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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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13 minutes ago, tessaray said:

All I could think of when RJ and Rick were in the same scene is that his brother is also his uncle.  I guess it's not Chinatown levels of weird but still very awkward feeling. 

Not as wierd as both of his brothers dating three of his four sisters and his dad macking on the fourth , after thinking she was his daughter. Oh, and there's his bio-half brother who is also his half cousin because his mom tried to seduce his uncle with having viable eggs and the eggs got implanted into your former stepmom.

.....only on B&B ?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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9 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Not as wierd as both of his brothers dating three of his four sisters and his dad macking on the fourth , after thinking she was his daughter. Oh, and there's his bio-half brother who is also his half cousin because his mom tried to seduce his uncle with having viable eggs and the eggs got implanted into your former stepmom.

.....only on B&B ?

Okay, I know about the Rick and Steffy/Phoebe thing but who is the other sister/brother hookup? 

I'm really surprised that RJ is a normal bratty teenager.  He should be a budding arsonist or something, his life is that messed up. 

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5 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I'm really surprised that RJ is a normal bratty teenager.  He should be a budding arsonist or something, his life is that messed up. 

He's ripe for some kind of violent outburst since Rick has shot a man and tried to shoot Ridge and Caroline; Thomas planted a bomb in Rick's car and threw his ass out a window; Steffy wacked Ally and and nearly killed Ivy via electrocution. 

Or maybe he'll be more like Hope and Bridget who thus far haven't had any violent murderous tendencies and he'll be the same son. But between his evil Marrone blood and evil Logan blood and them crazy Douglas genes, he really should be a criminal mastermind and poisoning Eric to frame Quinn while sowing seeds of dissent between Rick and Ridge, seducing Bill to snap photos to blackmail him with and/or accusing him of trying to seduce him to drive a wedge between him and Brooke and just spreading as much mayhem as possible.

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29 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Okay, I know about the Rick and Steffy/Phoebe thing but who is the other sister/brother hookup? 

I'm really surprised that RJ is a normal bratty teenager.  He should be a budding arsonist or something, his life is that messed up. 

Thomas and Hope dated very briefly. It lasted about two minutes longer than he and Sasha did and she was still hung up on Baby Eggo anyway.

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31 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

He's ripe for some kind of violent outburst since Rick has shot a man and tried to shoot Ridge and Caroline; Thomas planted a bomb in Rick's car and threw his ass out a window; Steffy wacked Ally and and nearly killed Ivy via electrocution. 

Or maybe he'll be more like Hope and Bridget who thus far haven't had any violent murderous tendencies and he'll be the same son. But between his evil Marrone blood and evil Logan blood and them crazy Douglas genes, he really should be a criminal mastermind and poisoning Eric to frame Quinn while sowing seeds of dissent between Rick and Ridge, seducing Bill to snap photos to blackmail him with and/or accusing him of trying to seduce him to drive a wedge between him and Brooke and just spreading as much mayhem as possible.

Dude, I'll take this over yet another boring ass trust fund baby. I'm reminded of Rilla Blythe in the last Anne of Green Gables book when asked about going to college and she says "five [children going to college for BAs] is enough for any family." Shit, even Steffy volunteered to work in the shipping department when she was still considered fresh faced, but now everyone is just gift wrapped positions.

My dream was to have RJ  and Aly be the two snarky ones in the family that point out how completely nuts their family is while making a name for themselves at Uncle CJ's Spectra company with other non-Forrester/Logan/Spencer kids. Le sigh. :(

Edited by Anna Yolei
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12 hours ago, tessaray said:

So a question for long-time viewers - is Bill the kind of guy who if he thought that Brooke was still in love with Ridge and really marrying him for his FC stock, would he be the devious payback guy or would he just dump her?   

The look on $Bill's face at the door -- Ruh roh -- I think both Ridge and Brooke are in trouble. Ridge, again with the Forrester's intruding on another $Bill wedding, and Brooke, for calmly sitting with Ridge, considering his proposal to go with him.

$Bill will not be second to any man, particularly Ridge Forrester. $Bill demands total fidelity and fealty from Brooke; ruminating about going off with Ridge is a reversal of everything she had promised him, putting her pledge to $Bill in doubt.

$Bill may only focus his rage on Ridge, but if he and Brooke marry there will always be the nagging doubt that she is still personally invested in Ridge -- Of course, another Triangle of Doom will be on the launch pad. Ick.

12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I just don't know what I will do if we have another Bridge reunion. 

I'll be laughing at TK try to drum up interest in his DESTINY, and refreshing my drink.

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OTOH, Brooke is very firmly in menopause, so no WTD antics are on the horizon. At least not from her. Caroline and Dougie are another thing. while I hope to God Thomas is not the father, I'm less enthusiastic about this prospect than I was even a month ago. Especially if it comes at the expense of Brooke getting jilted for another family yet AGAIN.

Since God forbid they give her a not douchebag, can they at least let Brill move a little further out into the sun before tanking them? This pairing has been more about forbidden passion than any real romance, and that was way more apparent this time around. There's a reason the flashbacks only ever show The Search for Katie in Aspen and the botched wedding in Dubai. There is literally nothing else...no holidays, no birthdays, no career milestones...nada. Let's see them be a dynamic couple and THEN break them up, the way they did with him and Katie.

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As I watched Brooke and Ridge I found myself thinking that they were in the house Ridge bought for Taylor after her first return from the dead. They were sitting on the same bed he shared with her, and later Brooke and Katie. Taylor also shared it with Whip, Nick, Stephen, possibly Hector and all those "nameless men" she had while going through her drinking phase. Now Bill owns it and has shared that same bed with Katie and Brooke. 

I don't know why this came to mind. 

When Bill was standing there full of rage and disbelief, I found myself thinking about this scene from the 1989 John Ritter movie Skin Deep:

So I guess since Bill is the Stallion he would be the glowing orange dick.

I don't understand why Zende and Nicole were making out at work. Does Zende still live at the Forrester Estate? If they wanted to fuck they could have got a room or gone to the cabin on Brooke's property. 

Nah, much better to get Zende entrenched in the B&B tradition of fucking at work. Someone needs to show them the steam room stat. 

Calling Nicole to come over and chat about the "idea", and keep reminding Nicole that you and Rick want another baby equals pressure Maya. No matter how big and pretty you smile, and try to slime your way around it; it is still pressure. 

The way Brooke looked at Ridge scares me. The fact that she was hearing him out scares me even more. 

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18 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Bill/Brooke should've had a costume party Halloween wedding so everyone could appear and dress up; illicit hook-ups happen; an attempted murder or two and just some good old fun.

Seriously, why can't YOU write for the show?

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14 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

Poor Alison, maybe if you lose that accent .....


Exhibit A ;)ridge-purple-bold-and-beautiful.jpg

An article about the purple scarf here


OMG...this is LOL-tastic. I should have known Ronn would find a way to get a scarf on air at some point but my point was, he wasn't rocking the scarves all day, every day like he was in real life....


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So I was going to combine the Wed/Thurs (10/26, 10/27) shows into one recap because it felt like it was one big show - one big shit show, to be precise. But that might be too much torture for one post so I'll start with Wed. Not to mention if I take too long to hit submit, it doesn't save my post. 

We open with Ridge-Pen Jr. still whining to Ridge-Pen Sr. about how Brooke is going to be marrying Bill today. Somehow, I am guessing (sadly) this isn't going to happen.

Ridge tells RJ that Brooke is an adult - remember that, folks, for later.

Ridge tells RJ that he and Brooke have a plan. A plan which doesn't include you interrupting her wedding, asshole. He shares the plan with RJ, who clearly has no fucks to give about his future at FC. Although I think his future will be just fine in Quinn and Eric's capable hands.

Bill is happily drinking champagne and chatting with Wyatt and Justin, anxiously awaiting his bride's walk down the stairs.

Brooke, looking just gorgeous, confides in Donna about the plan for the shares and guess what, Ridge KISSED her. Donna doesn't look thrilled. In fact, she looks kind of pissed off to me. 

In fact, she says this: "I can't believe Ridge. Good God. How many times has Ridge done this? Swooped in at the last minute to throw your life into chaos. You can't let him do this to you again." Preeeaaach, Donna. 

RJ keeps pressing Ridge to stop the wedding. Shut it, you little punk.

Donna and Brooke enjoy some champagne and water, respectively, and I appreciate the continuity with Brooke's sobriety.

Brooke continues to insist that she wants a life with Bill.

Donna: "Brooke, look at me. You said you -- you love Bill."

Brooke: "Yes, I do." And Donna and I believe her.

Donna: "That's the only thing you should be thinking about right now, not -- not Ridge, not Eric or Quinn. Just...you and Bill, starting the rest of your lives together. Today marks the beginning of forever." Exactly.

This this shit again - Ridge-Pen caves to Ridge-Pen Jr and runs off to stop the wedding.


Bill is beginning to wonder what's keeping Brooke. 

Wyatt: "I can go sneak up the back stairs if you want me to. Hmm?" I wish he would have and grabbed Ridge by the collar and booted him but good.

Because this happens:


Except it's not "Oh Yeah!" It's more like "Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Because of course, that fucker Ridge is here. How in seven hells did he make it onto the property??? There is no way Bill would have let that little detail slide.

After manhandling Donna out of the way, he proceeds to give his declaration of love. 

Ridge: "I'm saying that destiny is a real thing. It's been going on for months now. You know, we're getting closer. We're -- we're reconnecting. R.J.'s in town and... man, we can have our family back. I know I've made mistakes. I know. [Sighs] I have had some pretty hurtful misunderstandings. But I don't want to live my life like that. I-I don't -- I don't want my hatred for Quinn or my -- my concern for this company blind me to what is right in front of me, and you are right in front of me. And I love you. I always have. So the better or for worse, in good times and in bad. I want to be with you, so don't marry that guy. Spend the rest of your days with me."

Let me show you the rough draft of this speech.

Ridge: "I'm saying that I want you to stay on the shelf for safe-keeping and I'm all out of other chew toys at the moment, so here I am. And I am using our history and your love for me and our bratty-ass son to emotionally manipulate you into walking away from the best thing that's ever happened to you to choosing, once again, what has been the worst thing to ever happen to you. We can finally be a family when I've had all of RJ's lifetime to be a family with you, not to mention, that of Rick, Bridget, and Hope. And RJ is almost fully grown but we can make the most of the next year or two...Oh, who am I kidding, it will be months and then I'll be sniffing around someone else. I have treated you like absolute dogshit for the better part of three decades but who's counting and I had a sudden epiphany because RJ whined me into this and I still hate Quinn with the fire of a thousand suns and once I have the shares, I'll be history. You have always been in front of me and I have ignored you all this time but I love me, I always have, and today, I woke up with a hard on for you, so please, please, let that be enough to turn your back on the guy who has always had your back. Spend the rest of your days with me in misery."

Brooke does not look happy to see him. She's not the only one.

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::fans self:: Ronn Moss knows how to toss out that come hither look.

Kiefer Sutherland is another big scarf in regular everyday wear. You'd never catch Jack Bauer wearing one unless he was about to strangle someone with it or wind it up to shove down their throat but Kiefer loooooves them.


Brooke may be a bit gun shy about making it a costume thing, given her past.  Don't want to accidentally screw LDG at the reception, thinking he's Bill.

Not only would Brooke NOT be wearing a mask, she'd keep firm hold of Bill's arm and anyone who approached her, she'd rip their mask off to get visual confirmation of just who exactly she's talking to.

And honestly, I'd love it if somehow Bill still managed to hook up with a random blond at the party thinking it's Brooke and it turns out Pam who had laryngitis. On one hand Bill would be obviously mortified and yet he'd be awed at Pam 'keeping it tight' that he didn't know the difference. And Pam could smirk along with an amused Katie that Bill is less a stallion and more an aging bronco.

The set up is easy and could've been done weeks ago. One of Liam's philanthropic ideas was to have a Spencer Gives Back Costume Ball with Forrester Creations designed gowns/costumes to be auctioned for charity. Bill is only willing to underwrite it if there is something in it for him, so Wyatt suggest that they also include Steffy as the Spencer Social Media Brand Ambassador and she hosts it since (at the time) she's also CEO of Forrester.

Then all the crap goes down with Quinn and Eric an Ridge and Steffy leaving Wyatt and hooking up with Liam and Brooke accepting the proposal and the wedding is on AND Wyatt and Quinn firing Ridge and Steffy.

Bill then decides he's spent the money, the costume ball is now his wedding to Brooke. Liam realizes that he can't bail on the ball since it's part of his Initiative and he doesn't want to let the people he's raising the money for down so he HAS to show up and run it. Only Wyatt is now Forrester and so he's going to make Liam's life hell over this. Steffy also has to meet her obligation as Spencer Brand Ambassador because Bill is not going to let personal drama hurt his company's brand. So Liam and Steffy and Wyatt have to all show up and work this ball while Bill is preparing to marry Brooke.

Ridge, Caroline, Rick, Maya, Sasha, and Thomas also have to show up because Ridge, Caroline, and Thomas designed the clothing, Sasha and Maya are modeling, and Rick was the one working with Liam on the project. Pam and Charlie show up because free food is always cool.

Quinn may make an appearance in her debut as the new CEO/President of Forrester, totally crashing Brooke and Bill's wedding and Liam's program pissing off the Forrester crew because she made such a public announcement.

Wyatt finally loses it after seeing Liam and Steffy smooching all night and confronts them, fisticuffs happen and Wyatt decks Liam which is a no no since Liam is still recovering from a brain injury and when Liam starts presenting concussion symptoms anew, he's rushed to the hospital with Wyatt looking the idiot. The knock to the head jarred something loose as Liam then remembers finding Steffy and Wyatt in his bed way back when and suddenly he's not sure he wants to be with her anymore...

Rick gets freaky and pulls Maya aside for a boink only to realize that it was Nicole and he now has to deal with his own 'Oops' mistaken sex romp. Nicole never had it so good and all thoughts of Zende are dropped as she warms to the idea of nabbing Rick for herself.  Thomas is making google eyes at Sasha while Caroline tries to draw his attention back to her; an accident on the catwalk (wardrobe malfunction sabotage?) leaves Sasha injured with Thomas dropping Caroline to tend to Sasha.

RJ is slumping around and meets a mysterious masked woman who shares his unenthusiasm over the proceedings and snarks on the Forresters and Spencers a bit. There's a connection. She enjoys teasing him and he enjoys the game a bit. Just as RJ is about to ask her name and get those digits, the clock strikes midnight and the girl rushes out, leaving behind only her shoe (yeah, let's do Cinderella) and RJ is left hanging wondering who this mysterious woman is and how can he find her again and he has his own story instead of worrying about Brill. (We'll later learn that mystery girl is the daughter of Prince Omar and Taylor that Taylor left behind when she returned from the dead and this Princess wants revenge against Ridge, Thomas, and Steffy and initially sees RJ as a means to infiltrate the family but then falls for him)

And now you have the bulk of the canvas at a party, all dressed up and looking fabulous, tensions are high, and stuff happens

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Thurs. 10/27 recap

We open not with Ridgus Interruptus but with Zende/Nicole acting oh-so-professionally at FC. They blab on and on about Halloween and costumes and how sexy Nicole is (um, ok) and make out and I just cannot with these two.

Maya’s phone call cock-blocks Zende and off she scampers to do her sister’s bidding. Maya once again presses Nicole for an answer about a sibling for tiny little Lizzie. Shut up, Maya.

Back at the Spencer mansion, Brooke cannot believe Ridge is doing this on her wedding day. Brooke, you are not new here so stop acting like it.

Ridge keeps pressing her not to marry Bill.

RJ fills Rick in that the wedding? Ain’t happening. Shut up, RJ. And shut up, Rick, for repeating that marrying Ridge is the lesser of two evils. Um, why in the world would she have to marry Ridge instead? If both guys are THAT bad, then he shouldn’t want his mother with either of them.

Donna stalls an increasing cagey Bill.

Allison, who knows how to read a room, sneaks upstairs.

Brooke, who has a lot more patience than I do, tries to reason with Ridge (hahahahahahaha!), telling him he can’t dictate who she marries. Ok, that’s a good start. She tells him that she is going downstairs to marry the man SHE WANTS to marry. Go with that feeling, Brooke.

Ridge whines and basically tells her he wants her to do what HE wants her to do. Typical.

Brooke, whom I don’t see as warming to Ridge’s idea at all (but maybe that’s my Brooke with bitch boots mindset talking here) tells him that she means her promises and that if he doesn’t know that, he doesn’t know her.

Allison is right outside their door. I’ll bet Allison could take Ridge and kick his ass out.

Ridge has the absolute gall to bring up their first moment together and how he knew they found their future the day they first locked eyes. To that, I say bullshit…well, first, I say, how dare he bring up the first golden moment of their history when so much of their memories are tarnished because of his selfishness. Back to the bullshit, he didn’t know shit about them having a future since he thought it was Caroline I until Brooke turned around. He was engaged to marry Caroline I and he knew then that he and Brooke would have a future? Ridge was either psychic or the biggest asshole on the planet. I’ll go with the latter.

I will digress for just a moment (to give myself something good to think about to give me the strength to finish this recap) to rewatch the “first look” and I think there absolutely was something there from day one. With RM’s Ridge. You can see how completely captivated he was with her.

You can FF to 4:35 to see it (although if you watch from the beginning, you can see a shocking moment where Stephanie is actually nice to Brooke).

Because this first moment sold me on the Bridge and kept me hooked for a very long time.

Ok, I’m dusting myself off and finishing this:

Justin grills Donna, who is a horrible liar. Allison comes back downstairs to tell Ridge that Brooke isn’t alone. She heard a man’s voice.


Bill knows immediately what’s up and can’t get upstairs fast enough.

Ridge asks Brooke to sit for a moment – don’t do it, Brooke! He blabs on about how things have changed. How she’s changed for the better? WTF – she was amazing when he met her and she’s even more amazing now, far, far from his grasp.

Ridge: “But something remained the same and that’s the love we have for one another.”

Time for a little cross-examination with Ridge on the stand.

Could you expand on that, the word, “love,” Ridge, most specifically, with respect to your relationship with Brooke Logan?

Does love mean cheating on your fiancé with your brother’s wife? Does love mean dumping said fiancé after she tragically miscarries a baby you never wanted? Does love mean giving another woman a wedding gown and engagement ring meant for Brooke? Does love mean constantly interfering with any attempt by Brooke to move on and find love of her own? Does love mean abandoning Brooke and the children you promised to raise with her for St Taylor and her brood? Does love mean raping Brooke but excusing it because you didn’t know a clearly-zonked on meds Brooke was out of it? The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it, folks? Does love mean Brooke almost dying in Paris because of your “love” for her? Does love mean exploring your feelings with Brooke’s daughter, Bridget, the same girl whose diapers you changed? Does love meaning telling Brooke to take her baby (Hope) and go because you had the audacity to point fingers over the Breacon affair when you live in the thinnest of glass houses? Does love mean excusing your mother’s treatment of the woman you supposedly love – including attempted murder, kidnapping of Brooke’s children, and rape? Does love mean leaving Brooke over a text message? Does love mean returning after your snit fit of three years, smugly expecting to pick up where the two of you left off? Does love mean having an affair with Katie for revenge? Does love mean pimping out Brooke to get your grubby paws on shares to oust your perfectly capable father (for whom you owe EVERYTHING)?


Ridge talks about how one of them has always been “smart enough to wake up.” Which is the only thing I can agree with. Brooke has finally wised up and that’s exactly why she is marrying Bill.

He talks about how talking to RJ finally turned on the tiny little light bulb in his greasy head and Brooke just stares at him and again, I don’t see any hint of her feeling warm or happy or receptive to what he’s saying which, we all know, she would have lapped up like a kitty with cream in the past. She looks emotional but it’s an emotional day anyway and she’ll always love him, for their history, for the child they share, and I’m sure on some level, she feels for him, begging her this way, but it’s too little, too late (at least I hope it is).

He says he doesn’t care about losing the company (um, it’s not your company) or losing everything, so long as he doesn’t lose her. Dude, you threw her away countless times.

Brooke: “Yesterday, you wanted me to do it.”

Ridge: “Yesterday, I was an idiot.” Make that EVERY day, Ridge, and I’ll call you right for once. Stopped clocks and all that.

Brooke, coming off more and more like a wise mother, speaking to a petulant child, asks, “What about tomorrow?” And later, when he protests she doesn’t love Bill…”You can’t just say ‘no, you don’t,’ and then have your way.”

Ridge tries to argue it’s not about him having his way. Ridge, stop with the pretense – we see you, we know you, and it’s always been about you having your way. That’s why you’re in this room, sitting on this bed, with Brooke on her WEDDING day.

When I think about that, when I think about the utter selfishness of him. The self-centered, egotistical, doesn’t give a shit about anyone else so long as HE gets what HE wants, I could just reach through my TV screen.

How dare he.

How dare he have the nerve to show up and proclaim his love for Brooke and tell her all the things she used to want to hear in an attempt to emotionally blackmail her into doing his bidding once again. Going back to my cross-examination -  does love mean attempting to ruin the supposed love of your life’s wedding day just so you can get your way? And he’s done this TWICE now. When does it end? He is so absolutely cruel to do this, especially when we know he doesn’t mean it because if he meant it, he would stick with it. Loving Brooke now would mean that he loves her enough to let her go, if this is what she really wants and if, for some reason, Bill made the colossal mistake Ridge made countless times and let her go, then he can show his love by waiting for her.

And how dare he says this: “There is only one true love of your life.” Hmm, didn’t he tell Caroline I that she was? And Caroline II as well? And probably Taylor at some point. Although the only true love of Ridge’s life is Ridge.

Ridge apologizes and ugh…he promises he’ll make it up to her. The man couldn’t keep a promise if his life depended on it. He tells her to get her stuff and go home. With him.

I did see a glimmer of something that I definitely didn’t like come across Brooke’s face then. Please tell me she isn’t buying what he’s selling here.

But then her eyes turn from “aww” to “Oh fuck!” because $ Bill is standing in the doorway and he is PIIIIISSSEED.

Get him, Bill.

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9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

OTOH, Brooke is very firmly in menopause, so no WTD antics are on the horizon.

I wouldn't bet anything of value on this ;-)

11 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

He's ripe for some kind of violent outburst since Rick has shot a man and tried to shoot Ridge and Caroline; Thomas planted a bomb in Rick's car and threw his ass out a window; Steffy wacked Ally and and nearly killed Ivy via electrocution. 

Or maybe he'll be more like Hope and Bridget who thus far haven't had any violent murderous tendencies and he'll be the same son. But between his evil Marrone blood and evil Logan blood and them crazy Douglas genes, he really should be a criminal mastermind and poisoning Eric to frame Quinn while sowing seeds of dissent between Rick and Ridge, seducing Bill to snap photos to blackmail him with and/or accusing him of trying to seduce him to drive a wedge between him and Brooke and just spreading as much mayhem as possible.

And didn't Ridge throw Rick off a roof?  Yep, that kid does have some evil blood running through him.  As far as poisoning Eric....please don't give TPTB any ideas!!!

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Just now, ByTor said:

I wouldn't bet anything of value on this ;-)

I know! Reva Shayne on GL and Rachel Cory on Another World had late life babies. Brooke's still got life in her!

1 minute ago, ByTor said:

And didn't Ridge throw Rick off a roof?

In Ridge's defense, he was still fresh in his grief over losing Phoebe with Rick already humping his other daughter and taunting him with it.  At that time, I gave Ridge a pass in being temporarily insane over grief and Rick being such a dick that he deserved it.

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28 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Allison is right outside their door. I’ll bet Allison could take Ridge and kick his ass out.

I'd watch this on an endless loop.

24 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

In Ridge's defense, he was still fresh in his grief over losing Phoebe with Rick already humping his other daughter and taunting him with it.  At that time, I gave Ridge a pass in being temporarily insane over grief and Rick being such a dick that he deserved it.

Good point, Rick was horrible then.   KL used to make me want to smack that constant smug look right off his face.  If I'm remembering this correctly, Rick was briefly paralyzed but then faked it after recovering so he can continue to live with Brooke & attempt to break her & Ridge up.  Yep, same Rick who considers Ridge the lesser of two evils.  Same Rick who was happy the 1st time Brooke was going to marry Bill.

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I do think we'll get a WTD - will it be Chicken or Waffles?

Could be both. Steffy is a fraternal (once identical) twin and it's not unheard of for her to be popping out multiple eggs at a time.  Just like with Sami, EJ, Lucas on DAYS.  All three have each already lost one child so Bell may think they all deserve a kid and also won't want to have a clear winner in the Spencer sperm sweepstakes so Liam and Wyatt may each get a baby by Steffy to extend this crapfest for DECADES.

It also does a flip parallel in the Spencer boys having the same dad and different moms; Steffy's girls (Phoebe (Wyatt's daughter) and Kelly (Liam's daughter named after his mother) will hate each other because of their dads (and Quinn's interference) and yet still have a 'bond'.

If you carry this parallel out though, one of the dad's dies (as Liam's mom died) with the other kid having their dad be an overprotective Quinn level bastard in interfering with their kid's life. But that's years down the line which I doubt we'll ever see on this show. Then again B&B defying the odds and celebrating 50 years on the air wouldn't surprise me.

But Steffy once being an identical twin reminds me: would the show EVER say screw it and have JMW just assume the role of ghost Phoebe for a story? Like Steffy has a near death experience and Phoebe urges back to life? Shows flip flop allll the time but if they did this and ignored Mackenzie Maury I would laugh SO hard.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

JG still looks good, though.  Hopefully, she isn't going to the one that convinced Hunter Tylo to keep hacking at her face.

The lighting in the livingroom wasn't doing JG any favors.

The only one that convinced HT to mess with her face was the little voice that pointed out her career competition was getting younger. HT is on a maintenance program for the work done. Gotta' keep those inflatables ... inflated, resurfaced and defying gravity.


Out and about Ronn Moss is amazing.


It's Nature program discussing the elaborate plumage of the male Bird of Paradise, preening in his mating ritual to get the attention of the drab female.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I wouldn't bet anything of value on this ;-)

Although Brooke is in menopause, you're right, Bytor, about not betting any value on this.  One of my girlfriends was also in menopause, but she's now 4 months pregnant thanks to a romantic getaway with her husband.

I'm also reminded that this is a medium where dried-up old men who had vasectomies like ICKtor Newman can still procreate with nubile and fecund young women.  Even Taylor had every indication after she had Thomas that carrying another child to term would be a near impossibility.  But, she became fertile Myrtle and popped out a couple of miracle band-aid babies to secure her marriage to Ridge.  

But, the ultimate, as someone mentioned upthread was Sally having a late-in-life child with "Bucky."  Sally was also told by her doctor that she was fast approaching menopause and had one last shot to have another kid.  She was competing against Stephanie for Jack Hamilton's affections and tricked the poor sap into thinking he impregnated her.  Too bad Stephanie hired a PI to get to the truth.  Just as Sally and Jack were about to do the deed, Stephanie outed Sally's lie.  Not only did a humiliated Sally get dumped by Jack right then and there, but Stephanie also got the pleasure of slapping the cowboy shit out of her.

Since Bradley and his team of hacks can't write anything but triangles and babies, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Brooke and Bill had a little mid-life surprise.

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Maya’s phone call cock-blocks Zende and off she scampers to do her sister’s bidding. Maya once again presses Nicole for an answer about a sibling for tiny little Lizzie. Shut up, Maya.

When her phone rang and she said it was Maya's ring tone, I just laughed, because, of course, Maya can spidey-sense that there was a danger of someone else's sperm getting near her baby maker.  

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18 hours ago, tessaray said:

All I could think of when RJ and Rick were in the same scene is that his brother is also his uncle.  I guess it's not Chinatown levels of weird but still very awkward feeling. 

Go look up the Hapsburg family tree. It will make you ill! 

A masterful move, Maya, shoving the totally adorbs baby into Nicole's arms! You knew just how to reel her in.

Edited by LittleIggy
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I swear, it wasn't long ago that I loved Ridge (when he was with Caroline).  But now?  Now I want a montage playing at least once a week that shows all the L's he's taken recently, climaxing in Brooke's "Ridge, leave...just get out, please.  We don't want you here at our wedding."  That was perfection.  

Nicole...honey...no.  Maya playing the adorable baby card on her to push her back over into her personal incubator was manipulative as hell.  

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4 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Nicole...honey...no.  Maya playing the adorable baby card on her to push her back over into her personal incubator was manipulative as hell.  

But...but...Maya said no pressure!

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So glad that Brooke stood up to Ridge and chose Bill. She and Ridge have no chemistry whatsoever and he was totally phoning it in with his stupid destiny speech. Hey asshole writers: Ridge and Caroline should be together. It works. Thomas doesn’t deserve nor is ready to be Douglas’s father. He should be with Sasha. It works. Please don’t put her with Zzzzende now that the idiot Nicole has caved. I am desperate to see Julius read Nicole and Maya and Rick the riot act over this. Sasha: if Zzzzende comes sniffing after you because Nicole would rather be a broodmare than his girlfriend, run as fast as you can. He will bore you to tears and Thomas will be available soon. You deserve better, girl.

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45 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Poor dim Nicole is going to be saying exactly that to Zende next week.  "But she said no pressure!"  

Of COURSE Nicole said yes.  Simple child has never accomplished anything in her life but incubate Raya's Golden Child.  She has nothing else to show for herself, and she seems to have no other desires (certainly not for Zzzzende) or hopes or ambitions of her own.  

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NO PRESSURE AT ALL!  When Nicole said no, at first, it was just miraculous how Lizzy cried, on cue, and Lizzy was placed in Nicole's arms.  To me, that was a total full court press.  A bases loaded 3-2 two out pitch with the World Series on the line.  Nicole, Nicole, Nicole a maternal instinct does not mean popping a baby out for your sister. It means loving and raising your baby and not just on occasional basis.  St Nicole will once be pitted against the evil step-sister for Zende's affection. Zende and Wyatt should bond on their mutual plight of being fucked over by self-absorbed women. 

Hey Ridge, what's Plan B for getting rid of Quinn that can only be sent packing by Eric.  The more you disrespect Quinn, the deeper the hole you have dug for yourself. Or should I say a hole for two. 

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Wow. They're actually doing the Triangle of Snooze again. I wish I could be shocked by this predictable turn of events.

I mean, who was demanding more Nicole? I know no one was asking for Carowhine and ThomAss after Doug's conception. Were there hate letters for having more than one interracial couple on the show? I sure hope it wasn't that last bit.

Either way, utter bollocks. Between the Bridge reconstruction attempt, the black hole of Liam/Steffy and whoever gets pulled in their vortex next, Ridge being his usual self and this? Girl, bye.

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17 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

Is this the longest wedding in history or what ? Poor Wink has been there all week.

Between this election and this fucking soap opera...

Confession:  I was several minutes late for my own wedding 16 years ago today, but there was a logical explanation for it.  My sister (my maid of honor) realized at the last minute that my husband's wedding band was in her purse, which she gave to our mom to hold.  So there was a mad dash by the wedding planner to get it, which delayed the wedding.  I found out later that several of my guests said, "Oh, my god....she done changed her mind!"  

I'm going out and having a drink and dinner with the hubby!  I can't take this shit anymore.

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7 hours ago, ByTor said:

I wouldn't bet anything of value on this ;-)

And didn't Ridge throw Rick off a roof?  Yep, that kid does have some evil blood running through him.  As far as poisoning Eric....please don't give TPTB any ideas!!!

It was more that they had a fight and Rick tripped over the banister....that actually happened before Phoebe's crash, where Rick was milking his injuries to get a Vice Presidency or something. Or something. Anyway, I'm fairly sure that right after his Steph Forrester game ended is when he went with Plan B to seduce Steffy from Marcus, and rub it in to Ridge, who drew no parallels between his own behaviour towards Caroline I.

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1 hour ago, Gudzilla said:

Is this the longest wedding in history or what ? Poor Wink has been there all week.

I was just thinking that, actually. This is pretty rare nowadays since people seem to go from first date to divorce court  in the time it takes binge watch a season of Orange is the New Black's, but I remember a time when the wedding and the planning thereof took about two weeks at least.

The last such wedding was Nick and Bridget's first attempt that Taylor crashed by being alive, but the lead up to that had lots of pathos and lots of family moments that I appreciate a bit more in 2016 than I did in 2005.

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10 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

OMG...this is LOL-tastic. I should have known Ronn would find a way to get a scarf on air at some point but my point was, he wasn't rocking the scarves all day, every day like he was in real life....



Oh, Ronn. Don't ever change.

Fun fact: in one interview he gave, RM stated he was originally going to become a doctor. This is no knock on his intelligence, but can you imagine that? All I can imagine is Dr. Moss in a purple scarf. :p

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Ah hell! Seriously, Nicole? When she was blathering on about her newfound "maternal instinct" I thought she was going to not only say "no," but ask for Lizzie back. That would have been a helluva lot more interesting. No, all it took was Maya's deer-in-the-headlights and KKL's (TM) one-eyed tear to get things moving along as Maya planned it. I don't want to see another round of that bunch. The only one remotely interesting is Sasha and her being in scenes with Zzzzende is like watching FC act alone in an empty room. Then to add insult to our injury, Bell has to trot out the weary old ...


Zende turns to the bottle.   Every f-ing character on that show has become an alcoholic. It would be more interesting if Zende, over-zealously working out his frustration over Nicole, injures himself and gets addicted to oxycontin. At least that's something different and you know how Bell like to play along with the social trend of the moment.  It would even be a good excuse to bring Dr. Holden back for Katie or Sasha.


... so those jackass writers had to ruin Sasha and Thomas for more of this???  GGRRRrrrr!!

I'm really glad that Bill dressed Brooke down for even entertaining the notion of listening to Ridge-Pen.  Hell yes! She should have thrown him out immediately.  I also was not disappointed when Bill called off the wedding. I would have loved to have seen what Ridge and Brooke would have done. I'm so glad that Brooke finally came to her senses and convinced Bill to go through with the ceremony. Throwing R-P out on his ass was a nice bonus. I still wish that Bill would have slugged him, but then that would create oil stains on his expensive carpeting. Now I wonder if Bill will still offer his FC shares to Brooke?

 I think the answer to the riddle here is that the reason why we hate Ridge is because TK is just phoning it in. I guess it depends which way you want to look at it. If one wanted to believe that he truly loved Brooke (that's a stretch here) and wanted her, then TK failed miserably in delivering that. OTOH, if you want for Ridge to come across as a petulant, spoiled, selfish tool, then A+ performance all around for TK.

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NGL, I cheered when Ridge was kicked out - losing both the shares and Brooke.  That's what you get for listening to a 16 year old instead of the woman herself.

Other than that, I'm just shaking my head at the rank stupidity of the surrogacy storyline.  It sucked the first time.  They'd better have a twist or ten planned.   

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Maybe there is the slimmest of hopes that the writers will mix it up this time. Maybe Nicole won't be able to get pregnant.  If so, there goes the "slammin' body" Zende was raving about yesterday. I still can't over get Maya's clenched jaw, buggy eyes and pursed lips when Nicole initially turned her down.

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2 hours ago, tessaray said:

They'd better have a twist or ten planned.   

The twist is that Nicole will wind up pregnant...only it's Zende's baby.

Edited by MsTree
Purely Speculation on my part
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5 hours ago, MsTree said:

The twist is that Nicole will wind up pregnant...only it's Zende's baby.

I thought that was going to be the twist with the first surrogacy - that Nicole would have one night with Zende before the insemination, because she decided she wanted to lose her virginity before getting pregnant, or out of some desperate attempt to keep Zende.  Then we'd end up with a baby that turns out to be a Nicole/Zende baby instead of Nicole/Rick.  But, instead, they went the boring route with that pregnancy.  If they just do the exact same thing again - Nicole goes through with it against Zende's advice, he ends up with Sasha again, Nicole carries the baby and happily hands him/her over to Raya, with no emotional repercussions, and then Zende comes running back, what is the damn point?  We just saw this shit, show.  

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10 hours ago, MsTree said:

The twist is that Nicole will wind up pregnant...only it's Zende's baby.

Maybe she'll already be pregnant when they go to implant the new embryo.

That said, aren't there guidelines about this? Besides insemination of a woman who had never given birth, who would be comfortable with doing this so soon after she's already given birth?

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3 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Cant wait to see the whiny brat family's reaction to Pig Pen losing those precious shares!

All because of the greasy one's arrogance!  But of course they'll all whine that it was Brooke's fault...or Puffy will find a way to blame it on Quinn.

Edited by ByTor
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