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S04.E06: Lost Souls

Tara Ariano
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Thank you Diggle for saying that Felicity was one of the smartest most badass women on the planet and he knew because he married the same kind of woman, twice. This is not the first time they've kind of implied that Diggle/Lyla are a template for future Olicity, IMO.


I liked it a lot. I want to watch that Diggle/Oliver scene many times. It was just so good. And when they pointed at each other? PERFECT. See, that's the kind of relationship that is earned. Love it.

just hopefully minus the getting married twice part, cause I can do without that.

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I am so angry that they made Sara fucking THANK Laurel for dragging her body all over the city and digging it up from the grave and putting her in a pit and turning her into a crazy person.  Fuck you show for doing that. And Laurel STILL made it about herself.  So sick of the Laurel propping. 


I'm not too upset about Felicity. I understand where she is coming from but she is trying so that's cool. Disappointed that the kiss is the only thing we got from the sex scene! BOOO!!


So Dig is Spartan then?

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It's funny that it didn't really even occur to me that nothing much happened this episode until I came here and read other people say that.  I love character moments so it's still one of the best I've seen in awhile as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah, the character moments were really great. I believed pretty much all of them (although I have difficulty with the Sara/Mom one, because I think Dinah is a gross human). 

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I am so angry that they made Sara fucking THANK Laurel for dragging her body all over the city and digging it up from the grave and putting her in a pit and turning her into a crazy person. Fuck you show for doing that. And Laurel STILL made it about herself. So sick of the Laurel propping.

I'm not too upset about Felicity. I understand where she is coming from but she is trying so that's cool. Disappointed that the kiss is the only thing we got from the sex scene! BOOO!!

So Dig is Spartan then?

I took Sara's "always and forever" line as a death omen for Laurel so I'm cool.
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Forgot to say I LOL'd at Curtis saying/groaning "We're not dead" after crashing through the window with Felicity. EK has such great comic timing.

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Why oh why have Felicity and Oliver not been together this whole time? They are perfect and adorable and make every second they are together brighter. 


The bickering between them about Donna during the mission, while Ollie is all dramatic and mission up, was adorable on every level. i 

I loved that bickery scene.  It was the later more serious, scenes I didn't love.  I was mostly okay with the denouement of that plot point, although I thought the yin-yang kiss/love scene was a big letdown.

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Forgot to say I LOL'd at Curtis saying/groaning "We're not dead" after crashing through the window with Felicity. EK has such great comic timing.

Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever said how much I really am loving Curtis but I had so much love for him tonight.  Without knowing anyone's identify but Felicity and now Ray's - he fits in SO perfectly.  I wonder if he could be the once rumored "floater" for LoT because I'd love to see him more than Arrow has time to work him in.

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I think I loved Oliver's reaction to Felicity the most. Old Oliver probably would have bailed and found the first willing lady. This guy gives supportive pep talks and willingly gives needed space. I'm sure he had a bit of a panic when Felicity paused before saying they needed to clear the air and that they'd be fine. He'd fall apart if she broke up with him. But seriously, that's what she comes home to every night? Get it girl!


Yeah, I cringed at Felicity throughout this episode for the most part. She really can be pretty mean (TOTES MARY SUE!), but Oliver handled it so well. Their little convo at the end had me all heart-eyed. 


Also, PUT SOME CURTAINS ON YOUR WINDOWS. Oliver, do you have an exhibitionist thing or what?

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Yes, Felicity was sniping and rude, BUT LOOK AT HOW OLIVER HANDLED IT!! That man loves her! Her temporary bitchiness under such enormous pressure was the perfect foil for his emotional maturation. And by the end, they both grew up just a little more and even closer.


On Twitter, I follow a comedian who's a big Arrow fan, and he said the exact same thing, that he loved how mature Oliver was in the way he dealt with Felicity's angst. It was so great. This entire episode was an Oliver highlight reel to me. I love who he is right now.

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It's not even that nothing happened plot-wise, it's that bringing back Palmer = nothing happened.


That's why I'm annoyed at the way they're using Arrow to set-up Legends. 


Saying that, trying to find Ray gave us so many great character moments in this episode and a lot of growth, particularly for Olicity. I even loved seeing this manic side of Felicity which I don't know we would have seen if she wasn't feeling guilty about not being around to hear Ray's messages.


Felicity was probably the most real she's ever been. She was bitchy and manic and kinda rude and crossed the line a few times. She overreacted and showed her insecurities and fears. They fleshed her out so much here. 

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Okay, so I have to add. I think Katie actually did some really good work in this, especially that end scene with Sara. That was very touching, at least to me.

Eta: equally great was Felicity burns. Oh, do you know code? Oh are you gonna build it? Slay grump!Smoak

Edited by Delphi
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It's not even that nothing happened plot-wise, it's that bringing back Palmer = nothing happened.

Actually! in a way something kind of happened. At the end Ray pointed out that he was not gonna announce to the world that he is alive, to technically for all intended purposes the company is still Felicity's, she still owns it (or whatever is the equivalent in the Arrow world of weird business stuff). I have a feeling Ray is not gonna announces he's alive at all! and just ride off with the legends until he dies or gets super old. So Felicity gets to keep the company.


i'll take that!

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Yeah, I mean, at least Palmer gave Oliver and Felicity some story, because he doesn't really add anything whatsoever to Arrow's narrative.


And while I too thought Felicity's meltdown was pretty WTF-y [whoever said this is Beth writing her -- you're totally right!], I'm okay if the stress and the exhaustion and the guilt she was feeling re: Palmer made her freak out. And the way Oliver handled it was A+. And I'm enjoying it that O/F are solving things by talking to each other, because the worst part of S3 was how they didn't talk.


EDIT: AND that even though they were ~in a fight~, the mission comes first, and they can table their personal problems and go out in the field and do the job. That was lovely.

Edited by dtissagirl
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Absolutely fantastic episode, so many good thinks about it. Character growth for Felicity and Oliver (I'm marveled by this version of OQ), Diggle/Oliver proving once again why earned friendships are so important on this show, Donna/Felicity all about support, Diggle talking about Felicity showing how well he knows his friend and finally Olicity proving time and time again how an adult, mature, based on trust, partnership, friendship and deep love can be written and acted so well on a tv show even when a little organic angst is thrown into the mix.
I'll forever be grateful to Arrow for giving me Olicity


p.s. i hate SmoakNLance, i shall blame them for the fact i had to Olicity sex scene 

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Good episode. Nothing was ruined, aside from Donna trying to cook. And maybe her and Quentin having a fling. I know, they're both adults, but it's one of those things where if he finds out she's Felicity's mother, he'd want to stick his head in an oven.


Felicity was badass, wasn't she? Happy she manages to keep Oliver and move on with Ray. And hopefully, this episode is a harbinger to what Ray will be like in LoT.


"Spartan" is not a bad codename for Diggle. The only character I can remember having that name was in the Wildstorm universe, and DC owns that. Now if only they'd trademark "Whack Canary" for Laurel.

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By the way, can we talk about how heartbroken and frightened Oliver looked in the kitchen scene after Donna left, as Felicity was talking about losing herself... The guy looked just about devastated! here he is totally losing himself in her, so ready to marry her it's insane and she's...

I wanted to take poor Oliver into my arms and hug him.


I'm sorry but I laughed so hard with this :p Oliver hosting dinner parties IS like a sickness :p A wonderful sickness. But mostly because of Diggle's reactions lmao


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If you look really closely kids.. DR is on the verge of cracking up!.. which is why he covering his mouth. lol.

Edited by foreverevolving
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A lot of people on Twitter think that Oliver thought Felicity was going to break up with him.  Thoughts?  If yes, that makes me really, really sad...he's ready to propose to her, and he thinks she's going to break up with him.

IDK why Felicity being mean to people is new to some people. She tends to be mean when she's under a lot of duress.

I'm not surprised by it; I just don't particularly like it.  If she behaved like that to me, I'd pull a Retta on her.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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A lot of people on Twitter think that Oliver thought Felicity was going to break up with him.  Thoughts?  If yes, that makes me really, really sad...he's ready to propose to her, and he thinks she's going to break up with him.


I think that when she said, "I think we should..." DRAMATIC PAUSE he probably thought she was going to say something like "spend some time apart" or something not entirely favorable. 

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I loved this episode. Such great character stuff for Oliver, Felicity, Digg and even Mama Smoak. I guess I'm pretty much resigned to the impending Quentin and Donna hook-up so that didn't bother me.

I even liked Ray! What's happening to me?!

I seriously can't believe they had Sara THANK LL, but instead of dwelling on my anger I'm just going to go back and re-watch that last Olicity scene. Again.

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Also what Olicity went through this episode is kind of setting up the pair of them heading towards an engagement. Felicity talked through some of her insecurities and Oliver was probably reassured that she wants him and chose him. I can buy a proposal now whereas I didn't really accept it or want it in 401. 

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Yeah Oliver totally thought Felicity was going to say "take a break".

Aww geez, that breaks my heart.

I think that when she said, "I think we should..." DRAMATIC PAUSE he probably thought she was going to say something like "spend some time apart" or something not entirely favorable.

Damn S4, making me feel bad for Oliver, who I spent a lot of S3 wanting to punch really hard in the face!


That really is pretty heartbreaking, that he wants to marry her and he thinks she wants to break up their just-monogamously-dating relationship with him.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I think I'm less bothered by Felicity's grumpiness because in that scene at home, she realized what she was doing and reached out to Oliver and sort of apologized by asking for a back rub. Of course, when she got hit with the surprise of Donna Smoak, she got grumpy again. I guess, what I'm saying is it made sense to me for Felicity. She's always tended to be grumpy when she gets tired or flustered. And yeah, she could be mean. That's one of the things I love about her. Makes her real to me, I guess. I actually like that character consistency.


I find Felicity's tendency to snap/be mean incredibly uncomfortable to watch because I have a tendency to be that way too, so I don't like watching it or watching other people's reactions to it, haha. I mean, I've gotten control of it for the most part as I've gotten older, but it kind of just makes me cringe and want to cover my eyes/ears.

Aww geez, that breaks my heart.


I think it was also due to his mindset, wondering if Ivy Town was as good as it would get for them, since everything was "complicated" in Star City. So, knowing his track record (like he said) not being so great, I think he thought the other shoe was going to drop. Not necessarily just because of Felicity, but because of some doubts he had, too. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I did like the glimpses of OTA in this episode. When Diggle, Felicity and Oliver were talking at the table and then later when they were debriefing Ray at the end. The three of them always feels so right and comfortable.


And I loved Diggle looking back and forth between Olicity when they were arguing about dinner. LOL.

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Poor Thea, thinking she can be normal. Sara's bloodlust seems to be much worse since she killed 5 people earlier and who knows how many she killed when she picked up the gun. Although I suppose like Oliver and Dig she shot while avoiding any major arteries with her precision shooting. I still love that her bo staff magically appears when she needs it. I wish we had more scenes with Sara and Thea. We could've skipped the Laurel propping scene to have Thea and Sara talk about the bloodlust. Thea needs someone to talk more than Laurel needs yet another you're so awesome boost. 

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I hate myself for saying this, but that Lance and Smoak moment at the end was just too sweet. If they continue being sweet like that I don't think I can ever find it in myself to hate them. 


Just looking at that moment it made me less certain that it's Quentin who's dying. Them giving him a love interest just means that they're invested in Quentin even more, IMO. Not only that, but they're giving him stories with other characters which have yet to be explored. I'm sure him and Felicity will have a lot of moments now that SmoaknLance is a thing. ALSO Can you imagine Quentin finding out that Felicity is Donna's daughter and that she's dating Oliver??? Dude can't escape him :p


This episode, however, made me more certain about Laurel's death especially with Sara thanking Laurel. There seemed to be a finality to it. 

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I really enjoyed this one, the best since the season premier.  Everyone got to be involved in something, even Thea, and everyone was someone I would want to spend time with.


LOL at code names Chatty Cathy and Spartan.  Diggle can keep Spartan, I like it.


I liked the snippy Felicity and Olicity fight. It was realistic and they handled it like adults.  Felicity was stressed and focused because she thought she was responsible for this and needed to fix it herself (remind you of anyone?) and the last thing she wanted was for her mother to show up in town.  I wouldn't have wanted that either and I have a much better relationship with my mother than Felicity does.  It's not surprising that Oliver has a good relationship with Donna, he doesn't have all the baggage with her that Felicity has. But it was really stupid to let Donna come to town when Felicity was already stressed.


The "you need to take a shower and a nap" reminded me of Felicity saying that to Ray last season and I really don't want to be reminded of that.


That said, I liked Ray in this episode.  His goofiness worked here now that they're not trying to push him as a love interest for Felicity.


I liked the Felicity/Donna scene in the bedroom. Oliver had Diggle but Felicity needs someone wise to help her too.


I'm sad that Sara has gone so soon but I understand why.  She's literally the perfect Black Canary and when Laurel is fighting beside her, it just makes it all the more obvious.


I wish we had at least one scene of Thea and Sara talking though.


Felicity needs to rewatch some S03 episodes (my condolences) if she thinks this is losing herself in a relationship. Feel our pain & suffering,

Too true.  At least she wasn't happy then.


I need to know what Oliver writes about in his journal when he's shirtlessly chilling in bed. 

Dear Diary:

I love Felicity so much but I am scared she doesn't want to be with me any more.  I will love Felicity 4evah.



Yes, Felicity was out of line for most of this and I don't like how she spoke to Oliver in front of other people (although I did like how everyone smiled at their fight-y banter on the comms - even Laurel smiled!!).

She thought it was just Oliver and herself on the comms and didn't know till Diggle told her that they were open to the others.

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Just looking at that moment it made me less certain that it's Quentin who's dying. Them giving him a love interest just means that they're invested in Quentin even more, IMO. Not only that, but they're giving him stories with other characters which have yet to be explored. I'm sure him and Felicity will have a lot of moments now that SmoaknLance is a thing. ALSO Can you imagine Quentin finding out that Felicity is Donna's daughter and that she's dating Oliver??? Dude can't escape him :p


This episode, however, made me more certain about Laurel's death especially with Sara thanking Laurel. There seemed to be a finality to it. 

And not just any love interest, but a meaningful one, a main character's mom.  So many people are so convincing re why it could actually be Laurel.

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“It’s my fault.” Alex, I’ll take Words You’ll Never Hear Laurel Lance Say for $1000.  But seriously,  even though Ray’s predicament was her fault, it was so great to see Felicity take stock of her own choices and their impact both on herself and others.

You're a genius!! Perhaps last week's LL exhibition of "consistent" FAILURE to take responsibility for her actions and reprehensible "WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE?" attitude was an intentional* foil for this week's FS ownership of blame for things that were not even her fault.

LL's demand for Oliver to CALL ME YOUR FREAKING EQUAL was a foil for Digg's praise for Felicity as one of the smartest, most badass women in the world!

LL's standing back while others volunteered to save her sister and clean up the mess LL made is a stark contrast to Felicity base jumping off a sky scraper into the evil villain's stronghold to rescue Ray.

LL's lack of concern for the several people Sara injured and/or killed is the opposite of Felicity's dedication--at all cost--to saving one life.

*I'd REALLY like to think it was intentional, because I just can't understand how a show can get one character so wrong without realizing it. Also, it would strengthen the case for the right Lance being in that grave.

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