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Is he meant to takeover the company? He's not a politician right? If he's the Atom apparent is one of his superpowers being really smart?


The SDCC teaser introduced Ray as one of the bidders for Queen Consolidated and the EPs have said he's supposed to become the new CEO. (Looks like Oliver was doing a similar type of presentation when he was talking before a few people; you can see Felicity seated in the back on the left). And yeah, he's supposed to be a genius and has massive interest in QC's applied sciences division (the building of which Team Arrow blew up, I believe).

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I think they did want Ted Kord and DC announced they would use him in film so they had to replace him. What's The Atom most known for business-wise? Hostile takeovers?

Ah thanks SmallScreen! If he's a genius then no wonder sparks fly with him and Felicity, I imagine some Fred/Willow-esque dialogue then.

Also isn't Applied Sciences division the same code name they used in the Dark Knight? :)

Finally, am I the only one geeking out about the hotness that is Brandon Routh on my screen on the regular?

Edited by slayer2
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Wasn't this storyline set up with Ted Kord in mind? And they had to switch to Ray when they couldn't get Ted? Or did I misunderstand that? I mean, I know they wanted Ted and couldn't get him, but I don't know whether they wrote this storyline before or after they knew they couldn't get him.

They didn't specify but I got the feeling from the casting notice and their comments at SDCC that they planned for Ted Kord and just tweaked the story to fit Ray Palmer when DC offered him instead of Ted.

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Same thing happened with Justin Hartley's Green Arrow on Smallville, he was supposed to be Batman but DC was creating the Dark Knight series so they went for the closest facsimile.

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I think I owe @quarks an apology. :) I didn't believe that the writers would ever let go of Lauriver as long as Laurel was still on the show, but you were right and I was wrong. :)

I do think right now, even if Amell didn't have permission to come out and say it so bluntly, all the evidence points to the writers having given up on forcing the Lauriver issue. It explains some of the undermining of that ship during season two, which never made sense to me if they were still planning on getting them together. It also explains some of the comments last season about changing plans based on what worked. The only thing is - I'm not sure why KC was still insisting, as of a few weeks ago, that Oliver and Laurel were soulmates - maybe she just hadn't gotten the memo yet.

It will be interesting to see how things play out this season.

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Now, I don't know if KC questions these things with the writers or just goes with whatever they tell her, but Stephen has said many times that he's not shy about pitching things to the writers and EPs. He said he pitched some things about Oliver's child to the writers and it sounded like the EPs pitched the same thing back to him. I've gotten the impression that he's directly effected story before, as have other actors like Barrowman. We also know that he discusses long term season arcs with the writers and sometimes has more information than the other actors. This is why I tend to think Stephen made such bold statements about Oliver and Felicity because he's discussed this as a long term plan going forward. And honestly, if the EPs can't admit now, at least in private, that the Laurel/Oliver story isn't the greatest romance and has in fact been steadily unraveling since S1, then I fear this show has bigger storytelling issues coming than Oliver's love life. Their willingness to blast continuity has been troublesome to say the least.


Does KC know enough about her character or the comics to even pitch anything? It seems like she just wants comic cannon when she hasn't read the comics, so what can she even ask for? She doesn't really seem like she cares enough to get that involved in the show.

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Not sure if this has been posted it's the WB panel video.

Couple of thoughts. Barrowman/Willa are adorable together and I think Merlyn/Thea will have an interesting story in S3. I liked the comments about Enemy of my Enemy being a theme in S3.

KC really needs to drop that "did you read the comics?" line, especially to the Creative Head of DC Comics. I don't think Geoff Johns was the least bit amused. She should also pay some attention to her character and put some thought into it. She was setup to talk about Laurel's journey with the Wildcat question and that's the answer she went with?

Geoff Johns really seemed to love Caity as Black Canary. He paid a lot of attention to her character, not just the badass but the wounded bird aspect. I liked that Caity read BoP and Black Canary comics...unfortunately I think she read the AK title.

EBR unintentionally burned Grant G and followed it up with a deliberate (?) Burn of Oliver/Stephen. LOL. She also seemed to have charmed Jada, Daniel Logue and Constantine. I liked her answer to the fan question.

SA apparently finds Colton's butt hilarious.

I'm putting the video here because there are spoilers for Arrow as well as other shows.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I love that Geoff Johns likes Sara. DC has always been supportive of Sara as the Black Canary (They actually call her that, so take that we didn't use the moniker line). Sara is a badass with a great origin story. The because comics line will never work for me, It's not like Oliver's, Arrow or origin story is a carbon copy of his comic counterpart. I also really want Sara and Meryln to have a scene together talking about Ra's al Ghul in one of her four episodes. 


Someone in Cassidys' camp should really tell her if she's not good at making jokes, don't make them. More and more I see that she doesn't seem to think beyond what the script says for her character. Everyone else can go in to detail about their characters background and motivations and what they think or hope for their characters future. They can give their own thoughts without having to look at the EP's. 


I loved Emily's unintentional burn at Grant. Poor guy, but she's not wrong. He looks like a little kid. But I feel you Grant, just wait, it'll be great for us when we still look younger than everyone else when we're in our 50's!


EBR sitting next to Jada Pinkett Smith. I don't know how these actors don't just lose it surrounded by stars.


I'm sure EBR would lose it if she met Tatiana Maslany. I wonder if she did get to meet her?

Edited by Sakura12
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I've only made it part way through the video, but did you all notice EBR's and KC's reactions when MG announced Ted Grant? (It's about 24:40) When MG said he's going to have a "little interaction with Laurel" EBR turned to her (she seemed a little surprised) and kind of elbowed her and gave her a thumbs up. SA also turned to look back to see her reaction. (Actually never mind - I think he turned to look at Colton Haynes.) I'm not sure if that's because of the Black Canary thing or because he (Ted Grant) is going to be a love interest though.

Edited by Starfish35
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I've only made it part way through the video, but did you all notice EBR's and KC's reactions when MG announced Ted Grant? I don't think EBR was expecting it. KC was though - she kind of had her head down a little bit, and EBR turned to her and asked her something and she nodded, and EBR kind of elbowed her and gave her a thumbs up. SA also turned to look back to see her reaction. I'm not sure if that's because of the Black Canary thing or because he (Ted Grant) is going to be a love interest though.

I saw that interaction between EBR and KC too. EBR seemed really happy that KC was getting a love interest this season. 

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How did you interpret it?

Have watched a little further - yeah, the "have you read the comic books?" That was kind of cringeworthy. I think KC was trying to be funny, but it really kind of bombed. At the least she should have said "you'll have to watch and see" like John Barrowman did.

And yes, Geoff Johns does seems very supportive of Sara, but I'm not sure what that means, if anything. What was the deal there with the mikes? Was there a confusion about which Katie Geoff was talking to?

Edited by Starfish35
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Personally I hope Amell has the  firm knowledge about Oliver never returning to the Lance sisters. Even if Felicity isn't endgame, I'm more willing to watch another 1/4 or 1/2 a season if I know there won't be a will-they-won't-they with Oliver and any Lance.  

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But we've barely gotten to scratch the surface of the long-simmering Oliver/Quentin tension.

Or the Oliggle tension! I mean, that was quite a scene between Oliver and Digg in the trailer! ;-). (We probably shouldn't give the writers ideas lol.)

The IGN interview with Colton, Willa and Emily was cute. The 'Oracle' title was mentioned and Emily didn't know that, so she got excited when Colton and Willa were telling her about it. And Willa is just kind of hilarious in these panels and interviews. I've never seen her on any other show, and I've barely been interested in Thea most of the time, but Willa being so personable and excited about her story is making me want to watch it even more.

Edited by poetgirl925
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I was so moved by the guy who asked Emily and Grant how they feel about their characters because he loved them so much. It was such a sweet moment because you could really tell the guy adored and valued their characters so much.

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We really didn't get much on Diggle or Quentin in the panels (haven't seen any press interviews of the cast yet)..a bit disappointing. They didn't even speak at the DC TV panel (nor did Danielle Panabaker as a sidenote)


Actually on that sidenote I was expecting more focus on Flash and Gotham as they didn't get a solo panel.

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We really didn't get much on Diggle or Quentin in the panels.

Yes I was also disappointed nothing was said about Diggle. I hope some more information comes out about his storyline too. And also besides being Chief what will Quentin do this season.

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See this is what confuses me. Laurel had an entire ostensible crucible in s2 and in just this viewer's opinion none were doubles, triples or a homerun.  Maybe a swinging bunt and beat out the throw to first...for the scene with Papa Lance in the hospital.  I think Willa got the short shrift more than anyone and what she did get IMO she did hit out of the park.  So I am happy that Willa is getting her story with Malcolm because I already have every confidence she'll be fantastic.  KC and Laurel...eh.....remains to be seen.


THIS. She's had 2 seasons, as the Lead Female, and has had more than enough opportunity to have her story told.  She's been through stuff (though not enough to be a true 'island,' in my opinion) and somehow we're expected to believe she's been short changed.  No, she hasn't.  KC + Bad Writing has been nothing short of a disaster for me.  I'm not interested in seeing her gain more screen time on yet another attempt to bring her up to Lead Female focus.


Still making my way through the videos. 


The Thea/Malcolm stuff sounds like it will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than I was expecting.  it's now one of the parts I'm most looking forward to.


For all of the info that's been publicized, I wish there was more definitive word on Sara as BC and Laurel as something else. 


I was hoping for Ted Kord on the show but the explanation makes sense.  I'm cautiously optimistic that Ray will work out especially since Felicity's IT skills are considered a big draw.  Yay for no more EA stuff for her!


The Hong Kong stuff looks like it could be good, though I still dislike this incarnation of Waller a lot.


Diggle... hope there's a lot more in store for him than Daddy issues.


Still absorbing.......

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I too am hoping more for Diggle than the Daddy storyline. I was really excited about the H.I.V.E. storyline, but so far we have not heard word one about it.


Probably because he's still waiting for that bing search to finish.

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Everything on this show is in relation to Oliver so I can see why they started with Daddy Diggle refusing to step back and Oliver insisting he does.  And then having Sara back is really big, and so is Merlyn/Thea so those episodes gets fleshed out first..


They're probably going to do the H.I.V.E. stuff later in the season. 

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They're probably going to do the H.I.V.E. stuff later in the season.


I think they might have shelved the plans for H.I.V.E, at least for some time. Now, Diggle is associated more with the Suicide Squad and I think 3x03 will be Diggle centric episode and then we have 3x04 as Felicity centric i.e " The Oracle" dealing with her days at the M.I.T. and then we have the crossovers . 

They haven't yet cast for Ra's and I think its one of the reasons why we are getting these episodes that fleshes out some of the less explored characters before his introduction. Because, once Ra's comes in the picture, then I think the focus will shift to Nanda Parbat and Ra's.

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From the link that JJ928 posted - this was apparently an interview done with David Ramsey at Comic-Con (well at least someone did).

"They really want to get involved with this whole A.R.G.U.S. thing," Ramsey said of the producers heading into Arrow's third season in October. "And Suicide Squad and the investigation of H.I.V.E., the organization that hired Deadshot to kill Andy. We'll be seeing that in some flashbacks of who Andy was becuase Andy was not the guy that John Diggle thinks he was; he was actually the mark, so we have to get into some of that and his relationship with A.R.G.U.S. because that will be fleshed out."

This is what I was looking for. :) Yay!

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Going back to the Felicity as Oracle (because i was busy when you guys were discussing it).

Am I the only one who isn't bothered and is actually excited by the idea of Felicity's hero name being Oracle?


i'll admit i'm not a comic book reader, i enjoy my superheros on TV and movies. but the way i see it the moniker is just that: a name, a mask which anyone can don. i mean if i remember correctly almost every super hero and his/her side kick has been portrayed by more than one person. hack even Green Arrow has a continuation via Connor. same with Batman and Terry (and Dick grayson for a short time). Robin and Batgirl were portrayed by more than one individual over the years from what i know.


the way i see it, the moniker is just a name, an identity. yes it matters who is the person beyond the mask but more to what their intentions are rather then what their name is.


What i'm trying to say is, why can't Felicity become the new Oracle? aren't comics all about rebooting and moving forward?


so, if the name "Oracle" is but a title, say like CEO and anyone with the right set of skills can be the CEO, therefore anyone (with said skills) can be Oracle. s/he doesn't have to be Barbara Gordon. in fact i now wonder if Felicity introduction into the comics is their way of bringing back the Oracle moniker into life, by having Felicity take on the title.


so yea, that's my two minute personal side on the subject.


as for Comic con: Can't wait for season 3 (is it october yet?), Stephen has droll worthy abs (but we already knew that), can't wait for Ra's, Thea and Malcolm, still don't like KC (that short 2 seconds clip of her in the trailer? yea. no.). and finally: i will continue to hope that somehow, someday, i will get to see a live version of kate Kane (Batwoman) on my screen.


ETA: edited because apparently wine and writing deep thought posts don't mix at 2 am. lol

Edited by foreverevolving
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I'd have no problem with Felicity taking on the title Oracle. Barbara Gordon was the definitive Oracle but she's back to Batgirl and I don't think anyone at DC wants her to go back to being Oracle. Why not pass the position on?

It's like on Smallville Chloe was Watchtower but when she left they had Tess use that code name and in the long run Watchtower in the comic universe stops becoming a who and becomes an all encompassing what.

For Felicity to be a new iteration of Oracle doesn't take away from the original nor does it predestine her to a wheel chair. The wheel chair bit was only important to explain why Batgirl is not the one kicking ass and not waiting for names.

Stephen has droll worthy abs

. Yes I do find them amusing. ;) Very droll indeed. Edited by BkWurm1
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I've been seeing a lot of people vilify Stephen Amell for saying:



“There’s one lady in Oliver’s life. Just one – it’s Felicity (…) I don’t think we’ll ever see Oliver & Sarah or Oliver & Laurel together again. I mean – they’ll be together but just not ‘together-together’. They’ll be teammates. We discover in the premiere the way that Oliver feels about Felicity. Because of that — if we just introduced random love interests, it would undersell what we do in the premiere.”


Now I understand that this is probably mostly the Lauriver shippers, but I just wanted to see what you guys think of this. 


People are currently writing about wanting to 'shut Stephen Amell up' considering he's not a writer or an EP. They're also stating that he's pissing off Laurel fans and Lauriver shippers by isolating them with his comments and disregarding what the EPs have said about Lauriver over the past two seasons. People are even hoping that the EPs become super angry with Stephen and have a 'serious talk' with him... smh 


I mean, while I agree that what Stephen said undoes whatever the EPs have said over the past two seasons, they don't consider the fact that the EPs have already undid what they said the past two seasons by putting Sara/Oliver together again, by making Felicity the one to push Oliver into fighting, by making him trust her enough to depower Slade, by writing that conversation on the beach etc. 


While what Stephen said isolates the Lauriver fans, isn't it better to be outright and honest instead of stringing a group of people along until the very end? 


With all of the interviews I've seen, he seems like someone who thinks things through and picks his words extremely carefully. So for him to say something this big, he must've had the EPs blessing to say it. I mean, it's no surprise that he said it because it's exactly what's happening. We're actually seeing the EPs build a great foundation for a great relationship with all of the spoilers, interviews, etc. And with what Stephen said at NerdHQ about having a discussion with the EPs about having Oliver not sleep with 500 women and all the spoilers, it's obvious that Felicity will be the only love interest Oliver will have for a while (if not till the end of the series) because anything else won't 'honor' what chemistry Stephen and Emily bring to the table as well as the arc they've been going through the past two seasons. 


I'm sort of offended by this because it's obvious Stephen cares a lot about his character and the show. Enough to talk with the EPs share his ideas with them and constructively criticize their ideas of what to do in the future. IDK, it just rubs me the wrong way... 


What I hope is for someone to ask the EPs whether what Stephen said was true so we can just get this over with. 

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Yeah i read some tweets where the L/O shippers are calling Stephen a sell-out (for pushing Olicity now and that is all fanpandering -jesus how i hate that word by now), that he just want to be a star and they hate him. And the worse thing is they are directing those tweets directly to Stephen and the writers and EPs. I could get if they want to blow off some steam and write in their tumblr and twitter without tagging them. But they write their stuff linking it to Stephen and EPs and tagging the shit out of them. 

Edited by Velocity23
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LOL at Laurel/KC fans trying to get the actor playing the character after which the show is named, fired or in trouble.  That is hilarious.  Good luck with that!

Edited by catrox14
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Well it was very brazen of him to say the Lauriver ship has sailed. Probably one of the more bold statements he's made, even if they are his personal opinion because I'm sure he's aware of the different fandoms. But frankly I'm glad to hear his opinion because there's nothing worse than hearing an actor advocate the train wrecks some TV shows call romantic relationships. It also stands to hold he told the EPs that Oliver's sex life needs a life check because it's very uncomfortable.

I'm glad he made those statements. It makes me feel better about where he as an actor stands concerning them.

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If I were in any way a Laurel fan, I'd be more worried about whether or not Laurel is going to be BC. That's way bigger than being a love interest. I don't think they understand just how big of a character BC really is in the DC universe.


Oh, well. I'm pretty sure most of them are just KC fans anyway. Someone should ask, "Have you read the comics?"

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Well it was very brazen of him to say the Lauriver ship has sailed. Probably one of the more bold statements he's made, even if they are his personal opinion because I'm sure he's aware of the different fandoms.

As @wonderwall said it does lead one to conclude that he had at least tacit blessing from the EPs. Perhaps they are hoping this will all blow over (especially as Oliver and Felicity won't be together until towards the end of the season, from the sound of things).


But frankly I'm glad to hear his opinion because there's nothing worse than hearing an actor advocate the train wrecks some TV shows call romantic relationships. It also stands to hold he told the EPs that Oliver's sex life needs a life check because it's very uncomfortable.

I'm glad he made those statements. It makes me feel better about where he as an actor stands concerning them.

He certainly seems to have a better grasp on what makes Oliver a viable romantic hero than the EPs have, thus far. And by 'romantic' I don't just mean 'dating a nice girl' but being a better person and a more appealing character than he has thus far. I mean he's a badass, sure, but a good chunk of the relationship thread is taken up with most of us agreeing how Oliver isn't in a good place for a relationship (or wasn't, at the end of S2).

Perhaps we may yet retire the phrase 'Oliver's magic penis'?

I'm sure he's getting at least as much acclaim from the Olicity fans than he is opprobrium from the Laurel ones, so hopefully he won't take it too much to heart.

Edit: Someone (I forget who, sorry!) mentioned upthread about Amell possibly becoming a co-executive producer down the line, and I wouldn't be surprised. It seems to be a fairly typical development for leads on shows these days (although how much is to get around "Can't pay X more than Y" type contracts I have no idea).

Edited by pootlus
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Heh the gif on the left-hand side of that page reminded me that although most of the chemistry thus far between Oliver and Felicity has been romantic, they certainly can bring the sexytimes. If I didn't know better I'd say they were about to have sex.


Now I'm kind of disappointed we might not get to see that kind of tension between them until much later :)

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I seen some speculation that Pedro Pascal should be playing Ra. But for me he is completely out of the question since the age difference between Katrina and him is only 3 years. I am still hoping on Oded Fehr

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Oh man, I would love it if Oded Fehr played Ra's.


I mean I haven't seen him in anything other than The Mummy, I just think he's hot as all hell and broods like a motherfucker.

Edited by pootlus
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I think Stephen is pretty savvy when it comes to dealing with the media and I'm sure he knew that his comments about Oliver's romantic relationships would explode all over twitter and tumblr.  Everything else he says does. So, I'm sure he was aware some fans may not like it, but that seems to be where the writers are taking Oliver's story this year and he was asked to comment about his story.  As for people asking for him to be fired or shut up, that's not happening.  DC Comics, CW and Warner Bros love the guy and rightly so, he does more than anyone to push Arrow and all the DC television projects.  Besides, I think most actors get used to how some fans react to things and they hopefully just shrug it off.

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In that Nerd HQ interview, I liked that SA said that his favorite Olicity scene, aside from one in the Season 3 premiere, was the first scene that he shot with EBR (his first guest star) and also that that scene will be referenced in the Season 3 premiere.  SA is a funny and charming guy,


OK, it's no secret that I don't like the Laurel character, but I can understand why AK feels that KC and WH need to be 'rewarded'.  When Arrow first debuted, it was pretty clear that Laurel was intended to be both the hero's main love interest and the future Black Canary.  However, as Season 1 transitioned into Season 2, a new character, Sara Lance (CL), became both Oliver's love interest and the Canary, and in Season 3, an originally recurring character, Felicity (EBR), will be Oliver's love interest.  Laurel did get a lot of story lines in the past two seasons, though, so I don't think KC's being rewarded for getting messed up story lines.  I think she's getting rewarded for having her character's original role usurped by other characters.  On the other hand, WH's character, Thea, who was also an original cast member, has had reduced screen time in Season 2, so I think WH is being rewarded for that.  Using AK's baseball analogy, KC and WH signed on to the show to be the starting first baseman and shortstop, respectively (SA is the pitcher), but KC was switched around to different positions around the field, while WH was reduced to a benchwarmer who came off the bench from time to time.  Now while I may disagree on whether or not an actress hit a single, double or homer, AK seems pretty loyal to his cast.  So maybe he's just saying that he believes they give 100% with what they're given.


I'm sorry to hear that some Laurel/KC fans are villifying SA for saying what he said.  My response is that no one is forcing you to watch the show.  If you don't like what's happening, change the channel,  If the show ever stops being enjoyable for me, I'll just stop watching it.  


The comic book canon offense/defense argument really makes no sense.  Comic book "canon" changes.  As already noted ad nauseum, Black Canary isn't even connected to Green Arrow in the comic books any more.  Also, did you see the recent Marvel comic headlines about changes to Thor and Captain America?  So comic book canon is not inviolable.

Edited by tv echo
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Wow, the background noise.  I could barely hear the questions.


Did Stephen say it was horseshit that Arrow hadn't won an award for stunts? If so, I heartily agree with him!


Flashbacks for Thea in episode 3? Could be interesting.

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