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I think TPTB misinterpret people wanting Diggle to have a mask as wanting Diggle to he a costumed hero. I think we all just want his identity hidden, and it seems especially stupid that it isn't now, since Oliver told him it was too risky for him to be a part of the team/out in the field since he's a father. I guess it's not too risky for him to do 10-20 for aiding and abetting vigilantism!

  • Love 12

That doesn't even make sense really. Anyways, saw some of Diggle's island in the SS episode just like we saw some of everyone else Island. In that case, Diggle should get a mask and a code name. 

I don't disagree.  I think Diggle isn't getting a mask (other than the ocassional ski mask) because he doesn't have a pre-established comic book destiny.  IIRC, it looks like Felicity is embracing her comic book destiny.  It's just not a software company that she's going to be managing at this point though.


They love their iterations.  I am wondering if Team Arrow with Oliver, Diggle & Felicity is the first iteration and Oliver, Roy & Laurel will be the second (S4).  I don't think Felicity is going anywhere but I wonder if we'll see much of her in the lair going forward. I do believe she is being set up as the love interest and eventually I think she'll be more at Palmer Tech or Queen Inc and we'll see her handling Arrow stuff from there. 


If they are working on another spin-off I think it would be the Suicide Squad.  If that happens it's where I would expect to see Diggle.  He's basically operating as Oliver's friend and sounding board now. Roy's in the field.  When Diggle has been in the field it has been because of Lyla.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if DR became recurring in S4.


There was talk amongst fans about an ATOM spin-off because of the casting of Brandon Routh.  I think if that was the case he would be sharing the screen with SA.  I think he's just being set-up in Universe so he can guest star in Flash & Arrow.  We have had at least 2 references in Flash regarding Palmer Technologies.   


I hope everything I just wrote turns out to be wrong although Ray Palmer going to the Flash wouldn't bother me.  Maybe this belongs in the Hopes & Fears thread.

From the ComicbookMovie.com interview with MG:



Fans of Batman Begins will recall that Christopher Nolan's take on Ra's also had the character motivated by death. Perhaps Arrow is borrowing from that particular film's playbook again?


I nearly spat out my drink, reading that. For pete's sake, Arrow has been borrowing, blatantly, from Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy from the beginning.  I wouldn't expect Ra's to be constructed differently, or uniquely, at this point. Shorter maybe. 


Every show uses the 'game changer' or similar wording too freely, too often. It has no weight any more.  TV watchers could play Mid-season Buzzword Bingo...


I have no interest in seeing Laurel become Black Canary. Whether insta-Canary, gets beat up to make it sort of journey Canary or take 5 years Canary.  I was very fond of the Black Canary the show already had. I cannot fathom how the show thinks watching Laurel stumble, badly, then emerge as some kind of phoenix to be a side-by-side hero with Oliver will go over with the majority of fans. 


Does anyone want to see her get beat up?  that's messed up. I dislike the character but good grief, no to that.


I do think the show will go to extremes to drum up sympathy for Laurel. I had a different theory (a far darker one) that I'm hoping the show doesn't do.  But this is pretty bad. 


I didn't intend to watch 3.10 through 3.13. Nothing, despite my love of the Dark Knight trilogy, sounds appealing.


Count me among fans who don't need to see Diggle in a superhero costume but I feel strongly that he needs some kind of identity covering, as well as a codename when they're using the comms.

  • Love 6

From the ComicbookMovie.com interview with MG:

I nearly spat out my drink, reading that. For pete's sake, Arrow has been borrowing, blatantly, from Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy from the beginning. I wouldn't expect Ra's to be constructed differently, or uniquely, at this point. Shorter maybe.

Every show uses the 'game changer' or similar wording too freely, too often. It has no weight any more. TV watchers could play Mid-season Buzzword Bingo...

The shot drinking game!! Though i feel like we'll all be sporting one hell of a hangover before the week is over. Edited by foreverevolving

During season 1 of Arrow, I was explaining the show to my one of girlfriend during work and my male co-worker jumps in and says "Oh, Arrow is just Batman lite." I defended the show but now…I am thinking he might have been right. I just wish Arrow would stop borrowing from Batman soo freaking much! Use the New Issue 52 Arrow villains and introduce them to a large audience. Sponsor your own villains. I mean they could have used Komodo who I am told is a big in Comic Arrow a lot better than they have in the show. 



Also, I wasn't saying Diggle should be a superhero. I just want them to get something that covers Diggle's identity including a codename he could use. 

Pretty sure the test results that come back for Oliver Queen means that Thea is probably the killer because she is Oliver's half-sister. Right? Or maybe someone probably took Oliver's DNA??? Idk who though. 


I just really don't want it to be Thea. It would be the biggest retcon of her character. I just can't believe that the Thea we knew in season 1 and 2 would do this. And I don't believe she would change so quickly.

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 3

It would be the biggest retcon of her character. I just can't believe that the Thea we knew in season 1 and 2 would do this. And I don't believe she would change so quickly.


Agreed.  I have to go with it being a straight up framing or if this show was at all reality based, a product of evidence contamination.  I mean after all Laurel dragged (miraculously) Sara's body down to Oliver 's lair where he actually lives and put her up on the table that Oliver has bled on and leans on and I have a hard time believing Oliver would have made Felicity yank out the three Arrows from Sara's torso and of course once Sara was in the lair, I'm sure Oliver had a hand in moving her around.  Sooooo, yeah, any of his DNA showing up should be met with a shrug and a roll of the eyes.  

Pretty sure the test results that come back for Oliver Queen means that Thea is probably the killer because she is Oliver's half-sister. Right? Or maybe someone probably took Oliver's DNA??? Idk who though.


To keep the Zombie Tommy theory alive (irony!) what if Tommy isn't really Merlyn's son?  What if his mother had an affair with Robert Queen?  Added bonus that Laurel would have gotten some brother swapping in as well. 

  • Love 2

I'm glad Ray tells Felicity about his robo-billionaire ventures.

And Oliver? Come oooooooon. For goodness sake. Even Nyssa was like "shut the hell up". He's definitely protecting Thea. But if Thea is the killer they have a steep hill to redeem her. I really don't see her as the killer unless she was drugged or hypnotised. Makes no damn sense. I still come back to Sara's reaction to her killer.

Edited by Limbo
  • Love 1

My Laurel is the killer crack theory has morphed into Laurel hiring someone to kill Sara and frame Oliver.


1) She hired someone to kill her. That's why she was conveniently right near where Sara's body fell.

2) She screamed because acting in case anyone saw Sara fall

3) It would explain why, as an ADA who clearly knows the law and has a father that is the police Captain, she would drag Sara's body to Oliver's lair instead of leaving her at the crime scene like any normal person would. If she can get Oliver's DNA somewhere on Sara's body voila...evidence.

4) She gets Oliver out of the way and proceeds to take on the mantle of Black Canary because the city needs a hero since Oliver went missing and is wanted for murder which is why he leaves town and she could say it's all for Sara, when really it's because Laurel is crazy. 

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 8

I'm glad Ray tells Felicity about his robo-billionaire ventures.

And Oliver? Come oooooooon. For goodness sake. Even Nyssa was like "shut the hell up". He's definitely protecting Thea. But if Thea is the killer they have a steep hill to redeem her. I really don't see her as the killer unless she was drugged or hypnotised. Makes no damn sense. I still come back to Sara's reaction to her killer.


I hope Ray revealing his suit to Felicity means we can put the kibosh on all the romance notions and get down to just sciencing. I also hope Felicity catches a clue that she is superhero catnip and pats herself on the back accordingly. 


I can't accept that Thea is Sara's murderer. That makes no sense to me, and if she was brainwashed, I call shenanigans. I'd rather it be an unseen Talia or all just a horrible dream that happened after F/O's date. Explosions make you dream really shitty story lines.

  • Love 7

We could also go with the Oliver was still suffering the effects of Vertigo and actually was the killer theory. The problem with that is twofold: one, it doesn't match up with the episode's timeline (Oliver seems to have been with Barry at the time) and two, because of that timeline I don't think I listed Oliver as a suspect which makes me look bad. Let's at least change two so I can look all wise and knowing later, shall we?  The suspects:


1. Ra's Al Ghul.

2. A member of the League of Assassins, operating independently.

3. A member of the League of Assassins, operating under Ra's Al Ghul's orders.

4. Thea (apart from the problem that it's not clear how she knew Sara was the Canary.)

5. Oliver (knew Sara was there; dosed with Vertigo; the show made a point earlier this season of reminding us that people can kill under the influence)


7. Maseo

8. Katana

9. Zombie Tommy 

10. Helena 

11. Laurel 

12. Thea's DJ (this would at least explain why he is on the show.)

13. Harrison Wells 

14. CW executives and/or the Time Warner legal team.


Probably cleared:


1. Roy 

2. Komodo

3. Cupid (she probably would have bragged about this in her episode, and didn't.)

4. Malcolm Merlyn


Not cleared, but unlikely:


1. Ray (no apparent motive, no indication that he uses bow)

2. Slade (best motive of everyone in this post, however, every indication that he's been on the island; also, doesn't use bow.)

3. Diggle (no motive, doesn't use a bow.)

4. Felicity (no motive, doesn't use a bow)

5. Sin (no motive, doesn't use a bow)

6. Ted Grant (no motive, doesn't use a bow)

7. Nyssa (does use a bow, but no motive.)


Out of it:


1. Barry (not dosed, doesn't use a bow, didn't know Sara, on another show.)

2. Everyone else on Flash except Harrison Wells.

3. Lyla (I am remaining firm on my conviction that women do not climb out of bed after childbirth to shoot other women.)

4. Quentin (technically the under the influence argument could apply to him, but even under the influence, this seems unlikely; he doesn't use a bow.)

5. Bilbo Baggins (though at least one of you made a good counterargument to that, and, well, he is carrying the Ring.)

  • Love 4

A brainwashed, hypnotized Thea could do it and it won't mean any shark-jumping for me.


But I'll take the theory that Ra's people are framing Oliver for the sake of it. Or it's Malcolm who's doing the framing, because he's fun like that. Hey, even Amanda has probably enough of Oliver's DNA material stored on ice to do the framing and she was probably waiting impatiently for the whole team to finally do the testing!


Love the trial by combat bit, I'm weak, I love those kinds of plots.


I'm also hoping now for some quality denial from the whole Team Arrow.


And don't tell me Laurel suits up as Sara in order to ... kill Oliver :) for vengance.

  • Love 1

Felicity's wearing the reddish pink coat she wears when Oliver kisses her for head when Ray reveals his plans for Starling City superhero club. I wonder if she goes to work after or before she says ciao to Oliver.


I hope she sees the suit and Ray first because... of reasons.


I also think she should be the last person Oliver says goodbye to.

  • Love 3

Lol, show. Would anyone really believe that Oliver is the killer? There would need to be some major retconning (1. Oliver was giving hero-ing advice to Barry that night. 2. He did not seem to still be reeling with the Vertigo effects at the hospital with Felicity/Diggle/Lyla or the rooftop with Barry. 3. Felicity can listen in on his feed/track his GPS to determine his location, which could easily rule him out as not being in the vicinity of the murder scene.) in order to pull off, if they were actually serious about pursuing it, a storyline where the show's own hero murders another hero.


So, this is fakeout number how many now? Worst murder mystery/whodunit arc ever.


Since I dread having to engage in mental gymnastics to ever believe that Thea is the actual killer, I'm going to go with the theory that it was Ra's al Ghul, himself or someone under his command, who did the deed and framed Oliver in order to lure him away from Starling City and pressure him into choosing to be the Arrow and not Oliver Queen so that he'll join the LOA. Ra's made sure that Oliver's DNA would be on the arrow so that he can convince Oliver to join the LOA as penance for his "crime" of killing a League member or his City will pay. Until Oliver figures it out on that mountain top that Ra's is probably the real murderer ("you've taken your last life") and invokes the "trial by combat" clause.


Felicity's wearing the reddish pink coat she wears when Oliver kisses her for head when Ray reveals his plans for Starling City superhero club. I wonder if she goes to work after or before she says ciao to Oliver.


I'm going to agree with Ariah and say Ray tells Felicity his plans before the forehead kissing scene with Oliver. For maximum emotional impact and a better narrative flow since I would think that the show would cut to Oliver and Ra's/the LOA scenes soon after he says goodbye to everyone.

  • Love 4

Oooooh, I actually like it that Oliver is the suspect way better than Thea. I don't want this to have anything to do with Thea! But I'm with quarks, can't Felicity clear him by having listened into his conversation with Barry? Or did Oliver give his super happy uncle pep talk and then went out for murder under Vertigo's influence, come on now, that would be dumb. Framed it is.


Almost everyone on this show has motive to frame Oliver, so, what, we're going up to 313 now with the whodunit? Uuuuugh, please end, storyline OF DOOM.

  • Love 2

Making Oliver at least partially responsible fits into the identity theme for the season - maybe he will doubt himself, start wondering what actually took place... Perhaps that's the reason why Oliver has been called a murderer so many times this season - to remind us that he has this streak within him?


Still, I wish they wuldn't put that bit of info in the promo - I'd love to hear it live, watching the show... Now my head is theorizing and I don't want to! But I can't stop.


Also, I want Felicity to say something like "you couldn't have done that, I believe in you".


and now I'm scared the EP's will make the final shot of the episode with Oliver and Ra's still fighting on the mountain top, the camera slowly drifting away... And no resolution whatsoever.

I'm going to agree with Ariah and say Ray tells Felicity his plans before the forehead kissing scene with Oliver. For maximum emotional impact and a better narrative flow since I would think that the show would cut to Oliver and Ra's/the LOA scenes soon after he says goodbye to everyone.


I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this -- it makes more sense to the narrative flow if Ray and Felicity's scene comes after the forehead kissing scene if that's Oliver's so-called goodbye scene. (Personally, I think it is.) The audience already knows where Oliver's headed - to fight Ra's - and you want to give sense of what Felicity will be up to while Oliver's off fighting Ra's.


Doesn't mean I like it. Nice touch with the Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism (A.T.O.M.) though, writers.


ETA: Because I haven't had coffee yet.

Edited by Soulfire
  • Love 1

^ Hmm. You know, that might actually be what happens. Because, of course, it's the winter finale therefore we might be treated to a mini-montage of sorts near the end of the episode (probably before and not after the big duel with Ra's) to show where each character is, possibly, heading/what circumstances they are going to be struggling with when the show comes back in January/February. And it's been sort of established that Felicity has a tendency to go and brood while working (such a multi-tasker, our dear Ms. Smoak!) at her office when she needs some alone time. Perhaps, Palmer finds her at QC/PT, decides to "make amends" by showing her his robot suit and we end with Felicity wondering why all the viable men in her life are so keen on putting their lives at risk so they can save Starling City (it's the low rates on the real estate, isn't it?).


I know the Atom is a big deal because comics but I hope that scene with Palmer, if it is her final scene, is more focused on Felicity (her reactions, her expressions, how she can co-science it up, how it will impact her character moving forward) than on Palmer and his crazy eyes. I'm just not down on Felicity becoming a supporting character to Ray's A.T.O.M. arc. I'd much rather Palmer be the supporting character to Felicity's arc and how she deals with/grows from helping yet another hero find their purpose.

Edited by SleepDeprived
  • Love 10

1. Laurel had better tell Quentin and Dinah Sara's dead. I know it looks that way, but I can imagine her telling them no because she doesn't want to ruin their Christmas. If she does, at least we know Quentin survives it since he posted from the set afterwards. 


2. So, does Thea get implicated? The summary for the ep had something in it about Ra's killing people in Starling City if Oliver doesn't hand over the killer. What if he turns himself over because Thea is the first person Ra's threatens? That could be part of the cause for the blow up between Oliver and Malcolm. Just looking for alternative Thea theories, because the thought that she's involved/implicated in Sara's death makes me feel ill. I'm all aboard the Queen sibling train and I don't want anything to make me jump off of it, because if he confronts her about it, I have a feeling we're going to see a version of Thea that will not be pleasant, and...I just want her story to be interesting and not in a murderous kind of way.


3. I guess the real murderer is Tatsu or Maseo and they're framing Oliver/making his life shitty beyond belief because he never learned how to do his laundry in Hong Kong? Or Akio because Oliver never made good on his candy promises?

  • Love 5

It's funny how different people view the Thea as killer speculations.  I've seen comments on here and other boards that Thea killing Sara would break the show and it's a jump the shark moment.  I've also seen comments that Thea was their first suspect and it makes total sense.  I wonder if it's dependent upon how people feel about Thea or just the storyline in general?


I hate the idea that Thea killed Sara but it does all seem to be adding up to Thea being revealed as the killer.  


Ugh, it's really looking more and more like Thea did it given the ID match and the fact that she and Oliver are related. :( At least it looks like Laurel will finally inform her parents about Sara's death. That's something, I guess.


Kind of funny that this was the spec to show Thea as the red herring and Zombie!Tommy was the real killer.  Now it looks like Oliver is the final red herring (if we're to believe they'll actually do the reveal in 309) and Thea is the real killer.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Do you guys really think that whoever they implicate in this ep is going to be the actual killer? If Thea is implicated, I can just see the closing shot of the ep being Ra's talking to someone (off camera maybe?) about how their plan worked, and then panning on Tatsu's face or something. It's so easy to play Oliver when people he cares about are involved.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 9

Felicity's wearing the reddish pink coat she wears when Oliver kisses her for head when Ray reveals his plans for Starling City superhero club. I wonder if she goes to work after or before she says ciao to Oliver.

I thought Felicity's coat in the latest promo video in the Spoilers thread was purplish (mixture of red and blue), so either it's a different coat or the effect of lighting.  Symbolism?

Edited by tv echo

If they find out Thea is the killer in this episode because of the DNA, how is it that the investigation is still ongoing in 3.12 when Sin returns?

I know they said that we would find out who the killer was in this episode, but I always assumed that meant that the audience would find out, but that the characters wouldn't necessarily know yet. Like last season when we found out Slade was alive and behind the Mirakuru popping up in Starling City, but Oliver didn't find out for a few more episodes.

  • Love 4

If they find out Thea is the killer in this episode because of the DNA, how is it that the investigation is still ongoing in 3.12 when Sin returns?

I know they said that we would find out who the killer was in this episode, but I always assumed that meant that the audience would find out, but that the characters wouldn't necessarily know yet. Like last season when we found out Slade was alive and behind the Mirakuru popping up in Starling City, but Oliver didn't find out for a few more episodes.


Yeah, if Thea is implicated in this ep, I think it's pretty safe to say that it isn't her. The only reason I do want it to be her for real is to see Laurel go ripshit over it, hahaha


If they find out Thea is the killer in this episode because of the DNA, how is it that the investigation is still ongoing in 3.12 when Sin returns?

I know they said that we would find out who the killer was in this episode, but I always assumed that meant that the audience would find out, but that the characters wouldn't necessarily know yet. Like last season when we found out Slade was alive and behind the Mirakuru popping up in Starling City, but Oliver didn't find out for a few more episodes.

Same thing they did in S1/S2, the audience finds out in 309 that Thea is the killer but in show the characters don't find out until later.  In S1, the audience found out that Malcolm was the Dark Archer and behind the Undertaking but the characters didn't find out until much later (21/22?).  In S2 the audience found out Slade was the Big Bad pulling Blood's strings in 309 but the characters didn't find out until 215 that Slade was alive and behind everything.


There's no indication in the show that Thea is implicated.  All we've seen so far is that the DNA suggests it's Oliver and Oliver goes to the LOA to turn himself in, presumably to stop the attack on the City.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 2

There's no indication in the show that Thea is implicated.  All we've seen so far is that the DNA suggests it's Oliver and Oliver goes to the LOA to turn himself in, presumably to stop the attack on the City.  


Except for the part where Oliver tells her that she's family, and he'd do anything to protect her. Which, true, is a voiceover and could be from any point in time (and could be about protecting her from Malcolm), but it could just be that they're holding any obvious implications for shock value in-show. 

  • Love 1

Except for the part where Oliver tells her that she's family, and he'd do anything to protect her. Which, true, is a voiceover and could be from any point in time (and could be about protecting her from Malcolm), but it could just be that they're holding any obvious implications for shock value in-show.

The City is under threat of attack if Oliver doesn't hand over Sara's killer and Team Arrow has failed at every opportunity to find said killer. So Oliver offers himself up to the LoA as Sara's killer and demands trial by combat to save his family, friends and City from the LoA.

And there you have Oliver giving Thea that line.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 3

Wow, so Laurel really does tell her parents that Sara is dead…at Christmas. What a lovely gift. At least they know now I suppose. About eight weeks too late.


I'm confused by this DNA evidence they have tbh. If the evidence is somehow linked to Thea, I'm not sure whether half siblings have only similar markers or what. I really don't know how that stuff works. But I can't even imagine how they're going to explain away the fact that the DNA says Oliver is the killer when we know he isn't. Like, whoops! Just kidding. We were wrong. Huh?! If they want me to invest in this storyline, they need to stop being so stupid. I mean, I watched the promo and just shrugged because the emotional shock/reaction just wasn't there. This is honestly the worst whodunnit ever. 

The City is under threat of attack if Oliver doesn't hand over Sara's killer and Team Arrow has failed at every opportunity to find said killer. So Oliver offers himself up to the LoA as Sara's killer and demands trial by combat to save his family, friends and City from the LoA.

And there you have Oliver giving Thea that line.

Then he'd have to tell her he's the Arrow in this ep-and there's no indication he's doing that either. It's just impossible to tell from promos at this point, other than regardless of who is ultimately responsible, Oliver's giving himself up to Ra's for Sara's murder.

  • Love 1

Wow, so Laurel really does tell her parents that Sara is dead…at Christmas. What a lovely gift. At least they know now I suppose. About eight weeks too late.



I'm kind of thinking she doesn't.


And she suits up -> hence the spoiler that something happens in THIS episode that sparks her suiting up -> in order to convince the parents that Sara is fine...


Oh, the sacrifices she must make. Oh, the pain. *sarcasm mode off*


- She;s dead, isn't she?

- No, she's spending this Christmas with her girlfriend and her father. He's a real family man.

  • Love 5

I'm kind of thinking she doesn't.


And she suits up -> hence the spoiler that something happens in THIS episode that sparks her suiting up -> in order to convince the parents that Sara is fine...


Oh, the sacrifices she must make. Oh, the pain. *sarcasm mode off*


- She;s dead, isn't she?

- No, she's spending this Christmas with her girlfriend and her father. He's a real family man.


Damn, you could be right. I just want them to know already, even if the timing is the worst. Le sigh.


Also is anyone else wondering how the hell they're going to fit everything into this episode? It feels like a lot is happening all at once.

I can't really buy Thea as the killer. Nothing about the character in the past 2+ seasons point to that. I'd buy Sara's own sister being the murderer before Thea. At least there's history to back that supposition. It looks like Oliver confronts Malcolm, but I wonder if he confronts Thea about it. Probably not, because that's too easy.


From the scene with Dinah and Laurel, it doesn't seem like Laurel actually tells her parents as much as Dinah deduced it. Doesn't she say, "Sara's dead, isn't she?" I don't see Laurel suiting up to pretend she's Sara though. I mean, if you're pretending to be somebody else, why wear a totally different costume? Or maybe HER BC costume is for later and she still wears Sara's bustier this time around? I really don't give an eff — At this point, I'm more concerned about Quentin.

  • Love 4

I'm expecting a whole lot of this episode to be weird and choppy again, and lots of stuff happening in Offscreenville, and then someone here will try to figure out a timeline based on Felicity's wardrobe changes, and fail again.

There. Low expectations achieved. :)


  • Love 7

I can't really buy Thea as the killer. Nothing about the character in the past 2+ seasons point to that. I'd buy Sara's own sister being the murderer before Thea. At least there's history to back that supposition. It looks like Oliver confronts Malcolm, but I wonder if he confronts Thea about it. Probably not, because that's too easy.


From the scene with Dinah and Laurel, it doesn't seem like Laurel actually tells her parents as much as Dinah deduced it. Doesn't she say, "Sara's dead, isn't she?" I don't see Laurel suiting up to pretend she's Sara though. I mean, if you're pretending to be somebody else, why wear a totally different costume? Or maybe HER BC costume is for later and she still wears Sara's bustier this time around? I really don't give an eff — At this point, I'm more concerned about Quentin.


Given that Sara was murdered in her BC outfit and laid around for a while in it, I hope Laurel wouldn't wear it.


I don't think Laurel dressing up to fool anyone is likely, I'm just trying to figure out a scenario in which Laurel would NEED to suit up (per MG), and that's the only one I can come up with. Why would anyone on Team Arrow ask her to do that? Even if they need a presence in Starling with Oliver gone, I don't think any of them would ever ask her to put herself in danger when she's obviously not ready yet. But...who knows, I guess.

Edited by apinknightmare
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