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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

  Put her in therapy with Taylor as her doctor, and it will turn into three times a week hour long bitch sessions about all the ways Brooke has wronged them.  

Or as I call it, the entire 2012-13 season.

 Taylor got away with being a liar and a cheat for years (sleeping with Blake and Ridge in the same 24-hour span and the Big Bear Boink devirginization of James are just two that come to mind).

Who is Blake?

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I think every one gets a fair amount of crap when they have done wrong. I happen to enjoy it when Brooke is the target. Right at the moment, there is no getting around that Brooke is wrong. Katie got a lot of crap for pushing her nose into Ridge's biz, deservedly. Brooke is no special snowflake. IMO. 

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I just can't side with Katie when her first instinct is to punish Bill for her hurt feelings by taking away another son from him as well as the company he's run long before he was interested in her.  Yes,  Bill is wrong as hell for this wtfness going on with Brooke,  but Katie is full of shit.  Let's not forget that they didn'r even have their roll in the curtained bed until Katie once again accused them of shenanigans that didn't exist, and once again yelling at them to just go ahead and be together.  I think she just likes being the victim,  poor swee Katie who's always mistreated and unappreciated,  poor thing.  Bless her weak little heart that can take straight liquor shots and multi-daily tizzies.  


I had actually forgotten all about her fake heart attack at Brooke and Ridge's last wedding.  I'm not at all a Brooke fan,  no way.  But this all just feels really messed up.  Katie never really forgives,  no matter what she says.  She'll just keep quiet until you piss her off again,  then she goes straight for the low blows,  feeling all smug and self satisfied and inexplicably justified.  What does Bill macking on Brooke have to do with Bill as a father or executive? Nothing.  No one is threatening to take Will away from her because she has a bad heart and is an out of the blue lush.  


Don't get me wrong,  I don't begrudge her the anger.  It's how she chooses to release it that I take exception to. She goes straight for what hurts most,  no build up,  no middle ground.  That's why watching her browbeat and shame Brill when they really weren't doing anything so crazy making. How can she hurt Bill? Take his son and his money. How can she hurt Brooke?  Taking away her sisterhood and cutting her out of her life. Dress it up about how she'll always remember her as a beautiful, glowing, golden goddess,  even though that's what she hates most about her and makes her so damn insecure.  Meanwhile she's walking around with that banging body and still acting like the ugly duckling... At least until it comes time for her to have her I'm A Strong Woman moment and say things like Brooke ain't so jot and she could have someone if she wanted him,  like during that weird poem reading,  soccer playing in the park time with Ridge. 


Ok,  this is something that has been bugging me for a bit,  but I didn't want to comment until I was caught up in both the show AND the thread,  which took a while to allign properly.  I was always behind in one or the other. But it really bugs me all the malice towards Nicole about not obsessing over her baby.  Cuz,  um,  that's not her baby.  That was never intended to be her baby.  She was the surrogate.  That is the purpose of a surrogate.  Have the baby,  then back off because you are not the mother.  I don't think it makes her a horrible person just because she's behaving the way a surrogate is supposed to behave.  That's also why I took exception to the whole poor Zende can't handle it nonsense.  It's not like Rick and Nicole made that baby the old fashioned way,  nor that Nicole would be a mommy pushing around a stroller and lugging a baby bag everywhere when the pregnancy was done. It just always struck me as super weak sauce.

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orchestrated the brutal, vicious rape of Brooke.

And so much more! Don't forget it all began over Beth being Brooke's mother, because it makes perfect sense to blame children for their parentage. Over the years Stephanie and the Gang; a cast of characters that changed depending on the scenario; Eric, Ridge, Taylor, Massimo, Sally and many other bit players, have pulled some really heinous things on Brooke. Many of the things that led up to Brooke taking over FC's are always glossed over; hiring that smarmy lawyer to act like a masseur in order to keep tabs on Brooke. Then the whole "Ridge's choice" thing when he went away to decide between Brooke and Taylor. After choosing Taylor, he shows up at Brooke's with the documents that would give the Forrester's rights to BeLief. After lying to Brooke about the papers and getting her to unknowingly sign her rights away, he drops the bomb that he is staying with Taylor and leaves. A little later Stephanie shows up at Brooke's to rub salt in her wounds. How about the whole set up in Venice to fool Thorne into thinking Brooke wanted Ridge back? Then there was Stephanie and Massimo's plan to get Brooke out of the country by telling her Stephen was dying. Yeah I know Stephen went along with it, but that isn't the point, and it doesn't make it any less horrible. Not to forget where Katie learned the art of faking heart attacks; let us remember the Queen's grand performance to secure yet another Ridge and Taylor marriage. What about the plain physical violence and attacks? Big Bear and Brooke's home? Showing up with a loaded gun telling Brooke to off herself?

But you know, Brooke is just that "whore from the Valley" and deserves everything that is thrown at her.

Edited by RuntheTable
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9 minutes ago, Amberosia said:

I just can't side with Katie when her first instinct is to punish Bill for her hurt feelings by taking away another son from him as well as the company he's run long before he was interested in her.  Yes,  Bill is wrong as hell for this wtfness going on with Brooke,  but Katie is full of shit.  Let's not forget that they didn'r even have their roll in the curtained bed until Katie once again accused them of shenanigans that didn't exist, and once again yelling at them to just go ahead and be together.  I think she just likes being the victim,  poor swee Katie who's always mistreated and unappreciated,  poor thing.  Bless her weak little heart that can take straight liquor shots and multi-daily tizzies.  


I had actually forgotten all about her fake heart attack at Brooke and Ridge's last wedding.  I'm not at all a Brooke fan,  no way.  But this all just feels really messed up.  Katie never really forgives,  no matter what she says.  She'll just keep quiet until you piss her off again,  then she goes straight for the low blows,  feeling all smug and self satisfied and inexplicably justified.  What does Bill macking on Brooke have to do with Bill as a father or executive? Nothing.  No one is threatening to take Will away from her because she has a bad heart and is an out of the blue lush.  


Don't get me wrong,  I don't begrudge her the anger.  It's how she chooses to release it that I take exception to. She goes straight for what hurts most,  no build up,  no middle ground.  That's why watching her browbeat and shame Brill when they really weren't doing anything so crazy making. How can she hurt Bill? Take his son and his money. How can she hurt Brooke?  Taking away her sisterhood and cutting her out of her life. Dress it up about how she'll always remember her as a beautiful, glowing, golden goddess,  even though that's what she hates most about her and makes her so damn insecure.  Meanwhile she's walking around with that banging body and still acting like the ugly duckling... At least until it comes time for her to have her I'm A Strong Woman moment and say things like Brooke ain't so jot and she could have someone if she wanted him,  like during that weird poem reading,  soccer playing in the park time with Ridge. 


Ok,  this is something that has been bugging me for a bit,  but I didn't want to comment until I was caught up in both the show AND the thread,  which took a while to allign properly.  I was always behind in one or the other. But it really bugs me all the malice towards Nicole about not obsessing over her baby.  Cuz,  um,  that's not her baby.  That was never intended to be her baby.  She was the surrogate.  That is the purpose of a surrogate.  Have the baby,  then back off because you are not the mother.  I don't think it makes her a horrible person just because she's behaving the way a surrogate is supposed to behave.  That's also why I took exception to the whole poor Zende can't handle it nonsense.  It's not like Rick and Nicole made that baby the old fashioned way,  nor that Nicole would be a mommy pushing around a stroller and lugging a baby bag everywhere when the pregnancy was done. It just always struck me as super weak sauce.

All of this, although regarding Nicole I would've liked if the show had given her at least a few weeks to recover from the birth before jumping right into going after Zende. It's absolutely refreshing to see a simple surrogacy with no drama and no sideways bashing of Maya being inferior because Lizzle wasn't created with her direct DNA as is usually the case on this show. But having her jump back to a man that had to bang her best friend, even after a clean break and making his feelings clear for months, just taints that IMO.

Since Katie is nuStephanie, can she have a storyline addressing her ugly duckling complex once and for all? After all, the Queen finally got her backstory flesh out, presumably because viewers noticed how particularly vitriolic she'd gotten over the years, so they gave her a childhood abuse story that sorta addressed her slapping and over protectiveness of her children. i realize IRL that those things never really leave you, but as mentioned her ways of expressing that are just not okay. She talks about how Brooke never coped with losing their father, but she's still stuck in 1987 mentally too.

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@Amberosia, great post!  It makes me feel better that you're not a Brooke fan, because since I am one, I was starting to wonder if that was slanting my negative feelings toward Katie.

17 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Since Katie is nuStephanie, can she have a storyline addressing her ugly duckling complex once and for all? After all, the Queen finally got her backstory flesh out, presumably because viewers noticed how particularly vitriolic she'd gotten over the years, so they gave her a childhood abuse story that sorta addressed her slapping and over protectiveness of her children. i realize IRL that those things never really leave you, but as mentioned her ways of expressing that are just not okay.

I'd be very happy with that storyline.  I was quite a fat kid, and to this day the feelings of insecurity have never gone away (even though logically I know that I'm an old lady and should be over the teasing by now), and I have a feeling there are many out there who can relate and would feel pretty good watching someone overcome that.

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25 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

All of this, although regarding Nicole I would've liked if the show had given her at least a few weeks to recover from the birth before jumping right into going after Zende. It's absolutely refreshing to see a simple surrogacy with no drama and no sideways bashing of Maya being inferior because Lizzle wasn't created with her direct DNA as is usually the case on this show. But having her jump back to a man that had to bang her best friend, even after a clean break and making his feelings clear for months, just taints that IMO.

Since Katie is nuStephanie, can she have a storyline addressing her ugly duckling complex once and for all? After all, the Queen finally got her backstory flesh out, presumably because viewers noticed how particularly vitriolic she'd gotten over the years, so they gave her a childhood abuse story that sorta addressed her slapping and over protectiveness of her children. i realize IRL that those things never really leave you, but as mentioned her ways of expressing that are just not okay. She talks about how Brooke never coped with losing their father, but she's still stuck in 1987 mentally too.

Oh,  couldn't agree more with the lightspeed reunion between her and Zende.  I was really befuddled by Zende,  the second that baby was out of Nicole,  was sitting on her bed and kissing her.  Da fuck? So you tap out cuz the pregnancy squicked you out tcoo much (real mature,  that one),  but you can't even give her the rest of the night to recover before putting the moves on her?  Ewww. 


Thanks for the compliment,  ByTor.  I don't know why,  I know it's silly,  but I'm always so self conscious about posting. 

Edited by Amberosia
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12 minutes ago, Amberosia said:

Thanks for the compliment,  ByTor.  I don't know why,  I know it's silly,  but I'm always so self conscious about posting. 

Please don't be...even when people disagree I think the posters here are great :)

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I think every one gets a fair amount of crap when they have done wrong. I happen to enjoy it when Brooke is the target. Right at the moment, there is no getting around that Brooke is wrong. Katie got a lot of crap for pushing her nose into Ridge's biz, deservedly. Brooke is no special snowflake. IMO. 


Completely agree!

I'm sorry but I respectfully have no interest in reading about every others characters sins. None of that makes Brooke's actions understandable or okay. My issue is that Brooke has repeated this behavior again and again and again. And then stands there and says lame things like 'I didn't mean tto hurt you.' Seriously? The character simply grosses me out. Even Erica Kane started to grow up on AMC.

As to Katie using her heart as a crutch - it is sick and she needs therapy for sure. However, I didn't see her using that when she reunited with Bill this last time. He chased after her and convinced her. And I hope she verbally chews him out too for all of this.

I do think Katie should be seeing a therapist not only about the drinking but also about her inferiority complex. I don't really see it happening on this show, but she does need it.

I don't mind that Nicole handed the baby over and isn't doing one of those typical soap things about being attached to the child (remember Brooke being so attached to her egg? Lawd how I hated that storyline and where is that kid that was sooooo attached to?). I find it refreshing that she made a decision to help her sister and did. End of story. I will say, I find it a little unrealistic in a character so young, but I will take it.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Oh God, Brooke and Taylor and that poor little boy that time forgot. Just because KKL rightfully put her foot down for another Bricky reunion doesn't mean the there weren't possibilities for their relationship with Jack. I made the mistake of watching those episodes again, and as loathsome as Brooke was, looking for any reason to pinch, they had Taylor from zero to N. Sane so quickly and HTy's shrill scenery chewing grated more than it did the first time around. If TIIC were smart, Taylor would've been written to fight a bit harder to keep the baby from being tainted by Brooke's influence, with or without Nick (who she admits she was worried about Brooke taking as much as the kid, by her own admission) and spend the next X amount of years feeding hi the same Logans are Evil bullshit she told her other spawn until he needed some transfusion/transplant that onlyBrooke as the biological mother could give him. This would have been an organic route to keeping up their fight after Ridge left without Katie's fragile health (ha!) or encouraging their daughters to stay with Liam to spite the other.

But no. We can't have nice things :(

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1 hour ago, Amberosia said:

Ok,  this is something that has been bugging me for a bit,  but I didn't want to comment until I was caught up in both the show AND the thread,  which took a while to allign properly.  I was always behind in one or the other. But it really bugs me all the malice towards Nicole about not obsessing over her baby.  Cuz,  um,  that's not her baby.  That was never intended to be her baby.  She was the surrogate.  That is the purpose of a surrogate.  Have the baby,  then back off because you are not the mother.  I don't think it makes her a horrible person just because she's behaving the way a surrogate is supposed to behave.  That's also why I took exception to the whole poor Zende can't handle it nonsense.  It's not like Rick and Nicole made that baby the old fashioned way,  nor that Nicole would be a mommy pushing around a stroller and lugging a baby bag everywhere when the pregnancy was done. It just always struck me as super weak sauce.

Nicole is actually the biological mother of that baby. She didn't carry the spawn of Rick's sperm and some other woman's egg. From what I understand, it's not normal to carry a baby for 9 months and feel no attachment whatsoever, spending all of your time worrying about your BFF/half-sister banging your pathetic boyfriend. That's why many if not most states require surrogates to have already mother'd their own children. 

But, then again, Nicole is an immature as fuck twit and they are probably saving her delayed reaction for a ratings storyline down the road.

Also, why is it that Thomas is acting like he's in Olympic trials to become father of the year and has never shaken this huge attachment and she feels absofuckinglutely nothing. And as an African-American woman, I don't like the contrast of Nicole dropping that baby out and never giving it a second thought like some sort of animal and one in heat for Zende, to boot. It's insulting and unrealistic. Even a cat shows more attachment to its kittens. I'm not saying she had to go all PPD or weep for days, but damn! Nothing? WTF?

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Nicole donated her egg to the cause.  She knew exactly what she was signing up for and agreeing to from day one.  The egg may have been hers at one point,  but EVERYONE knew she was never to be the mother to it.  Plenty of people do this every day.  What about women who donate their eggs for cash? They can't crawl out the woodwork all I want my baby back either.  Yes,  its quite an experience to carry a baby for nine months,  but she knew from the get-go how things were always intended to shake out.  I might feel differently if she got accidentally pregnant,  decided this wasn't for her,  then passed Lizzie onto Maya only to regret it and change her mind. But that's not the case,  and it's a relief to me tptb haven't gone to dip in that particular well. She was happy to do what she did for her sister,  but Lizzie is Maya's daughter.  I don't know what she's supposed to do,  she's the aunt,  not the parent. And I don't understand what race has to do with anything. 

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5 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

I think every one gets a fair amount of crap when they have done wrong. I happen to enjoy it when Brooke is the target. Right at the moment, there is no getting around that Brooke is wrong. Katie got a lot of crap for pushing her nose into Ridge's biz, deservedly. Brooke is no special snowflake. IMO. 


Brooke is a special snowflake because no one else has ever been made to pay in the same vicinity as she has.

Did Brooke wrong Katie? Absofuckinglutely and I have never disputed that, but the level of vitriol for this character is just beyond ridiculous when so many characters have done so much worse and have never paid. Is Taylor sitting in prison for killing Darla? Nope, didn't think so. In fact, she was forgiven by her victim's husband and daughter and is supposedly cozy with said husband, Thorne, in Paris right now. Is she the slut of Beverly Hills for boinking her way through an entire family - father Eric, sons Ridge, Thorne, and Nick, and one better than Brooke, the youngest son, Rick, as well? Yeah, didn't think so. 

Katie herself has different standards as Brooke got the lion's share of the blame for Brill. Yes, she is Katie's sister, but Bill is her husband. He took vows with her and broke them. Yet she took him back twice - once when it was just a farce to get the company/shared custody and yet again after Brooke left town. And when she overheard Brooke confessing her feelings for Bill, did she stick around to see what Bill said? Nope, she hightailed it out of there to pull herself a strong one because this jealous harpy couldn't even find her own vice, she had to steal one from Brooke. Until Brooke came clean, she blithely assumed that anything untoward would be all Brooke when it takes two, but Brooke has received all of the blame thus far. 

So Katie got growled at by Ridge as payback over spilling the paternity beans. Ooooh, poor widdle Katie. So what? That lasted all of what - a few days? She and Caroline were all cozy at the July 4th party so clearly all is forgiven and forgotten. 

When you can provide the name of one other character who was almost killed multiple times and viciously raped - I guess you would call that being targeted - all in the name of payback or "getting crap", then you can come talk to me about "fairness."

But of course, who cares about other characters and their paltry little sins when Brooke the slut can be bashed about. 

RuntheTable - I'm blowing kisses to your post right now. 

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Okay, Brooke is your special snowflake. No worries @CountryGirl. Not trying to change your mind, I just have a different opinion.


Right there with you!

I'm sorry but I just don't see how Brooke has ever paid for all the crap she's pulled. Bridget forgave her after she slept with Deacon and had a baby! Eric has never held her accountable for anything. The other characters just blah blah about her destiny and give her a pass. For gosh sakes she had 'accidental' sex with Hope's boyfriend and everyone pretty much shrugged their shoulders. Despite it making no sense at all that she couldn't tell the difference between a 20 something kid and 50 something Ridge.

Taylor slept with the whole Forrester family? Okay but there is a difference for me. Rick wasn't married to her daughter when they got together. Nick wasn't married to her daughter when they got together. Eric wasn't with Stephanie when they got together.

I don't see her near murder and rape as payback for anything. Besides wasn't the rape storyline KKL's idea?

I would never use the word slut to describe Brooke. I don't like those kind of words. I especially hate it when they go there on the show. I do, however, find the character unbearably tiresome. When she was off canvas for months? Best months of the show for me.

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I have nothing more to add to what's been already said. Lots of good points and counter points.

Trivia note: Taylor pulled the trifecta with Stephen and Storm Logan (never shown on screen, but implied) and Rick Logan Forrester, too.

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 Taylor slept with the whole Forrester family? Okay but there is a difference for me. Rick wasn't married to her daughter when they got together.

No, but he had dated her daughter not that long before they got together and didn't tell her for months, and the Fallout from that played a part in why Phoebe was steamed the night she died. Guess who got the entire blame for that? (Hint: Not Taylor)

All of Taylor's men were free, but so were Eric, Thorne and Ridge. Eric's first divorce was underway before Brooke was a factor. Macy and Thorne too were on the outs behind Claudia when they got together. Much of Brooke's shader behavior was reserved for Ridge but in true waffle form, he rarely shut it down entirely.

Ultimately, liking Brooke or not compared to everyone else is an eye of the beholder thing. For me, it's more of a case by case basis with the waffling that goes on in the writers' room. Ultimately, the excessive bashing/punishments she gets is balanced by her family ultimately forgiving her and forgetting, the same as Stephanie, just to pull the same crapola in another few months.

Narrative speaking, that's why my tolerance for Brooke is lower than the other hypocrites. It puts me in mind of a guy at another board that I own that's made a name for himself being a shitbird who, among other things over two decades too numerous to list here, demeans others' careers as he continues to get fired from job after job in the same career field. He even bragged once about how one contract got renewed on a techicality of paperwork, despite being on probation for most of that year....then was surprised to be let go the following year after a hearing about his performance. He blamed it all on submitting the grades a day late as the reason he was let go.

That basically sums up Brooke to me: doing the same thing, and getting the same results. Even Katie moved on to a different manipulation tactic.



 I don't see her near murder and rape as payback for anything. Besides wasn't the rape storyline KKL's idea?

It was, out of pure exasperation with bouncing between Ridge and Nick. I think it's pretty sad that KKL felt this was the only story they'd approve to end that ToD. And in the end, the story did more to build Ridge's character than hers, but that's beside the point I really wanted to discuss: why Stephanie pushed Andy on Brooke in the first place. She thought that because Brooke liked sex and attention of men that she'd jump at the chance to hook up with him. Even those that despise Brooke like myself would agree that she's a serial monogamist, even if her partner is extremely inappropriate.

Anyway, Stephanie encouraged him not to give up and made what I've always interpreted to be an off hand, coincidental remark about Brooke hiding the key to her house under her doormat. But with her egging on and his insanity, he might have very well tried to attack her or break in anyway, even without the Stupidest Plot Device Ever. Any way you slice it, that attack was a direct result of Stephanie's bitter hatred of Brooke and the view that she was just The Slut from the Valley that would latch onto anything with a penis. I don't think even she meant for it to go that far, but it did.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Any way you slice it, that attack was a direct result of Stephanie's bitter hatred of Brooke and the view that she was just The Slut from the Valley that would latch onto anything with a penis. I don't think even she meant for it to go that far, but it did.

IMO the fact that Stephanie didn't mean for Brooke to get raped (it never occurred to her that Brooke might have said no) is what made that storyline a pretty good one. 

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9 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

Okay, Brooke is your special snowflake. No worries @CountryGirl. Not trying to change your mind, I just have a different opinion.  

She is, LOL. Even when she makes me so frustrated and angry (like she is right now with Bill), I can't help but love her. If it's any consolation, MamaCountryGirl can't stand her either (she was a huge Taylor fan). ;-P

I do wish TPTB would stop writing for her as if she's still in her twenties. Not to say she should be given stodgy storylines ala Brooke knitting blankets for Lizzie by the fire, but something where she is not in the middle of yet another triangle. She's in her fifties, FFS, and while she's still a sexy, vibrant woman, she is too damn old for these kinds of storylines. 

I wish Brooke and Bill had been married in  Abu Dhabi and were still together and let them be a power couple together, but since that pairing is now thoroughly ruined, I'd rather Brooke be alone for a good long while. Maybe she could have a health crisis or a crisis with a newly-returned RJ. Anything other than the nonsense I'm seeing with her on my screen right now.

As far as differing opinions...how boring would this board be if we all nodded and agreed with one another? 

I love the debate and insights on other points of view - it's a lot more thoughtful and entertaining that what we're usually treated to on the show.

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9 hours ago, grisgris said:

I have nothing more to add to what's been already said. Lots of good points and counter points.

Trivia note: Taylor pulled the trifecta with Stephen and Storm Logan (never shown on screen, but implied) and Rick Logan Forrester, too.

I had forgotten about Brooke's dad and brother...oh and her son's girlfriend's dad (Hector). 

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I liked Hector until he talked Taylor out of confessing that she killed Darla.  However, this was the only time I actually liked Taylor. I felt bad for her with her conscience pulling her one way & Hector another.

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I do wish TPTB would stop writing for her as if she's still in her twenties. Not to say she should be given stodgy storylines ala Brooke knitting blankets for Lizzie by the fire, but something where she is not in the middle of yet another triangle. She's in her fifties, FFS, and while she's still a sexy, vibrant woman, she is too damn old for these kinds of storylines. 

This is what I mean by allowing Brooke to grow up. Like I said even Erica Kane was allowed some growth!

I liked Taylor at first. I liked her with Ridge. I actually did appreciate her being different than Brooke. But then over time that changed and she too slept her way through the Forrester family etc! I don't know if that was a result of a character just being on canvas for so many years that it just happens or if it's because the writers lack of imagination. I have to say too, I much preferred Taylor's drinking story compared to Brooke's or Katie's.

On a topic other than Brooke - wow did Steffy look good this week! It was a revelation for me since I hadn't watched in a while. I knew the actress was pretty but all that makeup and hair extensions just made her look awful and a lot older. I thought she was going the way of HTy with the operations but she hasn't gone quite that far. Thank goodness.

I was surprised by how much I liked Steffy and Wyatt together. She should stick with him but of course she won't. I didn't think she looked all that thrilled with that kiss from Liam.

Can Thomas just go away? Like now? I just can't with this character at all.

I didn't miss Rick or Maya at all this week. It was awesome not to see them. Sadly, I doubt it will last.

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1 minute ago, hypnotoad said:

I was surprised by how much I liked Steffy and Wyatt together. She should stick with him but of course she won't. I didn't think she looked all that thrilled with that kiss from Liam.

Can Thomas just go away? Like now? I just can't with this character at all.

I didn't miss Rick or Maya at all this week. It was awesome not to see them. Sadly, I doubt it will last.

How could you tell? So are the Avants only allowed a few days a month appearances? I miss adorable Lizzie!

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34 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I liked Hector until he talked Taylor out of confessing that she killed Darla.  However, this was the only time I actually liked Taylor. I felt bad for her with her conscience pulling her one way & Hector another.

I liked Hector, too, and since Samantha left, I could have really enjoyed him with Taylor until he went crazy and then blind.

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I'm a long-time fan, but I haven't watched in a couple of months.  Read all the posts and thanks to OnDemand I got to see Thursday and Friday's episodes.  I was so impressed with the writing and with HT and KKL's acting, both were doing what they do best.  Even Brooke's Beetlejuice/Blurred Lines jacket couldn't take me out of those scenes.

I know the actress who played (plays?) Donna is no longer on contract, but I would love scenes with Brooke/Donna and Katie/Donna this week.  Keep the drama going!

Edited by sugarbaker design
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3 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I'm a long-time fan, but I haven't watched in a couple of months.  Read all the posts and thanks to OnDemand I got to see Thursday and Friday's episodes.  I was so impressed with the writing and with HT and KKL's acting, both were doing what they do best.  Even Brooke's Beetlejuice/Blurred Lines jacket couldn't take me out of those scenes.

I know the actress who played (plays?) Donna is no longer on contract, but I would love scenes with Brooke/Donna and Katie/Donna this week.  Keep the drama going!

I agree that Donna is sorely missed from this storyline and I would love her take on Quinn/Eric.

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I'm sorry but I respectfully have no interest in reading about every others characters sins. 

In general principal I agree with this, and really hate it when folks try to imply that because so and so did this, welllll, that means that ___________ (insert name) isn't so bad. One person's actions don't diminish those of another. When it comes to Brooke however, I feel her fans must be her voice because the show won't let her have one. I have come to believe that Bradley has a love/hate relationship with KKL, because from the minute he took over the reigns of the show he has set about to make Brooke the sluttliest, slut, who ever slutted. Not only that, he has also made it his mission to dumb her down. Brooke is many things, but she has never been stupid. But just look at the dialog between her and Katie last week. Brooke just stands there and cries, and makes weak, pathetic statements like "I'm sorry", or "I tried". WHAA??? Instead of giving Brooke her voice, they also have her saying dumb shit like "You are going to forgive Bill!" As the fuck if! All that did is give Katie more ammo and an even higher horse. Then, when Katie started lacerating Brooke over her life of sin Brooke just stands there. Where is her righteous anger? Why is she never allowed to adequately defend herself. Whether her accuser wants to believe her or not; at least let Brooke have the same opportunity to hurl her accusers hypocrisy back at them. 

I will always defend Brooke when needed just as I will bitch slap her when needed. But I feel that Brooke has been given a bum rap about most things. Sleeping with and having Deacon's baby was her undoing. Since that SL, Brooke has always been perceived as the bad girl. It doesn't matter what the issue is; Brooke is guilty. Yet Bill is the one who built his little office love nest behind Brooke's back and just knew she was chomping for a ride on the Stallion. I will allow that Brooke is weak where Bill is concerned, and shouldn't have allowed herself to be alone with him. But Bill was like a starving man wanting a meal. Manhandling Brooke, grabbing her and expecting her to just hop on the office fuckshop bed for some Spencer penis. Bill is disgusting. He is the one who has chased after Brooke relentlessly. Calling her. Texting her. Kissing her. And now we are going to be subjecting to his anger over Katie being in the loop. What is up with that? Bill has wanted to be away from Katie in the worst way for some time now, but just hasn't had the balls to own it or to tell her. So Liam and Brooke are doing the heavy lifting and now all Bill will have to do is tell Katie whatever lie he chooses. So just STFU Bill. And stop breaking your highball glasses in fits of make believe anger. I want Bill held accountable for his actions in this mess, but no doubt all we will hear about is that little "tramp from the Valley", chasing after yet another married man! 

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That's truth, @RuntheTable, Brooke doesn't have much of a voice but she had enough of one to tell Bill she still loved him. Not enough of one to say what the fuck she expected by telling him but still. I will\would be just as happy if Katie or anyone reads Bill for filth but it isn't quite as satisfying because Bill just DGAF he may be pissed but he won't care. Brooke's unusual both eye tears were quite tasty to me. 

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12 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Bill has wanted to be away from Katie in the worst way for some time now, but just hasn't had the balls to own it or to tell her.

And that's what gets me. He finally had enough of Katie's emotional manipulations and was ready to leave her. He came home, gave that great 'I have failed you speech' and was actually going to do something to help break the cycle by putting Batie to an end, but pumped the brakes when Brooke pumped hers and said regardless of his leaving Katie, she would not be an option. So he stays with a woman he knows doesn't trust him and has good reason to and whose relationship you share with her has deteriorated to crap? Bill used to have the balls to call a spade a spade, cut his losses and move on. Not anymore.


 So just STFU Bill. And stop breaking your highball glasses in fits of make believe anger.

I shook my head at Bill devolving to Sonny Corrinthos levels of douchiness.  He used to be at least better than that.

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Brooke doesn't have much of a voice but she had enough of one to tell Bill she still loved him. Not enough of one to say what the fuck she expected by telling him but still.

And see, this is another thing that pisses me off. Brooke used to be able to tell whoever that she loved them, and was still able to look them and anyone else in the eye. Brooke was never bothered by what anyone thought because she always felt justified. I am not saying that is right, but it was at least more presentable than this, I love you, but I can't have you stuff. Brooke never had to lie or manipulate because if she wanted a man she let the whole friggin world know about it. Brooke has lost her backbone. She has become Penelope Pittstop. I want my Red Suit Brooke back. I want that confident beautiful woman. The woman who made it understandable why men couldn't resist her. This weepy, baby voiced, wrist wringing wraith is not the Brooke I know and love. No, that woman owned her sexuality and never apologized for it. Brooke was the quintessential sex kitten. She oozed sexual magnetism more bountiful than Kilauea's lava flow, and KKL made it into something palpable on the screen. Now she comes off as a desperate "fiftysomething". 

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Excellent points, RuntheTable. You are on a roll...

I cannot imagine any man being attracted to this whiny, crying, apologizing, owning shit that's not even her's to own, Brooke.

Not in a million years.

I want red power suit Brooke back but sadly, I don't think we'll ever get back so long as Badley is at the helm. I mean, this is the man who wrote in an audible orgasm scene (with the man who dragged her into the abyss in the first place, Deacon, no less). A scene I'm sure he watches over and over again to this very day. She's a glorified blow-up doll in his eyes. 

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Someone a long while ago made a very good point that TIIC made a big mistake, not with pairing Brooke/Deacon, but Bridget/Deacon....because there was nowhere to go with the latter. Bridget was barely 18 and Deacon was still lust in over Amber. If it wasn't Brooke, it would've been something else that split them up.

Whereas, had a vulnerable Brooke had a fling with sleazy Deacon, we still could've gotten the scandal of "How could Brooke do this?" with Rick having another reason to hate him and her marrying Whip because he's better father material for Hope. All of that could be possible without trashing her relationship with Bridget in the worst possible way.

But honestly, even as written, even that wasn't enough to push off a lot of fandom: the final nail in the coffin was Brooke with Nick...because she should've known better, even as I question Bridget's sanity for even going there with a man whose most recent ex before her was also her half-sister as well.

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we'll ever get back so long as Badley is at the helm.

Which is too bad the writers and/or Bell just aren't willing to be bold (hee) and really change something up for Brooke.

I watched Guiding Light for years. My favorite character was Olivia Spencer. Bad girl, owned her sexuality the whole bit - heck she had a threesome while she was dying and needed a heart transplant! Non-fans called her Holivia. When she recovered from the heart surgery (quickly in that soap way) the writers took the character in a new direction. She even had a line that if she were lucky enough to fall in love again - she would do things the complete opposite of anything she'd done before (something like that). And she did - she fell in love with a woman which was much different for man eater Olivia - but she also didn't lie or cheat to get her woman.

I wouldn't expect Bell to do any such thing with Brooke but I'd enjoy her sitting down and making a choice to not get involved with her sisters or daughters significant others and then join a dating site or something! Hell bring back Thorne and do it right with those two - sorry I know some folks don't like him but that was pretty much the only pairing of Brooke's that I ever liked. Or how about a new male character (unrelated to anyone on canvas) just for her? Something that could combine business and romance? Why the heck not? Isn't Brooke actually supposed to be a business woman?

Even a non-Brooke fan like me might be willing to watch that.

Watched today's show. Bill is such a piece of work. 'I had an affair and it was all your fault! I was pushed to my breaking point.' Shut up Bill.

Also? Shut up Liam.

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But honestly, even as written, even that wasn't enough to push off a lot of fandom: the final nail in the coffin was Brooke with Nick...

Some of us stuck with Brooke a little longer...like me until the infamous accidental screwing of Hope's boyfriend Oliver Jones while wearing masks against a wall at Hope's party while the throbbing beat of Daddy Yankee's Pose...Brooke Logan was past redemption at that point.

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49 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

Hell bring back Thorne and do it right with those two - sorry I know some folks don't like him but that was pretty much the only pairing of Brooke's that I ever liked. Or how about a new male character (unrelated to anyone on canvas) just for her? Something that could combine business and romance?

While I could get into Thorne and Brooke, even though the same rivalry chem isn't there between him and NewRidge, I don't see it lasting or being an interesting galvanizing storyline. No one on canvas would care.

A new businessman that aims to bring back Spectra and wants Brooke as his experienced CEO to run the company to rival Forrester - who has Rick or Steffy as it's CEO - could be interesting. Give the new businessman an air of mystery with his agenda. Does he have a vendetta against the Forresters? The Spencers? Brooke decides to play double agent to find out but falls for the guy. If they wanted Brooke could set up Spectra as the Logan fashion house with recast Hope (a real up and coming designer from her years studying in Paris), Maya (model) and Rick switching sides (President) joining it to battle against Steffy/Thomas/Ridge at House Forrester. The owner would insist that they can't change the name from Spectra or Sally's image from any press but everything else would be fair game. Rick could set up an Alexandria fashion line to honor Aly. CJ could come back to romance Hope and rival Rick for control of the company.

Not sure who I'd cast as the love interest. Mark Pinter may be a bit too old. The guy who played Joe Clark on Y&R could be too young. Peter Porte also may be too young but he'd look good with Brooke!

Edited by TobinAlbers
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I love your ideas, TobinAlbers. I'd love to see Matthew Ashford on the show since DOOL clearly thought he was good enough for a one-day-only epiosde. He could be a great love interest for Brooke/KKL and at 56 to her 54, he's the perfect age.

But alas, it will never happen. The boink with Oliver was really the point of no return with these writers. 

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3 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I'd love to see Matthew Ashford on the show since DOOL clearly thought he was good enough for a one-day-only epiosde.

OMG Matt Ashford! yes, yes he'd be PERFECT. And could totally take Ridge and Bill in a heartbeat. Awww, man would I love to see Matt leave those two blubbering. Might be the first time Bill and Ridge united on anything, LOL.

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33 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Some of us stuck with Brooke a little longer...like me until the infamous accidental screwing of Hope's boyfriend Oliver Jones while wearing masks against a wall at Hope's party while the throbbing beat of Daddy Yankee's Pose...Brooke Logan was past redemption at that point.

At least that was an accident--a stupid accident that could only happen to Brooke Logan because Ridge had more experience at Oliver's age than most of the current cast of young men--but something she immediately regretted. She didn't cry her lone tear and try to bang him...she put her big girl panties on and had the sharpest edge I ever remember from her it making sure Hope never found out.

If those scenes are online, it'd be worth watching to contrast to the BS being fed to us today about "not hurting Katie" as she mounts the Stallion.

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Give the new businessman an air of mystery with his agenda.

That goes without saying. I mean does any new character come to a soap town without mystery or an agenda?!?

Matthew Ashford would be great. I would totally get behind that type story TobinAlbers! See the return of Spectra? Yes! And have these idiots actually doing fashion work? What a concept.

It's sad that the actual paid, professional writers on this show (hell any of the soaps actually) cannot manage to create story like this.

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She has nerve to tell Bill to get out of her house.

Not to be contrary or anything (and yes I get that the house is both of theirs) but doesn't the cheater usually get kicked out of the home? Why would Katie want his lying ass at the house? Heck why would he want to be there since she forced him to cheat?

Using the kid as a weapon is wrong for both Katie and Bill.

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30 minutes ago, minirth said:

I have a hazy notion that Bill gave Katie the house/put it in her name at some point during their first post-Brill reunion...

I'm pretty sure your right about the house and she got control of Spencer through Bill's sister. Will was not taken away either. Using Will as a weapon is bad on both of them, but Bill has no legal right to take Will until there is a legal separation and custody is decided. Bill is not a Stallion, he's just the rear part of the Stallion that's just beneath the tail. Bill blustering about knowing the judges, is just bluster. A good attorney, other than Michael Baldwin, could prove it was Bill's affair that caused her to spiral down. Just like Victor, Bill is never wrong. Let's hope Brooke does the right thing and protect her sister's interests. 

Now as for Liam, go away go far away and soak your head in a bucket of horse menuer.  Steffy keeps looking perturbed but looks don't matter. Just put your granny panties on and tell Liam that you want to to stay married to Wyatt and there is nothing he can do about it.  Case closed until Steffy finds out about Eric and Quinn.  But, Wyatt's father is no prize either. 

Speaking of Quinn, she really rocked her leather outfit. Phyllis, Summer, Chelsea, Lily, Brooke, Katie, and Steffy eat your heart out.  I got a big kick out of Quinn's innuendos when Pam was reading her the riot act. I could imagine that Quinn has fantastic "Rubies". 

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Is it my imagination or is Quinn back in black (leather) now that she's over Liam?

Hopefully she donated all those soft, flowy, pastel outfits to Goodwill,  They were never, ever Quinn's style. If she's going all bad girl again, I'd like her to have that short edgy cut.  RS can really rock short hair,

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Someone a long while ago made a very good point that TIIC made a big mistake, not with pairing Brooke/Deacon, but Bridget/Deacon....because there was nowhere to go with the latter. Bridget was barely 18 and Deacon was still lust in over Amber. If it wasn't Brooke, it would've been something else that split them up.

Whereas, had a vulnerable Brooke had a fling with sleazy Deacon, we still could've gotten the scandal of "How could Brooke do this?" with Rick having another reason to hate him and her marrying Whip because he's better father material for Hope. All of that could be possible without trashing her relationship with Bridget in the worst possible way.

But honestly, even as written, even that wasn't enough to push off a lot of fandom: the final nail in the coffin was Brooke with Nick...because she should've known better, even as I question Bridget's sanity for even going there with a man whose most recent ex before her was also her half-sister as well.

Brooke and Deacon were a very uber steamy couple and I remember thinking at the time that their coupling was kind of pornographic by daytime soap standards. 

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