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S05.E06: The Bear And The Bow

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In a Camelot flashback, a chance encounter with Merlin, David, Hook, and Belle gives Merida new hope in her quest to save her brothers from the usurping clans of DunBroch. Unwilling to leave anything up to fate, Merida brings Belle along on a dangerous journey that culminates with an invaluable lesson in bravery. In Storybrooke, Regina, Mary Margaret, and David discover the spell that would allow one of Merlin's chosen to communicate with him, but when Arthur fails to reach the missing sorcerer, the heroes grow suspicious. Meanwhile, Emma commands Merida to kill Belle in hopes of forcing Mr. Gold's heroic transformation. With Merida unable to disobey Emma's orders, Gold must find the courage to fight for Belle's life or risk losing her forever.


My initial thoughts:

* Was it my imagination or did Emilie's accent slip in the boat scene with Merida?

* I get the organically produced, locally sourced food that Regina wants Zelina to eat, but it's funny that it was all green.

* Zelina is the first to call Emma Dark Swan. Still don't like it.

* Who did Rumple expect to find at the library?

* While I love Robert Carlyle, this episode did nothing for me.

* I hate Jennifer's Dark One voice.

* When did Merlin choose the Author? Are they going with the Apprentice as a voice for Merlin?

* Good job to those who predicted Nimue!

Edited by Jul 68

Never before has someone rooted this much for Belle to die.  Only to be thwarted so many times.  So. Many. Times.


She really annoyed me with the Emma succumbed to darkness too, so Rumpel is just like her line.


But nothing reminds me how irritating I find her like a centric.  Small doses, show. I can only deal with Belle in small doses.


And really, another centric with the most aggravating guest fairy tale character.  You didn’t learn after the adventures of Belle and Anna?

For me, second boring, boring , boring episode in a row.


Why is Belle along in the dungeons?  And why is she carrying the exact, useful book?  I mean, it’s giant.  Why?  I’ve no problem with her being along, but shouldn’t it make sense, and her all of a sudden roaming around dungeons with Charming, Hook, and Merlin, carrying a giant book makes sense, how?  Did I miss something in the last episode?  And, once more, the only person Belle gives a flying fig newton about is Rumple.   Oh, and being a hero.   Yay.


They’re trying so hard to push Rumple and Belle, and Belle the hero, and it just continues to not convince me.  Plus, since when was even original Rumple this snivelling?  Because I don’t remember him being this snivelling.  So I call foul--he may not be the bravest man in the village, but before he would’ve been more determined to save Belle than himself.  As for the “It wasn’t for Bae.  I was afraid  . . . that’s why I did that  . . .”?  I call  BS and  retcon.


So, since we’ve had Nealfire references in, what?, the last 3-4 episodes, are they bringing him back, or have something else planned?


As for the “Henry won’t forgive you!”  Um . . . he managed to forgive Regina for his abusive childhood.  If he can’t find a way to forgive Emma, then, well, shut up!  Henry.


Okay, it’s a sad, sad episode when I’m glad to see Zelena.  And, boy, was I very, very glad to see Zelena.  After all, she wasn’t Merida or Belle.

  • Love 19

So basically watch the last 15 minutes of this episode to get the plot.

This show really hates making these villians not Hook work for their heroism Dont they? Emma should've been asking Belle do this course not Rumple. Those two are just pathetic but at least Belle did most of the work.

Belle/Merida was not as cute as Anna/Belle.

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 3

Okay, it’s a sad, sad episode when I’m glad to see Zelena.  And, boy, was I very, very glad to see Zelena.  After all, she wasn’t Merida or Belle.


Seriously.  At 13 minutes in I was talking myself into not turning it off because I'd glimpsed Hook and Snowing and something not tortuously dull might happen.  I was wrong.


Can we be done with Merida now that she's served her purpose and had her flashback.  Please?

Edited by ParadoxLost

Merida’s plot line did not interest me much.  And I was unimpressed by the bear (and why did they special effect a bad case of halitosis?)  Finally, the blue painted wannabe Braveheart villain was kind of wimpy.


I laughed at Zelena reading “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” and her chagrin when she was served organic greens instead of onion rings.  It seems the writers are going to mine this absurd soap-opera plotline for all the cheap humor they can get out of it.


I am rather surprised that Rumple’s main plot point has been changed from crippling himself to get back to Bae to crippling himself out of fear.  While I can completely see that his cowardice could have been a main factor in this, I wonder what was the point of the Seer telling him about Bae right before he decided to cripple himself?  I agree with Mari's assessment of retcon.

Edited by Worsel
  • Love 4

Ahem. Emma is not Cora. Or Regina. Or Rumpelstiltskin! Emma is someone who took on the darkness to save the lives of these idiots. That is all.


Okay, not quite all. I hadn't missed Zelena, but there were two silver linings to her return: the "local organically grown produce" and the fact that Emma got to remember being pregnant and behind bars.  (We won't go crazy and discuss whose fault that was.)


I did like Brave, so I did like seeing Merida's brothers mostly grown. I guess we're 12-15 years beyond the time shown in the movie? However, the fact that the kidnappers, who were armed and outnumbered Merida by several dozen, bowed down because she told them to was more than a bit much.

  • Love 7

...it's funny that it was all green.

* While I love Robert Carlyle, this episode did nothing for me.

* Good job to those who predicted Nimue!


  • All green - good catch!
  • If it hadn't been for Robert Carlyle, I couldn't have watched the episode at all. Too many characters, and the plot was the theatrical equivalent of 52 Pickup!
  • I had to look up Nimue... unfortunately, now I have "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" in my head with "Nimue" instead of "Wimoweh" - arrrrgghh!


Edited by juice318
  • Love 2


-overall, I liked the episode

-it makes me sad how Belle's stuck with Rumple. She can be so awesome when she wants to be (and usually when she's not involved with Rumple).

-heck, Belle deserved to pull excalibur more than Rumple.

-one heroic deed shouldn't have made rumple a hero OR allow him pull out excalibur. How is he able to be a hero overnight, yet that doesn't seem to apply to people like Killian, Regina, etc.

-still enjoying Zelena. I loved how she turned Emma down.

-finally the others know that Arthur is shady.

-merida still grates me and I think it's because she's too...intense? And she's always just soooo angry all.the.time.

-stronger episode than 5x05, although it was more filler. Also better than Belle's centric from last season (4x06).

-I wonder if the others went looking for Belle or even noticed that she vanished (in Camelot)?

I think that covers it.

  • Love 9

So, in Camelot, Merida and Belle lagged behind and Merlin and the boys just continued on their way?

Yet another of the many times when I have to suspend not only disbelief but all common sense while watching this show.  I keep repeating my mantra "it's just a tv show..."  And yet, I do love other parts of the show and so I put up with the rest.

  • Love 2

And I have issues with what makes someone a hero. 

You and me both. Unfortunately, I don't think this show and I will ever see eye to eye on this issue. 


Ahem. Emma is not Cora. Or Regina. Or Rumpelstiltskin! Emma is someone who took on the darkness to save the lives of these idiots. That is all.

This can't be said enough. At least they allowed Hook to shake his head.

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 15

I didn't hate this episode, but the first half was much better than the second.



* I still really like Zelena. Even in her not-so-ideal position, there's still room for needling. I don't understand why she rejected the deal though. Did I miss something?
* First scene was great. Merlin, Hook, Charming and Belle kicking butt was the most fun we've had all season.

* There was quite a bit of adventuring, which can be entertaining in a cheesy way.

* Nice bit of continuity with Emma mentioning pregnancy behind bars, Belle talking about her parents, etc.

* Robert, Emilie and Amy all did good acting jobs with what they got.

* The casting for the clan leaders was absolutely perfect.

* I'm glad the plot moved at least an inch finally with Excalibur being pulled out. Now I'm waiting for the random obstacle in fixing it.

* Rumple and Emma in the last scene. Reminded me of Rumple/Regina in S1. I'd like to see more of that.


* Merida is more annoying than all the new characters of 4B combined. I would take a Lily subplot over her.

* Did anyone else honestly want to see Rumple die trying to save Belle?
* Both climaxes, past and present, were craptastic. Merida shoots one lucky arrow and automatically all the clans bow down to her? Did they even realize she was outnumbered 100 to 1?

* Merida's ability to split arrows on the target and get other miraculous shots was way overused. In the movie, she only does it once in a very pivotal scene that sets the entire story in motion. Here, she just does it for fun.

* So Rumple throws a bag of anti-magic-tree stuff into a bear's mouth, and he's automatically the Purest Hero Ever worthy enough to pull Excalibur? Such low standards.

* Maybe it was the accents, but I had trouble hearing dialogue several times. Occasionally the soundtrack would get in the way.

* Rumpbelle remains creepy and awkward. There's zero logic here in their dynamic.

* Why did we have to retcon Rumple's reasons for injuring himself? I wish we could stop character assassination that's only there to sate the appetite of this week's plot.


Let's just get to Nimue please.


And I was unimpressed by the bear (and why did they special effect a bad case of halitosis?)


It reminded me of Planet of the Apes, lol!



I thought Regina would be watching Arthur through her conveniently placed mirror. I didn't think they were all actually that stupid.

I was thinking the same thing. You'd think Regina would have some sort of magic security camera in her vault. 



So, since we’ve had Nealfire references in, what?, the last 3-4 episodes, are they bringing him back, or have something else planned?

Within the same episode, the show reminds us Emma was put in jail and also whitewashes Neal's death. Contradicting ways to remember him, no? 

Neal coming back sounds like the shocker for 5B. All I can say is... Underworld.



Merlin's voice mail was funny.

I like when Regina can make lines fusing magic and modern society. She has that "We Are Both" edge the other characters don't always possess. It was better than rude insults.



And she's always just soooo angry all.the.time.

That's her problem in a nutshell. She never takes a break or shows any other side of her character. Zelena is similar in that she's always stuck in whiny brat mode. But I find her much more watchable because the show isn't trying to force me to feel sympathy for her. She doesn't take up too much screen time either. With Merida, the other feisty red head, the writers want the audience to cheer her on, due to the humanity of wanting to save her brothers. But we, as an audience, have not gotten to see the ideal she's shooting for. We haven't seen her family together, nor her happy, nor her brothers. We can't relate, therefore we can't care.


Show us what's at stake, don't tell us.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 8

Another really boring episode for me. The promo for next week was more interesting.

I really don't like Merida. Last week she knocked out Rumple, which I guess could be forgiven since she didn't have a heart. But knocking out Belle and then joking that she was worried she might never wake up was cruel. The writers are probably going for spunky but she's just coming off as annoying to me.

I liked the few scenes with the Nevengers, and Merlin's voice mail was funny. That was about it.

  • Love 4

I don't get what Merida's purpose is at all.


Was this whole thing about "how cool would it be if we turned someone into a bear!" then they decided to get Merida? 


Pregnancy agrees with Emilie, and that's really all I kept thinking while Merida was talking. Belle's not real hair looks nice. Why did Merida drag Belle into this when she could've just asked. Belle's cloak is nice, oh I love her little red jacket.


The criteria for Excalibur has gone down hill since it was forged.


Why did anyone go questing for Merlin if the guy who is supposed to be pivotal in this story has close to no screentime? 


I found his words about Nimue interesting, but the spoiler thread is locked, so I can't go and talk about it, and forget this episode ever happened.

  • Love 3


Pregnancy agrees with Emilie, and that's really all I kept thinking while Merida was talking. Belle's not real hair looks nice. Why did Merida drag Belle into this when she could've just asked. Belle's cloak is nice, oh I love her little red jacket.


I really appreciated that Belle looks so much better this season than last.  Her makeup is more understated, she doesn't look like a painted doll any more.  And I like the hair and clothing allso.  

I didn't like the movie Brave so never finished it, so maybe its not the show's fault bur here's how Rumpel's heroic act of saving Belle came across to me...


Rumpel threw a rock into the throat of the bear.  In its death throes, the bear transformed back into Merida.  Merida is lying there on the ground and Belle and Rumpel don't give her the Heimlich maneuver or anything to try to save her.  They just leave her lying there on the ground.


Next scene she's inexplicably alive.

So, in Camelot, Merida and Belle lagged behind and Merlin and the boys just continued on their way?


And then Merida put Belle alone in the little rowboat, to send her back to Camelot, when she had been knocked out for the majority of the trip to save the brothers.  How'd she know which way to row?


Wish we hadn't spent so much time spinning our wheels with getting Rumple ready to pull Excalibur out of the stone, and yet, even with all the time spent, I still didn't buy him as a hero.  I'm so tired of this show making it so damned easy to "become a hero" (one lucky idea, accompanied by one self-sacrificial thought seems to do the trick) and yet they're always coming down on Emma for being somewhat imperfect. Gah.  The double or triple standards on this show are becoming a freakish merry-go-round.  So heavy handed.


Also... when I saw Merlin's image floating over the cauldron, all I could think was "Help me, Obi-Wan-Kenobi.  You're my only hope."  I wish he'd just repeated that line a few times, instead of saying the useless stuff he actually said.


And Team Hero was holding the idiot ball tonight.  When they left Arthur alone to summon Merlin, their brains had clearly vacated their skulls.  


I'm convinced that when they have the writers' meetings before the season begins, that they break the story lines down, assign the scripts, then never talk to each other again.  Nobody seems to have any clue about major plot points that happened before their own episode goes into production.  Terrible way to run a show.

  • Love 12

The wigs!  The clans should ban together to go after whomever stuck them with those!


I didn't like the movie Brave so never finished it, so maybe its not the show's fault bur here's how Rumpel's heroic act of saving Belle came across to me...

Rumpel threw a rock into the throat of the bear.  In its death throes, the bear transformed back into Merida.  Merida is lying there on the ground and Belle and Rumpel don't give her the Heimlich maneuver or anything to try to save her.  They just leave her lying there on the ground.

Next scene she's inexplicably alive.

He threw not a rock but a leather bag with presumably some magic dust in it.  The bag and dust dissolved and changed Merida back to human.


(if you have some spare time, you really should watch the end of Brave, mmv, like or not it will only confirm how ridiculously insulting the OuaT storyline is to the source movie )

Edited by elle
  • Love 4

Quick semi-relevant survey.

Of all the costumes you may have seen on little ones last night, how many were Merida?

I saw upwards of 75 kids and no Meridas. None. Still plenty of Annas and Elsas. Heck, I even had a Mal from Descendants.

Remind me again ABC why we needed this character.

(I got out of candy duty last night - had a late court reservation for tennis then dinner - so my very nice neighbor gave my candy out for me.)

I never heard of Merida until her character appeared on OUAT, but I assumed the movie was pretty popular, I don't see why they would bother with the character if it wasn't.

The way I feel about Merida seems to be the way most people feel about her, so I'll leave it at that.   (What a waste of the movie character.)  I do wonder, since she got back to her brothers and was ruling properly, how she ended up getting transported to Storybrooke.  We haven't seen anyone else from her clan.  Did Emma purposely drag her along?  And if so, whyyyyy?


I've never been very fond of Zelena, but she was amusing this time around.  Meanwhile, I've always liked Rumple, but this new iteration is way too pathetic.  I guess one could argue that being the Dark One so long and relying on that has made him even weaker/more cowardly than he originally was ... but then again, he was also without magic for 28 years as Mr. Gold, so I'd think the effects shouldn't be this great.


I really like Merlin, so I hope he sticks around for a while.

  • Love 3

Rumpel threw a rock into the throat of the bear.  In its death throes, the bear transformed back into Merida.  Merida is lying there on the ground and Belle and Rumpel don't give her the Heimlich maneuver or anything to try to save her.  They just leave her lying there on the ground.


Next scene she's inexplicably alive.

He didn't throw a rock, he threw the bag with the anti-transformation potion in it, which is why Merida transformed back into herself.

Since Dark Swan apparently deliberately heroified Rumple and then sent the really smart person with Dark One experience off to Team Hero, when Storybrooke is littered with heroes, and another hero could've been forced to pull Excalibur , that had better have been part of whatever her long term plan is.

Edited by Mari
  • Love 2

I guess one could argue that being the Dark One so long and relying on that has made him even weaker/more cowardly than he originally was ... but then again, he was also without magic for 28 years as Mr. Gold, so I'd think the effects shouldn't be this great.



I agree.  He was without magic when Belle kicked him out of Storybrooke and he still was strong enough to plot and recruit the Queens of Darkness. This doesn't fit with what they are showing now.

  • Love 12

Since Dark Swan apparently deliberately heroified Rumple and then sent the really smart person with Dark One experience off to Team Hero, when Stoeybrooke is littered with heroes, and another hero could'vfe been forced to pull Excalibur , that had better have been part of whatever her long term plan is.


I say its evidence that Emma isn't willing to risk anyone but Rumple going poof.

Since Dark Swan apparently deliberately heroified Rumple and then sent the really smart person with Dark One experience off to Team Hero, when Stoeybrooke is littered with heroes, and another hero could'vfe been forced to pull Excalibur , that had better have been part of whatever her long term plan is.

It would have been much more interesting if Emma had tried to use her father as the hero.  


Edited to add: good point ParadoxLost about Emma not willing to risk anyone but Rumple.

Edited by Worsel

I keep forgetting that Rumple has a blank slate heart. That kind of answers why it was so easy for him to pull Excalibur. His heart was set at 0, and his lone brave act put at a +1 on the hero side. Therefore, he was able to pull excalibur. Of course you have to fanwank that all his fear doesn't count against him, but yeah. The requirements for pulling out excalibur are pretty low. Emma must have a reason for Rumple, specifically, pulling out the sword, rather than Belle or Charming or whoever else.

I'm also happy that we got it from Rumple's own mouth that he broke his foot more from fear of dying than for his son. Poor Baelfire.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 4


--Hot #TeamMerlin  breaking Lance out of jail.

--Dark Swan and Zelena.



--I give a crap about Merida. I wasn't really listening during her scenes.

--I liked Belle for a hot minute. Then the rest of the episode unfolded.

--Dumb Nevengers to trust Arthur. David falls for Arthur's charm in every realm. lol

--Rumple still used magic to defeat Bearida. So, I don't get why that makes him redeemed and brave. 


Just when I thought nothing could top Regina's White Magic and heartless TLK, they give Rumple a blank slate, whitewash him, and make him an Insta!Hero worthy to pull Excalibur out of the stone. I am too tired to even be offended.

Pie in our face for thinking Hook was going to pull Excalibur out, huh?

  • Love 5


--Rumple still used magic to defeat Bearida. So, I don't get why that makes him redeemed and brave. 



Well, they did indicate he didn't know it would work.  I can't help but believe Rumple is not going to stay heroic for long - he may have done one heroic thing by going back to save Belle from Halitosis Bear, but I don't think his cowardice is instantly gone and he is too used to being devious for it to last.  I agree that there is something special about what Emma wants or needs from him. 

I keep forgetting that Rumple has a blank slate heart. That kind of answers why it was so easy for him to pull Excalibur. His heart was set at 0, and his lone brave act put at a +1 on the hero side. Therefore, he was able to pull excalibur. Of course you have to fanwank that all his fear doesn't count against him, but yeah. 

I don't think fear should count against him. "Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?" "That is the only time a man can be brave." - Said Ned Stark (an actual hero in a world of gray characters) to his son. If Emma had said she required a pure-hearted person instead of a hero, I wouldn't mind Rumple pulling the sword out as much, for precisely the reasoning you gave about his heart being blank. I don't like that they gave him a shiny blank heart, but it would at least work with this story. Being a hero does not. 

  • Love 6

I would be so on board with Rumbelle because their Beauty and the Beast story is handled great but Emilie is hard to watch.  Love that Belle finally stopped giving him chance after Rumpel had Killian's heart and was about to crush it but the way Emilie overacts just ruins it for me.  I loved Emilie in Roswell and Lost (maybe a little too much screaming in some scenes) but not as Belle in OUAT.  She is just too much and her timing is off.  I still like Rumbelle and hope they get together in the end. 


Also, if they blankslate Rumpelstiltskin and white wash everything he had done - they can do the same to Emma.  I would hate for her to deal with her guilt over her actions as Dark Swan - it's a waste of screentime which should be better spent making out with Killian.  

Edited by snarkybelle

Maybe someone who saw Brave knows - Why is Merida the Queen after her father dies? Shouldn't the oldest of the brothers be King? If the boys are under age - well then great! Annoint him King and the clans men can apoint themselves regents and do the actual ruling.


I hate all the retro con - Rumple injured himself to stop Baelfire from losing his father, not cowardice, remember the prophecy peaple! Emma took the darkness to save Regina, not everyone. And why wasn't the darkness set loose the 1st time Gold "died"?

  • Love 3
If Emma had said she required a pure-hearted person instead of a hero, I wouldn't mind Rumple pulling the sword out as much, for precisely the reasoning you gave about his heart being blank. I don't like that they gave him a shiny blank heart, but it would at least work with this story. Being a hero does not.


The last person who pulled the broken sword out of its stone was Arthur, and Merlin called him a disappointment. So I'm not really sure where they're going with Rumple at this point, with his found heroism, and blank heart. 

  • Love 2

I have to agree that these side adventures with characters just brought in for one arc really slow down the show's momentum. Otherwise, like season 3A I'm enjoying Dark Swan because the group is working together to de-dark Emma.

I was cheering for Belle when she left Rumple at the town line.

I'm also glad that Henry forgives Emma because he knows it isn't really her. He's been very forgiving of Regina and I think it would have been out of character for him to hold a grudge.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 3

Because we've never seen an episode with Belle and a throw away character being brave? Holy crap. I kept checking the clock and thinking, "It seems like it's been way longer than that." What a dud. I just don't understand why A&E are so scared of the main cast that they have to resort to gimmicky guest characters all the time. I mean, we have Dark Swan this season. You made a good character really really bad. And that could've been interesting to explore. I was excited about it before the season started! And then we got this mess of an episode with two minutes of Dark Swan. Why character assassinate the main character if you're not going to tell her story and make us care about her redemption? It's like trying to tell the redemption of Darth Vader with an entire movie dedicated to the hijinx at Chewbacca's family reunion.

Edited by sharky
  • Love 15

Maybe someone who saw Brave knows - Why is Merida the Queen after her father dies? Shouldn't the oldest of the brothers be King? If the boys are under age - well then great! Annoint him King and the clans men can apoint themselves regents and do the actual ruling.

! Emma took the darkness to save Regina, not everyone. ?

Its possible that fairytale land doesn't have the boys first rule.

As for why Emma took the darkness? Morrison was pretty upfront all summer that she thought saving everyone was Emma's motivation. Regina was one part of the reason, as she was the first in line target.

Edited by Mari
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