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17 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I remember Acevedo the most from Band of Brothers and Fringe. Kind of surprised he's only had mostly guest roles since then because he was really good in those roles.

I knew the name and, face but couldn't place him. I had to go through IMDb to find where I knew him from and, it was Fringe.

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Oh this is exciting. I like Acevedo! He's been good in everything I've seen him in.

If they are getting some of the JJ Abrams/Roberto Orci stable of actors, I will pay money for them to bring in Tom Mison somehow as a new villain. That would be fun.

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56 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I've loved Kirk Acevedo since Oz, and this makes me happy. Please don't waste his talent like you did Chad Coleman, Show!

I think Richard Dragon is who they wanted Church to be like, so I am hopeful in that they've realized they need to make his character bigger.

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Arrow casting is amazing this year!!!! Please love up to your potential and if EBR has scenes with Michael Emerson I...... I'm not sure what I'll do! Have some sort of a meltdown I suspect!

I loved ME so much in Person of Interest and this was after he scared the crap out of me in The Practice. Man made me side eye a lot of people after his episodes on The Practice. 

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2 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Interesting. I've enjoyed KA since Fringe. Is Dragon supposed to be the main bad guy? Because between Emerson and Acevedo, I'd go for ME as the more impressive evil guy. 

I think he's the main baddie. The show has indicated a team of baddies but, I think Richard Dragon will be the leader/head of Team Baddie.

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Maybe they'll do a (poor mans) game of thrones type thing where Richard Dragon and Cayden James and even Anatoly compete for who is going to be in charge of Arrows criminal element. It would be a way to show their conflict with Team Arrow but also their conflict with each other.

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16 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I wonder why they've not told us who Michael Emerson will be playing?

They spoke about how they were working with Emerson on hashing out just what made his character tick.  Maybe it's not WHO he is that is the hold up but the description that would go with the release of the character's name?

Maybe to up the interest and suspense?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Found it in Echo's archive!!  


 On what he can tease about Michael Emerson's character, MG: "We're just lucky to have him on the show, quite frankly, because we've been huge fans of his... We are talking about him playing a character who's got a lot more nuance than the typical creepy guy role that he is often cast in. Um, and we've had a lot of creative discussions with him. And I think that's one of the things that has excited us and has excited Michael is that we really want to create a character in consultation and in conjunction with him. Uh, it's not just, 'hey, here's the script, go.' Uh, it's a real interesting, two-way back and forth."  (SDCC, Jul. 22, 2017: Video of MG interview in Jul. 25, 2017 ComicBook article, page 4 of New Spoilers thread)

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Just now, leopardprint said:

Maybe he's going to be Dinah's love interest! 


He has to have scenes with Felicity!!!!!!!!

Actually I don't object to it other than I want ME onscreen with EBR so I object to anyone taking up screen time with him on principle! 

I have this fear of EBR sharing most of her scenes with Curtis. Please console me someone! He is the new Pantry Moth for this season! I am not zen about this!!!!!!!

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It will probably be Oliver, team and then Curtis UNTIL the Helix and Cayden James story heats up.  So yeah, I don't think you are getting totally away from Curtis, but only as like an occasional C story to be bumped when the bad guy shows.  

19 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Maybe he's going to be Dinah's love interest! 

The age difference seems worse than Dinah and Lance.  (Yes, I kind of want this for petty reasons, lol)

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You mean to tell me they're not even gonna give us a frantic, emotional "Thank god you're still alive" kiss when they reunite in flashbacks? Well, that's just RUDE. 


Seriously though, I expected them to drag out Felicity's fate until the last ten or so minutes of the episode.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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You know, I'm starting to think that we won't even get a real reunion in the FBs. I'm expecting Oliver to see Felicity's okay, then get distracted by someone else who's injured/unconscious/etc. before he can even touch her shoulder. 

I don't know if they'll drag out Felicity's fate, but I do expect the focus of the premiere to be Oliver and William, Slade's send-off until his two-part return, whatever happened to Thea and Samantha, and the BS vs. BC fight. We might just get Felicity on comms and a comment or two that lets us know the status of Olicity in the present. Maybe the end of the premiere will give us a tease about what's going to be going on with Diggle? 

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lol way to hype olicity with the one tease being they won't kiss in the.premiere.I mean there's 22 other eps so fine but I hope they don't make their reunion after he thought she was dead underwhelming like I'm kinda worried they will.

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Have we heard much about the episode they're currently filming? Because SA seems to be in Chicago at the moment so he's obviously not filming much this week.

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I can always count on Marc or Wendy to kill whatever excitement I manage to muster. I thought for sure there would be some kind of sweeping moment when Oliver realized she wasn't dead, but Marc pretty much killed any excitement I had over it (when I could've just liked it on its own had he not provided commentary). 

3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Have we heard much about the episode they're currently filming? Because SA seems to be in Chicago at the moment so he's obviously not filming much this week.

KP tweeted that it's a big episode for Katie - she's shot 4 days so far. So looks like Oliver's out of the picture for a chunk of it. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Have we heard much about the episode they're currently filming? Because SA seems to be in Chicago at the moment so he's obviously not filming much this week.

Perhaps, this is the ep where Digg is GA and Oliver has to be away. Maybe to rehome Myson with his recovered mother, never to be seen again. 

Let me live with my delusions, people!

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I had hoped we'd get an emotional reunion for them but hopes dashed. Oh well. Nothing I didn't expect really. Can't have too much romance in case the stans get angry!

17 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

KP tweeted that it's a big episode for Katie - she's shot 4 days so far. So looks like Oliver's out of the picture for a chunk of it.

Cool! I can skip 604 then. :D

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I'm somewhat intrigued to know the reason why we won't be seeing an Olicity kiss in 601 though. What excuse will they use? Haha. Are we gonna get a "You/I need to focus on William" talk or some nonsense like that because I don't think using the plot-point kid as an obstacle is a good idea. 

14 minutes ago, bethy said:

I was thinking I'll be able to get through that episode pretty quickly with my fast forward button.

You'll need to FF through the whole episode. ? ? ?

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I'm somewhat intrigued to know the reason why we won't be seeing an Olicity kiss in 601 though. What excuse will they use? Haha. Are we gonna get a "You/I need to focus on William" talk or some nonsense like that because I don't think using the plot-point kid as an obstacle is a good idea. 

Because there are multiple kisses in the premiere and Marc is just trying to trick people, duh!

I'm just getting the feeling that it's just mostly going to be circumstances. Like, they'll hold off on Felicity being alive for a bit, so that's no present day or flashback interactions with each other for a little bit and then whatever obligatory Olicity scene/moment they put in 601 might just not be tonally right to have a kiss (like not every episode of s4 pre-break-up had them kissing) or something like that rather than an in-show reason/obstacle.

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18 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Are we gonna get a "You/I need to focus on William" talk or some nonsense like that because I don't think using the plot-point kid as an obstacle is a good idea. 

I think that's exactly what's going to happen, it's kind of on track with what SA was saying about the kid being a thing, when he talked about Olicity. *There was also that thing SA said about Olicity, "not tonight, but soon"*

They've already used Myson as an obstacle once and they love relating plot points. Although, in this case I think it'll just slow Olicity down, not break them up. 

Unfortunately, I think a lot of Oliver's emotional scenes are going to be about/with Myson, at least in the first half of the season. I just hope Myson isn't referenced in most of Oliver/Felicity's scenes, which is what started to happen at the end of last season. 

Edited by DrSpaceman10
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I'm guessing they are revealing Felicity is alive towards the end of the episode so no present day kisses..but they owe the fans at least a desperate "I'm glad you are alive" hug in the flashbacks..I can imagine the (deserved) response they'll get on twitter if they skip the moment Oliver finds out Felicity is alive, LOL.

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I already expected very little Olicity tbh. I've long had a feeling that they'll keep them as low key as possible for fear of upsetting the haters. 

But I'm just so over Felicity being seen as the one in the wrong and now I'm concerned that using William as an obstacle will dredge that up again. Fingers crossed they handle it better this time around. It absolutely depends on how they play it. I guess we'll see! 

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Kiss or no Kiss, I am sure they'll have an emotional reunion.  Hopefully this means 6x02 opens with a good sex scene.

Also, I don't think William is an obstacle to their relationship. Like Stephen said, William thing is a thing between them but it isn't there to interfere with their relationship. I don't think them deciding to go slow means he is an obstacle for them.

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1 minute ago, Cleanqueen said:

Kiss or no Kiss, I am sure they'll have an emotional reunion.  Hopefully this means 6x02 opens with a good sex scene.

I like the way your mind works. :)

Does desperate, hungry kissing count as romantic in MG's book? Frankly, I'd be able to live with some desperate hughing and clutching to each other, Oliver kissing Felicity's hair/neck while she tries to climb atop/inside of him. They just need to set it up right, and the reunion can still be excellent sans kissing. 

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39 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

I think that's exactly what's going to happen, it's kind of on track with what SA was saying about the kid being a thing, when he talked about Olicity. *There was also that thing SA said about Olicity, "not tonight, but soon"*

They've already used Myson as an obstacle once and they love relating plot points. Although, in this case I think it'll just slow Olicity down, not break them up. 

Unfortunately, I think a lot of Oliver's emotional scenes are going to be about/with Myson, at least in the first half of the season. I just hope Myson isn't referenced in most of Oliver/Felicity's scenes, which is what started to happen at the end of last season. 

Yeah, I think the only relationship they are going to devote time to is Oliver and Myson's for at least the first half of 6A and punt Olicity down the road. I'm also going to guess that like Slade or Diggle is going to tell Oliver and deprive us of a dramatic reunion, idk why but they don't like big dramatic moments like that with them like when he returned in S3. Dramatic goodbyes, yes, dramatic reunions, no.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't think Myson is an obstacle to Olicity but he is their shiny new toy and will draw focus until he hopefully goes away. 

Edited by leopardprint
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6 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Yeah, I think the only relationship they are going to devote time to is Oliver and Myson's for at least the first half of 6A and punt Olicity down the road. I'm also going to guess that like Slade or Diggle is going to tell Oliver and deprive us of a dramatic reunion, idk why but they don't like big dramatic moments like that with them like when he returned in S3. Dramatic goodbyes, yes, dramatic reunions, no.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't think Myson is an obstacle to Olicity but he is their shiny new toy and will draw focus until he hopefully goes away. 

Have there been reports of the actor filming past the premiere? I assume he will show up afterwards, but I still don't see him being that central.

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Since it's a direct quote tease, just for fun I'm going with multiple kisses for multiple characters.

Oliver & Felicity

Diggle & Lyla

Dinah & Quentin or Rene (present day)

IIRC, SA said something like "Not tonight, but soon..."

Reminder: I'm wrong 99% of the time.

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Remember when we thought "Cry for Justice" was the working title for 604? And now KC has apparently been filming a lot for 604 (now titled
"Reversal"). It sounds like this might be Black Siren's big back story episode.

But Michael Emerson is apparently in town for 604 as well. So, assuming he's Cayden James, is Helix the B plot? Or is Black Siren somehow connected to his character?

And then 605 and 606 are supposed to be the big two-parter for Slade Wilson. I wonder if SA is feeling sidelined on his own show or whether he welcomes the break.

Edited by tv echo
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1 minute ago, tv echo said:

But Michael Emerson is apparently in town for 604 as well. So, assuming he's Cayden James, is Helix the B plot? Or is Black Siren somehow connected to his character?

If he is in 604 and 604 is connected with Black Siren, that might be them setting up that team of villains thing, especially with KA probably being introduced in one of the episodes soon after.

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2 minutes ago, way2interested said:

If he is in 604 and 604 is connected with Black Siren, that might be them setting up that team of villains thing, especially with KA probably being introduced in one of the episodes soon after.

Maybe she spent four days as a powered down robot in the back grounds while ME does sneaky things.  

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Is richard dragon in this episode as well? Maybe Stephen isn't filming as much because Diggle is wearing the GA suit in episode 3 and 4.

I am sure Stephen appreciates some down time, he has said in the past he likes episodes where other actors get to film heavy.

Also KC filming 4 days in a row, doesn't mean the episode is BS back story episode, just that she gets more scenes in this episode instead of the others. 

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