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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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21 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

A clip of Brooke and Ridge post-Sydney in 2007.

Submitted without comment.


As my late grandmother used to say--Lawd, great day in the morning!  That was pitiful and downright painful!

Anna Yolei, thanks for the reminder that GarBridge's relationship was a mess of dysfunction.  How infuriating to see Brooke begging this creep while he gets to assert that he can't be happy with her.  Oh, but of course, that's because he wanted to explore a relationship with Ashley Abbott, the sperm pig from Genoa City, Wisconsin.  Somehow in Ridge and Stephanie's estimation, she was classier than Brooke.  This man's lack of self-awareness simply astounds.  And, why in the world would Brooke want Stephanie as a mother-in-law again?

What's also infuriating is that Ridge reaches this conclusion long after he undermined Brooke's relationship with Nick (including raping her so he could get "there" first before Bricky's 6-month-no-sex sabbatical ended).  It simply amazes me that TIIC don't seem to realize that fans have access to "receipts" to see how this relationship really played out.  Not to mention the show had a 10th anniversary book in circulation a few years ago.  But, we're supposed to believe the B.S. that the unkempt one was spouting and deny our lying eyes and pretend we have amnesia.

Had both Brooke and Ridge-Pen sat their little slouchy spawn down and firmly explained to him why they weren't together and why the shit never worked, Brooke could have spared herself all this unnecessary angst.

And, yes--Bill was right to call her out.  She, of all people, knows how he doesn't like to be abandoned, and her choosing to sit there and listen to Ridge-Pen's B.S. was a betrayal and an eye-opener.  It introduced an element of distrust into the relationship where it didn't exist before.

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3 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

What's also infuriating is that Ridge reaches this conclusion long after he undermined Brooke's relationship with Nick (including raping her so he could get "there" first before Bricky's 6-month-no-sex sabbatical ended).  It simply amazes me that TIIC don't seem to realize that fans have access to "receipts" to see how this relationship really played out.  

Lord knows I couldn't even with Nick and Brooke after the way they ended, but even with his N. Sanity and his running to Bridget to fuck the one time, he's still got nothing on Ridge, nor was he wrong about the Entitlement Crown Prince treating her like shit at the first opportunity.

Plus, KKL and Wagner did worked exceptionally well was friends. Even with Lang putting the much needed Brembo brakes on their reunion, I did enjoy their platonic scenes once I knew there was no danger of a reconciliation.  This show can't afford Wagner, but certainly, they could find a decent actor to fill in? Peter Bergman would be my first choice if he walked from Y&R for any reason. And having Nick would be a good excuse to bring back Jackie if Leslie Ann Down wanted to return.

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Sure they can afford Jack Wagner. Get rid of Zzzzende, Nicole, Steffy and Liam.  Send them off on a double date down PCH on a dark and foggy night. Surely Taylor will be out cruising some stretch of the lonely road.  As a bonus, she can die, too. Nice and neat. No guilt over mowing down her own daughter.

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15 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

And, yes--Bill was right to call her out.  She, of all people, knows how he doesn't like to be abandoned, and her choosing to sit there and listen to Ridge-Pen's B.S. was a betrayal and an eye-opener.  It introduced an element of distrust into the relationship where it didn't exist before.

I love Brooke, always have always will, but I was nodding my head in agreement when Bill called Brooke out.  Especially when he asked her why she didn't throw the rumpled one out the minute he barged into the bedroom.  "He's the father of my son, I had to hear him out."  Huh?  The only time you have to hear him out is if it has something to do with said son....that was a stupid thing to say, Brooke!  And how dare Ridge say "no" when he finally was told to leave, the entitled asshole he is.  I wonder if the wedding will happen after all, Bill certainly didn't look enthused.

10 hours ago, grisgris said:

Sure they can afford Jack Wagner. Get rid of Zzzzende, Nicole, Steffy and Liam.  Send them off on a double date down PCH on a dark and foggy night. Surely Taylor will be out cruising some stretch of the lonely road.  As a bonus, she can die, too. Nice and neat. No guilt over mowing down her own daughter.

No guilt until she resurrects again ;-)

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IKR? Taylor's like a cat with nine lives and so far, she's only exhausted two!

I also scratched my head when Brooke told Bill that BS about "Ridge being RJ's father." That didn't have anything to do with the present situation.  And nope, Bill didn't any longer look at the panting eager bride groom.

If I could have rewritten the scene, I would have had Donna wearing a sleeveless dress. On one of her numerous trips downstairs, Justin would notice red finger marks on her upper arms. Say no more and up the back staircase he goes, fists cocked. Sludge goes flying through the window and lands in the pool unconscious and drowns. After all, Justin said "he knew how to cool off Ridge again." Once again, Dolla's hands are clean.

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4 hours ago, jenrising said:

Seriously, at what point is someone going to do something about Ridge's inability to keep his hands to himself? It's ridiculous. 

Remember the good old days when everyone wanted to clobber Ridge? Grant, Thorne, Nick...I think even Bill got a punch in once.

Good times :)

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For months on end, it was all Steffy all the time. Now she's dropped off of the face of the earth. Not that I'm complaining at all! Why isn't Liam at Bill's wedding? Will whiny RJ run in at the last minute to stop the wedding? Will Bill walk away at the last second? Inquiring minds want to know.

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6 hours ago, grisgris said:

If I could have rewritten the scene, I would have had Donna wearing a sleeveless dress. On one of her numerous trips downstairs, Justin would notice red finger marks on her upper arms. Say no more and up the back staircase he goes, fists cocked. Sludge goes flying through the window and lands in the pool unconscious and drowns. After all, Justin said "he knew how to cool off Ridge again." Once again, Dolla's hands are clean.

Wouldn't work, the oil would just cause him to float...and then they would have to spend $$$$ to clean that ring around the pool :)

1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

 Why isn't Liam at Bill's wedding?

He's too busy "reconnecting with" (aka banging) Steffy to worry about something as trivial as his father's wedding. 

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There were so many takeaways from Friday’s show, which I thought was really well done.

I will go one step further than other posters and say I think Bill calling Brooke out was essential. Brooke has never been with a man like Bill; a badass with a soft side, but more importantly has his pride. Ridge fucked up Bill’s dream wedding in Dubai, and now, after finally getting Brooke back to the alter, he finds her calmly listening to Ridge’s pleas. I thought Bill’s near non-reaction was far more frightening, and telling, than a physical attack. And I am glad he saved some venom for Brooke. Ridge may have been doing all the talking, but Brooke was certainly listening. Maybe her thought processes were saying no way am I going back to Ridge, but Bill had no way to know that. I don’t think he really believes Brooke is only marrying him for his shares; that was just anger, and lashing out to hurt. But the reality is much worse; he now understands that Brooke cannot say no to Ridge. Bill probably expected to bust into that bedroom and see Ridge manhandling Brooke, and I think that calm intimate scene truly rattled him. Bill’s calm disgust shook Brooke up too; she seemed to age and mature by twenty years in those scenes. For the first time ever, it seemed Brooke truly saw her relationship with Ridge, and how inappropriate her behavior is around him. Her response to Bill that Ridge is RJ’s father was her grasping out for anything that sounded plausible, because nothing else did. Brooke was backed into a corner by her destiny with Ridge, and it was costing her the best relationship she had ever had. Bill’s words opened her eyes to how she enables Ridge by always making him more important than herself. More hurtful for Bill, is that she would allow that to happen when she knew he was waiting downstairs to marry her. I am not at all convinced Bill with go through with it, and if he does, I think his and Brooke’s relationship will be altered. It may only be a small fissure right now, but when you have folks poking at it; Ridge, RJ, Katie, it could become a crater in no time. Brooke’s remarks to Ridge about leaving and not wanting him at their wedding sounded great, but I think for Bill they will be too little too late. I also think he will see them as more for show, and for him, than anything Brooke really means.

I am so glad Bill cut Ridge off at the knees, and told him he would never see those stocks. My hope is Bill will throw in with Quinn and Eric in an effort to really stick Ridge up the ass. How would Brooke feel about that? She has loyalty to Eric and FC’s, but Bill will see it as only being loyal to Ridge.

What the hell is wrong with you Nicole? Listen up girlie; we don’t want to hear you crying and moaning when Zende is done with you. The fact that they have been throwing him and Sasha together, fresh on the heels of her ending it with Thomas, pretty much says it all. Show is so fucking stupid for killing the blossoming Thomas/Sasha romance for more Avant sister drama. I am going to be pissed off and angry when Maya, Rick, Nicole and Papa A start in about how horrible Sasha is, and how could she steal Zende while Nicole does her sacred duty. There is no doubt about it; Sasha is the new Brooke.

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RuntheTable, kudos to everything you said. I particularly think the Nicole/baby story is so absurd that I don't even comprehend how the writers thought they could get away with this. If I have to see Maya bug-eyed telling Nicole "no pressure at all", I'll throw something through my $1200 TV just to make it stop! We are NOT STUPID, writers. 

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Recap for Fri. 10/28:

I'm going to start with the who-gives-a-fuck-about-any-of-this Zende/Nicole subplot. 

Raise your hand if you didn't see Nicole caving to Maya. Oh, no one? Of course, Maya ensured she would by shoving an irresistibly adorable Lizzie into Nicole's arms.

Zende, still angry about Maya and Rick's "no pressure!" pressure, tells Sasha he's fine with Maya and Rick having an entire football team if they want, just so long as they leave Nicole out of it. If he thinks he's angry now...

So we all know that Nicole's saying "yes," again, is going to open the door to Zende and Sasha again. A door no one wanted open again. EVER. Because Nicole will be painted as the victim/saint/martyr while Sasha will be treated as Brooke 2.0 as others have pointed out. Nicole definitely deserves to be kicked to the curb (so much for Zende's admiration for her sacrifice). However, Sasha deserves better and I would hope that she would turn Zende down cold but we all know she's still that little girl looking for the love her father never gave her.

Moving on to Brooke and Bill and Ridge-Pen...

RuntheTable did these scenes so much justice already but I'll recap with my thoughts nonetheless.

Bill walks into the room, deadly calm, telling Ridge to look at himself, groveling over Brooke. He calls him out on his real reason for showing up - his worry that Brooke won't sell Bill's shares to him and scoffs about Ridge's pretense that Brooke is his "reason for breathing again." Because we all know it's exactly that - pretense.

Ridge protests that he doesn't care about the shares (oh please) and that he's only here for Brooke. To pee on her leg.

Downstairs, Donna is finally busted and confesses Ridge is upstairs with Brooke.

Bill can't understand why Ridge is here for Brooke (well, we can because Ridge is a selfish ass who could not care less if he ruined Brooke's happiness this time, what's one time when there have been hundreds of others). 

Ridge boasts about how their marriage wouldn't have lasted, that Brooke would have left Bill (presumably for him) and he (Ridge) would have Bill's shares. I'm sure it is taking everything in Bill not to cold-cock him. 

Brooke denies it and reiterates that Bill knew she was giving Ridge the shares and why. 

Bill turns his laser-focus off of Ridge and onto Brooke then, questioning why Ridge has the thoughts he does. Why, exactly, Brooke?

Brooke insists she is marrying Bill because she loves him and she wants to start a life with him. Bill counters that Ridge seems very confident (doesn't he always?) Brooke doesn't understand why he feels that way. Oh come on, Brooke!

Bill says then what we've all been thinking which was that she let "the idiot" stay up there. She sat there while he prattled on about how HE wanted things done. She didn't slap him, she didn't throw him out, she didn't even try. And there you see the hurt behind the proud facade and I am glad Bill called Brooke out. Ridge, while an ass for showing his face here, owes Bill nothing. Brooke is an entirely different story.

Brooke, with the weakest argument ever, protests that he's RJ's father. And what that has to do with the price of tea in China or this wedding, I have no clue, but nice try. She insists she had to hear him out. Um, no, this is your WEDDING DAY, sweetheart. Ridge had no business being there and you had no business letting him.

She tells Bill that he's the "only man" she wants to marry. "The only man." Her words aren't penetrating and you know what? I'm glad because it's about time someone put Brooke in her place and called her out on her stupid choices. I would have lost so much respect for Bill if he had just rolled over and drooled.

Bill grills her about the shares and rightfully so. Brooke says she wanted the shares to get rid of Quinn but that had nothing to do with why she wants to marry him. She's ready to start her life with him and she pleads with him to say that he believes her. Can you blame Bill if he's unsure?

Downstairs, the minister wants to know if the bride and groom are ready. Good question. 

Despite Brooke's declarations, Bill isn't finished yet. Not by a long shot. He paints a very compelling picture of him waiting downstairs to exchange vows when all the while she's up here, with Ridge. 

He reminds Brooke, who should need no reminding, that Ridge was responsible for ruining their first wedding and here we go again. 

He then stuns her into maturity (excellent call, RuntheTable, as I saw her grow up, too) by telling her the wedding is off. 

Brooke says she still wants to be his wife and Bill, quite correctly, nails her to the wall with if that was true, why the hell didn't she throw Ridge out or leave the room and find Bill.

Bill: "That is what you should have done." A-fucking-men, Bill!

You see the realization dawning in Brooke's eyes and she owns that she should have done exactly that, but that they can still get married. I'm not so sure now and you can see, neither is Bill.

Brooke says what she should have said the second Ridge manhandled his way into her room, that Ridge is leaving and to forget about the shares. Bill almost laughs when he says how can they forget when he still feels that's the only reason she agreed to marry him. Brooke says again that she doesn't want the shares, she just wants Bill.

Brooke admits she should have made Ridge leave and Bill agrees, stating that's the problem, that she failed to see how very, very, very wrong it was for her to be upstairs with Ridge at all. She should have shot him down from moment one, but she didn't and the fact that she didn't tells him everything he needs to know. He is so, so hurt here and she can see this but it seems too little, too late. The fact that she seemingly cared far more about entertaining Ridge's ridiculousness when she should have been thinking of the man she supposedly loves, the man she called the "love of her life," the man waiting downstairs for her with no idea - until now - of what his blushing bride is up to.

Bill tells them both that it was a bad move and that he will never see those shares now. Good because I don't want Ridge to have any power whatsoever. Bill repeats to Brooke that it was a bad move and stalks off to lick his wounds, but Brooke chases after him.

Bill arrives downstairs and announces that the wedding is off.

Brooke begs him to stop and tells everyone to stay. She insists that she wants to get married today and (and while at first, I was WTF? I came to love this part) that it's "better this way." She reminds him that they are going to "argue but it's how you handle things." I loved that she acknowledged, for perhaps the first time ever, that relationships, real relationships, are going to have their ups and downs and their fair share of disagreements. The Brooke of old would have been sold a sunshine and roses, every day will be like a honeymoon bill of goods and buying every false promise from her soon-to-be-proven-false men. But not this man, not this time. 

Brooke tells Bill that they are ready. And this, too, I appreciated and you could see the flicker of hope in Bill's eyes. This is why they are such a great match. She reins him in (ok, pun intended) when he gets crazy and won't let him withdraw into himself like he's always done in the past when he's hurt and he makes her grow up and see what really matters. 

Brooke then says what I've been waiting for her to say for how many episodes now (make that decades.) "Ridge, leave." About damn time. But KKL's delivery was just perfect. It was as if she was dismissing some peasant from her queenly sight. That's about right.

Brooke tells Bill that ding-dong, the troll is gone, so they can get married.

They approach the minister, who asks if they are sure and Brooke, confident, thinks that of course they are.

She kisses Bill, telling her with her lips and her eyes and her love, that she means this. 

The minister starts to read his words.

Brooke looks confident:


Bill looks decidedly less so and I can 100% understand that so I'm not sure this wedding will occur and even if it does, there is now a chink in Bill's armor where his steadfast certainty of Brooke and her love for him are concerned. The one thing he always knew for sure was how much she loved him and he her. What she did with Ridge has cut him to the core and he's $ Bill, he doesn't let anyone get to him like this. He's never let anyone, even Katie or his sons, get this close to him. She was the one person he trusted completely and now, she has been shown to be untrustworthy, no matter how much she has quickly made amends. Because Bill doesn't want the amends, the apologies, he wanted what precipitated them to not have happened in the first place.

And the fact that Brooke could allow Ridge to still get to her when she is supposedly so in love with Bill...that has shaken him and even if it will be brushed off today, assuming the wedding does take place,  it will start to chafe and fester.

The optimist in me hopes that it will just be one of the issues that will keep a Brill marriage interesting but the pessimist is worried and when you add others (Katie, Ridge, RJ, etc.) as additional irritants....I have reason to be. And you'll have Ridge-Pen, waiting in the wings to be Brooke's soft (and greasy) place to fall.

Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

RuntheTable did these scenes so much justice already but I'll recap with my thoughts nonetheless.

Thanks so much COUNTRYGIRL, but please, never deny us your thoughts! Excellent as always. I am glad that other Brooke supporters see what happened the way I did. I have wanted to see this Brooke for so long, but not at the expense of the one man I think is her equal. And I certainly don't want to see her lose another chance at happiness at Ridge's hands. It just pisses me off so fucking much that he has done this again. Shows up in the eleventh hour to rock Brooke's boat of happiness because of what he needs or wants. Fuck you Ridge! Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you! You have had nearly thirty years to get this right. How many times has Brooke forgiven you and taken you back? And every friggin time, someone more important has come along and you have broken her heart and devastated her life. I cannot for the life of me understand why she even allows you an audience anymore outside of anything to do with RJ. But the damage is done now. Bill sees what everyone has tried to tell him. Ridge has some power, some special mojo over Brooke, and she loses all rational thought when he pulls out the "His Logan" stuff. Now Brooke will have to jump through and over hurdles to get Bill back on board, and the shit just isn't right and isn't fair. If Bill ends the wedding, and Brooke ends up back in Ridge's grimy paws, only to lose him two months later when he is discovered to be Douglas's bio dad, I think I may have to permanently sign off. I just don't think I can bare to watch it anymore. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Thanks so much COUNTRYGIRL, but please, never deny us your thoughts! Excellent as always. I am glad that other Brooke supporters see what happened the way I did. I have wanted to see this Brooke for so long, but not at the expense of the one man I think is her equal. And I certainly don't want to see her lose another chance at happiness at Ridge's hands. It just pisses me off so fucking much that he has done this again. Shows up in the eleventh hour to rock Brooke's boat of happiness because of what he needs or wants. Fuck you Ridge! Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you! You have had nearly thirty years to get this right. How many times has Brooke forgiven you and taken you back? And every friggin time, someone more important has come along and you have broken her heart and devastated her life. I cannot for the life of me understand why she even allows you an audience anymore outside of anything to do with RJ. But the damage is done now. Bill sees what everyone has tried to tell him. Ridge has some power, some special mojo over Brooke, and she loses all rational thought when he pulls out the "His Logan" stuff. Now Brooke will have to jump through and over hurdles to get Bill back on board, and the shit just isn't right and isn't fair. If Bill ends the wedding, and Brooke ends up back in Ridge's grimy paws, only to lose him two months later when he is discovered to be Douglas's bio dad, I think I may have to permanently sign off. I just don't think I can bare to watch it anymore. 

I don't know that I could continue watching either...and as much as I want to put all the blame at Ridge's feet, for hurting Brooke, for hurting her children and their child, I can't do that.

Because Brooke shares in the blame because she kept taking him back, over and over and over again, the consequences to everyone else (including innocent children) and her own value and self-worth be damned.

Bill is going to have a devil of a time getting over the fact that he is not unique when it comes to Ridge's Svengali-like hold over Brooke. He thought he was different. Special.  And the sad part is that he is - of all the men she's been with, no one has ever stood up for her and helped her stand on her own two feet more than Bill. But her caving and letting Ridge in the bedroom she was soon to share as Bill's wife when she should have slammed the door in his face? WTF was she thinking? How could she be so damn dumb on today of all days?

Ridge had no business being there at all. Full, five-finger stop. But Brooke's actions (well, lack thereof) is what really hurts Bill the most. Not a way to start off a marriage.

Edited by CountryGirl
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Thanks so much COUNTRYGIRL, but please, never deny us your thoughts! Excellent as always. I am glad that other Brooke supporters see what happened the way I did. I have wanted to see this Brooke for so long, but not at the expense of the one man I think is her equal. And I certainly don't want to see her lose another chance at happiness at Ridge's hands. It just pisses me off so fucking much that he has done this again. Shows up in the eleventh hour to rock Brooke's boat of happiness because of what he needs or wants. Fuck you Ridge! Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you! You have had nearly thirty years to get this right. How many times has Brooke forgiven you and taken you back? And every friggin time, someone more important has come along and you have broken her heart and devastated her life. I cannot for the life of me understand why she even allows you an audience anymore outside of anything to do with RJ. But the damage is done now. Bill sees what everyone has tried to tell him. Ridge has some power, some special mojo over Brooke, and she loses all rational thought when he pulls out the "His Logan" stuff. Now Brooke will have to jump through and over hurdles to get Bill back on board, and the shit just isn't right and isn't fair. If Bill ends the wedding, and Brooke ends up back in Ridge's grimy paws, only to lose him two months later when he is discovered to be Douglas's bio dad, I think I may have to permanently sign off. I just don't think I can bare to watch it anymore. 

If this wedding does come off, there will be another dynamic in Brill's relationship.  It's one that I'm actually looking forward to seeing.

For so long, Bill is the one who has had to do the heavy lifting in this relationship.  He's the one who has had to do all the begging, pleading, and convincing.  He's the one who put his bad-assery aside and has worn his feelings on his sleeves.  For once, Brooke is going to have to put her big girl teddies on and do the work to make this relationship viable.  

So, what you gon' do, girl?  Brooke, I realize that 50 is the new 30 these days, but it's past time to put away childish things.  Long past time actually.  This rebound dance you have been doing with the fetid one for nearly 30 years has to end whether you end up with Bill or not in the end.  You wouldn't do this shit for Nick if he had Jack dangling over your head so why in the fuck are you doing it for Ridge-Pen?  If you love Bill--truly love him--then act like it.  Stop allowing obstacles like trifling ex-husbands, slouchy and bratty kids, and other things get in the way of your happiness.  As your sourpuss sister indicated when she advised that she was walking off with your so-called man, destinies change.

Edited by MulletorHater
Can't see past my intense hatred of Ridge-Pen to spell correctly
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Amen and word to CountryGirl, RuntheTable and MulletorHater!

Excellent posts!  I have always stood behind Brooke but the latest turn of events leading up to Friday's "almost" wedding have me baffled.  I have had this nagging doubt for several weeks now that Brooke really doesn't want to marry Bill.  There was concern for Eric (well, maybe that really wasn't an obstacle) and then intervention from Slouchy Jr.  Bill is free and clear of Katie, so what's the problem?

Absolutely spot on that Bill has been the aggressor/pursuer in this relationship. You'd think that after all of these years -- decades -- of begging and pleading with and chasing after Ridge for a few crumbs of attention, that Brooke would just revel in having a man want her so desperately.  Sadly, I think that the tension and uncertainty is all that Brooke knows and to her, that's how "love" is supposed to feel -- constant insecurity and looking over her shoulder.  During her vulnerable years, she imprinted onto Ridge who constantly reinforced/rewarded those uneasy feelings.  I say "vulnerable" because at that time, Brooke was a newly-engaged college student in a particularly tough discipline helping her struggling single mother try to support a family. Throw in paternal abandonment and seeds of doubt planted by well-meaning advice such as, "You can't live on just a cop's salary," from family members, and you've laid the foundation for a lifetime of seeking male attention and the "good life" all wrapped up in the (then) irresistible guise of Ridge Forrester.

I'm glad Brooke finally came to her senses. I just hope it isn't too late.

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MulletorHater and CountryGirl, I am in complete agreement with both of your posts. Could this be when Brooke finally realizes that much of her destiny with Ridge was really about Stephanie? To me, they were a package deal, and Brooke always sought Stephanie's love and approval, and in the end she got it. So what is the driving factor in Bridge now? Without the obstacles, there really isn't all that much there to fight for. You want to return to a man based on history? A man who deserted you after your last marriage, and then left you at the alter for your younger sister, then married the niece of his first love? Ridge has only been back from Paris for a few years and has already racked up the romances, while Brooke has stayed loyal to Bill. I really believe the bikini ambush, and Ridge's subsequent smack down, followed by the alcoholic thing (no matter how lame), has shown Brooke that maybe Ridge isn't the man she thought he was. But he still has maintained that control over her and her life, and has still been able to command her actions. I want her to be done with him. I want her to move on with Bill, and start their wonderful and dynamic future, and I don't want Brooke to ever look back or even reflect on Bridge. As horrifying as it sounds; I think losing Bill would be the teaching tool that has been missing. I think that would run a stake right through Bridge's heart. Brooke has grown used to a man who puts her first. Bill has upped the ante with Brooke, he has been patient (looking at you RJ), tolerant (the slap after finding out he duped Katie), loyal, devoted and understanding. No dead wives have popped up, no one who's children are more important, no mother-in-laws with agendas. Bill has been all about Brooke and their future all of the time. So, in some respects, losing Bill might be the best thing that ever happened to Brooke. 

I am hoping though, that Bill can put away his disappointment and his anger. Brooke is gonna have to pull out her best stuff to get him there though. I bet all Bill is envisioning right now is a future full of clandestine meetings between Brooke and Ridge, all nicely explained away by RJ. The men in Brooke's past may have been able to handle that. In fact, each and everyone of them did to some extent, but I don't see Bill entertaining any of that. If Brooke is his, then Brooke is his. And the strange thing about that, is that as macho, manly, and dickheaded as that sounds; I wouldn't see it that way at all. Because coming from Bill it sounds more like an honor to have Brooke in his life, where with Ridge it sounds like he is talking about a possession. I guess that is the difference between a Dickhead and a Dickhead?

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7 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Sadly, I think that the tension and uncertainty is all that Brooke knows and to her, that's how "love" is supposed to feel -- constant insecurity and looking over her shoulder. 

That is sheer perfection. 


I have had this nagging doubt for several weeks now that Brooke really doesn't want to marry Bill.  

Me too, but I think that was due to Ridge stirring the Bridge pot, and getting Brooke's mind off of Bill and on him and RJ. What I believe is that she was wavering, but when she saw Bill standing there, and he started talking about what was going on, she had an epiphany. I really believe she saw things the way they are and not how she wants them to be. If she loses Bill, my prayer is that she doesn't go back to Ridge, but kicks him resolutely out of her life. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Nicole is one twisted little sister. She cracked me up telling Zende. "You saw what a miracle it was before." Does this silly cow fucking think she's the Virgin Mary? I just pray that Sasha won't be with him on the rebound. They can be friends and hang without having sex. Plus, she doesn't want to alienate her "family," so fingers crossed. 

And good for Bill putting off the wedding. Like he said, the day was tainted. No one wants to get married feeling mad as a bee. That's no way to begin a new life with your beloved. And Ridge didn't even tell that terrible child that he failed his mission before Brooke gets home. Why does that little bastard think he knows what's best for adults? I cannot fucking stand that child. Thinking that a scary movie is going to distract her from her heartbreak shows he has no idea about grown folks' business. Go back to boarding school, little boy! And Brooke, the little bastard should get a better dinner than a bloody sandwich! Is it Cook's night off?

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Since I've been posting in the Y&R unpopular opinion thread, I guess I feel like being unpopular here :)  I do agree that Maya is pressuring Nicole, despite Maya saying otherwise (what, St. Maya telling fibs???)  However, I see Zende laying on the pressure as well...which infuriates me because IMO as her barely boyfriend he has zero right to tell her what she can and can't do with her own body.

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

That is sheer perfection. 

Me too, but I think that was due to Ridge stirring the Bridge pot, and getting Brooke's mind off of Bill and on him and RJ. What I believe is that she was wavering, but when she saw Bill standing there, and he started talking about what was going on, she had an epiphany. I really believe she saw things the way they are and not how she wants them to be. If she loses Bill, my prayer is that she doesn't go back to Ridge, but kicks him resolutely out of her life. 

Agreed. Spot on, grisgris.

She is so used to the push and the pull, the will he or won't he? of a decidedly adolescent, dysfunctional, unhealthy relationship that she doesn't know what to do with a real, adult, healthy relationship, but I do agree that Bill woke her ass up but good. 

It's about time but I can understand why it took her so long to grow up when she had an equally juvenile partner in crime. 

Bill is a grown-ass man and proud of it and I swear that was part of her thinking in taking control and telling him the wedding was still on. Like, damn, THIS is what I want, what I have always wanted. She better move heaven and earth to make that wedding happen and to make their marriage all it should be before she pulled what I hope is the final stunt in Brooke Logan Adolescence.

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1 hour ago, politichick said:

Nicole is one twisted little sister. She cracked me up telling Zende. "You saw what a miracle it was before." Does this silly cow fucking think she's the Virgin Mary? I just pray that Sasha won't be with him on the rebound. They can be friends and hang without having sex. Plus, she doesn't want to alienate her "family," so fingers crossed. 

And good for Bill putting off the wedding. Like he said, the day was tainted. No one wants to get married feeling mad as a bee. That's no way to begin a new life with your beloved. And Ridge didn't even tell that terrible child that he failed his mission before Brooke gets home. Why does that little bastard think he knows what's best for adults? I cannot fucking stand that child. Thinking that a scary movie is going to distract her from her heartbreak shows he has no idea about grown folks' business. Go back to boarding school, little boy! And Brooke, the little bastard should get a better dinner than a bloody sandwich! Is it Cook's night off?

I have no problem with Slouchy having a sandwich for dinner.  Fuck him.  I despise that kid so much that he's lucky not to be eating his food off the floor.  Okay, okay.  I know that child abuse and neglect shouldn't be "a thing," but that's how much I loathe that little fucker.

A scary movie?  Really?  I hate to break it to you, Junior, but your mother has been living in a scary movie for nearly 30 fucking years!  And, of course, Ridge-Pen didn't tell his trophy child what really went down.  That would be too much like, right.

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Is there a point where a story line becomes too politically correct?  This whole Nicole/Maya/Rick is so ott by trying to make us think that there is no other alternative for Lizzy to have a brother or sister.  How about donating an egg and use someone else as the incubator. The baby would have  only Avant and Forester genes and be a full sibling to Lizzy. They are also trying to make Zende look like the selfish person instead of Rick and Maya.  

What ever happened to Bill's "epic wedding". Once again I say, that Eric's and Quinn's wedding far and away overshadowed what Bill had planed. In a way I blame Bill for part of this debacle.  If he just flew Brooke to a romantic remote location, without telling anyone, like he was going to do, than he would be married and Ridge would have his shares; but this is classic soap opera drama. 

Im sorry, but I cringe every time I see Caroline and Thomas. I'm happy she's out of Ridge's control but Thomas is a scum bucket just a half a rung lower than his father. 

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3 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Is there a point where a story line becomes too politically correct?  This whole Nicole/Maya/Rick is so ott by trying to make us think that there is no other alternative for Lizzy to have a brother or sister.  How about donating an egg and use someone else as the incubator.

Nicole said last week she knows this is an option, but she'd be jealous of that woman.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

However, I see Zende laying on the pressure as well...which infuriates me because IMO as her barely boyfriend he has zero right to tell her what she can and can't do with her own body.

I've been thinking this as well. Zende's feelings on this are pretty low on the list of Nicole's priorities. Or should be.  When the door to Nicole's secret garden was closed for business the first time he dumped her and took up with her sister; supposedly seeing her give birth was supposed to have enlightened him to realize how unselfish she had been and how selfish he had been to push her away. For him to go right back to what about my 'Lil Forrester?' again shows no growth on his part nor being a supportive potential life partner. His concern should be about her mental health and well being in giving up a second biological child before she's even had one of her own. Yet they haven't even talked about long term plans for themselves or their lives together. He's fickle. Nicole should drop him. And Sasha should look past her thirst to see that Zende ain't a keeper at this stage.

33 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

If he just flew Brooke to a romantic remote location, without telling anyone, like he was going to do, than he would be married and Ridge would have his shares; but this is classic soap opera drama. 

Show blew all their money on Monte Carlo this year, I'm guessing. Although if they scrape some money together and Brill is back on anytime soon, it'd be awesome if we could get a Christmas Winter White Wedding for Brill.  Wedding night by the roaring fire of some cabin. They love Aspen so they should do it there.

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Annoyyyyyying! That whole episode was absolutely annoying. 

Wow, how heartwarming was it to watch Caroline and Thomas throw back shots as if they had never had a drink together?

RJ, outwardly listening to his brokenhearted mom; inwardly counting the minutes until he can call dear old Pop.

A scary movie; Right O! That is always a good fix for a broken heart, and for a 50ish woman who just had her groom leave her at the alter.

I am going to give Zende a pass. I agree that he has no right to tell Nicole what to do, or what to do with her body. But, Nicole has committed herself to Zende, they have discussed this, and this time he isn't making any bones about how he feels. More importantly, Nicole told him she was going to say no. I was pissed at him last time for not telling Nicole how he really felt until she was well into the pregnancy, and how he dropped Sasha like a hot potato and hightailed it right back to Nicole after she delivered Lizzie. This time I think it is Nicole doing him wrong. 

I am hoping Sasha was just playing around. Please tell me she is not that desperate. 

I was feeling a little sick as I watched the Ridge and RJ mutual admiration society. Yes, those two Peckerheads did some good work fucking up Brooke's wedding day. No doubt since RJ told Ridge Brooke was upstairs and wanted to be alone, means that Ridge will just sashay his entitled ass right up those steps to Brooke's bedroom. Why the hell not? It isn't as if her wanting to be alone has stopped him before; this time at least she isn't zonked out on pills. Good. Maybe she will have it in her to set Ridge straight about their relationship. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Nicole said last week she knows this is an option, but she'd be jealous of that woman.

This is also a part of the ott politically correct storyline. I don't buy for one second that Nicole would be jealous of a surrogate but is not at all jealous of her sister raising the child she gave birth to.  

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30 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I've been thinking this as well. Zende's feelings on this are pretty low on the list of Nicole's priorities. Or should be.  When the door to Nicole's secret garden was closed for business the first time he dumped her and took up with her sister; supposedly seeing her give birth was supposed to have enlightened him to realize how unselfish she had been and how selfish he had been to push her away. For him to go right back to what about my 'Lil Forrester?' again shows no growth on his part nor being a supportive potential life partner. His concern should be about her mental health and well being in giving up a second biological child before she's even had one of her own. Yet they haven't even talked about long term plans for themselves or their lives together. He's fickle. Nicole should drop him. And Sasha should look past her thirst to see that Zende ain't a keeper at this stage.

Show blew all their money on Monte Carlo this year, I'm guessing. Although if they scrape some money together and Brill is back on anytime soon, it'd be awesome if we could get a Christmas Winter White Wedding for Brill.  Wedding night by the roaring fire of some cabin. They love Aspen so they should do it there.

I agree that what Nicole wants to do with her body is her business and decision, BUT I can't blame Zzzende for his attitude. Not even one year has passed since Nicole gave birth and selfish Maya and Rick ask for this favor again? Let a body heal. Let Nicole's relationship with her boyfriend heal. She is what, 19 or 20 years old? He's 21 or 22 years old? That's an awful lot of grown up real world stuff for either of them to have to deal with at such a young age. And he has said he wants them to travel and experience the world and each other. And just because he was oohing and aahing the night she gave birth doesn't mean he wanted her doing that shit again any time soon AT ALL, never mind just a few months later. She better hope that when she's ready to have a child she wants to keep that she'll be able to. That's probably where this fucking story is headed down the line. Where the hell are their parents? I cannot believe they would in a million years support this preposterous plan. It's disgusting, to  boot. 

Soooooo disappointed in Sasha today. Swooping right in was all kinds of sad and thirsty and pathetic. After the way he dumped her like a hot potato? 

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

don't know that I could continue watching either...and as much as I want to put all the blame at Ridge's feet, for hurting Brooke, for hurting her children and their child, I can't do that.

Because Brooke shares in the blame because she kept taking him back, over and over and over again, the consequences to everyone else (including innocent children) and her own value and self-worth be damned.

This bears repeating a hundred times, and to be honest, this was a big part of the reason that prior to the invention of YouTube, Brooke usually tied with Ridge as my least favorite character. I mean, just look at how screwed up Rick is from all the back and forth between those two. Look at how Bridget and Hope have terrible taste in men. I don't know what RJ's major malfunction will be but if the track records of the other legacy kids are any indicator, we'll be wishing for the days where his biggest flaw is cheerleading for Ridge.

...actually, I will never wish that because every child on this show except for Aly and Hope from age 2 to 42 lives to push their parents together with someone or the other. But if he ends up shoving either of those Tridge brats over a banister, I won't be shocked or saddened .

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5 minutes ago, politichick said:

Soooooo disappointed in Sasha today. Swooping right in was all kinds of sad and thirsty and pathetic. After the way he dumped her like a hot potato? 

SMDH. Can women have any standards at all on this show? Ever?

One Brooke and one Steffy is more than enough, let alone a fusion of both characters' worst traits.

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39 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I was feeling a little sick as I watched the Ridge and RJ mutual admiration society. Yes, those two Peckerheads did some good work fucking up Brooke's wedding day. No doubt since RJ told Ridge Brooke was upstairs and wanted to be alone, means that Ridge will just sashay his entitled ass right up those steps to Brooke's bedroom. Why the hell not? It isn't as if her wanting to be alone has stopped him before; this time at least she isn't zonked out on pills. Good. Maybe she will have it in her to set Ridge straight about their relationship. 

No, she won't.  It will be the same old shit it's always been.  She allows Ridge-Pen to fuck up whatever relationship she's in.  He will come barging into her bedroom as if he still has a right to.  It fascinates me how Ridge-Pen characterized what happened as he "almost let" Brooke marry Bill.  Excuse me?

As a Brill fan, this is devastating, but I prepared myself for it.  There was just something about Bill's face Friday that told me this was a no-go.  He's right; their wedding day was tainted.  And, I don't care how kindhearted Brooke is, she did NOT have to hear Ridge-Pen out.  The one thing Bill wanted of Brooke, and she couldn't--or wouldn't--do it.  When will she stop allowing that piece of human refuse to screw up her life?  Exactly when does it stop?  Does love have to actually hurt before she believe it's real?  So I'm going to put on my "Iyanla, Fix My Life" hat to give Brooke a bit of tough love with some cyber hugs thrown in.  

Okay, Brooke--beloved, here's the deal.  Do you remember a while ago you fixed your mouth to tell Bill that he was the love of your life?  Could you please satisfy my curiosity about something?  Why did you allow your love story with this man to become so muddled that it became all about the shares?  See, that's where you all first fucked up.  Now, the moment this man realized that you were "IT" for him, he has been on a mission to love you just as you are.  He wanted nothing from you other than yourself, especially your loyalty.  You know what kind of man he is.  You told me that he once told you that you were the only person who didn't see him as a monster the moment your back was turned.  You knew he doesn't deal with abandonment too well.  And, in that moment in the bedroom with your ex-husband, you abandoned that man.  Don't shake your head because that's exactly what YOU DID!  This man asked you point blank if you had any unresolved feelings for your ex and what did you tell him?  You told him that you loved him and that you were committed to him.  And, guess what?  He took you at your word, beloved!  That's right!  Go on and let those tears fall, but it's time to tell the TRUTH and to call a thing a thing!  Do you hear me?

You have been doing this same dance with a man who has consistently hurt you.  You told me he has put other women before you.  I felt your devastation when you described the first time he set you aside for someone else.  You also told me that this man allowed his mother to criminally and emotionally mistreat you.  And, yet you turn right back around and make the same mistakes over and over again.  When he returned from Paris, he acted as if he was doing you some huge favor.  I get that you wanted your family back together, but at what cost, beloved?  At what cost? Because there is something really rancid going on here.  First, he dumped you for your sister.  Then he takes up with your late friend's niece.  And, in all that time, he gave you no indication whatsoever that he was even feeling you.  Not once!  Now, all of a sudden, here is darkening your doorstep again.  And, you are letting him do this!  Why did this go on for so long?  Was it the penis or the promise?  He has treated you like a doormat for years and has gotten away with it.  And, now he's colluding with your son--a child!  Now, is there some reason you couldn't tell your 16-year-old son the TRUTH about your relationship with his dad?  You know, I have a saying that people often lie to hurt themselves.  Today is the day to stop allowing a 16-year-old to dictate who you should be with.  I mean, who is the parent and who is the child here, beloved?  Today is the day that you set firm boundaries with your ex-husband and your child.

Now, come get these hugs, beloved.  My work is done here! [packing bag of props, including voodoo dolls, bricks, etc.]

Prologue to follow...

Edited by MulletorHater
I had to include one of Iyanla's patented phrases
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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

This is also a part of the ott politically correct storyline. I don't buy for one second that Nicole would be jealous of a surrogate but is not at all jealous of her sister raising the child she gave birth to.  

Sigh @Waldo13, has anybody told you what an exercise in futility trying to make sense of the show is?

ETA: I'm not sure if the writers are trying to be PC, but they certainly did give a lamer than lame reason as to why Nicole has to be the one to give birth.

Edited by ByTor
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Nicole will eventually want her own kids and will probably be unable.  I can see that plot line happening.  Can't Nicole just donate her eggs. She doesn't have to be the vessel too.  I don't blame Zende for cutting ties with her. She has proven he is not a priority to her. I can't stand the selfishness of Rick and Mya.

Also can't stand RJ.  Talk about smug, pretentious, and arrogant. It's bad enough to have an adult with those traits but it is even more unbearable in a teen. Gah!!  Katie has sure been awol for awhile. I fully expect her to be gloating over the collapse of Brill.

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38 minutes ago, FanOfTheFans said:

Katie has sure been awol for awhile. I fully expect her to be gloating over the collapse of Brill.

I am NOT looking forward to this...the overacting HT, complete with flared nostrils, raising the snarky smug to 11.

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RJ: So Mom, did you get married today?

Brooke: Why, yes son. I did get married today. That's why I'm standing in the kitchen on my wedding night wearing my pajamas fixing some tea. Why do you ask?

Between Ridge, RJ, Maya/Ricky, Nicole, Zende, Sasha-could this show possibly be any more stupid and poorly written? The "actors" must be horribly embarrassed to be spouting this crap. And Lord knows, there are very few real actors on this show. Zende and Nicole top my list of needing to find another profession.

Don't even get me started on Caroline and Thomas. Why is she acting like she's 12 years old at the school dance with her first crush? 

I asked myself today why I was still watching this mess. I figured out that it's gotten to the point of being a comedy and I really need the laughs. 

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Oh, lawdy (sounds like something Pam would have said at the party.)

Caroline and Thomas. Who goes half-naked to a costume party? However, watching those two together just reinforced to me how icky Caridge was. Would Ridge even understand steam punk? (Not quite sure that I do, but still ...) Did Caroline actually say that she hopes that when Douglas grows up he has as hot of a body as his father? Ick.  BTW, where was the kid tonight? Seemed like all of the available babysitter were at the party. Where were Steffy and Liam? Oh, never mind.

When Zende was "acting" drunk his acting style reminded me of Ronn Moss and that's not a compliment.  Nicole is just an ass.  When she delivered the news to Zende (no pun intended) she had that same blank look on her face that she always sports.  As far as that goes, yes, it's Nicole's body and she can do with it as she pleases. I just think that playing womb for your sister would be low on the priority list for a woman in her early 20s. Yeah and right, what if something goes wrong this time that renders her barren for the rest of her life. Nobody thinks about that and when does it stop? Before she knows it, Nicole will be L.A.'s answer to Michelle Duggar. (I also think her jealousy remark was super weird and didn't make a whole lot sense in the big picture.)  I can't say that I blame Zende for being angry and shocked. I hope that Sasha realizes that he's momentarily both stunned and buzzed and doesn't take complete advantage of the situation. I was so disappointed when she kissed him. It's like all of the months of character growth and maturity and increased likeability factor (for this show) flew right out the window. Brooke 2.0 is exactly what's going to happen.  I'm just so frustrated that the writers broke Thomas and her up so quickly.

I don't feel one bit sorry for Brooke and that bratty kid of hers needs to get lost ASAP. Maybe go trick-or-treating on PCH? You never know when Taylor armed with a vehicle will be just around the next bend. UGH!!  What a comfort he was being to his heartbroken mother. I hope that Bill leaves Brooke alone for a good long time so she can really think about her past with Ridge and connect the dots. And thanks RJ for blabbing that Brooke was upstairs alone. You know that Ridge is going to high-tail it up there. I'm still not convinced that he actually wants her. I think RJ has talked him into it and if it's another way to stick it to Bill -- gravy.

Edited by grisgris
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Grisgris-- ten stars for your post. Totally agree with everything you said. If they show Ridge running upstairs to "check on" Brooke, I hope she pulls her gun out of her bedside table and shoots him in the area his heart should be. Except that he doesn't have a heart for anyone but himself. 

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6 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Grisgris-- ten stars for your post. Totally agree with everything you said. If they show Ridge running upstairs to "check on" Brooke, I hope she pulls her gun out of her bedside table and shoots him in the area his heart should be. Except that he doesn't have a heart for anyone but himself. 

She'd be better off aiming for his crotch, honestly.

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36 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Grisgris-- ten stars for your post. Totally agree with everything you said. If they show Ridge running upstairs to "check on" Brooke, I hope she pulls her gun out of her bedside table and shoots him in the area his heart should be. Except that he doesn't have a heart for anyone but himself. 

Where his heart should be?  Do you mean where that little piece of beef is located below his waist?  Because as long as I can remember, that is the location of Ridge-Pen's heart and his brain.

Man, do I hate that unkempt, grungy, trifling ass fucker.

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1 minute ago, KerleyQ said:

So, what you're all telling me is that I definitely do not want to fire up the DVR and watch the shit that happened today?  

The Halloween stuff was stupid but $Bill calling out Brooke was enjoyable.  And also nauseating was Ridge/RJ.  Poor Brooke.

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So Bill didn't just out and out dump Brooke.  My take-away was that he needed time to cool off and sort out his feelings before attempting to think about patching things up and deciding which course the engagement will take.

The thing with Brooke is that she "just can't quit" Ridge.  You just know that tomorrow she'll be right back at FC doing whatever she does there.  If she's truly sincere about loving Bill, which means being loyal to him, she needs to cut all ties with Ridge, including work and limit conversations with him about RJ to limited time spans in public places. I'm really quite sad. I was looking forward to seeing where Brill would head. 

Now, Ridge will probably head up to harass Brooke and at the same time, Bill will have a change of heart and go storming over there and walk in on the two of them in Brooke's bedroom (totally missing any of Brooke's protests of Ridge being there.) Brooke's pretty, comfy, but uncharacteristic for her nightware is hardly seductive, but I'm sure she'll get blamed for trying to entice Sludge.

This could all have been easily avoided if TIIC had made Brooke into a strong independent woman with a new career instead of turning her into a weak, lonely "alcoholic" recluse moping over duo losses of Sludge and Bill.  She and Rick and Caroline could have had their own fashion house up and running by now and providing healthy competition to FC. She could be a business management consultant. Anything. How dare Bell let a WOMAN, especially Brooke, flourish on her own without some man to pine over. SMH.

OK, I've been picking on "the kid" a lot so I will say that I thought he looked OK today. His hair was clean and it looked like it was styled a little bit differently so it was more flattering.  A. Little.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

The thing with Brooke is that she "just can't quit" Ridge.  You just know that tomorrow she'll be right back at FC doing whatever she does there. 

Indeed. Raging jealousy notwithstanding, I do remember Nick having a similar conversation with Brooke shortly before they were married. And we know exactly how Ridge (with Stephanie's encouragement) interfered with that.

Unlike the all-or-nothing scenario Nick wanted from her, including quitting FC that she had run for nearly her entire adult life, Bill was relatively more calm. As others have said, Brill does need some testing  other than protecting Katie or...well, just that.

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

Wow, it is a bad scenario when I have to defend $Bill, but he was completely correct.

I did like Brooke's pjs and robe though.  She still had her wedding hair.  Awww.....

I love our Brooke, she is always the underdog, when will she be happy?

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