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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Oh my gosh. I was dead whenever Maya piped up to kiss Eric's butt (and Ivy, too, for good measure). What made it best was cutting between Oliver's and Carter's expressions. Only Caroline's presence would have made it better. LG can pull some pretty spectacular faces.

You know it and I just bet she'd have called Myrna out on her flirting, money hungry ass!!

Does everyone in LA have a pilot's license? ;-)

LOL. Ridgie Pooh got his in Paris.

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This is another reason why I find it hilarious that Kringe are considered "star-crossed" lovers.  In what respect, pray tell?  Wouldn't one of the lovers in the relationship have to be giving his full time and attention to it?  

Thank you! Their whole relationship has been defined by sticking it to Brill. For any incarnation of Ridge this is SOP; Katie OTOH is understandably hurt by Brill's actions, but her shrillness since has gained her no sympathy. Unlike Taylor, i scarecely buy that she gives a damn about Bill, but wants to continue punishing him instead of moving on in life. Who can root for this?

I'm no fan of Brill and Katie is the least of the reasons why; but at least I believe the two of them enjoy each other's company and care for one another.

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When Bill was telling why he did what he did, between Katie's eye rolling and Ridge's smirking, I wanted to reach through the TV and smash their heads together. I think Bill gave a good explanation of why he did what he did-- that shmuck Ridge sucker punched him and abducted his bride, so he acted on impulse and told Justin to "cool him off." No attempted murder, unlike Ridge's premeditated actions. If the writers ever paid any attention to us, Brooke would kick Sourpuss and Stinky out the door and go with Bill to Catalina.

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When Bill was telling why he did what he did, between Katie's eye rolling and Ridge's smirking, I wanted to reach through the TV and smash their heads together. I think Bill gave a good explanation of why he did what he did-- that shmuck Ridge sucker punched him and abducted his bride, so he acted on impulse and told Justin to "cool him off." No attempted murder, unlike Ridge's premeditated actions. If the writers ever paid any attention to us, Brooke would kick Sourpuss and Stinky out the door and go with Bill to Catalina.


Would it be too much to ask that somebody--anybody--other than Bill remembers that all this shit started because Prince Valiant decided that he gets to dictate who Brooke should be with?  Ridge in all his incarnations is the classic cake eater.  At any given moment, he doesn't want Brooke himself but he'll be damned if she moves on to someone else especially if that someone else treated her 100 times better than he did and sees through his bullshit.  And heaven forbid if that somebody else dares to open her eyes to the fact that Ridge has treated her worse than the gum beneath his shoe and tells him to his face that he isn't all that and 5 bags of chips.  Meanwhile, Ridge gets to romance, lay up with and marry anyone else whom he deems to be better than Brooke while he and his woman run around like their urine smells like rose water.  When he isn't trying to convince Brooke that she really doesn't love those guys, he's convincing her that what they had was so special and those guys just don't compare to his wonderful self.  Oh, and as an added bonus, he gives her just enough hope and mixed signals to keep her from devoting herself fully to her new relationship and casting longing glances his way.  In the most extreme of circumstances, he will use others to make her jealous (and tell her that that's what he's doing!) or crawl into her bed and have his way with her while she's zonked out on meds because his sperm donor told him to go and "seal the deal."  Yeah--what a prince of a guy you have there, Katie!  That dumb bitch deserves her own rant for another day.


It infuriates me that the narrative has changed so drastically that now Ridge is being propped as some hero.  His arrogance, amorality, and the cheerleaders who make it possible for him to behave with such depraved indifference are totally ignored.  Evidently, there are one set of standards for Brooke, Bill and anyone else who dares to run afoul of Ridge and not bow down and tell him he is the greatest thing since pizza and beer.  The only thing Bill didn't do yesterday was twirl his mustache and claim, "And, I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for that meddling Ridge and Katie!"

Edited by MulletorHater
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Damn them, damn them, damn them! How dare they pull out vintage Brooke and Deacon footage. Oh, dear Lord in heaven, but the hottness of it! Brooke was positively stunning during this period (one of the shows best), and Deacon was nothing less than a stud. What is troubling me today is the raging headache I have from that massive anvil nearly splitting my skull; have no doubt we saw that clip for a reason. Spoilers say,

Bill spends his days begging and pleading with Brooke to understand and forgive him. And that Deacon is there to pick up the pieces, and kisses Brooke.



I feel like a psychic this morning, and B&B makes that so easy. Let me look into my crystal ball; oh yes, Liam will somehow come across Ivy's little video of Wyatt and Hope hugging and wa-lah, we have our latest "misunderstanding".


I am thoroughly disgusted, and have simply run out of adjectives to describe my loathing for Ridge and Katie. Why does Ridge feel such a sense of accomplishment? What has he done but hurt Brooke, and start the next cycle of rebound relationships. And I am seething, because it is all designed to prop Ridge and Katie as the "Super Special Couple", the "Golden Duo", who's uncompromising values and sense of truth, who's moral code leads the lost into the light, who's shining star eclipses all others, and who's deep and abiding love must be respected. Maybe I am too much of a romantic, or maybe I am just a sap, but I want more from my hero and heroine than a dour, arrogant slob, and a gloating, smirking sourpuss. I could not believe my eye's yesterday as I watched Katie smiling; smiling, at Brooke's distress. What kind of person does that? Katie seems to think she has won some victory here, but she is not looking at the long term fallout from this. Brooke is now going to be a free woman, who will probably be seeking solace in all the wrong places, which means Ridge will be even more involved in her life. How pitiful really, that Katie and Ridge's relationship is so defined by Brooke and her choices. But isn't Brooke their whole foundation? They would have never "found" each other if Brooke hadn't gotten involved with another badboy, nevermind that said badboy was also married to Katie, because Katie went into that marriage with her eyes closed. And Katie is a good girl, who has never done a bad thing in her life, and really was Bill's victim. At least that is what Ridge needs to believe.

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It infuriates me that the narrative has changed so drastically that now Ridge is being propped as some hero.

This is the only thing I disagree with. I don't think Ridge is being propped as a hero. I think he's being propped as someone who thinks he's a hero. Just sit back and wait for the comeuppance.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I feel like a psychic this morning, and B&B makes that so easy. Let me look into my crystal ball; oh yes, Liam will somehow come across Ivy's little video of Wyatt and Hope hugging and wa-lah, we have our latest "misunderstanding".

Yep and this is just what Liam and Hope do. Lol Like, it's hilarious because every time they reunite they'll get a few hours, days or weeks together and without a doubt some "misunderstanding" will happen and they'll be sent into a crisis of some type. This is why, although I generally adore Liam as a character I'll probably never be a Lope fan. I can just never get comfortable betting on a happily ever after for them.

I think part of the problem, which I noticed yesterday, is Liam gets way too familiar with other women too quickly. Just watching him interact with Ivy gave me a bit of pause. He had some similar interactions with Ally a while back. I wouldn't call it flirtation, but he's just got this feminine energy that makes him wanna be bffs with girls which ends up putting him into bad situations. This is what got him into trouble with Steffi ("sure bestie, ill go clubbing with you the night before my wedding!"). Its not so much that he puts himself in compromising situations, it's that he gives women comfort to pull him into those predicaments ("sure ex wife, I'm about to get married, but come on in so we can catch up!"). Like, I get that Ivy likes him and feels comfortable with him which is fine, but now she feels some kinda way about seeing Hope and Wyatt together? If she didn't have that insta-friendship with Liam, she wouldn't have felt anything at all about seeing Wyatt and Hope together because she really doesn't know any of them yet.

Regarding Ridge, I see a lot of propping with how no one is calling him out for how idiotic he's been acting. Hes basically been acting an ass since his return, snarling and sucker punching folks (look here homeboy, you got one more time to sucker punch someone...) and no one has called him out on how maniacal he's been acting. I see all of that propping, however, the writers don't seem to be doing anything to prop Kridge. As a couple they seem insufferable. There's little romance or planning for their future. It's all about Katie whining or them talking about Brill. I just don't understand what's going on there. I can't see any way the writers want me to root for this pairing while they've been building a love story for Brill for quite some time now.

I think he's being propped as someone who thinks he's a hero. Just sit back and wait for the comeuppance.

Ahh yes that's a great point.

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I see all of that propping, however, the writers don't seem to be doing anything to prop Kridge. As a couple they seem insufferable. There's little romance or planning for their future. It's all about Katie whining or them talking about Brill. I just don't understand what's going on there. I can't see any way the writers want me to root for this pairing while they've been building a love story for Brill for quite some time now.



Great insight. I think they are going for the juxtaposition of dark and evil against goodness and light. This is one of the few times a Brooke romance has started as a friendship, and the only time it hasn't been based on sex. We watched as Brooke and Bill bonded over their concern for Katie, and we watched as that bonding turned into a friendship, and then an emotional affair. I was amazed at the restraint Brooke showed by not falling into bed with Bill right away, and actually found myself encouraging the character to go ahead, have at it. So, when the day finally came for them, it felt right, and it felt real. However, it was clouded by the fact that Bill and Katie were still married, no matter Katie's histronics, and ring removal, and sweeping proclamations; at the end of the day they were still married, and Brooke had once again betrayed a family member by giving in to her base desires. It would never be seen as true love by anyone on the canvas, because afterall, this is Brooke Logan, the femme fatale who has worked her way to the top by offering exclusive membership to the Golden Couter.


Then you have Katie and Ridge, who came together out of mutual despair and unhappiness at Brooke's most recent foray into sleezedom. Katie living her life fueled by a desire for revenge, and feeling dissatisfied with the empty victories of stealing SP's and denying Bill visitation with his son. Enter a newly minted Ridge, fresh off his sojourn in Paris, where he apparently spent his time thinking, and walking, and discovering poetry. During all this self realization, and deep contemplation, he also found time to enhance his skill set by obtaining his pilot's license. This newly moralized Ridge returned to LA with a song in his heart, and a flower in his hand, convinced that his Logan would be waiting for him with a full heart and single tear. All his newly developed senses prevented him from processing the fact that Brooke had grown weary of riding on the pendulum of their "Destiny", and had moved on. He wanted to make it about Brooke's betrayal of Katie, but in truth it was the unpalatable knowledge that he had lost his hold over Logan. So he turned to Katie, who he painted as gang raped by Brooke and Bill, both individually, and as a couple. It also served the dual purpose of pissing Bill off, and deeply hurting Brooke.


So, even though we watched Brooke and Bill fall in love, and were able to see them cement their bond and commitment to each other; we are still supposed to see their relationship as dirty, and sullied by betrayal. Katie and Ridge, OTOH, found each other through a spectral light, and on a higher emotional and intellectual plane than mere mortals. We no longer have Stephanie here to act as Brooke's judge and jury, so we are expected to know this intuitively.  

Edited by RuntheTable
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I don't think Ridge is being propped as a hero. I think he's being propped as someone who thinks he's a hero. Just sit back and wait for the comeuppance.


Oh, please soap gods!  From your keyboard, Joimiaroxeau, to our screens.  I wait with baited breath for Ridge's much-deserved comeuppance.


Regarding Ridge, I see a lot of propping with how no one is calling him out for how idiotic he's been acting. Hes basically been acting an ass since his return, snarling and sucker punching folks (look here homeboy, you got one more time to sucker punch someone...) and no one has called him out on how maniacal he's been acting. I see all of that propping, however, the writers don't seem to be doing anything to prop Kridge. As a couple they seem insufferable. There's little romance or planning for their future. It's all about Katie whining or them talking about Brill. I just don't understand what's going on there. I can't see any way the writers want me to root for this pairing while they've been building a love story for Brill for quite some time now.



I see what the writers have been trying to sell for Kringe's love story:  Anger and enmity toward one's ex spouse and poetry in the park are the hallmarks of a great romance.  Too bad, it got lost in translation onscreen.  


Am I to surmise that I'm just supposed to "see" the chemistry between a couple that got engaged barely 3 months after connecting romantically and whose every motivation and reason for living is based on what Bill and Brooke have done, individually and collectively?  The only thing I get at this point is that Katie and Ridge discuss or think about Brooke and/or Bill before, during and after coitus.


Nor, do I get that Ridge is so passionately in love with Brooke that he just can't get over her.  All I see is a man who is obsessed because he lost his ability to control her and can't stand it that he has more than met his match.  Brooke isn't pressing him to get back together, grabbing his crotch in the elevator or trying to seduce him in the steam room.  Nor, is she playing the RJ card.  Because of Bill, her blinders are off.  That's why he snarks about the amount of money that Bill has spent on romancing Brooke and called him "Stallion."  In fact, Katie is the one who has done the heavy lifting in Kringe's relationship by taking the grand tour all over L.A. to declare that she and Ridge are in love and Ridge and Brooke are over.  She even injected her unwanted presence into Eric's office to demand that he respect Kringe's relationship and to voice her displeasure about his appointing Brooke and Ridge co-vice presidents.  Meanwhile, Ridge muddles along and acts as if he's only along for the ride and expends most of his time, energy and effort into cock-blocking Bill and sabotaging Brill's relationship.


I'm still waiting for Katie to reach down into her purse and pull out a few coins to buy herself a frigging clue.

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Would it be too much to ask that somebody--anybody--other than Bill remembers that all this shit started because Prince Valiant decided that he gets to dictate who Brooke should be with? Ridge in all his incarnations is the classic cake eater. At any given moment, he doesn't want Brooke himself but he'll be damned if she moves on to someone else especially if that someone else treated her 100 times better than he did and sees through his bullshit. And heaven forbid if that somebody else dares to open her eyes to the fact that Ridge has treated her worse than the gum beneath his shoe and tells him to his face that he isn't all that and 5 bags of chips. Meanwhile, Ridge gets to romance, lay up with and marry anyone else whom he deems to be better than Brooke while he and his woman run around like their urine smells like rose water. When he isn't trying to convince Brooke that she really doesn't love those guys, he's convincing her that what they had was so special and those guys just don't compare to his wonderful self. Oh, and as an added bonus, he gives her just enough hope and mixed signals to keep her from devoting herself fully to her new relationship and casting longing glances his way. In the most extreme of circumstances, he will use others to make her jealous (and tell her that that's what he's doing!) or crawl into her bed and have his way with her while she's zonked out on meds because his sperm donor told him to go and "seal the deal." Yeah--what a prince of a guy you have there, Katie! That dumb bitch deserves her own rant for another day.

It infuriates me that the narrative has changed so drastically that now Ridge is being propped as some hero. His arrogance, amorality, and the cheerleaders who make it possible for him to behave with such depraved indifference are totally ignored. Evidently, there are one set of standards for Brooke, Bill and anyone else who dares to run afoul of Ridge and not bow down and tell him he is the greatest thing since pizza and beer. The only thing Bill didn't do yesterday was twirl his mustache and claim, "And, I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for that meddling Ridge and Katie!"

OMG I love this post. It's 100% true and awesome!! Katie doesn't know Ridge that well or does she, I wasn't watching back then. Even St. Katie did something criminal by obtaining Bill's bank info illegally and then the three of them combing through it. Ridge is a criminal too as another poster listed what he did with Bill and stealing the chopper alone. If I were Bill I'd press charges for that and what Ridge did in Abu Dhabi. He wants to think he's innocent in all of this, well I hate to tell him but he isn't!! He kidnapped Brooke and drug her to the chopper against her will FGS. He has no cause whatsoever to point fingers. He also needs to leave Brooke alone seeing he's supposed to be so all in love with Katie. He's a bully and boy do I hate his stupid, self righteous ass!!

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I'm waiting for Katie to bleach her hair, steal some of Brooke's clothes and Brooke's lipstick from her purse, and flat-out try to become Brooke in order to try to hold on to her stinky prize Ridge.


I actually don't know which one of those tools I'd like to see get a comeuppance more, Stinky Slob or Sourpuss. 

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Ridge, Katie, Brook, Bill, Deacon.....Liam, Hope, wyatt, Stephanie, Ivy? Not much creativity in creating new romantic scenarios in my opinion. Only thing halfway stable thus far is Ollie, and Ally, but who knows about next week!

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The only thing I get at this point is that Katie and Ridge discuss or think about Brooke and/or Bill before, during and after coitus.



And I just got an image of Ridge, eyes closed, mid-sex calling out Brooke's name, realizing what he said, and covering with "would really hate that we're doing this!" Which would, naturally, make it even hotter for Katie.  

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I'm waiting for Katie to bleach her hair, steal some of Brooke's clothes and Brooke's lipstick from her purse, and flat-out try to become Brooke in order to try to hold on to her stinky prize Ridge.

I actually don't know which one of those tools I'd like to see get a comeuppance more, Stinky Slob or Sourpuss.

I'm LMAO at yr post. Stinky, slob, and sour puss, how perfectly fitting!! I vote for all of them getting the comeuppance they deserve because they're all such stupid idiots!!

And I just got an image of Ridge, eyes closed, mid-sex calling out Brooke's name, realizing what he said, and covering with "would really hate that we're doing this!" Which would, naturally, make it even hotter for Katie.

Ridge could always cover his mistake by quoting poetry and stupid Katie would never give it another thought. She's so gullible!!

Edited by meow
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I'm waiting for Katie to bleach her hair, steal some of Brooke's clothes and Brooke's lipstick from her purse, and flat-out try to become Brooke in order to try to hold on to her stinky prize Ridge.

I actually don't know which one of those tools I'd like to see get a comeuppance more, Stinky Slob or Sourpuss.

Well, Ridge as TK is still Ridge, so I expect nothing to stick to His Highness.

What will happen is the same thing that always happens on this show: Brooke gets slut shamed. And there have been plenty of times where her behavior was inappropriate, but this go around with nuRidge is not one of those times. She's moved on, just like she moved on with Nick years ago until his own insecurity (and the writers inability to let Bridge die a dignified death) did him in. TIIC really should've recast Nick...him versus Bill would've been far more interesting to watch.

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A Pome to Ridge (apologies to EBB)

How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways.

I loathe thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of being and ideal grace.

I loathe thee to the level of every day’s

Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

I loathe thee freely, as men strive for right.

I loathe thee purely, as they turn from praise.

I loathe thee with the passion put to use

In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.

I loathe thee with a loathing I seemed to lose

With my lost saints. I loathe thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,

I shall but loathe thee better after death...your death!

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Oh LittleIggy, that was exquisite. I can see Bill dangling Ridge over a cliff, or with a gun pointed at Ridge's head, spitting out those exact words. It's a beautiful image. And when he gets to the last line he can move to push Ridge off/pull the trigger - so villainous! - and someone will yell out "STOP!" - but who is it?? - and then the scene cuts to black and we have to wait until next week to find out whether Ridge lives or DIES!!!!!!!!!!!11


Spoilers for August (speaking of spoilers, I remember reading one about Donna "seducing a confession out of Justin" which obviously never happened... shame. That would have been interesting. Never mind):

Quinn is linked to Ricardo Montemayor's death; Deacon reveals why he returned. // Wyatt tells Quinn to stay away from someone; Liam worries about Hope's offer. // Aly and Ivy play matchmaker for Liam; Wyatt's romantic life takes a downward turn. // Aly and Oliver spend some time alone; Liam makes a huge decision that could change everything. // Liam conquers all in the name of love; Hope gets wrapped up in a Paris shoot.

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LittleIggy, your "pome" is just simply AWESOME!  Your beautiful ode so eloquently captures the spirit through which I have viewed Sir Funk-A-Lot for years.


My middle finger got quite a workout watching Friday's show.  First, every time they showed Ridge's smirking face, then later, I even started to middle finger Katie, played by the beloved Heather Tom.  This storyline is really ruining her for me.  Gone are the happy days when she was sitting on Bill's lap.  I'm still solidly team $Bill.



I've yet to figure out whether HTom is being directed to play it this way, or if Katie is truly a smug, priggish, supercilious nasty bag of goods who has harbored a deep-seeded hatred for Brooke for years.  I know the writers once touched on this particular motivation during a conversation between Donna and Katie, something about the latter always having lived in Brooke's shadow.   It's very telling that she once minimized Brooke's contributions to Forrester Creations in a transparent attempt to claim that it was Brooke's idea that she [brooke] and Ridge be appointed co-vice presidents.  You know...the decision that Eric made for the benefit of his company.  It certainly goes a long way toward explaining how Katie could smile at a moment like this.  There are times when I swear I am watching ICKtoria Newman masquerading as Brooke's sister.  


And, what does Katie have to be so smug about?  Given that she witnessed--and participated in--some of Ridge's crimes, why does she find it so nonsensical that he sucker punched Bill and abducted Brooke?  How else did she think Ridge was going to stop the wedding?  One would think that Katie would want Brill married posthaste, but it has been obvious for some time that she truly believes that Brooke gets what she deserves, which is nothing.  That she has that Crackerjack box prize, Ridge, makes it even more delicious for her.


It's hilarious to me that after some initial squawking, virtually everyone on canvas supports Kringe's just-add-water-and-pomes-and-mix relationship.  No one is marching to Katie's home or job and lecturing her about how wrong she is to be shacking up with Ridge.  No one is browbeating Ridge for being a disloyal douchebag or demanding that he leave Brooke the hell alone and let her move on once and for all.  Yet, we were treated to months of this very thing with Brill, including some preaching by people who ought to know better, not to mention Brooke's self-loathing and tears.  But, Kringe?  In their world, it's all good!  Dare I hope that a comeuppance of some sort is coming for these two losers?


Oh, wait...I just realized that the perfect comeuppance for Ridge and Katie is that they actually stay with each other and actually get past the honeymoon phase of their relationship.

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Just when I thought I couldn't hate Stinky and Sourpuss more! I thought Sourpuss would pull a muscle with all that eye rolling! Everything Bill said made sense, but all Brooke could do is shed that trademark single tear and give him that "how could you look." I'm sick of how Stinky has gotten away with all his manipulative crap, but Bill gets pilloried for one impulsive act.

I like Ivy. Finally someone who doesn't think Hope walks on water!

The guy that bequeathed the diamond to Wyatt.

Quinn probably killed him and forged his will.

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Just when I thought I couldn't hate Stinky and Sourpuss more! I thought Sourpuss would pull a muscle with all that eye rolling! Everything Bill said made sense, but all Brooke could do is shed that trademark single tear and give him that "how could you look." I'm sick of how Stinky has gotten away with all his manipulative crap, but Bill gets pilloried for one impulsive act.

I like Ivy. Finally someone who doesn't think Hope walks on water!

Quinn probably killed him and forged his will.


Will someone explain to me how Ridge gets to tell Brooke to take off her ring and kick Bill out?  What the bloody hell?!


I will be highly upset with Brooke if she allows that asshole to speak for her yet again and actually obeys his commands.  Where the fuck does he get off?  Brooke, put your big girl thong on and tell that raping, abducting pig to get out of your house and stop trying to run your life!  Oh, and tell him to take his sour-faced girlfriend with him.  I should have known that Ridge would play the RJ card to guilt Brooke into doing what he wants!


At this point, for me, it goes beyond Bill's lies and evasions.  It's a pattern of behavior that has played out for over 2 decades and it's tiresome.  It is outrageous that in 2014, a 50-something-year-old woman is being treated like a wayward teen who was caught in the backseat necking with the school cad.  Is it too much to ask that Brooke remember that her father is actually in Dallas and not standing in her frigging living room?


As I said before, it's the same old shit; just a different day.

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Everything Bill said made sense, but all Brooke could do is shed that trademark single tear and give him that "how could you look." I'm sick of how Stinky has gotten away with all his manipulative crap, but Bill gets pilloried for one impulsive act..


Everything Bill said makes sense, but so does what Brooke said.  When he's "crossed," he does go for the jugular without regard to what the consequences are.  Just because you like Bill better than Ridge doesn't mean his actions aren't ridiculous ;-)  And I'm not trying to absolve Ridge of anything, but a sucker punch is way different than getting dumped out of a helicopter 100 feet in the air.


I do like how Bill said that Ridge did the exact same thing to him earlier and when Katie looked like she hadn't given that part a lot of thought, here comes Ridge grabbing her shoulders, talking about what he had to do.


I liked Ivy and Aly's talk.  They seem very comfortable with each other already, and even though they're family, Ivy's enough of an outsider that it works.  And I do like how she gave Hope the immediate side eye.

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Getting dropped out a helicopter was over the top, but entirely avoidable had Ridge not been out to screw with Brooke, as he always does when she moves on from him.

And using RJ? Where was his concern for him when he decided to stay in that marriage that Stephanie faked a heart attack behind. Where was the concern for ANY of his kids this past year as he sulked about Brooke texting the ex she is least likely to get back with....when Steffy miscarried and was thought to be barren? It's also a big departure from old Ridge, who never used his kids as weapons.

Never thought I'd say this, but bring Ronn Moss back.

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Getting dropped out a helicopter was over the top, but entirely avoidable had Ridge not been out to screw with Brooke, as he always does when she moves on from him.


Word! If Stinky had stayed home and read pomes to the most amazing woman evah instead of running off to control his ex-wife's life, he never would have ended up causing an oil slick. ;-)

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Oh LittleIggy, that was exquisite. I can see Bill dangling Ridge over a cliff, or with a gun pointed at Ridge's head, spitting out those exact words. It's a beautiful image. And when he gets to the last line he can move to push Ridge off/pull the trigger - so villainous! - and someone will yell out "STOP!" - but who is it?? - and then the scene cuts to black and we have to wait until next week to find out whether Ridge lives or DIES!!!!!!!!!!!11

Spoilers for August (speaking of spoilers, I remember reading one about Donna "seducing a confession out of Justin" which obviously never happened... shame. That would have been interesting. Never mind):

Quinn is linked to Ricardo Montemayor's death; Deacon reveals why he returned. // Wyatt tells Quinn to stay away from someone; Liam worries about Hope's offer. // Aly and Ivy play matchmaker for Liam; Wyatt's romantic life takes a downward turn. // Aly and Oliver spend some time alone; Liam makes a huge decision that could change everything. // Liam conquers all in the name of love; Hope gets wrapped up in a Paris shoot.

Oh those r excellent spoilers, especially the one about Weanie's romantic life, haha!! I'm sure I know the one about Quinn which I already knew would happen, SMH!!

Why would that (the thing mentioned in the spoiler) even need to happen? Good grief.

IKR? It doesn't make any sense to me.

Just when I thought I couldn't hate Stinky and Sourpuss more! I thought Sourpuss would pull a muscle with all that eye rolling! Everything Bill said made sense, but all Brooke could do is shed that trademark single tear and give him that "how could you look." I'm sick of how Stinky has gotten away with all his manipulative crap, but Bill gets pilloried for one impulsive act.

I like Ivy. Finally someone who doesn't think Hope walks on water!

Quinn probably killed him and forged his will.

Ivy doesn't know squat about why Hope kissed Wyatt so she can STFU about her. She knows nothing whatsoever about Hope!! She's only ASSuming why they kissed and she's all wrong!!

Stinky, LOL, has no cause to point fingers after what he did to Bill. He just lost all of his right to press charges and gave Bill the right to do it to his dumb ass. I just loved how when Bill was listing Stinkys criminal acts that all of a sudden he wanted to stop talking because he's such a fucking hypicrite!!

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Getting dropped out a helicopter was over the top, but entirely avoidable had Ridge not been out to screw with Brooke, as he always does when she moves on from him.

And using RJ? Where was his concern for him when he decided to stay in that marriage that Stephanie faked a heart attack behind. Where was the concern for ANY of his kids this past year as he sulked about Brooke texting the ex she is least likely to get back with....when Steffy miscarried and was thought to be barren? It's also a big departure from old Ridge, who never used his kids as weapons.


I really wish Brooke would recognize this behavior for what it is:  stalking.  There's nothing remotely romantic about it; it's all about exerting control because someone picked up the toy that he discarded.  It would have been a refreshing change if she had called the police and requested a restraining order when he yanked her ring off her finger and decided that she was not going to marry Bill, and took it upon himself to return the ring himself.  Who behaves like that?  Stalkers who can't and won't let go.


He did the same thing when Brooke was engaged to Nick, including showing up at Brooke's house with his bags packed and announcing that he was moving in.  This, after she told him she didn't want him and was with Nick.  He only started paying attention to his trophy son the moment Nick stepped up.  Yet, Ridge couldn't be bothered with RJ when he decided to remarry Dr. Shrinkwrap at Stephanie's bedside after her faked heart attack.  He didn't even have the decency to inform RJ that "Katie and [he] are together now" and why mommy and daddy didn't remarry after all.  Nope!  It was off to Katie's with nary a backwards glance or an ounce of remorse or guilt.


It would have also been a refreshing change if someone questioned Ridge's fitness to be around Will, but as usual he gets a pass on his own behavior.

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Grrrr....Just delivery me ok? The hypocrisy of it all is just too much to bear. I think what stood out for me the most was that Bill's life, and Will's father, are expendable, if it means Ridge is proven correct and comes out the victor. Then again, Katie does live by the credo of two wrongs making a right; ie, her and Ridge. I wonder how things would have gone if Bill had fallen out of the helicopter? How would Katie have explained it to Will? Your dad did a bad thing, and your new dad had to correct him for it? Katie is such a turncoat; she never really had a problem living the Spencer lifestyle, and sucking up all that it offered her, but she sure likes to paint this picture of an abusive marriage. I don't know Katie, maybe you should have sought out divorce to end your torment. Oh, I forgot, without Bill's near constant abuse Katie wouldn't have anything to whine about, and she wouldn't have that crutch where Ridge is concerned.


So be it. Katie is going to be in for a rough ride now. Stupid, stupid girl. Once Deacon starts calling, and putting moves on Brooke, Ridge is going to see red. And I am not talking about the Red Ribbon of Commitment, which I am sure will still be on Katie's finger. Good. I wish nothing but heartache and distress on both Ridge and Katie; one of the worst pairings in soap history. Dirty, gross, unappealing, sour, only begins to summarize the less appealing traits these two share.


Ivy you can take a seat and STFU. I want to like you, but don't bring your little jewelry designing ass over here and start passing judgment on my girl Brooke. Why is it so strange to see two people who were dating giving each other a hug? It wasn't like they were tearing each other's clothes off, and throwing down on the FC's cups and cutlery. But oh fucking no, Hope was straying just like her whoring mama.

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Ivy you can take a seat and STFU. I want to like you, but don't bring your little jewelry designing ass over here and start passing judgment on my girl Brooke. Why is it so strange to see two people who were dating giving each other a hug? It wasn't like they were tearing each other's clothes off, and throwing down on the FC's cups and cutlery. But oh fucking no, Hope was straying just like her whoring mama.

Because we can't have a young, female, brunette Forrester who doesn't disparage the eeeeeeevil Logans and all the scandals they bring!

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  Yet, Ridge couldn't be bothered with RJ when he decided to remarry Dr. Shrinkwrap at Stephanie's bedside after her faked heart attack. 

I could forgive that. Except that once the truth came out, Ridge STILL stayed with Taylor. And left her three months later for stupid shit that happened decades before. What else does he do? Runs right to Brooke's.


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I've been watching so sporadically during the summer, since my son is home, that I just realized, I don't think I've seen Ivy yet.  I see her mentioned here sometimes, but I don't think I've actually seen her yet.  So, she's basically the Steffy stand-in?  Way to be creative, show. 

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Because we can't have a young, female, brunette Forrester who doesn't disparage the eeeeeeevil Logans and all the scandals they bring!


When Ivy started reciting passages from the "Brooke and Logan Family Haters Manual for Dummies," all I could do was sigh, "not this shit again!"


That this kind of judgment comes from a member of a "fambly" of fuck-ups, degenerates,serial adulterers, rapists, attempted murderers, and unrepentent and unpunished felons is all kinds of hysterical.


Having Ivy on as a Stuffy redux is just boring and downright predictable.  

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When Ivy started reciting passages from the "Brooke and Logan Family Haters Manual for Dummies," all I could do was sigh, "not this shit again!"

Hahaha so did I!

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What I like about Ivy is that she doesn't gush about how wonderful and perfect Hope is. I get sick of the St. Hope worship.

I'm disappointed in Brooke. Why couldn't the writers have made her blast Ridge for his behavior. Even if they didn't want her to forgive Bill, they still could have done that.

Deacon, you moron, the LAPD has no jurisdiction over alleged crimes in Abu Dhabi.

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What I like about Ivy is that she doesn't gush about how wonderful and perfect Hope is. I get sick of the St. Hope worship.

I'm disappointed in Brooke. Why couldn't the writers have made her blast Ridge for his behavior. Even if they didn't want her to forgive Bill, they still could have done that.

Deacon, you moron, the LAPD has no jurisdiction over alleged crimes in Abu Dhabi.


Exactly.  It's funny how all these idjits are standing around talking about calling the cops about shit that happened on another continent.  Yet, no one mentions calling the cops to report the premeditated crimes that were actually committed right there in Los Angeles County.  Deacon needs to take his scummy ass somewhere and take several seats.  I know you've got a beef with Bill, but this mess, here, is none of your business, boo.


I'm also disappointed--and annoyed--with Brooke also.  What man was she describing when she mentioned the man who had always loved and protected her?  Surely, she wasn't talking about the human oil slick, who has led her down a primrose path for over 20 years, including as recently as a few months ago?  Evidently, that halo that the newly resurrected Teflon-coated Ridge was wearing with his white clothes gets a lot of mileage.  The only positive thing is that Kringe didn't get the satisfaction of getting what they wanted--seeing Bill dumped.

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Ivy you can take a seat and STFU. I want to like you, but don't bring your little jewelry designing ass over here and start passing judgment on my girl Brooke. Why is it so strange to see two people who were dating giving each other a hug? It wasn't like they were tearing each other's clothes off, and throwing down on the FC's cups and cutlery. But oh fucking no, Hope was straying just like her whoring mama.

Bravo to yr whole post but especially this part!! Ivy has known Hope all of about five minutes and she knows absolutely nothing whatsoever about Hyatt and Lope so who is she to judge? She needs to STFU!! You'd think Hyatt were sleeping together the way she reacted to that scene and jumped to totally wrong conclusions. I was all prepared to like her until that!!

Yeah, I do think that Ivy is there because Steffie is not. Yesterday's show had just the wrong amount of characters that I don't want to see, Ridge, Wyatt, and now Katie. I thought Ivy was going to be interesting, but she'll probably just be Steffie, part deux.

That's exactly what I've been afraid of since I found out she was coming on the show, ugh!!

What I like about Ivy is that she doesn't gush about how wonderful and perfect Hope is. I get sick of the St. Hope worship.

I'm disappointed in Brooke. Why couldn't the writers have made her blast Ridge for his behavior. Even if they didn't want her to forgive Bill, they still could have done that.

Deacon, you moron, the LAPD has no jurisdiction over alleged crimes in Abu Dhabi.

Who is worshipping Hope? I just don't get where that is coming from!!

Brooke had more than one tear today, but what exactly is she supposed to be crying about? $Bill is still the same guy she has known all along. TK looked like someone they had pulled in off the street to give a sandwich to. They should have hired him to play a homeless person when Stephanie was doing her good deeds. The real homeless looked cleaner than him.

The Hopeless Diamond is going to be snatched by someone. Deacon would be too obvious. I think maybe Ally will take it. Deacon could get blamed, but then Oliver saves the day with the help of Darla in the sky with diamonds.

I don't see Aly stealing the diamond even if she does hate Wyatt. She's just not like that. IMO Deacon is too obvious but he would definitely do something like that!!

Word, even mentally deranged Quinn liked Hope.

Because Hope is a very likeable person. IDK what's wrong with her.

Exactly. It's funny how all these idjits are standing around talking about calling the cops about shit that happened on another continent. Yet, no one mentions calling the cops to report the premeditated crimes that were actually committed right there in Los Angeles County. Deacon needs to take his scummy ass somewhere and take several seats. I know you've got a beef with Bill, but this mess, here, is none of your business, boo.

I'm also disappointed--and annoyed--with Brooke also. What man was she describing when she mentioned the man who had always loved and protected her? Surely, she wasn't talking about the human oil slick, who has led her down a primrose path for over 20 years, including as recently as a few months ago? Evidently, that halo that the newly resurrected Teflon-coated Ridge was wearing with his white clothes gets a lot of mileage. The only positive thing is that Kringe didn't get the satisfaction of getting what they wanted--seeing Bill dumped.

That's the best part, especially since Kringe egged her on to do it. I yelled at my TV, haha u idiots she didn't dump him, at least not in front of u!!

Edited by meow
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TK looked like someone they had pulled in off the street to give a sandwich to.    They should have hired him to play a homeless person when Stephanie was doing her good deeds.  The real homeless looked cleaner than him. 



I also wondered if that mangy looking thing in Brooke's living room was supposed to be Ridge.  Lately, he's been reminding me of that Peanuts character, Pigpen, who always walked around with a cloud of dirt and dust, and an aura of funk.  I'm actually shocked no one took him outside and dumped him in the fountain or hosed him down before allowing him to come inside.


I realize that Brooke is disappointed in the man she was going to marry, but this has always been my issue when Ridge is injected into Brooke's storylines.  The writing for her simply regresses.  She ends up praising him for attributes he simply doesn't have and has once again blithely ignored how this whole party got started in the first place.  I wish someone would clue Bradley & Co. in on the fact that this is 2014.  Having a 50-something woman still clinging to the notion that the man, with whom she has had a dysfunctional and toxic relationship for 20+ years, is her "white knight" is simply revolting.

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Ok, so I can take Brooke ending things with Bill if it is based on him lying and not his actions. I don't like it one bit, but that scenario is far more palatable than Brooke excepting Ridge's abhorrent, premeditated, and potentionaly deadly behavior, while crucifying Bill for his. I can understand why she would be disturbed that Bill let her and Ridge's family worry for days, not knowing if he were alive or dead. The only hole I can find is even if Bill had come clean, all he knew was what happened; he had no idea where Ridge was.


And Katie, exercing diarrhea of the mouth, babbling on about how Bill made Ridge doubt himself and blah, blah, blah, and boo fucking hoo. Hey Katie, my beribboned one, you do realize that Prince Valiant could have cost Will his father? And of course there is Liam, Wyatt, Caroline and Karen. Shoot, I forgot myself there for a minute; those are Spencers, and are perfectly exceptable as collateral damage if it means Ridge winning over Bill. At the heart of it, WINNING, is what it is all about for Katie. And winning means breaking Bill, and seeing Brooke alone. Katie wants Bill to suffer for tiring of her restrictions, her insecurities, her hysterics, her desire to fold clothes and clean house instead of wanting to spend an evening with her husband. Katie wants Bill to suffer for discovering the real Brooke, and what it is that makes her so irresistible and unforgettable to men. Katie also desperately wants to score a direct hit on Brooke's reputation; once again Brooke Logan has made a bad choice in the romance department, and has gotten mixed up with Bill Spencer, a man who has steadfastly ignored every one of Ridge's dictates and orders since Ridge's return from Paris. Was he not connected to the Ridge Rules All Pipeline? I mean seriously, did he not get that fucking memo?


I thought Ridge and Katie were going to pee their pants with glee as they got to relay the "story" to Hope; they appeared to be hopping from foot to foot from the sheer expectation of letting the news out. Of course, not one word about Ridge's actions; nope, can't have none of that. It might make Hope take a step back and think about the implications; "Um Ridge, aren't you condemning Bill for the same thing you did?" "Well, I mean, not exactly because your's was....well.....kind of......I don't know......premeditated?" "And didn't you kind of.....well....hijack Bill's private helicopter?" "And didn't you ....um....cut out Bill's seatbelt?" "And didn't you.....er.....endanger a lot of people on the ground too?" Yeah, I can see Katie allowing that shit to happen. 


And Ridge standing there like a block of smirking wood. Good grief, and all that is Holy, but I miss Ronn Moss.


What is the big deal with Hope taking the damn HFTF diamond? Isn't it supposed to be about her line? It certainly isn't a friggin engagement ring. This whole SL is already starting to BUG. These writers don't know when they have a good thing going; they missed the boat with Liam and Quinn, and now they are missing it with Liam and Wyatt. Don't they get that Liam is good with anyone but Hope? He smiles for Pete's sake. He is silly and goofy. He seems so much more at ease. His interactions with Bill are a perfect example. I liked the energy between him and Wyatt when they were alone and not talking about Hope. I am pretty much to the point that I don't give a rat's behind about any of it.


KKL and DD were pretty damn good today after the Ogre and his keeper left.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Who is worshipping Hope? Good grief, every time someone mentions her, it's about how wonderful and beautiful and fabulous and etc. she is. It's nauseating.

The problem with Hope accepting the Dope diamond is that her ex-lover is giving it to her behind her fiance's back. If Wyatt had gotten Liam and Hope together and given it to her as a wedding gift, that would be another story. Here, however, back-stabbing Chicken Head is trying to get Hope back using the diamond.

What Stinky did to Bill would have resulted in his certain death if he had fallen out of the helicopter. They weren't over water. Nobody mentions this!?

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I realize that Brooke is disappointed in the man she was going to marry, but this has always been my issue when Ridge is injected into Brooke's storylines.  The writing for her simply regresses.  She ends up praising him for attributes he simply doesn't have and has once again blithely ignored how this whole party got started in the first place.  I wish someone would clue Bradley & Co. in on the fact that this is 2014.  Having a 50-something woman still clinging to the notion that the man, with whom she has had a dysfunctional and toxic relationship for 20+ years, is her "white knight" is simply revolting.

All of this. Two wrongs don't make a rights, and Brooke wouldn't be wrong to take some distance from Bill over this. But Ridge has been a colossal asshole well before Bill was in the picture, who has always believed that no matter how many times he leaves Brooke he can always come back.

Every man in her life has called him out on this, and TIIC always trash the other guy to prop Bridge. Nick is the most infamous example, but I came across some video of the end of Brooke and Grant where he went N Sane as well.

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