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I agree with the Olicity resolution/reunion by 522. We have DR replies in HVFF, MG replies on Tumblr and story wise, 523 seems too packed to add an Olicity romantic resolution in the mix. That is why we will have all the Olicity in 519, 520 and possibly 522. I believe the EP & writers are relying in the "cliffhanger" to have the buzz during hiatus and they will want everyone in the fandom to participate. I have to say I'm dreading all the specs that come to my mind about the finale mainly because of Steve tweet "if properly executed the S5 finale could be...". If I'm not mistaken it is the second time he said this regarding the finale. The first time when he got the script, I think. The "properly executed" for me, means he is not 100% sure of the result or that it does not depend of his work/the actors work.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The thing about the trauma and Susan tracing it back to Oliver or whatever the quote was. It just never came up.

Oh yes, you're right, here's the whole quote,

 “I mean, Susan’s still there. She’s on the show. And we love Carly. But for any couple that’s been through that kind of trauma – and trauma that, ultimately, Susan can trace back to Oliver in some ways – let’s just say that’s a tough thing to come back from.”

I think maybe that was supposed to refer to Oliver's line about not wanting his life to touch hers in this way. Though that seemed more about Oliver's trauma then Susan's. 

523 seems like a lot of people and story to handle at the same time but they love that frenetic pace. Yes, I am skeptical about the execution as well. 

Edited by leopardprint

THR breakdown of Arrow S5 sizzle reel...

DC TV Watch: 7 Shocking Reveals From 'Arrow's' New Sizzle Reel
APRIL 21, 2017 8:00am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


1. Prometheus isn't done destroying Oliver 
While Oliver, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Team Arrow were finally able to get photographic evidence showing Adrian Chase taking off his Prometheus hood, they haven't been able to catch him and bring him to justice. Felicity is heard saying, "Chase has been in the wind for a week." So it's safe to expect a mini-time jump when the series returns.

2. Familiar faces return
Since Prometheus is "picking off" Team Arrow one-by-one, that means Thea (Willa Holland) will finally return from ... well, wherever the show is pretending she's been for the past few episodes, all so she can be a target. The trailer also reveals the returns of Yao Fei (Byron Mann), Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law), Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman), Derek Sampson (Cody Rhodes), Evelyn Sharp (Madison McLaughlin), Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett) and Black Siren (Katie Cassidy).

3. Hope for Olicity?
There are several shots throughout the sizzle reel showing Oliver and Felicity closer than ever, including one where their arms are around one another and it looks like they're about to kiss. Is the show heading toward a romantic reunion between the two, even after he killed her boyfriend?

4. Finally closing the island chapter
It's been a long time coming, but Arrow is finally going to finish the island flashback storyline it began in the series premiere. Oliver has gone through a lot in the five years that he was presumed dead, not all of it actually on Lian Yu, but the show is returning to the island to catch up to where it all began in the premiere. It also looks like Oliver might get taken to the island as Konstantin Kovar's (Dolph Lundgren) prisoner and not of his own choice.

5. Black Siren's plan
When Earth-2 Laurel Lance returns to Star City, it looks like her first stop is taking Quentin (Paul Blackthorne) hostage. Does this version of Laurel still feel anything for her father, or does she view her connection to Earth-1 Laurel's father a weakness? The trailer also shows her beating Team Arrow's new Black Canary (Juliana Harkavy), so expect some Siren-on-Canary violence. 

6. Sister showdown
Another complicated family dynamic comes via the al Ghul sisters. Nyssa and Talia (Lexa Doig) are shown facing off and fighting in the sizzle reel. Is it for control of the League of Assassins, or something more personal?

7. Deathstroke, an ally?
The reason for Deathstroke's return has been revealed. After Diggle (David Ramsey) tells Oliver they can't beat Prometheus alone, Oliver is seen walking into the ARGUS prison on Lian Yu, holding out Deathstroke's mask in his hand. Offscreen, Slade is heard saying, "Hey kid. I'm glad you came back." Can Oliver really trust Deathstroke as his ally, or is he just asking for more trouble letting out one of his greatest opponents? 

Edited by tv echo

I'm interested to see how Quentin reacts to Black Siren, but I'm also interested in how she reacts to him. After all, he is the doppelganger of her own father presumably.  It should also point to whether they're thinking of redeeming her next season or leave her as a villain.


Meanwhile, a crate is delivered to Oliver's office containing a mysterious corpse encased in concrete.

Oliver:  Rene, get Curtis and come into my office.  Bring chisels and a couple of mallets.  And maybe some aprons.

11 hours ago, leopardprint said:

 The 505 conversations were very odd to me. It seemed like the status of their relationship had been decided already with Oliver asking Felicity, sort of dismissively, if she was keeping the door open but then being surprised she had moved on already.

It seemed like it was still undecided to me, or rather that they hadn't talked about what was going on.  Oliver thought that he and Felicity had a chance of getting together again as he told Diggle, optimistic and hopeful, while Felicity went out looking to see if she could find someone else because she was afraid of falling back into Oliver's arms again.  On the balcony it seemed like Oliver was just then learning that she wasn't leaving the door open as he had thought.  The conversation in his office at the end of the episode was Oliver accepting that Felicity was trying to move on so he should too.

I hope that we'll find out in present day 5x20 why Felicity moved on to Billy without making it clear to Oliver that she was moving on.

  • Love 2

I find the 521 synopsis odd...

ADA Adrian Chase is revealed to be Prometheus, a vigilante, and therefore the criminals he successfully prosecuted must be released.  Last season, ADA Laurel Lance was revealed to be Black Canary, a vigilante, but nothing happened about the criminals she successfully prosecuted. Maybe the difference is that Chase is a known killer and, as far as the public knows, Laurel wasn't a killer.  Still, vigilantes are law breakers so I would think at least one convicted prisoner would've complained.  Instead, Laurel got a statue.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, tv echo said:

I find the 521 synopsis odd...

ADA Adrian Chase is revealed to be Prometheus, a vigilante, and therefore the criminals he successfully prosecuted must be released.  Last season, ADA Laurel Lance was revealed to be Black Canary, a vigilante, but nothing happened about the criminals she successfully prosecuted. Maybe the difference is that Chase is a known killer and, as far as the public knows, Laurel wasn't a killer.  Still, vigilantes are law breakers so I would think at least one convicted prisoner would've complained.  Instead, Laurel got a statue.

Star City is weird. Remember, Laurel was running around as BC in S3 when the police hunted the team and Roy had to go to prison and be "killed" for "being" the Arrow. Nothing has been done about/for Roy in Star City since then, but yes, Laurel got a statue. 

So basically, it just depends on how the public/police feel about vigilantes at the time in question. 

Also, yes, it helps that Chase is being outed as a crazy serial killer - and left behind what's probably a very bloody scene once he was - and Laurel was outed after she was killed by the guy terrorizing the city at the time. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Didn't Wendy say at the beginning of S5 that they weren't planning on putting Olicity back together at all this season?

Well its not like they always stick to their original plans. I think they can easily change some things especially based on feedback and ratings. Personally, like this pap guy said,i dont think an official reconcilation will happen this season. 

About Deadstroke...

Here's a thought. In S3 Oliver joined MM to defeat Ra's believing that the ends justified the means. He gave the ring and the league to MM (huge mistake), he trusted MM (why ffs) and MM ended up being responsible for DD kidnaping OQ son. So, there should be a lesson learned here about not trusting your enemies to be your allies, right? Why would Oliver do the same mistake with Slade? Somebody help me understand this. 

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Buzzyspirit said:

Why would Oliver do the same mistake with Slade? Somebody help me understand this. 

Hypothetically if the team's been kidnapped by Team Prometheus (and it includes dozens of not-League people with training and weapons), then Oliver would need a super secret weapon to beat them after being quickly outnumbered (and presumably can't call the Legends, Barry, Kara, etc. because...reasons), and having villains help him could be unexpected and allow him to take them down by surprise. You could also kind of figure that there might be some Argus safety net for Slade and Boomerang that would make it easier to put them back in the prison compared to say Malcolm.

Problem here is that so far this doesn't show growth at all from Oliver and is making a similar choice for similar desperate reasons, plus I feel like Felicity and Diggle would totally not be cool with using villains even to save them (Malcolm being there is one thing, he would show up if Thea has been kidnapped regardless, Malcolm, Slade, Boomerang, and Nyssa is kind of a different story). However, idk, seeing that idea in the reel I didn't mind it so much. Might just be in the heat of the moment plus not seeing the show's reasoning yet (along with the reel implying that he's just teaming up with Slade, not like 3/4/whatever number of people even though it probably still has all of them), but emotion-wise I'm getting closer to dealing with it, kind of like how I still enjoyed 518 even though it was technically Oliver going through his "have to do things alone no matter the cost" phase again. 

Edited by way2interested
  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, Buzzyspirit said:

About Deadstroke...

Here's a thought. In S3 Oliver joined MM to defeat Ra's believing that the ends justified the means. He gave the ring and the league to MM (huge mistake), he trusted MM (why ffs) and MM ended up being responsible for DD kidnaping OQ son. So, there should be a lesson learned here about not trusting your enemies to be your allies, right? Why would Oliver do the same mistake with Slade? Somebody help me understand this. 

Based on a recent answer from MG, I'm wondering if they're retconing Deathstroke? At the end of S2, after Slade was imprisoned, he stated it wasn't the Mirakuru but, I'm thinking they're going to say it was the Mirakuru that made him a crazy killer (and there is some evidence to support it).

Of course that doesn't explain his S3 appearance at all.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Based on a recent answer from MG, I'm wondering if they're retconing Deathstroke? At the end of S2, after Slade was imprisoned, he stated it wasn't the Mirakuru but, I'm thinking they're going to say it was the Mirakuru that made him a crazy killer (and there is some evidence to support it).

Of course that doesn't explain his S3 appearance at all.

I was going with Oliver being stupid for plot again but that's a great thought, I had completely forgotten they had said that. Also, Oliver said that Slade helped him become a hero or fighter (I forget the exact wording) kinda like Lian Yu. In S3, Slade also said he always keeps his promises, so barring an ARGUS killchip maybe Oliver appeals to that, Chase will kill him if Slade doesn't help? 

Edited by leopardprint
24 minutes ago, Buzzyspirit said:

Why would Oliver do the same mistake with Slade? Somebody help me understand this. 

Just more stupidity to add onto Oliver's stupidity this season? I honestly don't know.

Maybe he thinks if he recruits Slade first, Chase won't? (That would be horrible logic if that's true. So hopefully it's not.)

I wonder if there will be any real logic to this "alliance." And if no one - including every other villain Oliver teams up with - expresses any concern that Slade will just turn on them and kidnap/kill one of Oliver's loved ones himself, there's a real problem there. 

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, tv echo said:

In response to someone's question upthread, here's one of many WM comments about Olicity this season...

Thanks @tv echo! I knew I remembered something like that. 

That's the one interview I remember where people I know who don't follow the show on social media went "Well, what's the point" and stopped watching.

35 minutes ago, Buzzyspirit said:

About Deadstroke...

Here's a thought. In S3 Oliver joined MM to defeat Ra's believing that the ends justified the means. He gave the ring and the league to MM (huge mistake), he trusted MM (why ffs) and MM ended up being responsible for DD kidnaping OQ son. So, there should be a lesson learned here about not trusting your enemies to be your allies, right? Why would Oliver do the same mistake with Slade? Somebody help me understand this. 

Because the folks behind Arrow think it's cool or interesting. That's really all the reasoning they use, even when it doesn't make a fuckton of sense (e.g. BMD, Snoozan)

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
added impact of interview
  • Love 4

This makes me think that Susanna is back so that we can get a scene of Moira (and maybe Thea?) finding out that Oliver is alive:


Anything Arrow? — Jordan
The finale is going to bring the show full circle to what we saw in the pilot — and more! Here’s what EP Wendy Mericle tells me: “We’ve managed to hopefully stick the landing on it in a cool way that allows us to see both some of the moments right before we first met Oliver in the pilot, where he launched that flaming arrow and it lit up that signal fire, and also maybe a little bit after as well, some of the more emotional moments that we never got to see in the pilot.”

Edited by Trisha
  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Based on a recent answer from MG, I'm wondering if they're retconing Deathstroke? At the end of S2, after Slade was imprisoned, he stated it wasn't the Mirakuru but, I'm thinking they're going to say it was the Mirakuru that made him a crazy killer (and there is some evidence to support it).

Of course that doesn't explain his S3 appearance at all.

I actually thought about that and I even remember the EP's mentioning that flashpoint would have some effect in the end of the season (I think WM in SDCC) so I thought they would use it for Slade. But than MG said that there wouldn't be more flashpoint until the end of the season so...  

Slade is a killer and Oliver nemesis. Does it make sense to redeem Deathstroke? 

On the other hand, Chase/Prometheus wants Oliver to assume Oliver/GA is a killer and to prove it to everyone - his loved ones, his team, his city. Going to Slade for help just confirms that Chase is right. And Oliver is suposed to prove Prometheus is wrong. Story wise still doesn't make sense to me. But thank you all for the replies ?

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

I find the 521 synopsis odd...

ADA Adrian Chase is revealed to be Prometheus, a vigilante, and therefore the criminals he successfully prosecuted must be released.  Last season, ADA Laurel Lance was revealed to be Black Canary, a vigilante, but nothing happened about the criminals she successfully prosecuted. Maybe the difference is that Chase is a known killer and, as far as the public knows, Laurel wasn't a killer.  Still, vigilantes are law breakers so I would think at least one convicted prisoner would've complained.  Instead, Laurel got a statue.

This synopsis sounds like a good setup for Oliver taking down multiple villains and criminals in one episode... However this lvl of badassness from Oliver is just wishful thinking from my part... most likely it will be needless filler or they will be released now for filler villains in the next season.

Did Oliver even take down any villains this season that might be in jail now? Besides Sampson... Either i just can't remember or this season was EXTREMELY light on villains...

Edited by DeadZeus
  • Love 1

Maybe Oliver promises them their freedom or transfer to somewhere less isolated? They get on a boat and it explodes?  WM is teasing we might lose some people.  Oliver will be reeling.  Maybe we lose the villains & anti-heroes who helped him? A timed explosion is something Chase could arrange in advance.  Clear the ARGUS super max, Malcolm Merlyn, etc from the show.

I posted this in the old Spoilers thread, but some of you may have missed it because of the problems with viewing that thread. I think this scene is from 519 because papp spoilers from when that episode was filmed indicated them setting up at an amusement park (PNE/Playland), plus JH's tweet below. Anyway, I think it's a cool shot...


Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1

Another media breakdown of the Arrow S5 sizzle reel (this article has some nice screenshots too)...

The Five Biggest Moments In That Arrow Season 5 Sizzle Reel
Russ Burlingame- 04/20/2017


It seems to us that they've nailed the balance on Olicity here. There's definitely some teasing -- a scene that looks like it comes from the past (likely dealing with their breakup) and at least one where it looks like they might be dealing with their future (likely from the "Underneath" episode that traps the two together), but nothing overwhelming enough that the haters should be out in force.
*  *  *
Look, Oliver's relationship with Felicity may be a polarizing element of the show, but it absolutely is an important element of the show, and given how little it's been dealt with this season, we were really hoping that the last few episodes would provide some insight, some forward movement, or at least some closure on exactly what happened between the seasons.


Edited by tv echo
2 hours ago, tv echo said:

-- WM: "We're not necessarily going to see them reconcile this season... "[But] I think there will always be lingering feelings between these two." (Oct. 10, 2016 TV Guide article, page 1170 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

I always assumed they wanted to give the show a try without the relationship. If it would have worked then they might have stuck with it, if not they can easily change the direction. 

But I felt as though they didn't want to deal with it at the beginning of the season. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Thanks @tv echo! I knew I remembered something like that. 

That's the one interview I remember where people I know who don't follow the show on social media went "Well, what's the point" and stopped watching.

That 2016 TV Guide article (with the WM quote about Olicity not reconciling this season) was written by Sadie Gennis:

This is the same Sadie Gennis who, in a 2013 TV Guide article, "roll[ed] her eyes in dread" at the news of EBR's promotion to series regular on Arrow and said "Olicity should never happen":

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Maybe Oliver promises them their freedom or transfer to somewhere less isolated? They get on a boat and it explodes?  WM is teasing we might lose some people.  Oliver will be reeling.  Maybe we lose the villains & anti-heroes who helped him? A timed explosion is something Chase could arrange in advance.  Clear the ARGUS super max, Malcolm Merlyn, etc from the show.

I do think Malcolm dying is a very strong possibility, but I can't see them not giving him his own death. So maybe a boat with the villains explodes, but I think even if that happens, Malcolm will die before in another way, maybe saving someone. 

  • Love 3

Yeah, IF Merlyn dies it'll probably be something dramatic and meaty, like Moira's. I'm not a huge fan of Barrowman's acting, I find him a little too (unintentionally) campy. However, he was really good in the Ianto Death scene in Torchwood so I think he could pull off a good dramatic Merlyn death scene. Nothing will compare to Moira but ST was just a superb actress, it would be really hard to even come close.

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

However, he was really good in the Ianto Death scene in Torchwood so I think he could pull off a good dramatic Merlyn death scene

I think JB really did well to push down the campy parts of his performances once he left Doctor Who.  I thought he was properly sketchy Empty Child/Doctor Dances, overall great in Torchwood s2, esp the back half and the finale. I thought he was great in all of s3, and was particularly good in Miracle Day with the Angelo episode.

I think JB was really great in the confrontation scene with Tommy when he flipped out on him. I  thought he played that right to the edge without going into camp.  And I thought his scenes with Moira, and his scenes on Corto Maltese with Thea were great and not campy at all.  So I think a death scene with Malcolm he'd be great IMO

34 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I do think Malcolm dying is a very strong possibility, but I can't see them not giving him his own death. So maybe a boat with the villains explodes, but I think even if that happens, Malcolm will die before in another way, maybe saving someone. 

It would make sense IMO for Malcolm to die in the finale. His arc will have come full circle whether he dies helping Oliver or dies as BSC Malcolm. I think either one is appropriate.

  • Love 2

If Malcolm dies on Arrow, does that mean that LoT isn't going to use hm again?

5 hours ago, tv echo said:

I find the 521 synopsis odd...

ADA Adrian Chase is revealed to be Prometheus, a vigilante, and therefore the criminals he successfully prosecuted must be released.  Last season, ADA Laurel Lance was revealed to be Black Canary, a vigilante, but nothing happened about the criminals she successfully prosecuted. Maybe the difference is that Chase is a known killer and, as far as the public knows, Laurel wasn't a killer.  Still, vigilantes are law breakers so I would think at least one convicted prisoner would've complained.  Instead, Laurel got a statue.

The only reason I can think of is for the criminals he prosecuted to be released is if they find out that he's not really a lawyer (Arrow meets Suits.)  or if he got his called to the bar under a false name. 

Other than that, I can't think of a reason why his convictions shouldn't hold.

2 hours ago, tv echo said:

It seems to us that they've nailed the balance on Olicity here. There's definitely some teasing -- a scene that looks like it comes from the past (likely dealing with their breakup) and at least one where it looks like they might be dealing with their future (likely from the "Underneath" episode that traps the two together), but nothing overwhelming enough that the haters should be out in force.
*  *  *
Look, Oliver's relationship with Felicity may be a polarizing element of the show, but it absolutely is an important element of the show, and given how little it's been dealt with this season, we were really hoping that the last few episodes would provide some insight, some forward movement, or at least some closure on exactly what happened between the seasons.

LOL, Russ Burlingame tries to help his followers cope with the inevitable.

22 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I think JB really did well to push down the campy parts of his performances once he left Doctor Who.  I thought he was properly sketchy Empty Child/Doctor Dances, overall great in Torchwood s2, esp the back half and the finale. I thought he was great in all of s3, and was particularly good in Miracle Day with the Angelo episode.

I think JB was really great in the confrontation scene with Tommy when he flipped out on him. I  thought he played that right to the edge without going into camp.  And I thought his scenes with Moira, and his scenes on Corto Maltese with Thea were great and not campy at all.  So I think a death scene with Malcolm he'd be great IMO

It would make sense IMO for Malcolm to die in the finale. His arc will have come full circle whether he dies helping Oliver or dies as BSC Malcolm. I think either one is appropriate.

Replying in Villains thread

Edited by Morrigan2575

Is Cody Rhodes' character in prison? Could it be that having him out on the streets again - apparently to fight Rene, based on the sizzle reel - is the real reason that they're releasing all the criminals Chase prosecuted? 521 is the episode Rhodes is back in, right? 

ETA: I wonder if this was part of Chase's plan too. If he thought that at some point, his identity would be revealed and therefore the team could be distracted by all the criminals being freed. 

Edited by insomniadreams88

-- WM: "We're not necessarily going to see them reconcile this season... "[But] I think there will always be lingering feelings between these two." (Oct. 10, 2016 TV Guide article, page 1170 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

6 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Thanks @tv echo! I knew I remembered something like that. 

That's the one interview I remember where people I know who don't follow the show on social media went "Well, what's the point" and stopped watching.


Yeah, a lot of people took the quote badly but it was never a black and white "not going to happen this year" just something ambiguous which to me implied it could still happen but they weren't tipping their hand except to say it wasn't happening right away.  


5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

The sizzle reel actually sets up the alliance with Digg saying "Oliver can't do this alone" during his closeup. But yes, why Deathstroke and Boomerang would help and why Oliver thinks he can trust them to not turn on him are mysteries to me. 

Maybe Chase takes out Argus's people on the island thus making it so that Slade and Boomerang would be stuck there without a way off and perhaps Chase has made it plain he plans to kill them so they at least briefly team up.  The enemy of my enemy type thing.

 Personally I've also always liked the idea that even if Slade still wants to kill Oliver, he's not about to let someone else do it. 

Also, is it possible that the big explosion MG has promised involves Chase trying to blow up the island??

Edited by BkWurm1
4 hours ago, tv echo said:

Another media breakdown of the Arrow S5 sizzle reel (this article has some nice screenshots too)...

The Five Biggest Moments In That Arrow Season 5 Sizzle Reel
Russ Burlingame- 04/20/2017


Hilarious write up. So much false enthusiasm and subtle holding out of hope for a different course. 

Also werent they the only website to take Marcs quote about regretting that they broke Olicity up too early and how they broke them up in season 4 and spin it into Marc saying Olicity itself was his biggest and only regret of season 4 and that's why Olicity is over forever?

They don't necessarily film scenes sequentially, so we can't really tell when a scene they shoot will show up in the episode. 

In a somewhat unrelated note, I just realized that Wendly Stanzler was the director for 2.13 (Heir to the Demon) aka the episode with the Sara/Oliver lunge and 3.22 (This Is Your Sword), which had the Thea/Roy makeout/post coital scene. Bodes well for the Olicity sex in 5.20, I think.

Edited by lemotomato
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

They don't necessarily film scenes sequentially, so we can't really tell when a scene they shoot will show up in the episode. 

In a somewhat unrelated note, I just realized that Wendly Stanzler was the director for 2.13 (Heir to the Demon) aka the episode with the Sara/Oliver lunge and 3.22 (This Is Your Sword), which had the Thea/Roy makeout/post coital scene. Bodes well for the Olicity sex in 5.20, I think.

Ahh thanks! I was worried everything was sequential!

HA They can have Olicity stare at each other for 10 minutes in 520 and I'd still swoon! Gahhhhh!!!! So excited!!!!!!

  • Love 2

They shoot in whatever order will minimize costs and effort.  For example, SA talked about EBR fitting easily into Foundry Fridays in s1, referring to the fact that they shot all the foundry scenes at once on Friday no matter where they fit into the script.

I'd be surprised if Oliver and Felicity, and maybe Diggle weren't all in the final scene together, unless it's a flash forward.

  • Love 5

I agree that an emotional OTA scene would fit but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't show them because there are other oneoffs to show. Hopefully, we get one in 522 at the party. Also, very excited to see Diggle get in on the elevator shaft stunt action and flex those muscles (#shallow). 

Do we still think that the "Emmy" scene is with Moira? Or she's just there filming flashbacks? If not with Moira, then I'm guessing a scene with Samantha or Malcolm, possibly dying. 

Do they give Emmys for stunts? Watch it be some dumb scene with superfluous island parkour. 

And now, Deathwatch 2017:

Definitely dead: Chase, Billy

Probably dead: Malcolm, Talia

Maybe dead: Samantha, Artemis, Slade, Lyla, Curtis, Lance

Possibly dead*: Diggle?, Felicity, William, Boomerang 

Bullet Proof Plot Armor: Tinah, Shriek, Rene, Nyssa

Swerve: Oliver, Thea

Alive only in our hearts: Baby Sara, Roy 

Dead inside: Susan, Oliver w/ Susan

*EPs have made many statements about things they would never do only to turn around and do them. 

Disclaimer: List does not bind poster to hat or shoe consumption if wrong. 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 4

But they aren't setting up any personal stories for him. We were told he is gonna fight for his husband but it ended in Paul serving the divorce papers to Curtis. No teasing what's in store in the future. Wasnt Nyssa the first suited gay character. Also they had no troubles killing off a bisexual character with Sara. 

Edited by Velocity23
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