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Veterinary And Animal Rescue Shows


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Only one case was upheld, that was a pregnant dog that the owners finally took elsewhere, and apparently were told by the duty vet at Pol's (I don't think it was him) that the dog needed a specialist.    The owners, if I recall correctly, called the animal and her puppies very valuable, but instead of going to the vet school, or a big clinic, they kept calling, and didn't go to the others clinics until it was almost too late.

In that case there was a probationary period, and reeducation on documenting case paperwork more thoroughly, and using more sanitary procedures, that was done, and the probation ended.     

Other cases have been protested by people who saw something on the show, and weren't connected to the animals involved, and were never a client of the practice, or worked in Michigan.   All of those were thrown out, since the person had no standing to bring a complaint.       That's why there is the statement about all treatment and procedures are not shown, and consult your own vet, why someone started a fund to pay for animals in need with owners who can't pay, and why if there is a referral to a bigger practice they show the vets saying that.     

There's another thread on here for the Incredible Dr. Pol now.

I miss Dr. Dee, but after reading about her issues with Animal Planet, I know she won't be back.

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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53 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Only one case was upheld, that was a pregnant dog that the owners finally took elsewhere, and apparently were told by the duty vet at Pol's (I don't think it was him) that the dog needed a specialist.    The owners, if I recall correctly, called the animal and her puppies very valuable, but instead of going to the vet school, or a big clinic, they kept calling, and didn't go to the others clinics until it was almost too late.

In that case there was a probationary period, and reeducation on documenting case paperwork more thoroughly, and using more sanitary procedures, that was done, and the probation ended.     

Other cases have been protested by people who saw something on the show, and weren't connected to the animals involved, and were never a client of the practice, or worked in Michigan.   All of those were thrown out, since the person had no standing to bring a complaint.       That's why there is the statement about all treatment and procedures are not shown, and consult your own vet, why someone started a fund to pay for animals in need with owners who can't pay, and why if there is a referral to a bigger practice they show the vets saying that.     

There's another thread on here for the Incredible Dr. Pol now.

I miss Dr. Dee, but after reading about her issues with Animal Planet, I know she won't be back.

What happened with Dr. Dee? I miss her show.

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I just saw a new show in my Hulu lineup called Vets Saving Pets. It airs on Saturday mornings on NBC and is filmed at a large emergency hospital in Toronto. Two episodes so far. It's very similar to Animal ER (Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists) except with a slightly more educational tone since it's a Saturday morning show. Anyway, it's always interesting to see these huge places with the most up to date techniques and equipment.

I still like smaller clinics the best, though, Which shows are your favorites?

I adore Dr. Oakley, her varied practice, and even what we see of her family members, but the show tends to film her running after, helicoptering, capturing, darting, sedating, and waiting for animals to go to sleep long after my interest in the subject has waned. I feel the same way about the folks on Pitbulls and Parolees chasing after strays. I get it!

I'm pretty meh on Buckeye Bottoms even though he has the most interesting human clients and we often get to see their homes.

Dr. Pol rarely has an animal or condition I haven't seen before and the show's staged BTS segments can be silly, but I still like watching. I mainly find Pol's calm demeanor, gumption and work ethic to be inspiring. Drs. Emily and Brenda also get 'er done without fuss or drama.

Dr. K is one of my favorites because I like the staff and variety of patients, along with Dr. Jeff because of his kindness and charitable work. I admire how indomitably he dealt with his illness, too.

Not sure if we'll be getting another season, but I enjoyed the show with the fat pets. Always been a sucker for makeovers.

The one I can't abide is the Australian vet; I find him a bit insufferable and kind of took against him for no good reason. The show with the African American partners in Texas has too much family stuff for me. I'm here for the animals, dang it!

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There was a post one here, quite a few pages back, that said Dr. Dee had to have hand or arm surgery after the momma cow rolled her when they were doing something with her baby.     She said it was caused by the production company interference, and she couldn't work for six weeks or longer because of the surgery.     She definitely won't be back on TV.   

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12 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

There was a post one here, quite a few pages back, that said Dr. Dee had to have hand or arm surgery after the momma cow rolled her when they were doing something with her baby.     She said it was caused by the production company interference, and she couldn't work for six weeks or longer because of the surgery.     She definitely won't be back on TV.   

That's too bad. Thanks for the info.

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12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone recall the documentary series about vets in vet school?

There were two vet school shows.  On NatGeoWild, VET SCHOOL focused on three first-year and three fourth-year students at Cornell University College Of Veterinary Medicine.  Eight episodes aired in 2015.  On Animal Planet, LIFE AT VET U focused on six students at the University of Pennsylvania School Of Veterinary Medicine.  Six episodes aired in 2016.  Unfortunately, neither series was renewed for a second season.

I watched both and preferred the show at Cornell because the U Of Penn show seemed more like a soap opera so I was sad when I read Vet School wasn't renewed.

Edited by RealityCheck
corrected ambiguity
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I loved the Cornell show and hope it comes back. The equine treatment was fantastic.

Did anyone watch the latest Wolves and Warriors? The episode was about the team trying to stop a woman who was raising wolves, breeding pups for petting zoos, tranquilizing wolves for sportsmen shows - allowing people to climb in cages with the tranquilized animals - and then killing them and selling the pelts. (For-Ever Wild in Minnesota) They also had mountain lions, kingfishers and foxes - the latter of which were skinned so Fur-Ever Wild could sell fox faces for $5.95.

The team got all kinds of court orders, including from a federal judge, yet the local aw enforcement cooperated with Fur-Ever in spiriting the animals away (possibly killing them) . The W&W team had an order to rescue the wolves and bring them to the sanctuary; they stood right outside Fur-Ever's fences during the countdown to the transfer.

In the end, they were able to save only one wolf, George, by chasing after a truck with him in it, asking the State Troopers to stop the truck, and convincing the people in the truck to turn over George.

Fate of the disappeared wolves? Unknown.

The episode didn't explain how Fur-Ever got away with violating the orders and sanctions. Did anyone understand what happened here?

Edited by pasdetrois
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That was very upsetting. I didn't understand why they didn't try to get enforcement of the restraining order through the court that issued it. I don't know how these things work, but I wish they had explained that more.


Does anyone with wolf knowledge understand why LARC (Wolves and Warriors) keeps the wolves in pens of only two, and not more, wolves together? Also, how do they decide which wolves to pair up? Did they explain that and I missed it? Except for the one that climbed over his fence to join a particular other wolf, I can't remember they ever saying how they make those decisions.

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4 minutes ago, possibilities said:

That was very upsetting. I didn't understand why they didn't try to get enforcement of the restraining order through the court that issued it. I don't know how these things work, but I wish they had explained that more.

From what I understood, LARC could not legally go on the property and needed local law enforcement to do so, and it for sure appeared that the locals were helping the woman instead of doing what the court order said.   The LLE would tell the LARC guys some BS story.    The LARC guys were able to get George because state police did their job and pulled the truck over.

The case is still active against them.  Hopefully the publicity will cause enough of an outcry that they will shut down and turn the animals over.

I felt similar when the guys were tracking the poachers.  How frustrating to only be able to take pictures, etc. and not be able to dismantle the traps.  I'm hoping that when the cameras were away, the guys at least sprang the traps so no animal would be injured.

12 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Does anyone with wolf knowledge understand why LARC (Wolves and Warriors) keeps the wolves in pens of only two, and not more, wolves together? Also, how do they decide which wolves to pair up?

I don't know - they keep the new animals separated for obvious reasons while they assess their personalities, I guess.  My other guess is maybe it would be too dangerous to have more than two in a pen?  Dangerous for people, not the animals.  I don't really know though.

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At the wolf sanctuary in PA, they have some wolf "couples," lone wolves, and packs. I think part of it is temperament, age/illness, and whether the wolves are willing to form packs. They let the wolves decide.

In my earlier post about Fur-Ever, LARC was named on the search warrant, but still local law enforcement would not let LARC staff onto Fur-Ever's property.

Edited by pasdetrois
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The episode of Dr. Oakley last night again had her driving "500 miles" to help with the bears. Why? That's an overnight trip for her and two days out of pocket where she could be making money with regular clinic duties and farm calls. How much does one vet visit pay her? The gas alone is probably $100 bucks or more. Is she doing it free of charge for non-profit groups? At least Dr. Dee flew her plane to get to far-flung areas.

It's very mild curiosity on my part, but I don't remember them ever explaining why Dr. Oakley's practice is so wide-ranging. The show makes it seem like she's the only vet within a 1000 mile section of Canada and Alaska. I also wonder about the licensing requirements to practice in both countries.

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It was very upsetting. I think the federal authorities should be the ones ensuring the warrant is followed. 

This episode was "to be continued", so I think we'll see more about the wolves next time.  I went to the LARC website and read something that might be considered a spoiler.  If you must know more now, then


 But it'll probably unfold in the next episode or so.

Edited by Josette
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Well, they didn't really explain how they found them, but they found those wolves.

I looked up "Joe Exotic" because the way the LARC people were talking about him, it was clear they were trying to be diplomatic, but that there was a lot more story underneath.

Whoa! Way more than I expected. I don't know when Wolves and Warriors filmed, but in September of this year, Joe Exotic  was arrested on charges of murder for hire: http://www.tampabay.com/news/-Murder-for-hire-plot-against-Tampa-s-Big-Cat-Rescue-CEO-leads-to-arrest-of-Oklahoma-candidate-for-governor_171609891

His zoo is also under serious pressure to improve conditions for the animals, according to this page of their website:  https://www.wynnewoodzoo.org/we-need-your-help

The zoo itself seems to have been sold in 2016, though Joe Exotic himself seems to have stayed on for a while as "entertainment director" although they are closing down and relocating to a new facility, according to this:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Wynnewood_Exotic_Animal_Park

Joe E'x husband died of a gunshot wound to the head in 2017, which various news articles described as an accidental shooting, a suicide, and "under investigation"-- I got overwhelmed and didn't follow that story well enough to come to a conclusion about what actually happened.

It's a lot. No wonder W&W just focused on the wolves and didn't even attempt to parse it.

3 hours ago, possibilities said:

Well, they didn't really explain how they found them, but they found those wolves.

I looked up "Joe Exotic" because the way the LARC people were talking about him, it was clear they were trying to be diplomatic, but that there was a lot more story underneath.

Whoa! Way more than I expected. I don't know when Wolves and Warriors filmed, but in September of this year, Joe Exotic  was arrested on charges of murder for hire: http://www.tampabay.com/news/-Murder-for-hire-plot-against-Tampa-s-Big-Cat-Rescue-CEO-leads-to-arrest-of-Oklahoma-candidate-for-governor_171609891

His zoo is also under serious pressure to improve conditions for the animals, according to this page of their website:  https://www.wynnewoodzoo.org/we-need-your-help

The zoo itself seems to have been sold in 2016, though Joe Exotic himself seems to have stayed on for a while as "entertainment director" although they are closing down and relocating to a new facility, according to this:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Wynnewood_Exotic_Animal_Park

Joe E'x husband died of a gunshot wound to the head in 2017, which various news articles described as an accidental shooting, a suicide, and "under investigation"-- I got overwhelmed and didn't follow that story well enough to come to a conclusion about what actually happened.

It's a lot. No wonder W&W just focused on the wolves and didn't even attempt to parse it.

Holy fuckballs!  I know I've seen creepy Joe Exotic somewhere else, and, at the time, thought he was wrong, wrong, wrong.  But he's a famewhore who cannot resist a camera, and I hope a camera brought him down.

I'm pleasantly surprised that the Warriors were able to keep their cool, and behave in a diplomatic fashion.  I'd be in jail.

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On 10/14/2018 at 2:02 PM, 2727 said:

The episode of Dr. Oakley last night again had her driving "500 miles" to help with the bears. Why? That's an overnight trip for her and two days out of pocket where she could be making money with regular clinic duties and farm calls. How much does one vet visit pay her? The gas alone is probably $100 bucks or more. Is she doing it free of charge for non-profit groups? At least Dr. Dee flew her plane to get to far-flung areas.

It's very mild curiosity on my part, but I don't remember them ever explaining why Dr. Oakley's practice is so wide-ranging. The show makes it seem like she's the only vet within a 1000 mile section of Canada and Alaska. I also wonder about the licensing requirements to practice in both countries.

So she is based in Haines Junction, which is in Canada.  It's partway between Haines, AK, and Whitehorse, YT.  There is no vet in Haines.  Also, because the nearest city to Haines (Juneau) is only accessibly by boat or plane, there are times (especially in winter) where it is not feasible to get to Juneau and so driving from Haines Junction is more reliable.  I know in general that the Yukon Territory is sparsely populated, but I wonder when she goes to places in Alaska like Anchorage or Fairbanks why she's there and not a local Alaska vet.  There probably aren't that many wildlife vet specialists out there, but I would imagine there are some in Alaska (I live in Alaska and feel like I should know this but have never had a reason to wonder if there are wildlife vets around here).

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On 10/22/2018 at 7:50 PM, possibilities said:

I looked up "Joe Exotic" because the way the LARC people were talking about him, it was clear they were trying to be diplomatic, but that there was a lot more story underneath.

Oh wow, you could just tell there was SO much more the LARC guys wanted to say and didn't; Joe E just oozed sleaze to me.  Those poor animals in those little cages, ugh.

I was a little wary of Matt when the show began, but I've gradually become more impressed with how he does things; for example, using the blow gun rather than the dart gun to tranq the wolves, for example.   So glad they got them and now George has a pack.

No new ep showing for tomorrow; I wonder if that was the last one for the season.    I love learning about wolves and really enjoyed this show.  I've been to  this place and it was great.

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Oh, crikey. I enjoyed parts of the show but there may be too much Irwin for me. I admired Steve and the work he did but he was a lot. I kind of feel the same way about Robert and was not at all interested in watching him feed alligators. The entire theater of the arena to see the animals being fed was a bit theatrical for my taste.

Bindi sure looks different from what I remember of her as a child; she's now an adult and her chubby cheeks are lost to history. Seems like  a very sweet person.

Sad about the koala losing one of her babies but it sounds like it was not unexpected with twins.

Hopefully the show will focus primarily on the zoo and animal hospital stuff and less of the Irwins fluttering about.

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I agree about the Irwins, @2727.  They're just a little too much for me to take in anything but small doses.  It seems like they emphasize showmanship over education, which is what a Zoo's purpose really should be.  

Amanda to the Rescue, on the other hand, is my favorite new show.  I love that she takes in the tough cases; her 2 legged boxer Duncan is the poster child for resilience and adaptability.  I really like her family, too.  It was adorable that the cameraman fell in love with Ruby, the Queensland Blue Heeler, and just had to adopt her.

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Has anyone watched Amanda To The Rescue yet?  I watched it last week and really liked it.  Here's a link for two of the episodes.  I only watched the one on Wildfire rescue so far.  It was VERY touching.  




2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Has anyone watched Amanda To The Rescue yet?  I watched it last week and really liked it.  Here's a link for two of the episodes.  I only watched the one on Wildfire rescue so far.  It was VERY touching.  




Do you never read a previous post?

On 10/28/2018 at 9:16 PM, walnutqueen said:

Amanda to the Rescue, on the other hand, is my favorite new show.  I love that she takes in the tough cases; her 2 legged boxer Duncan is the poster child for resilience and adaptability.  I really like her family, too.  It was adorable that the cameraman fell in love with Ruby, the Queensland Blue Heeler, and just had to adopt her.

Finally sitting down to watch this one - totally agree, loving this show.  Poor little Quill, so fearful ... you just want to pick him up and hug him. Hope he bounces back from the apparent emotional abuse as well as he appears to be doing with the physical. Best thing with Ruby's new family - the family went into the adoption knowing what to expect from a working breed.

Edited by SRTouch
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I often imagine what animals, particularly zoo animals, think after being put to sleep and treated, moved, etc.

"Hey, my [body part] doesn't hurt any more!"

"Why am I in a different place now?"

"What the hell happened here?"

Scarlet the giraffe from the Australia Zoo being transported in her special tall trailer was adorable. "Wow, hi grandma!"

I hope the echidna and sea turtle released back into the wild live long and thrive.

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I was looking for a thread to post this in, I guess this one works.

I recently watched some episodes of the Netflix original called "dogs". In one episode there was a refuge for dogs in Costa Rica. It showed how hard it is for them to truly run this facility as there are so many stray dogs. They were way over capacity and couldn't help them all. Anyhow, it was a good episode and I've seen the first one with the girl that has epilepsy of the documentary series as well. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this and if the other ones are worth watching?

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I'm watching the latest episode of Secret Life of the Zoo, and am absolutely amazed at the power of Bali, the 22 foot reticulated python.  Ten people were barely able to control her, at least when they were carrying her out for her exam, and she was able to push them around like nobody's business.  Luckily, there was nothing wrong with her other than a suppressed appetite, and she broke her fast with a huge (dead) turkey.

The newborn tapir was just beautiful - I had no idea they were born with such distinctive markings.  The one zookeeper remarked "she looks just like a big cucumber".  heh

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Animal Planet is premiering 'Hsnging With The Hendersons" Saturday January 11, 2019 at 9PM.



It’s all in the family with the Hendersons at Colorado’s Fox Hollow Animal Hospital, where an endearing family of vets has the treating and caring for animals in their DNA.

All four Henderson brothers grew up working in the clinic, and two of them followed in their father’s veterinary footsteps:

Throughout the season, audiences will follow the Henderson pack as they work together to treat the soft, fuzzy, stripy and spotty creatures that come through their practice and also experience family fun as they try goat yoga, volunteer at cat sanctuaries, make house calls at a pig rescue, and treat puppies looking for their forever homes.


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I caught a couple of "Secret Life of the Zoo" episodes, and I enjoyed their "night time candid footage" of the elephants when one was going into labor, and some other things about the show. I was really wanting them to explain more about it when they took an otter couple "to retirement" and didn't say anything about what that would be like. It felt like the old "sending the dog upstate to a farm" lie, and it made me nervous, because the otters seemed very healthy and happy with their family, and I wanted some follow up on what was really happening to them and how it turned out for all concerned. They don't really do much educational stuff, on the show, it's mostly just really enjoyable visuals-- and I like the visuals, don't get me wrong. But I wanted more info along with it.

On 12/8/2018 at 6:05 PM, 2727 said:

I watched the Dogs series. My favorite was #3, Ice on the Water. It's a gentle episode that profiles an aging dog who goes out in a fishing boat every day on Lake Como with his owner. His name is Ice and he's the most composed, dedicated, and noble dog I've ever seen. 

I finally watched all the episodes. And I agree, that was the best one. I loved how the dog was just treated as a family member. He sits at the table while the family eats. I was a bit worried at the end when it was showing empty streets. I glad that they then showed the dog there at the end.

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24 minutes ago, raven said:

I haven't watched Battle Dogs on Discovery yet (it premieres this week).  It follows the work of Nowzad, a charity started by a Royal Marine to rescue dogs in Afghanistan.  They also rescue cats and donkeys - their stories are amazing. 

Dammit - I missed the first episode.  DVR is now set to record (5:30 am on Saturdays).

On 12/16/2018 at 2:58 PM, RealityCheck said:

Animal Planet is premiering 'Hanging With The Hendersons" Saturday January 11, 2019 at 9PM.

Oh, yay! They did a promo interview on our local teevee news today. 

Random trivia: Fox Hollow (the Hendersons' animal hospital) is 15 miles from Dr. Jeff's hospital (Planned Pethood Plus). 

Here's the interview from this morning's local news, on YouTube. They are a hoot!

Edited by Jeeves
Add YouTube link, fix spelling
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3 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Oh, yay! They did a promo interview on our local teevee news today. 

Random trivia: Fox Hollow (the Hendersons' animal hospital) is 15 miles from Dr. Jeff's hospital (Planned Pethood Plus). 

Thanks for the reminder - have dvr set - so hopefully won't miss first couple episodes before I realize it's airing

* yep, @walnutqueen I missed first episode of Battle Dogs, too 😠

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2 hours ago, Happy Belly said:

As I was getting ready to schedule Hanging With the Hendersons, thank you for the reminder guys, i noticed (according to my TiVo guide, the program immediately preceding it on Saturday, Jan. 12 is Amanda  To The Rescue: Picks of the Litter...”second Hand Seniors”.  Is this a new show?

No, the "Picks of the Litter" episodes are repeats of the regular Amanda to the Rescue show.

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Battle Dogs is a tough one to watch - heartwarming, for sure, but also so utterly heartbreaking ...  There are just too many strays in this world, and far too much suffering.  I subscribe to Dr. Jeff's mantra : spay & neuter every pet.

I was expecting major hokiness with the singing vet on Hanging with the Hendersons, but I kinda liked it.  I love that their practice has a bunch of pet dogs and a ruling cat hanging around, and Sir Barrington was an instant hit (toy shoplifter!).  I laughed at the one dog chasing down the road after the moose, and then thinking better of it.  The fiancee's chicken, Carmela, was a beauty; since I just marathoned The Sopranos, I appreciated the resemblance.  Also, bottle feeding kittens!!!   :-)

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So I had the local tv news on a few minutes ago and heard a familiar name, then a familiar voice. They featured Dr. Jeff in a story about the businesses and organizations offering assistance to federal employees who aren't getting paid during the shutdown. Dr. Jeff's clinic is offering free exam/visits to furloughed federal employees. They want to help people keep their pets.

Here's a link to the story, the video may or may not be the one featuring Dr. Jeff (it is right now), but Planned Pethood Plus is listed in the organizations in the written story: https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/here-are-colorado-organizations-restaurants-offering-freebies-to-furloughed-employees/73-348876b3-eaf3-4164-baaf-9a752e181508

Edited by Jeeves
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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

So I had the local tv news on a few minutes ago and heard a familiar name, then a familiar voice. They featured Dr. Jeff in a story about the businesses and organizations offering assistance to federal employees who aren't getting paid during the shutdown. Dr. Jeff's clinic is offering free exam/visits to furloughed federal employees. They want to help people keep their pets.

Here's a link to the story, the video may or may not be the one featuring Dr. Jeff (it is right now), but Planned Pethood Plus is listed in the organizations in the written story: https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/here-are-colorado-organizations-restaurants-offering-freebies-to-furloughed-employees/73-348876b3-eaf3-4164-baaf-9a752e181508

That is so awesome, @Jeeves.  As usual, Dr. Jeff is my all time hero and heartthrob.  I wish more vets would emulate him.

Here in San Diego County, people are also trying to help furloughed Federal employees, especially those in the Coast Guard (lots of younger service people who live paycheck to paycheck).  I've put the bug in my vet's ear to extend every courtesy possible to these unsung heroes, who don't get the same pass as our other military branches, yet still show up for 'unpaid' duty day & night.

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