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20 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Annoyingly I'm more worried about Diggle and Felicity than any of the newbies since it would be "shocking" ala TWD/GOT etc and they both have shiny new masks who can do at least some of their roles on the team though. I'm not sure they have the stomach for that though and it will just end up being recurrings and Chase. I'm dreading Samantha biting it and we get half a season of Oliver trying to single parent a kid he barely knows before sending him off with another relative though.

If this happens, I'll eat my hat or shoe or whatever else is at stake these days. You can hold me to it. There is just no way at this point.

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49 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Annoyingly I'm more worried about Diggle and Felicity than any of the newbies since it would be "shocking" ala TWD/GOT etc and they both have shiny new masks who can do at least some of their roles on the team though.

I've seen this argument that Digg's and Felicity's roles on the team can be performed by others anyway (WD shoots guns, Tinah is in Oliver's security detail — both things that Digg did; Curtis on comms — Felicity's primary bunker role). But what the argument doesn't take into account are Digg's and Felicity's roles in the narrative of Oliver's hero journey. Also, that argument ignores just how popular these two characters are. So no, I'm not worried about Dig and Felicity at all. If Arrow is stupid enough to do that, then the show and I can finally go our separate ways. 

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46 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Annoyingly I'm more worried about Diggle and Felicity than any of the newbies since it would be "shocking" ala TWD/GOT etc and they both have shiny new masks who can do at least some of their roles on the team though.

I'm not. They're not going anywhere. They'll be around until the end. 

But if either of them ever die, I expect multiple memorials and at least two seasons of grieving, "what would X do," etc. 

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I don't think they are in danger either, but there are other ways to remove them from the show than just dying. I really hope Diggle and Felicity get much better storylines this season. 

Oliver doesn't really seem to care that much about the non-OTA members, tbh. Does he even know that Rene's daughter is in foster care or Curtis is getting divorced? Maybe Dinah since they are kind of similar. 

From MG's interview, I'm very curious about what kind of advice Oliver is going to give in S6. 

"Learn from my mistakes, immobilize dead man's switch first, hug myson later" ? 

Edited by leopardprint
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He calls the little girl "Baby Felicity." It's fine. I'm fine.

I usually get such secondhand embarrassment from these things but that was too cute. 

Edited by Guest
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Also from the con --

Two truths and one lie about S6, from SA: "There is a single Big Bad this year; there will be a giant rift between Oliver and one of the original team members; Oliver's identity as the Green Arrow is revealed."

Edited by Soulfire
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Well, he's already had rifts with both Diggle and Felicity so I hope that's the lie. Let's not go there again, thanks. 

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2 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I honestly would rather have a rift than an identity reveal. Is Thea considered an original team member? I guess they have been at odds before. 

I consider Diggle and Felicity the only original team members and rifts with either of them is just not what I want at all for s6. 

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27 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I just realized that I've heard that song so many times, but never had any idea what the lyrics were. Sort of like every Bob Dylan song.

Dexy's Midnight Runners...One Hit Wonder!

I find those 2 truths 1 lie interesting because they're not obvious. Any of them could be true or a lie.

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44 minutes ago, tarotx said:

William will probably out Oliver as Green Arrow ?

William, on the street with Oliver, in front of reporters and half the SCPD: "Dad, are you going to go be the Green Arrow now?"

William, at school for show & tell, takes out a few arrows: "these are my dad's"

William, drawing a picture of his family at school, draws everyone suited up and labels them "dad," "aunt Thea," "uncle Dig," etc. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I find those 2 truths 1 lie interesting because they're not obvious. Any of them could be true or a lie.

Yeah, and any of them could be lies/truth by technicalities as well. Like, a single big bad could be one who's controlling other villains (like Richard Dragon possibly putting a bounty on the GA), does that make the statement true or false? What's his definition of "original" or "giant rift" (is it in 601 or legitimately a portion of 6a?)?  If his identity is revealed and then they take it back like s1 or s3, doesn't that still count? Etc.

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15 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I am interested if Willa gonna tease anything about her SL tomorrow. Its been quiet regarding her. 

Assuming she even knows anything. I wonder if she has the 601 script by now?

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1 hour ago, Soulfire said:

Also from the con --

Two truths and one lie about S6, from SA: "There is a single Big Bad this year; there will be a giant rift between Oliver and one of the original team members; Oliver's identity as the Green Arrow is revealed."

Oh man, I don't really want to see any of those, but especially the last two. If there's a rift with Felicity I will throw things, and I'm not sure how they can make a rift with Dig happen again without assassinating at least one character, but I also really don't want Oliver revealed as GA. Can't they just let him be an effective mayor? Is that too much to ask?

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

He calls the little girl "Baby Felicity." It's fine. I'm fine.

I usually get such secondhand embarrassment from these things but that was too cute. 

Plus, SA is really good at putting little kids at ease, so these interactions always cast a good light on him.

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I thought the cast get their scripts two weeks in advance of shooting so Willa should have her 6x01 script now.

5 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

I was thinking she can easily attend the opera after a successful mission.

They do look elegant but the look is spoiled by the short sleeves.  Still, short sleeves are better protection from bullets and other projectiles than no sleeves would be.

3 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Putting my tin foil hat on, I have unfounded, baseless, evidence free suspicions that MG's "storyline fans has been wanting for Felicity" is taking care of William not Smoak Tech, since some fans want Olicity to have kids on the show.

If he does that, I have the feeling that getting his car keyed is going to be the least of his problems.

2 hours ago, Soulfire said:

Also from the con --

Two truths and one lie about S6, from SA: "There is a single Big Bad this year; there will be a giant rift between Oliver and one of the original team members; Oliver's identity as the Green Arrow is revealed."

Wasn't MG teasing at some point that Diggle and Felicity will have their own villains this season?  Honestly, I don't want either Oliver having a rift with Diggle or Felicity but even less do I want the Green Arrow to be outed.

It's too bad Roy isn't around any more, the rift could have been with him. Or with Sara.

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But haven't we seen that story about the team breaking apart more than once? The only rift we haven't seen is a Diggle/Felicity one, right? Not sure that I'd care for that either . But quite frankly the whole last season was a major Olicity rift and Diggle/Oliver happened more than once. What could Oliver screw up this time? 

That being said, I don't want Oliver's identity to be revealed because quite frankly he killed tons of people. Doubt everyone will be cool with that. 

If they do a flash forward to him being outed a long time from now, I guess I still wouldn't care much but I'd be ok with that probably. 

Edited by Belinea
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10 minutes ago, Belinea said:

That being said, I don't want Oliver's identity to be revealed because quite frankly he killed tons of people. Doubt everyone will be cool with that. 

Isn't he only on record for killing Darhk and Tiny Hands? I don't know that anyone would go after him for Darhk and they already laid the groundwork for him being cleared for killing TH. 


(For the record I don't want anyone knowing he's GA either, but I don't think his past kills would be an issue for more than an ep or two if at all.)

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21 minutes ago, Belinea said:

But haven't we seen that story about the team breaking apart more than once? The only rift we haven't seen is a Diggle/Felicity one, right? Not sure that I'd care for that either . But quite frankly the whole last season was a major Olicity rift and Diggle/Oliver happened more than once. What could Oliver screw up this time? 

Maybe someone other than Oliver could screw up this time? For variety's sake? I feel sure Oliver has hit some kind of quota. 

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42 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

Maybe someone other than Oliver could screw up this time? For variety's sake? I feel sure Oliver has hit some kind of quota. 

Don't take that away from him. He's so good at it. His relationship with William/Samantha? 

1 hour ago, Belinea said:

But quite frankly the whole last season was a major Olicity rift and Diggle/Oliver happened more than once. What could Oliver screw up this time? 

I'm not sure the EPs consider S5 Olicity to have been a major rift because they kept talking about them being adults, working together, friends, blah blah, etc. In S4, Diggle didn't even want to work with Oliver. 

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If he is teasing Olicity getting married, and has already teased that they will be more drama free this season then I don't think the giant rift will be with Felicity.

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Has he ever teased an Olicity wedding before? In s4 maybe or has he politely said no?

He seems awfully good humoured about it but I don't want to get over excited. 

That song choice I'm taking as a positive thing!

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11 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Has he ever teased an Olicity wedding before? In s4 maybe or has he politely said no?

He seems awfully good humoured about it but I don't want to get over excited. 

That song choice I'm taking as a positive thing!

He's done the "maybe some day" answers but from my recollection this is the first time he has talked about a wedding like its something that could/will actually happen and within a specific season.


Could be something could be nothing, but I'm side eyeing. As I saw someone point out on Twitter around the same time last year he was telling Olicity fans "maybe you just don't get what you want" and getting pissed off. Then we went into a season of forced Olicity distance.

 This time the tone is all yeah I'll slow dance with Olicity, this is song, the weddings going to be fun, let's have it in the cross over etc etc So that makes me feel good about Olicity this season even if we don't get an actual wedding.

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38 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Has he ever teased an Olicity wedding before? In s4 maybe or has he politely said no?

He seems awfully good humoured about it but I don't want to get over excited. 

SA has joked about Olicity babies before (HVFF San Jose mid season 4) and teased an Olicity engagement (DragonCon pre season 4), but not an Olicity wedding. 

Here's how SA answered a question about Olicity getting married last year. In retrospect, we should really pay more attention to what he says than anyone else.

Edited by lemotomato
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8 hours ago, leopardprint said:

I'm torn because Samantha is a truly awful character but I don't think a preteen who acts like a kindergartner fits on the show even as recurring. But then again maybe they just need more screentime to have actual personalities

I'm hoping Samantha has a brief coma and wakes up acting like Berlin from Defiance.

As for William, I think they play into his dead-eyed silent psycho child concept and make him be the Anti-christ of the Bible.

Felicity:  Oh, hi, you must be William

William:  My middle name is Damien.

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8 hours ago, Soulfire said:

Lyrics can be found here.

That works well enough.  I appreciate the red dress mention, lol.  And how much he's lusting after her.  ;p


5 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

Maybe someone other than Oliver could screw up this time? For variety's sake? I feel sure Oliver has hit some kind of quota. 

Could we have Diggle maybe deciding to back up Lyla and ARGUS about something that puts he and Oliver at odds?  Dig did seem to see the light about backing Oliver more than his wife.  Maybe he over corrects?  I just can't imagine them doing an Oliver/Felicity rift after JUST fixing them.  I just can't see it.  Not unless Oliver really got stupid and didn't want her involved with William at all which is the opposite of everything he's said before that he wants.  So no, if there is a rift, it has to be between Oliver and Diggle. IF this isn't the lie, but it very well might be.  

The One Big Bad thing seems like a safe truth since there's always multiple bad guys but only ever one big bad, but still, I think we should be prepared for him to be outed as the GA this year.  Lots of signs pointed to it happening last season with the way they kept saying Susan being a reporter was important to the plot after she was kidnapped but we saw nothing on screen.  I'm thinking they bumped that part of the story back, just running out of space to tell it.  So even if we never see Susan again, I have a feeling the info she dug up is going to live on.  Or maybe since she was able to figure it out through her Bratva investigation, Anatoly will out him as revenge.  

The question then becomes, will Oliver get outed right away at the beginning of the season, at the end, as a flash forward (which please oh please no flash forwards, hate them)  After SA describing 601 as "Setting Up", I lean toward it happening in the first episode even if it is a flash forward reveal.  

I'm happy at least that MG has said it's only the normal time jump between 523 and 601, otherwise I'd be worrying about a time jump.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I think Oliver's getting outed in S6. I haven't decided if it will be early in the season or towards the end. I'm not thrilled about that story line, but I think they've wanted to do this story for awhile, and it's inevitable. 

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