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I always wanted to have some badass photoshoot pictures of Sara in the Canary gear. I guess she never received that honor because she wasn't the "real" Black Canary. Whatever, show.


So when we see Sara again isn't in a Flashback. So what are we thinking? Dream? Hallucination? I want the resurrection but I know that won't happen.




I like the video tape and the alternate reality/ what-if episode ideas that have been floating around on this thread. Another idea would be a villain that can take on the form of other people, but that might be a little bit too far out there for this show.


yeah these are my  thoughts. And you know as rushed as Roy's development was. Laurel's seems even more rushed and BC isn't supposed to be a sidekick. I would think it would be better towards the end of the season and i think it looking less like Sara's costume would be better. but Katie does look great in the costume imo and the show rushes everything so I'm not surprised.

Yeah, it would have been much better if they had used the entirety of season 3 to slowly develop Laurel and then have her suit up for the first time sometime around the season finale. It would have felt more earned that way, but I guess the writers really want to do a "real" BOP ep as quickly as possible, so they are rushing this thing like crazy.

  • Love 1

Ok have to chime in on the latest! Esthetically, Katie looks like a badass clad in leather. But man! When I compare the canarys, LL's canary is all done up in makeup and had dead eyes, no

emoting. I get nothing. I compared it to Sarah (of course since I like to torture myself)

Sarah's canary is more natural. Quiet reluctant strength.

  • Love 1

Damn. I should have tuned out with the first hint of sister swapping last year. Oh wait, that was S1Eo1.  I maintain that Laurel is still angry that Oliver preferred Sara, so she's becoming Sara. It's gotta be all about Oliver's penis.


So when is the Sara flashback that diminishes her memory and props up Laurel? 

Edited by insubordination
PART ONE OF THE EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT WITH THE FLASH AND ARROW — Barry (Grant Gustin) is thrilled when Oliver (guest star Stephen Amell), Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (guest star David Ramsey) come to Central City to investigate a case involving a deadly boomerang. Excited about teaming up with his friend, Barry asks Oliver if he’d like to help him stop Ray Bivolo, the meta-human Barry is currently tracking. Bivolo causes people to lose control of their emotions and has been using that skill to rob banks. Unfortunately, the superhero partnership doesn’t go as smoothly as Barry expected. When Oliver tells Barry he still has a lot to learn, Barry sets out to prove him wrong by attempting to stop Bivolo alone. However, when Bivolo infects Barry and sets him on a rage rampage, everyone is in danger, and the only one who can stop him is the Arrow. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) is furious when Eddie (Rick Cosnett) tries to get a task force to stop The Flash, Joe and Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) agree the Arrow is a bad influence on Barry, and Caitlin and Cisco deal with a new team in S.T.A.R. Labs. Glen Winter directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Ben Sokolowski & Brooke Eikmeier (#107). Original airdate 12/2/2014. Edited by Lisin
Fixed link wonkyness
PART TWO OF THE ARROW AND FLASH CROSSOVER EVENT — Oliver (Stephen Amell), Arsenal (Colton Haynes) and Diggle (David Ramsey) track down the location of a boomerang-wielding killer named Digger Harkness (guest star Nick Tarabay) but are surprised when they come face to face with an A.R.G.U.S. team. Diggle asks Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) why A.R.G.U.S. is involved but she defers until Harkness attacks the building, killing several agents and targeting Lyla. The Arrow joins the fight and gets help from an old friend – The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin). Harkness manages to get away and Oliver teams up with Barry again to find him before he can get to Lyla. When Harkness plants five bombs in the city that are timed to explode at the same time, both teams must come together to save the city. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg, and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Grainne Godfree Schwartz (#308). Original airdate 12/3/2014. Edited by Lisin
Fixed link wonkyness

Uggh I'm so sorry about my wonky posting. My internet is being dumb right ow 

Those descriptions are kind of...messy? Scattered? IDK.


The Flash episode sounds more interesting than the Arrow one, although I will definitely be watching both.

I agree they seem really scattered. Also the Arrow description makes it seem like only Barry is in the episode. 

  • Love 2

I agree they seem really scattered. Also the Arrow description makes it seem like only Barry is in the episode. 


I agree, but the last sentence of the Arrow synopsis does mention that both teams must come together to save the city, so I guess Caitlyn and Cisco play a part, too.

How does one use their ability to make people lose control of their emotions to rob banks?


Joe and Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) agree the Arrow is a bad influence on Barry,

I love it how everyone know so much better than everyone else what's the right thing to do. Did Felicity lose all her influence points with Wells?


I'll be happy to see Lyla again. Is this where Shaw's hint that Waller makes you do bad things comes into play, or will that be later?

Apparently something regarding Laurel is going to go down in the crossover event that is 'genius'... At least that's what KC says? IDK


IIRC, there was something the producers pitched to her regarding Laurel and Central City that she said was genius, but I don't think that's part of the crossover - (I think she said something along the lines of "if they ever do it.")

I don't think Laurel is going to be in the crossover that much. 


KC was asked if she would ever do a crossover on the The Flash. She said something to the way of there is nothing planed but the writers pitched something to her or she pitched something to them that was 'genius.'


It does not relate to this current crossover.

Re: putting Laurel in charge of the Arrowcave:


Sally and Fern are more qualified than Laurel.


Mwa. I think the snark from you people is the only thing that will keep me watching even selected episodes.


Per Entertainment Weekly online:





You have no idea how much that EW quote made me rage. We've already had Black Canary, ffs, and the show killed her off in favour of Laurel.


I really don't feel that much about the photo of KC in the outfit much either way, except to say that she looks more like someone dressing up for Halloween than a fighter striking a pose.  I mean she looks great, but I wouldn't put her in a fight.  If anything she reminds me of that Buffy episode where Cordelia dresses as a cat for Halloween. The great thing about Caity was that she always looked like she could kick ass at any moment.

  • Love 7
"I don't like that she's out having dinner with Palmer. Apparently she is just moving on with her life."

Well...yeah. She told you she was going to do that, you beautiful idiot.

A+ self-awareness though, I'll give you that.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 12




The Flash, Tuesday, December 2 – “Flash vs. Arrow”

Barry (Grant Gustin) is thrilled when Oliver (guest star Stephen Amell), Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (guest star David Ramsey) come to Central City to investigate a case involving a deadly boomerang. Excited about teaming up with his friend, Barry asks Oliver if he’d like to help him stop Ray Bivolo, the meta-human Barry is currently tracking. Bivolo causes people to lose control of their emotions and has been using that skill to rob banks. Unfortunately, the superhero partnership doesn’t go as smoothly as Barry expected. When Oliver tells Barry he still has a lot to learn, Barry sets out to prove him wrong by attempting to stop Bivolo alone. However, when Bivolo infects Barry and sets him on a rage rampage, everyone is in danger, and the only one who can stop him is the Arrow. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) is furious when Eddie (Rick Cosnett) tries to get a task force to stop The Flash; Joe and Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) agree the Arrow is a bad influence on Barry; and Caitlin and Cisco deal with a new team in S.T.A.R. Labs.

Edited by Velocity23

I love Cupid already. That NZ promo looks like a whacky Hallmark rom-com holiday movie that I would watch one or seventeen times in a row. Please live up to my expectations, show, they have the words "whacky" "Hallmark" and "holiday movie" in it, I'm sure you can do that.

Edited by dancingnancy
  • Love 8

The NZ promo makes next week's episode look good - hopefully the episode actually lives up to my (already low) expectations and, fingers crossed (!!!!), exceeds them a smidge.


I haven't seen the Arrow After Show yet but have seen snippets on Twitter pop up. Ann Campea liked one of the questions I'd tweeted earlier in the day (basically "Will there be a lengthy fallout from Quentin with Laurel hiding Sara's death from him?"). I don't know if it or a similar question was eventually asked.


Interesting about Thea not becoming evil.  Does that mean a trail to Speedy now that Roy is officially Arsenal? I'm ok with that. I'm interested in how she gets there, too, with Malcolm in the mix.


The crossover episode descriptions sound more contrived than anything that happens organically. I hope the execution feels more natural. 


Felicity shirtless? I'm sure that will get some attention...............


Oliver and his frustration with Felicity going on a date with Ray. While I'm glad he's actually saying something out loud and being clear about his feelings about it, I also hope he, Diggle or Felicity call him out on it, too.  He told her he chose to be Arrow rather than Oliver.  She told him she wasn't going to wait for him. Only Diggle and Oliver know that he doesn't want to die alone, in the dark.  Maybe he needs to let her know that? 



  • Love 1

Yes I am dearly hoping Diggle is full of "What did you expect dumbass?" regarding Felicity moving on.



interesting about Thea not becoming evil.  Does that mean a trail to Speedy now that Roy is officially Arsenal? I'm ok with that. I'm interested in how she gets there, too, with Malcolm in the mix.


I think this is probably a consequence of having to *ally* with Malcolm against Ra's. I think to an extent Arrow, like many shows wants to explore the idea that who your "family" is, is a choice. Right now she thinks Malcolm is the only person to be honest with her, and so she's trusting him despite all the prior evidence he is TERRIBLE person, and quite specifically was a HORRIBLE parent. I'm still in the Tommy will be revealed as Sara's killer camp, and that Ra's will force some kind of choice between Thea/Tommy and he will choose Tommy/Ra's/Evil, and Thea will choose Oliver/Team Arrow/Good. But even w/o Tommy in the mix Malcolm could still betray Oliver to Ra's, thereby losing Thea for good. So yeah I don't think Thea will ever actively do any "evil", I think her and Malcolm's collusion is much more about making Oliver Pay *emotionally* than it is about some big Plot of Evil doing.

Yes I am dearly hoping Diggle is full of "What did you expect dumbass?" regarding Felicity moving on.



I think this is probably a consequence of having to *ally* with Malcolm against Ra's. I think to an extent Arrow, like many shows wants to explore the idea that who your "family" is, is a choice. Right now she thinks Malcolm is the only person to be honest with her, and so she's trusting him despite all the prior evidence he is TERRIBLE person, and quite specifically was a HORRIBLE parent. I'm still in the Tommy will be revealed as Sara's killer camp, and that Ra's will force some kind of choice between Thea/Tommy and he will choose Tommy/Ra's/Evil, and Thea will choose Oliver/Team Arrow/Good. But even w/o Tommy in the mix Malcolm could still betray Oliver to Ra's, thereby losing Thea for good. So yeah I don't think Thea will ever actively do any "evil", I think her and Malcolm's collusion is much more about making Oliver Pay *emotionally* than it is about some big Plot of Evil doing.


I think this is where the show could become very interesting - there are quite a few options as to how the Oliver, Malcolm, Thea dynamics play out once Ra's and the LoA, Team Arrow and heaven only knows what's up with Tommy coming into the picture.


I think the interviews with JB and SA have given some insight that we (of course) haven't seen on screen. At least, not yet. Both have commented about how their respective characters feel about the other:


JB - Malcolm views Oliver as the son he always wanted

SA - Oliver doesn't think Malcolm is evil


And, of course, both characters love Thea and want her to grow into a happy, strong and loving person - who also knows how loved she is.


I think 'strong' is where Malcolm and Oliver may differ in opinion as to the meaning.

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