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I'm not sure how much I trust CH. He doesn't have the best track record…..Or maybe he has the best one because we really were shocked. LOL


I'm concerned if it is someone we would hate/be upset by. To me, that sounds like its someone we would a) never suspect and b) a popular character. That is worrisome to me because I feel like we may have to suspend belief to accept the killer. What are the clues for the killer? They may have been short? Sara knew the killer? Is that it?


I'm just worried its going to be contrived and ridiculous i.e. Tommy, Sin or even Diggle. 

  • Love 1

So Oliver's going to disappear for a few episodes?  Maybe the ratings will too.


Incidentally, where are the costumes for Oliver, Roy and Laurel coming from?  I guess we're to assume that Cisco at Star Labs is the one making them - at the lab's cost?  If that's the case, then wouldn't Cisco be too smart to realize how impractical and inconvenient all those buckles will be on the new BC costume?  And does that mean the Star Labs team knows the secret identities of the costumed Arrow "superheroes"?


Also, the show needs to include at least one line or reference to Diggle refusing to have his own costume made.  As it stands now, when they're out fighting in the field, you're going to have Oliver, Roy and, ugh, Laurel wearing these expensive, fitted leather outfits - I mean, the cost of the buckles alone would probably feed a child in a Third World country for a year - while Diggle is still dressed in something that looks thrown together.  I mean, he looks like the hired help (unnamed Henchman #1) rather than an equal member of the team.  At least indicate that he was offered a new costume and rejected it for the comfort of his own clothes.


Maybe I'm being too nitpicky, but if the EPs are going to pat themselves on the back for the realism of this show (without superpowers), then be real.

Edited by tv echo

The audience already hates and is upset that it happened at all. And the culprits for me will always be the writers, who wanted to get rid of Sara, to clear the way for Laurel's tedious journey. That's as far as the story goes. I honestly do not care which strawman villain is set up to have done it, and I never will care. Even if it was Oliver under some kind of LoA brainwashing, I don't care. The writers are the ones responsible.


And from what I've read about how they've approached the 'mystery' since then, it seems that they're not actually able to create a coherent storyline around this, and instead just throw up one red herring after another, with no ongoing, 'was it him? Her?' questioning. I really am not convinced the writers even knew who it was going to be when they wrote that scene. They have a history of not planning things, and then fucking up the pay off. So the more fans show their disinterest in that, and in Laurel in general, the bigger the shock they'll probably go for. Maybe it was Felicity....

  • Love 5

 It is hard enough to pull of a female driven show as it is. I doubt she'd be able to pull a whole show off.


Because most female lead shows are written in a stupid demeaning infantile way. 90% of the time the writers go the soap opera route or are trying to appeal to tween and teenagers - which usually means the show turn into a night time soap opera, hello GG and PLL - also, IMO: Scandal and TGW for the adult crowed, the exception to this currently is OITNB; this soapy writing causes most women to turn away from it, let alone men.


The line that women can't hold a movie or a show has been proven wrong time and time again, just in the past two years we've had an influx of women centered movies which ended up earning big bucks - Hunger Games & Gravity are the two immediate ones i can think of.


the problem is not the audience it's the writing. Give us a well written and acted female character on a well written and structured show and i'll happily sit down and watch it.

  • Love 4

It depends on the motivation for Sara's murder whether I would hate a previously likeable character.

I don't understand the motivation for Tommy to kill Sarah other being made to do it by the LoA because they are threatening someone he loves or he's nuts from the lazarus pit. But either reason I would not hate Tommy. I would feel sorry for him in a way because he wouldn't have deserved that fate.

I don't care enough about Sin to hate her for killing Sara. It would just be sad.

I wouldn't hate Diggle because for him to kill her again it would have to be because of a threat to his family. He has no other motive.

Thea would be the same thing.

I would hate Laurel but since I already don't like her it doesn't matter. And she had no time to do it. So she's out.

The only other person would be Quentin because that would just be ust stupid but again I would feel sorry not hate him.

I just can't think of any character that is likeable now that I would hate because of this because they would all have to been compelled to kill her or were out of the minds. If they make Felicity the killer because of jealousy over Oliver well that would make me hate the show but not Felicity because that would just be stupid writing.

So most of the speculation I've seen about Episode 7 seems to be centered on the possible flashback or Ray and Felicity's work thing (I refuse to call it a date). How about that photo of Ray at a podium with Felicity standing next to him looking rather pleased. Somebody on Twitter mentioned Diggle looking proud in that one solo shot of his and I wondered if there might be a connection. Could Felicity have been promoted? (Yes, yes, she doesn't seem to have worked a lot at QC, but I'm with the other posters who say that as long as she delivers, Ray won't have problems with her work hours.) This is also the ep where Oliver is supposed to visit her at QC, right? Maybe he and Diggle went there to show their support? The problem with that is I think SA said he hasn't worked with BR since 3x01, but I can't remember which episode he was shooting when he said that.

  • Love 2

So most of the speculation I've seen about Episode 7 seems to be centered on the possible flashback or Ray and Felicity's work thing (I refuse to call it a date). How about that photo of Ray at a podium with Felicity standing next to him looking rather pleased. Somebody on Twitter mentioned Diggle looking proud in that one solo shot of his and I wondered if there might be a connection. Could Felicity have been promoted? (Yes, yes, she doesn't seem to have worked a lot at QC, but I'm with the other posters who say that as long as she delivers, Ray won't have problems with her work hours.) This is also the ep where Oliver is supposed to visit her at QC, right? Maybe he and Diggle went there to show their support? The problem with that is I think SA said he hasn't worked with BR since 3x01, but I can't remember which episode he was shooting when he said that.


Maybe it's to do with some kind of announcement of the co-generation thing he was having her work on in 3x05, and he's going to make her head of that project at this announcement? Since it seems to be a philanthropic thing, I can see why Dig and Oliver would maybe go to show their support. Oliver could find her in her office after, when Ray isn't around - maybe he offers to take her to dinner to celebrate, and she tells him she has plans with Ray?


As far as SA not having shot with BR, there could be crowd scenes with Oliver and Digg in the background that were shot apart from the actual announcement, hence Oliver being "around" Ray, but not being in an actual scene with him (maybe?).

  • Love 3

That's right, crowd shots could be filmed separately! :) So they could be in a sequence but not necessarily in the same scenes. Thanks! I was also thinking about what Brandon said when asked how his character's pursuit of Felicity would affect Oliver. He said the "tension" would actually be seen through Felicity in that Oliver will see Felicity sort of changing as she spends more time with Ray. I remember that interview was fairly early on, so now I'm thinking — and kinda hoping — that the change Oliver sees is Felicity flourishing at her other workplace. Maybe with this "promotion." That's how I see that scene with the podium. Like Ray is introducing Felicity ("QC, welcome your new head of the Applied Sciences Division .... Felicity Smoak.") And I like your spec that maybe Oliver offers to take her out to dinner to celebrate (I think he'll say it's Dig and him planning to take her out. Use Dig as buffer :P ) but she demurs because of the work thing with Ray. That would segue quite well to the lair scene with Oliver saying he's bothered she's out with Ray :) Of course, now, I think this is totally NOT how it is going down because it makes too much sense, LOL!

  • Love 7

Not going to lie. The idea of Felicity being head of Applied Sciences makes me somewhat emotional. Seeing her flourish at QC (regardless of Ray's...tendencies) will really earn brownie points for him.

I really really really hope @apinknightmare's speculation comes to fruition. Can't wait for Diggle to spit some truth (in character) to both Oliver and Felicity. Diggle needs to hug her. I understand he's a little preoccupied but I don't accept Diggle seemingly never comforting Felicity even somewhat.

  • Love 2

So most of the speculation I've seen about Episode 7 seems to be centered on the possible flashback or Ray and Felicity's work thing (I refuse to call it a date). How about that photo of Ray at a podium with Felicity standing next to him looking rather pleased. 



Thanks for reminding me about that shot of Felicity at the podium.  One thing I like about this storyline with Ray is how they are finally, finally, acknowledging how smart Felicity is and the corollary of how important she is.  It which gives me hope for the future when everyone is a costumed superhero except Diggle and Felicity, that our two normal clothed heroes won't get shunted aside.


I've decided that I'm glad that Ray is getting his superhero costume sooner rather than later because it means he'll be relevant to the show other than as Felicity's boss/love interest.  I have the feeling that after this coming episode, I'll be done with Ray as Felicity's new guy.

IIRC, they have an equipment and costume supplier that Digg deals with in Bludhaven. It's explained in those damn 2.5 comics.

I don't mind that there is a tie-in to the comics. I really hate that we have to go to the comics to plug holes in the TV show though, and use it to figure out how Felicity stocked the lair after the earthquake.


So, I finally watched the Aftershow segment. It was not as bad as I thought. What I took away from it was that:


- Laurel will be the focus of  episodes 10 up to at least 12 if not 13 and Oliver is not around for those episodes. (That was the speculation you guys had already but the way SA talked about it seems to all but confirm that) Those episodes will pave the way for the finale episodes which will be crazy. (No idea if that is just an assumption of his or a way to tease the audience)

- Laurel will not be immediately be a superhero but by the end of the season she will be a good BC (He said that things have to happen quicker on TV) 

- I don't think they understand why people don't like her (or they do and will never say it out loud) or they are just not willing to give up on their vision.

I agree with all of that, especially that they don't understand why people don't like her, even though every reviewer seems to say pretty much the same reason why.


But they do know people don't like her and they know it's too soon to make her a viable BC because they've said so in interviews.  And Greg Berlanti at least is pretty savvy about TV shows.  So I have to conclude (hope) that there is going to be more going on for the other characters than just propping Laurel in her bid to become BC, and I hope it's not just Ray's story.  In spite of my criticsms of it, I'm fond of this show and I can't imagine a faster way to kill it that making the episodes for two months, from mid-December to mid-February, focus on Laurel and Ray.



I read the interview again. He feels bad for that character who did it because people will just hate that character. They did not find out beforehand who did it but now that they do, he feels really sorry for that character.

Are we sure Felicity has an alibi?


If it's not Oliver, Diggle (who was with Lyla at the hospital), Felicity or Roy, that leaves Malcolm and Thea, who were presumably on Corto Maltese, Quentin, who I can't believe did it,  Nyssa (ditto what I said for Quentin) and Walter, which seems ridiculous.  Outside of there, there is Amanda Waller (although I can't imagine why CH would feel sorry for her), Deadshot,  Katana. China White, or Bronze Tiger, none of whom I care about, and Talia or another of the LoA, who we haven't even met yet.


I don't think a BOP spinoff would do well with those two girls. Just my opinion though. They can't carry a show. Especially considering KC can't carry her role in Arrow.

Hopefully if the 8 episode Agent Carter show does well, the CW will be more open to the idea of a shorter Arrow season supplemented with BoP (especially with a really good Barbara Gordon who could center the show) and Suicide Squad mini-shows. I think it would help both Arrow and the other(s).

  • Love 1

I've decided that I'm glad that Ray is getting his superhero costume sooner rather than later because it means he'll be relevant to the show other than as Felicity's boss/love interest.  I have the feeling that after this coming episode, I'll be done with Ray as Felicity's new guy.


I think/hope ep 7 is meant to go a long way to making Ray seem a viable LI for Felicity. Up until now he's been her very lenient boss and someone she can potentially open up to emotionally and intellectually. Now they're upping the ante with romantic styles and sexual tension.

I've been very open about my discontent concerning Ray, not even as a LI but just as a character, but I desperately hope he won't turn into a character I roll my eyes at every time he enters the screen like "oh look who's back". The picture spoilers really made me...unhappy. But there is no context for the pictures therefore I need to shut it until ish happens.

  • Love 2


Are we sure Felicity has an alibi?


If it's not Oliver, Diggle (who was with Lyla at the hospital), Felicity or Roy, that leaves Malcolm and Thea, who were presumably on Corto Maltese, Quentin, who I can't believe did it,  Nyssa (ditto what I said for Quentin) and Walter, which seems ridiculous.  Outside of there, there is Amanda Waller (although I can't imagine why CH would feel sorry for her), Deadshot,  Katana. China White, or Bronze Tiger, none of whom I care about, and Talia or another of the LoA, who we haven't even met yet.



Felicity is known to have an extreme fear of heights, so doubt it could be her,  If CH is to be believed, I'd guess Sin or Thea for reasons only Arrow writers could come up with...

  • Love 1

I'm guessing it's either Sin or Katana. Sin probably got brainwashed or something by some villain and killed Sara. I would say it was Thea, but she was probably in Corto Maltese at that time. Then again, it's well known from the trophies in her room that Thea is good with a bow and arrow. hmm. I just don't want Thea to go that dark. 

Edited by wonderwall

Someone new for Laurel to mentor?  It makes sense because Sin is bonded to Sara and didn't the Black Canary mentor Sin?  So Laurel would need someone new to mentor because Sin in already way ahead of her in terms of fighting skills.


I like Sin and I'd gladly trade her for Laurel but she makes the most sense as to who killed Sara from the clues.  She's short, Sara would be friendly but surprised to see her there. and they could magically write some shooting skills that Sara taught her before we met them. Plus Bex is doing another show.


So while I would hate it, it seems exactly in these EPs wheelhouse.  Let's trash another popular character on the way to getting Laurel to be the Black Canary.


But first I expect an episode or two where they all suspect Thea.

  • Love 3

Because most female lead shows are written in a stupid demeaning infantile way. 90% of the time the writers go the soap opera route or are trying to appeal to tween and teenagers - which usually means the show turn into a night time soap opera, hello GG and PLL - also, IMO: Scandal and TGW for the adult crowed, the exception to this currently is OITNB; this soapy writing causes most women to turn away from it, let alone men.



Try Orphan Black. No soapiness there, and realistic, well rounded female characters.

Edited by Pyramid
  • Love 6


I read that Arrow's not coming back from winter break until the 21st of January. If Oliver is missing from 3x10-3x12, that'll be two months (at least) between Team Arrow scenes. That seems like a huge risk to take with the ratings/audience...

Maybe they are counting on all the faux batman stuff to draw people back. I didn't make it through the trilogy so it does nothing for me.

  • Love 2

The problem for me with Sin is that Sara's greeting the the killer was not what I would have expected in tone or body language, from Sara to Sin.


Hahaha I don't really believe that Helena is the killer, but she ticks a lot of boxes and I can just see the EPs being thrilled with how "clever" it is to have the Huntress kill the original Canary.


I can just see them being gleeful about the potential conflict between the Birds of Prey members, and I know MG likes Helena after his interviews last season about wanting to do mini-season about her journey. Also if she was under orders from Waller agency is taken away form her.


Away Crack Theory....I like Tommy back form the dead or Sara faked her own death better.


Regarding the time away for Oliver spoilers/speculation, I'm wondering when Oliver returns from wherever (I'm assuming the League), he will has regressed into full Arrow (assassin?) mode and he will be damaged again and they will bring into play, "You were the 1st person I could see as, a person".

Regarding the time away for Oliver spoilers/speculation, I'm wondering when Oliver returns from wherever (I'm assuming the League), he will has regressed into full Arrow (assassin?) mode and he will be damaged again and they will bring into play, "You were the 1st person I could see as, a person".

GOD HELP US! Please, NO!!! I definitely don't want to return to S1-Oliver... Although this would fit the scheme MG talked about in one of his interviews: "one step forward, two steps back" :-(

Someone new for Laurel to mentor?  It makes sense because Sin is bonded to Sara and didn't the Black Canary mentor Sin?  So Laurel would need someone new to mentor because Sin in already way ahead of her in terms of fighting skills.


I like Sin and I'd gladly trade her for Laurel but she makes the most sense as to who killed Sara from the clues.  She's short, Sara would be friendly but surprised to see her there. and they could magically write some shooting skills that Sara taught her before we met them. Plus Bex is doing another show.


So while I would hate it, it seems exactly in these EPs wheelhouse.  Let's trash another popular character on the way to getting Laurel to be the Black Canary.


Unless it's a character we haven't met before, (Talia, Ra's al Ghul - I'm not counting his brief appearance, etc.) I have no doubt TIIC would be willing to trash an existing character. They are already writing the core characters OOC in order to fit their plot points. It was pretty clear last year they didn't have an overall season long plan with how they treated Isabel and Sebastian Blood. It seems they didn't learn from that mistake and are making stuff up as they go along again. 


I was thinking about how Sara's last words don't make sense with most of these characters - Sin, Roy, Tommy, but again, I don't think that will matter in the long run if they decide they want Felicity or Oliver to be the murderer. Or Tommy. They'll hand wave it like they do everything else that doesn't make sense.


As someone said in another thread, arrogance combined with incompetence is infuriating. TPTB have it in spades.

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 2

I didn't mind what they did with Isabel and Blood except in terms of it could have been written much better because I didn't care much about either character.  With Sara and Sin, I like them both and the thought that they get sacrificed so we can have more Laurel, I have no words.


I don't think Sara could have faked her own death.  Felicity and Roy spent too much time cleaning her up and scanning her.  (Speaking of which, why wasn't Laurel helping?)

Regarding the time away for Oliver spoilers/speculation, I'm wondering when Oliver returns from wherever (I'm assuming the League), he will has regressed into full Arrow (assassin?) mode and he will be damaged again and they will bring into play, "You were the 1st person I could see as, a person".



I read that and my heart sank.  It's bad enough to have January Laurel-heavy with lots of Ray, but to have Oliver come back and go through that whole cycle again just to keep him from Felicity, I don't think I have the energy.

  • Love 2

The only real clues that we have towards the killer is that they didn't use a normal bow and weren't of a normal height (as per Felicity in 3x06). I looked up Amanda Waller's height from the comics and it says that she is 5'1" (which would fit the abnormal height). I think we're supposed to find out who killed Sara in 3x09 and ARGUS is supposed to be involved (maybe as the antagonist) in 3x08, which would lead into 3x09. Over the past two seasons (and in flashbacks) we've seen Waller threaten to blow up an entire city and threaten to kill Maseo's family if he didn't help her. I think she's definitely capable of killing a single person.


The only person that I can think of that doesn't use a "normal" bow is Helena because she uses a crossbow. 


Or it could just turn out to be Ra's Al Ghul...

I have the feeling that it will be Ra's or Talia pulling the strings in the end but CH said that he felt sorry for the character who did it when he read the script and found out and there's no reason to feel bad about it being Ra's, Talia or Katana because we don't know any of them yet, or for Amanda Waller who is already pretty hated.

So we are looking for a KOUS(Killer of Unusual Size)?


I can't picture Laurel mentoring anyone right now.  She didn't do so great with Thea IMO and Laurel just seems too self-absorbed right now with becoming a vigilante to really help anyone else. MMV.


Here is my original Crack Theory


I am so holding on to my original hope that it's actually Laurel who killed her but I can't work out the logistics of how she got to the street in the time that Sara fell. Laurel would have gotten the same what are you doing here response. She has motive if she has been coveting her sister's life. And her wanting to go all vigilante would be the perfect cover.  She knows how to shoot a bow already and really should have been much worse at it than she was in the s2 finale arc. Maybe her vigilante stuff is legit because she doesn't remember she killed her own sister.


It might even explain why she won't tell her father that Sara is dead and wouldn't involve actual police detectives that do actual police detecting and might be able to figure out whodunnit. She is the only person without a provable alibi at this point and there is still some question about who the guy on the roof was talking about when Oliver questioned him. I would laugh my arse off if Laurel had repelled to the ground on the other side in her street clothes. And it would explain the line to Ted about 'My sister was killed and I'm the only one that knows".

Edited by catrox14

So they're leading the two January episodes straight into February Sweeps, instead of skipping weeks in between. 6 weeks time jump instead of the usual 5 then. Okay, it's a CW move, not an Arrow move [other shows are also returning a week later], but it might improve ratings for the Jan eps being that late. [i'm trying to be positive here, work with me, please. :)]


If Oliver is missing in 310 [Jan 21] and 311 [Jan 28, day before Feb Sweeps starts], he can come back and/or finally show up in the present timeline again in 312 for the first week of Sweeps. And not skipping a week or two between 311 and 312 is a good thing, because people like to quit TV shows when they rerun too much. Especially if they last thing they watched before a hiatus is Arrowless Arrow.

Edited by dancingnancy

If you're right, and I think you are, then there's a two month break without Oliver--from December 3 until February 4. I don't count flashbacks, personally, and Arrow isn't Arrow without Oliver. I just...don't think I want to watch 10 & 11, but we'll see if the episode synopses or more concrete spoilers make them seem more appealing.

And not skipping a week or two between 311 and 312 is a good thing, because people like to quit TV shows when they rerun too much. Especially if they last thing they watched before a hiatus is Arrowless Arrow.

They wouldn't do that no matter when they started. In S1 they returned on Jan 16th and ran 7 episodes through the end of February Sweeps then took a month off before running the final 7 episodes.

In S2 they returned on Jan 15th and ran 4 episodes then broke for Olympics and returned on February 26th with 5 more episodes before taking a short break before airing the final 5 episodes.

Edited by Morrigan2575

So we are looking for a KOUS(Killer of Unusual Size)?


I can't picture Laurel mentoring anyone right now.  She didn't do so great with Thea IMO and Laurel just seems too self-absorbed right now with becoming a vigilante to really help anyone else. MMV.


Here is my original Crack Theory


I am so holding on to my original hope that it's actually Laurel who killed her but I can't work out the logistics of how she got to the street in the time that Sara fell. Laurel would have gotten the same what are you doing here response. She has motive if she has been coveting her sister's life. And her wanting to go all vigilante would be the perfect cover.  She knows how to shoot a bow already and really should have been much worse at it than she was in the s2 finale arc. Maybe her vigilante stuff is legit because she doesn't remember she killed her own sister.


It might even explain why she won't tell her father that Sara is dead and wouldn't involve actual police detectives that do actual police detecting and might be able to figure out whodunnit. She is the only person without a provable alibi at this point and there is still some question about who the guy on the roof was talking about when Oliver questioned him. I would laugh my arse off if Laurel had repelled to the ground on the other side in her street clothes. And it would explain the line to Ted about 'My sister was killed and I'm the only one that knows".

My friends and I agree with you. She is delusional and the death of Sara could be part of her delusion.

  • Love 1

I'm sticking with the brainwashed Thea theory for now. The Malcolm/Thea storyline has so much potential I'd hate for it to be wasted because the show is desperately trying to make Laurelnary happen. Plus it would give Thea a nice redemption arc next season without taking up too much time. 


There are types of arrows that are thrown instead of shot and it's a difference Felicity with her lack of knowledge in this area could miss. 


I liked Sara a lot, she was a perfect Black Canary, I want to be invested in who killed her but the show's barely trying to make it interesting. 

  • Love 1

3 full episodes without Oliver in the present? That is just malpractice on the Executive Producers part. I can't see how the CW would be happy with the main star of their show MIA for 3 episodes when it isn't an ensemble show unless they are going to try to turn Arrow into a Justice League type show.

And to top it all off they are going to put their least popular character and weakest actress at the center of the show even though she has no relationships with anyone on the show other than her father who hasn't been part of the A-plot all season.

The team did such a good job sidelining Laurel last season that I have to wonder if the complete 180 from the EP is due to the intelligent writers moving to Flash and Arrow getting stuck with staff who are clearly in over their heads.

This makes even less sense than season 7 of Buffy.

  • Love 10

So CH knows who the killer is and thinks that we'll hate that person?  It's probably him, haha.  How long ago was that interview?


Oh, how I would love it if Laurel was actually Sara's killer.  Sure, it wouldn't make much sense since Laurel was on the ground when Sara's body fell from the roof, but I have faith that these writers could invent some ridiculous story to explain that all away...just retcon those last two minutes of The Calm right out of existence.


Poor Felicity, she's going to be so broken.  Abandoned by another man that she loves when Oliver disappears for two or three episodes (this is speculation, of course).  If everyone thinks that he's dead and then Oliver returns, maybe it'll be Felcity who decides that she doesn't want to be involved with a man that will end up dead on a slab.  That's a substantial roadblock to their relationship, right?  Cue ten more episodes of the two of them avoiding a romantic relationship for reasons

I really don't see any issue with Oliver missing in the present. Plus it may just be he's missing from Starling and that we see him elsewhere. 

Stephen Amell said that there might be a few episodes that the only time we will see Oliver is in flashbacks. So I think at least 3x10-3x11 (and possibly either missing completely or only be in a few scenes in 3x12 as he was still in LA when they did the table read) will be present day Oliver-less. 


I wouldn't mind an episode like this if they handled it well, if the focus was on Team Arrow finding him. But I fear that these episodes will be about Laurel becoming the Black Canary and not about, you know The Arrow which is what this show should be about. 

  • Love 8

This show being named Arrow is misleading, I've always felt. It's always been about Oliver AND Laurel's development into heroes. There's a reason they originally wanted to call it Starling IIRC. 

Not really. Stephen Amell said this show is centered around Oliver's development, he didn't say anything about Laurel. This was all on John Campea's after-show I think. So no, the title isn't misleading. It has, and will always be centered around Oliver and rightly so because I don't think the writers can handle two leads on equal footing. Just look at how they've failed Laurel. While she has been better this season, it's still not that much of an accomplishment considering how terrible she was last season :/ But that's just imo. 


Also I really find it interesting how Stephen wouldn't really call season 2 Laurel's island because I think he believes that Oliver literally went to hell and back, and calling being an alcoholic an 'island' demeans what Oliver went through. 

  • Love 15

A crack theory number 124: the killer is Oliver's 7 year-old son (short height), taken on by Ra'S at a tender age of 5. 


Hey, it's silly and totally improbable! (Which means it can happen on this show...)


Y'know, that's kinda what happened with Damian, who's Bruce's son with Talia al Ghul. The kid WAS raised by the LoA, and then Talia gave him to Bruce to basically disrupt his entire life with SURPRISE! kid who might be a little psychopath dun-dun-dun.


If Arrow's really doing Batman -- which they might be? -- then that's one way to go.

I'm thinking this new suspect might be Thea. For Oliver to risk going up the mountain to confront Ra's, it's gotta be personal. But then he's missing for 2 episodes, so what, he found out it's really Thea? And since she killed a LoA member there's a target on her head, and he exchanged himself for her?

Agreed.  I'm leaning towards Thea being Sara's killer as well.  Sara put her mask back on right before she was killed, so Thea wouldn't have recognized her as Sara Lance.  But Sara would've recognized Thea and been surprised to see her there.  Motive?  Sara was in Starling City to track down Malcolm, who's wanted by the LOA.  Malcolm could've fed Thea a BS story about a masked female assassin trying to kill him - or maybe lied to Thea and said this assassin was after Oliver.  If he gets Thea to kill, then he has more hold over her.  Thea being the killer would create more tension and conflict among the other characters.  And your theory about why Oliver goes to Ra's would also work.

Edited by tv echo
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