this show as a "Get Out of Marriage Free" card by someone?  

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43 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  On that note, if the Forester family didn't witness it, it didn't happen?  Both are profound   philosophical questions.  I'm sorry, but not signing the marriage certificate is complete and utter nonsense.  Even the priest didn't sign.  Eric signs the POA but not the marriage certificate. How is this plausible?  Give me a break. How can Perez Hilton, aka the priest, officiate and not complete his ethical duty?  Is Chaz Bono, the thief, more competent in performing weddings. 

The "writers" apparently have cranial rectalitis, which enables them to turn sugar into shit storylines in record time. It's their stupor super power.

I.Hate.Steffy. And her raggedy ass daddy, too.

ETA: Where the hell in Brooke? She needs to be in this storyline asap.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I also found it interesting that Ridge's reputation was such that even his own family members didn't trust that he could be faithful to Caroline.   In fact, he proposed to Caroline to get into her panties and to spite her father and his family was suspicious about his reasons for proposing to her.  Caroline had stars in her eyes and unabashedly told Ridge how much she loved him at every opportunity, when he simply couldn't do it.  It wasn't until Ridge was faced with the prospect of Bill pulling his hoe card and losing Caroline in the process that he discovered how much she actually meant to him.

I wager that seeing her moving on to Thorne probably helped too, but this is pretty spot on. Even his biggest enabler Stephanie reamed him out after finding out about his fling with Alex.

But even for all that and their fucked up family dynamics it was clear that they are had love for one another and we see the breakdown of Ridge and Thorne after the latter marries Caroline to cumulate with the infamous shooting. That's something that was sorely lacking when Rick took the mantle from Thorne with his Jan Brady game ten years ago. 

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On 9/30/2016 at 5:42 PM, Nanu160 said:

Let me get this straight...Are you Seriouly saying HT..Heather Tom cannot act? If that's true then well maybe later Monkeys might fly out of my butt. Surely this is a typo.

I'm sorry, Nanu160, I was actually referring to Hunter Tylo.  Whenever I discuss Heather Tom, I typically use the initials HTom so as not to confuse the two.

Sorry about that!

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?  On that note, if the Forester family didn't witness it, it didn't happen?  Both are profound   philosophical questions.  I'm sorry, but not signing the marriage certificate is complete and utter nonsense.  Even the priest didn't sign.  Eric signs the POA but not the marriage certificate. How is this plausible?  Give me a break. How can Perez Hilton, aka the priest, officiate and not complete his ethical duty?  Is Chaz Bono, the thief, more competent in performing weddings. 

I'm hoping that the blank form is just an extra one that was accidentally picked up.Do they really expect us to think that Eric wouldn't have signed his marriage certificate?

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I wish B&B was set in Tokyo, because you're legally married the day you sign the papers and turn it into the Japanese equivalent of City Hall. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars. No ceremony needed.

I'd suggest Hope considers it as a destination wedding for her next marriage attempt to Liam.

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OK, so Ridge-Pen thinks he's won because he's kicking Quinn out of the mansion and thus out of Eric's life.  Does no one realize that when Eric is better he can just re-marry Quinn -- this time signing and filing the marriage certificate at City Hall.  Do the boycotters have a plan to physically keep Eric away from Quinn?  Are they going to kidnap Quinn or throw he in jail for ... reasons?

Did you notice that R-P told Puffy he had Eric's POA.  I can't wait to see his face crack when Carter tells him Quinn has it.

And did I see a flicker of compassion from Brooke for Quinn when she reminded Brooke that the Forresters weren't initially supportive about her and Eric's marriage.  Hmm ...... maybe Brooke won't sell the 12.5% to R-P after all,  Assuming she and $Bill get married and further assuming Bill keeps his promise

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10 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

It's apparent that Stuffy attended the same medical school as her mother, Dr. Quack, Asinine Medical Woman.  The way this chick pulls diagnoses out of her ass is astounding.  Does she spends her evenings binge watching Snapped or Dateline?

As for why I watch B&B, I have to admit that John McCook, who played Y&R's dashingly handsome Lance Prentiss, was the drawing card for me.  He was my first soap crush, and I was anxious to see him in the new soap, which seemed like a delightful half-hour escape in the afternoon.

I loved the beautiful sets, clothes and people.  I was fascinated that a young woman Caroline's age would dress the way she did; she reminded me of Grace Kelly.  I related more to Brooke because I was in school at the same time and knew what it was like to have to work to help pay expenses in spite of scholarships and grants.  My friends and I also had Brooke's wardrobe at that time, consisting of a lot of comfortable denims.  We could relate to Brooke's high-

storylines.  The remotes in Lake Como and Venice were among my favorites.


onn Moss' Ridge was one of the handsomest men I've ever seen on daytime and it was easy to see why Bill Spencer despised him.  I was intrigued by Bill and thought that Jim Storm was perfect for the role.  The hair, the eyes and the sneering grin and the walking stick were perfect and sometimes sent chills down my spine.  I simply could not take my eyes off of Susan Flannery, who's Stephanie personified elegance.  Whoever dressed her back then dressed her beautifully.  I enjoyed the fact that higher education was very important to the women as opposed to now, where they act as if marriage is medicine.  I also got a kick out of Brooke's first onscreen kiss and her first engagement ring.  It's amazing how her rings have evolved over time.  Even though the Forresters were wealthy, there were undercurrents of dysfunction that were slowly revealed, including Eric and Stephanie's troubled marriage and Stephanie's distant relationship with her daughters.  The Logans were struggling financially, but they were a more solid family unit.  Bill Bell was a masterful storyteller and I loved the way he organically had the Forresters and Logans eventually connect.  I remember holding my breath waiting to see if Eric would finally recognize caterer Beth Logan as Elizabeth Henderson, his college sweetheart.  I also found it interesting that Ridge's reputation was such that even his own family members didn't trust that he could be faithful to Caroline.   In fact, he proposed to Caroline to get into her panties and to spite her father and his family was suspicious about his reasons for proposing to her.  Caroline had stars in her eyes and unabashedly told Ridge how much she loved him at every opportunity, when he simply couldn't do it.  It wasn't until Ridge was faced with the prospect of Bill pulling his hoe card and losing Caroline in the process that he discovered how much she actually meant to him.

Good times!


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