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Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)

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We have observed Janelle's struggles with weight loss issues for 8 years now, going way back to the plans to open a fitness center and her working with a personal trainer.  I have not noticed any difference in her weight, if anything she seems larger than she was 8 years ago.  Her main problem may be lack of commitment to see any of her various regimes through, the only commitment she seems to have is to her sham of a marriage, which may be at the root of her weight problem--- stress or comfort eating to fill a void.

There must be health problems that come with lugging around that excess poundage, pressure on bone structure and internal organs as well as the possibility of diabetes and heart disease.  Even the motivation of watching a grandchild grow to adulthood doesn't seem to be enough to have her stick with a plan.  Instead of spending time with Nancy in a futile attempt to cultivate a relationship with Meri, she may be better spending the time in deep therapy with a qualified psychologist.   Three naps a day!!!  Something is dreadfully wrong. 

  • Love 9

Her naps are caffeine withdrawal, you cannot quit that cold turkey without headaches and extreme fatigue. Why cut it out anyway?  She has been sucked into the anti caffeine crowd who are obsessed with toxins.  Coffee is good for you in many ways.  

Therapy will not help anyone lose weight!  It is complicated and genetics play a part. 

I haven’t been reading here for a long time so this is the first I have seen Kody’s ponytail.  His hairline is receding so probably an interim step to cutting his hair short.  Well, maybe not now that I think about it.  LOL. There are bald men with ponytails!  

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Wings said:

I haven’t been reading here for a long time so this is the first I have seen Kody’s ponytail.  His hairline is receding so probably an interim step to cutting his hair short.  Well, maybe not now that I think about it.  LOL. There are bald men with ponytails!  

When I first started watching the Brown Klowns, I assumed Kody would eventually see the light and cut his hair, too. I am now firmly convinced that he is incomprehensibly attached to that bizarre broom on his head and will never cut it, even when his hairline starts at his ears.

  • Love 11

Re-sets?  Epsom salt baths?  Good grief, she'll fall for anything!  There is not a shred of scientific proof that epsom salts does a damned thing.  You don't "detox" through the skin - other than sweat there is nothing that moves from the "inside" to the "outside" through the skin.  Skin is waterproof!  If it weren't we'd all shrivel up on a hot day! 

  • Love 10
On 5/15/2018 at 7:10 AM, Sandy W said:

We have observed Janelle's struggles with weight loss issues for 8 years now, going way back to the plans to open a fitness center and her working with a personal trainer.  I have not noticed any difference in her weight, if anything she seems larger than she was 8 years ago.  Her main problem may be lack of commitment to see any of her various regimes through, the only commitment she seems to have is to her sham of a marriage, which may be at the root of her weight problem--- stress or comfort eating to fill a void.

There must be health problems that come with lugging around that excess poundage, pressure on bone structure and internal organs as well as the possibility of diabetes and heart disease.  Even the motivation of watching a grandchild grow to adulthood doesn't seem to be enough to have her stick with a plan.  Instead of spending time with Nancy in a futile attempt to cultivate a relationship with Meri, she may be better spending the time in deep therapy with a qualified psychologist.   Three naps a day!!!  Something is dreadfully wrong. 


4 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Re-sets?  Epsom salt baths?  Good grief, she'll fall for anything!  There is not a shred of scientific proof that epsom salts does a damned thing.  You don't "detox" through the skin - other than sweat there is nothing that moves from the "inside" to the "outside" through the skin.  Skin is waterproof!  If it weren't we'd all shrivel up on a hot day! 

Janelle has an apathetic, sluggish, gullible vibe about her. She has great aspirations, but dives into things in a rather uncommitted manner and seems lacking in knowledge--despite having tried to get healthy for years. You'd think she'd have accumulated a wealth of information by now, but it feels like it's her first go at it every time she posts an update.

  • Love 6
39 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

You'd think she'd have accumulated a wealth of information by now, but it feels like it's her first go at it every time she posts an update.

It's not hard to do research on things - she should take all of these cockamamie short cuts with a grain of (epsom) salt instead of showing her ignorance by posting this crap.  Look for peer reviewed scientific articles instead of falling for "Mademoiselles Majic Elixir of Good Feels"  like the green goo and detox baths and all the other crap she's been sold.  How gullible can one person be?

  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

It's not hard to do research on things - she should take all of these cockamamie short cuts with a grain of (epsom) salt instead of showing her ignorance by posting this crap.  Look for peer reviewed scientific articles instead of falling for "Mademoiselles Majic Elixir of Good Feels"  like the green goo and detox baths and all the other crap she's been sold.  How gullible can one person be?

She reminds me of the 600 lb people.  She is always looking for some sort of magic cure to fix a life long problem.  Didn't she graduate from some sort of program to be a diet expert or something?  The posts are in here somewhere but I don't feel like looking for them.

  • Love 9

It's not like the woman is working 9-5, then running around crazy mad with six kids and their activities. THEN having to go home, keep house, cook and wrangle that doofus husband every day. Her job IS eating correctly and working out. She has a couple kids of the self-sufficient age at home. That house does not look like a rag has been passed over it in ages and who knows when the last time Doofus was around. It really isn't that hard to eat right and let yourself have a cheat day once a week, especially if she has been trying for a while. And by eating right, I don't mean weird green smoothies or elaborate organic meals. She is such a tiring woman. No personality, no motivation, no spark. No wonder Kody picked her for a wife. She was a breeder/accountant/easy path to Heaven.

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Re-sets?  Epsom salt baths?  Good grief, she'll fall for anything!  There is not a shred of scientific proof that epsom salts does a damned thing.  You don't "detox" through the skin - other than sweat there is nothing that moves from the "inside" to the "outside" through the skin.  Skin is waterproof!  If it weren't we'd all shrivel up on a hot day! 

My guess is the bath is just to kill time and try and forget about cravings.   She really just needs to start weight watchers and learn to eat like a normal person.  Enough with any and all gimmicks and just do the damn work.  She needs to try harder and realize no real foods are verboten but they do need to be counted.  This STRIVE bullshit is just that.  WHO is going to take any advice from someone who doesn't have it figured out?  

The pic above, Michelle and Logan look great.  I agree with the assessment of Caleb and Maddie.  And JEEZUS, that boy (Paedon??) is tall!

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Re-sets?  Epsom salt baths?  Good grief, she'll fall for anything!  There is not a shred of scientific proof that epsom salts does a damned thing.  You don't "detox" through the skin - other than sweat there is nothing that moves from the "inside" to the "outside" through the skin.  Skin is waterproof!  If it weren't we'd all shrivel up on a hot day! 

Let’s hope she’s cleaned the tub since Baby David Axelrod’s birth. 

  • Love 12

Whoa, what morons certified Janelle to be any kind of health "coach?"  Completely agree with the posters above...she has shown zero progress and in fact seems to have taken several giant strides backwards.  And cutting all of the "bad stuff" cold turkey in one day is kind of ridiculous and a sure-fire way to be pounding a 9x13 pan of peanut-butter Fritos at midnight.

Very basic, simple research has about 100 ideas on how to help with food cravings.  Napping, I suppose, would be one way but eventually you wake up.

  • Love 5
On 5/16/2018 at 10:16 AM, TurtlePower said:

 Three naps a day!!!  Something is dreadfully wrong. 

That is often a sign of depression, sleeping all the time.  But agree, excess weight can cause a host of problems.  I had a friend who had HBP, diabetes, fatty liver disease, major back pain and knee pain.  She went to WW and ended up losing 200 pounds and all of her health issues went away.  She was able to get off all of her medication.  She said the thing she liked about going to the meetings was the support the leader and other members gave her.  It's not a diet but a lifestyle change.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

It's not a diet but a lifestyle change.

Absolutely.  People who plan on dieting end up with the boomerang effect, gaining it all back plus.  You have to commit to changing your lifestyle forever.

That's why some folks with gastric bypass fail. They cannot deal with the discipline required to change your eating habits for the rest of your life.  They fall back on old habits because it's easier.  Which is why that was never an option for me;  I know I lack that kind of stiff upper lip!

  • Love 2

Very true that it's not quick weight loss itself, but a permanent change in one's eating habits.  It took me almost 60 years to finally do it.

I twice before lost over 60 pounds, and gained it all back, and then some.  The third time was the charm for me.  I make being active by walking 2+ miles 4-5 times a week, part of the change.  I eat mostly vegetables and lean protein, with some fruit, and some non-wheat grains.  I'm lactose intolerant, so I eschew dairy products.

I suspect Janelle will not be able to keep weight off on her own without a structured program, either.  She was sort of successful losing weight for a year or two on SW, and then seemed to gain it all back.  I had a stressful lifestyle with my awful job, poor eating habits, and little physical activity, for years.  Once I was able to retire and really want to change my health, it clicked.  Janelle dear, it's NOT about how you look.  It's more about how you feel, and you obviously don't feel good if you're having to nap three times a day.  

True, I'm not in her shoes, and don't have to deal with the drama she does (I absolutely could not, especially dealing with Meri) but she no doubt has access to many support groups in LV.  A Twitter audience does not seem to be working for her.  How her "Strive" thing is still alive, I have no clue.  She's not at all credible as a weight loss coach in the shape she's in.

  • Love 7

To reiterate: she's a certified "health coach?"  What kind of health coach posts drivel like this?

Here's my translation, and I'm only half-joking...IMO, she seems intent on making this process as horrible as she can for herself, so she can justify not keeping it up.

"So today I had really bad cravings.  Rather than do any in-depth research on how to curb cravings such as take a walk, drink extra water or have a piece of fruit, I took three naps because I couldn't stand it.  Napping is the best way to escape the reality of wanting to eat bad stuff all day long.  Oh, and I went from four cups of coffee a day to quitting cold turkey so I could make myself feel extra miserable for no good reason.  Hence, all the naps.  Then I hit the magic reset button on my adrenals.  No, I won't explain what I mean because then you'd all know that I don't know my adrenals from a powdered sugar donut hole.  If I use fancy terms like "detox," "reset" and "on-line," you'll all gloss over my incredible lack of knowledge and just hit the "heart" button.  I then carefully crafted a pretty bowl of colorful food to show all of you who follow me that I actually do know what a vegetable looks like, but don't ask me for the recipe because I just used whatever was wilting in my fridge and took a filtered photo to share.  Then I did something I absolutely despise with all my heart, which is walking on my stairclimber.  Never mind that I actually adore hiking outside...instead, I chose an exercise that I can't stand because that's a sure way to make myself feel even worse.  Keep Striving, Everyone!" - Janelle

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 20

Brilliant, laurakaye!


17 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I then carefully crafted a pretty bowl of colorful food to show all of you who follow me that I actually do know what a vegetable looks like, but don't ask me for the recipe because I just used whatever was wilting in my fridge and took a filtered photo to share.

Or got it off the internet.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

To reiterate: she's a certified "health coach?"  What kind of health coach posts drivel like this?

Saw this coming when she started a business she had zero expertise in (but should by now). She's got all these trainers available, doesn't sound like she's taking advantage of it. Yet, we should "strive" with her. And pay her. 

More accurately: "Struggle With Janelle".

  • Love 6

There is no enthusiasm in any of her posts.  Shouldn't a coach be there to inspire and motivate, rather than offer excuses to herself and followers for not sticking with the program.  It IS hard, but if she has set herself up as a coach, she should be leading by example and showing how she "kicks ass" even when she doesn't feel like it, instead of escaping to a nap.

Speaking of naps, I thought Mormons abstained from caffeine.  If her need for naps is a crash from the stimulus of coffee in her diet, maybe if she had stuck with the Mormon program, she wouldn't have to sleep away her cravings.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Saw this coming when she started a business she had zero expertise in (but should by now). She's got all these trainers available, doesn't sound like she's taking advantage of it. Yet, we should "strive" with her. And pay her. 

More accurately: "Struggle With Janelle".

Janelle did an online certification course for $5k if memory serves from a questionable institution. 

12 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Saw this coming when she started a business she had zero expertise in (but should by now). She's got all these trainers available, doesn't sound like she's taking advantage of it. Yet, we should "strive" with her. And pay her. 

More accurately: "Struggle With Janelle".

Do you think the trainers are even still affiliated with this project of hers?  I doubt they benefited from it in any way, except for a minor amount of exposure, not even on the show. 

10 minutes ago, toodles said:

One word -Internet.  

If I had spent one penny on STRIVE, I would demand my ? back.

Her last Strive blog post was in February. Her last Strive Twitter post was November. Looks like she’s just sticking with Facebook. 

Of course she could be communicating with people privately........

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Her last Strive blog post was in February. Her last Strive Twitter post was November. Looks like she’s just sticking with Facebook. 

Of course she could be communicating with people privately........

I just checked out the website and all mention of the three trainers is gone.  I guess it's all about her and her health coaching now.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

It's like Janelle thinks she needs to post regularly to pretend she's still "Striving," no matter how dumb she looks for doing so.

Maybe she is just trying to prove to the other wives that she too has a business and can't be bothered with their crap. Or uses it as a tax deduction (most likely). The one thing they are ALL good at is grifting. She does just enough to sustain the business for tax purposes. I should know better than to ask stupid questions about why she does what she does online. The answer is, everything is a grift.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, ginger90 said:




Looks like Axel inherited Janelle's wide set eyes and small chin.  He's going to be the spitting image of his uncles.

It pains me to see him crawling around on that filthy, matted, disgusting carpet.  It looks like it's been used to cover the floor of an outhouse. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Looks like Axel inherited Janelle's wide set eyes and small chin.  He's going to be the spitting image of his uncles.

It pains me to see him crawling around on that filthy, matted, disgusting carpet.  It looks like it's been used to cover the floor of an outhouse. 

I just hope he didn't inherit her do-nothing, sit-there-like-a-useless-lump personality.  

  • Love 9

"It's good to remember that you don't always need a gym to be active." I can hear Janelle saying this in her deadpan voice. And what the hell does she think people have been doing for several million years? Most people don't go to a gym anyway. We get off our asses, go outside and walk, hike, ride a bike, walk the dog, work on the yard or a million other things we don't really call exercise but call living our life. I really wonder how this woman has made it this far in life- getting a degree, working in a State position, having children that turned out OK. She does not deserve the thread title she currently has.

I was going to say the exact same thing about Axel's eyes and chin but didn't want to come off as a bit...cruel. But I'm happy to see I am in the same hell-basket as a few others. I appreciate my fellow sisterwives. We need a Be Snarky pin from MSWC.

  • Love 13
44 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

I was going to say the exact same thing about Axel's eyes and chin but didn't want to come off as a bit...cruel. But I'm happy to see I am in the same hell-basket as a few others. I appreciate my fellow sisterwives. We need a Be Snarky pin from MSWC.

Hey! It's not like I came right out and said he looks like a pig. Now that would be cruel! I merely noted his resemblance to his grandmother. Anything anyone reads into that statement, well ... I can't be held responsible. ? heh heh

I'm crocheting an afghan for the handbasket, by the way. If anyone has any old yarn laying around they don't need, please send it my way. 

  • Love 8
56 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Hey! It's not like I came right out and said he looks like a pig. Now that would be cruel! I merely noted his resemblance to his grandmother. Anything anyone reads into that statement, well ... I can't be held responsible. ? heh heh

Well, unfortunately I am known for being somewhat more blunt than others on the board. So my comment would have probably sounded a bit more cruel!!! Let's just hope he grows into his face, bless his heart.

  • Love 3

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