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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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9 hours ago, llewis823 said:

Before I scrolled all the way up, I thought Kody had shaved his head and then I saw it - that little mohawkyish patch on top. Seriously, shaving your head as a guy is the way to go - it's "in style" and in his case, would make him much better looking. 

Kody could definitely rock the bald look. Some men just have a thing about their hair...my husband refuses to let go of his gray, wiry mullet. Nothing anyone says has convinced him.

  • Love 2

I like Kody's shirt.

Saw my first LLR leggings today at the gym.  So ugly, big geometric (?) print with a too small floral top.  It was sooo bad, I figured the outfit had to come from LLR.  Fortunately, the products don't seem big in this area.  (I should have taken a photo it was such a bad outfit!)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, lma said:

Or the wonder that Kody actually took a photo with her.

I hate how she’s so much more into him than he ever was her. And with 6 kids between them and after all these years. Christine is a sad case to me. 

I hate that, too.  Christine seems to be the most devoted, and the least appreciated.  Kody's a dick.

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I hate that, too.  Christine seems to be the most devoted, and the least appreciated.  Kody's a dick.

I’m just gonna say it.... Is it possible that she is his least favorite wife in the bedroom?   You cannot tell me that he doesn’t have a preferred wife for sexy times.   She has always received the least from him and there has to be a reason.

ok, I just made myself sick and need to go throw up :/

  • Love 5
57 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

Is it possible that she is his least favorite wife in the bedroom?   

He admitted on a Tell All that he wasn't attracted to her in a physical sense when they got married.  Their dynamic is disturbing because they will kind of tease each other or take digs but there is this underlying hatred from him and sadness from her, it is so messed up.

Edited by lettsjetts
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I’m just gonna say it.... Is it possible that she is his least favorite wife in the bedroom?   You cannot tell me that he doesn’t have a preferred wife for sexy times.   

You KNOW Robyn is his preferred wife for sexy times.  Meri definitely doesn't get any and I doubt Janelle does either.  Maybe Christine is the rotation but not sure....

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, neh said:

I doubt that he put a bag over her head during their intimate moments together.

I wouldn't put it past him since the whole exercise was to procreate, not for romance.  He probably went the "close your eyes and think of England" route.  Doesn't take intimacy to have intercourse just the ability to get it up when necessary.

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, neh said:

Well, Kody must have gotten over his revulsion of Christine somewhat, since they sure have a lot of children together. I doubt that he put a bag over her head during their intimate moments together.

I agree, I think in that horrific interview, he was saying he wasn't attracted to her at that time...I don't think that means he has never been attracted to her. Lately they seem pretty cozy and flirty, at times. I would bet the rotation includes Christine and Robyn only. (barf)

He's still a huge ass wipe for saying that stuff though. How cruel.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, lettsjetts said:

He admitted on a Tell All that he wasn't attracted to her in a physical sense when they got married.  Their dynamic is disturbing because they will kind of tease each other or take digs but there is this underlying hatred from him and sadness from her, it is so messed up.

I read their book and Christine was so in love with Kody and I believe she was relentless in trying to become wife number 3.  Just from some of the things she has said on the show, she likes to argue with Kody.  That is a big turn off for some guys.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, lettsjetts said:

Could you please give me an example of Kody and Christine being cozy and flirty?  

One that I remember was when he was going to go see the B&B Meri wanted (the time he brought an audio book so he wouldn't have to talk to her!)...before he left he was at Christine's and they were kind of lovey dovey saying good bye. Some hand holding and being a bit mushy for the TH's during Mykelti's wedding also.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

...before he left he was at Christine's and they were kind of lovey dovey saying good bye. Some hand holding and being a bit mushy for the TH's during Mykelti's wedding also.

They have their moments but the underlying tension is always noticeable to me.  I started analyzing Kody and Christine's relationship very critically after reading their book and then more so after watching that Tell All. There may not have been any attraction at the beginning but if they have gone on to "find their sweet spot" and raise 6 kids why would he ever bring that up to humiliate her?   Only a man who has a deep disdain would do that to the mother of his children in front of the other wives and the world like that.  Christine drives me nuts but I feel so bad that she believes Kody is the only way to Eternal Salvation.  I think Kody is appreciative to Christine for being a loving mother to all the children but she wants romance and he seems really annoyed by that.   Out of all the relationships on the show the one between her and Kody is the most fascinating and sad to me.          

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, lettsjetts said:

I started analyzing Kody and Christine's relationship very critically after reading their book and then more so after watching that Tell All. There may not have been any attraction at the beginning but if they have gone on to "find their sweet spot" and raise 6 kids why would he ever bring that up to humiliate her?

I read their book as well (I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that, but, there it is!) and I vividly remember the Tell All when "Nacho-gate" came up...don't remember who brought it up, but it would seem there are only 2 possibilities as to who brought it up, Christine or Kody, and why would she bring it up, so I'm sure it must have been him, being a dick like he always is. Like you say, why would he bring it up? I don't know, seems like something most guys would NEVER say. 

I suppose the simple answer is he brought it up because he's a jackass. Is he a jackass on purpose, or by accident? Who knows. Guys often make mistakes and say something hurtful without realizing it, but to sit there being interviewed for TV and when asked "So you weren't attracted to her" and to answer that by saying "That's an understatement." is just SO beyond the pale. He could have at least tried to downplay it, instead of answering it THAT way. I don't see how he could have not realized that would hurt her, deeply. As for why it came up in the book, again...he must have brought it up, and again I'm stunned as to why he would do that. Either he's clueless, stupid, mean, or a combination of all of those things! And once it's in the book, he had to have realized he would be asked about it. Asshattery at its finest.

Right now they seem to be in a good place, or at least a better place than they have been...they seemed to be in a really bad place when they first moved to Vegas. If they are in a better place, it's because of her, no doubt, not because he did any work on their relationship, because, well, he just doesn't.

I think all the wives know that the only way to get any affection and attention from Kody is to never complain, never rock the boat...don't have any feelings of your own and for God's sake don't come to him wanting to talk about those feelings. Kody Brown, full time asshat, as the saying goes!

Edited by Sasha888
  • Love 6

Personally, I think Christine has aged very nicely.  She went from wearing that frumpy ugly wedding gown when she married Kody to being a nice looking 40 something woman.  She has a kind personality too, and she's humorous.  Kody may not have known what he was getting when he married her but other than Robyn I think Kody seems to get along with her best physically.  Have we ever seen him flirty with Janelle?  When Kody and Christine were on their trip to Michigan having Ysabel's spine worked on they actually seemed flirty to me.  Christine seems to instigate it but Kody doesn't appear to be opposed.

  • Love 5

Good grief, does she realize that she's coming across as a total moron in these stupid clips?  Are there people that really debate these deep questions - sugar cookies, yes or no, who is the bad guy?  

You guy-ses decide.  Personally I think she sounds like a total simpleton.  Time to put the phone down and stop recording this drivel.

  • Love 9
32 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

"Car Confessions?"  Is that really a thing?

Dear Christine:  this stuff is dumb.

Exactly...I mean, what the hell is the point of this garbage? At least when Meri posts garbage it's because she's trying to sell her garbage. Living her WHY, because of LuLaNo, etc. Heck Mariah and Maddie are usually hawking some crap too, and post about it. Christine could at least take a picture of herself in LuLaNo "outfits" while she's sharing her deep thoughts. Or hashtag a bunch of stupid products that will give her a kickback...at least then there would be a point to the madness.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Sasha888 said:

Exactly...I mean, what the hell is the point of this garbage? At least when Meri posts garbage it's because she's trying to sell her garbage. Living her WHY, because of LuLaNo, etc. Heck Mariah and Maddie are usually hawking some crap too, and post about it. Christine could at least take a picture of herself in LuLaNo "outfits" while she's sharing her deep thoughts. Or hashtag a bunch of stupid products that will give her a kickback...at least then there would be a point to the madness.

The point to the madness is probably to amp up interest for their triumphant return to our screens in January.  Christine is probably the most endearing of all of the "wives", so she would be the best candidate to post her innocuous little messages to keep us aware of their existence.

The SL's for this season are bleak, Aspyn's wedding and the Leaving Las Vegas exodus.  Maybe the reason for the "car confession" vignettes is to keep her new residence under wraps until the big dramatic reveal, probably slated for the end of the coming season.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Maybe the reason for the "car confession" vignettes is to keep her new residence under wraps until the big dramatic reveal, probably slated for the end of the coming season.

Well, duh, Christine....there are pictures of it all over the place.  You people don't seem to grasp the fact that you are all old news.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

The SL's for this season are bleak, Aspyn's wedding and the Leaving Las Vegas exodus.

Agree, I find those two storylines to be a whole lot of nothing.

2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Maybe the reason for the "car confession" vignettes is to keep her new residence under wraps until the big dramatic reveal, probably slated for the end of the coming season.

Heh...they haven't done very well keeping it under wraps, have they. I suppose they plan a "cliffhanger" episode at the end of this season - blah blah blah - but we already know. 

The only interesting thing to me right now is how long will it take to unload their Vegas houses, and how many times will they have to reduce their prices (when they find out people aren't dying to live in the former home of a reality "star").

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Sandy W said:

The SL's for this season are bleak, Aspyn's wedding and the Leaving Las Vegas exodus.


14 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

Agree, I find those two storylines to be a whole lot of nothing.

Oh I couldn't disagree more. Aspyn's wedding looked lovely and I am curious about this Flagstaff move.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:


Oh I couldn't disagree more. Aspyn's wedding looked lovely and I am curious about this Flagstaff move.

The wedding did look lovely, but all the details were documented in the story they sold to People magazine last June.  All that remains to be revealed is did Kody give a send-off speech to Aspyn, if so, did he have a library of journals he had kept, documenting her progression through life to refer to, did he accept Mitch into the fold by Knighting him with a Scottish dirk.......

As far as the Flagstaff move is concerned, they will reveal only details that portray them in the best possible light.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

Okay I don't watch SW anymore but I do read here. I didn't realize Aspyn already got married.

Aspyn got married in June and multiple tabloids published pictures of the event. so nothing new to see here, folks.  Move on.

And as far as Logan, I'm sure you are correct and he wants nothing to do with this boring tell-nothing, rehash old news show.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

The wedding did look lovely, but all the details were documented in the story they sold to People magazine last June.  All that remains to be revealed is did Kody give a send-off speech to Aspyn, if so, did he have a library of journals he had kept, documenting her progression through life to refer to, did he accept Mitch into the fold by Knighting him with a Scottish dirk.......

As far as the Flagstaff move is concerned, they will reveal only details that portray them in the best possible light.

1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Aspyn got married in June and multiple tabloids published pictures of the event. so nothing new to see here, folks.  Move on.

True about the Flagstaff move, lol. But as for weddings, reading about them and seeing pictures is definitely not the same as seeing it unfold onscreen (or actually being there, lol). I love the Scottish theme, and Aspyn seems like a nice girl. I'm not really one who gets overly sentimental at weddings, but they are a time of joy and celebration and it's nice to see people happy and enjoying themselves. I hope I never get so cynical that I can't take pleasure in someone else's happiness.

That's not to say that I didn't get some snarky fun out of Mykelti and Tony's...let's say, interesting, wedding choices! ;)

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Sandy W said:

The wedding did look lovely, but all the details were documented in the story they sold to People magazine last June.  All that remains to be revealed is did Kody give a send-off speech to Aspyn, if so, did he have a library of journals he had kept, documenting her progression through life to refer to, did he accept Mitch into the fold by Knighting him with a Scottish dirk.......

As far as the Flagstaff move is concerned, they will reveal only details that portray them in the best possible light.

Sandy, I LOL'ed at Scottish dirk.  My DOL mind immediately thought Scottish dick.  I don't have any idea if Kody/Doofus has any Scottish heritage, but most of us here would agree, he's Definitely a Dick with a capital D.

  • Love 6

I remember when Mykelti wanted to go to design school.  What a comedown, to be schlocking LuLaNo.  Do the 4 Sister Wives & Mr. Doofus own shares in that company?

Somehow, the Browns are appearing to profit from this overpriced, ugly-printed crapola.  I'm flummoxed, or dumbfounded, or whatever the correct word is.  

  • Love 14
On 11/22/2018 at 3:55 PM, xwordfanatik said:

I remember when Mykelti wanted to go to design school.  What a comedown, to be schlocking LuLaNo.  Do the 4 Sister Wives & Mr. Doofus own shares in that company?

Somehow, the Browns are appearing to profit from this overpriced, ugly-printed crapola.  I'm flummoxed, or dumbfounded, or whatever the correct word is.  

I think whatever success they have has an impeding expiration date and they'll be onto the next thing...


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