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8 minutes ago, LeighAn said:


Does anyone want to do a specs you got right, specs you got wrong, craziest specs you had but didn't share, specs you wish were right tally?


Sure, go for it! I am super sad about my volcano dreams fizzling out.

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I'm not a huge speccer haha but:

Specs I got right: 

Olicity reuniting by seasons end

William coming back and Oliver telling him he was his father- kind of right

Specs I got wrong:

Oliver revealing himself as the Green Arrow- let the shoe eating commence

Chase being Vigilante

Craziest specs I didn't share:

I don't think I had any but when the casting sides for Tinah came out for like two seconds I did wonder if she was the love interest for Oliver I guess that counts *shrug*

Specs I wish I got right:

I don't care I would have still loved seeing Felicity play Charlie's Angels with Cupid China and The cop lady to catch Prometheus :(

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23 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

How are they going to start s6?

Will it be like Flash S2 where they just continue on from the cliffhanger from S1?

Or is Oliver going to raise Crayola for 5 months while everyone on the island wanders around for 5 months?


18 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think they'll start S6 in present time with everyone alive and (hopefully) well, and just flashback to how they all got off the island. Maybe they'll hold back a character or two until the very end of the ep so you're not QUITE sure if they made it or not. 

Hopefully William is off with his awful mother in offscreensville. I'd like to think the show isn't dumb enough to bring him on full time, but alas. I know it is (but hope it is not).

That's my spec as well. 601 starts 5 months later back in SC. We get flashbacks to the aftermath of the explosion and find out who lives/dies.

Obviously Diggle, Felicity, Dinah, Curtis (he was doing promo pics) Rene and BS are all safe.

I'm assuming Thea and Lance are safe as well.

I think Samantha and, Evelyn are dead. MM will have disappeared and probably turn back up in the series finale. Capt Boomerang is dead as well.

I think Talia survives, not sure about Slade or Nyssa. I worried about Slade all episode long but surviving 523 doesn't mean he's safe.

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Positive me wonders if they will use the whole "you almost died" to move Olicity ahead faster in S6.

I'm not excited about 523 but I am glad that they seem to have double downed on Olicity. So hopefully there will be no drama between them anymore, just Olicity vs other stuff.

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They'll only send SA to SDCC.

I kid. I wonder how he'll answer questions, though, since he's such an only talks about plot points that are currently happening kind of guy. However, I will pay close attention to everything he says since he spoiled the majority of this season with his "jokes." 

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9 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Positive me wonders if they will use the whole "you almost died" to move Olicity ahead faster in S6.

I'm not excited about 523 but I am glad that they seem to have double downed on Olicity. So hopefully there will be no drama between them anymore, just Olicity vs other stuff.

Olicity was pretty much left solid in the finale. I think there's still enough opened ended to give them a starting off point next season but pretty much it was an acknowledgement by both that they were on the same page even if it was left in a "we will talk when we get off the island" and then the Island exploded leaving them unable to talk ?

I am curious whether the season will pick up with just Oliver in Star City/China desperately trying to search for them and raising William alone or if it picks up with them altogether and then we flashback to how they survived and what happened next.

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31 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:


What if the season 6 promo is just Oliver and William coloring together? (Just kidding. But imagine.) 



(But is this Myson or Oliver, I'll let you decide...)

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

I think they'll start S6 in present time with everyone alive and (hopefully) well, and just flashback to how they all got off the island. Maybe they'll hold back a character or two until the very end of the ep so you're not QUITE sure if they made it or not. 


I think you've called it.  Didn't MG mention that they knew they were going to use flashbacks to deal with the finale?  Like a couple months ago?  

I wish that they'd just pick up right where they left off instead and do a time jump after a few episodes in to the season.  There's too much stuff we are going to miss because it all happened off screen during the summer.  

I also hope they quickly spoil the hell out of us cause while I'm sure Felicity and Dig will be fine, it will be a real long summer if they try to pretend there is any doubt.  

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8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I also hope they quickly spoil the hell out of us cause while I'm sure Felicity and Dig will be fine, it will be a real long summer if they try to pretend there is any doubt.  

We'll know when they start filming on July 10th, so a month and a half :)

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I'm thinking there will be a 601 cliffhanger with Felicity or Samantha. Maybe there will be scenes wth Oliver doing things with Myson and references to a "her" and then at the end they reveal if the her is Felicity or Samantha? 

I think they will it make it seem like one of the Big 4 (Diggle, Thea, Lance, Felicity) is dead because realtalk no one cares if Team B dies. People did care when Laurel died. 

Edited by leopardprint
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Maybe they made sure we knew MySon survived because they know no one would care if he did or not.

My spec is that Samantha is alive and we hear that she's returned to Central City with MySon and Oliver visits them.

2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

II wish that they'd just pick up right where they left off instead and do a time jump after a few episodes in to the season.  There's too much stuff we are going to miss because it all happened off screen during the summer.

Other than season 1-2 when Oliver was alone on Lian Yu, every hiatus has had the good stuff the episodes skipped over.  After s2 it was the flirty flirt, post s3 was the Summer of Love, and they had to have a flashback to last summer in 520.

Edited by statsgirl
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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think you've called it.  Didn't MG mention that they knew they were going to use flashbacks to deal with the finale?  Like a couple months ago?  

I wish that they'd just pick up right where they left off instead and do a time jump after a few episodes in to the season.  There's too much stuff we are going to miss because it all happened off screen during the summer.  

I also hope they quickly spoil the hell out of us cause while I'm sure Felicity and Dig will be fine, it will be a real long summer if they try to pretend there is any doubt.  

Yeah I would of liked that too. Spending the first 2-3 episodes all on the summer events. I half expect them to do POV's from each character who survives. 

Spending the entire first episode on the aftermath is better than flashbacks. 

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That was classy of Barrowman.  He really does seem very upset about not being MM next season "sad and upset about it" which makes it all the classier that he thanked the fans and told them to keep watching Arrow..

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Other than season 1-2 when Oliver was alone on Lian Yu, every hiatus has had the good stuff the episodes skipped over.  After s2 it was the flirty flirt, post s3 was the Summer of Love, and they had to have a flashback to last summer in 520.

True, but I still wish it weren't so again this next season.  


3 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Actually, the more I think about it, isn't it kind of silly to show flashbacks of rescues? We'll know which characters survived so who cares how they got off the island? No dramatic tension. 

They wouldn't let the characters in the present show up during the episode until they are ready to be put in the "saved" column.  So in the flashbacks they might show right away Oliver finding Samantha so he can haul her into the boat and wait with William while he keeps searching for the rest of them.  Then in the present he's talking to her on the phone about them settled in some city.  But he's alone in the bunker...until Rene and Dinah show up. They make some cryptic comments that can be deliberately misunderstood as BAD. Shift back to the flashbacks. And on it goes until we know where everyone is.  

 Which could mean very little Felicity in the present day parts of the episode if they decided to tease out the question of her survival.  

Personally I'd be surprised if anyone except Evelyn dies.   MAYBE they'd kill Slade, but even he seems unlikely.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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6 hours ago, LeighAn said:

What no #nomalcomnoarrow ?

Why would they?


6 hours ago, LeighAn said:

What no #nomalcomnoarrow ?

Why would they?

5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

That was classy of Barrowman.  He really does seem very upset about not being MM next season "sad and upset about it" which makes it all the classier that he thanked the fans and told them to keep watching Arrow..

He probably put more effort into his character then anyone else om the show. Sucks he died off screen. 

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

He probably put more effort into his character then anyone else om the show. Sucks he died off screen. 

I agree. The fact that the showrunners decided that killing him off in a jam packed finale would be a great idea to send off a character that's been there since the first season is just poor insight on their part. I grew tired of Malcolm, but I even thought he needed a better death scene than what we were given. 

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

True, but I still wish it weren't so again this next season.  


They wouldn't let the characters in the present show up during the episode until they are ready to be put in the "saved" column.  So in the flashbacks they might show right away Oliver finding Samantha so he can haul her into the boat and wait with William while he keeps searching for the rest of them.  Then in the present he's talking to her on the phone about them settled in some city.  But he's alone in the bunker...until Rene and Dinah show up. They make some cryptic comments that can be deliberately misunderstood as BAD. Shift back to the flashbacks. And on it goes until we know where everyone is.  

 Which could mean very little Felicity in the present day parts of the episode if they decided to tease out the question of her survival.  

Personally I'd be surprised if anyone except Evelyn dies.   MAYBE they'd kill Slade, but even he seems unlikely.  

I think you nail it. Considering that both Thea and Felicity already had close calls in past seasons, this time I'm guessing Diggle and Lance will be the last ones we'll know how they survived. Teasing Felicity's survival right now would only create drama around Olicity and who wants that kind of drama at this point? Even though I don't like the idea of another start of the season without Diggle there could be an interesting sl in the ways he can survive/be rescued. As for Lance, since they have to create some sort of story for BS in S6 maybe they have her saving/helping Lance. Or the other way around. Meh.

Slade is a big question mark for me. The writers drop the name of his son Joe for some reason... Maybe Slade is not found or is presumed dead and Joe comes to Star City for answers and that's the connection. Which reminds me how/when did Oliver found out that information about Joe Wilson? Did he ask Argus/Lyla's help with that?  

And we still don't know who will be the next Big Bad...

Edited by Buzzyspirit
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I'm hoping they realize how dumb it would be to keep the regulars fate in question so they answer it quickly in the premiere and they don't pretend all hiatus. 

In terms of death, I would put Lance in a question mark but not with BS returning now.

I do think Nyssa is dead. Based off of KLs post and the fact that there is enough tie there to hurt for the audience. It would also leave no one with a LOA connection, which they may be over.

MG said we go a bit of the next Big Bad this season. All I can think of is Vigilante or The Hacker. I'm convinced it isn't BS after these appearances. 

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Honestly, I've been really worried about Diggle, especially after his lack of anything of substance to do this season. But then I have to reassure myself that if he was dying, they would've at least given him more moments in the finale. They usually focus on a character just when they're about to die, like they did with Laurel.

I hope so anyway. Leave Diggle alone!

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

True, but I still wish it weren't so again this next season.  


They wouldn't let the characters in the present show up during the episode until they are ready to be put in the "saved" column.  So in the flashbacks they might show right away Oliver finding Samantha so he can haul her into the boat and wait with William while he keeps searching for the rest of them.  Then in the present he's talking to her on the phone about them settled in some city.  But he's alone in the bunker...until Rene and Dinah show up. They make some cryptic comments that can be deliberately misunderstood as BAD. Shift back to the flashbacks. And on it goes until we know where everyone is.  

 Which could mean very little Felicity in the present day parts of the episode if they decided to tease out the question of her survival.  

Personally I'd be surprised if anyone except Evelyn dies.   MAYBE they'd kill Slade, but even he seems unlikely.  

Pretty much what i think will happen, accept I think Samantha is dead ☺

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Preliminary summary of 601 spoilers...

S6, Episode 1: [TBA]
-- In response to fan suggesting "Rebirth" for 601 episode title, MG: "We’re still considering titles for Rebirth." (Apr. 19, 2017 MG tumblr post, page 58 of Spoilers thread)  
-- MG: "Um, next year, our approach to the flashbacks will be very different. It'll be episode-specific flashbacks. So - and they won't be every episode. It'll be, if there's a reason to flash back, we'll absolutely do so. We will be having those kind of flashbacks in 601, the sixth season premiere." (WonderCon, Apr. 1, 2017: MYM Buzz video, page 57 of Spoilers thread)
-- On how Oliver comes back from everything Prometheus has done to him, WM: "That’s one of the things we wanted to do was bring him to his lowest point this year. He’s going to have to, in some ways, let go of all of this, and let go of the past. Really the answer to that question will be in the premiere of season 6, which is how is he going to start rebuilding and what is his new legacy going to look like? He’s going to have to start rebuilding, because Chase has left pretty much everything in tatters." (May 9, 2017 Entertainment Weekly article, page 2 of New Spoilers thread)

ETA: MG also said on tumblr that we'll see Lian Yu in S6. 

Edited by tv echo
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56 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Honestly, I've been really worried about Diggle, especially after his lack of anything of substance to do this season. But then I have to reassure myself that if he was dying, they would've at least given him more moments in the finale. They usually focus on a character just when they're about to die, like they did with Laurel.

I hope so anyway. Leave Diggle alone!

I wrote in the episode thread that I am super concerned that they sidelined him so easily. The episode has so much about fathers and he didn't even get a line, not even a peptalk line to Oliver. Does not bode well. They focus too much on the flashy and easy stuff that nothing has weight. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I'm kinda worried about Samantha dying but idk I feel like if we were getting stuck with the kid they would have bothered to give him some scene to show his personality or something.I mean I don't think the kid even spoke,you could replace him with a lifesized doll and it would barely make a difference at this point lol.And I think they would have recast him,he already looks way too old for the age he's supposed to be,it's just going to get more noticeable in season 6.

Aside from Samantha,I don't think anyone else is even a possibility.Maybe Nyssa I guess.

Edited by tangerine95
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3 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I wrote in the episode thread that I am super concerned that they sidelined him so easily.

They sidelined the newbies too pretty easily (except for Dinah's fight scene with BS but even then it had the same amount of focus as Nyssa's fight with Talia even though neither of them are going to be series regulars), so I don't think it's a Diggle-specific thing but more of they had other characters/stuff they wanted to focus on in the episode. Whether that was good or not is irrelevant, but it's more of their balancing problems than a purposeful attempt to sideline Diggle away to get rid of him later, imo.

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It would really pin a rose on how little  thought they put into William if he loses his mother and has been kidnapped twice so that Oliver can hysterically yell "My son." I feel like a young child would hate him for that. 

So I have never seen the so called resemblance between the actors but I noticed they have almost the exact same hair so (typical for Arrow) they cast on what looks cool. 

I don't want Samantha on the show because they insist on writing her like a sanctimonious shrew. I understand she carried the holy Queen heir boychild, but someone on the writing team must have met a single mother before and realizes they are just regular people? 

@way2interested, that's what bothers and concerns me, that they sidelined him like newbie. They took the time for moments with Felicity, Thea and even Slade got more than one moment. Diggle should have gotten something, he's more important than Team B and even Dinah got her own villain and battle. 

Edited by leopardprint
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Just now, leopardprint said:

that's what bothers and concerns me, that they sidelined him like newbie. They took the time for moments with Felicity, Thea and even Slade got more than one moment. Diggle should have gotten something, he's more important than Team B and even Dinah got her own villain and battle. 

Diggle not getting a moment can still be more blamed on the idea that they wanted Oliver to have a moment with Slade rather than them purposefully sidelining him, though, was my main point. Mentioning the newbies was just me saying that they sidelined about 3-4 other main-ish characters in this episode (Curtis, Rene, Lance, possibly Dinah since her fight wasn't even emotionally motivated like the other fights) because they wanted to do other things. Having Diggle and Slade both give Oliver a talk would have been superfluous, so they went with Slade because we're likely never to see him again. Having Thea and Diggle both lecture Oliver on working with villains is superfluous, so they went with Thea to set up Malcolm's death. Having Diggle and Felicity both give Oliver talks about making it out of there would have been superfluous (not as much, because Diggle and Felicity have given him talks before, but out of place in this case since Diggle didn't come up until later), so they made it just about Olicity.

They made flip a coin decisions to try to get characters who wouldn't show up again their moments (Slade, Nyssa having her own fight, etc.) or characters who were more easily in place to talk to Oliver (Thea, Felicity, etc.). No ulterior motive, just rushed writing. If there is something that only Diggle could say or do, they usually let him do it (Leading the team after Oliver disbanded it, getting Oliver back in his right mind after 517, having issues with Argus, helping to rescue Oliver and Felicity, even helping out Dinah and Rene-even though they weren't great, it's still something I can't feasibly picturing the other characters doing, but I'd have rather just skipped that together entirely). This case a lot of things could be paired with other characters and they were trying to stuff them all in. Now that he's probably going to be back in the beginning instead of just in prison (presumably, they could leave his "death" up in the air), I would think he could be around more in 6a than he was in 5a.

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Killing Samantha and having Oliver (+ Felicity) with William does not seem to have the potential to be a popular storyline to any part of the fandom. And it sort of looks like a can of worms to any writers room of a superhero show. If Oliver was to be a parent 100% of the time the boy would need to have a significant presence in the show. William is too young to be trained for Green Arrow 2.0. Having Oliver dropping his son at school or William visiting the Mayor's office or family dinners at the Loft just to show that father/son relationship just seems like a waste of time in the show. I hardly think they will go that route.

I wonder how they will even convince William to keep quiet about the fact that his father is the GA. He doesn't even know how to avoid talking to strangers... 

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6 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Diggle not getting a moment can still be more blamed on the idea that they wanted Oliver to have a moment with Slade rather than them purposefully sidelining him, though, was my main point.

The fact that it wasn't purposeful is what bothers me. It's like they had a list of beats they wanted to hit and he didn't make the top ten. I understand what the show was going for, but it wasn't executed well (as usual) and it was pretty glaring omission to me since Diggle is Oliver's "brother", he should be more important than everyone except Thea and Felicity. It's the fact that they can push Diggle aside so easily that concerns me going forward. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I think they were too giddy to have Slade back they forgot he isn't one of the most important people in Oliver's life. But also this year Dig got basically nothing and I blame this on the newbies and I hate that.

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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13 minutes ago, Buzzyspirit said:

I wonder how they will even convince William to keep quiet about the fact that his father is the GA. He doesn't even know how to avoid talking to strangers... 

Do we even know for sure that William registered that Oliver's his father? I got nothing out of that kid's performance in the finale to even tell if he knew what was going on. They might need a flashback in 601 to Oliver telling him he's his dad. And then, during the "don't talk to strangers" talk that every single survivor should give William, they can add in a "don't tell anyone your father is the Green Arrow." 

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9 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

It's the fact that they can push Diggle aside so easily that concerns me going forward. 

It's not easy, it's just one of the main writing rules. If you have two characters who can accomplish the same task, focus on one rather than both. Good Slade and Diggle both play the same role and had already, it was just easier to do both back in s1-s2 because flashbacks and because Slade became a villain. Once you get rid of him, you open that role up again that literally only Diggle can play.

Edited by way2interested
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