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Well it did just drop yesterday.

I liked it, I thought it looked gorgeous and I liked the nod to Italian cinema. His group of friends seem lovely and I look forward to seeing more of them.

Though what was up with Sara's hesitation with sharing a table with him? It was clearly a hard to get reservation I would have jumped at the chance it wasn't like they were going to a second location, sharing a table with someone for a meal is hardly a huge commitment.

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The cat getting stuck was based on a real life incident that happened to Aziz in Sicily. we had a similar thing happen not to our car but a truck that got stuck on a turn on the main road in Positano causing a five hour detour to get to Sorrento for what should be a 25 minute drive.

I really enjoy the Arnold and Dev relationship though I do always wonder how it would have been different if Harris Witells had been the main friend I guess it would be LilBudLilBud as opposed BigBudLilBud.

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I can see why this show isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I really enjoyed last season, and I extra loved this episode! It made me all nostalgic for the summer I spent a few weeks in Italy and ate everything I could get my hands on, plus I adored all the shout outs to Italian cinema. As someone who loves both Netflix comedies AND the Italian New Wave, its like this was made for me. It even had a pretty decent update of The Bicycle Thieves in there.

I thought they were going to start the season with Dev having a miserable time in Italy and heading back to NYC immediately, but things seem to be going well for him. His Italian skills seem to be at least decent, the city is nice, his group of friends seem lovely, and pasta is delicious. I hope we get to stay in Italy for awhile, and not just run back to New York. NYC is a super great city, but we have so many shows about young people in New York City, I'm excited to get something different this season.

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Though what was up with Sara's hesitation with sharing a table with him? It was clearly a hard to get reservation I would have jumped at the chance it wasn't like they were going to a second location, sharing a table with someone for a meal is hardly a huge commitment.

I'm an introvert.  I'd likely do it but I'd be trusting some stranger's interpretation of Italian that it's the only solution and I'd have to make small talk with a stranger.  Oh how I hate small talk. 

I absolutely loved this episode.  I don't speak Italian but I appreciate that Dev took his time to learn some Italian while learning pasta and that Aziz committed to so much Italian in this episode.  I never saw the Italian film this was based on but I still loved it.

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I liked the first season and I'm a fan of Aziz Ansari. I liked that he learned quite a bit of Italian for this episode and his British accent impression was funny too. And all those beautiful scenes of Italy. I've always wanted to go there. One day I will.

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I wanted to stay in Italy! Booooo!

That being said, it was a good episode, and I laughed so hard at the car getting stuck in between the building (the struggle in those narrow European streets are real) and the super awkwardness of the wedding with Arnolds doppelganger. Plus, Kendra from legends of Tomorrow was the bride! Cool!

*Sigh* I still really wished we had stayed in Italy at least until midway through the season. I get that Dev would probably want to get his career moving again, but I am way more interested in seeing Devs adventures in Italy and getting to know his friends there than just doing the same stuff we need last season. Not to sound bitter, but GOD FORBID we have one sitcom that isn't set in New York or LA...

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I don't understand why he didn't go back to the restaurant and try to charm that lady into giving up Sara's contact info! Also, there are much more specific search terms he could have come up with than Sara New York Finance and Sara Diane Lane Fan, so those cracked me up.

I crazy loved the first season of this show, and this episode gave me high hopes for the second season.

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I've been to Italy but by the time I got there, I was all traveled out.

I forgot to mention that I am surprised that he didn't at least try going back to the restaurant where they both had reservations to see if he could find out her name/phone number.  I am not sure they would have given it to him but I would think he'd at least try.

ETA:  Looks like auntiemel and I had the same thought at the same time.

Edited by Irlandesa
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This episode resonated with me quite a bit.  I grew up Catholic but realized early on that it, and religion in general, was just not something I connected to.  When I was a minor, I went along with the whole confirmation bit for my parents but as soon as I went to college, it all went by the wayside.  I'd still go to church for Christmas services but I'd usually stand in the back.

I think my mom was aware of it but still, the first Christmas I told her that I just would rather not attend church, I think she was quite hurt.  My sister is the same way but I think she'd go to services if she ever got married and/or had kids whereas I'm a true agnostic. 

The whole conversation Dev had with his father resonated with me as the conflict is real between staying true to a non-practicing way of life and going through the motions to please a parent. 

Although I can't imagine eating that much pork in a day.  Pork is good but rather rich.

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11 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

This episode resonated with me quite a bit.  I grew up Catholic but realized early on that it, and religion in general, was just not something I connected to.  When I was a minor, I went along with the whole confirmation bit for my parents but as soon as I went to college, it all went by the wayside.  I'd still go to church for Christmas services but I'd usually stand in the back.

I think my mom was aware of it but still, the first Christmas I told her that I just would rather not attend church, I think she was quite hurt.  My sister is the same way but I think she'd go to services if she ever got married and/or had kids whereas I'm a true agnostic. 

The whole conversation Dev had with his father resonated with me as the conflict is real between staying true to a non-practicing way of life and going through the motions to please a parent. 

Although I can't imagine eating that much pork in a day.  Pork is good but rather rich.

I hated mass and Sunday School and when I was a teenager I finally told my mom I was not religious at all and didn't want to go to church again. She acted pretty much the way Dev's mom is in this...not well. However, as the years have gone by she has finally accepted that that's just the way I am, and she doesn't bother me about it anymore.

Basically, you just have to be yourself. Pretending to be someone else doesn't work.

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I liked that both Arnold and Dev were able to let go of past relationships. I am a firm believer in no contact after a breakup for several months at least, precisely because contact keeps you from moving on. I'm glad Dev was able to realize that. You could see on his face that he was conflicted about texting Rachel because he knew it wasn't quite right.

I fell out at the truck getting stuck and then Arnold getting stuck. And I want to go to that restaurant - it's supposed to be one of the best in the world. Aziz Ansari is a foodie, and I like that his character is too.

People jumping into pools fully clothed at parties always makes me chuckle, because hell no I'm not jumping in no damn pool when I picked out this dress and did my hair and makeup and got all cute. And then I have to stand around in wet clothes until whenever? No thank you.

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2 hours ago, KaleyFirefly said:

Dating sucks.

I just started dating again (relationship, then a longish hiatus), and yeah. This episode hit close to home. And Condola Rashad (Black date/Dev's friend) is right about dating on apps while Black and female. Dev seems like a good date though! And I would totally respond to his line. He should have ditched the one who was scrolling through the app in front of his face. I didn't like the ramen blogger who just used the app for friends, even before she said she just used it for friends.

Years ago, a friend of a friend told me a story at a party about a date he went on where the woman got up and did heroin in the bathroom mid-date - she was nodding out when she got back. He left.

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2 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I just started dating again (relationship, then a longish hiatus), and yeah. This episode hit close to home. And Condola Rashad (Black date/Dev's friend) is right about dating on apps while Black and female. Dev seems like a good date though! And I would totally respond to his line. He should have ditched the one who was scrolling through the app in front of his face. I didn't like the ramen blogger who just used the app for friends, even before she said she just used it for friends.

Years ago, a friend of a friend told me a story at a party about a date he went on where the woman got up and did heroin in the bathroom mid-date - she was nodding out when she got back. He left.

Yeah, I've got a lot of bad date stories too. Of course he should have ditched the rude girl and the wrestling-watching ramen eating girl. And the one who said she was "funemployed" because her parents were rich. Ugh. Are these based on people Aziz really met in New York?

One thing I thought was nice was how Dev dressed up for his dates. Here in Florida no one dresses up, but I wish they would sometimes.

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I'm fairly sure that the guy playing Dev's cousin is Aziz's real-life cousin Harris that he talks about in his stand-up. 

I resented having to go to church as a kid, but then grew to appreciate the foundation. I go to church sporadically as an adult. Both my parents were raised in church; my grandparents were all very active in church, and it bothered them (especially my mom's mom, who was VERY devout - her church was at the center of her life) more than my parents when my brother and I backed off as adults. My mother still goes regularly; my father never goes except for weddings and funerals. He says he believes in God but has no interest in religion. 

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1 minute ago, KaleyFirefly said:

Yeah, I've got a lot of bad date stories too. Of course he should have ditched the rude girl and the wrestling-watching ramen eating girl. And the one who said she was "funemployed" because her parents were rich. Ugh. Are these based on people Aziz really met in New York?

One thing I thought was nice was how Dev dressed up for his dates. Here in Florida no one dresses up, but I wish they would sometimes.

The women were dressed up too. I remember liking coke-girl's halter. I couldn't wear it (D cup) but it was pretty.

I don't know Aziz's life, but I lived and dated in NYC for ten years (I'm a woman who only dates men, but still). Those are real women.

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My favorite ep of the season! (Well, maybe a tie between this and "Religion.") I loved seeing the evolution of Denise, as well as her relationship with Dev through the years. It helps that the acting was top-notch as well (Angela Bassett can do no wrong).

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I liked the black and white.  It emphasized the foreign nature of the situation he was in and how it was a whole new life and culture he was experiencing for a year. 

I loved season one, and I like how this one picked up so far. 

He must have learned a fair bit of Italian on his own to do this episode. 

I hadn't thought of him going back to the restaurant to get her information. 

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I hated going to church from the very beginning.  I haven't set foot in a church outside of a wedding or funeral for 20 years. We were raised Catholic and I feel like if you want to raise an Athiest or an agonist, raise your kids in the Catholic church. Not that all Catholics walk away, but almost everyone I know who is no longer religious in any way was typically raised Catholic. I've often wondered if I had kids if I would go back to church so they have that foundation, but I can't imagine getting involved in that again. 

My parents were pretty understanding about us (there are 5 kids and literally not a single one of us goes to church!) no longer being involved. My mom used to play this funny game on Sundays with me when she would call and ask me how church was. I'd just roll my eyes and tell her I was at brunch drinking mimosas. It was amusing to both of us. I'm sure she wished I went to church, we never had to pretend with them and I was astonished that I had friends that would pretend.

My parents are now also lapsed Catholics. They gave up on the institution for so many reasons.

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I just finished binge-watching Season 2, so still processing. Overall, I think it was more or less on par with season 2, but some aspects worked better than others.

Things I Liked:

- My favorite episodes were "Religion" and "Thanksgiving." I don't think it's any surprise that both focused on family relationships (like last season's episode that delved into Dev's and Brian's parents' immigrant history). That seems to be something the show does really well. Both episodes hit that sweet spot for me - the perfect combination of humor and heartfeltness. 

- I liked the show's attempts to experiment a bit more in season 2 - e.g., the black and white Bicycle Thief-esque opener; episodes fleshing out supporting characters (e.g., Denise); the long continuous shot of Dev in the back of the cab; an episode focused on random New Yorkers (doorman, deaf couple, African immigrants). Not all of it worked for me (e.g., I didn't really like the long shot in the cab or the soundless segment focusing on the deaf couple), but I could appreciate it.

- Not necessarily unique to this season, but I love that the show depicts guys picking apart texts and generally stressing/obsessing over dating (e.g., the scene where Dev and Arthur are reacting to the "hug" emoticon). I"m so used to seeing scenes like that for women, but it's rare that you see guys express feelings of loneliness and anxiety the way they do on this show.  

Things I Didn't Care For

- I didn't fully buy the Francesca love and felt it was waaay too drawn out. The character was obviously beautiful and charming enough, but I felt Dev had better chemistry with Sarah (the black Brit he met in the premier) and Priya (well, on the first date). Dev running into Rachel at the end seemed like foreshadowing, so I'm thinking the Francesca relationship will be short-lived.

- The other major storyline that I didn't love was the Chef Jeff stuff. Meh.

- Dev's parents are horrible actors, although they've grown on me a bit. The difference between them and Brian's dad (who I'm assuming is a professional actor) is jarring.

- I would have liked to have had at least a scene or two of Dev's crew (Brian, Arthur, Denise) hanging out together. Brian had less screen time this season less than his dad!

All that said, I found this season pretty binge-worthy. I'm probably in for season 3.

ETA: Having re-watched a couple of episodes, I'd say my favorite ep was "Thanksgiving" by a fair margin, followed by "First Date" (I found that one pretty clever and hilarious, especially as someone who's been through her fair share of dating apps). I think my love of the premise of "Religion" initially led me to rank it a bit too high (I'm also an agnostic from a Muslim family - although, funnily enough, the one "religious" thing I do is refrain from pork). So, a very enjoyable episode for me, but perhaps not as objectively "great" as the other two.

Also, it just occurred to me that one other (arguable) form of experimentation this season is the wide variation in episode length, from 21 minutes ("Religion") to a whopping 57 ("Amarsi Un Po").

Edited by sweetcookieface
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And BTW, nipplesandtoes23 is a real IG account! I was dying laughing when Dev kept asking her about it and she quite earnestly wanted to make sure he found the right account. The look Angela Bassett gave him....this is why she is an amazing actress.

I really enjoyed how they continued to tease Denise about dating the horrible and vapid (but pretty) Nikki cause that's exactly the kind of thing that family and friends would do. DD...where did the 2nd D come from?? I asked the same question Dev, I asked that too.

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Totally agree about the acting of Dev's parents. It was an interesting conceit in season 1 but this season it felt overly indulgent. I cringed every time I saw them, especially his mother. I'd be fine if they weren't in season 3. 

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It's still a good show, but I agree with most of the issues @sweetcookieface listed. Especially the Francesca not-quite-romance didn't work for me, and took up way too much time. And Chef Jeff was too derivative of Anthony Bourdain - the show could have done something more original with a guest star like Bobby Cannavale.

Dev's friendships, his good nature, and the Italy scenes still made this a worthwhile season for me though.

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7 hours ago, auntiemel said:

I don't understand why he didn't go back to the restaurant and try to charm that lady into giving up Sara's contact info!

I was thinking that too. Even if they couldn't give out her number, maybe they could call her and just explain what happened and give her his number. Then it's totally in her hands. 

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2 hours ago, Etta Place said:

I just watched this, and I am curious - was it subtitled?

The version I watched was not. (Luckily, I lived in Italy for a year and a half.)

There were some exchanges that were not subtitled but I got English subtitles.  Or I should say that I got English captions because I had on the closed captioning. I don't know if I would have had them if they were turned off.

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3 hours ago, msani19 said:

DD...where did the 2nd D come from??

That question gave me the biggest laugh of the season.  So great. 

I also liked how they were so irritated by Dev when they were tense but by the last Thanksgiving, when they realized how much they liked Michelle and were relieved Denise wasn't with Nikki any longer, a lot of the tension went away.  They encouraged his yelling.

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I think I liked this season better than season 1 because of its experimentation.  And because of the travel.  I know Aziz said he can't imagine doing another season until he has lived more since he feels like he has told the tales of a single man in NY (but he said something similar after Season 1 so hopefully the wait won't be too long) but why not have Dev travel around?  I would so love to get Dev's perspective on different parts of the world.

I have mixed feelings on the Francesca storyline.  In both seasons, the love story was kind of the weakest link for me in that I enjoyed the stories but didn't feel particularly invested in them getting together and felt like their story had been told by the end of the season.

Francesca felt like a continuation of Italy.  It was charming.  She was charming.  She felt like she stepped out of one of those Italian films he loves so much.  Because of that, I loved to watch her and them.  But because of that, she also felt like a fantasy. When things got real between them, they became less charming.  It's typical of relationships but it became less fun to watch. I didn't think it was fair for Dev to accuse her of using him when he stayed silent about his feelings for a month so he could spend time with her.  And she was hanging out with a friend--a friend she may have developed feelings for but a friend nevertheless.  That last scene certainly didn't portend a happily ever after.  And why couldn't he go to Italy with her?  He doesn't have Clash of the Cupcakes or BFFs any longer.

I would love for him to bump into Sarah as an end game.

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I usually try to suspend my crankiness for this show, but that business about not going back to the restaurant to get Sara's info was driving me crazy. He could also have tried somehow tracking down the AirBnB, though that would have been a much bigger search.

I laughed unreasonably hard at the line about how he's not the kid's father, it's just a baby he hangs out with sometimes.

Edited by possibilities
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I loved how Dev's father was perfectly comfortable actively LYING to the visiting relatives, as though lying is not an ethical violation.

I appreciated the way Dev and his parents had the conversation about different interpretations and being a good person, and also how he and his mom eventually reconciled when he read and quoted the Quran she sent to him.

I love Denise and I want to see a lot more of her.

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I liked his interactions with his "giant" friend.

RE the car getting stuck, at first it made no sense to me because the truck got through. And maybe it was just one of the show's surreal moments, but I think they did show that the problem was that the car was angled in there, instead of driving exactly straight through.

I love how everything is stone. So gorgeous.

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I don't remember if there were subtitles. I also lived in Italy for awhile, and nothing Dev said was very complicated, or anything you wouldn't pick up within a couple of months there. I understood it all perfectly. I cracked up at the "allora" exchange, because I was similarly enamored of that word, with that specific pronunciation when I was there. Also, "ragazzi" was another favorite.

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9 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I'm fairly sure that the guy playing Dev's cousin is Aziz's real-life cousin Harris that he talks about in his stand-up. 

It was. When I told my boyfriend who has been a fan of Aziz's stand up for years he stated "that tall handsome adult can't be chubby, Burn Notice loving, college essay writing Harris!"

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I refuse to believe that Denise would invite any girlfriend over for Thanksgiving who Dev hadn't previously met just because they are BFF from childhood and still close. That said tears rolling from when her mom and Michelle bonded over Dee`s lack of style, to her mom being happy for Dee and both her mom and Dev giving Dee shit about the THOT.

Angela Bassett, Kym Whitley and Venida Evans worked so well as a family unit with the changing actors, I thought it was a beautiful episode.

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How does one casually go to Storm King from NYC right before a big storm? I mean I adore it but my parents live fairly close its still a hike from NYC.

Also, Aziz with a mustache lying on the couch in profile looks so much like his dad.

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12 hours ago, msani19 said:

I'm sure Condola has little trouble out in the actual real world, she's so freaking beautiful! But online it's a different story. 

She's engaged (to a white guy). Video of her proposal is online - he surprised her. It's very sweet.

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I totally loved the beginning montage of kids of various faiths being dragged to various church's by their totally Over It parents. Yeah, looked like me being dragged to Sunday mass by my parents growing up. "Why do we have to go mom?" "Because its what we do!" Weirdly, I actually got more religious in college than I ever was as a kid. It gave me some stability that I appreciated when I was away from home, and a feeling of community. Plus, free pizza after church!

I was also raised Catholic, and still consider myself a practicing Catholic and I go to church pretty frequently (its hard to get out of bed on Sundays!), but I sometimes...exaggerate my church going to my parents. My cousin hadn't gone to church in YEARS and considers herself to be agnostic, and my grandparents still don't know! It makes Christmas much more cheerful for everyone. I'm also very much a Cafeteria Catholic (picking and choosing what I like the best) and most of my family is like that, so we are relatively open...as long as religion is somehow involved, according to the older generation. My grandparents didn't care when my other cousin came out as gay, or when my aunt married a Jewish guy, but finding out some of us are skipping church, or eating meat on Fridays during lent? My Grandma might have a heart attack!

That is a LOT of pork! Start off small, dude!

"It means getting called a terrorist and pulled out of lines at airports!

"That was because you lost your passport three times!"

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9 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I totally loved the beginning montage of kids of various faiths being dragged to various churchs by their totally Over It parents.

Including Scientology! Made me snort.

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Seemed to be the same as last season where nothing was super fun but the whole episode was amusing throughout with nothing really bad. I did enjoy the kid and his getting progressively annoyed with Dev's Italian. 

As for the black and white i am not sure yet if i liked it or if i found it a trying to hard almost gimmick kind of thing.

And if i really wanted to nitpick would Dev really be paying international roaming and data on his phone if he was in Italy for 3 months rather than just picking up a local SIM card?

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