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Ash Vs Evil Dead - General Discussion

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I may be weird but Kelly tied up this episode was hot. Okay back to normal episodic conversations!

Not that weird, i thought she looked hot when her eyes went all black.


Sorry to see the Brujo go... I hope it's an Obi Wan type deal.  It's a bit of an adjustment to get used to a serialized show like this being only half an hour long... and I think that's a reason why the Ruby/Amanda thing seems like it's dragging a bit.

I like the half hour run time. No time to bother with filler. I think it works for lighter comedy type shows (see House of Lies or Nurse Jackie).

Also the shot of all the statues lighting on fire then the helicopter shot of the Delta (the Classic) driving away were both awesome.

I was a bit taken aback by the scenes of Pablo's uncle becoming a deadite and dragging Ruby into the fire. Fire is symbolic of purification in a lot of religions and occult traditions; I'd have thought that his funeral method would have purged any leftover possessing influence of Eligos even if the mystical protections he had all around his home wouldn't have prevented it. (Also, they went a bit overboard on how burned up his corpse was if Pablo had just lit him a few minutes before.)


And one of the reanimated corpses being able to do... whatever it was that it did with Ruby and the bonfire is also a departure from canon so far. Up to this point opening gateways to other dimensions has involved direct use of the Necronomicon itself; the demons it calls up and their possessed servants hadn't shown any ability to do that sort of thing.


That said, everything was golden once the scene shifted to the diner.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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She's not exactly shy (remember Spartacus?), and I don't see how they would have worked a body double into that scene.


On the nudity front, why the hell was deadite Lem running around in thermal underwear when he was fully dressed at the point the demon caught up to him last episode?

Edited by Bruinsfan

She's not exactly shy (remember Spartacus?), and I don't see how they would have worked a body double into that scene.


On the nudity front, why the hell was deadite Lem running around in thermal underwear when he was fully dressed at the point the demon caught up to him last episode?

Never saw Spartacus I just figured since we never saw her face when we saw her body.

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I liked this episode quite a bit but something felt off. I think it was the cops attitude, it's not even a day after the events in the diner so her being so friendly and such a part of the team so soon felt off.

I'm massively curious about Ruby and what she is, exactly. She's not a deadite but she's not human either.

I liked the ending with Ash heading off to the cabin by himself, it's both in and out of character for him. Can't wait for Ash to come face to "face" with his evil hand.

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Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if that was LL nude. She went all the way on Spartacus iirc. Plus, she's know these guys for practically half her life. They've probably seen her nude once or twice. Even her husband.


I don't know why the cop is all flirty now with Ash too, but it's so awesome. I wish we could all talk like that. 

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Another episode of rip-roarin' blood and gore! I likey!

Oh and I am so glad the Lucy Lawless character rose from the fire like a phoenix! You go girl! Nobody keeps my girl down!

I didn't mind Ash flirting with the lady cop. Seemed in character to me. Surrounded by certain death -- a dude has got to do what a dude has got to do! YKWIM?

Edited because apparently I clicked twice and my post was then posted twice? Hm?

Edited by taanja

Things I learned this episode;


1. Lucy Lawless has a good looking body-double.

2. Ash is showing some character growth.  I'm sure the grey-now-showing-at-the-temples is on purpose, a nice touch.

3. But he's still the same old Ash, hitting on every lady with a pulse.


4.  The Cabin.  Oh my.  The Cabin.


I'm becoming convinced LL will be the one to kill off a major cast member.

Never saw Spartacus I just figured since we never saw her face when we saw her body.

Yep - the body double certainly wasn't her.


An old friend who used to work on Hercules (also an NZ-based Tapert production) said that in every shot, unless you are seeing the actors face, chances are it's a body double.  Even if they do have the actor technically available & keen, time and schedule pressures normally drive the crew to film as much as possible without the expensive & in demand primary cast members.

I seriously need Ruby to catch up with the rest of the cast or do something other than show up in brief snippets.  Her continually trailing one episode behind isn't tiresome yet, but it could be getting close.


I also don't quite buy that Fisher would immediately shift gears and be attracted to Ash after she's spent the entire series up until now trailing and wanting to either arrest or kill him.  It feels rushed on a show that's done a good job of taking time with its characters while still always moving at full speed.  The actress looks good with the rest of the crew and has really nice chemistry with Bruce Campbell though, so that's something.  I love that Ash never stops trying, even when immolation by kerosene and flare seems imminent.


Loved Kelly and Pablo's discussion about finding a signature weapon and the bloodier than bloody fight with the deadite that would not stop spurting.  Kelly was weirdly adorable wrestling her enormous gun.

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Loved Kelly and Pablo's discussion about finding a signature weapon and the bloodier than bloody fight with the deadite that would not stop spurting.  Kelly was weirdly adorable wrestling her enormous gun.

I like that too.Her line about how fucked up her life is and that her parents are dead/turned into deadites and she was possessed by a demon and therefore she needs a flamethrower was really funny. 


It was also cool seeing the cabin again.

I didn't see it coming either... I'll have to see how this all plays out to determine if it's a good surprise or a bad surprise... at the moment I'm not all that fond of it, if only because they could have done more with the character.


EDIT:Something felt off about this particular death, but it seems pretty definitive. But then I came back to my theory that Ruby is a renegade deadite. When she had her battle in front of the Brujo's house the deadite was talking to her like she was a traitor. Given they established a relationship between Ruby and Amanda, I'm thinking she comes back and joins Ruby as a renegade deadite.

Edited by Ronin Jackson
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I've been watching it.  I binged a bunch of eps to catch up, I don't usually watch on first run.


I've only seen the The Evil Dead so beyond the basics (cabin/Ash/Deadites) I don't know the history details.  Gore doesn't bother me, so bring it on.


Anyway, I really like it.  I think 30 minutes is a perfect run time.  Bruce Campbell is doing a great job selling his tired action hero, super rough around the edges but cares about his people.  I love that he's an older, overweight action hero and I have no doubt that Ash, even as a lone wolf (LOL) cares about his group.


i was surprised too about Fisher, maybe she will come back like Ruby?  Now I'm worried about Pablo and Kelly. 


Oh, when Ash's hand opened an eye I almost fell off the chair LOL.  Love those little bits.  I'm kind of sorry it grew another Ash, I would love a hand with an eye running around causing trouble.


It has been renewed, hasn't it?  Oops NM, I see it has, yay!

Edited by raven
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Just watched and I was shocked/disappointed in Fisher's fate. However, it could explain why they rushed the relationship with Ash, she went from blaming him for everything to bestie/romantic partner in the blink of an eye. The whole relationship felt off that the actual death (for now) has me thinking about her coming back rather than being permanently gone.

Guess I'll wait to next week to offer a final opinion.

I will say that I did love Bruce Campbell playing evil/sinister, he was exceptionally good in the role, I expected him to be more campy but he did a great job in the Ash/Fisher scenes.

I also loved the added comedy touches, it reminded me of Ash vs Evil Hand in Evil Dead II. Loved the scene in the barn when he was fighting with the Bear/wolf trap and then the Ash vs Ash fight.

  • Love 3

I'm not even sure we found out what Ruby's evil-good status was. She wrote the Necronomicon, that's not exactly beneficial to the world. But the book isn't exactly deceptive about it's evil potential, so dickheads like Ash (bless his heart) who use it to summon demons are definitely at least partially responsible for the evil that ensues. I guess we need to see what the fuck Ruby is summoning in the next episode. Probably not something good. Yeah, she's probably evil.


But I like that some of the blame she threw at Ash is completely valid, even if Ruby is way evil-er.


The "Just The Two of Us" moment was way cute. There's something about the way they do gore on this show (and it seems similar to Spartacus, too) that doesn't really gross me out. It's so cartoonish, the blood looks like fruit punch.

Edited by Liqidclark
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I was a little surprised they glossed over the Ash meets Ruby thing. At first, it wasn't clear he knew who she was (which would be odd if she were really the sister of his dead ex), but then he later called her Ruby, which seems to suggest that he did know. Still would have been nice to have a bit of dialogue explaining their current relationship/enmity status between the two characters, rather than just the brief explanation Ruby gave to Amanda way back when.


It also seemed weird to me that she convinced them she wanted to destroy the book and told them the correct way to go about it, but then the ritual seemed to involve giving her ownership of the book without any explanation. Presumably, she needed ownership in order to destroy it? But that was kind of not explained. Glad that Ash, at least, seemed skeptical of the whole process, even if he did capitulate in the end.


Otherwise, this was a pretty good episode. This and last episode were the two strongest recent episodes. I think the narrative started to wander a bit once they hit the road, particularly with all the hit and miss Ruby/Amanda scenes that were just almost add-ons, and Amanda's character suffered as a result from that and from some forced chemistry between her and Ash (sadly, I only really started warming to her last episode.)


I loved the Just the Two of Us moment, and I thought it particularly funny that the blood was casting red shadows against the wall.

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The "Just the Two of Us" bit had me rolling as did Deadite Amanda's dead hiker puppet theater.


I agree with the above that the long awaited Ruby-Ash meeting and how/if they know each other felt almost rushed through.  I wanted more.  How did they all immediately know they could trust Ruby?  She shows up literally out of the sky, acknowledges that she's been trailing them, and they just hand over everything?  I realize it's an action-heavy show and that's what they're interested in but it felt almost they were fastforwarding to get to the she wrote the Necronomicon reveal.


Still, it was a pretty solid episode that continued the excellence that was last week.  The Chatty Cathy Necronomicon was great, raising the surprisingly deep question of whether it ruined Ash's life or made him more than he ever would have been on his own.

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The question now becomes is Ruby possessing another of Professor Knowby's daughters, or has she just been masquerading as one the whole time to get closer to the Necronomicon? She's clearly one of the wizards/witches that used it to summon demons and rule the world way back when, but it's not clear whether she's in her original body or a borrowed one.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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I've watched every episode. I have enjoyed them all. I haven't posted here often, though, mostly because I'm usually a couple of weeks behind. (See the date on this episode and the date I'm posting.) I hope the ratings have been been good, and I know they've been good enough to warrant a second season. And I say, "Bring it on!"

I don't know how I feel about this episode. I absolutely loved it until the very end. The ending is throwing me for a loop. I absolutely hated that Ash took the deal (for a few minutes I was positive that it was a hallucination). However, it's totally something Ash would do, so I can't even complain about it being OOC.

  • Love 1

They really stepped up the gore for this one.  The humor was also dialed way back but still had its moments.  While I didn't particularly care about Heather because I always figured she was toast, it was a gloriously tough callback to the original Evil Dead movies to watch the cabin drag out its torture of her.  Ray Santiago was doing some really nice work with the births of the demon children and being disgusted and horrified by it all despite being in the Necrocomicon mask most of the episode.


I wasn't surprised to see Ash to take the deal, although they at least gave him the nice touch of wanting to refuse it the first time.  It's an easy out and after more than 30-some years of this, he just doesn't want to do it or be alone anymore.  It also means we get to keep Lucy Lawless and sets up season two.


I don't know how long they can keep the franchise going but it was a hell of a first season. 

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I'm not surprised he ended up taking the deal. After all that, Ash seemed worn out, and he got the side of his face sliced bad. I don't think Ash is going to be content with the deal though. The book was right; without all this going on, he's a nobody. He's going to get bored fishing, and what's he going to do for work? Another S-MART? I think S2 will see Ash eventually get frustrated and itching to get back into the fight. Maybe something happens to one of the kids to pull him back in. 


That little demon kid was creepy.


I want ten thousand dollars. I'm not a bank! Rudy was so over him at that point. 

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I've been trying to figure out why LL's character didn't simply kill Ash. She said he was the only thing standing in her way. She kept threatening to kill him if he didn't take the deal but why bother? Ash is potentially a threat as long as he lives, even if he is off in his own little dream world, since he can always come back after her. Why not just kill him in the first place?

That's what I was thinking. She needed him alive until she got the Necronomicon again, but the only reason I could come up with for why she didn't kill him herself is because for whatever reason she literally can't. She seems content to let the deadites do it, if any of them ever get lucky enough, but maybe his connection to the book makes him somehow immune to her?

Edited by KirkB

Ok so I very rarely post a reply or response to any of my fav shows except when chronologically someone's aka the writers screw up , love the series liked the ending cus yeah that's somthing ash would do , love the gore of the episode however the not thing I didn't like and I already understand universal studios own the rights of army of darkness and by a technicality ash vs evil dead can only spawn from the evil dead 1&2 series however their has been some army of darkness references that have stayed true during some of the episodes and that's cool . But to say the dark one lucy lawless wrote the book of the dead is flawed especially since she is the daughter of the family from the evil dead series and the book itself was said to have been written centuries before hand , in fact time line the book of the dead was around during the army of darkness . Now the dark ones could have easily added more pages to the book ands added in ashes char, as well as a few scriptures but it just doesn't add up , specially as the evil ones father was the researcher on the book and made e original recordings on the play back cassette that ash stumbled upon in evil dead one and activated....... Too many flaws on the writs parts in this episode very disapointed in that aspect

On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 1:13 PM, saoirse said:

Excellent.  I can totally see Lee Majors as Ash's father.  But I really love the casting of Ted Raimi as his childhood best friend.  Ted Raimi is Sam Raimi's brother (creator of the original Evil Dead film series), and Ted was in the cast of Evil Dead and Evil Dead II. 

Looking forward to Season 2, which begins on Sept 23rd.

Edited by SnarkyTart

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