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S04.E01: Green Arrow

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Oh, no. I need them to continue giving all these dumbass fanboy moments to Laurel for the rest of ever. If she has to be on the show, I'm grateful for the endless pointing and laughing fodder. It's so much better than the headdesking and facepalming of yore. Let me have reasons to mock her, please.

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For me, neither of those examples are comparable. The Arrow cave isn't one of the heroes. And telling Roy the color of his suit is cool (because it's the same color as the Flash's) wasn't about how awesome Roy himself was.

Cisco was more enthralled with Black Canary and her overall image. He probably would've done the same for Sara or Thea. He might do it for Thea if he gets to meet her.

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Complete with a mic drop. The only thing I loved about that train scene was OQ & Dig in leather jackets. Just scrumptious.

Speaking of scrumptious, I could watch that moment of Oliver getting out of bed all day long. Damn.
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Speaking of wishlist scenes, I almost wanted OQ to tell FS you can stay here and punch away at your keyboard - I'll be at home in bed - then wink & saunter out. See what her priorities are then.

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Speaking of scrumptious, I could watch that moment of Oliver getting out of bed all day long. Damn.

Then I think you'll enjoy watching him get back in bed.


Edited by bijoux
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Then I think you'll enjoy watching him get back in bed.tumblr_nvxotkBQ891qzmdweo2_500.gif

Now that truly is a wonder of science!! Oh such an age of awsomeness in which we live. :D

Edited by BkWurm1
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I would like to know why he is wearing underwear when they clearly just had sex. I know this is tv, but they could show him shimmying them on under the covers.

Let's make it filthy and headcanon that they had sex a couple (few) times, and he got up and started to get dressed, then she seduced him back over, and during round whatever, he was the...uh...giver, not the receiver.

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Oliver really needs to start carrying a sword, maybe a short sword.  He apparently got very good at sword-fighting last season, since he was able to beat a dude who'd been doing it for 100+ years and all, and he needs a close-fighting weapon.  Thea has one, so Oliver should think about getting one, too.  If he doesn't want to kill anyone he could blunt the edges.

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Seriously you started talking about his sword? Now? :)

My headspace can't handle all the dirty fun on this thread right now. ;) I'm at work geesh. Guess its my fault for checking it.

I fully believe he has many well developed sword skills. I'm sure he thinks he penetrates just fine ;)

But yes if you're talking about his new suit perhaps he could find a place to carry a fighting sword.

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I'm sure Oliver's sword is a BROADSWORD, not a short sword!


Also, you people are ridiculous.  I meant an ACTUAL SWORD, not a metaphor for his penis!


Aside aside, it cracks me up that every single dirty fanfic portrays Oliver as hung like a horse.

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Aside aside, it cracks me up that every single dirty fanfic portrays Oliver as hung like a horse


Yee Haw!


Not much point in using your imagination going the other direction.  Unless you have a thing for those Alpha/Omega fics.  Hey, to each their own. 


I meant an ACTUAL SWORD, not a metaphor


On a serous not, what would the point be in carrying a sword?  A nice knife in the boot always seems handy but a sword is kind of stabby.  I think they should all carry Tasers and knock out gas and whatever else Bruce Wayne keeps on his utility belt. 

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I would like to know why he is wearing underwear when they clearly just had sex.  I know this is tv, but they could show him shimmying them on under the covers.

Line of defense to get some rest as he is just human?


I'm sure Oliver's sword is a BROADSWORD, not a short sword!


Also, you people are ridiculous.  I meant an ACTUAL SWORD, not a metaphor for his penis!

LOL. This whole "conversation" is ridiculous and über fun.


Was anyone else really distracted by Felicity's typing? Particularly in the "do you wanna play a game?" scene. I kept thinking what is she "typing"?

I see it as her superpower, so I'm not surprised she does it differently than mere mortals do.

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Thanks!  I think I thought he had more tattoos than he does. 


Id forgotten that the doctor said he'd had multiple broken bones as well as a bad burn.  So far I don't think we've ever seen him break a bone in the flashbacks.  Have we?

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Thanks!  I think I thought he had more tattoos than he does. 


Id forgotten that the doctor said he'd had multiple broken bones as well as a bad burn.  So far I don't think we've ever seen him break a bone in the flashbacks.  Have we?

Yeah, I remember the doctor telling Moira that he had fractures that had never healed properly - at least 12. But I can't think of when he had acquired them right now and references a quick Google search comes up with are breaks he had acquired after he came back to Starling.

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Thanks!  I think I thought he had more tattoos than he does. 



I thought so too - I think I got them mixed up with the brand. And now I think they 'removed' the dragon tattoo because of the brand - I bet either Amell or someone in makeup protested: if he has another thing to put on, one has to go!


Looking at that image reminded me that we were supposed to find out what the Chinese tattoos meant after Hong Kong - and I hope when they paint them on this time, they consult an actual Mandarin/Cantonese native speaker - I've read some native speakers' interpretation of the tattoos as pictured, and they make little sense.


Maybe he gets them at the army? mercenaries? camp on Lian Yu, which flashed past in one of the promos.

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It's so obvious, I can't believe we missed it! It's Laurel! Hear me out--Quentin goes way dark and kills Laurel. She's dead. Oliver vows to kill Quentin and then does it. Quentin is then dead. The only Lance left is Sara (Dinah married her someone in CC and changed her last name).

Sara takes on the mantle of Black Canary to honor her slain sister and is grateful to Oliver for avenging Laurel's death. They are crime fighting partners. Aside from Sara occasionally flirting with Felicity, there is no tension on Team Arrow.


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I wish they had Sara flirt with Felicity, with her being oblivious for a bit. Another storyline they could've done instead of had having her hook up with Oliver again.

I would've loved to see Oliver and Sara as friends. Their relationship would still be different then it is with Dig and Felicity after what they went through together.

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It's so obvious, I can't believe we missed it! It's Laurel! Hear me out--Quentin goes way dark and kills Laurel. She's dead. Oliver vows to kill Quentin and then does it. Quentin is then dead. The only Lance left is Sara (Dinah married her someone in CC and changed her last name).

Sara takes on the mantle of Black Canary to honor her slain sister and is grateful to Oliver for avenging Laurel's death. They are crime fighting partners. Aside from Sara occasionally flirting with Felicity, there is no tension on Team Arrow.





I was just thinking about it after a rewatch last night - watching that scene again, I doubt very much the gravestone is for Quentin Lance. I imagine a kind of stoic sadness there, but Oliver was crying. Why would he be crying for Lance?


And I hate to burst your bubble, but Laurel has made a pact with the Elder Gods - she's Black Canary for life!


And I know I said I'd let it all wash over me, but every time I watch that scene, I get annoyed.


It's someone super close to him. And I don't even want to speculate at this point.

Edited by arjumand
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I dont think it needs to be someone super close to him. We saw how Oliver reacted with Tommy, Thea and Moira. This wasnt even close to it. I could see Oliver getting emotional if the person dieing sacrificed himself to say the people Oliver loves. Or if he was bound in promise by the person who died.

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I was just thinking about it after a rewatch last night - watching that scene again, I doubt very much the gravestone is for Quentin Lance. I imagine a kind of stoic sadness there, but Oliver was crying. Why would he be crying for Lance?


And I hate to burst your bubble, but Laurel has made a pact with the Elder Gods - she's Black Canary for life!


And I know I said I'd let it all wash over me, but every time I watch that scene, I get annoyed.


It's someone super close to him. And I don't even want to speculate at this point.

He wasn't really crying crying, it was one single Dean Winchester tear.  And he's known and respected Lance for at least half his life.  I mean, I hate Lance now, but Oliver clearly doesn't.  He seemed really to crave Lance's forgiveness/respect back in 1-3, for whatever reason.  And IMO Lance is going to forgive/accept Oliver before his death, and die well.

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Much like we can't draw anything from the funeral attendance, I think the same holds true for Oliver's reaction. If he hadn't cried, we would know the death wasn't a big deal. IMO, that reaction isn't big enough for some characters, either. I think he'd cry for Quentin, especially if Quentin died in an honorable and self-sacrificing way, and gave Oliver some closure before his death, which—if it's him—I'm sure would happen.

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Hmmm in every season a Lance and Queen family member died.


Lance Family : Sara (seasons 1-3)

Queen Family: Robert (season 1), Moira (season 2), Thea (season 3)- but was resurrected with LP, Oliver? (season 3) - he was presumed death.

Edited by Velocity23
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I dont think it needs to be someone super close to him. We saw how Oliver reacted with Tommy, Thea and Moira. This wasnt even close to it. I could see Oliver getting emotional if the person dieing sacrificed himself to say the people Oliver loves. Or if he was bound in promise by the person who died.



He wasn't really crying crying, it was one single Dean Winchester tear.  And he's known and respected Lance for at least half his life.  I mean, I hate Lance now, but Oliver clearly doesn't.  He seemed really to crave Lance's forgiveness/respect back in 1-3, for whatever reason.  And IMO Lance is going to forgive/accept Oliver before his death, and die well.



Much like we can't draw anything from the funeral attendance, I think the same holds true for Oliver's reaction. If he hadn't cried, we would know the death wasn't a big deal. IMO, that reaction isn't big enough for some characters, either. I think he'd cry for Quentin, especially if Quentin died in an honorable and self-sacrificing way, and gave Oliver some closure before his death, which—if it's him—I'm sure would happen.


Thanks for talking me off the ledge, guys! Because rewatching that scene I was kinda panicking. I think on future rewatches (the episode has so many scenes of Oliver+Felicity=adorable that I just can't resist) I'll stop the episode on the kiss.


Re. Oliver and Lance - in my opinion, Oliver is driven by both guilt over Sara and his desperate search for a surrogate father-figure, one he won't let down, unlike how he felt he let his dad down by never living up to his potential in his father's lifetime.


Well, it's the only reason I can come up with that explains why Oliver hasn't given us his version of that FUCK YOU, I'M OUT video (except Felicity: she's cool), directed mainly at Lance.

Edited by arjumand
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I'm sure Oliver's sword is a BROADSWORD, not a short sword!


Also, you people are ridiculous.  I meant an ACTUAL SWORD, not a metaphor for his penis!


Aside aside, it cracks me up that every single dirty fanfic portrays Oliver as hung like a horse.


On this note, I recently saw a pic of SA from when he was on a show called Hung (I don't know the show, but the name implies a lot) so maybe that's why lol. 

I'm sure Oliver's sword is a BROADSWORD, not a short sword!


Also, you people are ridiculous.  I meant an ACTUAL SWORD, not a metaphor for his penis!


Aside aside, it cracks me up that every single dirty fanfic portrays Oliver as hung like a horse.


On this note, I recently saw a pic of SA from when he was on a show called Hung (I don't know the show, but the name implies a lot) so maybe that's why lol. 

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I dont think it needs to be someone super close to him. We saw how Oliver reacted with Tommy, Thea and Moira. This wasnt even close to it. I could see Oliver getting emotional if the person dieing sacrificed himself to say the people Oliver loves. Or if he was bound in promise by the person who died.


While I agree that it doesn't need to be someone super close to Oliver, his heartbreaking reactions to Tommy, Thea and Moira dying (or almost dying, in Thea's case) occurred when they were actually in the act of dying, so he may have been just as emotional a few days ago when this mystery person died. And I would say that he and Sara were very close but I don't remember him getting overly emotional when she died. Hence, Felicity's frustration with him.

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While I agree that it doesn't need to be someone super close to Oliver, his heartbreaking reactions to Tommy, Thea and Moira dying (or almost dying, in Thea's case) occurred when they were actually in the act of dying, so he may have been just as emotional a few days ago when this mystery person died. And I would say that he and Sara were very close but I don't remember him getting overly emotional when she died. Hence, Felicity's frustration with him.


Have you guys ever noticed how emotional Barry and Oliver can be?  That scene could only be for someone who mattered a little, not a lot.  It's exactly right for Quentin - especially if Oliver blames himself for Lance going over to the dark side and it's Oliver, so he will.

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But didnt Oliver refuse to grive for Sara?  I remember he told Felicity if he grieves, no one else gets to. He was trying hard to hold it together and consoling LL.


Hmmm how many times has Oliver seen Sara dead?

Edited by Velocity23
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Yeah, Oliver refused to break down for Sara. 


And he was so distraught over Moira, he didn't even go to her funeral. And didn't he not go to Tommy's, either? Didn't he run off to the island for that (I could be wrong, but we didn't see him at the funeral, either way)?


With what he said about not feeling guilty about the darkness or whatever, but feeling responsible for taking care of it, again...to me, it seems like it's someone he cared for, but not like a Felicity, Diggle, or a Thea. Or Laurel. 


Given what he said at the grave site -if it is Quentin- I don't think he'll blame himself at all. But I think he'll have a renewed purpose to take care of what ills Starling City, which will further him along his path, making it more of a willful thing instead of an obligation.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I was just thinking about it after a rewatch last night - watching that scene again, I doubt very much the gravestone is for Quentin Lance. I imagine a kind of stoic sadness there, but Oliver was crying. Why would he be crying for Lance?


And I hate to burst your bubble, but Laurel has made a pact with the Elder Gods - she's Black Canary for life!


And I know I said I'd let it all wash over me, but every time I watch that scene, I get annoyed.


It's someone super close to him. And I don't even want to speculate at this point.


Which its why, until proven differently, my money is on Roy, Close enough to grieve and avenge his death but far enough that he won't have a breakdown.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Which its why, until proven differently, my money is on Roy, Close enough to grieve and avenge his death but far enough that he won't have a breakdown.

I don't think I'd describe Roy as "far". He's Oliver's former protoge who sacrificed his life for him. Yeah, he's not dead, but he's not Roy Harper anymore and will never be able to be again.

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I was totally gonna say he was the giver tbh. You know, being a very attentive boyfriend.

LOL when they showed a clip of that scene in promos I would laugh cause there was a Shot of Felicity where she looked Drained yet Satisfied. I bet Oliver went south lol

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I don't think I'd describe Roy as "far". He's Oliver's former protoge who sacrificed his life for him. Yeah, he's not dead, but he's not Roy Harper anymore and will never be able to be again.

when I say "far enough" I mean emotionally, if Thea or Felicity were to die Oliver will have a nervous breakdown and would probably bring down the city if needed, for Diggle & Roy he will shed a few tears but won't be as devastated, but just devastated enough to want to avenge them, for Lance he'll be sad but I don't see him care enough to break his no kill vow.

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when I say "far enough" I mean emotionally, if Thea or Felicity were to die Oliver will have a nervous breakdown and would probably bring down the city if needed, for Diggle & Roy he will shed a few tears but won't be as devastated, but just devastated enough to want to avenge them, for Lance he'll be sad but I don't see him care enough to break his no kill vow.

I got what you were saying but while he has a different relationship with Dig and Roy than he does with Felicity and Thea, I think he'd be pretty crushed if it was either of them. Wasn't he when he thought Roy was dead? And Dig is his brother.


On another note, what do you think the timeline is from Thea and Laurel showing up in Ivy Town and Oliver and Felicity coming back to starling? Because Thea and Laurel are in the same outfits at their house and in the lair, while Oliver and Felicity are not. Did they have an overnight stay?

Edited by bijoux
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Guggie said the death was real, i.e., not a fakeout or fixed somehow.  He's lied in the past, but assuming he's not lying now, it's not Felicity.  Their ratings would plummet if they really killed Felicity, and they know that, the CW knows that, and Berlanti et al., know that.  It's just not going to happen.


Oh, on rewatch, I didn't like Felicity's line re having the train station in the office pool.  I thought it was a little flippant for the circumstances, so I'm hoping they don't over-correct on Felicity this season.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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