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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Ridge...the Tool...strikes again. Whining about not wanting Bill near "my" son. Same proprietary BS that emotionally shredded Brooke when she was pregnant with RJ, Nick was thought to be the father, and Ridge and Nick were all about a CHILD as a POSSESSION.


It's strange that Katie's being the reasonable one, and understanding that there has to be mutual respect and understanding between the 4 of them, since there ARE kids involved. But no, Ridge the perpetual spoiled brat ain't having that. He still wants to control Brooke and is using RJ to do it.


Have to laugh though because Katie's insecurities are going to be kicking in, in 3, 2, 1...


Oliver looked like a dang superhero today, with surprising wisdom and insight. He really IS thinking about what's best for Aly, NOT himself.


WTF is Taylor wearing?! that is one ugly old-lady-ish suit.


Thorne's a doofus but he was willing to give up a lot for Aly, so good for him....but if he and Taylor are a couple, can they please go back to Paris when Aly's issues are resolved? because as a couple, T&T are NOT the bomb, and are as boring and chemistry-less as ...Thomas and anyone.

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Thorne's a doofus but he was willing to give up a lot for Aly, so good for him....but if he and Taylor are a couple, can they please go back to Paris when Aly's issues are resolved? because as a couple, T&T are NOT the bomb, and are as boring and chemistry-less as ...Thomas and anyone.

Thorne certainly gave up too easily.  I think he's lying to Aly & he'll catch hell once caught in that lie.

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How long has it been since we've seen Bill & Katie in a scene together not screaming at each other? It was, for lack of a better word, refreshing. Don't know if anyone watches on CBS.com but the bonus scene was nice too, I liked the line about Ridge only teaching Will how to draw "tanks and robots and dollar signs". Odd comment from Bill about Will & RJ becoming family when Katie & Ridge marry, though - they're already maternal cousins. RJ is and always will be Katie's nephew and she his aunt, as Will is and always will be Brooke's nephew and she his aunt. Not sure how the writers missed that one.


While we're on the subject about Hunter Tylo looking dreadful, whatever happened to Winsor Harmon? Talk about a match made in cosmetic hell.


In the more than 30 years of show time, Brooke has purposely** slept with Ridge, Eric, Grant, Thorne, Connor, James, Deacon, Nick, Bill... Nine men in 30 years, and she married 5 of them, and was engaged to 2


Thanks for the rundown annsterg, and I stand corrected - nine men is not as big a number as I had assumed (I blame Stephanie for this). Actually while I think about it, what about Dave? They never slept together on-screen but they were engaged (not that that equals that they were sexually active, of course).


FC HR department


Don't make me laugh!


I am beginning to wonder now if Ally's issues are not more related to being coddled, and protected her whole life


I think so too. The way Thorne caved in so quickly after witnessing another Aly meltdown, putting his life on hold yet again because of his daughter's inability to let go of the past, paired with previous reactions from elder family members (Pam, Eric, Brooke), would suggest this angle. I also think that this approach to Aly's "issues" gives her the impression that she can say and do as she pleases and not face any repercussions for it as we've already seen - boardroom outbursts, slapping Wyatt, etc. 


If it is at all possible, I am disliking Ridge more each time I see him. Lecturing Brooke about "Big Bad Bill", because we all know that Ridge is a Saint, and has never done an ill thing toward his "Logan".
ITA. Ridge has a lot of gall -- and very little memory or self-awareness -- because pretty much every awful thing he holds against Bill, Ridge has done the same or worse. For HIM to talk about letting a woman down? Rich indeed, when that's been Ridge's MO for 30 years. Hypocritical jerk.


Thirding this. Was Ronn Moss's Ridge ever this much of an asshole? I also wonder whether Bill would be as accepting of the situation if he was still losing - at the moment he's on top of the world, so whatever Katie & Ridge want to get up to is of not much consequence to him. According to tomorrow's promo there's a Bill/Ridge scene which will be interesting (but then I'm always interested in Bill/Ridge, so...)


During the scenes with Katie, Donna, Bill, and Will. I kept wondering how difficult it must be to act with a baby.


I am always (and easily) impressed with scenes like this. Most of the time I'm too busy concentrating on what Zane's doing or how the actors respond to whatever he's doing that I have to rewatch the scene multiple times to figure out what's actually being said. Same with the cat they had on last week, when it sneezed in Darin Brooks' face and he said "Bless you" to it and I missed what came next because I was laughing.

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Actually while I think about it, what about Dave? They never slept together on-screen but they were engaged (not that that equals that they were sexually active, of course).


Brooke was engaged to Dave but they never had sex; she was a virgin the first time with Ridge.



Was Ronn Moss's Ridge ever this much of an asshole?


In a word, YES.


Ridge is, and always has been, an asshole, regardless of what face he's wearing. I had previously posted at TWOP a whole series of rants about how TIIC seem to be trying to pretend TKRidge is a whole new character, and my point was that if TK is playing Ridge, he has to assume the burden of "Ridge-ness" -- including all the assholery in Ridge's past. Ridge is NOT a good guy and it's laughable to me that he thinks he can look down on BILL, like HE's superior to Bill (for example, talking about Bill "abandoning" his sons...like Ridge didn't kick Brooke and RJ out of their home when he remarried Taylor at Stephanie's fake heart attack bedside). As if. They are both flawed and jerks at times but Ridge is far worse IMO.



And Taylor's lips look like they hurt.


Well, they're sure hurting ME!

Edited by annsterg
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talking about Bill "abandoning" his sons...like Ridge didn't kick Brooke and RJ out of their home when he remarried Taylor at Stephanie's fake heart attack bedside).

That line almost made me choke, I can't believe he said that!

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I feel like Taylor is dropping the ball with Aly.  She was in a plane crash, died, got TB, went into the light, went through the kidnapping of one of her children, got shot in the heart, died, had her son hijacked from her arms, and experienced the death of one of her children.  She has a lot of experience with loss that she can share with Aly.  Not excusing Taylor's behavior with regards to driving drunk and killing someone, but she should be able to relate better than this wailing.

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I honestly think the over the top outburst from Aly at this juncture is due to Taylor basically sneaking up on her while she was in her Oliver Love haze and dropping that steaming turd of news on her that Daddy's dating Mommy's killer.  I really feel like if this info had come from THORNE, like it was supposed to, in a controlled calm setting sure Aly would've been upset and maybe distraught but it wouldn't have been this overwhelming emotional screaming ax weilding. And thats ALL Taylor's fault.  I was disappointed when Aly put that ax down though, I'm not ashamed to say.

How long do we have to look at Katie's "More meaningful than diamonds" string ring?  Does she shower with that thing on?

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How long do we have to look at Katie's "More meaningful than diamonds" string ring?  Does she shower with that thing on?


Ha, glad to know I am not the only one wondering about that, and how she's dealing with, you know, USING her hands? since with a toddler, you're constantly washing your hands...that ribbon would be quite bedraggled and bleeding red dye, after only a day or so.

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I really feel like if this info had come from THORNE, like it was supposed to, in a controlled calm setting sure Aly would've been upset and maybe distraught but it wouldn't have been this overwhelming emotional screaming ax weilding.

Ya think? LOL! I mean, even if Aly didn't have established emotional problems, on what planet is it appropriate for a person's father's girlfriend to sneak up on a person at WORK in the middle of the WORKDAY and lay this on them?

Edited by Aquarius
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HA! Go Bill! Loved the zingers and home truths Bill was slinging at Ridge today, when Ridge invaded Bill's office to whine about how nasty ol' Bill needs to stay away from precious fragile RJ. Obviously -- despite having been through it before -- Speshul Snowflake Ridge doesn't quite get how divorce works; he doesn't get to make the rules now. I think that in addition to his balls, Stephanie was keeping Ridge's brains in her handbag, and they were cremated with her, because Ridge seems stupider, more dense, more clueless, and all around more ridiculous as he swans around town trying to get people to do what he wants.


So...Aly is all better now? a cathartic session with Dr Hamilton-Hayes-Forrester and wheee! they're hugging it out? Maybe TIIC have decided it's better to just have Aly as a regular ingenue, not an unbalanced ingenue. Oliver still looks like a boss in this entire situation.


And...this is another one of those interminable month-days for the show. It's evening, dark outside, so at least 8 PM in California. But everyone is still at work,and Bill is asking for 3 uninterrupted HOURS?? By Brooke's outfit, it is still the same day she whipped out the papers at SP and ousted Katie! and that was like 2 weeks ago on the show! So, the same day that began with Brooke and Sad Dad Bill playing with Will at her house, Brooke leaving for SP, Ridge showing up to take Will, Brooke booting Katie, Brooke back at home, Bill goes to SP and Katie leaves, Bill continues to be blackmailed by Quinn and Wyatt arrives at SP for the Glorious Naming, Ridge at home with Katie, Ridge proposes to Katie, Brooke shows up at Katie's and is told about the engagement, Ridge and Brooke have a tearful interlude at FC,  Donna and Katie talk, Ridge and Katie fool around, Brooke and Bill talk in her bedroom, Brooke is back at FC doing who knows what, and Bill is back at SP in his office being pestered by punk ass Ridge. All the same day?!


So...that's why Katie is still wearing the Red Ribbon of Commitment -- it's only been less than a day.



on what planet is it appropriate for a person's father's girlfriend appropriate to sneak up on a person at WORK in the middle of the WORKDAY and lay this on them?


Well, it's not like Taylor is some random chick; she IS family. And the Forresters have never mastered the concept of separation of work and personal life.

Edited by annsterg
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Did I well up a little bit at the end there with Aly & Taylor hugging it out? No, I just had something in my eye. We say this all the time but what a shame that Hunter Tylo can't move her face any more, otherwise these highly emotional scenes would have been ten times better. But what now? I was hoping TPTB would drag this out a little longer and heighten the tension by, say, having Aly take Taylor hostage at knifepoint or something. Are they just going to move on with their lives now? Where's the drama in that?


Always here for a dick-measuring contest between Ridge & Bill but for some reason TK was flatter than usual in the snark department this episode and it wasn't as much fun. I did read an entertaining spumour this morning about the upcoming Dubai story, wherein

Ridge finds himself dangling from a helicopter and then falling into the ocean in an attempt to stop the Brill wedding

which sounds like a laugh and a half. I hope it's true. (ETA: found a magazine scan confirming the spoiler. There's an easy joke about the camel picture but I won't go there.)


Ridge invaded Bill's office


Seriously. First he fiddles about with the esspresso machine and then pours himself a healthy glass of scotch? Out of someone else's wet bar? Without asking? What an asshole.


Stephanie was keeping Ridge's brains in her handbag


Not that this is really relevant to anything, but you've reminded me of something Susan Flannery said about Stephanie never going anywhere with a handbag or a purse (even though she did carry a clutch early on) because she never had to have money on her, which I thought was an interesting observation. But anyway.

Edited by St3phForrester
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When Ridge started fooling with Bill's booze, I wanted to jerk it out of his hands. Presumptuous asshole! Nobody said "Help yourself." I've had my problems with him in the past, but I am so Team Bill now. I would love it if he would snarkily offer Ridge some personal hygiene and grooming tips --"A little advice here, Ridgey. You aren't in France anymore. Try showering everyday. Katie will appreciate it."

Edited by LittleIggy
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I never thought I would be saying that Taylor made me cry, but damn, I enjoyed those scenes yesterday. Ashylyn Pearce continues to impress me; I know this is soapland, but I am all about healing and laying your demons to rest, and if coming to terms with what happened will help Ally, then I am all for it.


Brooke once again demonstrating what makes her special; showing Thorne support and love about his failed relationship with Taylor. Even expressing concern for Taylor, a woman she should now despise after her birthday party hijinks. I have little doubt if the roles were reversed and it was Taylor discussing a busted romance with Brooke, the conversation would not have been as supportive. I was a little taken aback with Thorne's nasty comeback to Brooke about Ridge's feelings about RJ and Bill, but again Brooke took the high road and didn't call Thorne out on it.


Bill and Ridge; there was some funny stuff going on at SP's yesterday. I liked how DD played the whole thing; joking around at first, but getting dead serious at the end.


I think that in addition to his balls, Stephanie was keeping Ridge's brains in her handbag, and they were cremated with her, because Ridge seems stupider, more dense, more clueless, and all around more ridiculous as he swans around town trying to get people to do what he wants.



LMAO! Does Ridge think he is fooling anyone here? Bill saw right through him, and knows that this ridiculous demand of Bill staying away from RJ is really cloaking Ridge's jealousy and fear, that this time, he may have really lost his "Logan". Ridge is realizing that Brooke has changed; she is not chasing after him, or trying to corner him in the steam room or the service elevator. No, she is instead going to bat for Bill, trying to right his sinking ship, and willing to hurt her sister in the process. Ridge also knows that Brooke has always wanted stability and security, something that Bill seems to be offering her because as he so eloquently put it "I am not a waffler". For me the real question is, how does Ridge expect to have any type of meaningful relationship with Katie when is is chasing all over town trying to break up B/B? Does he think Katie doesn't remember Grant Chambers? How about James Warwick? Nick Marone? Eric? This has always been his pattern, and based on that absolutely hilarious spoiler that St3phForrester posted, it appears that this pattern will continue.


To the victor go the spoils; and the victor in that little debate yesterday was undoubtedly Bill. This new Ridge has no passion, or fire, it's as if he thinks just making a statement is all it takes to get his way. Could this be because mommy is gone and is no longer here to fight his battles and wipe his nose? Ridge is such a wuss without Stephanie, and clearly doesn't understand the finer art of battle. Ridge comes into Bill's office unannounced, and proceeds to whip out his little pocket knife while Bill brought his rapier. I felt like I was watching the principal lecture the misbehaving boy at school. And I loved every minute of it.


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Re: the article in that spoiler above: So....

Ridge somehow gets the picture of Quinn/Bill from Quinn's phone? How does THAT happen? So ...Ridge is supposed to be the hero, swooping in to tell Brooke THE TRUTH? Sigh. I so wish Bill would scuttle this blackmail but I guess it ain't happening.

Very interesting.

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Does he think Katie doesn't remember Grant Chambers? How about James Warwick? Nick Marone? Eric?


IIRC Katie played the Eric card in the aftermath of the birthday party fiasco, pointing out to Brooke quite unnecessarily that she was not beyond breaking up a marriage in the pursuit of love. I would imagine Katie would blame Brooke if Ridge should falter and return to his destiny in the same way that Stephanie always blamed her for ruining not only her marriage but her son's marriage(s) - it was never really the fault of Eric or Ridge that they strayed from their relationships, as far as she was concerned.  


Ridge somehow gets the picture of Quinn/Bill from Quinn's phone? How does THAT happen?


Only Quinn has that picture, and only she, Bill & Liam know about it. I'd say she takes it to Ridge in an attempt to bust up Brill for her own interests, her own reputation be damned. It's starting to look a lot like "Photo of Eric & Lauren in the Bible" to me.


Off-topic but I watched (or rather "suffered through") Shark Attack 2 earlier and, guys, it was the worst thing I have ever seen. Terrible direction, abysmal story, cheeeezy dialogue, the worst Australian accent I've ever heard, lousy special effects, etc. If the pretty ever tempts you - and there's pretty to be had if you like the look of Thorsten Kaye - take a pro tip from me and watch it with the sound off.

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But what now? I was hoping TPTB would drag this out a little longer and heighten the tension

This in a nutshell is my biggest issue.  When the writers drag a story out, they make it so boring.  I could just imagine months of "You killed my mother"..."I'm so sorry"..."But you killed my mother"..."But I said I was sorry". Yet at the same time, there is no way a story with such impact should be over this quickly.


As someone who has been watching soaps since the early 80s, I see this kind of pacing as an ongoing issue with the writing. There used to be a subtle start to a "big" story, with a very gradual build up to the eventual climax.  They knew how to make it last long enough that it was interesting, but not TOO long so that the viewers no longer cared and just wanted the story to be over with.  When those stories were over (which was always a big bummer!), there would be a few boring weeks, but then they would start with another major storyline all over again. In my opinion, this is a main reason why viewership is declining. If the shows were still interesting, people would tune in.

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Terrible direction, abysmal story, cheeeezy dialogue, the worst Australian accent I've ever heard, lousy special effects, etc.

Agree with all that but the movie takes place in South Africa. TK's accent is supposed to sound like Afrikaans or Dutch. Most people not familiar with the native accent probably didn't know the difference.

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Agree with all that but the movie takes place in South Africa. TK's accent is supposed to sound like Afrikaans or Dutch. Most people not familiar with the native accent probably didn't know the difference.


I meant the Discovery Channel guy - his boat's called the Down Under and he wears an Akubra so all signs point to him being Steve Irwin, but the accent's way off.


Bill's impersonation of Ridge today was fun.

Edited by St3phForrester
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I am offically on board the Ally/Oliver train; they are cute, they are fresh, and their names have a nice ring.


And so it begins; Katie needs to understand that there has always been some reason Ridge hasn't wanted Brooke to marry someone else. No matter how plausible, justifiable, or understandable that reason may seem, at the end of the day it has always been about him not wanting Brooke to be happy with someone else. Brooke being with someone else is ok; Brooke being happy with someone else won't do. Ridge looks the other way until it becomes serious, then he pulls his Logan Ownership Card.


Twice today Ridge commented to Katie about "all the terrible things Spencer did to you". Huh, maybe I was watching a different show, but I don't remember any shotgun weddings. And I don't remember Katie being forced to stay with Bill. Yet she lets Ridge go on this way, makes a lame attempt to defend Bill's parenting skills by saying that "he isn't a monster", then goes on to feed Ridge's anger by supporting his comments about "I don't know how Brooke could do this", by saying that Brooke never considers the consequences of her actions. Katie has gotten herself into quite a position here. She has a vested interest in Bill marrying Brooke and Ridge excepting it, so she needs to defend Bill. At the same time, she needs to keep this illusion of mistreatment by Bill alive and kicking, to ensure Ridge will stay focused on her. Katie's mouth is going to get quite a workout, because she is going to be talking out of both sides of it. A lot.


The difference in the B/B relationship and the R/K relationship was on full display today. R/K come off as solemn and unsure, and in a word, boring. B/B come off as fun, and happy, and committed.


KKL looked beautiful today.

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The difference in the B/B relationship and the R/K relationship was on full display today. R/K come off as solemn and unsure, and in a word, boring. B/B come off as fun, and happy, and committed.

I thought the same thing until I saw a red flag when Bill started in with his macho bullshit about "manning up" RJ.  He even went on to say that RJ had room for improvement after Brooke had said RJ was fine the way he was.  It reminded me of Robert De Niro's character in "This Boy's Life" and made me wonder if Ridge might be justified in wanting to keep Bill out of RJ's life.



I am offically on board the Ally/Oliver train; they are cute, they are fresh, and their names have a nice ring.

Me, too!  Are we calling them "Aliver" now?



Thank heavens, Don D. doesn't have man boobs like Kristoff St. John. I can't unsee what I saw on Y&R! :-O


You're right, LittleIggy.  I needed some mental floss after Y&R yesterday.  But DD and KSJ are both so shiny, though.

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I am offically on board the Ally/Oliver train; they are cute, they are fresh, and their names have a nice ring.


Yep. This is going as I expected....we see that Oliver truly does care about Aly...his feelings for her are real now...they are bonding...It's probably not long now until that recording on Maya's phone comes into play to wreck things.



The difference in the B/B relationship and the R/K relationship was on full display today. R/K come off as solemn and unsure, and in a word, boring. B/B come off as fun, and happy, and committed.


Made all the more obvious by the use of color. K/R are in dark colors; Brooke is in coral and Bill is in ...skin :)


Also interesting that they have had -- several times! -- Ridge and Katie drinking wine together. Guess that drinking is OK?



I thought the same thing until I saw a red flag when Bill started in with his macho bullshit about "manning up" RJ.


Yeah, I'd say that was a fairly obvious anvil...that Bill is going to do something that will negatively impact RJ...and prove Ridge right. Ugh. But they have to do something to shore up Ridge, because the character is floundering.


I wonder if Ridge has any issues being in THAT house -- it was, after all, the Tridge house for years....it's where he lived with Brooke for a while...where Morgan went off the gallery and lost Ridge's baby...


It must be tough for WH and HTy to be brought back, not for their own story, but to embellish Aly's story and character. Back to Paris and invisibility for these vets, now that they've served their purpose?


Again, the weird timing in this episode: it's the end of that interminable day and...B/B and K/R are home/in bed, but Aly, Oliver, Thorne, Taylor are still at FC!

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Made all the more obvious by the use of color. K/R are in dark colors; Brooke is in coral and Bill is in ...skin :)


Darn!  And I missed the show yesterday! 


Unfortunately I caught the skin on Y&R though.

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I wish someone would catch Quinn. She could kill Liam with today's stunt. She already physically attacked Aly. I'm sick of her and her unhealthy obsession with her son.


I could not agree more and was just going to post the same. This wasn't a "prank" when Felicia and Thorne did it to Donna and it's not wacky hijinx now. It would have been enough just to delete Liam's text...but instead she has to take it a crazy level. Enough already.


I thought Hope was suspicious when his pic was up on her phone when she checked it. (Apple must love the product placement.)


Yay for the return of Brooke's engagement ring!  TPTB are going to make Brooke/Bill deliriously happy for the time being, so that it will be all the worse when QuinnGate comes out. And in almost every conversation, there's some twist of the knife for Bill when he COULD tell her and doesn't...Guess I'll enjoy it while I can. KKL looked amazing today in that blue dress. Bill thought Brooke did too.

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I wish someone would catch Quinn. She could kill Liam with today's stunt. She already physically attacked Aly. I'm sick of her and her unhealthy obsession with her son.



I'm thirding this, and agree that as bad as it was, deleting the message was enough. What is this crazy woman's plan here? To leave Liam in there until he passes out? What a bitch; Liam could pass out from sheer panic before the heat takes over. I am done with this character. I don't like Liam and Hope together, but I like Liam as a stand alone character. But whether I like someone or not, I do not like any type of physical violence, or attempts to harm someone else. If something were to happen to Liam, Hope would be beside herself, and it just may be the catalyst she needs to make her decision. Maybe Katie should have a talk with Quinn about consequenses for one's actions. This little stunt could seriously backfire on her, and in a couple different ways:


  • Liam could be seriously harmed, and I don't think there would be a lot of questions about who locked Liam in the steam room.
  • Liam being hurt or injured could make Hope realize how much she really wants a future with him and not Wyatt.
  • If she is outed, it could cost QA's there spot at FC's


Unfortunately, spoilers indicate none of the above will happen because,

We all have heard that Quinn is going to hook up with Deacon. No doubt Deacon will come in gunning for anyone named Forrester, and for Brooke. There is also that rumor about Ridge getting that picture of Quinn and Bill. I can see Quinn giving this to Ridge; it will let Brooke know what happened without Quinn being the bad guy. So, yet again, she will succeed. My only hope is that Brooke gets her fired from FC's. And I don't want Wyatt impacted by it. He isn't part of it and shouldn't have to pay for the crimes of his crazy mother.


Bill and Liam! One of my favorite couples. And I must admit I was a little shocked at how buff SC looked wrapped in that towel; I didn't see that coming at all.


KKL looked amazing today in that blue dress. Bill thought Brooke did too.



Yes she did; bright, dramatic colors really suit KKL. I loved that coral gown she had on yesterday too. I am still a bit bugged about her hair though. She seems very tan as well, more than normal I think. I know KKL trains a lot, maybe that is what the tan is from, because it doesn't look like it is from a can.


Why do thay put RS in those hideous dresses? I don't like the character, but I find her absolutely stunning; they could dress her more fashionably and still portray evil.


I also didn't like what Hope was wearing, it looked like she was wrapped in a persian rug.


After so many good episodes, some that had me on the edge of my seat, and some that had me boo hooing like a baby, I felt deflated as I listened to Hope going on about Liam and Wyatt. That SL doesn't hold a candle to B/B and K/R or A/O.


Where in the world is Eric? Thorne is back in town, and almost gave up his spot at FI, and Eric didn't make an appearance?


It's probably not long now until that recording on Maya's phone comes into play to wreck things.



This will truely piss me off. I am not a big fan of the Maya character to begin with; if I was convinced she made that recording to protect Ally, I might not be so bugged about it. But I think she made it because she has a secret thing for Oliver, and that is gonna be her ace in the hole. If she pulls some shit, and fucks up Ally after the girl is starting to break through? I will hate the character.


I wonder if Ridge has any issues being in THAT house -- it was, after all, the Tridge house for years....it's where he lived with Brooke for a while...where Morgan went off the gallery and lost Ridge's baby...



And it was also very recently Big Bad Bill's house. I am surprised that Ridge didn't have it fumigated and thoroughly cleaned before he moved his pristine ass in.


It must be tough for WH and HTy to be brought back, not for their own story, but to embellish Aly's story and character. Back to Paris and invisibility for these vets, now that they've served their purpose?



For a reason I can't really explain I was sad to see them go. It was beginning to feel like old times.

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Oh my God you guys there's gonna be a

fistfight next week someone bring me oxygen I can't deal with this


Officially Team Brill after today's show, those scenes were super sweet. I guess it doesn't hurt that KKL and DD are chemistry machines.


I noticed that Hope & WyaZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Also, Quinn, pro tip - you can't dust off animal hair with your hand. Use a bit of tape.


I thought the same thing until I saw a red flag when Bill started in with his macho bullshit about "manning up" RJ.


Yeah, I'd say that was a fairly obvious anvil...that Bill is going to do something that will negatively impact RJ...and prove Ridge right.


I wonder what he could do to hurt RJ that would upset Ridge any more than he already is at the simple thought of them being in the same room. Crash a quadbike? Fall out of a hot air balloon? Give him a haircut? I saw that comment from Bill as more of a sleight against Ridge than against RJ - the boy's only nine. Bill's also said the same things about "manning up" Will, who is all of two years old.


It must be tough for WH and HTy to be brought back, not for their own story, but to embellish Aly's story and character. Back to Paris and invisibility for these vets, now that they've served their purpose?


I follow Winsor Harmon on Twitter and he's been posting pictures recently placing him at CBS (sunrise in the carpark, in the make-up chair, a suit collection ticket), so one assumes Thorne's got more scenes coming up in the next couple of months. Don't know about Hunter Tylo. I did see something about Schae Harrison filming some more scenes but I had to stop following her on Twitter because her constant tweeting cluttered up my feed so I don't know if that's true. On a similar vein:


Where in the world is Eric?


JMC's daughter posted a selfie of them on the B&B set about three weeks ago and then yesterday Zack Conroy took a cast one on that backlot bridge thing that he was in as well, so he's around. Doing what, though, I have no idea. If we have to suffer through the banality of Hope & her brother husbands then surely whatever Eric's up to is worthy of some screen time. If love is supposedly in the air for everyone else, why not go back to the Eric & Donna story for a little while? All it would need is a scene a week and the conflict could be that Donna wants to pursue that relationship again but Eric's not sure because he thinks he's too old for her/he's still a little burnt by Taylor/he doesn't want to let go of Stephanie's memory/he's in the middle of an existential crisis because no one's listening to him at FC and he's got designer's block and he's not contributing anything and I don't know, it doesn't have to be much. And that's all separate to the storylines going on right now - he could've been put into the Thorne/Aly/Taylor thing quite easily, and I'm sure there's room to pop him in every now and again with the Kridge/Brill saga even if it's just to have him as a sounding board for Brooke seeing as he's her biggest fan, or even Donna, what with her stuck in the middle of two warring sisters. Or even to counsel Ridge - his own son, for goodness' sake.


But anyway. I don't know if you guys have noticed but I have strong opinions on this topic.

Edited by St3phForrester
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Since Quinn doesn't like cats (another reason I hate her), I picture her being mauled by dozens of cats like the woman in "Let The Right One In" (original Swedish version). The cats could sense she was a vampire when the people couldn't. The image makes me :-)

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All caught up with last week's episodes, the writers really stepped it up with Aly/Ollie/Thorne/Taylor.  I despise Taylor and even I felt for her, the writing and Hunter Tylo's understated acting, (her real strong suit, leave out the histrionics!), the acting of the actors who play Aly and Ollie were all top notch.  I'm glad Aly's had a breakthrough but I still want her to be a little bit of a loose cannon where Quinn is concerned.  Aly snarling "I'm not afraid of you" is still one of the high points of the year.


Unpopular opinion, I'm sure, but I love Quinn.  She adds an excitement and a level of looniness this show needs desperately.  RS is bringing 100% at all times, she is definitely not phoning it in.  This show has a proud history of wacky women and Quinn is proudly upholding that tradition.  The main object of her vitriol and contempt is Liam, a character I don't really care about so I don't see the big deal about deleting messages and locking in steam rooms.  Yawn.


I've never seen Brooke smile so much as when she is with Bill, I've never seen Bill light up so much as when he is with Brooke.  I love these two together.


The one huge drawback is Ridge.  He's always been a major asshole as far as I'm concerned, but the way he is being written and performed now is pushing him into total asshole territory.  I FF when he's on, because its so predictable what he's going to say and because he and Katie have absolutely no chemistry.

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Since Quinn doesn't like cats (another reason I hate her), I picture her being mauled by dozens of cats like the woman in "Let The Right One In" (original Swedish version). The cats could sense she was a vampire when the people couldn't. The image makes me :-)


Hee! It also reminded me of a 20+ year old movie called Sleepwalkers, where cats also have issues with the "vampires" -- and features a monstrous mommy a la Quinn! The movie is kinda cheesy but some of the images and the soundtrack have stayed with me...



The one huge drawback is Ridge.  He's always been a major asshole as far as I'm concerned, but the way he is being written and performed now is pushing him into total asshole territory.  I FF when he's on, because its so predictable what he's going to say and because he and Katie have absolutely no chemistry.


QFT. I don't know what TIIC are thinking with the way this character is being written but...their thinking is WRONG. Ridge has always been an asshole IMO and I was always infuriated by the writing that seemed to portray him as a hero in spite of that...but now they are writing him as a full up asshole, no writing props. The writing is failing to establish why anyone would root for Ridge now.

Edited by annsterg
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I can't see how anyone could write a character like Ridge and expect anyone to root for him.  They must be intentionally writing him as a villain.  If they are writing him as a selfish, self-seeking, hypocritical, flip-flopping asshole, then the writers are doing a great job!!!

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I know a lot of people like Brooke and Bill, but I detest Bill and don't think I can like him with anyone.  I especially didn't like 50ish grandmother and fashion house vice president Brooke giggling at Bill telling her about a great trip he had planned for them without any input from her.  Is it too much to ask of the writers that Brooke possibly take a business trip to the middle east to look at locations for new boutiques with Bill going with her to do some scouting around for Spencer Publications stories?  Could either of these people act like adults with careers, even if just briefly?  Can anyone tell me why I continue to watch this show?  

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I can't see how anyone could write a character like Ridge and expect anyone to root for him. They must be intentionally writing him as a villain. If they are writing him as a selfish, self-seeking, hypocritical, flip-flopping asshole, then the writers are doing a great job!!!

He's one of the most consistently written recasts in B&B's history ;)

Seriously, Ridge under RM had his major jackwagon phase for about two years after Taylor not-died where it was more pronounced, but the waffling between women is always there. But I can't feel sorry for Katie cuz she wants to stick it to Brook, too.

Quinn trying to kill Liam because he might "get between Hope and Wyatt" seems completely over the top, even on this show that is replete with overly meddlesome mothers.

Steph buying Brooke a gun and telling her to off herself back after Bridget married Nick will always top anything these writers could do with Quinn. Lol

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Steph buying Brooke a gun and telling her to off herself back after Bridget married Nick will always top anything these writers could do with Quinn. Lol

Ah! Thanks for that. I'm a new viewer to B&B. I only started watching when TK came on as Ridge. I'm such a noob that (small voice) I don't even know who Bridget and Nick are.

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Bridget is Brooke's oldest daughter with Eric. Nick is Ridge's paternal half brother who still had a thing for Brooke when he got with Bridget. That's the very shortest of summaries I can give on that, but it serves as the second best example of why few sympathize with Brooke these days.

The best example is four years before that when Hope was conceived.....with Bridget's OTHER husband, Deacon. :/

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The best example is four years before that when Hope was conceived.....with Bridget's OTHER husband, Deacon. :/

And, when Ridge found out, he and Bridget commenced to having several make-out sessions- even though, Ridge thought that Bridget was his daughter for the first half of her life and, until a few weeks prior, thought that Bridget was his half-sister.  The first example of Ridge "punishing" Brooke for her inappropriate relationship choices by making an equally inappropriate choice. 


I read somewhere that Bill Bell was planning to write a full-blown Ridge and Bridget affair but the viewer reaction was too negative.

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Unless people start talking about Quinn's actions, she will never stop. Liam should have been on the phone lodging a formal complaint against her; if nothing else, it would be on record that this women was suspected of something. Then the crazy bitch shows up at Bill's all decked out in S&M drag? WTH? I hope they open Wyatt's eyes to what his mother really is; maybe that would serve to shut her up.


Ridge was probably jealous that Bill actually thought out his proposal, and was prepared with an engagement ring, while Ridge's proposal was a knee jerk reaction to something Brooke did, and all he had was a ribbon from a stuffed animal. OK, I get that it was sweet and all, but how long is he going to expect Katie to were that ribbon? He has had several days to go and purchase a replacement, but I don't see him breaking his neck to do so.

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If they are writing him as a selfish, self-seeking, hypocritical, flip-flopping asshole, then the writers are doing a great job!!!


Sounds like Bill to me.  At this point, you have to pick your poison.

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At this point, you have to pick your poison.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Guys today is fight day and I am excited. It's not shirtless oil wrestling but I'll take what I can get.


Also wanted to drop this off here - I don't know if anyone watched SMASH when it was on, but I decided to check it out a couple of days ago because TK is in it and in one of the episodes he's part of a Bollywood musical number, much to my amusement! Eagle-eyed viewers will spot him dancing awkwardly (but adorably) in the top right corner towards the end. Link to Youtube

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If they are writing him as a selfish, self-seeking, hypocritical, flip-flopping asshole, then the writers are doing a great job!!!



Sounds like Bill to me. At this point, you have to pick your poison.


I'm not so blinded by my hate for Ridge that I can't see your point, and it is valid, but Ridge has been pissing me off for twenty years, long before $Bill even came to Los Angeles.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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OK, I get that it was sweet and all, but how long is he going to expect Katie to were that ribbon? He has had several days to go and purchase a replacement, but I don't see him breaking his neck to do so.


He doesn't need to.  Katie repeatedly said she doesn't need a ring.  It's one more way that she's just so much better than Brooke.  Personally I hope that sanctimoneous twit has to wear that ribbon on her finger through the whole time of their marriage.

Steph buying Brooke a gun and telling her to off herself back after Bridget married Nick will always top anything these writers could do with Quinn. Lol


Seriously.  Especially since I bet we'll never hear the other characters going on about how moral and classy Quinn is.

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Unless people start talking about Quinn's actions, she will never stop. Liam should have been on the phone lodging a formal complaint against her; if nothing else, it would be on record that this women was suspected of something.


If Liam had half a brain, he would have gone up to Eric's office, in his towel, to tell Hope (and everyone else) what just happened.  

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