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Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)

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2 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Not quite sure what you mean by this, but Robin has been there since the very first episode of Season 1.

If you have a hard time finding video online, you can also visit Sister Wives Blog for reviews starting in 2011. Cynical Jinx then left and started her blog at Cynical Jinx's Living Room. She has reviews going back to Season 3.

I googled when she came on and season 7 came up and that was wrong!  I found season on on TLC.  Thanks. 

  • Love 2

I'm watching the very first episode now.  I don't think Robyn comes on until the very last minute of the ep.  

Amazed how much happier they all look.  Kody was an ass then and he's a bigger one now.  I can see he was all so proud of being a polygamist and showing off.  He seemed to be closer to the kids as well.  and he seemed to really be into Christine.  

Were they genuine about it then, or was it all just an act and we're seeing the real people coming out?

Meri and the kids (notably the teenage girls) were slimmer back then.  Meri was going to school but not really taking it seriously.  They really seemed cohesive.  Janelle's weight seems to have redistributed itself since the first show.  

Edited by DakotaJustice
  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

I'm watching the very first episode now.  I don't think Robyn comes on until the very last minute of the ep.  

Amazed how much happier they all look.  Kody was an ass then and he's a bigger one now.  I can see he was all so proud of being a polygamist and showing off.  He seemed to be closer to the kids as well.  and he seemed to really be into Christine.  

Were they genuine about it then, or was it all just an act and we're seeing the real people coming out?

Who knows?  Season one they were certainly less guarded, but they were also trying sell polygamy as the best thing since sliced bread.

Another one of my favorite season one episodes is where truley is born.  Kody asking the Dr. for fertility advice for meri while CHRISTINE WAS IN LABOR is a classic.  That's the same episode that the camera caught kody kissing Robyn before he left for the hospital..

Good times.

  • Love 4

When this show started, I was interested in learning how they made their family work. I've known several people who have tried adding people to their marriages, and every single one crashed and burned miserably. One lasted about two years but none of the others lasted more than six months. I also know a few swingers and people in open marriages, and those fluctuate between working and not working for a while before crashing and burning. Finances and attention (or lack thereof) cause marital strife in monogamous marriages, add an additional person and that adds additional strife.

It became apparent during Season 1 that the family was not a big family, but three separate ones. Being sure I was being lied to, I searched the web, landed on the Sister Wives Blog, and began hate watching for a few seasons until it was too boring to sit through. The Polygamy USA show was so much better, because even if I don't agree with it, and recognize how dangerous it is due to the information provided from the Sister Wives being terrible liars and people posting truth online, those families were living the principal they believed, as opposed to the Browns, who had clearly become infatuated with themselves. 

Season 1 was also when Janelle was deemed "smarter" because she largely kept her mouth shut on the couch chats and let the others spew idiocy, unless it was something negative about Kody, at which point she bent over backwards to defend him or clarify his statements to not sound so stupid. 

  • Love 7

Have you guys seen this? http://lasvegas.informermg.com/2017/05/31/strive-with-janelle-hopes-to-make-being-active-exciting-for-beginners/



Getting in shape is always made to seem so easy, but for those just starting to get active it can be a tough. Resources always seem to be for more those in more advanced positions and it can be discouraging for those who’d like to get more involved. But Janelle Brown, one of the stars of TLC’s reality show “Sister Wives,” is here to make a difference for those needing resources.

The first paragraph is a complete clusterfuck of fail. "It can be a tough" .... it can be a tough what? A tough nut to crack? A tough row to hoe? A harsh truth? The second bolded part is just .... ugh. As for Janelle Brown riding to the rescue with her "resources", the writer has obviously not checked these supposed "resources" out or he/she/they would have realized it's all bullshit.


For many, it can be very frustrating to start being active, especially when the task can feel daunting if not discouraging.

This sentence isn't any better. Per the thesaurus, "daunting" and "discouraging" are synonyms. I get what the writer was trying to say, but s|he should have used at least one different adjective (and the thesaurus). Also, there should be a comma after "daunting". I would have gone with "demoralizing" instead of "discouraging".


Brown said how important it is to acknowledge that there will always be a next step and always room to improve. With STRIVE’s active program and resources, the opportunity to improve is always a possibility. STRIVE offers inspirational blog entries, special events, healthy recipe ideas, customized members-only work out videos and a private Facebook community that has one-on-one access to Brown.

And this one. That first sentence is written completely wrong. If you're going to write "said how important" (which just sounds wrong to me no matter what), then follow it up with some specifics about just how important it is. Otherwise, as written, change "said how important it is" to "said it is very important". Again, the reporter clearly didn't check out those blog entries or healthy recipe ideas. I haven't seen any recipes from her that I would characterize as being particularly healthy or well thought-out at all. I won't even discuss the blog entries since we've all snarked about those before. And, as many of you have said, there are plenty of free workout videos (and healthy recipe ideas) on the Internet that would be just as good as whatever crap she's putting up. As for having 1:1 access to Janelle, who the fuck cares about this? The answer is "nobody who is really serious about losing weight and getting healthy." Janelle is a fucking nobody, a Z-list "celebrity" at best; why would anyone look to her for tips on working out and eating healthy? I wouldn't be surprised if, when she goes into a candy store, all the candy mysteriously and magically attaches itself to her on her way out. She doesn't look like she's lost even 10 pounds from her "STRIVE'ing".


The change that being active can make to a person’s life is tremendous, and Brown knows just how important it is to continue to stay healthy after you’ve started.

Ok, ok, ok. The thing is that "knowing" how important it is and actually doing it are two completely separate things. I know I should be doing crunches and other exercises to help reduce the excess weight in my mid section; I'm just not doing anything about it right now. And Janelle can't even "continue" since she has yet to start!


“You know, there are real people who need real resources to get started.”

This is true. So perhaps you should be giving them some real resources, Janelle? It's just a thought.


Brown has the full support system of her own family right at home

Excuse me while I laugh so hard I cause myself to puke.


The inspiration Brown is setting for those ready to take a new lead on life is inspiration and a fantastic resource for support.

What the fuck does this even say? I literally cannot parse any meaning from that collection of words. That is one of the most poorly written and poorly researched articles I have ever seen. Even CNN doesn't manage to fail quite that spectacularly.

  • Love 10
41 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

My inner editor is screaming!!  Do you get the feeling that "Ashley Glenn" might be Kody's pen name??  O U C H

And the photo of Janelle wearing what looks like a lace curtain, shot an an angle to make her look.....um...like a cult priestess?? W T F?

  • Love 5

It's obvious that no one but Janelle knows what Strive is supposed to be, and it's possible she doesn't either. There's nothing useful or inspiring about what she offers. At best she is offering herself as a frustration-in-fitness buddy for a fee. You pay her for the privilege of listening to her talk about how hard this whole health thing is, and as a bonus you can feel better because you're not the only one failing. 

  • Love 9

Well, apparently her experts are writing some of the articles. There is some good information in some of those. Anything written by her is perfectly awful and useless, of course. The fact remains that people can find all the good information for free elsewhere on the Internet. Why should anyone pay her for this information? And if people are going to do strength training (and everyone should), Arnold Schwarzenegger's New Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding is an excellent resource, in spite of the fact it's a nearly 40 year old book.

  • Love 4

If dear Janelle is 'striving' for snark and laughs, she is succeeding wonderfully!

I'm no grammar expert, but @MrSmith, those sentences just suck!  If Janelle is supposed to be the 'smart' one, I'd hate to see what the rest of her family "support system" would write.

Let us know if you get a response from your Twitter post.

  • Love 4

The whole STRIVE thing is depressing. Her take on weight loss and exercising is depressing and a downer. It's all about how difficult it is, how tough exercise can be, how hard it is to eat correctly; it's so NEGATIVE. Even the videos she posts show her on the verge of tears. But getting healthy, living healthy, even just giving up some of the crap food doesn't have to be so negative and depressing. Taking a walk isn't hard. Looking up recipes on the internet isn't hard. For most people, the "hard" part is making time to do the right thing and reading a convoluted blog isn't going to help that. Janelle just really needs to find another scam.

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

The whole STRIVE thing is depressing. Her take on weight loss and exercising is depressing and a downer. It's all about how difficult it is, how tough exercise can be, how hard it is to eat correctly; it's so NEGATIVE. Even the videos she posts show her on the verge of tears. But getting healthy, living healthy, even just giving up some of the crap food doesn't have to be so negative and depressing. Taking a walk isn't hard. Looking up recipes on the internet isn't hard. For most people, the "hard" part is making time to do the right thing and reading a convoluted blog isn't going to help that. Janelle just really needs to find another scam.

At this point it's laughable how seriously the Browns take themselves. 

Edited to add--these idiots think just because they're the Browns and have a tv show that the world will buy what they are selling. No, guys, you have to show a passion for something and be good at it. They don't seem to catch on to this. 

There are other reality stars with businesses and product lines, but they displayed an interest or proficiency before beginning said business. Example--some of the Jersey Shore cast. Even they're more business savvy than the Browns (I actually love Jenni Farley's tanning products).

Edited by TurtlePower
  • Love 5

Does she realize that anyone can be active in their own homes by moving around?  There are even free resources at the library if one doesn't have internet (hard to imagine but true)  Someone can start small by walking back and forth, out to the mailbox and back, etc.  One doesn't need special resources if one is properly motivated.  I am speaking from personal experience.  Sure it is hard, but, if one wants it badly enough, one puts out some effort.  Or that one wants it presented with no effort.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

At this point it's laughable how seriously the Browns take themselves. 

Edited to add--these idiots think just because they're the Browns and have a tv show that the world will buy what they are selling. No, guys, you have to show a passion for something and be good at it. They don't seem to catch on to this. 

There are other reality stars with businesses and product lines, but they displayed an interest or proficiency before beginning said business. Example--some of the Jersey Shore cast. Even they're more business savvy than the Browns (I actually love Jenni Farley's tanning products).

Ditto Bethanny Frank's Skinny Girl products.  The dijon salad dressing is killer!  I have never watched her show, either.

I like the wine too.

  • Love 2
On 6/4/2017 at 5:40 AM, DakotaJustice said:

I have the book (a PDF).  Meri and Kody were married 21 April 1990.  Janelle and Kody were "married" on Meri's birthday in January 1993.  

However, according to the book:  

“After Meri and I had been married for three months, I went looking for a new job. I went to the employment agency where Janelle worked. She helped me out, first with a few part-time positions, and eventually with a full-time job in sales. One afternoon I had to stop by Janelle’s office to pick up a check. I passed by her desk to say hello. A quick hello turned into a long conversation. Janelle was very forthcoming about her life. She complained about the guys she was dating, about how immature and unsatisfactory they were. Immediately a thought popped into my head: Janelle should marry a guy like me. I thought I was the perfect solution to Janelle’s problem. Back then I was young and arrogant. I was also naive. I thought that I was everything Janelle was looking for.”

Wait. I know everyone is back on to Strive but I am going to back up. 

Kody is making it sound as if he didn't know Janelle was married to Meri's brother. Like she is some random chick that he met at work, he started up an innocent chat with, ended with him going out to dinner with her and thinking she should be with him.

The Time line...

Janelle marries Meri's brother in (I don't have this date)

Janelle admits to meeting Kody “I met Kody in the fall of 1989, even though he may not remember it,”

  • Janelle admits that seeing Kody was love at first sight.

Kody and Meri married on April 21, 1990

Janelle divorces Meri's brother on June 8, 1990

  • It is here that Kody admits that he remembers meeting Janelle. Three months after marrying Meri.
  • Janelle "complained about the guys she was dating, about how immature and unsatisfactory they were".

**********************Can anyone explain how Janelle can be talking to Kody about her dating life in June when she was divorced in June? I never been divorced so I don't know how soon someone would be dating. **********************

Kody and Janelle marries on January 20, 1993

Kody and Christine marries on March 25, 1994

Somewhere in that time line Kody was chasing an underage girl (Didn't the Brown family claim the men of the AUB NEVER went after underage girls?) who was being driven to camp by Christine.

And how stupid does Kody think people are? He can't even lie properly. He listens to Janelle's ranting about her unsatisfying dating life, thinks she should be with him. However, he goes to dinner with her and it was purely platonic? Um, yeah right. What married man of barely 3 months listen to a woman he barely even knows rant about her dating life and thinks she should be with him?

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Rainflower said:

Can anyone explain how Janelle can be talking to Kody about her dating life in June when she was divorced in June? I never been divorced so I don't know how soon someone would be dating. 

Speaking as a divorcée-  it took me years to make the decision to divorce my EX.  So when I moved out I had been done with the marriage for too long- I started dating immediately.  

A date does not equate a close relationship, it is just two people spending time together.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

Speaking as a divorcée-  it took me years to make the decision to divorce my EX.  So when I moved out I had been done with the marriage for too long- I started dating immediately.  

A date does not equate a close relationship, it is just two people spending time together.

Thanks for the insight. I just found it odd she's divorced in June and already talking about the guys she met being inadequate. Makes more sense now.

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Rainflower said:

Wait. I know everyone is back on to Strive but I am going to back up. 

Kody is making it sound as if he didn't know Janelle was married to Meri's brother. Like she is some random chick that he met at work, he started up an innocent chat with, ended with him going out to dinner with her and thinking she should be with him.

The Time line...

Janelle marries Meri's brother in (I don't have this date)

Janelle admits to meeting Kody “I met Kody in the fall of 1989, even though he may not remember it,”

  • Janelle admits that seeing Kody was love at first sight.

Kody and Meri married on April 21, 1990

Janelle divorces Meri's brother on June 8, 1990

  • It is here that Kody admits that he remembers meeting Janelle. Three months after marrying Meri.
  • Janelle "complained about the guys she was dating, about how immature and unsatisfactory they were".

**********************Can anyone explain how Janelle can be talking to Kody about her dating life in June when she was divorced in June? I never been divorced so I don't know how soon someone would be dating. **********************

Kody and Janelle marries on January 20, 1993

Kody and Christine marries on March 25, 1994

Somewhere in that time line Kody was chasing an underage girl (Didn't the Brown family claim the men of the AUB NEVER went after underage girls?) who was being driven to camp by Christine.

And how stupid does Kody think people are? He can't even lie properly. He listens to Janelle's ranting about her unsatisfying dating life, thinks she should be with him. However, he goes to dinner with her and it was purely platonic? Um, yeah right. What married man of barely 3 months listen to a woman he barely even knows rant about her dating life and thinks she should be with him?

If you try to make sense out of a Brown timeline, you will just get a headache.  It's really not worth it.

  • Love 4
On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 6:44 AM, lookeyloo said:

Does she realize that anyone can be active in their own homes by moving around?  There are even free resources at the library if one doesn't have internet (hard to imagine but true)  Someone can start small by walking back and forth, out to the mailbox and back, etc.  One doesn't need special resources if one is properly motivated.  I am speaking from personal experience.  Sure it is hard, but, if one wants it badly enough, one puts out some effort.  Or that one wants it presented with no effort.

I was in really good shape when I was a home hospice CNA because of the varied movements required: fast-walking, lifting, carrying, stooping, bending, etc. A couple years after I retired I realized that I wanted to lose 15-20 pounds so I decided to walk at home. I started at the front door, walked up the stairs, looped through the rooms upstairs, walked downstairs and through the house to the back door, walked around the house to the front door and then started another lap. I did that for 10 minutes, or 20, or even 5, but I made sure to do it a few times every day. I did it often enough that I lost 6 pounds in the first month, without making any other efforts or changes. Janelle's house is a lot bigger than mine and I think she could benefit from doing what I did.

  • Love 9

I have serious back issues and cannot walk on uneven ground.  I walk around my house every day and get in anything form 8,000 to 12,000 steps a day (depending on how long my cat sits in my lap :) ). In the evening, when I am watching TV, I walk during all the commercials.  It can be done, you just have to put in the effort.  I use the walking to help manage my diabetes and it works!!

  • Love 10

LOL at "during the commercials" because Everything at my house gets done during commercials. Three of us here so far have shared about walking indoors. We're not mental giants, we just thought outside the box. Janelle spends most of her time running into imaginary barriers, while having zero curiosity and imagination.

  • Love 7

For me, Janelle's Magnum opus is the Strive video where she makes "healthy, fresh" tacos out of greasy ground beef and Old El Paso kits. 

It's the dissertation at the beginning where she references all those helpful people that gave tips on how to substitute with healthier ingredients and she basically said "yes we all wanna eat clean..." And totally dismissed them. 

Way to go on that healthy lifestyle Jangle!!

  • Love 7

I also walk in the house as does my next door neighbor.  She has a bladder problem so doesn't want to be miles from the house.  I also do things like make a lap or two around the grocery store before starting shopping.  That's something Janelle could easily do during the heat of Las Vegas.  She could also walk early in the morning or at sunset.  I fear Janelle thinks exercises doesn't count unless it's a formal program or done at the gym.  If she'd commit to walk even 5 or 10 minutes an hour, she'd see some difference.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I also walk in the house as does my next door neighbor.  She has a bladder problem so doesn't want to be miles from the house.  I also do things like make a lap or two around the grocery store before starting shopping.  That's something Janelle could easily do during the heat of Las Vegas.  She could also walk early in the morning or at sunset.  I fear Janelle thinks exercises doesn't count unless it's a formal program or done at the gym.  If she'd commit to walk even 5 or 10 minutes an hour, she'd see some difference.

We have a large mall just over a mile away.  We are among the MANY people who are doing laps inside the air-conditioned mall early in the morning, before the stores open.  Hubby likes it if we finish BEFORE the stores open - it's cheaper that way.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:


Did it occur to Janelle that the people she watched ftom her car looked better than her because........they go to the gym? What is her definition of inspiration?

Much of what she says, sounds like depression , to me.

This bloody irks me.  I agree that most of her "words" sounds like depression, and it has for years.  All that money tossed to a therapist seems to just be wasted over the years.  What bugs me more than anything is that she is writing like this is her first experience at going to a gym.  It's like the past years of moments in the life of the Browns were never captured on camera for all to see.  She went to the gym with the other wives...we saw it.  AND we also saw real results when she was working with a real life personal trainer.  Yet in all of her "strive" words she never seems to remember this time in her life.  It bloody irks me.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Did it occur to Janelle that the people she watched ftom her car looked better than her because........they go to the gym? What is her definition of inspiration?

Much of what she says, sounds like depression , to me.

What the hell does she think the gym is for? I mean, I get that it can be scary. It was scary for me when I started working out and weighed around 250 pounds. She needs to stop worrying about what everyone else will think of her. The gym is for making a change in your physical fitness (and in your appearance since that happens naturally). Some people have it easier than others; that's all. I haven't commented on that link and I'm not going to. There is absolutely no way I could be anything that would even remotely pass as "polite".

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Did it occur to Janelle that the people she watched ftom her car looked better than her because........they go to the gym? What is her definition of inspiration?

Much of what she says, sounds like depression , to me.

I did something scary. I looked at that photo.

  • Love 4

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