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S11.E06: Our Little World

Tara Ariano
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Castiel seeks Metatron's help to stop the Darkness. However, Metatron is pretty happy with his new life as a freelance videographer for the local news and isn't inclined to help the Winchesters or Castiel. Meanwhile, Crowley loses his hold on Amara.
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crowley was doing a little too much talking for someone who was willing to kill someone. It was almost as if he was buying time for someone to show up. I do like that he mentioned that his reluctance to kill dean goes back a lot longer than two seasons.

Edited by lmdreamer
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The fuck is happening?? So Sam is remembering the cage which we suspected.  Crowley is fucked. 


So now Cas and Dean are on the outs again. Thanks for that show (NOT)


But I am really, really , really NOT happy with this bullshit of Dean basically being seduced by a fucking teenager. I don't care if she's God's sister and older than time. And really show...that final closing scene of Dean drinking and them using "Girl You'll Be a Woman Soon" song which is a creepy as fuck song to begin with. No, show. Please don't do this. 


Lyrics to that song:


Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon

Love you so much can't count all the ways
I'd die for you girl and all they can say is
"He's not your kind"
They never get tired of puttin' me down and
I never know when I come around
What I'm gonna find
Don't let them make up your mind

Don't you know
Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand

Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Soon, you'll need a man

I've been misunderstood for all of my life
But what they're sayin', girl, just cuts like a knife
"The boy's no good"
Well, I finally found what I've been lookin' for
But if they get a chance they'll end it for sure
Sure they would
Baby I've done all I could, now it's up to you

Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Soon, you'll need a man

Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Soon, you'll need a man


I'll be back after I a rewatch later. I"m pretty pissed off right now.

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I miss the Dean and Crowley bromance.  So it was awesome that they brought that up in this episode, complete with Crowley calling it a bromance, and Dean having a message from Crowley.  Speaking of Crowley, also loved him reading about how to deal with his rebellious teenager.


God's sister?  Okily dokily, glad she's not Dean's daughter, although yeah she does want to have the sex with Dean.

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I can't say I liked this one.  Amara is still too young for the vibes between her and Dean.  And the idea of God having a sister and having to lock her away in order to create the world and humans is just dumb. 

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I miss the Dean and Crowley bromance.  So it was awesome that they brought that up in this episode, complete with Crowley calling it a bromance, and Dean having a message from Crowley.  Speaking of Crowley, also loved him reading about how to deal with his rebellious teenager.


I laughed long and hard about that. 


So instead of having Cain and Abel be the parallel for Dean and Sam we are going to have the boys be the avatars for God and Amara it seems.


What I need to understand is why God sacrificed Amara for creating humans.

Edited by catrox14
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That song.


Just... everything with Amara and Dean. 


But especially that song.


Why didn't they just have her spring up fully formed with an adult body? Why did they have to show her as a possessed baby and then little girl? I have both the heebies AND the jeebies.

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I liked this episode but it didn't fly by like they usually do. I looked at the clock thinking it was close to over and it was only 9:30! Maybe all the talking, talking, talking with Crowley is what made it seem slow - I don't know.

I didn't see pervy last week with Amara but this week it was right there in the open! I didn't like how close she got to Dean, at one point I was concerned she was actually going to kiss him!! Ugh!

I also didn't like the God's sister reveal. Really? God's sister? Dumb, IMO.

I still liked the episode and I'm glad Cas is back in the fight. I didn't realize Dean and Cas were on the outs again though, I'll have to rewatch and pay closer attention.

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That song.


Just... everything with Amara and Dean. 


But especially that song.


Why didn't they just have her spring up fully formed with an adult body? Why did they have to show her as a possessed baby and then little girl? I have both the heebies AND the jeebies.


I seriously cannot fathom WTF they are trying to say about Dean here. I mean come on. Are they really trying to tell me that he would be tempted by a 15 year old or whatever?  I cannot understand this.


Like please, just tell me he's lost his soul and he's a Robot Puppet Man. But the way they are making this out is like HE IS tempted of his own accord. Robbie Berens you got some 'splainin' to do.

Edited by catrox14
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Dean, I love you but don't yell at Cas because you are mad at not being able to attack Amara. Though I did like that what finally pushed him to try was her attacking Sam.

I did find most of the interaction between Dean and Amara very creepy. Then the end with that song was even more creepy. If they are going to have sexual undertones, she needs to age more quickly.

I liked seeing The Cage.

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Dean, I love you but don't yell at Cas because you are mad at not being able to attack Amara. Though I did like that what finally pushed him to try was her attacking Sam.

I did find most of the interaction between Dean and Amara very creepy. Then the end with that song was even more creepy. If they are going to have sexual undertones, she needs to age more quickly.

I liked seeing The Cage.


Considering Dean has seen her be an infant, a little girl and now a teenager, there is nothing they can do at this point for me to accept sexual undertones with him and Amara now.  It's way too fucking close to the gross imprint thing from Twilight.  JFC I hope I'm wrong and they surprise with something but right now...I'm just skeeved out.


I have to wonder what Jensen thinks of this storyline for Dean. I wonder if he even had a clue from the outset they were making this borderline sexual between Dean and a teenager.

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And the show just keeps reinforcing that she's a little girl! They keep making little remarks about it. Her origins may be as old as God, but her body and current mentality aren't, and the show seems really happy about pointing it out. While also pointing out any possible *shudder* romance, from Crowley's "sniffing around" joke to, once again, that gross song.

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Considering Dean has seen her be an infant, a little girl and now a teenager, there is nothing they can do at this point for me to accept sexual undertones with him and Amara now.  It's way too fucking close to the gross imprint thing from Twilight.  JFC I hope I'm wrong and they surprise with something but right now...I'm just skeeved out.


I have to wonder what Jensen thinks of this storyline for Dean. I wonder if he even had a clue from the outset they were making this borderline sexual between Dean and a teenager.

I don't disagree. I am probably just grasping at straws that it would be less creepy with her as an adult.

I wonder if the writers thought that since Dean first saw her as a full grown woman in his vision/dream thing that the whole seeing her "grow up" thing wouldn't count. Wrong.

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I wonder if the writers thought that since Dean first saw her as a full grown woman in his vision/dream thing that the whole seeing her "grow up" thing wouldn't count. Wrong.


I don't know. I could see where Buck Leming would go for that but this is a Robbie Berens episode so I don't know what to think.


If Dean doesn't see her in a sexual way but she sees him in a sexual way, then they HAVE to make that clear. Make it clear that Dean has no sexual attraction for an eons old entity in a teenager's body.


I'm hoping that what we see on Dean's face is bliss. Like maybe she's just taking away all his pain so his face is blissful but putting that goddamn song at the end sure makes the implication that it's a sexual thing pretty strong. And if that is NOT what they are going for they better damn well make that clear.

So the Cage is strung up just like Dean was when he was in Hell. 


I'm just super glad the show is letting us see Sam's Hell time because I sure was wondering how that went for him.....it definitely needs to be explored again ....sigh


I wonder why Dean doesn't have those Hell flashes.....

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I'm not convinced that was the cage - at least the one that Lucifer is in.  The fingers that were pushing through the bars looked more feminine to me.  Maybe that's where Amara was trapped?


I liked seeing Sam actually get to fight the bad guys and win.  


The thing between Amara and Dean is kind of skeevy, but I think it skews more her perving on him than the other way around which is slightly better.  I do think she's got her hooks into him somehow though.

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From certain angles Amara looked like a very young Dana Catherine Scully. Like, first X-File episodes, young.

"Sister." "so, you have a twin sister."

So if Castiel is an angel again, why the hell is he wasting his time in the bunker?? Wtf is he doing? Not just at the bunker but generally?

I'm surprised Amara wasn't angry that Dean tried to kill her. Well, she did toss him like a rag doll, but that was it.

A better episode than what I was expecting, actually.

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On another note? Why THE FUCK is Metatron still alive???  Come on!

I'm confused. Didn't Amara say in the season premiere that she was older than Death? Cause if i remember right Death said he was way older than God. How does that make Amara and God siblings?


I was wondering that myself. I can only assume that she is a WAY older sister?  Unless they retcon Death into being a liar and well they killed him so that wouldn't surprise me! Unless Metatron is lying and maybe Death and Amara are actually siblings......

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I liked a few parts, but almost erased it. 


Why do we have Sam suddenly not willing to fight...why is he afraid to kill?


Dean unable to kill. 


Honestly show, I don't think you've thought through this attraction between child Amara and Dean.  Not cool at all.  Showing an adult doesn't make it okay.


But my problem more than anything...I was bored.  I get why Crowley is bored with hell and such.  But a good chunk is easy to avoid. 


So the message Metatron gives to Cas, is really to Sam.  Not in love with this one.


did like the bro-mance with Crowley & Dean.  Now wonder how Crowley will join Dean & Sam. 

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I can see now how this season is going to pan out. Sam is bonded to Lucifer (Light Bearer) and Dean to Amara (The Darkness). Damn it! We're going to have the brothers at odds, again!

Edited by Mick Lady
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I'm confused. Didn't Amara say in the season premiere that she was older than Death? Cause if i remember right Death said he was way older than God. How does that make Amara and God siblings?


I believe that Death said that he was as old as God, maybe older, he can't remember any more who came first. But in the end, he will reap God. This is from "Two Minutes to Midnight" S5.

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I can see now how this season is going to pan out. Sam is bonded to Lucifer (Light Bearer) and Dean to Amara (The Darkness). Damn it! We're going to have the brothers at odds, again!


Well we all figured that was gonna be the case, because you know...angst!

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So if Castiel is an angel again, why the hell is he wasting his time in the bunker?? Wtf is he doing? Not just at the bunker but generally?


I think Rowena's spell affected the way he processes emotional trauma now. IMO he's suffering PTSD now. We saw all those flashbacks and he couldn't bring himself to walk out of the bunker until he saw Metatron and he could go and unleash his rage on the person that deserved it.

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Also, WTF is with Sam calling Dean being a fucking demon Dean's Summer of Love with Crowley?? Wow.  And Dean doesn't say a fucking thing back. .....


The more I watch this episode the less I'm happy with it.


ETA: So the fake ass hand of Crowley's?  Seriously show? You couldn't CGI in something better?  LOL weak sauce on that.

Edited by catrox14
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Well that was a HUGE freaking episode.  I have to be short (again) as I have an early am meeting.


First impressions:

- I loved the emotional intimacy of Cas/Dean/Sam.  Dean trying not to push Cas but giving him the pep talk to step away from the TV.  Sam teasing Dean about the Summer of Love and Dean not getting pissed off. To me, it's sort of like: 'we ALL have issues' so it's not a judging thing, more like commiserating. 

- Crowley/Dean bromance.  Crowley: 'I wish I could quit you' speech. And Dean still had one of Crowley's phone rants on his voice mail from over a year ago???  I think it's very interesting how Crowley is struggling to figure out what he's doing.  I was weirdly proud of him for thinking he could take Dean out.  BUT I also think he's silently glad he didn't actually kill him.

- Crowley being COMPLETELY honest with Amara was also really fascinating to me.

- They continue to do a good job of getting actresses to play Amara.  I still think 6 year old Amara was best (thus far), but this one did a good job of being a mercurial teen. 

- Dean/Amara. I actually found this less pervy than last time.  Last time Amara was perving on Dean. This time, she's confused by her own fascination.  And Dean? Man is he confused. He really wanted to kill her IMO but felt REALLY bad about it.  He's conflicted but I also think something is stopping him, physically. It reminds me of when Cuthbert Sinclair did that will-sapping spell.  It just feels like Dean's will is put into a fugue state in her presence.  But it's not a force he can get his mind wrapped around. So he's not sure what is happening.  He was in such denial with Cas - "she overpowered me".  Clearly she was never going to let him hurt her but he barely took a move.  And it's freaking him out.  BUT... that final song (to me) was more of a 'threatening' vibe than a romantic vibe.  I totally get the lyrics are the grossest imaginable. For me, however, Dean has no agency in this relationship.  He's powerless in her presence. He just doesn't get how or why.  Trying from a different angle - the scenes reminded me this is a horror show.  What is happening is not sexy, it's horrific for Dean.  I feel for the guy.

- Sam. I'm down with the 'saving people' campaign, but since when can Sam or Dean actually engage three demons in a fist fight and win?  If Sam had sprayed Holy Water and THEN fought, I'd have been happier.

- THE CAGE.  Coolness.  I'm digging where this is going.

- Boogertron. I always find him fascinating.  I like how he always gives us insight into Cas. Even when he's wrong, it's insightful.  And I completely agree with Cas not killing him.  He's got potential for being useful later. And killing Booger would be actually merciful. 

- Finally... LEN! NOOOOOOOO!  *sigh, we hardly new 'ya*


In short, I really liked the episode and want to think about it (with a multiple rewatches).  The squick potential doesn't bother me because I see it as a horror thing, not a sexy times. I loved the big reveals.

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They can't afford Gary Puckett?


Well, I didn't find it pervy. There's something going on there clearly, but it's not human-sexual. Still I will be happier when Amara is back to the actress from the premiere. Genuinely creepy and disturbing.


Anxiously awaiting the return of the Borg cube. In space!

Edited by AuntTora
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It reminds me of when Cuthbert Sinclair did that will-sapping spell.


Yeah I've wondered about that in several threads here and in the spoiler thread. Thought I was alone LOL


I could have found a way to not be skeeved but once they used that godawful skeevy song, they framed it sexually. And this show uses music on purpose as we have argued about over the Bob Seger stuff.  And there is just no way that song can be construed as anything but an older guy just waiting for the underage girl to become old enough to fuck and needs a fucking man. Ugh that's just a problem in and of itself. God's sister needs a man?? What? NOPE.


That's where this whole thing goes off the rails. If they did not intend to leave me with a sexual vibe, then someone really fucked up with that song choice. IMO


Now if this is about Dean being controlled then please show...make it fucking clear SOON that's the case. It will be awful for Dean but it will also be better than what is happening now. 

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Well that was a HUGE freaking episode.  I have to be short (again) as I have an early am meeting.


First impressions:

- I loved the emotional intimacy of Cas/Dean/Sam.  Dean trying not to push Cas but giving him the pep talk to step away from the TV.  Sam teasing Dean about the Summer of Love and Dean not getting pissed off. To me, it's sort of like: 'we ALL have issues' so it's not a judging thing, more like commiserating. 

- Crowley/Dean bromance.  Crowley: 'I wish I could quit you' speech. And Dean still had one of Crowley's phone rants on his voice mail from over a year ago???  I think it's very interesting how Crowley is struggling to figure out what he's doing.  I was weirdly proud of him for thinking he could take Dean out.  BUT I also think he's silently glad he didn't actually kill him.

- Crowley being COMPLETELY honest with Amara was also really fascinating to me.

- They continue to do a good job of getting actresses to play Amara.  I still think 6 year old Amara was best (thus far), but this one did a good job of being a mercurial teen. 

- Dean/Amara. I actually found this less pervy than last time.  Last time Amara was perving on Dean. This time, she's confused by her own fascination.  And Dean? Man is he confused. He really wanted to kill her IMO but felt REALLY bad about it.  He's conflicted but I also think something is stopping him, physically. It reminds me of when Cuthbert Sinclair did that will-sapping spell.  It just feels like Dean's will is put into a fugue state in her presence.  But it's not a force he can get his mind wrapped around. So he's not sure what is happening.  He was in such denial with Cas - "she overpowered me".  Clearly she was never going to let him hurt her but he barely took a move.  And it's freaking him out.  BUT... that final song (to me) was more of a 'threatening' vibe than a romantic vibe.  I totally get the lyrics are the grossest imaginable. For me, however, Dean has no agency in this relationship.  He's powerless in her presence. He just doesn't get how or why.  Trying from a different angle - the scenes reminded me this is a horror show.  What is happening is not sexy, it's horrific for Dean.  I feel for the guy.

- Sam. I'm down with the 'saving people' campaign, but since when can Sam or Dean actually engage three demons in a fist fight and win?  If Sam had sprayed Holy Water and THEN fought, I'd have been happier.

- THE CAGE.  Coolness.  I'm digging where this is going.

- Boogertron. I always find him fascinating.  I like how he always gives us insight into Cas. Even when he's wrong, it's insightful.  And I completely agree with Cas not killing him.  He's got potential for being useful later. And killing Booger would be actually merciful. 

- Finally... LEN! NOOOOOOOO!  *sigh, we hardly new 'ya*


In short, I really liked the episode and want to think about it (with a multiple rewatches).  The squick potential doesn't bother me because I see it as a horror thing, not a sexy times. I loved the big reveals.


Loved this entire post!


But on a side note, when I read " but this one did a good job of being a mercurial teen." all I could think of was; 7kstar would know!

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Quick question, off topic (Mods, please be kind!), but Metatron made me think of this. In the past year or so there was a movie out about a videographer who went to crime scenes at night. Anyone remember the movie? I can't remember the name and it's killing me! 

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- Dean/Amara. I actually found this less pervy than last time.  Last time Amara was perving on Dean. This time, she's confused by her own fascination.  And Dean? Man is he confused. He really wanted to kill her IMO but felt REALLY bad about it.  He's conflicted but I also think something is stopping him, physically. It reminds me of when Cuthbert Sinclair did that will-sapping spell.  It just feels like Dean's will is put into a fugue state in her presence.  But it's not a force he can get his mind wrapped around. So he's not sure what is happening.  He was in such denial with Cas - "she overpowered me".  Clearly she was never going to let him hurt her but he barely took a move.  And it's freaking him out.  BUT... that final song (to me) was more of a 'threatening' vibe than a romantic vibe.  I totally get the lyrics are the grossest imaginable. For me, however, Dean has no agency in this relationship.  He's powerless in her presence. He just doesn't get how or why.  Trying from a different angle - the scenes reminded me this is a horror show.  What is happening is not sexy, it's horrific for Dean.  I feel for the guy.


In short, I really liked the episode and want to think about it (with a multiple rewatches).  The squick potential doesn't bother me because I see it as a horror thing, not a sexy times. I loved the big reveals.


I agree, this is not sexy for Dean at all. It's scary. It gave me Lilith / Sam vibes.


And I had a different feeling from first watch - I need to rewatch - of that song at the end. First, I thought it was referring to Crowley at first - who would entirely be first the Dad and then something else... I'm remembering Becky's little "And I think also her lover" line concerning Crowley/Lilith - but as the scene went on, I got almost a creepy subversive feeling from it like it was saying Amara - who was entirely owning the surrounding as she walked through that city - would be a "woman soon" and she'll "need a man" but it is entirely not going to end well for that "man." I think because of the focus on Amara, I was almost hearing the song as if it was in her point of view.


I also imagined a different meaning to "need"... she needs souls after all, too than the one the song was originally talking about. So I guess even though the song is creepy in one way, the way the scene played out gave me a more subversive, entirely different kind of creepy.


did like the bro-mance with Crowley & Dean.  Now wonder how Crowley will join Dean & Sam. 


Well, Crowley does tend to get bristled easily if your last name is not Winchester. When Dick Roman insulted him, Crowley was very quick to change sides and help Sam and Dean kill him. He might feel similarly that Amara rejected him and all his efforts to be a "good parent."

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Well, judging by most comments here, I appear to be in the minority that adored the episode ! 


I mean I loved everything about it ! From Metatron's cynical speeches to the tension building up between Dean and Amara. Yeah, I can see why some people may be disturbed by the song and the age gap, but it didnt struck me at all. After all, SHE IS quite older, and she's gonna look older very soon. I think it was a nice move by the writers to have her experience the world as a growing kid, it will offer her a vision and experience of it that can define the character in series to come.


And beyond that, everything was gold for me in this episode. Getting the Demon Tablet back (wonder how that will pay off), Crowley going through patherhood and a surprising honesty with Amara, Metatron's struggles, confirmation that Sam's visions are coming from the cage (Lucifer shall be back !), the God sister reveal (I liked it, personally), Crowley getting screwed over (I love Mark Sheppard, I could watch him act all day !)...


Anyway, next week looks like a damn filler, but after those 6 episodes in a row (even though I enjoyed "Baby" quite less that other people), I can forgive it.

Edited by Triskan
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I don`t think the lyrics of a song are meant to be taken overly literal on this show. Unless everyone agrees with me that the writers en masse hate Dean and look down on him which is why they put in "beautiful LOSER" in the Season 6 Opening re: a montage about Dean. Heck, once during a pranking scene between the brothers the lyrics were "fire of unknown origin took my baby away". Dean sang along to it. Did that just fly by the writers? I think so actually.


IMO they were happy to have found a song that referenced back to Amara continuing to grow into an adult woman and her connection to Dean. If they wanted to imply the other, they could have had another karaoke session where Dean sings "young girl, get out of my mind, my love for you is way out of line..."


Furthermore, I don`t think the scene played as sexual from HIM to HER. He is thrown by her, confused and scared. He didn`t look like he wanted to kiss her. In the Premiere flashbacks with adult Emily Swallows, sure, there were an attraction vibe with both but not here.      


That leaves us with Amara. Who technically is much older than Dean. Noone ever says anything about the beloved trope of 200 year old vampire and 16 year old girl.

But  right now, she is a teen somewhat. And she has a crush on an "older" man. That is not even uncommon for teen girls. Nearly every weekend now conventions take place for this show where lots of teen girls during photo ops basically try to crawl on Jensen`s (and other actors) laps and are basically like "please, take me right here". Sometimes with their Moms standing by, being all "woohoo, six degrees of star fucking, score". I have seen actors much older flirt up a storm with young teen girls at those Cons. At least I`ve never actually seen them going at it with them like in Buffy cons. Move it out of the hotel hallways, people. 


So for once, what happens on the show was so mild compared what happens in real life fandom.


And I still do love that Amara is a Deangirl. We don`t really get them on the show so I`m happy for once. Also happy that this gives Dean tenuously a mytharc connection so far. Because everything with the visions and the Cage and whattnot, I don`t give a crap about.   .


The God`s sister twist? I`ll go with it. 


So while this wasn`t the best episode, I wasn`t offended by it either.

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Something that was really strange was the final convo with Dean, Sam and Cas. Yes, Dean doesn`t tell everything but what Cas and Sam DO know now is that Amara is God`s sister whereas Dean is a human so why are they so freaking incredulous that she got away from him? Technically, she did even overpower Dean at the end. 


The way they looked at him all suspicious-like made it seem like they question why he didn`t use his own God-like powers to deal with her. A better question would have been why didn`t she kill Dean/both of them. That suspicion would have made sense. But they are seriously questioning how Dean "let her get away"? The thing demons, angels and monsters are afraid of? The thing it took God and the archangels to defeat? It seriously strains credulity to believe a human couldn`t kill her? Like, he must have purposefully not done so?


Hey, if they actually do think Dean is more poweful than God himself, fine. But in that case the belief should be shown consistently. 

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The way they looked at him all suspicious-like made it seem like they question why he didn`t use his own God-like powers to deal with her. A better question would have been why didn`t she kill Dean/both of them. That suspicion would have made sense. But they are seriously questioning how Dean "let her get away"? The thing demons, angels and monsters are afraid of? The thing it took God and the archangels to defeat? It seriously strains credulity to believe a human couldn`t kill her? Like, he must have purposefully not done so?

Good point.  We the audience knew that Dean appeared conflicted, even though he clearly had the intent to kill her.  But when Sam was finally able to burst into the room, Dean had his knife out and pointed at Amara.  Where upon she promptly threw Dean and Sam into various walls.  So having Sam and Cas question why Dean "let her get away" was kind of nonsensical.


I am still disappointed that demons are apparently so weak now that humans can have fist fights with them.  It seriously undermines any kind of threatening vibe they used to have.  Not formidable at all.  I'm also getting irritated with Sam.  Wouldn't the meat suits personally attending to Crowley, the King of Hell, be pretty much beyond saving?  Even more than your average, run of the mill demon?  The physical and mental toll on the human within - even if the human body wasn't riddled with bullet holes like the convenient example demon earlier in the episode - would tear them apart, I would think.  Although since they're making the King of Hell position that of a petty functionary maybe it wouldn't.  I enjoy Crowley for the most part but the writers are very inconsistent with him.  Truly evil vs amusing?  Fond of Dean vs the monster that killed Sarah?  They want to have it both ways and I think it weakens the character.

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Noone ever says anything about the beloved trope of 200 year old vampire and 16 year old girl.


Being against Dean and Amara is neither sexist nor ageist.  I've suspected something is wrong with Dean all along...and I guess now it's that he's under her thrall or they've imprinted or whatever this fuckery is.


Twilight might have been popular but it was disgraceful representation of teenage girls and relationships. Even SPN itself mocked it when they turned Dean into a fucking vampire.


I couldn't stand Angel with Buffy, but he was not bound to Buffy in some supernatural way. Buffy was already 16 and was a fucking vampire slayer with her own agency and power and she could have killed Angel and and wait she did kill Angel! Edward Cullen and Bella were and are the worst. Bella was 16 year old with little to no agency and Edward was an obsessive skeevy stalker rapist abuser who happened to be 200 years old stuck in his 20 year old body for eternity because vampire who was "in love" with a 16 year old. Not great but not this.


This is much more like the disgusting "imprinting" thing from Twilight.  I don't care how Twilight tried to turn into something holy and special for the shapeshifters. 


I'm sorry, but there is just no way that a sexual relationship between Dean and Amara can be okay since they had the 37 year old  Dean protect, hold his his arms and coo at a newborn!Amara. Then he sees her again as a teenager and they are amping up her crushing on him. They can explain it away as her seeing this beautiful creation of humanity and how could she not be enamored of that, but because they had the frisson between adult!Amara and Dean in the first 20 seconds of the show it changes the entire thing.


I really need for the show to tell me that Dean KNOWS this is a fucked up thing that he's doing against his will and he's really NOT okay with it. Subtlety is not the way to go from this point forward. YMMV


But I suspect we won't get any more insights into Dean's state of mind or mindlessness as the case may be, because now it's going to flip to all about Sam and the Cage. 


As an aside, I'm not entirely sure the show isn't making a commentary about the teenage girls in the audience crushing on the adult male stars ...

Edited by catrox14
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but because they had the frisson between adult!Amara and Dean in the first 20 seconds of the show it changes the entire thing.


Adult!Amara was the first version Dean saw so them having an attraction vibe back then is not a problem IMO. It was before the baby and the teenager. And in this episode, Dean showed no sexual attration to me. A teen crushing on him is not his problem. Teen girls crush on (much) older men all the time. I don`t think that is creepy, I find that pretty normal. This very fandom is full of it even.


I crushed on actors who were much older than me when I was younger. All of my friends did too. If gotten the chance to actually be in the presence of my faves, I would have acted all "woohoo" crushing, too. Is that really so out there? It doesn`t mean anything happens or the guy in question invites it.   


So, I actually don`t get the freak-out over something that hasn`t happened yet. At all.   


Where does anyone get the message that Dean can`t kill Amara because of romantic and/or sexual feelings? I have not seen one iota of this. They have a supernatural connection, noone said it was romantic in nature. 


The song at the end focused on Amara as she was walking down the street and montaged to other characters. It showed Crowley moping and Dean pensively drinking because he is clearly thrown about his inability to kill the Big Bad he wants to kill. But a message of this episode was: Amara is now her own person and will soon be strong enough to go on her grudge quest. Of the top of my head I just don`t know any song with lyrics that match a rapidly growing up like that. Which is IMO what the writers wanted to reference. 

Edited by Aeryn13
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