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S02.E08: Hi, I'm Philip

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Thanks Gillian Rosh for the link to the Price Peterson GIFs, that guy is very funny.  I used to read his Empire recaps too.


Let's see if this works:




I'm not sure we've seen this scene in this exact lighting before:



LOL, hilarious, and you're right, this shot is much brighter.


And whoever said that Diva Davis needs an Emmy for the look on her face in this scene, I most definitely second that. 



I still can't quite believe they slipped "You taste like my sauce" past ABC's Standards and Practices.

Hehe, yeah, I was like boy they are dangerously close to falling over that line with this one.  Actually, this is a few toes over that line.

Edited by represent
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The episode should have been called "Hi, I'm Nate.  (Remember Me?)"
Nate is such a fine specimen of a man, my goodness. He's a work of art.

He is one beautiful man. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea for that face Annalise made when he took his shirt off because a good portion of the audience probably made the same face.


Caleb and Michaela work.

As long as he's able to overlook the fact that she's a golddigger.


Oh, and Anna must love Eve and Nate, I think her feelings are real for both.

I'm still not sure about Anna's ability to love but she picks the good ones.


I'm afraid Nate is playing a long con to make Annalise pay for what she did to him.

Yeah, that's still in the back of my mind too. He could be playing her own seduction game against her but I sure hope not.


Pretty sure she did that on her own/ without judicial sanction.

But how did she get the search warrant? She couldn't admit the clue came from an illegal bug. If the police had found the gun it would have been like they used to say on Law & Order: "fruit from a poisonous tree".


I still can't quite believe they slipped "You taste like my sauce" past ABC's Standards and Practices.

I can recall a similar line, with similar staging, spoken on a daytime soap. I would think the daytime shows operate under much stronger restrictions than the nighttime ones.

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There's literally been no evidence of Michaela being a gold digger. She plans on being rich enough to take care of herself. Didn't she have a whole conversation about with Connor about how she would reinvent herself and become a housewife and then decide, no, she could never do that cause she would be bored?


Also, I know I'm not the only one, at least on tumblr, but I kind of want Michaela just to give up on boys and hook up with Laurel ever since that "She's mine!" thing when talking about the orgy. Laurel sometimes seems like she desperately wants Michaela to be her friend and Michaela needs someone that knows why she's going insane. Murder Four should just all date each other.

Edited by aslightjump
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I think you are overestimating the skill of the Murderverse authorities and/or underestimating the shadiness of Frank. 



The former more than the second in this case.


Well, it's my opinion. Her momentarily fling with Levi notwithstanding, I think Kanye put it best, "...she ain't messin' with no broke n*ggas".


TLC said "No Scrubs".  That doesn't make them "golddigers", just women who believe they're worth more than that.

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I still can't quite believe they slipped "You taste like my sauce" past ABC's Standards and Practices.

It took me a while even once this got highlighted to get that double entendre since a previous scene had him making pasta sauce.


Did you know Frank's Italian?


My mind wasn't enough in the gutter to think he was talking about his special sauce.


But how did she get the search warrant? She couldn't admit the clue came from an illegal bug. If the police had found the gun it would have been like they used to say on Law & Order: "fruit from a poisonous tree".

IIRC, part of recruiting Asher involved getting approval for a wiretap. So I think the show is wanting us to think that the wiretapping was legal. Which as someone pointed out is ridiculous, because no judge would authorize the bugging of a defense attorney's office, at least not with the weak-sauce, pathetic excuse for probable cause and with alternate ways to investigate them.


But given that everyone in the Murderverse is corrupt, even if DA Smugface illegally bugged Anni's home and office, she could come up with some mope to claim that he had heard one of the Hapstalls admitting the murder weapon was in the basement of their home.


There's literally been no evidence of Michaela being a gold digger. She plans on being rich enough to take care of herself. Didn't she have a whole conversation about with Connor about how she would reinvent herself and become a housewife and then decide, no, she could never do that cause she would be bored?


I guess it depends on what you consider a gold digger.


Aiden's mom certainly saw Michaela as a potential gold digger. Hence having her sign a prenup. 


We are told that she came from a poor background. Yet, she was going for a custom-made Vera Wang wedding dress and getting all this material stuff.


By her own admission, she was envisioning this perfect life with Aiden as a perfect prince.


I don't remember seeing much affection between her and Aiden. It was about her being in a high-powered life and having fancy stuff.


I have trouble wondering about what drew her to Aiden if it wasn't the money and prestige.


In fairness, if she was solely motivated by money, she would be his beard even as we speak. 


But is it just coincidence that two of the three people she's been in relationships with (as far as we know) are millionaires, if not billionaires?

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My mind wasn't enough in the gutter to think he was talking about his special sauce.

Heh, I don't think he was referring to that special sauce, I think he meant the pasta sauce. It probably had garlic, onion, and spices in it which lent some, um, unique flavor to Laurel's intimate secretions.


TLC said "No Scrubs".  That doesn't make them "golddigers", just women who believe they're worth more than that.

I think there's a lot of air between being a scrub and being worth millions or billions. The Michaela we've seen so far doesn't seem to make allowance for that space and is willfully and deliberately marketing herself in the millionaire or greater range even though she's not wealthy herself. No shame on her game, especially if she's able to pull it off, but it still seems mercenary to me. Of course, that doesn't make her much different from centuries of women and men who've sought wealthier mates and married for money.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Aiden's mom certainly saw Michaela as a potential gold digger. Hence having her sign a prenup.

I think there's a lot of air between being a scrub and being worth millions or billions. The Michaela we've seen so far doesn't seem to make allowance for that space and is willfully and deliberately marketing herself in the millionaire or greater range even though she's not wealthy herself. No shame on her game, especially if she's able to pull it off, but it still seems mercenary to me. Of course, that doesn't make her much different from centuries of women and men who've sought wealthier mates and married for money.


Responding in Michaela's topic.

Michaela has absolutely no radar - gay or otherwise.  She has a long-term relationship with a gay man, and impulsively jumps into bed with two shady men.  She needs a vibrator, and better impulse control.


<sigh> THIS.  If she falls for Caleb’s, ‘I just happened to be strolling through Catherine’s studio for no good reason when I suddenly decided to pry open a dusty heating grate and found the murder weapon that a thorough police search of this mansion didn’t uncover’, I’ll just scream.  Please show.  Don’t make her that stupid.


Speaking of Michaela, I’ve seen no evidence that she’s a golddigger either.  If money and prestige were the only things that were important to her, she would have gone ahead and married Aiden after it was discovered that he was DL.  After that secret spilled, his mother was all gung ho for them to marry.  Michaela could have used that situation to get anything she wanted out of that marriage. She didn’t.  She’s obviously looking for love (and a big O), albeit in all the wrong places. 


Speaking of the murder weapon, it wasn’t until this episode that I realized that the gun Wes is holding in the flashbacks is the murder weapon and not the gun Levi left in his apartment.


As for the way Anna treated Frank, I think she acted the way she did because she’s an expert at manipulation.  By acting angry and disappointed in him and, especially by constantly comparing him unfavorably to Asher, he even gave away some of that stash of money to get results she needed.  He’d have donated one of his kidneys, if necessary. Annaliese knows how to work all of them.


Speaking of Annaliese, I think the ADA shot her.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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The episode didn't end with a "current day" scene of them running away from the house, did it?  I think it ended with Catherine in the car with Phillip, a week or so before Annalise gets shot.  In previous "current day" clips we saw Catherine unconscious in someone's car (Frank?).  He dumps her body in the woods and she wakes up.  Wonder what that's all about.

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The last scene wasn't a flashforward that's right. I'm fairly sure we've actually caught up with the flashforward timeline (as in Annalise gets shots the very next day after this episode.) The beginning scene with Bonnie in the shower, Annalise in her bedroom and Nate at the door etc was "3 days earlier." Then, after the whole Oliver and Philip thing, it's the next day; Annalise is wearing a gorgeous red, white and black dress (2 days before ff.) Things happen, a day passes, Annalise is wearing a black dress with buttons in the front (1 day before ff.) So the next episode should cover the day of the flashforward (plus maybe a bit of the aftermath.)

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Any idea of where Anna has been shot?  Is it the mansion?

Have they set up Catherine?  Anna takes one for the team to ensure Catherine gets sent to jail regardless of what for, as long as she gets there?  Frank could easily 'help' a drugged up Catherine take the shot.  Leaving her in the woods to make it look like she took off??  Dunno but glad to be (temporarily) out of my speculation pain tomorrow night.



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Frank: This apartment needs to be an Annalise-free zone.

Laurel: But she's our boss.

Frank: You know she's more than that. And she's smart. And she knows the best way to break us up is to come between us. We're not gonna let that happen.

Laurel: Why... do you think she doesn't want us to be together?

Frank: 'Cause she's Annalise. And that's the last we're gonna mention her.


So Frank, who knows Anna fairly well, thinks she's anti-relationships.


And dumb ass Wes has probably just guaranteed that Anna (assuming she survives) will see to it that none of them ever have sexy times again. Who got sh*t done? Not the people knocking boots, no sir. It was like the one guy not getting any. (Or wangsting over their relationship *cough* Basher *cough*)


If he's responsible for my never seeing a shirtless Nate again, Imma gonna have to rally the pitchforks... Damn you, Wes.

Any idea of where Anna has been shot?  Is it the mansion?

Have they set up Catherine?  Anna takes one for the team to ensure Catherine gets sent to jail regardless of what for, as long as she gets there?  Frank could easily 'help' a drugged up Catherine take the shot.  Leaving her in the woods to make it look like she took off??  Dunno but glad to be (temporarily) out of my speculation pain tomorrow night.

I think they've established pretty well that it's the mansion since the premiere. There are very few things that we can be sure about regarding that night, but I think this is pretty well established.


It does look like they have set up Catherine, but I can't see Annalise wanting Catherine in jail after spending so much time defending her. Besides, if that's what she wanted, there are easier ways that don't involve her getting shot. If anything, I could see them setting Catherine up and then Annalise (or Eve?) defending her to keep her out of jail.

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It does beg the question how shitty a job did the police do the first time they searched the house? Sure they turned up nothing with their "only looking in the basement because of what was said directly into the bug" search, but presumably they had a warrant before that and did some sort of searching immediately after the murders. That gun looked mighty dusty and undisturbed. I know murder trials usually take quite some time to get going, but are we supposed to buy that gun's been sitting there for a very long time, but was not there immediately after the murder? Otherwise "inside a vent in the house" is an exceptionally obvious place to store a murder weapon if you want it to be found promptly. So for that to make sense it needs to have been hidden there after the original search of the house, or these cops are not just full of corruption issues but also incompetent.


And dumb-ass Wes has probably just guaranteed that Anna (assuming she survives) will see to it that none of them ever have sexy times again. Who got sh*t done? Not the people knocking boots, no sir. It was like the one guy not getting any. (Or wangsting over their relationship *cough* Basher *cough*)


If he's responsible for my never seeing a shirtless Nate gain, Imma gonna have to rally the pitchforks...Damn you, Wes.


  I totally disagree. For one thing, Wes' figuring out the link between Catherine & Philip was genius on his part. As for the sex part, I don't think that even Annalise could stop them from getting laid again, if they really want it bad enough.  About the potential loss of shirtless Nate, the way I see it, if anyone should be blamed for that, it's Catherine, Philip & Sinclair, not Wes.  


  Caleb's "just happening" to find the murder weapon doesn't pass the smell test, either. Just because Caleb may not have killed his parents, that doesn't mean he's innocent.


  About Asher, all the happy dances in the world aren't gonna make me forget about Tiffany nor Trotter Lake.


  Frank & Laurel continue to annoy and bore me, separately and together, in and out of bed.


Oliver/Coliver lives! YAY!

TBH the ONLY reason I tolerate the prosecutor is because i know her bitch ass will be dead soon :D

I am SO happy that the prosecutor is going to die because I cannot take anymore of her. 

ETA: I am over the moon that Oliver is o.k. He is just so adorable and I love what he and Conor have.  #TeamColiver

Asher is really warming up to me this season. His victory dance was adorable :DDD

TBH the ONLY reason I tolerate the prosecutor is because i know her bitch ass will be dead soon :D

I am SO happy that the prosecutor is going to die because I cannot take anymore of her. 

ETA: I am over the moon that Oliver is o.k. He is just so adorable and I love what he and Conor have.  #TeamColiver

Asher is really warming up to me this season. His victory dance was adorable :DDD

these cops are not just full of corruption issues but also incompetent.



This is news to you????  LOL


About Asher, all the happy dances in the world aren't gonna make me forget about Tiffany nor Trotter Lake.


It was a stupid (and for Tiffany,a life-changing ) mistake, and there's no excuse for what he did at Trotter Lake.  At this point, there's very little he can do, though.

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