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Well it was predecticted yet I'm underwhelmed. Sigh QL is probably for the Great SCPD station in the sky.

I do like her two lines with Oliver when they meet, so I hope they have something to let her know that he does support her, and knows she's doing good, though also some heartfelt Sara/Quentin and tiny bit of Dinah?.... 

Especially if Thea isn't there. 

Edited by Featherhat
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Oliver was tortured for 5 years.  He comes back and has a hard time adjusting, this all made sense but now, no way.  He has a son, is happily married. 

Let him deal with this stupid trial that I know I will be pulling my hair while watching and being the worst mayor.  There MG you have your unnecessary drama.

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

I'm tired.

Me too. Doesn't he basically say that they do this every season but this season it doesn't come from his internal struggle but from the outside struggles? So it is same- same but different?  Also, while I do agree that Oliver can be an utter idiot often enough, it feels kind of weird how they portray his whole life structure as easily breakable. I do wonder what he does to Felicity and William to make that situation even worse. 

Also, I don't like how MG says 'this is kind of' were S6 is going. He does realise that the season is almost over, right? It feels like there are a few episodes that were necessary to watch, a lot were fillers and now the last few kind of have a point.

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It's such bad story telling; I don't get it. TPTB (while restricted by DC/WB) have so many options open to them, and this is what they choose? Amell, Ramsey, Rickards, Holland, and Blackthorne deserve so much better and are capable of so much more. I'll keep watching and ride out this season to see what happens, though, but I'll probably be buzzed while doing it. 

Can CL show up to punch BS in the face? Doesn't matter what version of Sara. This Earth. That Earth. Don't care. Punch her and take her somewhere that's not on Arrow never to return.

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I'm not even worried about the Digg/Oliver rift lasting, I give it two episodes. It's the fact that they repeat this same story every single season that drives me nuts.

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7 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I'm not even worried about the Digg/Oliver rift lasting, I give it two episodes. It's the fact that they repeat this same story every single season that drives me nuts.

Apparently they went to the Josh Whedon school of story telling. A happy Buffy is a boring Buffy.

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

Holy hell! Sara gets to appear on Arrow outside of a crossover! 

This makes me worry about Q. Though I am 70% certain that she and Siren will fight and bring a definite end to this arc. 

My guess is that Quentin dies and BS will be moved to Legends - either as a new recruit or yet another antagonist. 

Edited by strikera0
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Nyssa calls Oliver her husband again. Groundbreaking. So original. So funny. ?

4 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

My guess is that Quentin dies and BS will be moved to Legends - either as a new recruit or yet another villainous role. 

My guess it that Quentin's death will make her feel something and will kickstart her "redemption" and she'll hang around Arrow in S7 trying to be more like E1 Laurel. We'll never be rid of her. I'll actually be surprised if she stays a villain or leaves for good.

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If they're going to turn BS into E1 Laurel, why kill off Laurel in the first place and get all that hate?  They have to know that reddit is going to push to get rid of Felicity and replace her with E2 Laurel.

I hope BS is the one who kills Quentin. It's a good twist and solidifies who she really is, which is not E1 Laurel.

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

I hope its a small role.

I'm guessing Lance dies. And if they don't get rid of KC, I'm guessing she is moving to LOT.


9 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

My guess is that Quentin dies and BS will be moved to Legends - either as a new recruit or yet another antagonist. 

Replying in Mind Your Surroundings......

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

If they're going to turn BS into E1 Laurel, why kill off Laurel in the first place and get all that hate?  They have to know that reddit is going to push to get rid of Felicity and replace her with E2 Laurel.

I hope BS is the one who kills Quentin. It's a good twist and solidifies who she really is, which is not E1 Laurel.

Even if BS kills Quentin, reddit will still think she can be redeemed. 

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7 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Nyssa calls Oliver her husband again. Groundbreaking. So original. So funny. ?

My guess it that Quentin's death will make her feel something and will kickstart her "redemption" and she'll hang around Arrow in S7 trying to be more like E1 Laurel. We'll never be rid of her. I'll actually be surprised if she stays a villain or leaves for good.

I'd be surprised for the total opposite. 

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To clarify, I don't think BS will ever become E1 Laurel. I can just see them trying it for a while. I don't see a true redemption like most of her fans want. She's not magically gonna become good and turn into BC. ?

I'd really love a season without any Lance family crap. Or any of the canaries. It's such a good dream. ?

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On 29.3.2018 at 7:05 PM, strikera0 said:

My guess is that Quentin dies and BS will be moved to Legends

Can't BS die and QL move to Legends? 

Also, maybe I forgot because I wasn't paying attention but are Oliver and Diggle currently already mad at each other? Because the way the spoiler question was phrased, it seemed as though they are already quite mad.

And can I just mention again how much it annoys me to hear MG say 'this season has been about removing Oliver's support system'. Because a) as if Oliver needs NTA that badly. He beat all of them in under 5 minutes. How much does he really need them in the end? And b) since when has the season been about that? I haven't noticed that Oliver needs anyone else but Diggle/Felicty (and William.) So, was I once again not paying attention to that season-long arc?

Edited by Belinea
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5 minutes ago, Belinea said:

My guess is that Quentin dies and BS will be moved to Legends

No, no ,no no! We're already going to be dealing with Full Time Constantine next season and Sara has already been dealing with enough awful crap from her past right now. As an Arrow fan I can understand the urge and the spoiler has spooked me a little re S4 LOT and BS, but really? They were barely good sisters in Arrow.

BS would bog Sara down for a further season on Laurel on  an entirely different show.

She already died once for this character,  

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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I hope BS is the one who kills Quentin. It's a good twist and solidifies who she really is, which is not E1 Laurel.

Me too. I've said it months ago, but BS killing Quentin would be the only satisfying payoff to the ridiculous BS redemption storyline that the writers have been shoving down our throats this season. It's not just that the writers have been repeating Quentin's stupid daughter drama ad nauseum since the pilot episode, but that they've also made him out to be completely delusional this year and that delusion has started to rub off on some of the other characters on the show, so as far as I am concerned, just rip off the bandaid and be done with it already!

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22 minutes ago, Belinea said:

So, was I once again not paying attention to that season-long arc?

As usual, the show they think they're writing isn't the same show we're watching every Thursday night. 

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Of the options, the one that I can't see is Black Siren getting killed.  Killing some version of Laurel twice is overkill--literally--and I think they will redeem her or have her go full villain. If they redeem her they are going to have to send her back to Earth 2 or get rid of Dinah.  Can't have two Black Canary's running around.  Actually, on this show you probably could.

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In 618, Oliver lashes out at Felicity and William. I wonder if that isn't resolved by the end of that episode. Instead, Felicity takes William for a visit to her mother in Vegas and that's why she has minimal presence in the next two eps. Then they return when Oliver goes on trial in 621.

I don't understand why Oliver can't be heroic, while surrounded by his support structure, as they all fight against a common foe.

Edited by tv echo
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You know, I said that I'd gladly watch 6x19 because I have nothing else to do and it would be fun to live-rage blog at it with you guys. But the more that comes out about the final batch of episodes (now from tonight's episode onward), the less I find myself caring about the show in general. I'm just getting more and more enraged. I'm not sure if my rage will top the OTA vs NTA episode, but....I have a feeling I won't be very happy while live blogging in the live episode thread. 

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My Vegas trip idea was just wild spec. I believe that EBR and SA both filmed a little for 619 and 620...



-- On Mar. 7, 2018, in response to fan giving a hard pass on 619, papp tweeted: "Emily filmed one day, Stephen one scene. Gonna be a solid Ep lol." (pursuit23 tweet, page 1720 of Spoiler Discussion thread)



-- On Mar. 20, 2018, SA tweeted: "Lovely day at work. Beat the shit out of someone." (SA tweet, page 14 of Spoilers thread)


-- On Mar. 21, 2018, fan posted: "According to pap Ken Emily is filming today for 620. Seems Echo finished yesterday." (Velocity23 post, page 1727 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

Edited by tv echo
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20 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Instead, Felicity takes William for a visit to her mother in Vegas

While I would love that, could she just do that? I don't need the show to be realistic in that way but I am just wondering. Also doesn't William have any grandparents that he could visit?

Edited by Belinea
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20 minutes ago, tv echo said:

In 618, Oliver lashes out at Felicity and William. I wonder if that isn't resolved by the end of that episode.


It probably won't be in as much as Oliver likely gets taken at the end of 618 by Dragon/BS/Anatoly and tortured/held prisoner before he has the chance to apologize. At least that's what I'm assuming.

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3 hours ago, JJ928 said:

Ack. They might be just setting us up for joyous reunions all around in the finale but It also kind of sounds like the season will end with everyone separated. I don't see an Olicity estrangement or at least not a big one since they talk about stuff he's enduring rather than it coming from his own issues but that doesn't rule out either Oliver stuck in jail at the end or on the run or something with Felicity being kidnapped or something.  And if he got convicted, maybe he loses William to those once mentioned grandparents?   I've been so worried that Oliver will announce he's the Green Arrow, it never occurred to me before that he could just be found guilty.  


On the other hand, this is MG and he always overhypes things (and I can't believe we were missing his interviews- we had it so good and we didn't appreciate his silence enough) and typically the even seasons haven't ended on big cliff hanger kind of stuff.  I can now envision season seven starting with the newbs still off on their own.  Oliver and and Felicity when they broke up in the back half of season four took til the following season to get back together so maybe they really will give the split the time it would need for hurt feelings to mellow some.  And if Oliver was off in jail, then they would have the conflict of the NTA kind of repeating season three's storyline where when Oliver does come back, he's not really welcome.  

I honestly am not sure what to expect.  I know Sara showing up doesn't bother me and I'm going to try to enjoy the drama of Oliver and Diggle's conflict since we are going to be stuck with it.  I have hopes they will build up to it before we get there so maybe it will make more sense.  I guess right now Diggle could be upset just because it amounts to a broken promise even if I think Diggle was silly to think something like this wouldn't happen.  That would be frustrating though I wouldn't think on the level they are portraying it.  

I guess I'm as I always am, knowing Arrow could go off the rails but willing to hope for the best still.  Plus it's not like me freaking out now stops anything from happening.  

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43 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Felicity has scenes in 619, while Oliver doesn't, and vice versa for 620. Not sure how that scenario would fit in the timeline

They're both in both just limited for each in one

619 SA filmed 1 scene, EBR filmed 1 day

620 SA filmed a few days, EBR filmed 2 days and DR filmed the most (excluding Noobs)

That was my take away from Ken's tweets

Edited by Morrigan2575
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32 minutes ago, tv echo said:

According to Arrow Season 5.5: Fatal Legacies by James R. Tuck and Marc Guggenheim (the tie-in novel that explains events that happened between Season 5 and Season 6 of Arrow), Sara knows about Black Siren...

Sara spent the summer of 2017 in Star City, helping out Oliver and Team Arrow. In July, Sara met her father at Jitters. She asked Quentin if he was okay with Dinah becoming the Black Canary. Quentin said yes. He then told Sara about Black Siren, Laurel's evil doppelganger from Earth-2. Sara said that maybe this bad "twin" could be redeemed and that people can change. Quentin then broke down and told Sara that he shot Black Siren and left her to burn on Lian Yu.

I just posted the above in the Mind Your Surroundings thread (regarding whether Sara knows about Black Siren).

Upon reflection, this would support Sara helping redeem Black Siren - assuming Black Siren doesn't kill Quentin.

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14 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

They're both in both just limited for each in one

619 SA filmed 1 scene, EBR filmed 1 day

620 SA filmed a few days, EBR filmed 2 days and DR filmed the most (excluding Noobs)

That was my take away from Ken's tweets

What was the episode where EBR only filmed 1 scene? I can't remember.

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Just now, statsgirl said:

4 1/2 hours till the episode airs and no sneak peeks or dialogue tease?  They really have stopped trying.

There's 2 sneak peeks. One about Dinah and one with Nyssa which is upthread. No idea about dialogue tease though.

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3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

What was the episode where EBR only filmed 1 scene? I can't remember.

620, she filmed 1 scene the previous week and then filmed again on the last day of filming (we don't know how much)

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15 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I just posted the above in the Mind Your Surroundings thread (regarding whether Sara knows about Black Siren.

Upon reflection, this would support Sara helping redeem Black Siren - assuming Black Siren doesn't kill Quentin.

Possibly but the book is set before Sara met Nazi Lance and got to watch him gloat about killing Earth X Sara for being bisexual. Surely her opinion on doppelgängers has soured in response. They may write her as Team Redemption but I hope not. 

If it were up to me I’d write it as Sara stops by to visit Lance but arrives just after Siren’s killed him. Then she smacks Oliver upside the head for indulging in Q’s obvious loss of sanity and then helps him finally take down Siren.

What will probably happen is that Siren kills Lance, Oliver and co defeat her, and Sara comes to the funeral. And that’s it. 

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

What will probably happen is that Siren kills Lance, Oliver and co defeat her, and Sara comes to the funeral. And that’s it. 

Good guess. I don't expect a large part of the season finale to focus on any Lance.

It's also entirely possible that Sara gets a S3 Flash Cameo. I'm here to rescue you, bye now!

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3 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

What will probably happen is that Siren kills Lance, Oliver and co defeat her, and Sara comes to the funeral. And that's it. 

This is the scenario I'm rooting for, and having it be the end of all the Lances on Arrow.

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

This is the scenario I'm rooting for, and having it be the end of all the Lances on Arrow.

I love Oliver’s friendship with Sara so I wouldn’t object to her popping over once or twice but I’d be just as happy if it were him guesting on LOT. I’m not particularly picky. 

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I think it’d almost be funny to see KC moved to LoT. It’d also be nice to see another show have to deal with a useless mask, since Arrow’s the show always getting saddled with launching the spinoffs/birds/random WB mandated masks. 

Plus, at least on LoT you have the time travel/non-grounded aspect, which would fit her character better than Arrow. And Sara’s pretty much just as connected to BS as Quentin is. 

This is probably won’t happen though since Arrow’s the only show that has to suffer, haha. 

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4 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

I think it’d almost be funny to see KC moved to LoT. It’d also be nice to see another show have to deal with a useless mask, since Arrow’s the show always getting saddled with launching the spinoffs/birds/random WB mandated masks. 

Plus, at least on LoT you have the time travel/non-grounded aspect, which would fit her character better than Arrow. And Sara’s pretty much just as connected to BS as Quentin is. 

This is probably won’t happen though since Arrow’s the only show that has to suffer, haha. 

We already have Nate so we’re set. 

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Yes. Agreed. Send Siren to LOT. Make Reddits wishes come true. LOT is the best show of the Arrowverse according to some so I'm sure they could find plenty for Siren to do ;) Sisters reunited. 

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4 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Just read the spoiler @JJ928 posted in the Spoilers Only thread, and JFC. These writers will never learn, will they? They finally made Oliver happy and whole just so they could strip everything away from him again? How is this entertaining? I hate these people.


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12 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

I think it’d almost be funny to see KC moved to LoT. It’d also be nice to see another show have to deal with a useless mask, since Arrow’s the show always getting saddled with launching the spinoffs/birds/random WB mandated masks. 

Plus, at least on LoT you have the time travel/non-grounded aspect, which would fit her character better than Arrow. And Sara’s pretty much just as connected to BS as Quentin is. 

This is probably won’t happen though since Arrow’s the only show that has to suffer, haha. 

Nah, we just got Wally AKA Kid Flash, who was such a "useless mask" on Flash they didn't even realise he was gone, and probably still don't, but they're doing okay by him. Also, yeah Nate. Just LOT has had a little more success writing for a team. Arrow isn't the only show to "suffer" in that regards see "Guardian" or "Ralph Dibney". Or Darhk, Damien, not a mask but an Arrow verse villain who won't flush. 

Sara's as connected to BS as Q is but has a crap ton of other stuff going on right now. 

No Siren on LOT, I don't want calls for the "real Canary" to take command, it would be almost as bad as calls for GA/BC even now. 

Edited by Featherhat
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