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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

It wouldn't surprise me if there's something we don't yet know and it might even be a good twist but I can't imagine anything short of killing Quentin would phase me.  I'm pretty zen about whatever drama that comes since I feel sure it won't be drama between O/F.  

They basically want to do a Civil War storyline between the noobs and OTA, who seem on the same page (spying wise) and not (yet) interpersonal drama between O/F or OTA. Maybe we're meant to side with Team B, in which case they vastly underestimate how much I care, even if Rene betrays them to get his daughter back and Felicity is wrongy wrong wrong in an argument with Curtis. He could always stop being a vigilante and make sure he has a safe home and go to court dates. Maybe the "twist" is that Arrow now has it's on LOD ala LOT. 

There might be an Olicity twist but I think they'll save any drama or "she might be dying!" for 6B proper. 

Quentin dying at the hands of BS I can see happening but again, not until later in the season. 

Then again maybe they are holding back something terrible but I think they mainly think Civil War was a really cool movie. 

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Since Oliver and Felicity got married outside Star City he violated the terms of his bail.



The real reason Oliver and Felicity are having this reception and maybe a fake wedding behind closed doors is so that Felicity won’t lose the bail money.



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10 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

Since Oliver and Felicity got married outside Star City he violated the terms of his bail.



The real reason Oliver and Felicity are having this reception and maybe a fake wedding behind closed doors is so that Felicity won’t lose the bail money.



We don’t know if the terms of his bail preclude him from attending an out of town wedding, and, if they do, he could have gotten special permission. I doubt he would have been a groomsman in an out of town wedding if it would get him in legal trouble. His picture would have ended up on at least a few people’s social media if the wedding hadn’t been interrupted by Nazis. 

I think the real reason they’re having this reception and possibly real ceremony is because they didn’t have a valid marriage license in Central City and they wanted a party with cake and fancy clothes. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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From Men of Arrow panel at HVFF-San Jose yesterday (video is posted on page 651 of Social Media thread)...

-- Male fan (sounded like kid or teen) asked Rick how he would describe Wild Dog's relationship with Felicity as of this moment in the show. RG: "I think, uh, his relationship with Felicity is, uh, not a great - it's gotten strained a little bit. I think that - (Manu jokingly interjected, "That's what she said.") - I left myself open for that one. Um, he doesn't exactly get along with, uh - he doesn't hate her, he doesn't dislike her. I mean, I think he just, uh, looks at her as someone who, you know, uh, who believes everything that Oliver feels is right in terms of how he handles the team and, um, she echoes those sentiments. And I think that frustrates Wild Dog in some ways because I think that Wild Dog has his own sensibility and idea of how things should be run for the team. And, uh, I mean that strictly in terms of when Wild Dog's the field and, um, some of the choices that he has to make in the field. And I think, when he gets back to the bunker and there's these conversations happening, there's a frustration that she echoes from Oliver that kinda rubs off - rubs, you know, Wild Dog the wrong way. And I think a little frustration is there. But, needless to say, he does respect her and what she brings to the table."

-- Panel then responded to fan question of who they would want to be if they could be any character on any show. MB joking said Wild Dog. RG said he wanted to be a character on M*A*S*H or The Love Boat. EK said Kramer on Seinfeld. RG then said: "Okay, I think I can say this... We shot an episode that's coming up soon, and I literally told Echo - I said, 'I feel like you're Kramer walking into my place.' It was an amazing moment. It felt like a sit-com."

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. And I think that frustrates Wild Dog in some ways because I think that Wild Dog has his own sensibility and idea of how things should be run for the team. 

Like selling out the founding member of the team, is that how it should be run? Not even giving him a heads-up? Felicity has disagreed with Oliver`s way of things many times so it`s not like he is "can never do wrong" for her. 

Edited by Aeryn13
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That was a surprisingly spoiler-free panel (where were the OTA and Olicity questions?) but one thing that stuck out was when DR was asked how long Diggle wanted to be the GA and he answered "That whole Dominators thing, we're going to play that out throughout the season. I don't know if he wants the mantle as much as feels as if he...the mission has now become just as much a part of him as it is Oliver. And I think that's where his trajectory is. I don't think he wants necessarily to wear the hood as much as it is he can lead the team. And he can help the city and I think he realizes that through the crusade that Oliver began. So I think that's more of the adjustment that I think we're going to make and you'll see that play out. "

I wonder if that means they're going to walk back this idea that the Dominators showed them all their "perfect life"? Fingers crossed!

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3 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Like selling out the founding member of the team, is that how it should be run? Not even giving him a heads-up? Felicity has disagreed with Oliver`s way of things many times so it`s not like he is "can never do wrong" for her. 

The thing is he's been with the team a year and pushed back against Oliver in a fairly obnoxious manner for most of that time, so this is nothing new and he's not a very good vigilante on his own. I know Digg and Felicity pushed back almost immediately after joining but the team was much smaller and Oliver was obsessively focused on the list to the exclusion of anything else. If he wants to leave he can, it doesn't mean he has to betray them, there were other ways to get his daughter back that he flaked on. So WD will bug in this ep I think. And to say Felicity never disagrees with Oliver is absolute bunk considering the moaning from the Comics! fans that she's always bitching and yelling at Oliver, including being very hesitant to marry him. 

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4 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Like selling out the founding member of the team, is that how it should be run? Not even giving him a heads-up? Felicity has disagreed with Oliver`s way of things many times so it`s not like he is "can never do wrong" for her. 

While I don’t blame Rene here, neither can I see how he can be accepted back into the fold. This isn’t the first time he’s sold out the team either, he did it last season when Church tortured him. Now, I actually thought that humanized him, but this is a pattern now. I’m not wishing him ill, but I do think he’s a liability to the team and should not be trusted.

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2 hours ago, bijoux said:

While I don’t blame Rene here, neither can I see how he can be accepted back into the fold. This isn’t the first time he’s sold out the team either, he did it last season when Church tortured him. Now, I actually thought that humanized him, but this is a pattern now. I’m not wishing him ill, but I do think he’s a liability to the team and should not be trusted.

Giving in under Church’s torture and selling out Oliver to keep his daughter are, by themselves, understandable if not commendable. Taken together and considering how he pretty immediately went crying to Oliver about Dig’s fitness to lead, couldn’t keep it together enough to keep his daughter after his wife died, very quickly gave up on getting his daughter back in favor of becoming a vigilante, gave up on getting his daughter back again when faced with obstacles, and had to basically have his hand held and be pushed by both Quentin and Oliver in order to finally get his daughter back? That all shows a certain weakness of character. I’ve warmed to Rene as comic relief, but I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him (approximately no distance at all).  

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When does Richard and Oliver share a scene? The first half of the season is over after Thursday's mid season finale. So far CJ has been the big bad and doubt those two men are connected to each other. Or did I miss something? That's a fight I want to see if done right. Between Oliver and Richard. 

Edited by Simba122504
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50 minutes ago, Simba122504 said:

When does Richard and Oliver share a scene? The first half of the season is over after Thursday's mid season finale. So far CJ has been the big bad and doubt those two men are connected to each other. Or did I miss something? That's a fight I want to see if don't right. Between Oliver and Richard. 

Well so far Dragon has been a two bit drug dealing bad guy for Diggle and Oliver's been focused on other members of Team Baddies (CJ and Anatoly, "grey" guy Slade). They might have a fight in the future but I hope he's *not* a big bad for Oliver given KA antics on twitter.

7 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

Giving in under Church’s torture and selling out Oliver to keep his daughter are, by themselves, understandable if not commendable. Taken together and considering how he pretty immediately went crying to Oliver about Dig’s fitness to lead, couldn’t keep it together enough to keep his daughter after his wife died, very quickly gave up on getting his daughter back in favor of becoming a vigilante, gave up on getting his daughter back again when faced with obstacles, and had to basically have his hand held and be pushed by both Quentin and Oliver in order to finally get his daughter back? That all shows a certain weakness of character. I’ve warmed to Rene as comic relief, but I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him (approximately no distance at all).  

Yeah that's why I'm side eying this right now. He's had plenty of opportunities to get his daughter back which don't involve selling out the team (I'd forgotten about the whining about Diggle as well) and he hasn't taken them. I guess like with the BMD the writers will go with "but he had no choice, he had to get his daughter back, poor, poor Rene!"

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From "Women of Arrow" panel at HVFF-San Jose on Sunday (video posted on page 652 of Social Media thread)...

-- JH: "Vigilante coming back threw a big wrench into Dinah's life. And, um, she needs to figure out to deal with it and, um, how she's going to tell the team and, um, it's going to grow into something that, um - that's going to be difficult for her to deal with... It's going to be a big deal for Dinah that he's back." 

-- JH: "But I also just shot a fight scene that I think is going to become one of my favorites. It was one of my favorites to shoot at least. And that's coming up in 512. You guys can look forward to. Pretty, pretty dope... I'm sorry, sorry. 612. Thank you."

-- On 2 truths and 1 lie about an upcoming episode, WH: "I'm awake. I'm out of the hospital gown. But I'm still inside the hospital." 

-- When a fan asked how their characters are going to feel about missing the double wedding of Olicity and WestAllen, another fan in the audience made a vomiting sound. WH noticed, laughed, and said, "Did someone make a throw-up sound? For real? That was awesome. I'm sorry. I think it was on both. I think it was after both. Who was it? Raise your hand, cause that was awesome. You're dope." Then the mod repeated the question of how the characters will feel in the next episode about the wedding taking place without them. WH snarked: "Like really? Seriously? It's been this many years, guys. Wow. Wow. I see how it is. Shade. Shade." KL joked: "I think Nyssa might have something to say to her husband about it." WH added; "I get I was asleep, guys. I get I was asleep. But still, you could've wheeled me there. Shade... (Someone said, "You were technically awake when they got married.") ... I know. Shade."

Edited by tv echo
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43 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Was William wearing this in one of Slade's episodes? He really didn't bring much in those two episodes, so I hope it's not him coming back. I can't see what it would be for.

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

WH noticed, laughed, and said, "Did someone make a throw-up sound? For real? That was awesome. I'm sorry. I think it was on both. I think it was after both. Who was it? Raise your hand, cause that was awesome. You're dope." Then the mod repeated the question of how the characters will feel in the next episode about the wedding taking place without them. WH snarked: "Like really? Seriously? It's been this many years, guys. Wow. Wow. I see how it is. Shade. Shade."

Wow, Willa... Try not to sound so bitter *rolls eyes*

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Since when is making a vomit sound in the audience "dope" though? Just seems really childish and kinda rude to me. ?

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47 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

Wow, Willa... Try not to sound so bitter *rolls eyes*

Well, I do think her annoyance has to do with how the show's treated her, rather than the couples themselves. Thea hasn't really had anything to do for a couple of seasons now, even with the episodes she's missed. Or she doesn't like Olicity and/or WestAllen, which is fine. I side eye the person in the audience who is immature enough to make the sound. Willa's annoyance is something I could totally see. And honestly, Joe, Wally, and Thea should have been there. 

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Well that might answer the question of whether she wanted more time off or something happened BTS or they put her on a reduced contract to cut costs etc. Thea has barely had anything to do even when the storylines have been about her, it's always been Malcolm and Oliver with her often a pawn or in a coma. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, I do think her annoyance has to do with how the show's treated her, rather than the couples themselves. Thea hasn't really had anything to do for a couple of seasons now, even with the episodes she's missed. Or she doesn't like Olicity and/or WestAllen, which is fine. I side eye the person in the audience who is immature enough to make the sound. Willa's annoyance is something I could totally see. And honestly, Joe, Wally, and Thea should have been there. 

To me she just validated that kind of behavior which is kinda crappy in the first place because regardless of how the show treats her, she's endorsing that kind of hatred to the characters her friends/peers play. I think we all would've given KC shit for behaving the same way so I'm gonna give WH the same treatment. Regardless of how the show has treated her, she shouldn't act unprofessionally especially she drags in Stephen/Emily and the characters they play.

Edited by WindofChange
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6 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

To me she just validated that kind of behavior which is kinda crappy in the first place because regardless of how the show treats her, she's endorsing that kind of hatred to the characters her friends/peers play. I think we all would've given KC shit for behaving the same way so I'm gonna give WH the same treatment. Regardless of how the show has treated her, she shouldn't act unprofessionally.

It sounds like Willa has had some conflict behind the scenes and sure, her reaction wasn't necessarily right. But it doesn't mean she's shitting on Emily or Stephen as people. I can agree it wasn't right and unprofessional; I didn't make that clear in my original post. I'm just not necessarily as annoyed as I could be because I can guess where her anger is really directed, and it's not Stephen or Emily. I mean, I've laughed at David shitting on KC, and Stephen's inability to lie about how much he hates Laurel/Oliver as a couple, and I can't recall many other times Willa has expressed negativity toward Olicity as a couple. I also just watched the individual clip, and she sounded annoyed, but more at the writers and the showrunners. She also seemed to be half joking with the Shade comment. 

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12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

But it doesn't mean she's shitting on Emily or Stephen as people.

I never said that she was. Just that she was endorsing the kind of behavior from 'fans' towards Stephen/Emily which I still think is kinda shitty regardless of how she feels about the show.

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8 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

I never said that she was. Just that she was endorsing the kind of behavior from 'fans' towards Stephen/Emily which I still think is kinda shitty regardless of how she feels about the show.

Sure, it's shitty. I'm really not disagreeing on you, there. I think the commenting on the fan's reaction was something she should have refrained from doing. The rest of her answer was perfectly fine. 

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I sometimes think that it's hard on the actors as people what happens on the show. KC came on as the female lead and the only real star of the younger generation going into the show and WH was a junior star with far greater Q than EBR.  Now they're both barely on and newer actors are taking the spotlight.

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14 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Well so far Dragon has been a two bit drug dealing bad guy for Diggle and Oliver's been focused on other members of Team Baddies (CJ and Anatoly, "grey" guy Slade). They might have a fight in the future but I hope he's *not* a big bad for Oliver given KA antics on twitter.

Yeah that's why I'm side eying this right now. He's had plenty of opportunities to get his daughter back which don't involve selling out the team (I'd forgotten about the whining about Diggle as well) and he hasn't taken them. I guess like with the BMD the writers will go with "but he had no choice, he had to get his daughter back, poor, poor Rene!"

He's supposed to be the big bad of the season, though. At least the main one. TPTB said Dragon is the big bad. That's why he was cast. 

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21 minutes ago, Simba122504 said:

He's supposed to be the big bad of the season, though. At least the main one. TPTB said Dragon is the big bad. That's why he was cast. 

Have any of the EPs actually ever said Richard Dragon is the big bad though? I think certain segments of the fandom have decided he needs to be the big bad bad out of an affiliation to the actor who they see as their poster child for attacking other fans but that doesn't necessarily mean he is. Michael Emerson was who they were promoting at SDCC and has so far been shown as the big threat to the city and to the Green Arrow. At SDCC a reporter asked SA about Richard Dragon and SA didn't know who he was. Dragon is probably the B-villian who works with or under Cayden,  much like Black Siren does. 

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1 hour ago, Mary0360 said:

Have any of the EPs actually ever said Richard Dragon is the big bad though? I think certain segments of the fandom have decided he needs to be the big bad bad out of an affiliation to the actor who they see as their poster child for attacking other fans but that doesn't necessarily mean he is. Michael Emerson was who they were promoting at SDCC and has so far been shown as the big threat to the city and to the Green Arrow. At SDCC a reporter asked SA about Richard Dragon and SA didn't know who he was. Dragon is probably the B-villian who works with or under Cayden,  much like Black Siren does. 

Michael is a bigger name. But many articles did say he was the big bad. Maybe they got that wrong but many articles said Richard Dragon was the S6 big bad. Maybe something changed in the WR? 

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9 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

Michael is a bigger name. But many articles did say he was the big bad. Maybe they got that wrong but many articles said Richard Dragon was the S6 big bad. Maybe something changed in the WR? 

I know many articles assumed he was the Big Bad (stated without quotes). I think there was only 1 quote, from WM that actually referred to Dragon as the Big Bad but, I could be wrong.

Most other quotes from EPs talked about a Team Baddie, not a Big Bad. Although, going but what we've seen and what 609 spoilers indicate, it seems like Cayden James is the leader of Team Baddie and will end up being the Big(ish) Bad.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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9 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I sometimes think that it's hard on the actors as people what happens on the show. KC came on as the female lead and the only real star of the younger generation going into the show and WH was a junior star with far greater Q than EBR.  Now they're both barely on and newer actors are taking the spotlight.

Maybe people just gravitate to those that seem more into the show. That they don't bash other people, they don't bash other characters and actually understand their character. I don't know just my view point. There's gotta be a reason Emily is so popular and became the female lead.

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is anyone still hoping for a snuggly dessert scene tomorrow?

Unless the show opens with Oliver & Felicity enjoying a very early morning "dessert" just before the reception I'm not sure when they're gonna have time since they find out about the witness during the ceremony and things will probably get very hectic. I'm pretty sure the show won't end with dessert. 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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3 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

...maybe because by the time Diggle gets a new suit, Curtis isn't on the team anymore?

Interesting, you think one of the B-team isn't coming back? (please oh please)

I think a couple episode very mini background arc of Curtis making gadgets and suit improvements could be interesting sort of like a Q or a Walter from Nikita. 

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oh, I think B-team will eventually come back - I think it's inevitable, sadly.  anymore was the wrong choice of words (I think my wishful thinking coming through). I don't know about the timing of when Diggle gets a new suit.  If Diggle wants an upgrade when Curtis isn't on the team at the time, then I think it would make sense that Cisco would make it. 

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