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I think Laurel dies protecting either her Dad, Thea or Felicity. I definitely don't want her to die protecting Felicity but I can see Guggenstupid thinking that's awesome! Maybe that's why Laurel is the one who reminded Oliver That Felicity dumped cause of his lies. Ooh maybe before she goes she implores Olicity to reunite LOL

Boy do I hope I am right on what I am about to say...........


I really don't think Laurel dying is going to be about protecting anyone, and if it is the only candidate is her father.  The summary for one of the upcoming episodes says Laurel gets some sort of offer.  I keep thinking it has to be related to said offer and what she does about the offer.  Laurel is impetuous and rash, at least she is as written on this show.  Her getting and offer and rushing in headstrong and such would be in character.  I am fairly certain she is going to die in a way that no one on the team feels compelled to blame themselves or feel responsible.  It should be a my life - my choice death to follow the theme we were bashed over the head with over and over this season.

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The only reason I can see them putting Black Canary on Laurel's grave is so we know she's the definite Black Canary. Sara can never take her name.


I kind of hope Laurel dies protecting Quentin, that would give Sara a reason to not try to change the past. If she saves Laurel her father dies and she'd rather have her father around. Or that's just who I would rather have around. 


Of course they could do a fake out where Sara does save Laurel but she has to go into hiding and is never seen again. 

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Boy do I hope I am right on what I am about to say...........

I really don't think Laurel dying is going to be about protecting anyone, and if it is the only candidate is her father. The summary for one of the upcoming episodes says Laurel gets some sort of offer. I keep thinking it has to be related to said offer and what she does about the offer. Laurel is impetuous and rash, at least she is as written on this show. Her getting and offer and rushing in headstrong and such would be in character. I am fairly certain she is going to die in a way that no one on the team feels compelled to blame themselves or feel responsible. It should be a my life - my choice death to follow the theme we were bashed over the head with over and over this season.

D'oh I forgot what the episode description said about her getting an offer. I m with you I hope her death isn't about saving someone

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That script page MG tweeted out... Could Star City possibly be getting blown up ala Buffy series finale? Nah that can't be it. I have no idea but it sounds like it's gonna be "EPIC" or "Gamechanger"

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I can read from the script  "Let Twitter ..... uture as we CRANE UP...n the cavernous space.  FADE TO BLACK.  END OF SEASON FOUR."


Bringing in an investigative reporter as a recurring character for the next season could be interesting. Oh wait, if they wanted to do that, they could have done it with Iris on The Flash.


I kind of hope Laurel dies protecting Quentin, that would give Sara a reason to not try to change the past. If she saves Laurel her father dies and she'd rather have her father around. Or that's just who I would rather have around. 


Of course they could do a fake out where Sara does save Laurel but she has to go into hiding and is never seen again. 

I agree about hoping the only person she dies protecting is Quentin but Laurel having to go into hiding goes against Guggie saying the death will stick.

Edited by statsgirl
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The only reason I can see them putting Black Canary on Laurel's grave is so we know she's the definite Black Canary. Sara can never take her name.

Yeah when I saw it, I thought "well there goes the Sara becomes Black Canary" theory. Bummer. I liked that theory. Lol. I don't think it rules it out completely, but I think it's a lot less likely now that I've seen that.

Edited by Starfish35
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Ok, this is me being officially jealous of Arrow writers, since I've never even dreamed of putting in a possible Twitter reaction into scripts!




Does that count as product placement? 


Just a thought but ....if the line goes "Let twitter screen read "Olicity Lives" cut to ___________ standing in cavernous blah blah..."  It would be the show poking fun at itself.

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Oh see if that's a real script, I think it's Oliver saying let Twitter decide the future of Star City..like a Twitter poll. LOL.


Or maybe Oliver is thinking about running for Mayor again, but he'll let Twitter decide if he should..because the last line of the season has to Oliver right?


Of course it's probably Guggie trolling

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I don't recall her exact words, but Katrina Law said something about how the original script for 223 had "and the fandom goes wild!" written into it, or something like that.  

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Oh no they better not give us a fucking Felicity or Diggle is possibly dead or missing Cliffhanger. I have a bad feeling Walking Dead will end their season with a cliffhanger I don't want Arrow to I Fucking hate Cliffhangers lol

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I was thinking cliffhanger for S4 ending.  Twitter can debate/discuss Oliver, Felicity, Olicity, Diggle, Thea, Team Arrow, Star City or some other future over the summer.

Yeah cause that is so much fun SMH. Cavernous space or Hole is what made me think maybe Star City is blown up

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Maybe Oliver is being held over a open cavern and he knows the code to stop the weather machine that's going to destroy Star City, but  MM or DD has a busloads of children they will kill if Oliver uses said code to save the city  and someone says. "Let's let Twitter decide who lives or dies" 


Wait....wasn't that in The Dark Knight?

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Maybe Oliver is being held over a open cavern and he knows the code to stop the weather machine that's going to destroy Star City, but  MM or DD has a busloads of children they will kill if Oliver uses said code to save the city  and someone says. "Let's let Twitter decide who lives or dies" 


Wait....wasn't that in The Dark Knight?


It is now comic canon that the Dark Knight was in fact leaked footage of dress rehearsals for ARROW.  That is my story and I am sticking to it.

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I do think we're ending on flashback cliffhanger a la s2 finale.


Also I've been wondering if #Poppy wouldn't actually die and she's how Oliver joins the Bratva...

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But what about the Twitter...line....

I don't think that's a line -- or even script direction -- I think it's commentary for those reading the script, since he even changed the font color to red and all.

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I do think we're ending on flashback cliffhanger a la s2 finale.


Also I've been wondering if #Poppy wouldn't actually die and she's how Oliver joins the Bratva...

What about the 4th grave on the island?  I think someone said Taiana was the name on it in the villain book.  I really need Poppy to go bye bye. ;)  

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I wonder if the Quentin / Sara pics are kind of spoilers for LoT.  I mean, if that is on LoT and NOT Arrow - that must means that for a little while the team makes it back to 2016. Cool.

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I wonder if the Quentin / Sara pics are kind of spoilers for LoT.  I mean, if that is on LoT and NOT Arrow - that must means that for a little while the team makes it back to 2016. Cool.


Those pictures are from LoT, not Arrow.

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Laurel's dying because they have had issues writing her as a full character as well as Marc wants to show killing a comic name is on the table and to return death as something to worry about. I don't see how it's about Oliver really. I mean he will decide to kill again because it's his responsibility I guess but Laurel isn't a major presence in Oliver's life. Sara was literally frigged.

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I don't think that's a line -- or even script direction -- I think it's commentary for those reading the script, since he even changed the font color to red and all.




Amused though I am by the idea of Star City residents taking to Twitter to decide a mayoral election, or the showrunners taking to Twitter to decide if next season, Oliver should be with Felicity, the fern, the salmon ladder, or -- finally - Hal Jordan!!!  

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I'm wondering... Do you think Laurel's death would constitute as 'fridging'?

I went to tvtropes to look for an actual definition of "fridging". It said:

The term came to be used more broadly, over time, to refer to any character who is targeted by an antagonist who has them killed off, abused, raped, incapacitated, de-powered, or brainwashed for the sole purpose of affecting another character, motivating them to take action.

So for me, if Laurel dies in action, saving people's lives or preventing a disaster or something, I wouldn't consider it fridging. If she gets killed only because DD follows through with his threat to Quentin, or just to tip Oliver into the dark side, then she got fridged. 


I mean, of course her death is going to cause angst for the surviving characters and propels their storylines. That happens whenever a main character dies. It would be weird if a major death didn't have an effect on the show. But as long as it doesn't happen just to motivate others, I don't think it's technically fridging.

Edited by lemotomato
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Based on the primetime listings for 4/18, Arrow's definitely on a 2-week break after next week's episode. "Taken" is a repeat that Wednesday.

On the plus side, that means we get 419-423 without breaks, which I am definitely in favor of.


I'm wondering if that ending is in fact related to Oliver and Felicity, since the only other confirmed time they mentioned online reactions in the script was for their scene in 223 (that fandom goes wild comment), unless there is something else that they would assume that Twitter would react to. Or if possibly it's just MG trolling people to make them think it's a cliffhanger. Like, for all I know, the ending could be that Star City is wiped out but the Team save all of the citizens with the cavernous space away from whatever doomsday Genesis plot, and that the ending is just Oliver and Felicity, back together, being the last to leave as they prepare to face the future together.

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The twitter comment I'm sure is about fan reaction.  The crane up sounds like camera direction (duh) but it also seems at odds with then seeing a cavernous space.  I wonder if they refer to two different moments, three if you count the Twitter comment. So maybe they just cut from something that blows up Twitter,  then the shot cranes up to reveal something (for some reason renaming Palmer Tech comes to mind) and then maybe cut back to the corn cavern still being a HIVE of activity.  


Of Star City is blown up.  Didn't they do that in the comics? 


Also, I don't watch LoT, but if anyone can explain why Sara doesn't take the time machine back and undo Laurel's death--not that I want her to!--I'd appreciate it.


God, I like em dashed.

LoT plays fast and loose with it's time travel rules.  If she's at the gravestone, they must have come up with a reason why she couldn't save Laurel otherwise she'd find out Laurel is dead and travel directly to save her, not hang out and look at her tombstone. 

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I wouldn't mind if the last scene was just Oliver and Felicity Back together looking over the remains of what was their city BUT if Star City gets completely destroyed that defeats the purpose of Oliver's mission

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I'm wondering if that ending is in fact related to Oliver and Felicity, since the only other confirmed time they mentioned online reactions in the script was for their scene in 223 (that fandom goes wild comment), unless there is something else that they would assume that Twitter would react to.


To tie this idea back to changing the sign, what if get's changed to Queen Inc?  Put it on the heels of Oliver and Felicity eloping.  BOOM goes the internet. 


Sigh, I wish I believed that was how it would end. 

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We're nearing the end of the line for this season and I know the prospect of a big death has gotten people all hopped up.  



  • Posters in this thread are obviously happy to be spoiled.  That's great, but PLEASE keep in mind where you are when you post in the episode threads or other spoiler free places.  I know the LL death is the internet's most poorly kept secret at this point, but there are still people who don't want to know or don't want to have their suspicions confirmed.  Be careful and considerate of other posters. 


  • Don't talk about Twitter or potential social media reactions to the impending death.  I know MG kind of started it with the script trolling thing but he's lucky enough to be outside of my jurisdiction. Plus, do you *really* want to be like Guggie?


  • On a related point, DO NOT talk about "LL stans" or other fandoms.  In general, everyone has been a lot better about this, but yet it still comes up several times *a week.*   Y'all are making us look bad in front of the other mods!  More importantly, it's rude.   Stop doing it. 


And, to take us into Friday, I give you:



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The twitter comment I'm sure is about fan reaction.  The crane up sounds like camera direction (duh) but it also seems at odds with then seeing a cavernous space.  I wonder if they refer to two different moments, three if you count the Twitter comment. So maybe they just cut from something that blows up Twitter,  then the shot cranes up to reveal something (for some reason renaming Palmer Tech comes to mind) and then maybe cut back to the corn cavern still being a HIVE of activity.  


Of Star City is blown up.  Didn't they do that in the comics? 


LoT plays fast and loose with it's time travel rules.  If she's at the gravestone, they must have come up with a reason why she couldn't save Laurel otherwise she'd find out Laurel is dead and travel directly to save her, not hang out and look at her tombstone. 

Sara maybe returns home not knowing Laurel is dead and once she participates in a moment in time-time can fold in on itself if she goes back. Or there are some timey whimey stuff. The Hawks tried to save their past lives son and got him killed. Snart tried to change his past by trying to prevent his dad from going to prison but ended causing his dad to go to prison. 

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There is an "s" in the script direction immediately before the Twitter notes, so my money is on "Felicity proposes." The cavernous space is Oliver's gaping mouth after his jaw drops because he sure didn't see that coming! 

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I'm thinking that the finale of this season ends up in Russia setting up the Bratva years.  Season 3 ended with the road trip but that was wrapping up the trilogy of the first three seasons.  Season 4 is a new show so it makes sense that the finale would set up the season five flashbacks.


I'm wondering... Do you think Laurel's death would constitute as 'fridging'?

It depends what comes of it.  Tommy was fridged, Shado was fridged, I'd argue that Moira was part fridged, part they ran out of ideas for her (very near-sighted).


Sara was fridged for Laurel to become the Black Canary and for the Ra's al Ghul plot for Malcolm's benefit.


But if Laurel gets a big hero death, which doesn't cause any major changes in the existing characters (e.g. Thea doesn't quit the team because it's so dangerous), then I'd argue it's not a fridging.

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Quentin and Sara visiting Laurel's grave on LoT!! I think I'm in shock, the writers are doing something I said I'd like to see, LOL

QUICK--say you want to see more shirtless Oliver and Diggle sparring (anything really, as long as there are copious amounts of shirtless-ness)!  PLEASE!!! 


(never gets old, right?)  ;-)

Edited by EmeraldArcher
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