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Game Of Thrones In The Media

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Funny stuff!  Apparently, Joffers is just as 'beloved' in New Zealand as he is everywhere else.  They've erected a giant statue of King Joffrey in the capital's largest square, and started a Twitter campaign for people to voice their support for the 'Bring Down the King' effort. 

The site includes a live cam shot.


An explanation:

A statute of Game of Thrones King Joffrey has been erected in New Zealand's largest public square.

"As the statue gains attention in real life and online, a large, medieval winch will be attached to the statue, with a rope around Joffrey’s neck, along with the appearance of the hashtag ‪#‎bringdowntheking‬," organizers tell us.

"From there, fans who’ve had enough of Joffrey’s nonsense can use the tag #bringdowntheking, and with each use of it, the rope will pull tighter around Joffrey’s head. It takes millions of voices to bring down a king, so anyone who wants to see him get his comeuppance is encouraged to lend their voice."

Here's the statue.






Might have mild spoilers but fairly discreet, includes a photo of Oberyn and Ellaria. 

Best comment below the article (new to me, probably not to some): Worth repeating: the reason " Fire and Ice " author George R.R. Martin does not Tweet is he would eventually kill off all 140 characters...

Edited by cheyz
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CBC has listed their 7 anticipated match-ups and reunions for the upcoming season.


Watching the two-scene video with Arya and The Hound makes one feel as if there never had been this loooong year of nothing since the last finale.  They are so entertaining together -- oh, right, and so are Jaime and Brienne, on a completely different level.


From the L.A. Times review.  (bolding mine) 

Although the weakest currency of criticism, superlatives have become a hallmark of television's recent resurgence. Words like "greatest," "smartest" and "funniest" are tossed about with the desperate regularity of Chuck E. Cheese tokens at a kindergartner's birthday party.

So to say that "Game of Thrones," which returns, roaring and snorting, for its fourth season on Sunday night, is the Best Television Show Ever isn't just thoroughly subjective, it's reductive. Despite our increasingly wearisome penchant for lists, television was never linear enough for meaningful comparisons; it is now so wildly diverse in form and function that any sort of ranking or award is all but meaningless.

But you know what? I'm going to say it anyway.

"Game of Thrones" is the Best Television Show Ever.

HA!  I guess they like the show, you think?

Edited by joliefaire
But you know what? I'm going to say it anyway.

"Game of Thrones" is the Best Television Show Ever.

I have to say, having watched the marathon this past weekend, and the 3-ep marathons over the past couple of weeks on HBO (and hence gaining a new appreciation of just how great the series is)...I am literally open-mouthed with astonishment that Michelle Fairley was not nominated along with Dinklage, Clarke and Diana Rigg. Did they not *see* the Red Wedding? I just can't believe it. That has to be one of the best performances I've ever seen on a TV screen--she literally looked like a different person when she was holding the knife to Lady Frey's throat, like she'd started to physically disssolve in the horror of what had just happened. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau for his "Jaime...my name is Jaime" monologue? I really, really don't get it. This show is amazing, why isn't it winning every award in sight?

Two of my favorite Internet people, Lindsey Ellis and Todd Vargas, are now doing vlogs after each episode. Todd has read the books and Lindsey hasn't, so there won't be actual spoilers for the show but there will be discussions of differences with the books (in the first video he's already brought up a two-season-old plot hole caused by one of those changes).


From Buzzfeed:  49 Things You Didn't Know About Game of Thrones.  Interesting stuff, lots of 'What?  I didn't know that!'  (Dany's horseheart was actually a huge sticky Gummy Bears thing, ha!)  Don't read the comments following the article, though.  Full of spoilers. 


That... actually kind of makes it MORE gross. That's a lot of sugar. Ewwww.

Speaking of sugar, I just read an interview with Rory McCann about his ale-drinking at the Inn in the last episode.  He said it was flat ginger-beer, which I assume is Brit-speak for ginger ale?  Said he had to guzzle down tankard after tankard.  He had been in strict training, hadn't had any suger for a long time before filming that scene, and as soon as the scene was over, he was sick and staggered off the set and stuck his finger down his throat to get rid of it.  ewww...  Since that tankard in the scene was opaque and we couldn't see what was in it, I wonder they didn't let the poor guy just drink water!

(Dany's horseheart was actually a huge sticky Gummy Bears thing, ha!) 

That... actually kind of makes it MORE gross. That's a lot of sugar. Ewwww.

That was in the DVD audio commentaries. Apparently, Emilia Clarke was really excited when the production crew told her it was made from what they make gummy bears out of... except it wasn't flavored like gummy bears. She said it tasted like bleach. That part where she started to retch? That was enforced method acting - she really did have to stop herself from throwing up..

Given all that the show has already shown; murder, torture, mutilation, violence against children and animals, much of it brutally depicted, the fact that some people seem to be saying, 'oh now, this is too much' is kind of ridiculous to me.

The scene was not well done, and I don't really know why they chose to write it in that fashion, but honestly, trying to say the show is misogynistic and the books aren't is unfair. GRRM is the one who wrote more than one sex scene of the, 'woman says no but really means yes' variety. Depicting scenes as, 'woman says no and actually means it' seems less troublesome to me. But that's probably a very long, very circular debate.

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I think Sonia agrees with you that there is a lot of misogyny in the books, and that consent issues abound in many of the sex scenes in the books and show. She says as much in this article. What she's questioning is why make these particular changes? I struggle to see any valid reason for doing so, and it's troubling as a woman who already finds this show/series so incredibly problematic.

Game of Thrones crosses the 7 million mark with record ratings from “First of His Name” - link to WiC.net article - S4 is ave 17.8 Million viewers per episode across all platforms, that blows away The Sopranos‘ fifth season, which garnered 14.4 million per episode, and officially makes Game of Thrones the most watched HBO show ever. WOW!


Please Note: It's possible there may be spoilers in the comments section underneath the article, therefore read those at your own risk.

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Didn't know where else to post, but thought folks might appreciate :-)


The pictures of the cast were really, really cool.  And then I read the comments because I was hoping somebody would help me identify a couple people in the photos.  (Some of them look very different when out of the GoT hair and costumes.) 


My advice is, don't read the comments.  It was the old, harmless, harmless, stupid, harmless, SPOILER thing.  Bastards.

Isn't that hilarious?  Just one simple comment (that we've all heard a zillion times) and bang, instant internet phenom!  Michael has now officially made it to all the GoT boards, NeoGAF, Westeros and here.  I'm sure someone will take it to WiC and TWoP next.


This bit cracked me up!


HBO has just put Game of Thrones on hiatus until they can solve this PR disaster. Michael-gate has shaken Hollywood and the TV industry to its core.

  • Love 2

The pictures of the cast were really, really cool.  And then I read the comments because I was hoping somebody would help me identify a couple people in the photos.  (Some of them look very different when out of the GoT hair and costumes.) 


My advice is, don't read the comments.  It was the old, harmless, harmless, stupid, harmless, SPOILER thing.  Bastards.


I saw this yesterday, and enjoyed the pictures. But I did read the comments, and just thought, 'fucking asshole'. There's no reason whatsoever to post a spoiler like that guy did, except malice. The amount of people who feel the need to do this is just sad. And the sadder thing is, you pretty much know what they're going to post, just from the pictures or the article in question. Jackasses.


I did smile at the comments about, 'how will you know if someone has read the books? Don't worry, they'll TELL you."


The comments on this article are the best thing ever (e.g, the replies to the very first comment):




Holy crap that's hilarious. That's so much better than the inevitable flame wars that usually erupt. Now if we can get Winteriscoming.net to post an entire article about the loss of Michael as a viewer, that would just be plain awesome.


I replied with "Family Love Michael!"

Edited by Independent George

I loved learning that Pedro Pascal was an Unspoiled, borderline Unsullied, GoT fan when he auditioned for the role of Oberyn.  They handed him pages full of spoilers and he didn't react well.  lol  Can you imagine being spoiled and not getting the part? 


My cut/paste isn't working well on my phone.  I'll add safe links later. 

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