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Maybe he's announcing that CW is saving Lucifer LMAO.... let me dream.

Honestly, I think returning to their old time slot is a good contender & I'd be happy about it. But since he mentioned something about Oliver getting powers somehow (I am paraphrasing), I kinda feel like it may be something about the crossover.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

This is an announcement that TheCW worried that he would spoil ahead of time right? I dont think getting a title would be something to worry about spoiling

I'm pretty sure he said they were worried that he was going to spoil the finale. 

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23 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

It would only be a worthwhile announcement is if the series were ending or he was saying that they are doing some sort of movie. Maybe the crossover will aired in theaters or something.

If it's the crossover airing in theaters that is like the worst stupidest thing to announce to your advertisers who will miss out on the only episodes where it's worthwhile for them to pay for advertising spots. I don't think the CW would ever willingly opt for taking the show off air and in cinemas because then Warner Bros gets all the money instead of them.

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If it is not about the show ending, I would guess about the crossover.  The press usually asks about it anyway so perhaps they decided to make some sort of announcement.  Do we know if the other DC shows will have people at the upfronts?  

Or maybe something to do with the new streaming service? 

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1 minute ago, Mary0360 said:

If it's the crossover airing in theaters that is like the worst stupidest thing to announce to your advertisers who will miss out on the only episodes where it's worthwhile for them to pay for advertising spots. I don't think the CW would ever willingly opt for taking the show off air and in cinemas because then Warner Bros gets all the money instead of them.

Who said it wouldnt air on tv though? It would just be pulling an Inhumans. Announcing anything such as "Im now a producer!" "We're back on Wednesdays!" is a waste of an announcement from SA.

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Well, if it's not about him getting exec producer, and if it's the network specifically who are worried about Stephen spoiling it (rather than Beth and Greg), then it must be fairly specific. 

I don't think Stephen would be sounding excited over the series ending, so I don't think it's that. Heh, maybe they're planning two big crossovers. 

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For me the best case scenario is the crossover.  Given the success of the last one, I can see them announcing the story now, and then spend the next six months building anticipation.  Done right, it could work really well. 

So that probably isn't it.

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Maybe we're getting a multiverse animated series which sees a Doppelganger Oliver with powers.

Heh, today's Arrow panel was asked about their ideas for who their doppelgangers are.  For the record, Josh thinks doppel Adrian would be a good lawyer.

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A guy I was in line with for Amell's autograph really wants to see Crisis of Infinite Earths.  I know many of us expected that to be the crossover story after Supergirl was moved to CW, and I've seen it pop up from time to time as a suggested story.  If it is about the crossover, I bet it would be about a major storyline like this one.

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

A guy I was in line with for Amell's autograph really wants to see Crisis of Infinite Earths.  I know many of us expected that to be the crossover story after Supergirl was moved to CW, and I've seen it pop up from time to time as a suggested story.  If it is about the crossover, I bet it would be about a major storyline like this one.

The whole thing could kick off with Barry running in and saying, "Guys? I fucked up again."

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1 minute ago, jay741982 said:

Crisis of Infinite Earths COULD Merge Supergirl into Same World As Arrow Flash and Legends Right?

Yep, which is why so many want it and why a lot of us are surprised it hasn't happened yet.  If Black Lightning is on a different Earth, it would merge too.

For argument's sake, let's say it's this.  Announcing it now makes sense because this story would be a huge undertaking that would require all sorts of characters, including the ones we have now and a whole bunch of doppelgangers (since most die in the merge), along with sets, a massive crew, and significant fight choreography and CGI to demonstrate the event and fallout.  They would need every bit of the six months for prep, filming, and post since it would still need to be scheduled without sacrificing the other shows. 

So, again, it probably isn't this.  Maybe they'll just announce that the crossover will take place during a different time of the year?  Maybe when the shows all come back from their winter hiatus in January?

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"There was one scene that Oliver and Felicity have that - a lot of things are at stake," Bett Rickards says. "As sad as the scene is, it was one of my favorites with Stephen all season because it just felt really intimate... As much as it is a tortured scene, I think it was one of my favorites all year just because of the actors that we are and who Stephen is and where our characters have come and how much they love each other and how strong our friendship is. Just getting to work together for two hours on the final day of shooting the show was magical."



"I think it's going to expedite our storyline for next season," Rickards tells TV Guide. "I do think what it does is really puts a lot of stress on the identity of who Oliver Queen is and how the team is going to deal with it, and what is their new identity as a team going forward... How do you deal with a secret that's been going on for so long and still keep it as close to home as possible?"

From: http://www.tvguide.com/amp/news/arrow-finale-emily-bett-rickards-intimate-olicity-scene/

Edited by Soulfire
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I have to wonder if maybe David was lying about when we find out about this baby for the sake of surprise because I honestly can't think of what would be so intimate or heart-wrenching in a convo that's treading new territory. They already had a whole conversation about what was going to happen if Oliver went to jail a couple of episodes ago. The way it's set up it doesn't seem as if he's going to take the fall for her for anything, but maybe that has something to do with it? Or I'm overthinking it and it's nothing new under the sun because Arrow. LOL

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

I have to wonder if maybe David was lying about when we find out about this baby for the sake of surprise because I honestly can't think of what would be so intimate or heart-wrenching in a convo that's treading new territory. They already had a whole conversation about what was going to happen if Oliver went to jail a couple of episodes ago. The way it's set up it doesn't seem as if he's going to take the fall for her for anything, but maybe that has something to do with it? Or I'm overthinking it and it's nothing new under the sun because Arrow. LOL

I agree. There definitely feels like there's more to it than just a heart-wrenching goodbye scene.

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Maybe they talk about the possibility of children of their own not actually reveal that she is pregnant. Does intimate imply a post coital scene, which would make sense if she is pregnant in 7x01.

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18 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Maybe they talk about the possibility of children of their own not actually reveal that she is pregnant. Does intimate imply a post coital scene, which would make sense if she is pregnant in 7x01.

Maybe, but honestly I don't think so. I don't think they'd take time out in a finale for a sex scene, especially since they're married and most people probably assume they have sex pretty regularly - they don't need to establish that in order to reveal a pregnancy. But maybe they will?

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This Olicity scene better be good. That TV Guide interview makes me think it will be. 

Still, it better be really, really good, actually, since I know we'll have to sit through way too much Diaz (any Diaz is too much, really) in the finale. 

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The last time I remember EBR repeatedly praising a scene with SA, I think it was the "Trust" scene from S1. That's one of my favorite scene as was the Nanda Parbat goodbye scene. But these two could stand across a room and stare at each other and generate heat and pathos.

I've already written the fanfic in my head of Felicity tearfully telling Oliver goodbye as he goes undercover for the FBI. She returns home, slowly makes her way through her home, enters the bathroom, turns over a positive pregnancy test and silently sobs. 

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5 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Did DR specifically say the pregnancy isn’t going to be revealed in 6x23 or did he just say it’s a S7 storyline? 

Everything I saw mentioned about it indicated that he said we weren't going to find out about it next ep. 

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I really hope this isn’t Beth going back on her decision to not have Kevin Smith direct:

Because he did a podcast last week where he said he always wanted to direct arrow (and that SA wanted him to) but MG didn’t like him, so when Beth took over he emailed her and she said no. She told him they had already decided on next year’s directors but he felt like it was a brush off. He said he “didn’t want to go where I’m not wanted.” Stay strong and stick to your first instinct, Beth!

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Tbh, he's a fine director (his episodes of Flash and Supergirl are fine or are even actually pretty good), my hesitance is just the weird feeling of self-importance around it, but I wouldn't think he could get away with his jokes in an Arrow episode as much as Flash. Heck, for Supergirl his episodes were pretty serious and actually done fine.

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Maybe this intimate scene is their good-bye to Lance. They discuss Sarah and Laurel as his children and what a great father he was and as he dies, which I hope he doesn’t, he tells them what wonderful parents they are and will be and his hopes for them to have children together. 

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I think he'd do just fine, and I get that he has his hackles up over the whole situation with Tara Butters, but his whole "not wanting to go where I'm not wanted" when (to my understanding) he pitched an idea for a two-parter when they have to have the major arcs planned/approved at this point and like Beth told him they had their directors lined up already is just so whiny LOL. 

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3 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

Occam's razor: because he is an entitled man-baby.   

He acted like he invented Green Arrow. Plus he seems like he is someone who would be allergic to anything female. He'd probably ended up having all the female characters just there and look pretty contributing nothing. Keep him away Beth.


Youre best directors on the show are female anyway. 

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I’m sure that given his resume as a director and his longstanding ties with DC and GA in particular, part of KS felt like he was entitled to call up the EP, a woman who taking her first turn at being a show runner, to pitch his great amazing idea for a two parter and expected her to be ecstatic and grateful that he would offer his directing and writing services. 

Except she said no. Oh well.

Edited by lemotomato
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Kevin's a good director.  Arrow would run into issues if they let him write the episode as well as he wouldn't be able to take off his "stay true to the comics" blinders.  He's the first to admit it when comic movies and shows think outside the box and do a good to excellent job of re-imagining the source material but he wouldn't be able to do it himself.  Which is fine, he's aware of this limitation and has commented on it many time on his various shows/podcasts, but it would pose a problem if he were allowed to write an episode.  If they bring him in just to direct, I don't think Arrow would suffer at all.  We'd have a Jason Mewes cameo, and maybe Kevin would add a joke or two, but he'd have no control over the script so any story weaknesses wouldn't have anything to do with him.  I do think they'd only give him a directing job if they figure out a way to bring in Onomatopoeia and, even then, it would just be directing rather than directing+writing.

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I’d be cool with him just directing but since he wrote some Arrow comics and created a character I’m sure he wants to write, too. (I’m also side-eyeing hs assertation that his eps on other CW shows bring in higher ratings.)

I’m glad she originally said no, but I’m nervous that she wrote him back after that.

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1 minute ago, Trisha said:

I’d be cool with him just directing but since he wrote some Arrow comics and created a character I’m sure he wants to write, too. (I’m also side-eyeing hs assertation that his eps on other CW shows bring in higher ratings.)

I’m glad she originally said no, but I’m nervous that she wrote him back after that.

Is that even a proven fact? That his episode bring higher ratings? Because if it isnt that's an increadibly smug arrogant douche thing to say. 


I find him a little repugnant to be honest. He's like Reddit to me. I don't want him to have nice things. 

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His first episode of Flash did bring in slightly higher ratings (although they promoted that episode a lot online) and one of his Supergirl episodes did as well (although that one was the one right after the musical crossover and right before a hiatus). Although in thinking about it yeah directing sounds fine (tbh I really liked his first and third episodes of Supergirl, and the second and third episodes juggled 2-3 female-centric plots) as long as he doesn't touch the writing.

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