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1 minute ago, LeighAn said:

I love that he thinks after making a living ruining Marc's show plots that Marc is going to be all "you're so right! I'll get right on making the show something YOU will enjoy"

Didn't he tweet about a convo he had with Marc last year and made it seem like Marc had given him some assurances that he'd been heard and then he had a fit when he found out about Olicity getting back together again?

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Yeah Donna catching a plane for (apparently) her daughter's reception after a surprise wedding and being in the one episode (that we know of), that's the soapiest soap opera of all time right there. However Lance's ongoing storyline with his many times dead daughters and one of their doppelgangers and his secrets with his dead daughter's replacement in all names is just good action adventure comic book storytelling right? Not to mention wanting BS to reform, join the team/getting together with Oliver as the do over for their dead friend/daughter/ex isn't melodramatic and silly at all. 

It really just goes to show that so many comic book storylines have a lot in common with soap operas. 

Edited by Featherhat
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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Didn't he tweet about a convo he had with Marc last year and made it seem like Marc had given him some assurances that he'd been heard and then he had a fit when he found out about Olicity getting back together again?

Lol I don't know but if that did happen that's hilarious and something I feel Marc would totally  do. 

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On 10/22/2017 at 4:57 PM, Primal Slayer said:

I feel like I am one of the few that enjoyed Donna and Donna/Quentin. Those two I would've liked to see get married.

I liked them too, most of the time.  I just got frustrated with her when she got on Quentin's case about telling the truth about Laurel, and then turned around and sent Noah away (again) and lied to Felicity about it.   So I was ready for a break from her. But I didn't want the show to cut her off completely, or to break her and Quentin up.  So I'm glad they're bringing her back, at least for one episode.  I've always been here for the Felicity & Friends show - lol.

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I don't mind Donna but I really don't get how the season's theme is family and yet none of Olicity's family is present at their wedding. I suppose I should just be glad Diggle will be there. Barry could have at least snagged Myson real quick. Stop making me feel bad for Myson, show! 

I wonder if the rift between Oliver and Diggle is happening in 609 or if they will fall out and reconcile before the crossover. 

Edited by leopardprint
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11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

There's a theory floating around that Felicity gets arrested in the MSF. I think it's possible. That Iron Heights line she had could be foreshadowing.

There were a couple mentions about prison last season as well. Helix must have a lot on her. 

Bad things have happened to Felicity in the last two MSFs. 

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6 minutes ago, Chaser said:

There's a theory floating around that Felicity gets arrested in the MSF. I think it's possible. That Iron Heights line she had could be foreshadowing.

Maybe, but with the Civil War teases out there, I think the mid-season cliffhanger might just be as simple as the team splitting (Irreconcilable Differences).

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Could be both, like to get Felicity out of the narrative of having to pick a side, even though I'm going with more of the team splits and the cliffhanger is just that mixed with the villains coming together or having the villains having been partially connected for a while from someone (Anatoly, Dragon, James, whoever).

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12 minutes ago, Chaser said:

There's a theory floating around that Felicity gets arrested in the MSF. I think it's possible. That Iron Heights line she had could be foreshadowing.

Yeah I heard that and, I don't buy it. I think that whole sequence in 602 was simply setting up Felicity's company storyline.

I also don't see how it fits with Oliver's GA /FBI story. I don't know, right now there doesn't seem much to support it.

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19 minutes ago, Chaser said:

There's a theory floating around that Felicity gets arrested in the MSF. I think it's possible. That Iron Heights line she had could be foreshadowing.

I keep seeing this on Tumblr and as much as I would actually love a Felicity-centered twist in the mid-season finale, I just don't think they are going to risk focusing on her that much (especially since the fanboys are already going to be pissy about the wedding and reception). Though if it does happen, I want multiple scenes of Oliver visiting her in prison to make up for that post-MSF ep when he bailed on her in the hospital. (I'm still bitter about that.) 

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I could see Team Villian striking each of their counterparts in the MSF. I think there may be multiple cliffhangers.

7 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Yeah I heard that and, I don't buy it. I think that whole sequence in 602 was simply setting up Felicity's company storyline.

I also don't see how it fits with Oliver's GA /FBI story. I don't know, right now there doesn't seem much to support it.

There isn't a concrete spoiler or anything that's true. 

Oliver is out of prison after ep7. FBI could decide to go after Felicity, possibly with info from James. 

Edited by Chaser
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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I could see Team Villian striking each of their counterparts in the MSF. I think there may be multiple cliffhangers.

There isn't a concrete spoiler or anything that's true. 

Oliver is out of prison after ep7. FBI could decide to go after Felicity, possibly with info from James. 

My problem with that is the FBI is clearly Oliver's story and, I don't see them shifting it away from Oliver. Mostly, since they still seem to go into the Writer's Room focusing on "the Oliver of it all".

Is there anything that supports an FBI story going on post 607? Anything is possible I just don't buy a Felicity in jail in 609 story at this time. 

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7 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I'm going to assume that ME's character will have been revealed by then. If he's not (or if he goes by a different name at first?), maybe we'll find out who he is in the MSF? If he's in it? 

x09 we usually find out something about the big bad, so that could be it (or would at least explain why they still haven't revealed ME's character yet).

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6 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

Didn't he tweet about a convo he had with Marc last year and made it seem like Marc had given him some assurances that he'd been heard and then he had a fit when he found out about Olicity getting back together again?

MG could totally have heard his opinions and then carried on doing what they planned, it's not a lie. Neither would be saying "there's plenty of action/comics stuff planned and Laurel has a big role in upcoming episodes" for example. It's true, it's just not the story the guy was hoping for. Besides at this point whatever story they do they're going to be inundated from at least one part of the fanbase unhappy with what's going on. 

Donna can be OTT and wasn't used particularly well sometimes but MM showed up so often and so drama- kingly it's a wonder they had any scenery left.

I've been expecting some sort of cliffhanger which is bad for Olicity since the wedding spoilers, and because it's been so common in recent seasons, but I think shipping Felicity off to prison is unlikely at this point with the FBI storyline having just wrapped up, but you never know. I suppose having them end up on different sides of the team is possible, in a "Civil War" storyline but that's something I'd have to see more episodes for to buy at this point. Most likely the title has nothing to do with them and it's some minor trolling on the writers' part. 

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4 hours ago, way2interested said:

x09 we usually find out something about the big bad, so that could be it (or would at least explain why they still haven't revealed ME's character yet).

I'm trying to remember, didn't MG mention something about not doing the standard x09 Big Bad reveal?

I wonder if they mean this year, they'll introduce most/all of Team Baddie throughout 6A and, maybe the 609 reveal will be them teaming up? Or reveal that they were working together all along?

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54 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm trying to remember, didn't MG mention something about not doing the standard x09 Big Bad reveal?

I know AK said that about Reign, the Supergirl villain this year.  I don't know about MG though.

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3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm trying to remember, didn't MG mention something about not doing the standard x09 Big Bad reveal?

I wonder if they mean this year, they'll introduce most/all of Team Baddie throughout 6A and, maybe the 609 reveal will be them teaming up? Or reveal that they were working together all along?

I think I vaguely remember him saying something like that too, but I'm not sure.

I'm actually thinking something like that is what's going to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if they threw some little twist in it, like reveal that they were working together all along behind one of them or have them coming together (and maybe then reveal who ME is, although with Alena coming back some time between 603 and 607, I guess we'll find out sooner).

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I hate the thought of Felicity going to prison but part of me thinks it will be something they do at some point. IDK if it'll be this season though.

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I don't think this is a spoiler - probably just the daughter of Mark Bunting{*) or a crew member on set that day, but just in case, I'm posting it here...

(* Mark Bunting is Arrow's 1st AD and sometime director. He directed 511 last season. He is not the director of 609.)

Edited by tv echo
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18 hours ago, WindofChange said:

Apparently this is the location... It's beyond gorgeous



That's the same location they use for Veronica's apartment building on Riverdale.  I also spotted the Arrow loft on the Flash in the second episode.  And they alllll use that hospital room.  LOL

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^^^Pics match Arrow filming notice for Oct. 24: "Filming of 3 actors having a conversation at a food truck in Victory Square." 

I wonder if anyone will get pics of the interior scenes described in that same filming notice: (Oct. 24) "Filming a large party sequence inside 330 West Pender Street. Some special effects atmospheric smoke will be used, there are no loud noises or gunfire associated with our scenes." and (Oct. 25) "Continuing to film a large party sequence inside 330 West Pender Street. Some special effects atmospheric smoke will be used, there are no loud noises or gunfire associated with our scenes." 

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They're going to black out the windows and door, so probably not, but they might see the actors coming to set, I guess? The descriptions from people on Twitter of the inside as they sneak glances are entertaining though, and maybe the ban on bts photos might be lifted just a bit?

Also, wondering what the B team could be meeting about.

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2 hours ago, LeighAn said:


I'm banking on them wearing the same outfits in the pics with EBR and Arrow cupcakes, so Felicit has a scene with (some of) them as well.

1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Also, SA apparently came out in a dress shirt and suspenders. 

Dreams DO come true.

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I saw a screenshot of CG’s tweet and he said wedding reception.  My guess is it’s a big deal if the mayor gets married.  I had wondered about a holiday party too.

Edited by Sunshine
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CR was also liking comments about a wedding reception and BamBam made an IG comment about being in the middle of a wedding story.

15 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Awww I'm happy for that fan.

Felicity's husband looks good.

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Has he done the waistcoat before? I feel like I've only seen him in tux/suspenders. I think it's the reception. Was speculating with friends that it could be a holiday party/reception but now it's really feeling more like a reception with Stephen in a tux. I think it's the same girl, she posted about seeing somebody really quickly she thinks might be Emily. 

I'm with you @Cleanqueen, I'm curious what Emily looks like but I also don't want to be spoiled, LOL!

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1 hour ago, Cleanqueen said:


I want to see how Emily looks and then I don't want to. I want one thing like the bride's look to remain somewhat of a mystery but then I can't wait another month also.

Stephen looks happy that Oliver is marrying Felicity. Like he's GLOWING LOL

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