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4 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

I never mentioned SwanQueen, and if you're reasoning is because Regina has a lot of blood on her hands then what is the reasoning for SuperCorp not happening...because, they're both women who dated ONLY men so far on the show?? I dont ship SC, but I can see why people do and I can totally see the writers heading that direction in the future if they think it is right.

And yeah it is a TV show that has established that the only woman for Oliver Queen is Felicity Smoak, there has never been any hints that he loves another woman in this life...so please explain how it is logical for a fan to deduce that oliver would end up with her...they might as well ask if Oliver and Dragon would get together too because why not? But we all know hwy they keep asking...hoping that somehow the comic canon relationship would rise from the ashes irregardless of the fact that the only resemblance to E1 LL is the fact that she's played by the same actress.

You bring BS being a mass murder as part of the reason why BS/Oliver would never happen as if people don't ship villains with heroes every day. Or is something that stops a ship from happening. Thus Swan Queen.  The cast has said that SuperCorp isnt going to happen, there was that whole outrage over how they even broached the subject in shutting fans of the ship down. 

I am sure that there is 1 person out there that wouldnt mind Oliver/Dragon hooking up, so if they want them ship them, more power to em. Everyone hopes for something and if she hopes that one day BS/OQ will get together, then let her. Once the show ends she'll be disappointed and hoped it would happen but again thats what fanfic is for. Do you even know if that girl is a comic fan or just happens to be a fan of the character? Not every person who is into them is an automatic comic canon shipper. 

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For me, a dividing line is whether you ship them knowing it's not going to happen, or whether you think that if you just wait long enough and no one from the outside interferes, it's going to happen.

I saw a Lena/James fic the other day where in the comments section, someone rudely said why even bother writing this fic, it's obvious SuperCorp is the endgame. It seems like people believing Oliver is going to end up with Black Siren falls into the same category.

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Another actress' audition video for the role of "Konomi Rhodes" on Arrow (same scenes as for Izzy Alan's audition)...

Lisa Dring 
June 5, 2018

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I also found an audition video for the role of "Daniel Porter" - the scene is shared with Curtis...

Tyler Sellers
May 21, 2018

Audition transcription:

TS: "Hi. Tyler Sellers, reading for Daniel Porter. 5'10. Based out of Santa Monica, California."

TS: "Hey! What took you so long? Usually you're here before me."
Male voice:" Dan, we got to talk."
TS: "I agree. I'll go first. Here." (Mimes handing over something)
Male voice: "No, you're not proposing, are you? I mean, this couldn't be worse timing, though, 'cause I actually have to talk to you about something first."
TS: "Relax. Just open it."
Male voice: "I don't get it. I mean, I love croissants, but -"
TS: "I finally, finally found a buyer for my magnetic levitation tech. I mean, it's a company called La Fantastique, based out of Paris. You know, everybody told me that I was crazy, saying I could make anything as light as a feather. But these guys are totally on board. They want to utilize it in construction and, boy, do they pony up big time."
Male voice: "Holy crap, this is genius! You are a genius."
TS: "Hey! Your man just told you that he's now richer than the King of France. Why do you look like I just kicked a puppy?"
Male voice: "I'm getting back together with my ex-husband."
TS: "Uh, okay, I didn't even know that you guys were still talking."
Male voice: "I wasn't. I mean, he recently showed up at my work. We started talking and then realized we've been missing each other."
TS: "I thought that he said that your job was too dangerous."
Male voice: "It's complicated. I'm sorry."
TS: "Yeah, yeah, me too. I was gonna see if Helix wanted to invest."
Male voice: "Ouch. Look, Dan, you're the smartest man that I've ever been with - and did I mention adorable?"
TS: "No, Curtis, you don't have to do that."
Male voice: "It's just that Paul and I have a lot of history."
TS: "Look, this isn't the first time I've been dumped. Don't worry. Everything's paid for. Just sign a tip when you're done."
Male voice: "Dan, please, don't leave."
TS: "Bye, Curtis."

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More audition videos for the role of "Daniel Porter" (same audition scene, but with minor dialogue changes)...

Miles G Jackson
Jun. __, 2018

Oliver Thomson
Jun. 3, 2018

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Ha, so the new people are likely for the newbies to interact with. That does persuade me to believe that they might actually be splitting narratives as their new storytelling thing for s7 more. Maybe OTA go on a road trip together while the newbies stay in the city like in that comic SA referenced after s6 ended.

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Okay, I really hope the scene with Daniel Porter has nothing to do with what happens on screen. Because that would mean 1) that whiny Curtis got a second guy in a year, after being a total cry baby about it, and 2) that Paul is interested in getting back together. You deserve better, Paul! 

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Splitting narratives seems like an odd choice to me, given how people reacted to the newbies during the “civil war” debacle. I mean, yea, for me, because I can just skip those episodes, but surely they don’t want a chunk of the audience tuning out for certain episodes. Some people might not come back, right? 

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I don't necessarily think they'll completely split, since obviously SA (and looks like EBR as well) has to be in every episode, but maybe they'll just give every character a highlight episode and rotate who gets the A-B-C plot, since s6 actually did fine with pacing of its episodes.

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Wasnt the Nyssa screen test with Oliver too? I remember reading about it sometime in season 5. And it turned out her scenes were with Sarah.

So I don't put much weight in these auditions.

I liked the Tyler Sellers's audition the best out of the 3 guys. And the two ladies are both cringe!

I am sure none of these ppl will get the role though.

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I know Curtis has been on the show since s4 but having three love interests within 3 seasons doesn't feel earned to me. It's too much time spent on him, just like Dinah getting all that story time last season doesn't feel earned. And I don't give a flying fig about either of their love lives.  Rene better not starting dating Konomi.

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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Rene better not starting dating Konomi.

If the pattern continues, he might be interacting with the new cop, Konomi seems more Dinah and Roy (I know the audition implied Oliver but I'm guessing more likely Roy).

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3 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

So I don't put much weight in these auditions

Yup. Remember the Tina/Dinah audition sides that were leaked? She was an ex-marine in search of her lost partner and the scenes were Oliver trying to recruit her, and then them having a sexy sparring session filled with sexual tension and an almost-kiss. Auditions don't seem to have much resemblance to actual storylines -- it's more like they're trying to figure out if the actor can play intimidating, flirty, likeable, etc. 

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The Laurel audition scene (a few videos of which I posted here in the Social Media thread) was much more spot on, I guess, because those auditions were done before Arrow even debuted on The CW. Also, the audition scene for Barry Allen (see same post in Social Media thread) used some of the same dialogue that actually aired in episode 208-The Scientist (scene between Barry and Felicity).

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Watching those Laurel tapes, whether the actress is going soft or hard, that dialogue doesn't work.  

I wonder if instead of Laurel being aggressive right off the bat and nice at the end of the episode, they flip her. She tries to be nice when he comes back but can't handle it at the end queue monologue.

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43 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Is it wrong that I’m just thinking that I liked Nick (that was Curtis’ new BF’s name, right?) and would rather see him again (and not Curtis)? 

Dude was just a normal cop who didn't like vigilantes and then turned to help their side once the police force was revealed to be the corrupt ones and he found out that one of the vigilantes was a man he loved (even if it was Curtis). Comparatively that's a more compelling story to tell rather than Curtis' journey to vigilantism.

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6 hours ago, Trisha said:

Yup. Remember the Tina/Dinah audition sides that were leaked? She was an ex-marine in search of her lost partner and the scenes were Oliver trying to recruit her, and then them having a sexy sparring session filled with sexual tension and an almost-kiss. Auditions don't seem to have much resemblance to actual storylines -- it's more like they're trying to figure out if the actor can play intimidating, flirty, likeable, etc. 

And then the count down on social media that followed to people waiting for - and arguing over whether- if Oliver and Dinah will hook up. Memories. 

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On 6/16/2018 at 11:58 AM, Angel12d said:

Remorse and a softer approach? Too little too late, I'm afraid. The newbies can choke as far as I'm concerned. If they'd suffered any consequences for their actions I might feel differently but they behaved like assholes and the only people suffering after S6 are the ones who didn't do anything wrong - Felicity and William. And Oliver of course. So unfair.

Yep and it pisses me off that I was able to call it. That the season would end with Oliver and the only people who never deserted him Dead, in Jail or in the most danger while everyone that went against him got off free. Angers me that BS is not in Jail, DDDragon isn't Dead and NTA are allowed to be free, While Felicity and William are in protective Custody???

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Here is someone's Arrow audition for "Marquez AKA Ricardo", which I think might've been the fake audition name for Ricardo Diaz. However, the video was only posted at Vimeo a month ago, which doesn't necessarily mean that the audition was done a month ago (for example, someone posted a 6-year-old Laurel audition only a month ago). However, because I'm not sure when this audition took place, I'm posting it here. There are two audition scenes, a tough guy scene and then a different scene to be shared with a female character named "Daisy" (even though the off-screen reader is a guy)...

Mark Taylor - for ‘Arrow’
Posted: 1 month ago  Elle Downs

MT: "Hello. My name is Mark Taylor, and I'm auditioning for the role of Marquez aka Ricardo."

MT: "I'm impressed you found me so quickly."
Male Voice (off-screen): "I've had practice."
MT: "I can see that. The idiot cops, they'd still be scratching their heads, wondering where to look. That for me?"
Male Voice: "This ends tonight."
MT: "Yeah, sure. You could take me downtown tonight, drop me off at the SCPD, but - what's that really going to accomplish?"
Male Voice: "You'd be back in prison."
MT: "You see, I think that's where you and I don't see eye to eye, man. Because you say 'prison' like it's a bad thing, but to me, it's home. I spent 15 years in Iron Heights, trying to turn those concrete walls into my palace, and I succeeded. I was running that hell-hole from top to bottom by the time I was done there. So you think it's the best idea to send me back?"
Male Voice (off-screen): "I'll keep an eye on you. You try anything, I'll know."
MT: "You got a lot of faith in yourself, brother. Some might find that faith noble. But I just think you're a cocky son of a bitch. (Mimes taking someone down) I ain't never going back to prison. You got to kill me first. Just consider yourself lucky I still need you alive. Haaah!  By the time I'm through with you, the whole world's going to know that this city is mine." (Slaps chest)

MT: "D?"
Male Voice: "Anthony."
MT: "Oh, you look good, Daisy. I mean - I mean, it's good to see you. You always look good. It's been too long."
Male Voice: "15 years. I'm surprised you reached out to me."
MT: "You're suprised. Why? Never mind, never mind. I ordered us some apps. And got the maitre d' to bring out some Dom, put it on ice. It's going to be fancy tonight."
Male Voice: "That was so thoughtful of you."
MT: "Yeah, anything for you, D. Anything. Alright, let me get you a seat."
Male Voice: "I'm okay."
MT: "It's kinda hard to eat, standing up."
Male Voice: "I'm not here to have dinner."
MT: "Then why'd you come?"
Male Voice: "I wanted to see you, make sure you were okay. Like you said, 15 years is a long time, Anthony. I've moved on."
MT: "You got remarried and you didn't tell me."
Male Voice: "Paul didn't want me to. He thought it would be better for everyone."
MT: "You know, when I went in, I thought that you would be my solid. I thought that you would be the one person that I could count on to see me through."
Male Voice: "I know, I wanted to be that person. I just couldn't do it any more."
MT: "Well, I'm out. You know, I'm free. We could get our old life back and then some. Sure you don't want to be a part of that?"
Male Voice: "I can't. I'm sorry."
MT: "Hey, Daisy. You know that I would never hurt you, you know that, right? But your man Paul, he better watch his back."

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Some of the lines from the first scene I think were used in an episode though I can't remember which and i can't recall if they mentioned him running Iron Heights.  

The scene with Daisy aka "D" made me wonder if at first the intention was for Diaz to be Vigilante and NOT redeemed. Maybe not, but an interesting thought

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Diaz will be in 701 (from KA panel at Super Heroes Con IV today) - I quoted the Google translation below each tweet...

"A fan asks if we can have information on season 7. Kirk says he has the script of the first episode on his phone. He looks to see if he can read us the first page and says no because otherwise he will end up in jail with Stephen :) # SHC4"

"Kirk has received by email the script of the first episode of Arrow's season, but he is not allowed to talk about it. # SHC4"

"Kirk already has the premiere script on his phone. He received it a few days ago. But again he says he can not say anything 'If not, I'd go to jail with Oliver' # shc4  # Arrow"

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I believe these are auditions for the role of "Jessie Bowden", the new young, anti-vigilante SCPD cop (like Buffy). Even though the first scene has the actress playing a criminal (fake sides?), the second scene has her playing a cop and appears to be a scene shared with Oliver/GA. It's a little confusing because the cocky attitude in these scenes is similar to that in the previously posted audition scenes for "Konomi Rhodes", so maybe they are casting both "Konomi" and "Jessie" as young women with a lot of attitude, as well as murdered parents?...

Posted: 3 days ago

Scene 1:
ME: "Oh, c'mon! I can't have lost you that easily."
Male Voice (off-screen): "Not a chance."
ME: "Oh, good. I was worried you'd had too much."
Male Voice: "You're mighty cocky for someone your age."
ME: "What are you talking about? This is fun! Most of those SCPD Blues would've run out of gas by now."
Male Voice: "I know your buyer. Just give me back what you stole for him and I'll be lenient. You don't have to resort to a life like this."
ME: "Listen. Are you going to lecture me, or are you going to arrest me? Because I've got other places to be."
Male Voice: "Fine. We'll do this the hard way."
ME: "Uh, uh, uh! You're gonna have to be quicker than that."
Male Voice: "You should take your own advice."
ME: "Fair enough."
Male Voice: "I've got one more of those for you right here. Or you can give me the device."
ME: "What's so special about this thing anyway? My buyer tells me it's expensive as hell, but nothing else. What's got you so gung ho about getting it back?"
Male Voice: "That device controls the temperature levels of the Star City nuclear plant's core reactor."
ME: "No kidding. So I guess it'd be kind of bad if I just broke it then."
Male Voice: "Don't! This is bigger than you and me both. Give me the device and I swear I'll help you from here."
ME: "I've got a better idea. I'm going to leave here scot free, while you, Fido, play catch!" (Throws device up in the air)

Scene 2: 
ME: "You know, people would stop thinking vigilantes are criminals if you stopped meeting in such shady places. This place practically screams mob hangout."
Male Voice: "Thanks for coming."
ME: "Your friend in black leather said you have an offer for me."
Male Voice: "I do."
ME: "Look. I don't have time for your stoic, monosyllabic hero speak. You've got five seconds to tell me what your offer is, or else I will gladly help the SCPD put you right back in the slab."
Male Voice: "I need your help. I need you to work with me."
ME: "That's hilarious! You're hilarious! No one ever talks about how funny you are. I've heard 'weird scary voice,' 'good archer,' but no, never 'sense of humor.'"
Male Voice: "Jessie. I know what happened to your parents."
ME: "What are you talking about?"
Male Voice: "I know they didn't die in an accident. I know they were murdered."
ME: "This is a joke." (Turns to leave)
Male Voice: "Wait! I want to help."
ME: "Well, you're a little late for that. As you so bluntly pointed out, my parents are pretty dead. So, unless you can make them undead, there's nothing you have to offer me."
Male Voice: "I lost my parents too."
ME: "So you think you can relate to me? I was only 5."
Male Voice: "That must have been awful."
ME: "It's why I became a cop. I swore I would never let another criminal get away with murder ever again."
Male Voice: "Bet you kept that promise."
ME: "I tried the best I could. (Catches something that's thrown to her) What's this?"
Male Voice: "The proof you need to convict your parents' murderer."
ME: "So. When do we start?"

Daya Czepanski, ARROW scene 1 proper
Posted: 3 days ago

Same audition scene as Scene 1 above, but with minor dialogue changes.

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Bad translation...

magictr | June 25, 2018 


The actors of the series in the Arrowverse were in Paris this weekend to meet their fans during the Super Heroes Con IV organized by the People’s Convention. The beginning of melty has had the chance to meet Kirk Acevedo, who plays the role of the new enemy of Oliver Queen, Ricardo Diaz. The actor revealed to us a wealth of spoilers for the return of his character in the future heroes of the series in season 7 , Arrow. Ricardo Diaz will be alive and well in the coming episodes and even as early as the Season Premiere. Kirk Acevedo is thrilled to return to the show. “I’ll be back, I love to play Diaz. As Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle have talked to me about what they wanted and they told me : ‘We want something discreet like Al Pacino in The Godfather, as a low rumbling sound.”, he said. “You start on the 6th of July, this is the first day of the shoot. I just have the script but it’s still early. I know what it’s going to happen but I can’t say any more.”, he continued. At the end of season 6 , Arrow, Ricardo Diaz conjured his new friends the Longbow Hunters, which had not been talking about them for over a decade, but who were so terrifying that the League of Assassins was fear. They will not be slow to disembark in the season 7 of the show. “It’s going to happen but I have not yet read it. It’s funny because Diaz appears just like a criminal way, he has no super powers. In the comics, Richard Dragon taught Batman martial arts. I think we’re going to delve into her backstory. I think that yes you will see the Longbow Hunters.”, a-t-he added.
*  *  *
If Diaz was betrayed in season 6 , Arrow for Laurel and Anatoly, the relationship between the enemy of Oliver and the Longbow Hunters should be stronger. “I don’t think it will be the same with the Longbow Hunters. I don’t know but I don’t think, they have already used this story, it would be to recycle the same storyline. Anatoly and Laurel have betrayed but I don’t think we will redo it. They will be loyal to him.”, he said. The series has unveiled a part of the tormented past of Diaz, which helped to humanize the character. Kirk Acevedo is hoping that the season 7 will present new flashbacks about the childhood of his character. “This will be the decision of the writers and I hope they will do. It was the first time that they did it, they were showing the past of the villain, the story of its origins. It has helped, I think they had to do it. When you have seen me in the first few episodes, I knew this was going to happen, I knew where it was going to begin and end, I knew that I was going to kill Cayden James before you turn anything. But I think that it was lost during the first few episodes, we said : ‘what is he doing here ?’ I don’t know if they will show more of his childhood but I hope so.”, he admitted to it.
*  *  *
Black Siren, has chosen the camp of his father and heroes in the Season Finale of season 6, Arrow but Kirk Acevedo doubt that Laurel of Earth 2 is really on the path of redemption. The character will keep a part of shadow, not to mention that his interpreter, Katie Cassidy, love to play nasty ! “To play the villain, the antagonist, as an actor you have a lot more things to do. If you are the hero, there is only an option. If you have a hero, the only way a series works is that there is a villain. If it was a show that has villains, this show can continue to operate, but that can’t work with just a hero without a villain. There are several sizes. So according to me, she prefers to play the evil, because it is more fun, there’s more things to do. The hero will always be good and if it is not, you have no more heroes. The bad guys are more fun, so it will remain an evil.”, has he revealed. Anatoly is also returned to Oliver but will need to be wary of Diaz after being stabbed in the back. “I think it is finished with Laurel but Anatoly should be afraid of Diaz. He has many lives, how many times will he survive ? If you like Game of Thrones, you know why this series is so good… Because they kill people you would never have thought that they would kill him, this is what they should do, they should start to kill people because it makes the show better. Everyone told me :”You’re gonna die in the last episode” because it is often too predictable and this is why Game of Thrones is awesome, and that is what they should do. I think more characters should die in the series ! This would be more fun, more exciting, because even if you’re angry, even if they kill someone you love, that causes an emotion. Even if it was a bad emotion, it works ! If you feel something, it works !”, a-t-he explained.

To try to stop Diaz, Oliver has teamed up with the FBI and, in particular, Samanda Watson. The mayor of Star City, has revealed that he was the Green Arrow before going to prison. According to Kirk Acevedo, Oliver will probably resume his costume, but may well stay longer than we imagine behind bars in season 7 , Arrow. “He is an avenger but now all the world knows his identity, he is in prison. I don’t know if it’s going to be something else.”, he admitted. “I don’t know if there is a legal way to get him out of prison, he killed people, he lied, he stole, he did something illegal. This is an avenger, it is against the law. I don’t know how they’re going to make it out of prison. It better be good ! I think it would be more fun if it escaped. It would be a vigilante criminal, it would be more fun, this storyline would be better !”, a-t-he concluded. It will have to wait until the 15 October next to find Oliver, Diaz, and others ! While waiting to learn more about what we can expect for season 7, Arrow, check out the new characters of DC Comics that may appear in future episodes.

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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

I believe these are auditions for the role of "Jessie Bowden", the new young, anti-vigilante SCPD cop (like Buffy).

I actually really like the dialogue in that second scene -- and I definitely get the Buffy vibes. If played right, the "weird scary voice" line could be really funny. I don't mind the idea of a new character with a chip on their shoulder who's also kind of quippy (as opposed to the sulkfest that was Rene's introduction). 

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Auditions for prison guard named "Yorke" - I think this scene could be shared with Oliver...

Arrow Audition [Jason Matthew Smith]
Posted: Jun. 25, 2018  Stefan

JMS: "On your feet, inmates! Time for a cell check. You all know the drill. Everyone against the wall. You're next, Harper. Hands on your head."
Male Voice (off-screen): "Yorke, I need you to listen to me very carefully. You're in danger."
JMS: "No chit-chat, inmate."
Male Voice: "There are people in here who want you dead. Warner Zytle and his guys, they have a plan, a weapon."
JMS: "If this is supposed to distract me, it won't work."
Male Voice: "I can prove it."
JMS: "What the hell is that?"
Male Voice: "Just listen to me!"
JMS: "You're in deep shit, Harper!"
Male Voice: "Yorke, I'm trying to help you. You know who I am. If I wanted to use that, I could've."
JMS: "Turn around."
Male Voice: "You need to protect yourself. Transfer, quit, whatever you have to do, but do it today."
JMS: "And Zytle told you his plan because you're friends now?"
Male Voice: "You don't believe me."
JMS: "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but if you don't knock it off, I promise, you will regret it."
Male Voice: "I'm just trying to do the right thing here."
JMS: "You don't get it. You think you're some kind of hero? There are no heroes in here."

Evan Parke - Arrow - YORKE - Tk1
Posted: Jun. 25, 2018  Evan Parke

Evan Parke - Arrow - YORKE Take2
Posted: Jun. 25, 2018  Evan Parke

Two takes of the same audition scene as transcribed above (but with minor changes to dialogue).

ETA: The vids for Evan Parke aren't embedding for some reason, so you'll have to go to the links to watch those vids.

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You just know based on Avacados interview about how the show "needs to keep killing unexpected people" that he's probably tried to endorse/push  killing Felicity in writers meetings. 


Im really hoping he has like a super lame death. I want BS to kill him by accident so he doesn't even get the honor of being killed by the actual hero. Or an Isobel or Slade situation where Felicity takes him out/is essential in taking him out. 

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Based on MG/WM/Someone’s post finale interview, it does seem that Diaz is going to be for BS. On one that annoys the hell out of me (cause Oliver should kill him) and on the other hand, they deserve each other and I can fast forward. 

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2 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

You just know based on Avacados interview about how the show "needs to keep killing unexpected people" that he's probably tried to endorse/push  killing Felicity in writers meetings. 

I don't like KA but I don't think he'd be stupid enough to push for the killing of the leading lady, LOL! 

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I wonder how much Beth likes Diaz. MG and WM apparently thought he was All That but Beth's in charge now and I'm really hoping she's going to get rid of him fast.

Is KA stupid enough to push for Diaz killing Felicity or even just wounding her badly to show how tough he is?  Based on his public persona, I'd say yeah.


"Hi, I'm Jason Mathew Smith, 6'3, located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have a valid US passport."

When did having a US passport get to be part of an audition tape? (fondly remembers when you could cross the US/Canadian border with a driver's license.)

He did a pretty good job with some boring dialogue.  I think he would have made a better Diaz than Avocado. I also think Mark Taylor (above) would have made a better Diaz too.

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57 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I don't like KA but I don't think he'd be stupid enough to push for the killing of the leading lady, LOL! 

Yeah, he can say that as much as he wants at cons and in interviews, but I think even he is smart enough to know that's a nonstarter with the writers.

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The prison guard might very well end up sharing scenes with Oliver but I have wondered if Roy might meet up with Oliver in jail.  Being in police custody could be used to explain Roy being separated from Thea.

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In additional to liking the tweets about murdering Felicity, I remember in some interview that KA said he wanted to kill one of the big three, which is really the big two since no way are they killing Oliver.

And now I'm wishing that they'd let him kill one of the newbies which would at least give him some menace while getting rid of an annoying character. I'm not picky about which one he takes out.

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32 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

The prison guard might very well end up sharing scenes with Oliver but I have wondered if Roy might meet up with Oliver in jail.  Being in police custody could be used to explain Roy being separated from Thea.

Yeah, I could kind of see that, especially since that would make using the large number of characters a bit easier for them since they could spread Roy to share and support Oliver's plot, although I would think they would want to keep Oliver alone for his prison stuff, but who knows?

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I wonder how much Beth likes Diaz. MG and WM apparently thought he was All That but Beth's in charge now and I'm really hoping she's going to get rid of him fast.

Whatever contract he has might mean Beth is stuck with him for the season. At the very least I hope she can minimise him or, as suggested above, stick him in scenes with BS for ease of fast forwarding.  

I still can’t quite believe that of all the villains they’ve had, they chose the underwhelming Diaz as the one that Oliver couldn’t defeat and to carry over for another season.  ?

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Shaky cam directing again? FFS. Ugh. 

I'm happy about Oscar though. He's one of the better writers. 

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