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S03.E06: Sir Crispin Crandall


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Maybe some subtext about bonding with the people you fight with? From the Agincourt speech in Henry V (aka the President's speech from Independence Day)

This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remembered-

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition;

And gentlemen in England now-a-bed

Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Edited by Julia
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How did the FBI and the local police get that van description so quickly -- when there was no one around to even report the abduction ?


Lizzie is little more than background window dressing anymore.  I was kind of hoping she was the one to get shot and parked in a cryofreeze unit.


Sir Crispin Crandall of Crandall Cryonics.  Apparently they have the SHITTTIEST security on the planet if you can simply bash in the security keypad on the door and get direct access to the cryochamber.


And that break-in into the safe deposit box room in the bank was just ridiculous.  I thought Crandall Cryonics had the shittiest security, this bank was just moronic.


ETA: It's kind of sad when the Blacklister of the week is basically a ripoff of the rich dude from the movie 'Contact'. Don't they pay these writers enough to come up with original ideas ?  Or do they just bootleg ideas from whatever movie they are watching on Netflix that week ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 9

This was more of a filler episode and I didn't even care because Ressler look really hot chasing that guy and catching him and as always, looked good in kevlar. So it was good for me. But the episode in whole was slow and dry.


The blacklister was yet another billionaire doing something nefarious. And cryonics of all things. He was like a mixture of “The Longevity Initiative” and “Dr. James Covington”.


And that break-in into the safe deposit box room in the bank was just ridiculous.  I thought Crandall Cryonics had the shittiest security, this bank was just moronic.


Also apparently it's very easy to kidnap Russian assassins from their stronghold.


The cat and mouse between the taskforce trio and the Director was the only interesting bit to me. I've been looking forward to how the writers handled this bit. So now the trio are completely on side of Reddington and Liz - Ressler was actually happy that Reddington won and didn't bother to hide the fact.


And Cooper! Are you really surprised that Tom would leave bodies in his wake? The man is a sociopath and he proved that fact when he showed zero concern for his new best friend. Richie rich was a hipster wannabe tough guy with horrible taste in friends but he didn't deserve this. Tom's apology left me cold. Ressler did the right thing by turning him down. And she's not your wife, you psycho!


Did anyone miss Liz? Only me?

Edited by norask
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So I was disappointed that Sir Crispin Crandall wasn't a doughnut.


At least he kept things frosty.


(Har har har har....)


Not quite sure what Crandall was doing, and I'm not sure how safe for his health flying all the time does...but the idea of breeding for an advanced civilization was kind of neat.


Bit of a letdown that Peter Kotsiopolos is doing all this just so he can jet-set to a tropical paradise...seems trite for a man who could theoretically have ambitions for so much more. Still, it was nice that David Straitharin had something to do, and I liked that Kotsiopolos was almost on par with Red in his plan. Red may still have won, but he actually had to work for it.


I did appreciate that Andreas Halme's safety deposit box was in Montreal, and that the misdirect for Crandall's flight was headed for Halifax...Jon Bokenkamp seems to like Canada, doesn't he? I don't think I've seen Hollywood know so much about my country in...ever.


(That said, there's no such thing as a "Banque Canadienne du Nord"...I guess they needed gratuitous French to show that the bank was in Montreal)


Still not sure what Matias Solomon is there for...he seems to be an ambitious man but I still don't know what his angle is. At least today I can say he was a bit of a human, and seems interested in taking Kotsiopolos to task for laundering money. I gotta say, if there's one actor who I could believe could play the leader of a cult-like global government, it's Edi Gathegi. It's lightning in a bottle seeing him perform. I know the chances are slim, but I do hope he's long for this show.


Samar Navabi in her takedown gear...wow. I'm not sure how practical that ensemble was but...man did she look nice. She didn't have too much to do, but at least I got the pretty, I guess.


I was kind of shaking my head at Ressler, who, just minutes before, was told by Red not to give information about the case to Kotsiopolos...and there he is giving him a full debriefing. Gotta love the show passing around the Idiot Ball. Ressler did make up for it by gaining proof that Kotsiopolos isn't playing by the books...which I guess is why Matias Solomon is after him, because Kotsiopolos' ambitions are making him sloppy.


Oh and Marvin Gerard...squee!


Did like the sidebar with the inspector and his daughter, especially the inspector's stone cold confusion- "who are you?" Buddy, we've been asking that for three seasons and we are no closer to answer.


Finally Tom. I just continue to love his storyline. Sucks that Asher Sutton had to get it, but it's the price he has to pay. I'm not sure why Tom didn't tell Asher to hide as well, but I'm hopeful that this isn't the last we'll see of Gwen Hollander...Conor Leslie and Ryan Eggold seemed to have some chemistry. Could totally buy them as a couple.


I also loved how Tom correctly predicted how the final fight would turn out, even telling the mooks in advance...and they still couldn't avoid engaging the way Tom thought they would. Shows you just how good Tom is.


Good tonight.

  • Love 3

Well one thing to appreciate is that Lizzie on the run asks a lot fewer dumb questions than Lizzie of the FBI. I don't think she stopped Reddington once this episode to bitch about how unfair everything was or how she was done with his non-answers.


I loved the plot for getting the inspector off their backs. Set him up with his dream girl and give him the power to make her dreams come true. How did they explain to her why she all of a sudden was being handed the keys to her own restaurant though? Especially since she must know on some level that she can't cook worth a damn?


As usual, the police get there two steps behind the bad guys. However, we did see badass Samar come back. Hostage situation? She'll just get around behind the guy and shoot him in the back of the head. That's more like it!


The director deserves his fate for putting all of his stolen eggs in one basket at the Canadian Bank of the North. Wouldn't it be better to have smaller stashes all over the place?


In addition to the thumbs, Reddington should have taken the middle fingers and left them in the box too. Or a bomb.

  • Love 3

Bit of a letdown that Peter Kotsiopolos is doing all this just so he can jet-set to a tropical paradise...seems trite for a man who could theoretically have ambitions for so much more. Still, it was nice that David Straitharin had something to do, and I liked that Kotsiopolos was almost on par with Red in his plan. Red may still have won, but he actually had to work for it.

I agree. He seems to be the type to have plans for the White House or something like that. Running away and leaving in obscurity, rich or otherwise seems almost beneath his ego.


Samar Navabi in her takedown gear...wow. I'm not sure how practical that ensemble was but...man did she look nice. She didn't have too much to do, but at least I got the pretty, I guess.


You got your pretty and I got mine. Aram looked nice too. I find caring only about that makes watching the show very easy.


I was kind of shaking my head at Ressler, who, just minutes before, was told by Red not to give information about the case to Kotsiopolos...and there he is giving him a full debriefing. Gotta love the show passing around the Idiot Ball. Ressler did make up for it by gaining proof that Kotsiopolos isn't playing by the books...which I guess is why Matias Solomon is after him, because Kotsiopolos' ambitions are making him sloppy.



I don't think the show passed the idiot ball on this occasion. Ressler had no other recourse. He has to share info with the Director or he is out of the taskforce. Hitchins was very clear on that point. He did his best to slow down the Director and got the security video of Solomon.


I just don't get why they had to have Asher be a boxer. He was a tiny slip of a man! It was such an odd idea. 

I'm surprise he even survived his very first fight, let alone win.


Well one thing to appreciate is that Lizzie on the run asks a lot fewer dumb questions than Lizzie of the FBI. I don't think she stopped Reddington once this episode to bitch about how unfair everything was or how she was done with his non-answers.

Lizzie was barely in it and I am kinda surprised to have missed her.

This was a bit of a filler episode mostly to get all the Peices in place for the winter finale. Not saying it was bad just....filler.

Did like the cute moment with Lizzie and Dembe.

I liked the spy vs spy between Ressler and CIA guy whose name escapes me at the moment.

Tom Keen and his underground fight club was entertaining.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Again, after the doctor supposedly tape recorded evidence against the murdered AG proving the AG was behind Cooper's fake illness (or maybe it was all made-up because one would think such a recording would show the type of person the AG was, yet has not been mentioned after he was shot), people would think that tape recording phone conversations would be a GREAT idea! Like, you know, when Red is calling the Director and the Director admits to being part of the Cabal which he claims is just a fairy tale?

  • Love 2

When his list is finally exhausted, Red will host Jeopardy, where he would launch a rambling correction to a contestant before shooting him / her.


I gotta admit, I think I'd actually watch that.


*hangs head in shame*

Another inconsistency/incongruity in this episode- why did Red wait until Andras Halmi (or however you spell that name) to get kidnapped before he went after him? If Halmi had the keys to the Director's safety deposit box, you'd think Red would go after Halmi right away, not waiting for him to get kidnapped first. Unless Red likes the rush of the challenge...but that wouldn't make him very efficient, would it?

Edited by Danielg342
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I don't know if I'd consider him the best Blacklister, but Sir Crispin Crandall has to be one of the best named Blacklisters yet.  The actor was pretty good, although I was slightly disappointed, because when I first saw him, for a brief second I thought it was Brian Cox.  Now, I'm holding on to the dream that would happen one day. Brian Cox would be so awesome on this show.  Of course, the top of my list is still whenever the time comes (I'm guessing season four or five), where the show truly just gives up, and they cast William Shatner as a recurring baddie, and they just use it as an excuse to have Shatner and James Spader relive their Boston Legal days.


Glad to see that Marvin is still out and about, and helping Red out.


So now Red has gotten David Strathairn's funds (that he skimmed from the Cabal. Whoops!), and is trying to force him to exonerate Lizzie.  If he knew what was best for him, he should do it, but I don't think he will.  I wonder if he's just going to keep getting his ass kicked, or if The Director will get some kind of leverage of his own. And then there is Solomon still out and about, and I don't think he's good for either Red/Lizzie or The Director's health.


Not sure if going sleeveless on a raid is smart, but by all means, show off your arms, Samar.


Tom briefly starred in how own version of Fight Club, but now he's got the Russian guy that could prove Lizzie's innocence, so it looks like he'll be back in the main story-line shortly.  Had to kill that Asher guy too.  I wonder if that guy's fiancee will be back or not.

Going after people's money is Red's speciality- he did it to Berlin and he's now done it to Peter Kotsiopolos. One would think Red has done this many times before. Do people on this show take any care of their money?

The Director actually did do a fairly good job hiding his money. He put it in a place even he couldn't get at it. He needed Crispin Crandal's thumb print (A guy Solomon had never heard of before) to even get at the money. Crandal lived on a flying Ark and only touched land to kidnap people.

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