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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Is Liam also going to wipe Steffy's ass for her? 

I don't know.  Has he shouted "Hey toilet paper, Steffy's back!" yet?

3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

The only thing Maya hasn't done is to post a video of Rick jerking off into the cup.  

Not that we know of, anyway :)

Sasha, Sasha, Sasha, what is wrong with you???  You can do soooo much better than being that mope's consolation prize!

Edited by ByTor
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I could accept Sasha going for Zzzzende if he was played by an actor who had the charisma of Shemar Moore. When Shemar started on Y&R, he wasn't much of an actor, but he just oozed charisma. This guy can't act and has the charisma of a roll of toilet paper (the cheap, one-ply kind).

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OMG, Zzzzzzzende, aka Mopey Dick, is an absolutely awful actor. The sad, bloodhound-faced idiot, couldn't act his way out of a paper sack.  He needed Cher, from Moonstruck, to slap him across the face and scream 'Snap out of it."   But I think it will turn out like this:. Sasha and Mopey will join the mile high club, and she'll get knocked up while Nicole's oven will remain empty.  

I was wondering if we were going to get the visual of Rick ejaculating into a Dixie Cup and then Maya videoing her sister being impregnated with a turkey baster.  

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Yawn ... boring show on all accounts.  Filler.  Every other word out of Maya's mouth was "no pressure," "you can change your mind,"* meanwhile, documenting Nicole's every breath, stomach gurgle and fart for the world to see.  I'm kinda thinking that Maybe TIIC is trying to spin  this as a revival of Brooke/Ridge/Caroline 1.0 back in the day.  I could easily see Sasha as a young Brooke. She has the looks, brains and charisma, as well as being the vixen and kind-hearted confidante.the other two? Fuggeddaboudit.

*That way, they have rock solid fall-back when things go south with Zende. Maya can bat her doe eyes and sadly whisper, "But we didn't pressure Nicole. We know there are other options." YA THINK?  She even acknowledged that to Nicole. Well, then, let me show you to the door.

I had to ff through the Liam and Steffy scenes. I only paused long enough to try to figure out what she was wearing. Yesterday, I thought it was some kind of long black gown that had big thigh-high gashes in the front. It turned out to be burgundy jeans. Poor Wyatt.  Incinerated with the zap of a laser.  Nothing more than a tiny blot of black ink. Memories encased in a festering blister. Ah, "love."  I wonder if the house call doc was headed over the the Forrester mansion?



Edited by grisgris
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11 hours ago, grisgris said:

Yawn ... boring show on all accounts.  Filler.  Every other word out of Maya's mouth was "no pressure," "you can change your mind,"* meanwhile, documenting Nicole's every breath, stomach gurgle and fart for the world to see.

My daughter has a friend that does this ^^^ 24/7. She never puts down her phone.

She came with our family to my parent's ranch for 5 days, and every meal, every chicken, every load of laundry, every barrel cactus, every milking, every hay bale, every barn cat, every horse apple in the paddock, every turn of the compost heap was Instagramed.

It was weird to have my boss muse, "So that's where you go on your time off," nattering about my family's comings and goings, and having him show her feed on the Smartboard in the middle of a scheduling meeting.

: /

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Zende and Nicole, together or apart, are dull white noise.

Maya and Rick are presumptuous as hell, and need to explore "other options" for Lizzy's next sibling.

Sasha is being wasted; first on Zende, then on Thomas, back to Zende, with wig pulling throwdowns with Nicole, Maya, Julius and Vivian.

Wyatt, honey ... Walk on, and let that bitch slide. You can't lose what you never had.

Steffy and Liam deserve each other. 

Don't care about Ridge-Pen, Brooke, $Bill, Pam, and Charlie.

If $Bill really wanted to get back at Ridge-Pen for cock-blocking him, he would sell his FC stock to Eric. 

RJ needs to occupy his spare time with chasing skirt in school and cribing term papers off the interwebs.

Eric and Quinn are heartwarming but won't be allowed to flourish as long as Ridge-Pen is still sulking about not being in control of FC.

I'm not looking forward to the long-awaited fashion show. I expect Ridge-Pen will announce his disapproval of Quinn and Eric to a wider audience.

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Halfway through the weeks episodes... about the only comment I have is that TK looks pretty good (11/2).  I think it's because I can see some natural skin color (under a sunburn? or just the color on my tablet?) and not that gross orange color that doesn't suit him at all.

They are so setting up Ridge and Quinn, aren't they?  If they do, I'm tuning out again.  Not that they wouldn't make a striking couple but after they sold the hell out of a Queric romance, I just can't.  

Note: Sasha looks adorable.  Too bad she can't cross paths with Wyatt ASAP. 

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I won't be surprised if Ridge/Quinn happens. This show loves to pull the rug out from popular couples because reasons. 

I won't go as fat to say this would be as terrible as Ridge and Bridget was, but it would definitely be a very close second.

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Sasha/Nicole/Zzzzzende would be OK (that's being kind) if the latter two sides of the triangle could actually ACT.

I don't watch soaps solely for romance, in fact, I much prefer the business-related stories.  The battle for B.E.L.I.EF. and fashion wars with Spectra and Jackie M were so much fun to watch.  Of course, those were all the brainchild of Bell Sr. (RIP) I guess his lame-brained son just can't venture out of his ToD, WTD (we don't even have that tired old trope) comfort zone. (More like painted into a corner.)

Hey would anybody be interested in a new FC "Fashion Police" thread? That was kind of fun and it's easy to find crazy get-ups of ALL of the B&B folks to have some fun. I got a good laugh out of the JMW commentary in the "Media" thread. It could alleviate the boredom.

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This show has had triangles galore from its inception, but the difference then is people had actual passions beyond who they were banging. This was most apparent when Brooke's first boyfriend Dave asks her to marry him, and she actually debates about getting married so young, wanting a career of her own ( and with a chem degree, I don't blame her!).

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3 hours ago, grisgris said:


Hey would anybody be interested in a new FC "Fashion Police" thread? That was kind of fun and it's easy to find crazy get-ups of ALL of the B&B folks to have some fun. I got a good laugh out of the JMW commentary in the "Media" thread. 


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Recap for Fri. 11/4/16

Do I have to? Because this show was so, so, so, so, BAD.

Whoever wrote this shit should be shot or hastily entering the Witness Protection program.

Okay, deep breath, I'm going in.

A perfectly-coiffed and made up Nicole is in her hospital gown. 

Rick and Maya walk in, salivating over the prospect of their baby factory producing for them yet again, and ask her if she's ready, and how could she not be what with Maya instagramming every,last.second of this. Seriously, who does this? No one, ever, the universe replies.

Like the sad sack he is, Zende is staring out the window of the hotel room, thinking of the sainted Nicole no doubt. Sasha walks in and he brings himself to ask how the beach was. How Zende and Thomas both rejected her in favor of Nyquil and Carowhine, I have no idea. Girlfriend, you can do so much better. Sasha tells him she's going to make him go to a luau but Zende protests that he's got to get back to L.A. 

Um, she's in her gown, Zende, how exactly do you think you're going to stop her impending insemination?

Puffy is still at the office, getting her wedding ring tattoo removed and the technician, who cares about her only because he doesn't know what kind of bitch she is, asks "You hanging in there?"

Steffy: "Yep. Yep. Easy-peasy. Okay, this is not the most comfortable thing in the world." I hope it hurts like hell.

Steffy: "Ohhh. Just remind me the next time I want to get a tattoo how much this hurts, please?"

Liam: "I'll remind you the next time you want to get a new husband. How's that?" Ooh, look at Waffles, bringing the snark. Except it's Waffles, so shut it.

Steffy: "You are so funny. So funny." I think it's hilarious that it hurts, take some skin off, Tech, and make him a regular while you're at it. He can act circles around Zende, Nicole, and Carter.

Sasha, who is way nicer than I would be immediately offers to return to L.A. with Zende. Girl, I would stay and find some cute boy on the beach. 

Nicole/Maya banter back and forth about "it's not too late" and "I'm here, I'm in the gown" and I do not have any fucks to give about any of this.

Liam babies Puffy and her puffy finger. When even Puffy is telling you "it's not like an appendectomy," slow your roll. 

They pretend to care about Wyatt's feelings and it's all so very touching (insert SARCASM here). And then she says this:

Steffy: "Look, I just want to, um... I want to thank you for understanding and knowing that I just don't want to rush in to this. I just didn't want to, like, go out of Wyatt's door and immediately into yours." Heifer, that is EXACTLY what you did.


Zende: "Wish I could have lived up to my promise and showed you the island."

Sasha: "Well, I make the best of things. That's what I do. Oh, but I promise I will be back. Hawaii has not seen the last of me." I'm sure it hasn't. Let's hope next time Sasha goes with a real man instead of a pouty little bitch baby, which you all know Sasha is thinking but is too nice to say it.

The jet is ready so off they go.

Rick and Maya are already gushing over the brand-new baby to be when they ALREADY HAVE A BRAND-NEW BABY!. Poor Lizzie...with these two assholes for parents.

And, as always, they fail to read the room, although to be fair, Nicole's constipated look is fairly usual for her. 

Nicole: "Wait." Ruh roh.

Puffy and Liam and Puffy's stuff arrive at the Waffle House and the nonsense Waffles spouts must be seen to be believed.

Liam: "You are home. Do you hear that, house? Do you hear that?" 

Steffy: "Did you miss me? You miss me?" No one could miss you, ever, heifer.

Liam: "Oh, did it miss you? Every room in this house missed you. Hey, living room, we had a lot of conversations about this, did we not? You were begging for her to come back, and now she's back. Kitchen! Oh, kitchen!"

Liam: "Look who it is! Huh? Look at that face. Hey, patio! Patio! I got something to show you! Hey, neighbors! Hey! Hold on a second. Hey, neighbors! No, they're not even home now. What am I doing? Um, hey, sky! Sky! And, uh, oh, oh, oh, ocean! Hey, ocean! And, um, what's in the ocean? Whales and dolphins and seagulls and sea horses. Do we have sea horses in California? I'm not sure. But Steffy's back! She's back, baby! She's better than ever! Aren't you?"

Can you believe this shit? 

Nicole squirms in her hospital gown and whines about not losing Zende. How did I know she wouldn't go through with it after all...maybe she had a clue that Raya wouldn't be satisfied with two because I'm telling you, they wouldn't have been.

Shocker of shockers, Maya and Rick (for the moment) appear totally okay with her change of mind and Maya can't grab Nicole's phone fast enough for her to call Zende to tell him she's changed her mind.

Sasha tries to entice Zende with a game of cards. Sasha, this is beneath you.

She then tries to entice him with some major ego-stroking. This is magma layer levels of beneath you.

She finds just the right words to make him perk up: "If you were my man, I would be thanking my lucky stars every damn day of my life." Oh, Sasha, really? It's so sad what Julius has done to her that she is back to being thirsty and begging again.

Zende, his ego and little Zende responding like Pavlov's dog. "You would?"

Sasha: "Every...damn...day." She moves in to kiss him and I just don't want to watch anymore because it is so sad and pathetic. She truly is Brooke 2.0 and I'm not up for three decades of watching Sasha get trashed.

I thought Liam was done with the goodbye speech from Our Town only in reverse, but no, he's still got more bullshit to spew. Or is that our vomit?

Liam: "Hey, sand. Hey, sand. Guess what. Did you know Steffy's back? Did you know that?"


Liam: "Well, guess what. If you think this is excited... wait until you hear how loud I shout... when this heals... and there's no... bruising and there's no discoloration... and I put a ring here -- a real wedding ring that you wear for the rest of your life."


And then it's declarations of love and swinging her around like they are goddamn Noah and Ally from The Notebook or something and I hate them both so very much. 

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47 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Sasha, who is way nicer than I would be immediately offers to return to L.A. with Zende. Girl, I would stay and find some cute boy on the beach. 

Right?  She's making money as a model, she should have stayed and bought her own plane ticket home.

47 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "Look, I just want to, um... I want to thank you for understanding and knowing that I just don't want to rush in to this. I just didn't want to, like, go out of Wyatt's door and immediately into yours." Heifer, that is EXACTLY what you did.

This coming from the person who had to marry Wyatt because she didn't want to live with someone before marriage, she wanted to do it "right" (or some such crap).

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam: "Hey, sand. Hey, sand. Guess what. Did you know Steffy's back? Did you know that?"

I was on a long weekend trip and didn't see Thursday or Friday.  Please, for my sanity, tell me that this is exaggeration, and we really weren't intended to be treated to Waffles instructing every inanimate object in sight to welcome Puffy back to the fold.  Please?  I hope the sand was still wearing its "Team Hope" t-shirt.  

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I keep hoping that one day when Liam is swinging Steffy around that they both fall over the cliff of doom.

All of that "welcome home" crap was exactly that.  It was mind-numbing, viewer-insulting filler.  When I say that I would have rather seen another montage, then you know it was BAD!

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Recap for Fri. 11/4/16

Do I have to? Because this show was so, so, so, so, BAD.

Whoever wrote this shit should be shot or hastily entering the Witness Protection program.

Holy cow.  I didn't realize just how bad Friday was until I saw it in black and white.  (In my defense, I was loading the dishwasher/washing pots and pans while watching. It probably improved the viewing experience by 1000%.)  

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I'm going back a few days to the Wyatt and Ivy scenes (with Ivy looking amazing in yoga attire). 

I'm actually going to give Wyatt a pass both for ignoring how amazing Ivy looked and for whining about Steffy. It's been a few days since the demise of his marriage. He's allowed to wallow for a while and if he jumped into an insta-reunion with Ivy, it wouldn't bode well, knowing how he still feels about Puffy (God help him) and how Ivy still feels about Liam.

If he keeps wallowing, well, then, I won't feel sorry for him.

Honestly, I'd prefer Wyatt and Sasha cross paths (and that Sasha will not have joined the mile-high club with Zende). 

Edited by CountryGirl
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I've gotten OC sprayed right in the face in Guam, in 80 percent humidity, while I was in the Navy....and that was the worst pain I've ever experienced. But Friday's episode definitely gave that a run for its money.

As much as I hate Liam, who as a poster in the Y&R forum pointed out is basically Sharon minus the backbone to make decisions and bipolar disorder to excuse his actions, I felt second hand embarrassment for Scott Clifton and that dialogue. My God, did that hurt. And the guy has better chops for this schtick that would be beneath Charity Rahmer.

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Just caught the last ten minutes of today's shit show. Maya and Rick are seriously assholes. They think Zende isn't being as mature as they thought he was and/or "isn't himself" because he doesn't support their efforts to push Nicole into having a second baby six months after the last one she dropped. And what the fuck kind of doctor do they have that would even allow such a thing? And where the bloody hell are their parents?

Zende is a handsome young man but he is the WORST ACTOR ON DAYTIME TV!!!!!! Worse even that Steve Burton/Jason/Dullen!!!! OMG!!!

Why oh why do we continue to subject ourselves to this daily drivel?

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1 minute ago, politichick said:

Just caught the last ten minutes of today's shit show. Maya and Rick are seriously assholes. They think Zende isn't being as mature as they thought he was and/or "isn't himself" because he doesn't support their efforts to push Nicole into having a second baby six months after the last one she dropped. And what the fuck kind of doctor do they have that would even allow such a thing? And where the bloody hell are their parents?

Zende is a handsome young man but he is the WORST ACTOR ON DAYTIME TV!!!!!! Worse even that Steve Burton/Jason/Dullen!!!! OMG!!!

Why oh why do we continue to subject ourselves to this daily drivel?

It's a tie between him and Nicole

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Show, please stop making ZZzzzzende try to act. It hurts. 

But clearly the most important story of the episode was Puffy and Waffles and the history of their BAAAAAAAARF. I mean, love. So romantic. That time he was cheating on his girlfriend. That other time he was cheating. So many beautiful memories. 

The one positive thing I have to say about today's show is I had almost forgotten how terrible the slow-motion beach run scene was. Thank you for reminding me, I needed a good belly laugh. 

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My biggest problem in all of this is Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzende falling back on Sasha to mope with. Partly because of B&B knee-jerk reactions  that people seem to have at the first complication in a relationship, but mostly because Sasha doesn't deserves to be strung along until he reunites with Lemonhead 2.0. As another poster said upthread, three decades of this with Brooke was plenty.

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3 minutes ago, jenrising said:

Show, please stop making ZZzzzzende try to act. It hurts. 

But clearly the most important story of the episode was Puffy and Waffles and the history of their BAAAAAAAARF. I mean, love. So romantic. That time he was cheating on his girlfriend. That other time he was cheating. So many beautiful memories. 

The one positive thing I have to say about today's show is I had almost forgotten how terrible the slow-motion beach run scene was. Thank you for reminding me, I needed a good belly laugh. 

For me, nothing will top the ridiculousness of that Cabo buggy chase. You know, the honeymoon where Steffy spent the whole time making sure he didn't run into Hope....ah, romance. Right up there with Ridge and Taylor in St. Thomas ??

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

I've gotten OC sprayed right in the face in Guam, in 80 percent humidity, while I was in the Navy....and that was the worst pain I've ever experienced. But Friday's episode definitely gave that a run for its money.

As much as I hate Liam, who as a poster in the Y&R forum pointed out is basically Sharon minus the backbone to make decisions and bipolar disorder to excuse his actions, I felt second hand embarrassment for Scott Clifton and that dialogue. My God, did that hurt. And the guy has better chops for this schtick that would be beneath Charity Rahmer.

It was the epitome of Fremdschämen.

Edited by CountryGirl
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59 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

For me, nothing will top the ridiculousness of that Cabo buggy chase. You know, the honeymoon where Steffy spent the whole time making sure he didn't run into Hope....ah, romance. Right up there with Ridge and Taylor in St. Thomas ??

Was that the trip when Steffy convinced Thomas to propose to Hope after their two dates? Sigh. At least the show spent some money on their TOD episodes back then. Not that 15 minutes of collagen stuffed lips in fake candlelight wasn't wonderful today. 

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16 minutes ago, jenrising said:

Was that the trip when Steffy convinced Thomas to propose to Hope after their two dates? Sigh. At least the show spent some money on their TOD episodes back then. Not that 15 minutes of collagen stuffed lips in fake candlelight wasn't wonderful today. 

It's funny to me that she was all about hating Hope for her evil Logan blood, but willing to saddle her brother with the twat when it benefit her. The same as I expect her to do once aligning herself with RJ becomes to her benefit in another SORASing or two.

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Seeing Liam and Steffy accounts for me to be able to vomit and have diarrhea at the same time.  I give it a month before they are on the outs again. 1 chance in a 100 that they get to the alter.  A love scene between Donald and Hilary would have more chemistry than Liam and Steffy.  

After Liam and Steffy, I have no more excrements to give about Zende, Rick, Maya, and Nicole especially Maya's and Rick's self centered existence. 

Once again I hope Sasha is pregnant for real. 

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Kudos to Scott Clifton for that bored as fuck look on his face as they sat on the couch talking about their "love story."  We're all that bored with this ridiculous "I've always loved you" history ignoring bullshit, Scott.  

I think my favorite line was his "this was always my fantasy."  Um, yeah, and those Hope montages you had on the daily while married to Steffy were, what, exactly, Waffles?  

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There is no way to "fix this show". We're not the high priced writers of this show. No matter who these writers are, they're just sad, tired and out of date. The story lines are pitiful, the actors (for the most part, except for Quinn and Eric) are just awful and the writers need to be driven out of the business. I remember the soaps when they were actually interesting with good actors and interesting stories including murder mysteries that kept us engaged.  Remember the shows that had police detectives investigating crimes including murders? No longer the case, sadly. No wonder the soaps have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Sad.

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17 hours ago, tricknasty said:

Why did the pilot constantly address ZZZZZZZZZZZende as Mr. Forrester? His last name is Dominguez

Because the writers forgot that Tony exists.

..that was a legit good ass story with Kristen/Tony, which had the added benefit of one of the very few fights Ridge and Taylor had that had nothing to do with Brooke when he found out Taylor knew Tony was HIV positive. Best of all, There was no triangle needed to generate drama, Kristen still loved him and unlike her twat kid brother, adopted a child.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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That final scene between Nicole & Zende is by far some of the worst "acting" I have ever been witness to.  To think I chose to watch THIS first instead of last night's The Walking Dead!

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36 minutes ago, ByTor said:

That final scene between Nicole & Zende is by far some of the worst "acting" I have ever been witness to.  To think I chose to watch THIS first instead of last night's The Walking Dead!

You didn't miss much. Walking Dead was boring as fuck and more scenery chewing from you know who....

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So I wonder if Kristen and Tony ever finally got to have sex?  They got together back in the day when being HIV positive was a death sentence. I remember them always acting very chaste and inferring that they never "went there."  Remember the scene when Eric caught them engaged in some heavy petting in the back of the car? Kirsten actually had her top off. See, we need more stories like that.

Guys, I sincerely apologize for mentioning in an earlier post that I'd prefer montages to whatever it was I was bitching about from Friday's show!  I was rewarded today ten-fold. Ugh. I just kept focusing on the ever morphing faces and hairstyle of Steffy. Otherwise, I would have needed to have the barf bucket passed my way. Those two are just awful together even when they're trying to be relaxed and playful. The bedroom scenes are the worst; SC handles JMW very carefully like she's warned him to not mess up her hair, makeup or or lingerie. SC was able to sell it with RS, so I guess it's JMW. She always seems so uptight.

I can't even put anything into words about that final scene. Zende's flaring nostrils as he clung to the door frame of the airplane cabin said it all.  What riveting drama.

P.S.: I don't mean to be crass, but did the girl who plays Nicole get implants? I was afraid that when she slung that backpack on, she was going to topple forward on her face. Whatever she did was too big for her frame and looks like another HTylo wannabee. Although this surgeon did a much better job.

Edited by grisgris
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15 minutes ago, grisgris said:

The bedroom scenes are the worst; SC handles JMW very carefully like she's warned him to not mess up her hair, makeup or or lingerie. SC was able to sell it with RS, so I guess it's JMW. She always seems so uptight.

Poor guy is wasted on this shit show. It's really too bad he and Quinn weren't allowed to have drunk sex after Sydney cuz their chemistry was negated by the horrendous abuse overtones of Captive Cabin.

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18 minutes ago, grisgris said:

P.S.: I don't mean to be crass, but did the girl who plays Nicole get implants? I was afraid that when she slung that backpack on, she was going to topple forward on her face. Whatever she did was too big for her frame and looks like another HTylo wannabee. Although this surgeon did a much better job.

 I was thinking exactly the same thing so I went back to the video tape (YouTube) to check. The evidence points to she did or, instead of Pinocchio's nose growing when he lies, Nicole's breast grow every time she shows she's a talentless hack. 

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