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I really hope Tommy stays dead and the Arrow writers are just bringing him up more because Malcolm is around, and they remember he had a son. I don't want Arrow to turn into The Vampire Diaries or AHS: Coven where death is meaningless and literally everyone is brought back to life constantly. I know it's a comic book show but don't 'kill' characters off if you're planning on using them again in future outside of flashbacks or dream sequences.


Maybe I'm just bitter because I can see them bringing Tommy back but we'll probably only ever get flashbacks of Moira and Sara.


I admit this is the major reason I want Tommy to stay dead. If characters are written back in it starts to look ridiculous, like death is only used for a cheap ratings boast/angst and makes the audience wonder why Z and not X or Y? And their conclusion is rarely forgiving towards those in charge. That this show is based on comic book characters only gives them so much leeway. 


I'm not looking forward to the return to grimdark but I'd rather a Roy episode than a Laurel one. Although it sounds more like one of them is getting the A storyline and the other the B, knowing this show Roy's getting B plotline focus.  

While I love Sara, you don't get a lot of story out of her being secretly alive. You get many other benefits! But not story.


With Tommy, you have story for every major character except Felicity and Diggle, and they're the two most popular characters on the show, so it's easy to give them good scenes with him.


So, I do think bringing Tommy back is different in the sense that there are reasons there that you don't have with Moira or Sara, so I wouldn't feel like bringing him back meant they were also going to bring back others. It'd be obvious to me he's a special case.


Plus, he wasn't supposed to be dead. The plan did not have him dead right now. I suspect they had bringing him back in mind all along. But with Laurel and Oliver no longer in a relationship, he really had to sit out a season, to do a reset so he's no longer primarily the third leg of a triangle that got rid of the first two.

Edited by ostentatious
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I will maintain that bringing Tommy back is as good as saying 'only women get killed for real on this show'. And I find that a rather unpleasant outlook for any writer to adopt.


Shado? Executed while she knelt at a man's feet. Moira? Stabbed through the heart by a man. Sara? Shot and killed while defenseless and dumped in the garbage. Probably by a man, or at least on the orders of a man. Sorry, but there's no way for them to spin this as anything other than misogyny, even if it's unintended and unconscious. Men get a second chance, even when they appear to suffer fatal wounds, women get brutally murdered.


Yes, Sara survived her first 'death', but that was rather unequivocally rendered meaningless by the way they trashed her character to start this season off. 

  • Love 12

umm? Pretty sure a lot of people are going to be calling her a slut now... And I'm NOT looking forward to that. I mean it already started on the facebook page. smh Honestly though. How does kissing 3 people make someone a slut? 




Also, upon further inspection, I think it was Laurel that Oliver was carrying out of that explosion. 

Edited by wonderwall

Honestly I don't see it. Last episode made me see Ray in a new light. I don't think he's a stalker, I think that his mind runs a mile a minute and he's socially awkward and doesn't understand social cues as well which is why he does things that are usually inappropriate. He's not a stalker, just someone who craves to get things done ASAP and craves knowledge. But damn, I still don't see the romance between them. Especially this fast? I'd imagine they spend their time creating that foundation but maybe they're not doing that because it's going to end sooner than it starts. IDK I just saw them more as good friends and confidantes. 


And then there's Oliver talking to Laurel about being like them... I just don't get it. She's NOT trying to be like them. Laurel is doing it for vengeance. The rest aren't. So no, I still don't accept Laurel's motivation. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 3

I assume that is from 3.07.  Are they building up to it in 3.06?  I haven't seen any build up yet.  (Yes, I figured it was coming. UGH!)


Either way, no thanks because I don't care for Routh.  Never have.  Nothing on this show has changed that. 


I know, right? I don't even see them as friends yet. They are really rushing into this. I hate it. I didn't expect any sort of move towards romance until after hiatus. I'm really surprised tbh. And so not interested in the slightest. 


Cupid looks good though. That's something.

I have to say that I am looking forward to Ray/Felicity. We have seen Oliver have other relationships and we have seen them fail, and we know why his relationship with Felicity works the best. But we haven't seen that for Felicity, and she hasn't experienced that for herself. Ray at the moment is the only one who (so far at least) isn't backing out after telling her that he's interested in her. 


And we don't even know what happens after the kiss. It could be a "27 Dresses" type thing where after they kiss they realize they are better off as friends? But at the moment I am all for Felicity moving on and being in a relationship while Oliver realizes how much he messed up in the premiere. 

  • Love 9

Yes considering how many ladies we've seen Oliver kiss on this show, calling Felicity a slut for kissing THREE guys is a horrific, unsurprising double standard.


I'm excited for Katana  in action and Cupid looks appropriately unhinged. Never cared for her in the comics but I adore Amy Gumenick and she looks like she'll be fun.

  • Love 9

At least we know the fern is back... All we need is Sally :/ Aw Oliver is mad because Sally is nowhere to be found.


I doubt it's because he sees the kiss? I think that would be a little too cliche... Then again, this is Arrow lol


LOL I bet it is over the kiss. Guggenheim tweeted that the Fern comes back in 3X07 and Oliver goes to Felicity's office in 3X07 no way they are going to miss out on that cliché.


Plus it's a call back to when Oliver saw Tommy and Laurel kiss and didn't get upset. This time is different. Bring on the cliché! ;)

  • Love 5

LOL I bet it is over the kiss. Guggenheim tweeted that the Fern comes back in 3X07 and Oliver goes to Felicity's office in 3X07 no way they are going to miss out on that cliché.


Plus it's a call back to when Oliver saw Tommy and Laurel kiss and didn't get upset. This time is different. Bring on the cliché! ;)

Yep, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it is because Oliver sees Ray and Felicity dating/kissing. I think there's probably a good reason why the shot is framed with the fern in the foreground.

  • Love 2

I hope Oliver isn't getting that crazy over a kiss.  If so, that's a major overreaction.  Cupid looks entertaining.  Since whoever Oliver was carrying out of the fire/explosion had on a black leather jacket, I'm pretty sure it had to be Laurel.  Laurel to Ted: "I want you to teach me to get justice outside of the courtroom."  I don't think taking the law into your own hands is justice, exactly...especially when you try to kill innocent people!

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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Yes considering how many ladies we've seen Oliver kiss on this show, calling Felicity a slut for kissing THREE guys is a horrific, unsurprising double standard.

Who is calling Felicity a slut? Better yet, I don't want to know.  I don't have a problem with Felicity dating or kissing other men.  I just don't like Brandon Routh so I was hoping (in denial?) about the relationship going romantic. LOL!

  • Love 1

I haven't watched the promo because I choose not to. But that picture made me go "oh OK. That's how it'll go." I doubt Oliver's doing that over Ray and Felicity but Arrow certainly can't resist the drama of him seeing the kiss. Oh Arrow.

Laurel Laurel Laurel. This justice outsider of the law is so left field it's a joke. For who Laurel?

  • Love 1

Since in the past seasons it was Oliver who got all the action, it's time for Felicity to have some fun. The kiss scene with Ray looks pretty-pretty.


Cupid seems fun but I hope she won't get after Laurel... And now I'm sure she will.


Not really happy for Diggle's speech about how Oliver should not have two kinds of justice: one for them, one for the bad guys. It's connected to Roy and his "incident" with Sara (presumed), so I guess it's from a scene when Oliver refuses to do anything about seemingly guilty Roy.


Also, I think Oliver gets upset about Roy or Laurel, not Felicity kissing Ray (or Ray kissing Felicity for that matter). That would be too childish.

  • Love 1
I will maintain that bringing Tommy back is as good as saying 'only women get killed for real on this show'. And I find that a rather unpleasant outlook for any writer to adopt.


Except Tommy would be the exception.

Plus I always viewed s1 and 2 to be parralel in death..in s1 3 men died (and one may comeback)

In s2, 2 women died (and s3 another women has died thus far) 

If Oliver injures Fern, he's going to need to add himself the The List. 


I'm bummed about Raylicity though I knew it was coming. These writers aren't good enough to write a nuanced story so whatev. I also saw those bitchy misogynistic comments on Facebook and just have to remember that people are awful. Heaven forbid a lady get some romance. I weirdly want that for Felicity even if I don't want it to be with Ray. Maybe I don't. My love of Felicity is conflicting with my love of Olicity. It's a confusing time in my brain. 


Cupid looks interesting and I like the first glimpse of Boomerang even though I know every time I see the actor playing him I'm going to have Spartacus flashbacks of This Bitch...


But the Sara stuff? Over it. It all just emphasizes what a mistake it was to kill her.

  • Love 3

If the fern abuse is about the kiss, it's a little off-putting because Oliver is the one who won't allow himself to be with Felicity.  And then he's going to get pissed that she's kissing another guy?  Is she not allowed to get on with her life?  C'mon, Oliver!

If the reason he's throwing stuff in the foundry is because Felicity is moving on, then I don't think Oliver would be angry at Felicity though. I think he'd be more angry with the situation. I can't really blame him because it sucks when someone you love is moving on with their lives and leaving  you behind. I think this is Oliver feeling like he's losing Felicity even though he clearly already lost her. :/

  • Love 3

Wow, this show blunders forward at a million miles an hour and possibly makes  a complete hash of a storyline by forcing it onto the screen without anything like adequate build up? I am shocked. Shocked!


These guys can't do anything approaching subtlety, so of course Felicity and Ray hook up this soon. And like I said ages ago, Oliver's discovery of the relationship will probably happen just as he's about to change his mind on being with Felicity. Cue manpain and angst and Oliver alternating between being a woobie and being a complete dick. Also, Felicity moving on so quickly from supposedly being in love with Oliver doesn't do her character many favours (not that it makes her a slut or anything), just like it didn't do Oliver many favours when he bounced from one woman to another in the first two seasons. Lazy writing for plot rather than for character.

Edited by Danny Franks
  • Love 2

Ahhh, the promo has made me want to watch the episode, but only for Cupid though. 


I'm glad Felicity's getting some, that it had to be 50 shades is disappointing, but hey ho. 


I've stopped considering Arrow as a serious show now, it's actually quite a ridiculous show if you think about it. Anyways, that means I'll be completely fine and laughing my head off if that is Oliver's reaction to Felicity/Ray. Oliver is quite the drama queen. 

  • Love 1

About time Felicity got some! Although the general consensus of Ray is "I don't think he's a stalker" ... not a rousing endorsement!

RIGHT?!? I'm with @calliope1975 in that I love that Felicity is finding happiness but couldn't it have been with someone whose actions haven't been questionable at best? If half of your audience is calling the character "creepy" and you have Felicity calling him a stalker, you might want to reconsider using him as romance material.

  • Love 7

Loving Cupid. as someone said she sounds deliciously unhinged.. I love my villains to be that way.


I love Oliver telling Laurel being a vigilante is not "a game".


I have zero issue with Felicity not only kissing but also getting down and sweaty with Ray as a stepping stone to the Olicity endgame. i would have found it super disgusting if she would have remained celibate and oh so demure-like while Oliver is working his shit out. this is 2014 not 1914 (and even then....)


who is it saying: "I locked this place up and i swore i'll never open it again." than i think someone else: I used to be a vigilante, I used to be you". is the former Ted and the later boomerang? (I don't know what the actors sounds like so I assume).


Katana fighting, has to be flashback right?

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 3

RIGHT?!? I'm with @calliope1975 in that I love that Felicity is finding happiness but couldn't it have been with someone whose actions haven't been questionable at best? If half of your audience is calling the character "creepy" and you have Felicity calling him a stalker, you might want to reconsider using him as romance material.


I'm guessing that one of the guys (and it is all guys) in the writers' room said, 'women find creepy guys hot at the moment, right? I mean, stalking them and trying to control them is sexy, like those books and those teen vampire movies? Let's just do that.'

  • Love 2

RIGHT?!? I'm with @calliope1975 in that I love that Felicity is finding happiness but couldn't it have been with someone whose actions haven't been questionable at best? If half of your audience is calling the character "creepy" and you have Felicity calling him a stalker, you might want to reconsider using him as romance material.

Oliver had pretty questionable actions too though. He was constantly following Laurel as the Arrow in season one, and he also knew what car was Felicity's (and where she parked, and when she would get off from work) after only a few meetings with her. He also told Digg "I've always known where you live". I do realize that Ray was a bit forward, but Oliver has also displayed some of the same behaviour. 

  • Love 7

I thought that the EPs were serious about presenting Ray as a viable alternative to Oliver, but I'm not sure why Felicity would go for him at this early stage.  He's smart, rich, and seems like an OK work colleague, but I'm not seeing any sparks there.  It definitely seems way too early for a kiss, but I guess that we have to move through their relationship quickly so they can break up before season's end.

  • Love 2

Oliver had pretty questionable actions too though. He was constantly following Laurel as the Arrow in season one, and he also knew what car was Felicity's (and where she parked, and when she would get off from work) after only a few meetings with her. He also told Digg "I've always known where you live". I do realize that Ray was a bit forward, but Oliver has also displayed some of the same behaviour.

I'm not really seeing the parallel here to Ray getting involved with Felicity romantically. Oliver did background checks on Diggle and Felicity because he wanted to know if he could trust them to know his secret identity. Sure he still loved Laurel when he came back from the island, but I got the impression that following her was more because he was trying to keep her safe from danger rather than trying to make her fall back in love with him.

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